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04x11 - End of a Line

Posted: 01/28/14 22:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on Lost Girl...

We should have protected her.

She doesn't even want to see us.

You're human.

You're finally here.

I've always been here.

Rainer will ask you to slay the Una Mens, don't do it.

Their power will be amassed into a single remaining seed.

It was stolen from me.

That evil that you met, could he be my father?

That thing, would have done anything to claim his ideal mate, even if it meant creating her himself.

Alright, we got, Zombies that sing the blues or Sexy Vampire Doctor goes back to college because he lost his way?

Is that it?

I also have Jerry MaGuire.

No, I mean with Bo and The Wanderer. Is that just it?

I dunno, she locked me out, okay?

Four years I've been her best friend.

I know everything about her.

Every heart break, every tear. And just like that, I'm out.

Okay so if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to forget about it all and just watch some Zombie movies, okay?

I like Zombies.

Taking a break from athletic shower sex, post-slaughtering the Una Mens?

I have been meaning to talk to you.

Oh yeah, how about Dyson and Lauren?

One day... What do you want me to say?

I want you to say: you're not brainwashed.

Say I still have a best friend.

Of course you still have a best friend. And no, I am not brainwashed.

And as far as Dyson and Lauren go, it's not like it was ever perfect. Dyson gave his love away and then he became an a-hole for like forever.

We called him Mopey d*ck.

And then I broke his heart with Lauren, and now she's all buddy buddy with the Morrigan.

All bad things.

But with Rainer.

I finally feel like I have provided something to a relationship. I broke his curse.

We want the same things. It's bigger than love.

And I am sorry if I locked you out, Kenzi.

I just needed some time.

You complete me.

Hale asked Kenzi to move in with him.


We don't know that yet. Okay.

He just needs to talk. Says it's important.

Also known as terrifying.

You're leaving me?

Sucks when it happens to you, huh?

Oh, come here you. You had me at a-hole.

You had me at a-hole.

Now, go downstairs. Snacks needs drinks.

Have I taught you nothing?

So much. I'll be right back.


[deep gargling breathing]


This is usually the part where you die.


[struggling for air]


[breathing stops]

[thunk, splat, thunk]

And you must be Bo...

Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years.

Searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belonged to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

4x11 - End of a Line

You're supposed to be dead!

What can I say? I'm just a lucky girl.


Massimo grew it on to my stump.

How'd you lose the hand?

The Wanderer had his crows cut it off because my protégé here didn't deliver you as quickly as he wanted.

Hugin and Munin betrayed Rainer. They could have been acting alone.

So you two are on a first name basis now?

He's her boyfriend.

And, I'm out.

Okay, Acacia, wait.

This wasn't a social call Tamsin.

I'm a revenant hunter now, it's just a lucky coincidence that someone was trying to k*ll your friend here.


Dead Fae risen from the dead to settle old scores.

Very effective. Acacia and I used to use them all the time.

We need to talk to your boytoy. Now.

He left late last night.

He went to the b*ttlefield. To pay respects to the dead.

Yeah or to re-animate them.

No. No way.

What do you really know about Crazy Train?

I know that I broke his curse.

And I know that he's a good guy.


You don't think I would know if he wanted to k*ll me?

I just know.

Let's see. R, right? Nothing.

These books have every moment of our history in them and he's no where to be found. Why?

Where's Rainer?

Alright. Get your coats.

Where are we going?

You two are the experts.

Let's find out who's really raising the dead.

Prove that Rainer isn't behind this.

Guys, unbelieveable.

Seriously, would I leave a dead body on the floor if her boyfriend was coming over?

Thanks for coming.

Yeah well aren't you supposed to be out restoring the faith? Huh?

Spreading the good word?

Ding dong, the Una Mens are dead?

Still drafting my condolences.

That's not the tune I was expecting from the acting leader of the Light.

I used to be a King.

Didn't do that very well either I'm afraid.

[chuckles] Come on, every kid from here to Hibernia knows the tales of your long and glorious reign.

History is written by the victors.

History is written in blood.

"And so he rode upon on his noble steed and cut down the vile insurgent, thus ending the rebellion, and bringing peace to the land."

No matter what I did, Rainer always had an answer, always ten steps ahead.

His gift is Foresight. I had no choice but to use my blood.

I wrote that his armies betrayed him.

He was evil wasn't he?

Just defiant. Like my granddaughter.

Yeah well I can't argue with that.

