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02x03 - Ace Reporter/Heads and Tails

Posted: 08/22/23 11:01
by bunniefuu
(bright orchestral music)

(both laugh)

(audience applauding)

(audience cheering)

(students laughing)

- Quiet please, darlings.

I hope you have a

wonderful summer break,

and I expect to hear all

about your exciting adventures

when ballet lessons start

again in two weeks' time.


(students chatting)

- Oh, just think,

two whole weeks at the seaside.

- Sand castles,

shells, swimming, yay!

- And ice cream.

- Yay!


Won't it be

wonderful, Angelina?

- Whoa!

- No, William, it

won't be wonderful.

- [William And Alice] Oh.

Angelina, I'm sorry,

I forgot that...

- That you aren't

even going on holiday,

are you, Angelina?

(both laughing)

- What a shame,

but I suppose somebody's

got to stay at home

and watch the flowers grow.

(both laughing)

(Angelina sighs)

- Poor Angelina.

- Oh!

- Oh, Angelina, you'll

have a great time.

(William groaning)

There's lots fun things

to do in Chipping Chatter.

- Name one, Alice.

- Well, for a

start, you could...

(William sighs)

You could...

(William grunting)

(mice chatting)

- You can always

play with Henry.

(camera clicks)


- Angelina, do you want

to take some pictures?

I found some lovely flowers.

- William, there is no way

I'm spending my summer

holiday playing with Henry.

(Henry giggles)

(Polly coos)

- It's not fair, Mum.

Everyone is going on

holiday except me.

- I'm not going on

holiday, Angelina.

Do you want to take some

pictures of some rocks?

- No, Henry.

- I'm sorry, dear, but

the opera opens next week,

and your father has to

interview Maria Mozzarella

for the special edition of

"The Mouseland Gazette."

- Oh.

(Maurice sighs)

- This is certainly not my day.

- Oh, come here.

- I've just been told that

the famous Maria Mozzarella

never gives interviews.

(Polly coos)


What am I going to do now?

- Oh, dear.

- What's an interloo?

- It's interview, Henry.

It's talking to someone

about yourself and your work.


- We could give an

interpew together,

and then we could take some

pictures with my camera.

Couldn't we, Angelina?

- No, Henry, we couldn't.

- [Henry] But...

- Maybe you can find someone

else from the opera, Dad.

- Well, it is short

notice, but I suppose

I'll have to try.

- Say cheese!

- Don't expect me

home for dinner, dear.

Looks like it's going

to be a long day.

(Polly coos)

- Oh, looks like it's going

to be a long two weeks.

- Oh, please, Angelina.

- Oh, all right, Henry.

- Oh, Angelina, you're going

to love taking pictures.

We could find some


- Let's go

and find those flowers, Henry.

Maybe we could even

watch them grow.

- Yay!

- Oh, dear, your father

is having a rough day,

and now he's left

his lunch behind.

- Oh, I'll take it to him, Mom.

- Thanks, dear.

- I'm sorry, Henry, mwah,

but I can't play with

you today after all.

Dad needs me!

- Oh.

- Yes, that's marvelous.

Yes, I know he's

a very busy mouse.

No, no, I won't be late.

Thank you.

(Angelina panting)


Hello, Angelina.

- You forgot your lunch, Dad.

- Oh, thank you, my dear,

but I'm afraid I won't

have time for lunch today.

I got an interview with one

of the other singers,

Cameron Cheesecloth.

- Dad, I was thinking, since

it is the summer holiday,

and since there's

absolutely nothing to do,

what if I helped you

with the special edition?

- Oh, Angelina, that's

a very generous offer,

but I'm afraid--

- Please, Dad!

- I'm sorry, dear.

If it was any

other week, I'd--

(telephone ringing)



Ah, Mr. Inkspot.

Ready for the big day today?

Oh, oh, dear.

No, of course I understand.

I'll manage.


Look after yourself.

Get well soon.


(Angelina gasps)


I suppose there won't be

any special edition now.

Mr. Inkspot is ill

and won't be in today.

- Don't worry, Dad!

I can work the

printing press for you.

- Angelina, it's

a very tricky job.

- But I've seen Mr. Inkspot

do it a hundred times.

- I don't know.

- Please let me help you, Dad.

- Maybe.

- Dad, I won't let you down.

We'll get the special

edition out together.

- [Maurice] Oh.

(Angelina groaning)

(fan whirring)

(papers rustling)

- Ah, right there are the inks.

(Angelina grunting)



- Oh.

(fan whirring)

(Maurice muttering)

And there.

- Oh.

- Good as new.

- Thank you.


Well, I'd better

start the press,

and then I'll have to go.

