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05x02 - Angelina, the Pet Sitter / Angelina and the Music Box

Posted: 08/23/23 08:45
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

[Bell ringing]

- I'm angelina ballerina.

And today ms. Mimi is bringing a special visitor

To our dance class...

All mr. Chirpyface!

- Ms. Mimi's pet canary.

- Ms. Mimi, is it really okay for this bird to join our class?

- Why, certainly, marco.

Mr. Chirpyface is a very musical bird.

He loves to sing.

- [Twittering]

- [Gasps]

- He loves to dance.

- [Twittering]

- He even likes listening to classical music.

Tchaikovsky's bluebird pas de deux

From sleeping beauty is his favorite.

[Naturalistic classical music]

Hear those woodwind instruments?

Don't they sound like birds?

- [Twittering]

- Mr. Chirpyface thinks so.


- He certainly does.

- [Twittering]

All right, class.

Now it's your turn.

Let's all dance like birds.

Flap your wings.

Fly into the sky.

Very nice, class.

That's the way.

Okay, mr. Chirpyface.

It's time for your solo.

- [Twittering]

- Mr. Chirpyface,

You are absolutely, positively the most musical pet

I've ever met.

- [Twittering]

- So what did you think of our little visitor, angelina?

- He's really, truly fabulous.

Could I come over and visit him someday?

- Why, of course.

- How about tomorrow?

- Tomorrow I'm going to visit my sister up in wensleydale.

- Is mr. Chirpyface going too?

- No, that's too long a trip for such a little bird,

So I'm going to get someone to watch him.

Know any good birdsitters?

- Me.

I would really, truly love to birdsit mr. Chirpyface.

[Floral orchestral music]

- [Twittering]


- That's very sweet of you to offer, angelina,

But taking care of a pet is a big responsibility.

Mr. Chirpyface needs fresh birdseed every morning,

Water every afternoon,

And lots and lots of love and attention.

- I can do all those things.

Plus, mr. Chirpyface can stay at our house

So he won't get lonely.

- Well, as long as it's all right with your parents,

Consider yourself hired.

- Hooray! Hooray!

Did you hear that, mr. Chirpyface?

I'm going to be your birdsitter.

- [Twittering]

- So this is the famous mr. Chirpyface.

He's quite a handsome fellow.

- Can he really sing and dance?

- He most certainly can.

Perhaps angelina can help him put on a little recital.

- Is that his overnight bag?

- Mm-hmm.

I packed all of his things

Birdseed, water bottle, even his favorite toy.

- [Twitters]

- A birdcall.

[Shrill whistling]

- [Twittering]

- Listen to him whistle.

- I want to whistle too.

[Puffing air]


- Well, that's it.

Thanks again.

And remember, fresh birdseed every morning,

Water every night,

And lots of love all day long.

- I won't forget, ms. Mimi.

You can count on me.

I hope you're hungry, mr. Chirpyface,

Because it's time for your breakfast.


How's that?

- [Twitters]

- You're happy?

Good, I'm happy too.

♪ Tweet, tweet, twiddly-tweet ♪

- [Twittering]

- Good idea, mr. Chirpyface.

You keep singing, and I'll keep dancing.

- [Twittering]

- Ta-da.

- [Twittering]

- If you like that, I can do a tour jete.

Would you like me to show it to you?

- [Twittering]

- Okay, just jump in the air,

Pick up your wings, and twirl.

Very good, mr. Chirpyface.

You did it.

Here's a treat for you.

It's a dried apple ring.

Come and get it.


Oh, no.

Come back, mr. Chirpyface.

You're not supposed to be out of your cage.

- Hi, angelina.

We came by to visit mister--

- Quick, shut the door.

Stop! Come back!

Hurry, we've got to catch mr. Chirpyface

And put him back in his cage.

Mr. Chirpyface?

Oh, no.

Where could he be?

- He's got to be in the house somewhere.