There's real evil in the world, Vex.

Real terrors. The Garuda was evil.

The Pyrippus.

That's real evil.

The Pyrippus?

Come on. Bat winged horse? Honestly.

You got a better chance of meeting Godzilla.

I should have been a better king.

Yeah well... who amongst us doesn't have any regrets, eh?

Yeah, there be a fewer empty seats 'round the old holiday roast if I hadn't betrayed my own family to save my own hide.

Your father, Clust, was one of the bravest men I've ever known.

Oh, come on. He was a bloody fisherman.

Why the hell would you know him?

He was my best general. He was a hero.

No, my father believed that kids should be seen and not heard.

He never liked my jokes. He never liked me at all.

I never knew my father. And that suited him just fine.

What do you want to know?


Hey, hopefully not-a-dead-dude but my abs-olicious sex machine.

Oh my god, Dimitri.


Hi, wh... what are you doing here?

We come to see you!

Uh, 69 Camaro. Yellow. Yours?

Uh no, my roommate's.

Uh, call it off.

What do you mean... we?



What is this place?

Where people go when they don't want to be found.

Or to find someone to carry out their dirty work.

If they're out of town.

Rainer didn't do this.

Uh huh?

Tell me, what's the weather like in Rainer-land?

Dark and stormy? Sunny and shady?

I am warning you...

Would you two focus?

This is where the Cults of the Dead hang out.

If Rainer hired revenants, or if he didn't, these would be the guys he'd go through. We'll know soon enough.


Awww look. Your boyfriend sent a grunting telegram.

It's not him.



Heads it is.




Sorry, I'm late. Traffic was a bitch.

Hey. You need new fridge?

Uh, maybe.

I get you good price for this vending machine.

Stop selling my stuff.

Your cousin just try to help.

Well last time he tried to help, someone stole my identity.


A total misunderstanding!

By the way if police call about a string of bad checks best just to leave town.

What have you done now?!

Total misunderstanding, yeah?

Please, can we stop this yelling.

If I remember correctly, all we do in this family is yell.

Where have you been, Mom?

Hello, hello.

Heard if I'm lookin' for a fine Russian princess this is the place.

Hey, um, really bad time. Gas leak.

Gas leak...

k*ller rats.

What's goin' on?

My family's here. They just showed up.

Okay, I'm nothing like them. She's only my mother by birth.

Kenzi, it's okay. I invited them.

You did this to me?

You think Harvey is gonna be happy to see us?

Well, I hunted down his Mom like a dog then delivered her to Hecuba prison, so...

Okay, you can wait outside.

Thank you for coming.

Well my partner called so I came.


Hey, the D Man and I are gonna go talk to the locals.

See what they know. You can go in with Acacia.


Thanks, partner.


So you're the one who convinced my Tamsin she could be more.

Something wrong with that?

Absolutely nothing.

Tamsin really loves you, I can see it in her baby blues.

Mm-hmm. But...?

You get on the wrong side of her again, I won't leave you with enough Chi to turn and cough.

All I did was side with The Wanderer because I had no choice.

Sound familiar?

Well, well, well.

If it isn't my favorite ball busting, overly-accessorized Valkyrie.

So when'd you trade in bitchy and blonde for a... brunettte with bouncy Christmas hams?

Harvey... you're not still mad at Tamsin 'cause hogtied your mother?

'Cause your mom was really fat, she kinda had no choice.

Hey. Water under the bridge.

But if you do see that Nordic nut tease, you tell her she can make it up to me with a little spit and elbow grease.




Oooh yeah. Oh yeah baby.

Make it good.

Who owns the head, Harvey?

Huh? Are you sure it ain't one of yours? You two could be twins.

Hey, hey. I got this.

Hi. I'm Bo.

The Succubus?

Now why don't you tell us what we want to know, Harvey?

I'd do anything for you.

And I'd do everything to you.

Bottoms up.

Mmm... mmm.

There's a fruity bouquet.

Hints of cherry and manure. He must have been scared.

But it's hard to tell the terror from the terroir.

You were that kid in school who spit in the air then catch it again, weren't you?

Drinking blood is the only way to gain dominion over a revenant... or find out who currently has it.

Oh god. Quickly, before I vomit... do you know who's behind this?

Yeah, it ain't one of mine.

Who owns this dead?

Well, ain't that the kicker, Succubus.

This dead... belongs to her.


This is your dead!

Hands off the leather.

