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03x13 - Ship

Posted: 08/19/23 07:42
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


They just disappeared!

Coby, Lori, Bud, Vector Prime,

the city of Atlantis, all gone!

What an interesting

turn of events.



Where did they go?

And how do we get them back?

I don't know. What should we do?

Optimus? Optimus?!


We're going to scour this planet

to find out where they went.

And we're going to search

every energy trail

that might lead us to them.

We will find them.


Yes, sir!


Reporting in from Antarctica.

There doesn't seem to be

any trace of them here.

We've been checking the deepest

trenches in the ocean.

No clues here, either.

I can see almost the entire

world from my vantage point,

but I'm not getting

any sign of them at all.

Optimus, it's possible

that we'll never find 'em.


No. We will.

Because we won't stop looking

until we do.



So you believe

the ruins of Atlantis

were actually

some kind of spaceship?

Yes, sir. I'm just about

a hundred percent on this one.

Given its shape and mass,

it's consistent

with the Ancient Cybertronian

vehicles that Vector Prime

has described to us

in the past.

So if we know that,

we should be able

to track the ship's

energy signature?

Yeah, you'd think.

But I haven't been able

to pick up any trace of it

on any of the sensors.

And Vector Prime

hasn't tried to make contact?

No. But I'm continuing to

monitor communications channels.

Good! Then you know

I'm freezing my tires off

up here in the Alps,

and I haven't found a thing.

Why'd you send me here?!

We're all frustrated, Landmine.

But you don't have to

take it out on me.

You're right. I'm sorry.

This whole thing's

just got me on edge.

I'll keep looking.

I'll go back over

the ground I covered.


No, don't waste your time.

Just come back to base.

I just don't understand it!

A starship that large shouldn't

have been able to warp that far

without building up

more power first!

Just keep looking.



Trust me. I'm right on this.

So you believe

the Atlantis starship

is still within

this solar system?

Yes, and it shouldn't be very

far from this planet, either.

What makes you so sure?


That ship was massive.

To warp anything that size,

even to transport it

a short distance,

requires an enormous amount

of energy.

Based on what we know

about Ancient

Cybertronian technology,

the warp field around the ship

simply wasn't charged

long enough

to transport it very far.

I say that we finally put that

map of ours to some good use.

With it, we should be able

to track down Vector Prime

and those meddling brats

with him.

And then we can put them all

out of our misery forever.

Good idea. Soon enough we'll

have our hands on that ship.

And then the Omega Lock.


The map is closing in

on their location.

Ah, there!



Let's pay them a visit.


Now it's time for us

to claim our destiny!

Yes, sir!




That's it, Megatron.

Lead me right to the Omega Lock.


Sorry, I'm late.

Just tell us

that you have good news.

Well, I guess I'll be keeping

my mouth shut, then.

I've scanned the whole planet

with radar,

and you know what I've found?

A whole lot of nothing.


Radar wouldn't be very effective

if the space ship

is close to the ground.

Too much interference

from trees and stuff.

We could boost the radar's

power, but it would take time--

Time that we don't have.

We must find that ship

before the Decepticons do.

Maybe we should just do

another visual search

since the moon

is providing so much light.

Huh? Wait a minute!

What? What is it?

Based on what we know,


is it safe to assume

that Vector Prime

was the one

who sent the ship into warp?

Yeah. The ship

wouldn't just warp on its own.

I think it's also safe to assume

that Vector Prime

moved the ship away from here

in order to keep it out

of Megatron's hands.

If that's true, he would want

to go someplace nearby

where the ship would be hidden

from both visual

and radar searches.

I can only think

of one place

that fits all three

of those requirements.

Of course. Behind the moon!


Exactly! This whole time,

Vector Prime and the others

have been right under our noses.


What are we waiting for?

Let's get there already!


Right! Let's roll!


And let's hope

that the Decepticons

haven't figured this out too.



We're in outer space?!


I gotta say,

when I woke up this morning,

this is not

how I saw the day going.

Yeah. No kidding.

Oh, wow...

Now I know how the first man

on the moon felt.

How did we even get up here?


A wormhole!

The warp field bent

the space-time continuum

until where we were

and where we are now

were close enough

to touch.

Gee, is that all?

Hey, Vector Prime...