- Here, mr. Chirpyface. - Here, mr. Chirpyface.

- [Twittering]

- Mr. Chirpyface.

- Here, birdie, birdie, birdie.

- Where are you, mr. Chirpyface? - Mr. Chirpyface.

- [Whistles]

- Where could mr. Chirpyface be?

- And why isn't he answering us?

Don't birds always answer to whistling?

- [Gasps]

Maybe it has to be the right kind of whistle.


- Angelina, listen.

I can play the drums and whistle.

[Clanking and blowing]

Well, almost whistle.

- Very nice, polly,

But that's not a drumstick.

It's a birdcall,

And we really, truly need it.


Oh, no.

Mr. Chirpyface's favorite toy.

It's broken.

- Now what are we gonna use?

- My recorder.

It works like a birdcall.


- Let's hope it sounds like one too.


We need another instrument.

Something that sounds like real birds,

You know, like the woodwinds in the song ms. Mimi played.

- You mean the bluebird pas de deux

From tchaikovsky's sleeping beauty?

- That's it.

Mr. Chirpyface loved that piece.

Remember how he danced and sang along?


- Yes, but there's just one problem.

We don't have that music.

- True, but your dad has those instruments.

- There you go.

One birdcall, good as new.

- Thanks, dad.

- Now for some other woodwind instruments.

Hmm. Let's see.

I've got some flutes and clarinets

And piccolos and oboes.

- But we don't know how to play them, dad.

- I think this pennywhistle will do the trick.

Here, give it a try.

[Shrill toot]

Pretty good.

Now use your fingers.

[Shrill tooting]

- Hey, you sound like a bird.

- Now hurry home and find that canary.

[Shrill tooting]

- I don't understand it.

Why isn't mr. Chirpyface answering?

- You don't think he got out, do you?

- It's starting to look that way.

- Poor mr. Chirpyface,

Out there somewhere all alone,

And poor ms. Mimi.

Now she doesn't have a pet.

I feel terrible.

All this was my fault.

I wanted to be a good birdsitter,

But it's so much harder than I ever thought.

[Sad flute music]

♪ I get so excited, it's hard to think straight ♪

♪ I really should slow down

♪ But I can't seem to wait

♪ If I'm not sensible, not being smart ♪

♪ I'll miss out on the fun of doing my part ♪

♪ Responsibility's such a big word ♪

♪ I found out what it means from one little bird ♪

♪ I'm so sorry I made a mistake ♪

♪ One careless action is all

♪ It did take

♪ I need to be sensible, got to be smart ♪

♪ Or I'll miss the fun of doing my part ♪

♪ Ooh-la-la, ooh-la-la ♪

♪ Ooh-la-la-eh

♪ Ooh-la-la ooh-la-la ♪

♪ Ooh-la-la-eh

♪ Ooh-la-la, ooh-la-la ♪

♪ Ooh-la-la-eh

♪ Ooh-la-la, ooh-la-la ♪

♪ Ooh-la-la-eh

I miss mr. Chirpyface so much,

Sometimes I think I can hear him.

- I know how you feel, angelina.

I hear him too.

- Me too.

Wait, that really is a bird singing.

- And it's coming from upstairs.

- [Twittering]

- Mr. Chirpyface.

You found him.

Thanks, polly.

Now let's put him back in his cage where he'll be safe.

There, mr. Chirpyface.

It's a good thing polly found you.

- I didn't find mr. Chirpyface.

He found me,

And he taught me how to whistle too.



- You did it.

Good job, polly.

- [Twittering]

- I guess we don't need these anymore.

- Oh, yes, we do.


Birdsitting is kind of like dancing.

It's harder than it looks.

But if you try hard,

You're bound to shine like a star.

[Tooting and twittering]

Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- I'm eliza. - I'm adrianna.

- I'm byron. - I'm emma.

We are the tap city youth ensemble.

All ba-da, da-da-da da!

[Drumming and tapping]

- I started dancing when I was seven.

