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05x09 - Angelina and the Mouselinghood of the Dancing Shoes / Angelina and Her Parents’ Dance Lessons

Posted: 08/23/23 08:56
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I'm angelina ballerina.


Do you hear that knock?

That's the knock of the mouselinghood

Of the dancing shoes club.

[Knock at door]

That's how we know when a member is at the door.

Come in.

[Gavel taps]

All members here for our meeting?

All here.

- Let's all do the club hop and clap and wink.

[Whimsical music]

- Remember, only / winks.

- The mouselinghood of the dancing shoes

Is a new club of girls

Who dance, play music, and love to have fun.

Our first job is to find

A theme song and dance for the club.

Any ideas?

- We need a catchy beat that's easy to move to.

- And when mouselings hear the song,

They should immediately think of our club.

- And hear each of our voices.

♪ La

- ♪ La

- ♪ La

- ♪ Ooh-la-la

[All giggling]

[Hip-hop music]

[Music stops]

- Hey, angelina, did you make up that tap dance?

- Yeah, we're trying to invent a theme song and dance

For our club, the mouselinghood of the dancing shoes.

- A club? Cool.

I've always wanted to be in a club.

- Will it have a march and a handshake?

Like the time we invented our own school.

- This is different. It's a club.

We have a secret wink

And door knock

And clap

And hidden meetings.

- Will there be an official club snack,

Like peanut butter and swiss cheese sandwiches?

- Uh, I don't think so.

- Could we join?

There must be room for two cool dudes, right?

- I could play the bongos for your theme song.

[Drumming lightly]

- Uh, sorry.

So far, we're just a girls' club.

- We're trying to keep our club small,

But we'll talk about it at the next meeting.

- Oh. Okay.

- Let us know.

- It doesn't feel nice to leave the boys out of the club.

- Marco and a.z. Are good friends,

And they have amazing ideas.

- But it's a girls' club,

Not a boys' club.

- You have a point.

- And I like our club being small.

- Here we go.

All in favor of letting marco and a.z. Join the club,

Say "aye."

- Aye.

- Then I guess it's settled.

No boys.


Oh, dear, now I have to tell marco about our decision.

- ♪ Ba-oom, ba-oom

Both ♪ shooby doo-wop bop

♪ Dooby doo-wop bop

♪ Shooby dooby dooby bop

- Marco, I have something to--

- ♪ Ba-oom, ba-oom-ba

Both ♪ bop shoo wop

- Oh, that's absolutely, positively stupendous.

The dance too.

What's it called?

- Doo-wop.

- Doo-wop?

What a silly name.

- Yeah, they named it "doo-wop"

Because of the goofy made-up sounds you use.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Both ♪ doo-wop

- Like in rock and roll,

And it's a little bit jazzy too.

- You sing different notes at the same time,

And they get all mixed up together in a new way.

Both ♪ doo-dee doo-wop shoo-wop ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh

- ♪ Ba-oom, ba-oom, ba-oom-ba ♪

Both ♪ doo-wop, wop

- Wow, could you teach us doo-wop?

- Well, mostly only boys doo-wop--

Groups of four or six--

But we'll let you in on it.

- We can start teaching you at the next club meeting.

- Oh, yeah.

About the club...

- Are we in?

- Uh, um...

- So?

- You know how much we like you,

And we sure don't want to hurt your feelings, but...

- It's a girls-only club,

So I guess not.

- What do you mean?

Why does it have to be only girls?

- That's not fair.

We said we'd teach you doo-wop,

Even though it's for boys.

- I know. We're really, truly sorry.

- Come on, marco.

Let's get out of here.

- Let's go do something only boys can do.

- [Sighs]

I know we made a.z. And marco angry.

I feel really bad about it.

- We can always change our minds.

- Yeah, it's not fair to keep the boys out,

Since they never leave us out of stuff they do.

- You know, marco and a.z. Have lots of great ideas.

- Vici, look.

I can do club stuff.

One, two, three.

Dance in a club with me.

[Both giggling]

[All singing sloppily] ♪ girls, girls, girls, girls

♪ Girls and girls

- Ooh!

Oh, dear.

Our theme song is not going so well.

- Do you think we'll ever get it right?

- All this singing about girls, girls, girls gets boring,

But I sort of like the tune.

