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04x29 - Artificial Planet Nemesis

Posted: 08/21/23 11:34
by bunniefuu

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

I want to chase after wherever it may go

I'm looking for thrills that will make my heart flutter

I want to feed on tons of love & dreams

Those Dreams & Love, that make me burn up

You are not alone at all, I'm feeling this friendship

I can live on, believing in the past and future

God Knows, our fates in this Key of Life

In this Heaven and on this Earth

There's a dream that's endlessly streaming

Just look for it

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

And overcome everything until we shine brilliantly

It won't extinguish, it won't end, I'll see that dream someday

I want to chase after wherever it may go

To the ends of the universe Produced by Ashi Production

In every story, there exists both light and darkness.

The side of light is told for generations, but the side of darkness ends up being forgotten.

Do you gentlemen remember?

About the Seacons who returned to space, and what happened to them after that?

Wouldn't you like to know?

There's another side of this story that was destined to vanish without being known by anybody else...

I shall tell you gentlemen about it.

Wh-What is that thing?!


SOS, SOS, this is Scylla-chan of Seacons!

The most beautiful Transformer in the universe is now about to die, as this ugly lookin' planet's gravity had caught us!

I don't care who it is, just get over here and save us!

Huh? Did I hear something just now?

It's an SOS signal, moon.

An SOS signal is an emergency radio wave when something like a ship is in distress, right?

Who could it be?

I'll do an analysis right now, moon.

Listen to this, moon.

SOS, SOS, this is the universe's most beautiful Scylla-chan!

Our photonic sailboat has been caught by the gravity of this ugly lookin' planet, and we're in big trouble!

It's an SOS from the Seacons, moon!

Well, there's nothing we can do to help them from here!

Perhaps the Cybertrons on Planet Gaia will do something about it, moon.

I've just received a signal which sounds like an SOS, but the wave is too weak, and isn't clear either.

An SOS signal, you say?

The only ones who would be close enough around here at this time would be...

Could it be those Seacon guys?

Those guys just don't know how to die, no matter how many times we crushed them!

The space pirates simply have a high sense of pride.

No matter what happens to them, they wouldn't send out an SOS to others.

You are just hearing things, tentacles.

Is that so? I'm hearing things?

The Seacons, eh?

They were a strong adversary.

When we first fought, we played out a strategy where if Scuba and Diver hadn't detonated their ship, we would have all been in great danger.

Yours truly, is the space pirate, Halfshell-sama!

Whomever has a problem with me, step forward!

We're the Lio Convoy unit of the Cybertrons.

I heard of some meddling scoundrels who existed throughout the galaxy.

Are ye the ones uttering to protect the peace in the universe?!

There's no road before us.

We make the road wherever we go.

If you guys get in our way, I'll use this cannon to blow you to bits!

Halfshell of the Seacons is a proud pirate. And he's got enough power to be proud.

Especially, with the great power of that sword that they used when they were combined!

Yeah, yeah, I at least get why they're proud!

It's cuz Miss Squid-lady was so cute!

Bighorn-han, what are ya talking about?!

Let's just move on...

The real winners of that battle, were perhaps Diver and Scuba, who managed to lure God Neptune away from us.

We just played it out according to Lio Convoy's operation.

That was a pretty nice ship.

Well, if that was the case, we could have just taken the pirate ship for ourselves.

Tasmanian Kid, allies of justice can't act like thieves!


Heeey! Over here! Heeeey!

I picked myself up a sailboat in this area. It's mine now!

'Tis certainly a nice ship.

You scoundrels, how dare ye operate our pirate ship, which is our very soul!

Dammit, I'm going to finish all of ye off later.

It's up to you guys now, Scuba, Diver!

Wait, you scalawags, don't think ya can run away forever!

Scuba-han, they're catching up with us.

Ain't it better to take off soon?

Negative. We have to lure them a bit further offshore, otherwise we will put everybody in danger.

Is that so?

Catch me if you can, and try to spank my rear end!

You scum!


Scuba-han, that's cutting it a bit too close now.

You're right, so let's make our departure now.

We did it, our ship is back in our hands again!

When they joined up with the Destrons, we would have been in danger, if it hadn't been for Megastorm's failure.

It was a well thought out plan by that guy, Megastorm.

For a moment, we were in real danger.

Man, it wouldn't have been a joke if I ended up being pickled and shredded.

They may be pirates, but they're strong on the land too!

Especially that female squid called as Scylla, with her incredible Blowing Kiss of Death and Scylaser!

Tasmanian Kid, don't tell me that Miss Squid-lady and you kissed?!

I didn't!

Just forget about him!

Miss Squid-lady!!


It WAS your mouth, It WAS your mouth, YOU!

I didn't!

Anyhow, it ended up that Megastorm, the crafty schemer that he is,

...spared us due to his suicidal act.

You are...

Wha-? What's that?

I'll turn ya into a thinly sliced frog!

I-I don't taste that good!


What? I thought a squid was being hung for sun-drying.




This ain't good! Goodbye!


Yer' one of da Seacons! I thought ya were specialized in the sea?

I have to clean things up lickety-split and go home before lunch.

I can clean things up with you with just one push!

I underestimated that old man...

The damage i'th wor'th on you...

Wh-What the heck is this?!

What da heck're ya doing? Finish him now!

I know but this is reading all of them at the same time. It's broken now, ain't it?!

It don't matter, just push any button.


What are those two doing, Dirge and Thrust?! Press the switch on already!

Those guys... that was the WORST timing!

That's Apache!



Are ya really an old man?

I'm 100,000 years old... no, maybe it was 110,000 years old?

How could ya count that far?


That Dirge and Thrust...!?