What are we

doing here?

Protecting the Omega Lock,

which I believe is onboard.

It is?!


Yes, I believe so.


It's weird, though. I don't

hear the Omega Frequency.


Yeah, me either. Why is that?


Well, maybe

we're just not close enough yet.

But once we get near it,

the Omega Frequency

should lead us

right to it!

Yes, that is my hope.

Our quest may soon be at an end.




Something is approaching.

But is it friend or foe?

I'm afraid it's not good news,

Vector Prime.




And he's not alone.

They're closing in fast.

Oh, great!

What are we going to do?


isn't this a battleship?

You're right.


Vector Prime

is the man with the plan!

You do have a plan, right?

I do.

I'm activating

this ship's battle mode.


Hey, do you hear that?!


It's the Omega Frequency!

Excellent. As soon as

the ship is activated,

we shall begin our search.

All right!



Yes, sir!

The ship's about to convert

to as*ault mode.

All systems appear to be a "go."

Let's just hope they're

working correctly

after all this time.

It would be unfortunate if

the conversion to as*ault mode

only succeeded

in tearing this ship apart.

KIDS: What?!

JOLT: We'll find out soon.

In five...four...


Hold on!



It worked! We're still here!


Man, those ancient Cybertronians

sure knew how to build

a battleship!

All right, that should

buy us some time.

While this ship is dealing with

the Decepticons,

you must lead us

to the Omega Lock.

Yeah, you got it,

Vector Prime!

Although we have

the Omega Frequency guiding us,

time is of the essence.

There's still a chance

the Decepticons

could get onboard

and obtain it.

So we gotta

find it first.

Yes. Now let us make haste

on our search.




What was that all about?

Who cares if it changed shape?

I'm getting inside.

Thundercracker, wait!


Thanks for showing me

what to expect.


Take this!


They got through!

Not entirely.

But we must hurry.


Which way?

COBY:'s hard to pin down

the sound.

This way?


No, the other one!


The sword agrees.

Let's go.

Got ya!


Huh. This battleship

is truly impressive.

Even so,

it doesn't stand a chance

of defeating someone

who is as powerful as I.


Child's play.

And now that Omega Lock

will be mine!


Well, there's one starship

that won't be giving us

any more trouble.

Time to waltz in there

and grab that Omega Lock.


Guess again!

You're too late, Autobots!

You'll never be able to stop us!

'Cause I'll make sure

you never have a chance to!

Ha! You can barely handle me,

and guess what?

He ain't alone!



Then we'll stop both of you!

Stop us?! You can't even hit us!

Try these on for size!


Wait. Where's Megatron?

He must be inside already!

This battle

is just a distraction!

STARSCREAM: And it's working!


This ends right now.



Who was that?! Huh?

Now's my chance!


Huh? Oh, no, you don't

Who are you?!

The one who's gonna help us

defeat you, that's who.

Huh? Three-on-one

hardly seems fair.

Yeah, to you.

I wouldn't thank me just yet.

Cyber Key Power!



Whoever you are,

we'll gladly take your help.




Now it's your turn!




What was that?!


Nothing here, either!

I have to find Coby

and the others!


COBY: Wow, the Omega Frequency

is really strong here!


That's because we've found

the Omega Lock!


Wow...we did it!

Not quite.

We still have two more steps. just...

What is it?

What's wrong?

Nothing. I've simply never been

this close to it before.

This is truly an honor.

Wow, I thought it would be

more impressive.

Wait. Vector Prime,

these pedestals

aren't the Omega Lock, are they?


nothing is ever that easy.

This is the first

of the final steps I mentioned.

It will release what we want

from its hiding place.

For this, I need each of you

to stand at a pedestal.

We must work together.

You got it!



When I give the signal,

we must place our hands

on the pedestals

at exactly the same time.

Otherwise, the Omega Lock

will not appear.

Is everyone ready?


Never been readier! Heh.

Very well. Three. Two. One. Now!


Whoa, the Omega Frequency

is really loud now!

Look. Up there!



Now that's impressive!

And now for the final step

that will release

the Omega Lock...

I'll take care of that.

The Omega Lock is mine!

This can't be happening!


Wait! The final step!



With this in my possession,

there's nothing

that can stand in my way!