- Yeah, it sounds like marco and a.z.'S doo-wop song.

I think maybe vici's right.

Marco and a.z. Would make our club more exciting.

- Yes, and they could help us with the theme song and dance.

- Hmm.

- Maybe.

- Let's all think about it.

- Should we let the boys in our club or not?

I say absolutely, positively yes.

Let's see what everyone else thinks.

- Hmm, if we let the boys in,

It won't be an all-girls club anymore.

- And we won't be able to meet here if they join.

We'll never fit.

- There are a bazillion other places to meet.

Come on. Time to vote.

[Gavel taps]

All in favor of letting a.z. And marco into the club,

Say "aye."

Both aye!

Both aye.

- ♪ Just for boys

- ♪ Our club is just for boys ♪

- ♪ Just for boys

Both ♪ dee-dee doo-wop bop

- ♪ We'll sing and dance and ♪

Both ♪ make some noise

♪ Ba-oom, ba-oom-ba, just for boys ♪

♪ Doo-wop bop

- Marco, that doo-wop sounds stupendous.

- It's the theme song for our new club.

- What club?

- It's an all-boys club,

So you can't join,

Just like we can't join your club.

- Well, that has changed.

- [Clears throat]

We would like you both to join

The mouselinghood of the dancing shoes.

- Maybe we don't want to be in your club.

Maybe our club is better.

- Right, we need to think about it

And vote.

- We'll let you know.

- It's kind of sad having a club

Without our friends marco and a.z.

None of us look too excited about it, do we?

- ♪ Give me a mouse-mouse-mouse ♪

- ♪ Give me a ling-ling-ling

- ♪ Give me a dancing shoe-shoe-shoe ♪

- ♪ Mouseling shoe, mouseling shoe ♪

♪ Yay, mouseling shoe

- Stop!

That still doesn't sound right.

It's not working.

- And it's a cheer, not a song.

We already have a school cheer.

- A.z. And marco's doo-wop song was so catchy.


- It had a dancy beat too.

- Why didn't we let the boys join

When we had the chance?

It was the right thing to do.

- We could have had a theme song by now

And a lot more fun.

- They'll probably stay mad at us forever.

[Somber music]

- Let's all cross our paws and hope.

- Please, please join.

Here they are.

Hi, a.z. Hi, marco.

Did you decide?

- We'd love to have you.

- I made special peanut butter and swiss cheese sandwiches.

- Well, we've thought about it...

- And talked about it...

- And...

- And? - And?

- And?

- Oui?

- And...

Friends don't exclude friends.

- So...

Let's start working on a theme song and dance!

[All cheering]

- The mouselinghood of the dancing shoes club meeting

Will now come to order.

[Gavel taps]

Everybody here?

- Aye! - Yes!

- Present! - Here!

- Oui!

- Today we vote

On our new doo-wop theme song and dance.

Everybody who likes the song, yell "aye."

All aye!

- Okay, we have a cool theme song

And the best club in the world.

Hit it, girls...

And boys.

Both ♪ we're best friends

♪ Shooby doo-wop

♪ Yes, we're best friends

♪ Shooby doo-wop bop

♪ No matter the weather

♪ We're gonna stick together ♪

♪ Yes, we're best friends

- ♪ Yeah, ba-oom, ba-oom

All ♪ through thick and thin

- ♪ Diddy doo-wop wop

All ♪ we're good friends

- ♪ Doo-wop wa-ooh bop

All ♪ wherever you go, I want you to know ♪

♪ You're my best friend, oh, yeah ♪

Both ♪ and if you call out my name ♪

All ♪ my name

Both ♪ yes, you know I'll be right there ♪

All ♪ right there

Both ♪ to brighten up your day ♪

♪ And show you I care

- ♪ I care - ♪ I care

All ♪ we care

♪ We're all friends

Both ♪ diddy doo-wop shoo-wop

- ♪ Ba-oom, ba-oom, ba-oom, ba-oom, ba-oom ♪

All ♪ doo-wop!

- Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- My name is leanne.

- I'm kayla.

- I'm hector.

- The name of our group

Is the keltic dreams irish dancers.

We're from the school p.s. In the bronx.

[Jaunty music]

- You don't have to be irish to do irish step dancing.