- I like the rhythm,

And I like being with my friends.

- The sounds that come out of your feet

Are, like, really, really cool.

- Whenever I tap-dance,

It's, like, whatever energy I have,

I put into my feet.

- The piece that we're performing

Is in honor of bill "bojangles" robinson,

A very famous tap dancer,

And it is a collection of his most favorite steps.

Tap dancing is like drumming

Because the same sounds that can come out of a drum

Can also come out of our feet.

- Here are the taps that make good sounds.

This one usually makes a lighter sound,

And this is one is a deeper sound.

- Learning new things,

Like steps that you don't know, is always hard,

But once you practice, it's pretty easy.

- I like dancing so much

Because I'm around my friends all the time,

But I'm still doing something that I love to do.

- I'm angelina ballerina.

Today we got sent something very special in the mail.

- , .

Ready or not, here I come.

Oh, dear.

I have no idea where polly is.

She is such a good hider.

- [Giggles]

[Doorbell rings]

- I'll be right back,

Wherever you are.

- Do you know where I am, angelina?

- [Giggles] under the table?

- Wow, you're a good guesser.

- That was the mailmouse

With a package from grandma mouseling.

It's for polly and angelina.

Too bad they're hiding.

- A package?

- A music box.

- And pink things.

- Grandma wrote a note.

"Dear polly, I know you always wanted a music box.

This one plays my favorite song, the skaters' waltz."

- Ooh, a music box for me!

- "And for angelina,

"I've included lots of pink things.

Love, grandma."

- Hooray, pink!

- Ooh, I like that music.

[Chiming music]

- That's a very famous waltz.

- I really, really love waltzes.

Um, what's a waltz?

[Both giggling]

- A waltz is a type of music.

- And a dance.


- It's so pretty!

- Oof!

That wasn't pretty.

- Can you teach me to waltz?

Except the part where you hit the chair.

- A.z. And alice are coming over today to rehearse with me.

They can teach you.

They're the best waltzers at camembert.

- Thank you, angelina ballerina.

[Chiming waltz music]


- That was bea-u-tiful.

- Of course.

It's a dance for kings and queens

And princes and princesses.

- [Gasps] princesses?

I'm the waltzing princess.

All we love you, polly!

- [Giggles]

Waltz with me so I can be polly the waltzing princess.

- Okay, polly.

Now, pay attention.

- I saw how to do it

All twirly and steppy.

Music please, angelina.

[Chiming waltz music]

- Oof!


- Hey, waltzing is hard.

- Here's the waltz step, polly.

You go forward, side, together.

Forward, side, together.

- I can't do it.

It's too hard.

Now I can't be a waltzing princess.

- Sure you can, polly.

Just make up your own waltz.

- Yeah!

Waltz, polly-style.

- Just make sure your waltz has three steps

Because waltz music has groups of three beats.

- One, two, three.

One, two, three.

One, two, three.


- Go ahead, polly, make up a waltz.

One, two, three,

One, two, three,

One, two, three.

- Okay.

Let's see.

- Hop, step, step,

Hop, step, step,

Hop, step, step,

Hop, step, step.

I'm doing it!

I'm polly the waltzing princess!

All yay!

- We'd better rehearse our dance now.

- Okay.

Watch this

I've got the perfect move to start with.


That wasn't the move.

- Watch out for polly.

- You mean princess polly.

- I have an idea.

Princess polly,

How about we have a dance contest

To see who can waltz the longest?

Both what?

- Angelina, we want her to dance less,

Not more, remember?

- She'll get so tired that she'll have to stop waltzing.

- A dance contest great idea.

We can waltz forever.

- I can waltz longer than that.

- See? She's gonna need a nap very soon.

- [Snoring]

- Getting tired?

- Uh, no.

I'm wide awake.

- Whew.

Finally, she's asleep.

- So is a.z.

- [Snores] - a.z., Wake up.

