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04x18 - Black Lio Convoy

Posted: 08/21/23 10:15
by bunniefuu

Emotions swaying in loneliness

Swallowed up by the waves of an era for all of time

My saddened heart was wandering

Just One Nation, an ID engraved on my heart

I couldn't go anywhere by myself

It was frustrating and I couldn't take it

Even so, I was still dreaming

That far away, I could hear the sound of the distant sunset

Let's head to that place

To the ends of the Earth

I want to be stronger than anyone else, so I can be who I am

I won't give up my Passion to anyone, just so that I can live for tomorrow

To GET MY FUTURE, all I need to do is run on the path that I believe

Actions are what opens up the future, with the courage to fight

I'll hold them in my heart, To Be Free

Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production

The Cybertrons have headed back north from the Eastern continent.

A moment of peace seemed to have come upon them, but soon, an unexpected event was about to unfold.

The Autorollers, who were at work in an effort to dig out the Angolmois energy,

...have discovered an ancient machine.


What is this piece of junk machine anyway?

He says he wants to know what this piece of junk machine is?!

Yes, Galvatron-sama.

The Autorollers discovered it while working at some ancient ruins.

After I examined it, it appears structure-wise to be similar to a 3D copy machine that we are familiar with.

A copy machine? What's that supposed to be?

Enough with the explanations!

Give me a demonstration.

He says, "Give him a demonstration!"

Y-Yes, right away.

BB, stand before the light.


It's a spittin' image of him, except he's black and white.


Do ya think he's better-lookin' than the original BB-han?

Same as me.

Same as me.

BB, copy cat!

BB, copy cat!










Fight, BB!


Copy BB-han ain't half bad at all.

You're right. Their power is 50-50 any way you look at it.

Looks like it's gonna be fun!

Ya idiot! What are ya getting excited about?

What the heck do you think is gonna happen if they continue like this?

What's gonna happen?

If you were to ask me...

I wonder what would happen?

They will keep fighting until their energy runs out...

Their personalities seem to be the complete opposite, but their abilities seem to be the same.

Make them stop!



Blow the copy away!

Real one!

Real one!

There can't be two real ones!


That had me worried for a moment there.

Dangerous stuff like this...

...should be smashed to bits!


Older Brother?

We still have some use for this piece of junk.

Something sounds fishy, moon.

Galvatron being shyster and all, he seems to be up to something, moon.

Big trouble!

There's an Angolmois energy reading in the Northern continent!

That's a fake energy reading to throw one off, moon.

Check it out! Only that weird machine is placed there.

♫Yours truly Kid here is the strongest Cybertron of them all!♫

I get it now, moon.

If the Cybertrons pick up the weird machine, they'll make copies of themselves just like the Destrons did, moon.

That means...

There will be trouble if it copies Lio Convoy, or even Bighorn who'll go on a rampage, moon.

The Destrons are so naive...

Even Tasmanian Kid wouldn't be fooled with that kind of a plan.

♫Yours truly Kid, Kid ya-♫

Dammit, what the heck?!

I found something nice!

♫Yours truly Kid...♫

He shouldn't have taken that, moon.

Kid was even more naive than the Destrons...

My perfect mate is here on planet Gaia.

They aren't.

They are.

They aren't.

They are.

They aren't.

They are.

They aren't.

No way!

They are. They aren't.

They are.

They aren't.

Who is it?!

Bighorn-han, what gloomy thing are ya up to?

This is one our rare days off, why don't ya come and play with me in the water?

Leave me alone!

Wow, such a cold reply...

Ya know, I put a lot of work into our Niagara Base, so that the Arimon Falls would turn out like this.

So please play with me.

It's totally idiotic for you to have wasted all your labor and effort with this crap!

Don't tell me, Bighorn-han, are ya actually scared of the water?

Of course not!

I see. Well then, let's go, let's go!

W-W-Wait! Wait just a darn minute!

Into the waterfall, A frog and bull jump in, The sound of water

With extra syllables...

The Destrons fortresses keep increasing in numbers as if they're filling in all over the Northern continent.

It's only a matter of time before the entire Northern continent becomes a Destron stronghold.