Our teacher, caroline duggan, is irish, but none of us are.

We're all from different countries,

And we all do it together.

- The part when we do the competition,

It's not really, like, a competition,

But we just make the dance feel fun for us.

[Shoes clacking]

- Making the sound with irish dancing hard shoes

Is one of the most important things.

When we stamp, it's like-- it makes so much noise

That we make the floor shake.

- I always practice at school and at home,

And we lived in a house, so then people downstairs,

They said, "knock it off," because I was, like, too loud,

So I had to practice outside.

- In our school, when we do shows for them

And then when we go back to our classes,

They always ask, "can you teach us that?

Can you teach us this?"

So it's like people want to be like us.

- What I like about irish dancing

Is that we have fun.

We go to new places.

- We've been to city hall, to ireland twice,

And chicago and washington.

And in ireland,

We performed for the president, mary mcaleese.

- I love irish dancing.

It's so fun.

It's like a dream come true to me.

- I'm angelina ballerina.

Today I'm playing mousel and gretel

With my sister, polly.

Okay, polly, you're going to be mousel,

And I'll be gretel.

- Okeydokey.

- Now, what can we use as bread crumbs?

We need something small.

- Puzzle pieces?

- I think there are some in the attic.

Come on, mousel.

[Upbeat jazzy music]

[Gasps] mm-mm.

- And one, two, rock step.

One, two, rock step.

- Mum, dad, are you...


- Oh, yes, we are.

Your mother and I have started taking swing dancing lessons.

- Swing dancing?


- Dancing on a swing set?

- [Chuckles]

Not exactly, honey.

- Swinging on jungle vines?

- [Chuckles] no, darling.

But you've got a great imagination.

- So what is swing dancing?

- It's a fast dance often done to jazz music.

Your dad and I love swing dancing.

- Show us some of the swing dance moves

You're learning, please.

- Pretty please with cheese?

- Okay, but just remember,

We're very new to this dance.

- We've only had one lesson.

- Oh, but you're probably wonderful dancers.

I mean, I must get my natural talent from somewhere.

You could even become world champion swing dancers.

Ladies and gentlemice,

Meet the new swing dancing world champions,

Mr. And mrs. Mouseling.


[Camera shutters clicking]

And that's after only one lesson.


- Okay, angelina,

Clear the dance floor.

Dad and I are going to show you some steps.

- All right!

- Oh, goody, goody.

- One, two, rock step.

- Ah! - Ooh, crumbs.

- Ooh! - Sorry, honey.

- No problem, dear.

- [Gasps] oh.

- Let's try that move we learned,

The lindy swing out.

- Rightio.

- Oh!

- Mum, watch out for the...

- Oh!


- Mirror.

- Sorry, girls.

Your father and I seem to be dancing with two left feet.

- You could try it on the swings.

- [Giggles] it's okay.

Learning a new dance is always hard for me too,

And I'm angelina ballerina.

- Really?

It's hard for you too?

- Really, truly.

I'm sure you'll get better the more you practice it.

- Then let's practice some more right now.

Now, which foot do we start with again?

- The left.

No, right.

Definitely right.

Or was it left?

- At least I think they'll get better at it.

- All right, everyone.

Time to get started on our homework.

- Who wants a snack before we start?

Both me!

- On the menu today,

We have cheese pie,

Cheese sticks,

And cheese--

[Loud jazzy music]

- [Giggles]

What was that?

- That's called loud music.

- My parents must be practicing their swing dancing upstairs.

- Wow.

- They just started taking lessons.

They still have a lot to learn.


- What was that?

- Uh, sounds like my dad dropped my mum.


Like I said, they have a lot to learn.

- Did you know that swing dancing

Is also known as the jitterbug

Or the jive?

- No, but I do know that I'd love

To watch angelina's parents dance.

Can we, angelina?

- Sure.

- Oops. - Ooh!


I don't think we quite have that step down.

- You said it.

- Mum, dad,

My friends wanted to watch you swing dance.

Is that okay?

- Um...


- Um, let's see, sweetheart.

The pretzel or the slingshot?

- Wow, they sound really neat.

- They are.

That's why swing dancing's so popular.

- Even though it started all the way back in the s.

- All right, everyone.

We're going to show you the pretzel.

- Cool. - Great.

- Let's see.

