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03x51 - Unfinished

Posted: 08/19/23 08:10
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


Come on, Coby!

We saved the universe!

Let's do something fun!


What's more fun

than fixing power couplings?


Do I even need to answer that?


Bud, you're gonna get it!


You'll never catch me!


What about work, Coby?




Glad to see

it's all back to normal.

That's good news, huh, Optimus?

Huh? What's the matter?



The black hole's

been totally destroyed,

and we kicked some

serious Decepticon tail!

I'm guessing the universe

is safe again, right?

Yes. Yes, that is true. For now.

For now? Huh?


How could I have failed?

After so many millennia

of battles waged,

everything lies in ruin.


So you're giving up?!


You're certainly no Unicron.



How can this be?


You defeated me, and this

is all you have to show

for it!?

How dare you give up

before the job is done!



So you haven't forgotten me like

you've forgotten your ambitions.

Or were they

just too much for you?

You dare talk to me of ambition,

you back-stabbing fiend?

Ah! If not for them,

those accursed Autobots,

I would have destroyed

the universe!


Well, whatever

you have to tell yourself.

Starscream! Come back here!


His crown.


As pathetic as it sounds...

he's right.

I am Galvatron!

I will destroy this universe

and remake it my image.

And nothing

will stand in my way!


So far, things have gone better

than we could have hoped.

I keep running nano-scans

to see if I'm dreamin!

But we still have a big problem:

the Jungle Planet has been

knocked far out of its orbit,

and we just

can't leave it there.

Yeah, I mean, we gotta

finish this job, right?

Thank you. I appreciate

what you're all trying to do.

But we don't have the power

to achieve this end.

This is our fate.

No way! Come on!

We'll figure out

some way to do it!

Yeah! Right! Although, I don't

really have any clue how.

Well, it's a good thing

that I do, then!

Check this out:

we do have something powerful

enough to move a planet.


It looks like we've got yet

another miracle to pull off!

All right,

let's get to it!



Don't think

you're going anywhere

without this old warhorse!

I get to help too, don't I,


Yes. You're one of us.

COBY: Awesome!

Scourge, walk those beams

to the south booster.


You sure you're supposed to be

ordering me around?


Less talking, more walking.


All right, all right.

Keep up, Scattershot!


I want to help too!


Okay, that's enough helping

for now.


Hang in there, team! Just think,

the sooner you get done,

the sooner I'll stop

bugging all of you!


But until then,

quit fooling around

and get to work!


Just kidding, guys!

You're doing great!

We've finally finished,

Optimus Prime.

And I must thank you.

Twice now,

because of you,

the Jungle Planet

has been saved.


you're wrong.


You always judge yourself

too harshly.

This was as much your doing

as it was mine.

We are a team.

[CHUCKLES] I thank you.

Once again, you have shown me

that which I most needed to see.




That's my Scourge!

You rock!

Little Sister,

I owe you more than anyone,

you had the courage to show me

the error of my ways.


I'm just glad it worked!

Enough, you're making me sick!

Let's get going!


Come on, let's get

the Jungle Planet back home!




All right, we have ignition.

I mean, whoa! We have

some serious ignition here!

It's working!

Now let's just hope

everything holds together,

that we don't run into anything

and that we have enough fuel.

Oh, man. I can't take many more

of these high-stress situations!


Another victory

for the Autobots.

Not if I have

anything to say about it.





He-hey, Optimus!

One of the rockets has been

damaged! I can't shut it down!

Even if it doesn't explode

and take the planet with it,

it'll slam the Jungle Planet

into Cybertron!




But how? Galvatron?!

The w*r is over Galvatron!

You've lost!

Now you have to pay

for all of your crimes.

It's been

a long time coming.

Ha! I'll say when this is over.

And that's when I

wipe you Autobots out!

Bring it on!

We'll tear you to scrap!

You don't stand a chance

against all of us!