What--? What's going on now?!

The final step.

Removing the Omega Lock without

disabling the security system

has signaled the ship to

activate a self-destruct device.


Too bad I'll be long gone by the

time the ship blows up.

But I'm going to make sure

that you're trapped here

so you can see it


But you...


I expected more from you.

Time to say goodbye, old man.


Not so fast!


You're not going anywhere.

Not with that Omega Lock.

Ha! If you think you can

stop me, come and get it.


We must leave this place!


You go.

I'll get the Omega Lock back.

Hm. Pain is all you'll get!

Wrong again, Megatron.

Return what you've stolen!

Optimus, let me help!

No, just get them outta here!


Don't worry, Vector Prime.

I'll get that Omega Lock back

no matter what!

We can't just abandon you!

Just get out of here. Now!

Yes. Right away!

Now listen. We must escape

from here immediately!


It's too dangerous!

We must trust Optimus Prime!


He's right. We can't be here!

Let's go!

You can do it, Optimus.

I know it!


The whole place

is going up in smoke!

Looks like it's going to take

our friends with it!


Hurry, Vector Prime!

Those explosions

are getting worse!


Worry not.


I can't believe we left him!

Optimus Prime...

Super Mode!


Nice try. But try this!



I dropped the Omega Lock!


It's mine!

It's mine!

You'll never defeat me!

That's all I ever do!

That's the best you can do?

I told you

they were getting worse!

Can we get out of here?!


I think I'd be up for that too.



Hold on! We're almost out!


We'd better be!

'Cause that blast

is coming up fast!

If we can just reach

the end of this tunnel...



Vector Prime! Are you okay?!

And where's Optimus?!

We're fine.

All four of us.

But Optimus is still inside

with the Omega Lock.

But he'll be destroyed!

Come on, Optimus.


Give it up, Megatron.

Can't you see I'll never let you

leave here with the Omega Lock.

You do realize this ship

is about to blow up.

Still plenty of time

for you to admit defeat.

Or to defeat you.

If that's the way you want it,

let's go!


The Omega Lock

will never be yours!





Optimus, no!

No way!


It's Optimus Prime!

You didn't think

I'd let a little thing

like being blown up

in a spaceship

get in the way of retrieving

the Omega Lock, did you?


I can't believe it!

Megatron just went kablooey.

This can't be happening!

It did. Now quit whining.

Yeah, but Megatron--

Isn't here anymore!

Right now we have to focus on

getting that Omega Lock back.

Now return to base.

Yeah, all right.

So you Autobots

think you've won, huh?

We'll just see about that.



Vector Prime, I believe

this should be in your hands.

The Omega Lock.




Hey! I can hear

the Omega Frequency again!

LORI & BUD: Me too!

LANDMINE: Is that what I think?


It is if you think

it's a Space Bridge!

What does all this mean?

The Omega Lock appears to be

leading us somewhere.

To some other planet where

a Cyber Planet Key resides.



We're receiving an emergency

call from Red Alert!

Patch it through.

Yes, sir.

Optimus, you must come

to Speed Planet right away!


What is it? What's the problem?

It's a delicate situation, sir.

I think it's best if you come

and see for yourself.

What do you mean?


All right, sir,

but you're not

going to like it.

It's about Hotshot...

Red Alert. Red Alert!

We've lost the connection, sir.

This is no coincidence.

A Cyber Planet Key

must be there.

I agree.

All right, Vector Prime,

Landmine and I

will go to the Speed Planet.

The rest of you

head back to base

and wait for orders.


Yes, sir!

COBY: Hold on!


You guys just have to

take us with you.

Coby's right. We can help you

find the Cyber Planet Key!

Yeah, you need us!

No, I cannot allow that..

We simply don't know

what we'll encounter

when we reach

the Speed Planet.

COBY: But--

I'm sorry,

but it's just too dangerous.

You're too important.

Yeah...but... Okay.


Don't worry.

I can guarantee there will be

more adventures for you soon.


There better be.


Let's roll!

All right, now when we get

to the Speed Planet,

we have to be ready

for anything.

What's new?

What's new is that

we might finally

be at the point

where we can save the universe.

We can't blow it now.

♪ Transformers

More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots

Decepticons, go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