- Oh, I'll do it, Dad!

- No, after

everything else today,

I wouldn't want to be

late for the interview.

Notebook, pencil, notes, now.

Oh, where are those notes?

- What does Mr. Inkspot do?

Oh, oh, I remember.

I squeeze,

and I press that here.

(press grinding)

I did it!

Mmm, cheese pie, my favorite!

- Ah, oh.

Angelina, you really

shouldn't have

started the press by yourself.

It's a very complicated

piece of machinery

and we wouldn't want it to--

(case clatters)

(Angelina groans)


- I'm really, really sorry, Dad.

- Oh, it's not your fault, dear.

You didn't know about

the press shaking.

I should have been

paying attention.

- I'll make it up to

you, Dad, I promise.

- I'm sure you will, dear.

Well, I suppose I should

call Cameron Cheesecloth.

I'll never be able

to repair the press

and make it to the interview.

(Angelina gasps)

- I know!

I can do the interview for you.

- No, Angelina, there's been

enough trouble for one day.

- Oh, please, Dad.

I may not be a

very good printer,

but I'm sure I'll be a

(Maurice groans)

great reporter.

- Angelina, interviewing

someone famous

takes a lot of confidence.

- Dad, in case you

don't remember,

I interviewed the famous

Whiskersteps all by myself.

If there's one thing I

have, it's confidence!

And anyway, there's

no one else to do it,

and it would be a

shame to disa--


- You'd better run

along, Angelina.

- Oh.

- You don't want to keep

Cameron Cheesecloth waiting.


- Oh, oh, you'll see.

It'll be the best

special edition ever.

- Eh.

(cheerful music)

(Angelina panting)

- Oh, if I'm going to

be an ace reporter,

I'll need the right hat.

(mutters nervously)

- [Henry] Say cheese!


- Oh!


- Are you coming to

play now, Angelina?

- No, Henry.

I've got to go and interview

Cameron Cheesecloth

at the Theater Royal.

- Ooh, can I come?

- All right, but only if you

tell me when you see the bus.

- Okay.

(bell rings)

- Oh, Henry.

- I saw the bus, Angelina.

- Oh.

(Angelina and Henry panting)

Henry, you wait here.

I'll be back after

the interview.

- But Angelina, I, I, oh.


- I've an interview with

Cameron Cheesecloth.

- [Clerk] Sorry, but you

just missed him, love.

- Just missed him?

But I couldn't have.

- Afraid so.

He left a few minutes ago.

- Which way did he go?

- You could try out the back.

You might just catch him.

(motor clunking)

- Oh, wait, wait, I'm here!


Oh, oh!

(camera clicks)


- Was it a good

interpew, Angelina?

- No, it wasn't.

It's the first time ever

there won't be a special edition

of "The Mouseland Gazette,"

and it's all my fault.

- Well, maybe

everyone's forgotten

about the special edition.

- Oh, Henry, I

hope you're right.

- And a strawberry

one for you, Angelina.

Oh, and be sure to

tell Mr. Mouseling

just how much we're looking

forward to the special edition.

(Angelina whimpers)

Everyone's so excited.

I want to know.

(mechanic groaning)

- It's all Maria

Mozzarella's fault.

Imagine being that famous and

not giving any interviews.

After all, if it weren't for

all the people that love her,

she wouldn't even be

famous, would she, Henry?

- [Henry] No.

- And I'll tell you

one thing, Henry.

When I'm a famous ballerina,

I'm going to give

lots of interviews.

After all, stars have

a duty to their fans.

Maria Mozzarella should

be ashamed of herself.

- Oh, my dear, a

little Mouseling.

(Angelina gasps)

You're so right.

Maria Mozzarella should

be ashamed of herself.

- Oh!

- Ms. Mozzarella.

(camera clicks)

- Oh, the perfect

front page, Angelina.

I don't know how you managed

an interview and a picture.

- Well, if Maria Mozzarella

hadn't had a puncture,

and Henry hadn't had a camera,

I couldn't have done it.

- Ah, thank you, my dear.

You seize the

opportunity, Angelina.

That makes you a

real ace reporter.


- Thanks, Dad.

And you know what?

When I'm a famous ballerina,

I'll let you interview

me any time you like.

- You're better.

(both laugh)

(bright orchestral music)

(joyful piano music)

(mice laughing)

- And jump, two, three,

and Penelope and Priscilla,

throw your hoops.

That's lovely.

(mice giggling)

Now Alice and Angelina.

(Alice and Angelina grunt)


And now, Henry, throw

your hoop high in the air.

(Henry grunting)

- [Henry] Oops!


(both mutter nervously)

(all laugh)

- Ow!