- Uh...

- Ooh!

- Uh, this doesn't seem quite right.

- Crumbs. What a mess.

But at least we kind of look like a pretzel.

- [Gasps]

- Sorry, kids.

We haven't got the hang of this yet.

- You're doing great, mum and dad.

Really, truly.

- To be honest, your mother and I

Find swing dancing a little difficult.

- Well, honey, all we can do is keep practicing.

- It's great your parents are learning to swing dance,

But maybe it's too late.

- What do you mean?

- Maybe it's too hard for grown-ups

To learn new things.

- Oh, don't be silly.

My parents will learn this dance in no time.

Just you wait.

- Let's do the slingshot, honey.






Don't worry, everyone. I'm all right.

No problem.

- Maybe alice is right.

Maybe it is too late for my parents

To learn something new.

- The pretzel? Slingshot?

Swing dancing looks way hard.

- I can't even get the rhythm.

- I think it's...


Quick, quick,


Quick, quick.

- Now I get it.

- Yeah, it's easier once we see you do it, angelina.

- Then let's do it all the way down the stairs.

All slow,

Quick, quick.


Quick, quick,


Quick, quick.

- Mum, dad, have you seen my...


Thanks, mum.

What's this?

- Oh, that's an invitation.

- Our swing dance class is having a party.

- Oh! Stupendous.

When is it? Can I come?

What should I wear?

- Actually, honey, your father and I

Have decided not to go to the party.

- What? But why not?

- Because we'll probably do more stumbling than dancing.

- We're not the most graceful swing dancers,

And we're afraid we might bump into someone.

- Or many someones.

- But a swing dance party will be so much fun.

[Upbeat music]

And that's why you took dance lessons

In the first place, right?

To have fun.

- Angelina's right.

It is just about having fun.

- Still, they would be more fun

If we could just do the steps better.

- [Gasps]

I know. I can be your dance coach.

- You can, can you?

- Yeah, I'm sure I can help you.

I know exactly what it's like to be a dance student

Learning a new dance.

[Both chuckle]

- At this point, we could use all the help we can get.

- You're hired, angelina.

- Yay!

Now, as your dance coach,

It's important that your first rehearsal

Starts right now.

- [Laughs]

- ♪ It's never too late for something new ♪

♪ Still happens all the time ♪

♪ Don't hesitate, no reason to wait ♪

♪ You'll be swinging till the end of time ♪

♪ Have no fear, far or near ♪

♪ Oh, there's gonna be a lot of fun ♪

♪ It's a positive thing to bring that swing ♪

♪ The good times have begun ♪

♪ Hey, now, hey, now ♪

♪ Don't give up at all

♪ Hey, now, hey, now ♪

♪ Just get up if you should fall ♪

♪ Do that swing thing

♪ Swinging all the time

♪ Do that swing thing

♪ You'll be feeling fine

♪ Do the swing thing

♪ Swing

♪ Do that swing thing

♪ Ho ho ho ho ho ho

[Upbeat jazzy music]

Are you two ready to dance?

- We were, but that was before we had an audience.

- Hi, there, angelina,

Mr. And mrs. Mouseling.

- And that audience just got bigger.

- Don't worry.

Just think how much better you are since your first lesson.

- She's right.

Shall we?

- Yes, we shall.

- And remember, you don't need to be perfect.

You just need to have fun.

- When did our child get wiser than us?

- Do you think your parents will pull this off?

- Absolutely.

- Hey, they just did the pretzel.

And the slingshot.

- Your parents are looking good, angelina.

- See?

You can always learn something new,

Even the lindy.

Hello, I'm angelina ballerina,

And today I'm watching my friends

Perform an irish step dance.

Do you see how their feet and legs move quickly

But the top part of their bodies hardly move at all?

They're wearing hard shoes that are like tap shoes

Which make a sound every time they hit the floor.

Tap actually began with irish step dance.

It's stupendous to watch and even more fun to try.

Hello, I'm angelina ballerina.

Today we're going to see some ballroom dancing.

That's where people dance together as partners.

This is called swing dancing.

It started back in the s

With a kind of jazz music called swing.

It takes a lot of practice to work well with your partner

So you know what to do next.

See how they move in time to the music?

Every step matches the tempo and each other.

They're simply stupendous.