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04x37 - The Crisis of Planet Gaia

Posted: 08/21/23 11:43
by bunniefuu

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

I want to chase after wherever it may go

I'm looking for thrills that will make my heart flutter

I want to feed on tons of love & dreams

Those Dreams & Love, that make me burn up

You are not alone at all, I'm feeling this friendship

I can live on, believing in the past and future

God Knows, our fates in this Key of Life

In this Heaven and on this Earth

There's a dream that's endlessly streaming

Just look for it

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

And overcome everything until we shine brilliantly

It won't extinguish, it won't end, I'll see that dream someday

I want to chase after wherever it may go

To the ends of the universe Produced by Ashi Production

The mysterious light that came flying from the pyramid on the fourth planet,

...was in fact made to prevent the Angolmois energy from being used for evil purposes, way of a control system created by the ancient Gaians.

By controlling the moon so that it would strike against the planet Gaia,

...the mother computer was trying to rid the universe of the Angolmois energy.


If we don't stop the mother computer, the moon will collide against the planet Gaia!


Apache, cover me!

Aye-aye, sir!


There's no end to this, Lio Convoy!

The cut ends are being restored by a regeneration system!

The ancient Gaians had quite an advanced civilization!

This is no time to be impressed, Apache!

Lio Convoy!

This must be a defense system made by the ancient Gaians to protect the mother computer, moon!

As it's the most important computer, it won't be stopped so easily, moon!

Navi, contact everyone! We need all hands on deck!


Moon, I'm begging you, please hurry and stop the moon!

The moon-han is getting larger and larger.

Is it expanding, I wonder?

That's not it!

If it keeps going like this, the moon and Gaia will collide into each other.

No way! We don't have any spaceship that we can evacuate Planet Gaia with!

I guess that means, we're destined to be smashed into pieces along with Planet Gaia.

At the very least, I wanted to die on a tatami mat on our Cybertron homeworld...

Quit yer whinin'! Warriors ain't got no tombs nor others to pick up their dead corpses, ya know!

Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!

What's wrong, Navi?

Lio Convoy's group is in trouble!

We need everybody's help!

Upon receiving Navi's emergency call, the Cybertrons headed to the underground city where Lio Convoy and his group were.

So you're saying the ancient Gaians were trying to destroy Planet Gaia?!

Just what's going on?!

It's a defense system to prevent the Angolmois energy from being misused!

Anyway, unless we stop that mother computer, the moon ain't gonna stop falling, right?!

That's right.

It must be a compelling thing for them to destroy their own home planet, order to prevent the Angolmois energy from being misused.

Right! Right!

That tells us just how dreadful the Angolmois energy is.

If the Destrons get their hands on it...

We won't let you go forward from this point on!

We don't have time to be fighting with you guys!

Planet Gaia's in crisis! Don't be gettin' in our way!

As they've all gathered at the bottom of this valley, it's like they're asking us to attack them.

It's a chance to get rid of them once and for all!

It seems they do not understand something called reasoning.

When it gets to this point then, we have to go through by force!

No choice then...




We are way more advantageous than you, to the point where I almost feel sorry for you!

Let's go, Max-B!

Max Roger!


TAIL g*n!

If we can't take the heads of our enemies at a time like this, we won't be able to have a lead over Hellscream and his team!

Righty! We ain't gonna lose to them!

There's no end to this even using a sword!

Let's take care of this all at once!


Are you OK, Lio Convoy?

You saved us, Lio Junior!

It's worse than before! It seems capturing the mother computer is a difficult task, Lio Convoy!

Take this!

We Destrons are overwhelmingly superior now.

Today is the day we finish off the Cybertrons!


Withdraw everybody and let the Cybertrons proceed to the back of this valley!

Why do you say stuff like helping the Cybertrons, Older Brother!

Depending on the situation, even though you're my older brother, you will have to reckon with me!

Look to the sky!

Older Brother, isn't that...?

Soon the planet Gaia will be smashed into pieces by colliding against the moon.

They will be sharing the same fate with Gaia at the back of this valley.

If you continue fighting here, everyone dies as well!

Y-You're right about that.

Guys, there's no time to lose, retreat!



What's with those guys? They lumped together and took off!

Gigastorm, you, too, go back to the fortress spaceship and prepare to evacuate Planet Gaia.

What about you, Older Brother?

This valley will collapse soon, due to the influence of the moon's gravity.

I'll come after witnessing their demise, so do not worry.

U... Understood, Older Brother.

My plan to acquire the Angolmois energy using the artificial planet Nemesis...

It will not be hindered by something like this.

Cybertrons, keep fighting!

Protect the planet Gaia so that my ambitions will be fulfilled!

Five more minutes remain until there is no escape from the gravity sphere of Planet Gaia.

Moon, what are you doing?!

I guess I made a mistake to depend on someone like Moon?

Four minutes and thirty seconds remaining...

Twenty nine...

Twenty eight... There's no time left!

Twenty seven...

Twenty six... Hurry! Hurry! Hurry up and do something!!!

Twenty five...

Twenty four...

Lio Convoy!

Are ya OK?!

Support has arrived!

What can we do for ya?!

