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03x28 - Critical

Posted: 08/19/23 07:53
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


OPTIMUS: No! Hotshot!


This can't be!


My men! Scattershot!


OPTIMUS: Enough!



Megatron! You will pay!


I think not.

Leobreaker! I need you!

I'm on my way!

If I'm gonna battle my way

to Megatron,

I'm gonna need as much power

as I can get!

Whatever you need, Optimus,

I'm here!

We can't let Megatron

get away with this!


Thanks, old friend.

And don't worry.

I'll make sure Megatron

pays a hefty price

for what he's done

to our friends!

Count me in on that action!

Now...Optimus Prime!



Savage Claw Mode!



And for even more power...


Let's do this!

Scourge can't

stand against this!


You won't stop me,


Now you are mine, Megatron!




This won't stop me, Megatron!


Seems to me it already has...

Now, to finish you.


No way!


Time to put the brakes on you!

Fine. You go first!




If you want a battle,

bring it on,

but you can't defeat

all of us.


Vector Prime!

Enough, dragon breath.

Vector Prime, take Hotshot

and the others out of here!

We have to get them

out of harm's way!

Go ahead, Vector Prime,

take care of 'em!

Leave this

brainless punk to me!

On my way.

Brainless punk?

You heard me. Let's dance.



If you're gonna run

with Megatron,

get used to taking

a pounding!


It's all over, kid!

You're done.


think about what you're doing.

You gotta stop this!

No way.

Stay strong, Scattershot.

I'll get you to safety,

and we'll repair

the damage you sustained.

Yeah, right. It's all over.

That's not true.

Oh, man, I always knew something

like this would happen.

Nothing's going to happen.

You'll be fine.

Just hold on, you three.

Vector Prime! What's going on?

We've been really worried!


LORI: Oh, no!

Look at those poor guys!


BUD: I always thought they were,

like, indestructible

or something!

Come on,

we gotta fix 'em fast!

Hold on! I'll help you out.

Look, that bag of tools

isn't going to be enough

to fix these guys.

I think we should take them

back to the Air Force base

for repairs.

He's right. They can get

the care they need there.

We'll take it from here.

All right.


You'll be okay.

You have to be!



It's incredible!

I've never felt so much power!

And I'm only getting a portion

of the power of Primus.

Once I have

all four Cyber Planet Keys,

I'll be unstoppable!


Soon I will rule

the entire universe!



With this power and my army,

no one will be able to stop me!


Hmm... Hm!

Where are you going?

It's getting stuffy in here

'cause of all the hot air.

And I'm not talking

about the volcano.


Enough speeches!

So bye, Starscream.


Time to cut loose

and have me a little fun!

Oh, yeah!

This is just what I needed!


Oh, darn! I just went through

the camouflage shield!

Clumsy me.

Radar indicates an unidentified

vessel closing in on us!

Sound the alarm immediately!

Oh, this is gonna be good!

Prepare to fire on my order!

It's gone!

But how did--?

That's impossible!



And now, for my next trick!

Oh, boys!

Now you see me, now you don't.



It must be

some new technology,

and they're just using it

to taunt us!


Is it our technology

or enemy technology?

If it's the enemy,

how can we fight it?


We'd better figure it out soon!

That boat is coming

right toward us!


Now this is my kind of fun!


time to really freak 'em out!


It's gonna ram us!



I should've become an accountant

like mom wanted.



Don't worry, guys. We'll be

at the base any minute now.


I just hope these guys

can wait that long.

The readings I'm getting

look really bad.

But you fixed Landmine

that one time...

Yeah, but these guys

are way worse off than he was.

So it's hopeless?

No way!

Nothing's ever hopeless

unless we quit trying.

If we can just

repair Red Alert,

he may be able

to fix Scattershot and Hotshot.


I'll keep

my fingers crossed.


And your toes.


Hang in there, Scattershot.

You'll make it.


Guess you know

something I don't!

I just knew

this would happen someday.

Stop saying that, Scattershot!

You gotta think positive!

That's right! I bet Coby'll

fix you up for sure!


Unh! You can't give up!

We're just about to touch down,


Tools and equipment will be

waiting on the runway.

It's up to you now, Coby.

I know you can do it.


I hope so.


If you believe that you can,

you will.


Get ready! Here they come!


Move! Move! Move!