That's my line.

Ooh, cat-fight.

Oh. Yeah, I might have k*lled the guy.

But I didn't raise him from the dead.

Pull her hair!

You're nothing but a hired k*ller! This evil shit is right up your alley.

Don't you even pretend to know a thing about me!

If I was here to k*ll anybody, they would be dead already.

I am that good.

Boring. Rip her shirt open.

How you holding up?

Never better.

Are you lying to me?

Never better.

Well if it's any consolation I think she's crazy.

I am not crazy!

Can we help you with something?

Help me! Help me?

Oh, there can be no help for me.

But there may be... there may be help for you.

Long ago there were three sisters and they were all magic but only one survived because she could control the dead.

She took her from me.

She took her like a shirt from a clothesline.

Dead and alive. Dead and alive.

She was dead and alive.

Hey. Wait. What did you say?

She can control the dead.

She is dead and alive. She took her from me.

She took her from me!!

She's dead and alive. There were three and there's one.

And she is dead and alive. She is dead and alive.

[grunts and panting]

Ah. Punch her in the tit!

What is going on?

[together] Nothing.

What's up?

Dyson and I actually found a lead. Some woman named Laveau.




Send me a bill.



Why are you so mad, baby?

Are you seriously going to ask me that?

Look. I brought my earrings that you love so much when you were a little girl. Aren't they beautiful?

Your boyfriend ruined my life, Mom.

Bodgen, is complicated man...

I know his name.

Look, I know I make mistake.

I know I drink too much when you were a little baby...

I-I should have protect you.

I was just a little girl too!

Please, Mom...

I never believe that I have the strength to stand on my own.

I always think I need the man.

I was a little girl, Mom. And I was living on the street because you chose that bastard over me.

Do you know how long it took me to... to feel normal again?

I know...

No. You don't know.

And before I met Bo I lived off what I could steal and I...

I was in some situations that not only am I ashamed off, but I just can't believe that I even survived.

I kick him out.


Oh yes. He's gone. Yup. So long.

When did that happen?

Six months ago.

But I... I didn't know how to find you...

But then when your nice man Hale call, I think, I have to come.

I have to come and see my little Solnushka.

You have the strength of your father.

God rest his soul.

I've been really worried about you. I thought one day he would...

You did the right thing. You did.

Okay. It's settled.

Tonight we celebrate.


Oh, and uh, put on something nice! So much black.

You could be a very pretty girl.


Okay. So, help me out here...

The Wanderer gets off the train and suddenly starts playing house?

What is it?

Um, since he's came back, since he got off the train...

I've been remembering things.

They're really fuzzy...

What things?

Well, I may have given the Rainer's soul to the Blood King after the great rebellion.

I didn't take it to Valhalla.

You put him on that train?

I helped... make him the Wanderer.

We gotta take him out.


Oh, you know as well as I do that that man is bad news.

Just because he's bonin' Sugar Snatch up there doesn't mean that he's gonna leave you be.

After what you've done?

Jesus, Tamsin, Rainer's revenants are after you.

Charming place. Who is this Laveau anyway?

She's a voodoo priestess, child.

And my gifts are at your service, Succubus.

You know me?

Everybody knows you, girl.

You took out the high council of hate.

And are involved with a man of mystery.

What do you know of it?

I know you've felt that crazy kind of love, Wolf.

I've seen into your animal heart.

But when you gonna see its prison is wholly of your own makin'?

Okay, this is fun and everything but, uh, we got a head in a bag.

I'd like to find out who sent it to k*ll me.

You want me to wake up the dead?


I wake up all the dead!

[evil laugh]

Massimo told me that he built this from scratch, ugh dirty lying, son of a, grave robbing...

Watch out!


You! You're behind this!

You have what I seek, Succubus!

Seek? Seek what?

The Devil's horse.

The Pyrippus is coming! And I need to protect myself.

When the prize of the five, was all made dead, their powers was sewn into one... and I wants it!

What are you talking about?

The seed!

[thwack, grunts]


I'll get her feet.


Oh wow. Galina, I have to tell you.

That was one of the best meals I've had in my entire life.

Of course it was. My little Mackenzie helped.

Baby steps mom. Don't over do it.

Oh nonsense.

You were always so good at making Oladyi dish.

This one is going to make you a very good wife.

Oh my god, Mom...


I'm sorry, that's embarrassing.

[clears throat]

Okay. Well, good time as any I guess.

