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02x13 - A Bridge Too Close pt. 2

Posted: 08/20/23 07:22
by bunniefuu





previously on transformers earlier today

i intercepted the communication between

megatron and the decepticon double agent

involving the plot to kidnap

autobiograde after discovering he's the

galaxy's foremost expert in space bridge

technology at long last i will lead my

troops back to cybertron

too bad there's nobody left for you to

leave megatron

megatron my old friend

thanks for doing all the hard work for


concentrate your attack on megatron

more starscream clones

how is that even possible based on the

unusually high level of smart energy

emanating from starscream one can only

assume that he somehow acquired several

small fragments and used their

life-giving properties to bring the

clones online

aren't you sorry you asked

not not split swing i need backup at

once where are you

yes about that a funny story

it won't take more than a few pathetic

clones for you to defeat me

come on professor we gotta shut down

that space bridge why did you make it

work in the first place what were you

thinking this coming from the guy who

rebuilt megatron

hey yo i never bargained for this i'm a

builder not a fighter

that's it nobody messes with my motor


we need to climb up to the catwalks and

get the height advantage on the star

screams why not just let him take out


we can't afford to let any decepticons

get through the space bridge to


fool a mere construction bot is no match

for my superior firepower oh really when

you know where you can stick it

impossible you cannot defeat me you are

not worthy you are inferior and your

joke stinks

don't worry i won't you


one starscream down five to go

i'm not down i can escape anytime i want


i just don't want to

brilliant strategy brilliant it's an

honor to help you escape from such an

elegant autobiography

what are you talking about i escaped all

by myself

please please don't hurt me


he's one of ours you're the space bridge

genius get him back

i'm trying but i never set the target


they could have transported anywhere in


use galaxy


give up this foolish mutiny

well you'd be the last bot i would

expect to come to my rescue i wasn't

coming to your rescue


i've got the all spark fragments loaded

in the ship's spark chamber

when i give you the signal use your key

to jumpstart the ship


come on buddy i know you can do it

focus on my voice can you hear me stay

with me

uh ratchet i really don't think that's

gonna roger


oh he does a lot more than talk

there's decepticons everywhere but i

don't think i'm gonna make it

it's all right friend

the wars are over

did we win

yeah we won

thanks to you okay

how come you never told me your ship was

alive because he hasn't been alive for

over two million stellar cycles

he sacrificed his spark to win the wars

and he's been in a modified stasis ever


there's so much i can remember

i'm afraid we'll have to catch up later

right now we need your help


don't know if i can

trust me you will

with the help of my organic friend and

her key will have you if you'll pardon

the expression

shipshape in no time



what are you

and look how well that turned out

hey hold still so i can mix you up some

cement over shoes all right

mix this oil breath

mix master concentrate your attack on

the head starscream

head starscream

professor wait where you going

not like you to hide behind an autobahn

but it's completely like you to hide

behind an army of cheap knock-offs

are you all right

i'm so impressed by that spaces cut move

of yours i simply had to try it myself

for your wonderful wonderful

oh i've been waiting a long time for



don't worry i'll tell them all you went

offline valiantly

just after you named me as your




i told you he was working for the

decepticons he just saved megatron's

skid plate

i saved him so i could kick his skid

plate myself

oh please

what are you waiting for

destroy megatron now

any leader has to be an improvement over


oh why is it great megatron you have

truly proven your best superiority

i will remain loyal to you forever


my organic friend sorry is using her key

to repair your memory core's data banks

we can't restore everything

yet but we're gonna boot you up just

enough to make you operational i'm

afraid wretched i can't see

that's because your optic sensors are

still buried in rock you just need to

pull yourself out from the side of that




think i can don't worry i'm right here

with you

give him everything you got kid



i'm flying

i knew you still had it in you


this doesn't look like cybertron

i know

long story

how does it feel to be held c*ptive in

your own stasis caps autobot

yo look who i found


will you stop that stupid humming this

stupid humming is a focusing technique a

trained cyber ninja can use processor

over matter to remove these cuffs

you can really do that in theory

and i actually completed my cyberninja

training your fate is sealed now


while your elite guard forces are

preoccupied with the decepticon

uprisings at the rim of the galaxy i

will use this space bridge to transport

my decepticons into the heart of

cybertron and take over the entire space

bridge network

you actually believe that ridiculous

land will work

from there it will be a simple matter to

transport all decepticon forces onto a

virtually defenseless cybertron and take

over the entire planet and i have your

expert spacebridge technician to thank

for it i still don't understand where

this expertise came from i had a lot of

time to study space bridge schematics

back on the energon farm

i just had a knack for him i guess

ah well that's great so the one thing

you're good at is gonna hand cybertron

over to the decepticons

don't get your circuits in a bunch

the space bridge is useless without a

receiving code and for that megatron we

would need to have somebody already on

cybertron don't you remember anything

the transmission i picked up wasp the

decepticon spy i caught back in boot

camp you mean the spy we caught in boot

camp don't you bumblebee

how do you know my name

surely you recognize your old pal

long arm


wasp wasn't a double agent

which means you sent an innocent bot to


stockade decepticons prepare for our

conquest of cybertron

what's a cybertron i have no idea he

lost me at your fate is sealed now

but first we need to test the space

bridge just in case our autobot expert

decided to sabotage it

and i will be waiting for the test

subject on this side

just in case he didn't sabotage it

not to fire on our friends and try to

get a visual on my dad


what's up

scrapper clear the rubble from the space


the rest of you attack that autobot ship


there's too many i'm not ready

you can do this old friend

i believe in you

deploy your emergency defense mode code

name omega

i can't

don't give up on me now

give him a jolt with your key while i

loosen up a few of his joints

this jeep has joints

hang on to something kid

i am


your size is meaningless compared to the

greatness of megatron

that's it

everyone aim for the legs




omega supreme is our last line of

defense if you'd seen as many bots fall

as he has you'd have a pretty grim

outlook too

i won't let you go offline again


hey look your stabilizing servo was


you overgrown autobot i will scramble

your circuit so bad you'll need a gps

scanner to find your own exhaust port

mayday mayday let's all dance around


where were we

will you keep it up already

bad enough we have to watch the boss bot

get slagged without you humming like a

loose fan belt



it was me honest he's right the power

core has to you mute it before you end

up helping megatron again

clearly this old spark fragment is not

powerful enough

fortunately i happen to have another




now you overloaded it do i have to do

everything the destination code has been

deleted my leash the space bridge could

send you anywhere



you have jammed up my gears for the last

time autobot


all right let's grab professor sundeck

and get out of here before that thing


this thing's gonna transport the whole

state of michigan to the far side of the



omega supreme

you're online

save yourselves

i will absorb the transworld energy no

i didn't bring you back to life just to

watch you self-destruct


i am programmed to protect and sacrifice

if necessary


oh sorry

hate to break up the family reunion but

we gotta bolt

everyone out now

aren't you guys coming no way we gotta

save the oil

everyone still online

oh but one

it's probably still out there somewhere

ah i can't believe this ordeal is

finally over

see guys i knew all along my dad

couldn't have betrayed us he's as honest

and trustworthy as they come

sorry we need to talk

stop staring at me


you stop staring at me do you think i

actually want to spend the rest of

eternity gazing at your unsightly visage

trust me your visage is no picnic either

and your face is ugly too


someone just take me offline now what do

you think i've been trying to do for the

last four million stellar cycles


it's funny really when you think about


tragic for money