It seems that the fortresses themselves have the power to grow by taking in the Angolmois energy.

This isn't the time to be playing around.

Please order all members to deploy immediately.

Everybody is worn out after the battles in Southern continent.

Rest is necessary.

We need support from our Cybertron comrades,

...but it's not possible when we can't contact HQ due to that cosmic storm.


Cut it out, Bighorn!


What're ya reading there, Scuba?

It's... a... secret.

What's that?!

Let me read it already!

Not until after I finish reading it.

I can't wait, gimme it now!

You can't act like a child.

Hang on!

It's immature for you to fight.

I have just the solution to your problem.

Mind if I have some oil?

Will this do?

Thank you for your business!

That Kid, since when did he become an Osaka merchant?

What a dubious guy...

Now then, I request your presence!

What's going on over here?!

Are you having another argument?

Well, feast your eyes on this.

There... and switch on!

It's ready!

See, like this, you won't have to fight, right?

How is it? Isn't it a touching book, tentacles?

What the heck is this book about?

Skinny frog, Hang in there, Issa, I'm here as well

Oh really, so it's about me?

It's a book of poems that I dug out from an ancient library.

A haiku uses a 5-7-5 pattern from ancient times, tentacles.

I can't read this planet's ancient letters!

How did you come across this useful thing?

I would like to have said that I invented it, but I actually found it in a nearby ancient ruins.

If we use this, we might be able to increase our Cybertron forces.

That'll make our work a piece of cake!

It's not a bad idea if we let the copies do our operations while we're on vacation.

Well, we had better be careful.

No matter how I think of it, it's strange that a useful machine like this was just left there in those ruins.

You're a little too late.

I've already switched it on.

Hey, Tasmanian Kid...

Taking the liberty as always...

He looks just like Lio Convoy!

There's no problem, is there?

Sure enough, it is an admirable copy.

Right? You can all copy yourselves with this machine, and we'll be prepared for any battle with the Destrons.

I sure hope you're right...

Welcome, Copy Convoy.

I'm the original Lio Convoy.

Let's work together.

You're my original?

Don't make me laugh!

I am the original!


The copy can change forms also?

You're the copy!

Ya scumbag!

Stay out of this.

It's my own copy, so I will defeat it on my own!

Ya got that right!

Hurry up and delete that copy!


I'm getting fed up of hearing you all repeat copy, copy, over and over.

I'll make sure that I shut those mouths of yours!



So you're coming at me?

Take this!


Lio Convoy, are you OK?

It appears that he has the exact same abilities as me.

If you keep fighting like this, it won't end until you run out of energy!

It appears that I can't do this alone.

Everybody, can you lend me your strength?

Let's do it!

Mind if ya give my tail a hand?


Bighorn's secret w*apon,

...shall not be used!


I'm saved.

He knows all of our abilities as well.

Even Lio Convoy's knowledge has been copied.

We don't need fruitless sacrifices.

Let's retreat for now!

Please wait!

They're just big talkers.


What should we do, Lio Convoy?

Are we just gonna sit here and chew on our tails... chew?

What I'm tryin' to say is, are we going to just leave things like this?

Let's see what Copy Convoy is up to and come up with a plan.

Navi, please keep an eye on him.

Leave that to me! Tracking robot, launch!

Boy, what trouble this has caused.

Tasmanian Kid, use your head a bit more before you do something!

I did it again.

I thought it would do good... my bad...

It appears that the Cybertrons took the copy machine, but I'm wondering what happened since then.

Lio Convoy!

Is that...?


Do you happen to be a copy of Lio Convoy?

He's the copy.

Forget about what's in the past, from this day forward, yours truly is the original Lio Convoy!

Your wildness, I love it!

You are way cooler than the original Lio Convoy.

Hey, can we join forces?

If you want, we can leave the Northern continent to you.

Who the heck are you talking to?

I'm a Cybertron, Lio Convoy-sama!

How the heck can I join forces with the likes of you!

LIO m*ssile!

Is he... actually a good guy?

We still don't know as of yet.

Destroy him!

Just be patient.

He did it to fool the Cybertrons.