This is our chance

to do our part

to save Earth

from that black hole!


You're mine!

Try this shoe on for size!


Nice doggie!

Back off, old man!


This ends now!

Not if I have

something to say about it!

This old bot still has

some fight in him!

I'll take care of that!

I'm not too old

to teach Scourge a lesson.


It ends, Scourge. For you.

All right, Megatron,

this is the part

where you lose!

Hey, don't leave me

out of this.

I want a piece of Megatron too!

You'll pay for that, worm.

Sticks and stones, Megatron.

That was close!

All right. Bring it on.

Ha! I have more important things

to attend to.

You're not getting away

this time!


So you haven't taken enough

of a beating yet?

This will be your last stand.

Enough, Megatron!

The universe

is going to crumble around us

while we waste time blasting

and beating each other!

There's too much at stake

to keep our forces occupied

with pointless battling!

The universe isn't big enough

for both of us!

I can't make heads or tails

of this stuff.


Me either.

Don't worry.

I'll tell you

what you need to know.

That damaged motherboard

is what controls

the right arm

servo motors,

but you can bypass it

by soldering that wire

to that point there.



It's sure lucky

that Coby is here.

I know.

I don't think anyone

knows more about this stuff

than he does.


Here are those extra parts,


Those extra heavy parts.

Now that Coby has

all the parts he needs,

it's just a matter of

replacing the damaged systems.

Then what are we

standing around for?

Let's get replacing!

And get these guys

back on their feet.

RED ALERT: It's not that simple.


Red Alert!

It may be too late.


Red Alert!



He's awake!

Hang in there, Red Alert!

We have all the parts

and tools that we need now.

Soon we'll have

you and the other guys

back on your feet.

I promise.


Thanks for trying, Coby,

but it's just no use.


Too many systems

have been affected

by the damage we've suffered.

I'm afraid there's just nothing

you can do at this point.

There has to be a way!

Yeah, there must be

something we can do.

Tell us what it is,

and we'll do it!

Sorry, guys...

Trust me,

I wish I had a solution.


SCATTERSHOT: Listen, it's okay.


Look, guys, we had a good run

while it lasted, didn't we?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean

I want it to end!



No! I'm not going to give up!



There's no escape,

Optimus Prime!

Soon enough,

I'll mow you all down!


We need to end this and get back

to Hotshot and the others.

I'm not hopeful

of their chances, Optimus.

I am. They're good men.

They've won

many battles before,

and I believe

they can win this one too.

Coby, I truly appreciate

your determination,

but you have to face the facts.

It'll be hard, but you'll have

to go on without us.

You still have to save

the universe.

you can't let this stop you.

I don't know what to do,


I don't either, Lori.

But I don't want to just quit!


What's going on?


You're awake!

That's great!

How are you feeling?

Well, I been better,

but don't worry, I'll make it.

All right, Hotshot!

That's what we like to hear!


That's Hotshot for you!

He never gives up,

no matter what!

You got that right.

But I do have a question:

Where are we, anyway?

And why is it so dark in here?


It's your eyes, Hotshot.

They suffered some damage.

Oh. That's no big deal.

I'll just fire up my engine.

And run a repair program

to fix the problem.


That's funny,

I can't seem to get it going.

Can you help out, Coby?


I can try.

This can't be happening!

I'm not ready

to say goodbye yet.

I want to do

more cool stuff with them,

like when Scattershot and I

went into space.



You will, Bud. 'Cause I am

going to fix these guys,

even if they think

it's impossible.

Coby, listen, even if you had

technology from Cybertron,

you couldn't repair us.

You're wrong! I can do it!

Yeah, and I'm going to help!


This is just a waste of time.

You should be focusing your

efforts on saving the universe!

What is it with you? It's like

you don't want to be healed!

You can't just give up!

I'm not.

I'm just giving an objective

analysis of the facts.

You're not being objective,

you're being negative!

When things look their worst,

you have to try harder

to overcome your problems,

not just give in to them!

Yes, but Lori...


No "but Lori."

Think of all the things

you still have left to do!

Like destroy that black hole

and save Cybertron and Earth!

And what about Optimus Prime

and the others?

You can't just dump everything

in their laps.

That is true. I still do

have a lot to accomplish.

Exactly, so you

can't stop now, Red Alert!