We can dance now.

- What?


No. No more dancing.

- Polly's naps don't last very long,

So we don't have much time to rehearse...


We hide polly's music box.

- That doesn't seem very nice, angelina.

- Just for a little while so we can rehearse,

Then we'll un-hide it.

Look, we'll put it right on top of this.

Polly won't be able to see it.

[Springing clatter]

Oh, no!

Please work.

Please work.

Please work.


[Squelching noise]

- Huh? What was that loud noise?

- Uh, I was rapping.


- Huh.

Waltz time.

[Distorted music]

- Oh, no.

What happened to my music box?

- It's fine.

Uh, try it again.

[Humming the waltz]


- La-la-la-achoo?

That's not how the song goes.

- [Hums]


- Hey, you're singing the song!

What's wrong with my music box?

- It fell off the box and broke.

- How did it get up there?

- Oh, uh, I put it there.

Sorry, polly.

I shouldn't have touched it without asking you first.

- Oh, no.

Now princess polly can't waltz,

And I love to waltz.


- Don't cry, polly.

Maybe I can fix it.

[Pieces rattling]

- You made it more brokener.


- I'm sure you can get a new music box, polly.

- I don't think so.

It was from our grandma.

It's probably really old.

- I need my music box.

I want to waltz.

- Wait a minute.

You don't need the music box to waltz, polly.

All you need is music with groups of three beats.

- Yeah, we could make our own song like that.

We'll start with a pat.

[Light thumping]

- Then we'll clap.


- And we'll end with a boop!


- Pat. - Clap.

- Boop!

- Pat. - Clap.

- Boop!

- Waltz to the beat, polly.

You can do it!

- Hop, step, step,

Hop, step, step,

Hop, step, step,

Hop, step, step.

- Look at me.

I'm waltzing without the music.

[All cheering]

- I thought I heard a strange boop sound,

And now I know why.

- 'Cause I'm booping!


- Polly's music box broke,

So we made up another song for her to waltz to.

- Oh, dear.

Grandma's music box is broken?

- Sorry, mum.

It was an accident.

- You know, your father has a lot of music boxes

At his store.

I believe I've seen one just like this.

- Really?

- Mm-hmm.

- I'll buy one for you, polly.

I have almost $ saved up.

- You're rich.

- It might cost a bit more than that, dear,

But I'm sure your father will let you do some jobs

Around the store to help pay for it.

- Thank you, angelina ballerina.


- You're welcome, princess polly.

- Wow.

You were lucky to get the same music box.

- I know. Let's hear it!

[ Blue danube plays]

- Uh-oh.

This isn't the same waltz.

- That's okay.

I like it anyway.

- Waltzes all have beats in groups of three,

So princess polly can dance to any waltz.

One, two, three,

One, two, three.

- A.z.,

I want to dance to your waltz now.

- You mean the boop waltz?

- Yeah!

- All right.

Hit it.

- Pat. - Clap.

- Boop!

- Pat. - Clap.

- Boop!

- Pat. - Clap.

- Boop!

- Pat. - Clap.

- Boop!

- Pat. - Clap.

- Boop!


- Hello, I'm angelina ballerina.

Did you know dance is a wonderful way to exercise?

Just as you warm up before exercise,

You should warm up before dance.

You have to warm your muscles so you won't get hurt.

It's best to warm up by stretching.

You can reach for your toes.

You can reach back.

Stretch that arm now.

You can even bend backward like a noodle.

And once you're all warmed up, ta-da!

You're ready to dance.

- Hola! Marco here.

I'm listening to my friend yibiao play the flute.

Did you know that flutes have been around

Since the time of the caveman?

Flutes are wind instruments, just like recorders.

That means air makes the sound.

Do you see how yibiao puckers his lips

To push air through the flute

And his fingers cover the holes to make the different pitches?

I want to play flute at the next camembert parade.

It's easier to carry than a tuba.

Gracias, yibiao.