That copy... he maybe more competent than the original.

I'm sure we can become comrades.

The tracking robot has returned.

What... the?

Hey, Cybertron gentlemen, I was rude to you earlier.

Very disrespectful.

What happened to that guy?

My body is a copy but my spirit is that of a Cybertron.

Let us join forces together and fight against the Destrons.

Lio Convoy, what should we do?

It seems like he's regretting what he did.

He can't be trusted!

But he shot at Starscream, didn't he?

"Blame the sin, not the robot", right?

It's not like you to have doubts, Lio Convoy!

Hey, Lio Convoy, sorry about earlier.

Let's shake hands to make up for it, Lio Convoy.

It's all yours, copy machine!

You deceived us, Copy!

I'm not deceiving you.

What I'm doing is taking the Cybertrons' work in your place.

You rascals, clear these distractions!

This is bad! Everybody, scatter!


Take this!



Hey, Bighorn!

What the heck did you do that for?!

You're the reason all of this happened!


I don't see Diver.

I'm sorry everybody, he wasn't regretting anything after all.

If apologizing could solve this mess, then there would be no need for the Cybertrons, tentacles.

This is truly a battle position with our backs to the water, as there's nowhere to run!

Since it's come to this point, we just have to do it!

I'll show these copies what an original's pride is like!

Don't be rash. The copies are copying our movements also.


If we sh**t once, the copies will sh**t back all at once.

Moreover, the copy of Convoy knows all of our abilities.

Then that means we can't move!

I'm sorry, this is all because I was being too hasty!

Lio Convoy, about Diver...

Don't give up till the end!

We can win if we use a power available to us, that the copies don't have.

But there is no power that you have to use against us!

He's right, we don't have that kind of power!

The answer is from within the waterfall.


They have the same strength as us, but their heads are empty.


Are you trying to make fools of us?!

If you are...!

Diver is an excellent warrior, but he sometimes does things on his own without my knowledge.


Are you saying there's things that you don't know?!

I am a type that values one's independence.

It's all up to you, Diver!

You got it!


Allow let me take a crack at using this new product which I painstakingly made.

I'll stop you!



Cybertrons, disperse!

Damn, I have to use the copy machine...!

Not so fast!

I won't be letting you get your hands on this!

Lio Convoy!

LIO m*ssile!

The copy machine has been...

What's happening?

He vanished.

It's because the copy machine was destroyed.

Then, if I had destroyed the copy machine much sooner...

That's not the problem here.

The issue is with YOU!

Well, let's just forget about it.

With this incident, Kid has learned a good lesson.

And what would that be?

The fact, that you should think before you act.

Just like Diver.

Yeah, Kid-han, from now on, you should learn from me.

Gee, now I'm the one reflecting on myself this time.

Artemis & Moon's Second Transmission

Those ancient ruins are really eerie.

Hey, hey, hey! What are these ancient ruins that had that copy machine and books laying around?

Long ago, this planet used to have an incredibly developed civilization, moon.

The ruins are of cities that those people had constructed, moon.

Hey, hey! Why would people make such big cities only to let them be destroyed?

When people only think about their own convenience, and don't respect nature, something terrible happens, moon.

Various civilizations have gone to ruins by way of cutting down too many trees, and contaminating the water, moon.

I see... civilizations are convenient, but they can also be scary.

You get it now, moon?

Yeah, by the way, can I pick up a hairdryer at one of those ruins?

I can't keep my hair in place.

Artemis, you really don't get it, moon.

Moon, what is that?

It's a cautionary alarm, moon.

Somebody is approaching the planet Gaia, moon.

Who? Who? Who is it?

We better watch the preview, moon.

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production

NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW Some unexpected guys came from space, moon.

Who is it this time?

A group of five pirates, who cause disturbances throughout the universe, called the Seacons, moon.

We've already got trouble with the Destrons...

On top of it, the Seacons hold a trump card, moon.

What? What is it?

It's a secret, moon!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 19 is, The Space Pirate Seacons! THE SPACE PIRATE SEACONS!

It's all right because I'll watch it!

Moon will for sure watch it, moon.