Wh-What's up with that mug of yours?

Be quiet!

Somebody save me!

It's you.

I... I'm the Prince of Destruction, Megastorm-sama!


The Cybertrons and the Seacons should be blown to bits all together by now!

That's our Megastorm-sama! Let's push that last button too!

I don't know what you were going to do, but your plan seems to have failed, Megastorm.

Shut it, when it comes to this, I don't care about the plan.

Yours truly will finish you all right here!

All of you! Prepare yourselves!

Help me, Lio Convoy!

Hey YOU! Wait!

Don't come here! Don't come here---!

By the way, that Miss Squid-lady, why did she fall for Scuba, and not me?

It is a scary memory that will traumatize me for life, tentacles.

Speaking of that, Scuba, nothing really happened between you and Scylla?

Lio Convoy, you say such a scary thing with a serious face!

Yeah, really! Was it really a one-way love with Scylla?

Scuba-han, didn't ya like her even just a little bit?

By no means.

For a female to have loved you that much... it's such an honor as a male!

She had a flaw in her personality, but she was deeply in love with you,

...don't you feel even a bit sorry for her that you ignored her?

Well then, you try being loved by her.

Wahhhhh, Miss Squid-lady!!

I don't understand a female's heart!

Everybody, let's not stimulate Bighorn.

I will do anything for my Miss Squid-lady, even in the fire or water!

If ya won't break away from him, then I will slice Bighorn up!

That blasted Scylla!

She left her post without permission, where the heck did she go?

Hey! I caught a weird communication just now.


It mentioned something about a treasure.

Let's go then!

Hey, what're they?

No clue. But they're neither Cybertrons nor Destrons.

If we catch them, we might be able to sell them at high price.

Oh, Bighorn finally showed up, ming?

What are they? I haven't seen them before, arm!

But it's not Bighorn, muchas!

Let's move to another location, ming!


Ain't that Scylla?

No doubt about that!

Just where the heck are ya?!

Bighorn, you're late, ming! We've changed the location, ming!

Where is it?!

Just hurry, ming!

But, where are you?!

What?! What are ya gonna do to me?!

Where the heck did they go?

Hey, come in, come in, this is the ally of justice, Bighorn!

Ugh, they've turned it off.

We've finally found you, Jointrons!

Found you! Found you!

Muchas, we're not gonna hand over this Seacon member to you!

Give us Scylla back!

We're boxed in, arm!

What'll we do, ming?!

That's why I told you to just free me already!

No, no! If we free you, then our effort up to now would be thrown out the window, señorita!

That's not good, arm!

It's like a rollin' rice ball, ming!

Now that it's come to this, we'll fight back, muchas!

Those Jointron guys, what've they done with my idol?

Didja have any idea what ya just did?!

That was my red flower bouquet!

How about that, huh?!

That hurt, ya know?!

Miss Squid-lady?

Why is this happening to me?!

It's YOUR fault!

No, it is, actually-!

You'll pay for what I've gone through today!


Miss Squid-lady, please understand my feelings...

I can't sh**t at you... BLOWING KISS OF DEATH!

He's here?

For their final confrontation with us, they came out as God Neptune... what a bunch of sneaky adversaries!

I was able to disrupt him with my speed, but if the battle had prolonged, even I would have been in danger.

I wish I could have had a match with each of them one-on-one purely as Transformers.

I wish I could have had a match with Miss Squid-lady one more time!!!



That's right.



No, I am a bull, that goes MOO-MOO!



You're pretty good.

Are you still in this?

Of course!



I caught you!

I've got upper hand in the ocean!

I'll make yer' end easy for ya.


LIO m*ssile!

...I'm not quite sure why we recalled the Seacons like this?

Out of sight, out of mind.

I'm sure Miss Squid-lady must be doing fine somewhere out in space.

I squid think so.

Wh-What's happening?

It seems that we've stopped falling.

We've been saved?

My SOS signal must have worked.

But who and how?

Gentlemen of the Seacons...

The lives of you gentlemen, now belong to me, Galvatron.

The artificial planet Nemesis is completely under I, Galvatron's control!

The artificial planet Nemesis?

This artificial planet was created by the scientific strength of the Destrons.

We are in the process of creating fortress bases with the Angolmois energy of Planet Gaia, a preparation to welcome the Nemesis!

With the dawn of it coming close to Planet Gaia,

...the Angolmois energy will be sent into the Nemesis from all the fortresses on the entire planet!

At that moment, the artificial planet Nemesis will be the No. 1 fortress planet in the entire universe!

How about it? Do you want to follow yours truly now?

Galvatron, YOU...!

We too, the Space Pirate Seacons, are famous throughout the universe!

We'll follow you until the end of the universe!

Very good! That's very good!

Every story, there exists both light and darkness.

You gentlemen usually only see the side with the light.

Therefore you might think Lio Convoy and his team of Cybertrons are strong,

...but now you truly know after seeing this story of the darkness, don't you?

That the one who will be standing at the end, will be I, the Emperor of Destruction, Galvatron!

I will acquire all of the Angolmois energy of Planet Gaia, using the artificial planet Nemesis created by me!





...let's combine!




You again?

Galvatron, we will take a stand against you! We won't let you do whatever you want anymore!

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by Ashi Production

This is a chance, chance, chance, moon!

What kind of chance are you talking about?

Galvatron's unconscious, so Gigastorm figured there's a chance for him to become the Emperor of Destruction!

He'd better not, he's done many different things already trying to get rid of Galvatron.

This is gonna be the biggest fight in history among brothers, moon!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 30 is, Gigastorm’s Betrayal. GIGASTORM'S BETRAYAL

Be sure to watch it!

I'll definitely see it, moon!