Stand down, Jetfire.


I have to finish this myself.

But Optimus, it doesn't

have to be like this!

We're like two sides

of the same coin,

forever connected.

It has to be me who does this.

No, it's too dangerous!

Trust me.

Yes, sir.

Come on! You gotta be kidding!

I'm taking a piece of him

right now!

No, let him handle this.

But why?!


Because it's Optimus's fight.


Autobots! We have to keep

that booster from exploding!


Roll out!

Let's save this planet


We're here if you need us,

Optimus. I just hope you don't.

Come on.

Let's leave 'em to it.

You can do it, Optimus!

I believe in you!


You're a fool, Optimus.

You can't hope to defeat me


I wouldn't bet on that.

I have right on my side.


For all the good that'll do.

Now prepare to meet your end!


Wrong, Galvatron.

It's your reign of evil

that's ending.

Optimus Prime, Super Mode!

We've been dancing this dance

for far too long!

Yes! I too

have grown weary of this dance!

Give it your best shot.

I can handle that and more!

I wish I didn't

have to leave you, Optimus.

Is he okay? You think?


I sure hope so.



But you're still

hopelessly outclassed!


First things first:

we put out that fire

and keep that booster rocket

from blowing up.

Then, we adjust

this planet's trajectory.

How can we concentrate on this

while Optimus is fighting?!

I know!

What's the point of all this

if we lose Optimus?!

True, but we have to stay

focused on the greater good.

That's right.

This is what Optimus wanted.

And we can't let him down!

After all he's done for us,

failure's not an option!


Now, enough talking!

Let's get this job done!

Let's go!

Why do you think I'm running?!



It's no use!

I can't hack into the system

and shut down the rocket down!

Just keep trying, Coby!

Any progress, Quickmix?


Some but not enough!

This fire just cannot

be quenched!

I need you guys

to join the others

dropping water

on the fire!

You got it!


Direct hit, Wing Saber!

But it doesn't seem to be

slowing down that fire one bit!


we need more water here!


I'm on my way to get some!


Why throw away your life

so recklessly, Prime?

It's a pity

it has to end like this...

That's a question you should

ask yourself, Galvatron!

I will finish you!


Is that really all you've got,

you pathetic fool.

Good will always

triumph over evil.

Ha! You must be joking!

Even if you destroy me,

you haven't won.

My friends will never

stop fighting you.

And if they fall,

others will come forward.

As long as all you care about

is yourself,

you'll have to take on

the entire universe!

You will never win!

Even if you are right,

which you're not,

there's still one thing

I can do.


I can be rid of you!

You can't possibly withstand

my full power!

Goodbye. And good riddance!



V-Vector Prime?

The fire's finally out!

Here too! I was starting

to doubt it would ever go out!

We're only half done!

We gotta redirect this planet!

Just tell us what we need to do!



The supports on that rocket

are collapsing!

This is just great!

And it's getting worse!

That whole rocket

is about to fall!

Scourge, wait!

Stay away from there!

It's too dangerous!

I won't just sit here

and do nothing

while there's a chance

to make this work!

He's gonna be crushed!

Not if I can help it!

Hold on, Scourge! I'm coming!

Fine! Quick,

we need help over here!

I got your back, Snarl!

Hang in there!

Be there in a jiff, mate!

How many more things

can go wrong?!


Still standing! I am impressed.

But still, all this

is starting to bore me.


Where's the fun

in finally defeating you

if you don't care if you lose?


Your little speech

made that quite clear.

I suppose there's only

one solution:

Once I've made sure

that you've given up your spark,

I'll do the same to each

and every one of your friends.

Now that's fun.


Oh, if only you were

still around to stop me.

But no. You'll be in pieces.

What?! No!

And I'm just getting warmed up.

You made a big mistake,


You reminded me

of what I have to fight for.

And why I'll

never stop fighting!

Ha! You still won't defeat me!

Try me.