Okay. Okay.

Uh... [laugh]


I wouldn't feel right doing this without asking for your Mother's blessing.

Oh my god.

Just feel my heart, Kenzi.

Whenever I'm around you it loses control.

From the moment we met and I saw who you are behind those ridiculously beautiful blue eyes, I knew you were the one.

Nobody makes me laugh like you do.

Nobody makes me want to be a better man.

Noone does the exact opposite of everything that I say like you do.

Lil mama.

Oh my god.

Will you marry me?

[phone rings]


Dimka? Seriously?

Sorry, it's Bodgen, he wants to know can he expect money tomorrow or will you wire tonight?


Kinda in the middle of somethin' here...


Oh, well your father he, uh, wanted to borrow some start up money.

That man is not my father!

You lied to me?

Babe, it's not a big deal...

Hale, it is a big deal, okay?

If you know what's good for you... you'll stay out of this.

Get out.

No, Solnushka. Baby, please...

No! Get out! Now.

We found out who's controlling the revenants.

It was Laveau.

She's also got Acacia doing a little Evil Dead routine.

We need your help.

I guess your boys didn't get us what we need, huh, baby?




[smash, groans]

That'd be a "no."

Dyson... ?


Ah. Even though you're dead... you are still the hottest bitch I've ever seen.


There's no escape Succubus!

Give us the Una Mens seed or die!






Those other bodies sitting outside your trailer.

Change of clothes?

You're the "head" revenant, aren't you?



The only way to gain dominion over a revenant is...




She's all yours.

Be at peace.

[bodies clumping]

Oh. Please tell me you have a mint.

Kenzi, please let me explain...

No! All the horrible shit he did to me and you did nothing.

He wouldn't of done those things if you weren't so defiant!

You know I always thought you were a victim.

I always thought you were scared. But you're not scared.

You're just a coward who doesn't value herself so how can she value her own children.


Listen, uh, you and this guy. He's uh good.

Don't call it off.


So, you want to talk about it?

Not really.

Be honest with me.

You want me to be honest, huh?


At least with Lauren I knew she cared.

This Wanderer, this...


I don't know anything about him. And neither do you.


How do you know he's not here just to get back at Trick for cursing him?

You have every right to be hurt...

Bo, I will always be there for you.

I'll will stand by you and help you fight the bad guy.

But if this guy... if this Rainer turns out to be the bad guy...


I don't think I can help you with that.

You can't mean that.

You and I, we were always more then just lovers.

I know.

And what are we now?

Look, this whole destiny thing is hard to understand, believe me, I am having trouble with it too...

The man kidnapped you.

No, he didn't.

It wasn't like that...

Then what was it like?

It is a long story.

Look, I would have stood by you too, when I was...

When you were what?

Still in love with me?

You can't always choose your path, Dyson.

You seem to.



No way!

He actually stood on his horse and threw the sword.

And as the sword flew through the air he used his mesmer to make the soldier thrust his arms out wide and welcome the sword into his heart!

No way.

It was legendary.

What is that? My books...

Rainer is being written back into history. Literally.

Listen. Thank you.

And as much as I love a good yarn.

You know, like the March Hare.

I'm late, I'm late for a very important engagement.

Vex. The seed?

The sixth Una Mens seed. It's missing.

Someone's taken it from me.

And of course you think I have something to do with that.

Did you?

It's not too late, Vex. I see the good in you.

I see your father in you.

Whoever has that seed has no idea what kind of power it can unleash.

You can stop more suffering than anyone's has ever known.

You see good in me, yeah?

Well at least that makes one of us.

Vex, don't be a fool. Vex!


It was really nice working with you again, baby girl.

Yup. It was a real eye opener.

What do you mean?

I love you Acacia and we've been through a lot together.

But we both know that no one hired you to track that revenants, did they?

What? Of course they did.

You needed somewhere to put the Tarot card.

So I'd get my team on side and we'd take The Wanderer out.

What are you talking about?

Do not lie to me, Acacia.

You know the things he's capable of.

You know the things he's done.

I'm just not a k*ller anymore.

He took my hand!

If he's what I think he is I'll be the first person to slit Rainer's throat.

But I'm gonna do it right this time. I have to be sure.

What are you gonna do, Tamsin?

Gonna go find yourself a little wolf. Settle down.

Squeeze out a couple of puppies...

Bye, 'Cac.

Mm-hmm. Okay, then.