We're ready to die, working for you!

The thing is, we've got no idea what to do.


Moon, isn't there a way to stop the mother computer somehow?

Umm... if the program on the mother computer can be overwritten, we might be able to stop it, moon!

Moon, are you able to do it?!

I'm afraid I can't... moon.

If there was someone who could overwrite the program...

I understand his computer language.

I might be able to overwrite the program.

The mother computer's guard is strong, moon.

So, if we can break the guard at least for a moment so Navi-chan can get inside...

Can you do it, Navi?!

OK, I'll try!

Guys... just who in the world are you talking to all this time?

Lio Convoy, we need to get Navi inside the mother computer.


Navi can overwrite the program and put the moon's orbit back to what it was!

Navi, how many seconds do you need to get in there?!

Well... umm... fifteen seconds would be enough, I think!

All right, everybody, focus your energy to one point!

All hands on deck to break the enemy's guard while Navi is entering into the mother computer!

Roger that!

OK and ready!

Let's do it!



The mother computer's guard is too tough.

Can't we ensure Navi's entry path even with our combined force?!

Lio Convoy, we're almost out of energy.

Don't give up!

Keep at it, moon!

Everybody, hang in there!

The Matrix is having a reaction.

This sign is!

Do it now, moon!

Navi... is departing!


Hooray! We're counting on you, Navi!

Navi gained access the control system program.

However, the program cannot be overwritten so soon.

Meanwhile, the moon was approaching the gravity sphere of the planet Gaia.

One minute remaining until it's impossible to escape from the gravity sphere.

Somebody! Somebody please stop this thing!

I'm begging you! Moon!!!

Navi was attempting to change the program.

However, the control system fiercely resisted it.

Thirty... What're you doing? Save me, Moon! Hurry!

Twenty nine...

Twenty eight...










All right! That was a huge success! You did it, Moon!

It... It stopped, moon.

The program change has been completed!

The moon has started returning to its normal orbit!

Thank goodness!


For real, we did it!

Galvatron, I knew it...

The planet Gaia has been saved because of you.

I thank you.

What're you talking about?

If you had just left us as we were, the Cybertrons would have been vanquished along with Planet Gaia.

Don't be mistaken!

I helped you even though I didn't want to, only because if I hadn't, I would have lost my purpose along with the planet.

The Destrons' purpose?

What is the justice that you guys are pursuing?

It's in our spirits to seek peace.

We also seek peace.

Peace is about a world which is beautifully controlled by force.

Justice without force has no meaning at all!

The Angolmois energy is indispensable for controlling the universe!

Ruling by force will never produce peace.

Peace is a connection through our hearts and minds...

In the wake of today, will you...

Surely, we will be able to understand each other.

Isn't that?

It's impossible that the Cybertrons could ever join hands together with the Destrons.

But it seems that Lio Convoy truly believes that we can connect through our hearts and minds.

You're so naive, Lio Convoy!

Did you really think that this Emperor of Destruction, Galvatron-sama,

...would join hands with the Cybertrons so easily?!

Even if Older Brother opposes me, I don't want to leave the planet Gaia until I crush all of them!

Do whatever you want, Gigastorm!

N-Now you're talking, Older Brother!

b*mb the Valley of Lions!

And destroy every last one of the Cybertrons!

Lio Convoy, let's hurry and get outta here!

There was a sense of reason in Galvatron's eyes.

I thought if it was Galvatron, we would be able to understand each other by talking.

Let's move it, Lio Convoy!

Thank you, Moon.

Without you, we might have lost Planet Gaia.

Moon just did what he could, moon.

Moon, where are you going?

Are you returning to moon again?

I'm off to the moon once again, and I will be watching over everybody, moon!

Goodbye, moon!

The Cybertrons were able to prevent the collision between the moon and Gaia by their success, however...

...the artificial planet Nemesis was approaching by the minute.

Once again the Angolmois energy's activity of the planet Gaia was becoming more violent.

Is there anything Lio Convoy and his team can do?



I'm back, moon!

Welcome back, Moon!

Man, things were difficult while Moon was gone!

I feel relieved now though!

We can't feel relieved at all, moon!

Because of the moon's catastrophe, I totally forgot about the artificial planet Nemesis!

It passed the fourth planet and it is coming straight toward Planet Gaia, moon!

Concerning the Cybertrons' strategy, they failed once in destroying the artificial planet Nemesis, but...

...I wonder if they have another plan?

It seems Lio Convoy is coming up with something but I wonder if they will make it in time, moon?

I wonder what Galvatron-sama is going to do with the Angolmois energy using the artificial planet Nemesis?

Man, too many horrible things kept happening, and Moon feels like I will end up being sick, moon!

You probably will be too busy to be sick!

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by Ashi Production

NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW What are the Cybertrons building, moon?

To tell the truth, they are making a big launching platform for a spaceship, that they can jump onto the artificial planet Nemesis!

I'm sure the Destrons won't just sit around with their mouths shut, moon.

But there's no other way to save Planet Gaia!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 38 is, Take off! Planet Gaia. TAKE OFF! PLANET GAIA

Be sure to watch it!

I'll definitely see it, moon!