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02x11 - Sari, No One's Home

Posted: 08/20/23 07:25
by bunniefuu
it's harder than it looks

let's try it at one-quarter speed no way

I can do it just get in you and I'm


when you can make it to the end then you

can advance master mistress

there this beam cheats with time and

patience you'll improve

something's dripping


stop blinking you're fully in my

circuits huh what

looks like someone could use a tune-up

what I just picked up this broadcast on

the monitor

looks like mixed master and scrap are

back and after their old habits chaos

erupted downtown with two giant robots

wreaked havoc atmarama brothers auto

supply the robots made off with 100

cases of motor oil before evading police

with what appeared to be a smoke street

we have to find them before Megatron

gets ahold of them do you think they'll

remember us doubtful after those two

malfunctions lost their memories they

forgot everything except out of guzzle

oil and be obnoxious well then we better

hurry they're halfway to being

Decepticons already

no not this time sorry they nearly took

your head off last time and that was

when they were trying to be friendly I

can totally take care of myself remember

when I kicked that barnacle monsters

bite all alone true but a human child is

still no match for a two-story robot

I can't believe they just left me here

I'm a vital member of the team how can

they find those construction box without

my key huh no I'm stuck here all alone

stuck here all alone

how can do it at full speed and so can I


we dug it already

much better

he's above time we ditch the cops are

mixed no what do we do

go scrap check it out


hey the sweetest grade I've had but it's

good enough this wish I could remember

where we got that really good stuff come

on it's got to be more around here

someplace huh it appears our

Constructicons zev resurfaced perhaps

with their help we can finally finish

building this space bridge find the

Constructicons x' and bring them to me

immediately the signal dampeners we

outfitted them with should prevent our

enemies from tracking them but do not

engage the Autobots this should you them


now go

great how do we get past the door now

just mix up my own goal that's what I


did why Ellen on my truck sorry I

I thought you he yeah your truck with

someone else that oil leak really

frazzled your circuits didn't it there's

nothing wrong with me

I'm 100% in tip-top running condition

your mix song gives me the creeps about

this place

I don't like we've been here before and

it didn't end too good what I'm saying

I don't know feels familiar but whatever

let's throw back a few barrels of oil

and beep whoa watch your bunk

so you know we could grab some motor oil

around this joint

it's whiny little thing

so you two joined up with the

Decepticons after all

mix I'm stuck get out of here quit

whining you big nail clipper I poacher

that little thing with trouble mix what

do you think a Decepticon is who cares

that little screaming mutters definitely

hiding some premium oil in this joint

we gotta follow it follow that thing

that's probably how we done on memory

circuits scrambled in the first place

smile at you you're an excavator not a

golf cart grow a backhoe and let's get

some oil

no sign of scrapper Mix Master or the

Decepticons any luck on your end


no sign of

I just spotted blood sweetie are you


pretty sure

Hargrove this is pointless without sari

and her key we can't track their house

mark signal she's safer at home


well I ain't way too many candy bars

okay no one saw anything out of the

ordinary we'll never find them at this

rate I'm gonna call sorry

no oil in here

pull it around let's find some oil

defines the Constructicons like iron

filings it's wrinkled on top of several

salad sorry's not picking up her phone

you think she's okay

I told you it was blitz way

now we'll have to call Prime and the

others from the Communication Center out

there but by the time they get here

those two oil guzzlers will read the

whole place

no this is my house and I'm going to

defend it I'll show them I'm just as

tough as they are even though I'm

talking to it

teddy bear

we need to keep moving and find a safe

area to engage him we need to get them

away from downtown

maybe you should tell them that

getting the tracer didn't we just drive

into the middle of a parking lot it's

not the stop vehicles I'm worried about

it's the moving water

Premal functions are going offline

nice work ratchet you and bumblebee

clear the humans out of harm's way the

rest of us will hold off blitz wing

clear them wire

and I'll keep him distracted you know

sh**t of me first

let's see how tough you are without your

pink balls brain Musa

called it

look at this shoddy construction what

knucklehead slapped this junk together

you broke my smartphone but you are not

gonna break my TV

okay that's as far as my plan got

what the front-end loader was that

you don't get away that easy grimly


she must have ran in a different door

oh don't worry we ain't gonna hurt you


hey sorry how's it going to get those

tough construction bots they're tearing

the place apart okay just be cool okay

is everything okay with you guys where's

her the scrap you smell that

can you smell it I can almost taste it

thirsty give it here you puny no it's a


I'm gonna put a steel boot in your

tailpipe if you don't get you start

digging hands off of me in the oil lunch


come back here so I can pull your

pistons out through the tailpipe and

void your warranty with excess wear and

tear guys saris alone in the plant with

Mix Master and scrapper we need to get

back there now then let's finish this

Autobots on mega formation sure the

little guy

ratchet lastly if you wish Autobot but

you will destroy your friend as well not

that it matters to me

did I tell you disengage the Autobots

and find the Constructicons immediately

why would you leave in such a hurry if

he had the upper hand I don't like it

either but right now we need to get back

to the plant and help sorry you see that

little twerp got the drop on us again

let's go before it does something worse

don't get your bolts in a bunch there's

gotta be more oil where this came from

come on that's good stuff

whoa take it easy Aslam

don't you have an alehouse to build or

something yeah but first we got a pest

to squash lips wait forget it man

too late for that

prepare to be deconstructed

and getting out of there

you monster you're right scrap this must

be the mud to mess this up no oil is

worth this that's what I've been trying

to tell you how you guys eat yeah we

will wanna try this hero stuff is hard


it's worse than I thought the plants

been att*cked sorry

what happened you're okay where are they

those two grease monkeys tried to wreck

the place when I scared him off I guess

a human child can't hold their own

against two story robots

I apologize for under estimating you

sorry you perform bravely today glad

you're okay squirt

sorry you were right scrap that little

beast is a terror I'll never doubt you

again I secretly lost oh no I doubt it

you two look like you could use some oil

Wow this is the good stuff I was talking

about I remember now

where did you get this oh there's plenty

more where that came from

boom eros dude he's the all-american

leader of the Joe's he's tough as nails

especially when he's dealing with Cobra

let's cut the head off his snake and

when it comes to his team

no Joe gets left behind dude he's

awesome in action Pabu