That was really

dangerous, Henry.

- Henry, darling,

not quite that high.

- Sorry, Miss Lilly.

- You must practice, Henry,

so everything is perfect

for Queen Seraphina's

visit tomorrow.

(all gasp)

And you, Angelina, should

help your little cousin.

- Of course, Miss Lilly.


(gentle music)

I can't believe I'm

having to spend the day

teaching you how to

throw a hoop, Henry.

You better not spoil

things tomorrow.

- I won't, Angelina.

- Of course you won't.

Have a nibble on one

of my gingerbread mice.

- Yeah!

- [Alice] I made them for

Queen Seraphina's party.

- My mom's making her

extra light furry cakes.

- [Angelina] They're

fairy cakes, Henry.

- Yes, fairy cakes, and

Dad's made a statue.

- Can you believe

that we'll be dancing

for Queen Seraphina?

Oh, it's so exciting.

- Is it difficult

making statues?

- Oh, yes.

(Angelina and Alice gasp)

Dad says you've got to be

very careful with statues,

'cause they're very,

very fra, frag...

They break easily.

(motor humming)

- [Louis] Gently, Maurice.

- [Maurice] I am

being gentle, Louis.

- [Louis] Right a bit.

Left a bit.

Right a bit.

And that should do it.

(Louis groans)

(Maurice groans)

(statue rumbling)

Oh, no!

(both groaning)

- [Maurice] No harm done.

- Oh, right.

(both groaning)

Careful, Maurice.

- I am being careful, Louis.

- Oh, phew, thank

goodness that's all right.

If anything had

happened to this statue,

it would have been

an absolute disaster.

I've heard that

Queen Seraphina was very

- Louis?

- particular about her statues.

She hates--

- [Maurice] Louis!

- What is it, Maurice?

- There.

- Where is the head?

Oh, no!

Well, at least

it's in one piece.

All I have to do is

stick it back on, and...

(concrete cracking)

Or make another.

Come on, Maurice.

We better be quick.

(engine rumbles)

- I am being quick, Louis.

- Now, Henry,

remember, not too high,

not too fast, and not too far.

- [Henry] Uh-huh.

(Henry grunts)

(Angelina gasps)

(Angelina and Alice groan)


- Oh, I'll get it.



It's Queen Seraphina's statue.

- Is it all right?

- Well, I've never actually

met Queen Seraphina,

but doesn't she have a head?

(Angelina gasps)

- Oh, no, Henry.

You beheaded Queen Seraphina.

- Huh?

Sorry, Angelina.

- [Angelina] What

are we going to do?

- Well, I'll tell my dad, and

he'll make her another head.

- Don't be silly, Henry.

Uncle Louis will be

very upset with us.

- Oh, but I didn't

mean to do it.

- Oh.

Of course you didn't, Henry.

(Henry whimpering)

(Alice muttering)

Well, we can't stick it

together again, Angelina, so--

- Of course we can, Alice.

- How?

- We'll find a way.

(gentle music)

(Maurice and Louis grunting)

- Come along.

Hold it carefully, Maurice.

- I am holding it

carefully, Louis.

- You two must be hungry

after all your hard work.

How about a cheese pie?

- Mmm, ooh.


Cheese, no, I couldn't.

Oh, yes, please.

I know, I've always been

partial to your cheese pie.

- It says here that if you

want to repair a statue,

you need plaster.

- What's plaster?

- [Alice] White powdery

stuff that comes in a bag.

- Oh, like that?

(Angelina gasps)

- That's it, and

they've got two,

so they won't mind

if we take one.


- And we'll need water,

and something to mix it in.

See if you can find a bucket

in the garden, please, Henry.

- [Henry] Okay.

- I'll just make a start

on my super light

fairy cakes, dear.


- There is nothing as light

as your super light

fairy cakes, dear.

- Why, thank you, Louis.


- [Louis] Don't forget

the plaster, Maurice.

- Oh, I won't forget

the plaster, Louis.

(Maurice hiccups)

Oh, thanks (hiccups)

for the cheese pies,

(hiccups) delicious.

(Maurice grunts)

(Maurice hiccups continuously)

(Henry panting)

- So that's five scoops

of plaster, and

three cups of water.

There, that should be enough.


(both laugh)

Oh, Henry.

- Ah, this looks like a nose,

so let's start with this.

- It says in the book

that it has to settle.

(all sigh)

- I'm sure it will be nice and

settled by tomorrow morning.

Come on.

(Louis humming)

- Perfect!

Well, even though I

say so myself, Maurice,

that is a triumph.

We just have to

wait for it to dry.

I wonder if there are any more

of those cheese pies.

(thunder rumbles)

- Oh, (hiccups) yes.