Oh, listen. You might want to keep your wits about you.

Massimo is up to something big.

Massimo's dead.

And you and I both know that "dead" don't always mean dead.


Oh, hey. Look.

This whole Rainer thing I know it makes me look kind of insane, but I have questions for him.

I do. But I can't ignore how I feel.

Sometimes you just have to go for it. Right?


What the hell...

Hello. Who is the historical hottie?

What do you mean? It's Rainer. That's your boss.

That's not my boss.


Gotta hand it to you rich boy.

You sure do know how to pick out the bling.

I'm sorry, Kenzi.


Put those away, sir!

It was worth a shot.

I think that... we just need to slow down a bit.

Because we have so much time, Hale.

We have all the time in the world.

And I just... don't want to be my mother.

I don't want to rush into things and feel trapped. And lose... me.

I promised myself that I would never do that.

You're not lettin' me down easy, are you?

Are you crazy?

Did you really think that I would let the best, most amazing, wonderful man I have ever met slip through my stupid, stubborn fingers?




Oh my god. Thank god you are here.

I mean today has just been...

I don't even know what's going on but...

I'm what's going on...


Oh my god! You and Hale?

Yeah. Yeah! I mean "yes!"

But I... but I haven't said yes yet. But...

You said "yet!"

I know. I know.

This is crazy, right?


That's crazy that I'm even like considering this.

No. No you are not crazy. At all.

Is he upstairs?


Oh no no! No pants! No pants!

Oh... Oh!


Okay. Well I'll go and get some snacks!

And Wine!

And candy.

And candy!

Lots of candy. Okay.

How are you doing there, champ?

Haven't felt this alone in centuries. Feels good.

Do you remember that day we first met... at the boxing ring?

I remember taking some sh*ts in the mouth, yeah.

That's not all I did to that mouth.

[whispers] Tamsin, I can't even think straight right now...

Stop thinking.

You're always thinking.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.


Hey baby? Do you want cheese or ice cream... or should we put the cheese directly into the ice cream?

I like that idea.


Or you could just die already.

Hale! Hale!!!

Ah, ah, ah, ah. I never did like the sound of your voice.





You and that stupid bitch Succubus just couldn't leave it alone, could you? You tried to k*ll me?

Burn me alive?!

[grunts, screams]


Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ahh.

Now, I'm gonna make you pretty just like me.

[gasping cries]

Hale! [muffled grunt]

[coughing, gasping]

What's the matter, kitten?

Why don't you just use your little sparkle and sparkle me away?

Oh that's right you can't.

Because you are just a pathetic little human just like me.


I hope you had a good life, druid.


No! Please!


[grunts and fighting]



[grunts and gasping]

[screams of pain]


Oh my god!




No. Baby!

Baby... [mumbles]

"To Clan Zamora, a gift bestowed, immune to evil deed, to blow."

"For he who carries sacred twig. Immortality...."

Got the pentameter's so awful I can't even finish.

But this little baby has saved my life twice now.

Thanks for that big guy.

Don't you touch him!

You are right.

I should be thanking you.

Consider us paid in full.


Breathe. You're okay.

I love you.

No, no.


No no! Someone help me please.

Please, anybody!

Bo where are you?

Where are you...

[crying] No!

Kenzi! I hope you are done 'cause I want to get d-runk!

Oh my god... Oh my god!

What happened?


Massimo did this. He k*lled him. And it's all my fault.

Kenzi, what? No.

Oh god, Hale!

The twig.

What, what are you talking about?

I gave it to Massimo for my power.

My stupid stupid power! I did this.

Bo. Bo, you can bring him back. The Chi thing.

You can bring him back.

You have to bring him back.

No Kenzi, I can't...

Bo, when Dyson died after the Dawning you sucked all of our chi and you brought him back, now bring back Hale.


You have to do it!

No Kenzi. There isn't enough Chi!

Last time there was, Lauren, and Trick, and Stella...

And me. And me. Take it from me.

No. I can't lose you!

You are so goddamned selfish!

You say you always want to help people but you only ever help yourself!

I will never forgive you.

Do it!


Kenzi, I can't. I can't save him.


Because you'll die.

I don't care.

I do! I care.

I choose you. I will always choose you.

No! I was gonna say "yes."

I was gonna say "yes!"

[gasping cries]

I wanted to say "yes."



I know.

[Bo crying]

I'm so sorry, Kenzi. I'm so sorry.