I know,

but there's so much damage!

Hey, can I put

my two cents in here?

I have never had a friendship

like I've had with you kids

here on Earth!

Yeah, count me in!

I want to walk

on Cybertron again.

On all the planets

we've been to!

But most of all, I want another

chance to defeat Megatron!

So get on it, guys!





Well, I guess we humans

are just too stubborn

to give up on you guys.

I just couldn't live with myself

if I thought someone

was more stubborn than me.

I guess I'd better take my game

to a whole new level.


Hey, that sounds better!

There's always hope,

as long as you don't quit!

You're right, Lori.

I got wrapped up

in my problems,

and I forgot about that.

Yeah, I'll say you did!

I owe you one, Lori.

You reminded me of everything

that's important to me

and how much

I still have to achieve.

Thanks to you,

I'll never give up.

I'll never give up.

I'll never give up.


BUD: What's going on?!


I don't know,

but do you hear that?!


It's the Omega Frequency!



What's this?!


What's going on?!

I didn't order this to happen!


Uh-oh. Surprises

are always bad news.


Look out!

That energy's coming this way!

The Omega Frequency is so loud!

They're healing!


Not just healing.

Becoming more powerful too!


Yeah! Thanks to you kids

and the power of Primus

from the Omega Lock!


So now we need more powerful

vehicles to transform into!


Awesome! I got dibs on this one!


How long is this gonna go on?!


Almost done.

Now we're ready. Yah!


And we're better than ever.


So let's get down to business.



Meet your doom, Optimus Prime!



Optimus Prime!


Megatron got away from us.

But we're here now, and we've

got your back, Optimus.

Megatron's done.


You really believe that,

don't you?

You're nothing

but a pack of fools.

You don't stand a chance.

Your leader can barely even

stand at all!

Nothing will spare you

from destruction.


Do your worst, Scourge.

Whatever you try,

we'll stop you!

HOTSHOT: So will we!

SCATTERSHOT: Don't forget us!





Who in the world...?


Did you miss us?

Come on, you know you did.

Go get 'em guys!

Yeah, give 'em one for me!

I can't keep

the gate open anymore.

Nice job, Jolt.

I have good news.


The sensor arrays

on this Army base

have been tracking the source

of that energy wave,

and we've located

its origin.



Whoever you are...

You're going to wish

you never came here.

Actually, Scourge,

that's going to be your wish.

You have no idea

what you're up against.

But you'll find out

soon enough.


And you're going to find out

the hard way.

We owe you some payback,


No, I take that back.

We owe you a lot of payback.

You're gonna get what's coming

to you and then some.

You think that you can come

after my friends and me

and get away with it?

You got another thing coming.

And a few punches

and missiles to boot.

Pack your bags

and get ready to say goodbye!


leave these guys to us!

While you go after Starscream,

we'll take care of

our unfinished business here.

Yeah, gladly.

Wait a minute.

Those voices.

Scattershot? Hotshot? Red Alert?

Is that really you?



Yes, sir!

We'll explain

what happened later on.

What a joke!

You may look different,

but you're the same fools

I defeated before.

And now we get

to defeat you again!

Guess again.

Say hello to the new,

improved me!


This'll be over

before it begins!


Hey, don't take all the fun

for yourself.

I want in on this too!

Now to test these bad boys out!


Yep. They work pretty well.


I'll say.


The Decepticons

just got themselves

a whole new world of trouble.

All right,

bring on the next challenge!



Optimus Prime!


Sir, we believe

we've found the location

of the Omega Lock!

We know where Starscream is!

I'm going to send

the coordinates right now!

Nice work, Jolt!

Now let's get that Omega Lock

back! Vector Prime?

Hmm? Hm.


Activating the Matrix.

All right, let's get the Omega

Lock and stop Starscream!

That Omega Lock is mine!

And no one is going to stop

Starscream except for me!

I owe him for his betrayal!

Forget it, Megatron.

We can't have you

interfering in this.

And I have just the way

to stop you.

Say hello to my little friend.

Good luck, Optimus Prime.


Very well, then.

Let the battle begin.

We've been looking forward

to this. Let's go!



Man, this place

is totally Dullsville.


Hey, that's a happenin' scene!

This'll be fun.


All right, this is it.

♪ Transformers

More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots

Decepticons, go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