Well, well, well.

Reinforcements are here!

If I can rewire

the ignition circuit,

maybe I can

shut these boosters down.

Slag! A short circuit!

The power is going to increase!


Everyone, hands on the rockets!

Our only chance now

is to manually adjust

the planet's trajectory!




Come on, guys! You can do it!

It's not working!

The rocket isn't moving!

They don't have enough strength

to push it!


They do now!

Let's go, lads!

Put your backs into it, lads!

That did it! We've stopped

the rocket from falling over!

Just a little further!

Keep pushing!

Till all...


...are one!

It's working!

Awesome! How's it look?

Not good!

We're still going to crash!

Come on!

There has to be a way!

Please, please, please!

We need some help! Huh?

Who is that?!

Just little ol' me!



The Autobots

can't let go to fight!

Get out of here,

you dirty Decepticon!

RANSACK: Us too?







Huh? Oh, no!

Hey, leave those Autobots alone!

It's no fair attacking them

when they can't fight back!

Sorry, sugar, no can do.

You see, staying away from them

would ruin our entire plan!

This is just

too good an opportunity.

Yeah, sorry!

Autobots and their troubles!


You wouldn't!


It can't end like this!

Let's do it!



Come on, you guys, git 'er done!

I'm pushin'!

I'm pushin'!

What is this

some kind of trick?!

Nope. It's a treat!

We're sick of losing!

Yeah, and tired of being

disrespected by the big boss!

Plus the long hours.

Evil's tougher than it looks,

I tell ya!

Glad to see

you've changed your minds.

And, man, are we glad

to have your help!



Don't forget about us!

We brought a few friends

to help out!

No way!

Thanks, old friend!


You guys better

get in there too!

We gotta help too!



Now! All together,

one last push.

For Cybertron!

For the Jungle Planet!

Till all are one!

...are one!


What's that energy?!


It's like the Allspark of Primus

within each of them!


Well, whatever it is,

it's working!

The Jungle Planet

is moving past Cyberton!

We are going home.

Farewell, friends.

May Primus guide you.

Goodbye, Scourge!

We're gonna miss you!

Yet another of your plans

has failed, Galvatron.

Surrender while you still can,

and let us put an end

to this pointless battle.

Oh, Prime. You know very well

that I won't give up until

only one of us is standing.

And trust me,

it isn't going to be you!

You can't win, Galvatron!

You're weak, Prime!

You can barely hold me off!

Oh, really?

How's this for weak?!

Ha! Pathetic.



We're coming, Optimus!

Ha! Once again,

you hide behind your friends

instead of showing me

your true strength!

You still don't understand.

My friends

are my true strength.

That's too bad.

Because I'm about to destroy

all of them!


Oh, no!

Ha. Child's play.

And now it's your turn.

I have had enough!

This ends here!

How true.



No! Optimus!

A last, this is truly

the end of Optimus Prime.

You can't!


Optimus. No!





Optimus Prime.


Vector Prime?!

I shall always be watching over

you from beyond time, Optimus.

When your need is greatest,

I shall be there.

And now, I have a gift.



What trickery is this?!

No trickery. Just your downfall.

Time to meet your fate,


I guess we owe you again,

Vector Prime!

I'll give you one last chance

to surrender.


You are pathetic to the end.

Very well.

Then this shall be your end.

Such power!

You will always lose,


You think of nothing

but destruction.

None of your victories last.

You care about

nothing but yourself,

no one cares about you.

The time has come

to end your struggle!

You're right, old friend.

We've waged this w*r

for far too long.

Only one shall stand,


It ends here!


At last the universe

will be free of your evil!


Optimus Prime!

Is he-- Is he okay?



I still function.

You haven't won.

Not while my spark still burns.

You fought well.

Goodbye, Galvatron.



Don't worry. You won't get rid

of me that easily.

♪ Transformers

More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots

Decepticons, go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