(raindrops falling)

- [Louis] Yes, now, lift it up,

lift it up, a

little higher, yes.

Just hold it there.

Hold it there.



- Queen Seraphina, welcome

to Chopping Cheddar, no.

Welcome to Chotting Chipper.


Air Chatting, no,

Chotting Chip, chop.

- Now don't be nervous,

my little (speaking

foreign language).

I'm sure you've done a

lot of practicing, Henry.

- No, Miss Lilly.


(Angelina grunts)

I mean, yes.

- Wonderful, darling.

(mice giggle)


- What's in here?

- My extra light fairy cakes.

- There must be an

awful lot of them.

- Oh.

- You did put the head

on the right way around,

didn't you, Louis?

- Of course I did, Maurice.

- [Announcer] Here

comes Queen Seraphina.

(mice cheering)

- Huh?

- Ah, Queen Seraphina.

Welcome to Chipping Cheddar.

- Oh, Seraphina.

- Lilly, my dear.

(both laugh)

- Today, Queen Seraphina,

we will be unveiling a

statue in your honor.

- Hot?

- First the Mouselings

of Chopping Cheddar,

Chapping Chotter, oh, dear,

Chopping Chotter.

(gentle piano music)


(Angelina humming)

- [Queen Seraphina] Oh.

- Oh!

(Angelina giggling)

(Henry groans)

(all gasp)

- So amusing.

(claps hands)

(audience applauds)

(mice laughing)

- Where did my hoop go?

- Not now, Henry.

- And now for the unveiling

of the statue of our

most gracious monarch,

Queen Seraphuna, ah, phina.

Queen Seraphina.

(audience cheering)

There you are, ma'am.

- Thank you.


(audience cheering)

(Queen Seraphina gasps)

- The head looks really good.

- Yes.

- The head looks perfect.

- Told you.

- Oh, look at that tail.

- [All] Tail?

- Queen Seraphina,

I don't know what--

- This is the first

statue I've seen

where my tail is exactly

the right length.

I love it.

- Oh!

(audience cheering)

- Oh, there's my hoop!


Oh, dear.

- How did the tail get so short?

We were careful,

weren't we, Maurice?

- We were very careful, Louis.

(Henry grunting)

- What is it, Henry?

- Dad, Dad, my hoop

knocked the tail off.

I'm sorry I spoiled the day.

- Oh, Henry, you

didn't spoil the day.

You saved the day.

- I did?

(Louis chuckles)

(Henry panting)

Angelina, I didn't spoil the

day like you said I would.

I saved it.

- I heard, Henry.

Oh, well done.

- Well, we did our bit, too.

If it hadn't been for us,

Queen Seraphina's statue

would be headless.

- Actually, you're right, Alice.

Maybe we should take

up statue modeling.

- We'll do the heads.

- And I'll do the tails.


(dreamy harp music)

(Henry grunts)

(all laugh)

(bright music)

(gentle piano music)

- [Angelina] Oh,

our little stars

are playing musical statues.

When the music changes,

you have to stop moving.


Little Scarlet's

moved, so she's out.

And so is Antonia.

Sometimes, when you're

in the corps de ballet,

and dancing in a group,

you have to be very still

when the principal

dancers are performing.

(drum rolling)


(Angelina giggles)

Now Hamish and

Charlotte are out too.

(gentle piano music)

(drum rolling)

Oh, poor Caitlyn.

It's really difficult

standing absolutely still

when you're on pointe,

and giggling means

you're out too, Callum.

Is Poloma the last one in?

No, it's Iman.

Well done, Iman.

You're very good

at keeping still.

Oh, I see the little stars

are copying everything

Caitlyn does.

That's so when they're

in the corps de ballet,

they can work well together.

It's really important to do

what everyone else is doing.

(Angelina giggles)

Oh, Scarlet.

(suspenseful music)

(Angelina gasps)

They look really scary.

I wonder who Caitlyn and

Callum are pretending to be.

They look lost.

Caitlyn seems very worried.

Hm, maybe Callum's supposed

to be her little brother.

(Angelina gasps)

I think they're being

Hansel and Gretel.

Oh, dear, Poloma's

pretending to be a ghost,

but Callum can't see her,

'cause she's not moving anymore.

I don't think he

believes Caitlyn.

Oh look, Callum, there's

another little ghost.

Hm, he's still not sure.

Oh, those little ghosts

are being very naughty.

Oh, good, Antonia's

pretending to be the Sandman.

She'll chase those ghosts away.

Now she's sending Hansel

and Gretel to sleep.

Sometimes, even when you're

not in the corps de ballet,

you have to keep very still.

(bright piano music)