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06x01 - Angelina's Fancy Tutu / Angelina and the Musical Theater

Posted: 08/23/23 08:59
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I'm angelina ballerina.

Today my friends and I are rehearsing

The cinderella ballet

By the russian composer provolinsky.

- Now, remember, a.z.,

You're the prince arriving at the ball,

So walk proudly.

[Regal music]

- A.z. Makes a great prince.

- And with that beautiful tutu, you're the perfect cinderella.

- Thank you.

I couldn't wait to wear it,

So I put it on for the rehearsal.

- Where did you get it, anyway?

- Actually, it's a bit like the cinderella story.

- [Giggles]

Okay, now I'm interested.

- Well, it all started when...

Polly and I were playing hide-and-seek in the attic

Right after we moved to our new house.



- Three, two, one.

Ready or not, here I come.

Aha, found you.


Ooh, what's that?

- It's a tutu, a special costume for ballerinas.

- I want a tutu too.

- This tutu isn't even mine.

I just found it in this box.

But I wish it did belong to me.

- Whose is it, then?

- Good question.

And how did it get in our attic?

- I don't know.

- Do you think it could be mum's from when she was little?

- Let's go ask her.

- Dad, look at this tutu we found in the attic.

- We think it's mum's.

- Hmm, well, your mother is out running errands.

You can ask her when she gets back.

- Polly, if this tutu is mum's,

Wouldn't she have given it to us already?

- I guess so.

- And if she were trying to hide it from us in the attic,

She knows we'd find it sooner or later.

- Yeah, we're good snoops.

- This tutu must have been someone else's,

But whose?

Wait a minute.

Dad, didn't mrs. Thimble live in this house

When she was a mouseling?

- Why, yes, she did.

- Maybe mrs. Thimble knows who the tutu belonged to.

Maybe it's even hers.

- Let's go ask her.

- Dad, we're going to mrs. Thimble's store.

- Just be sure to be home for lunch at noon.

That's when mum will be back from her errands.

- We will, dad.

We'll be back at noon.

- On the dot.

- We didn't have much time,

But we had to find out who the tutu belonged to.

- Okay, now the prince waltzes cinderella across the stage.

One, two, three. One, two, three.

- I see what you mean, angelina.

Your story is like cinderella.

- Yeah, finding the tutu is kind of like

Finding the glass slipper...

- And then looking for its real owner...

- And still make it home before the clock strikes .

- Exactly, so just listen to what happened next.

Hi, mrs. Thimble.

- Hello.

- Well, hello, mouselings.

- Can we ask you a question?

- Certainly. Just give me a moment.

I'm gathering items for an order that was placed over the phone.

- Polly, look at this.

- It's a picture of a ballerina.

- Not just any ballerina, polly.

Doesn't she look like someone we know?

- Mrs. Thimble?

- This tutu could be...

Both hers.

[Delicate piano and flute music]

- I'm sure the tutu belonged to mrs. Thimble.

She probably used to be a famous ballerina.

- A super-famous ballerina.

- Why, angelina, I just love your beautiful tutu.

- Isn't it your beautiful tutu?

- No.

I've never owned a tutu like that.


I've never owned a tutu at all.

- But isn't this you in the photo?

- Actually, that's my sister, mrs. Nimble.

She used to be quite the dancer.

- She looks just like you.

- We looked exactly alike,

But I was never as nimble on my toes as she.

Whoa! Oh!



- If this tutu isn't mrs. Thimble's,

Then whose is it?

- Angelina, look at all that stuff.

- [Gasps]

Everything's hot pink,

Just like the tutu.

- Yes, those are the things I was gathering together

For the phone order from ms. Mimi.

Both ms. Mimi?

- Yes, ms. Mimi just loves the color pink.

That's why she ordered these hot pink markers,

This hot pink notebook,

And this beautiful hot pink umbrella.

- Could the tutu be ms. Mimi's?

- But how did it get in our house?

- Let's go ask her.

Mrs. Thimble, we can take those to ms. Mimi for you.

- That would be wonderful.

Thank you, angelina.

- We're going to find the tutu owner.


- Soon, I hope, because it's almost .

[Regal music]

- Listen, mouselings,

The waltz is getting faster, more intense.

It's almost midnight.

- So did the tutu belong to ms. Mimi?

- Well, remember in cinderella,

The prince has to try the slipper

On lots and lots of mouselings.

- Yeah, it takes him a long time to find the true owner.

- Exactly.

Just listen to what happened next.

[Delicate piano music]

Polly and I found ms. Mimi in the dance studio.

Hi, ms. Mimi.

- Hello.

- Hello, mouselings.

Mrs. Thimble said you'd be bringing me

The things I ordered from the store.

Thank you so much.

- Um, we also brought something else.

- Oh, really?


- She's wearing it.

- What do you mean?

- My tutu.

I mean your tutu.

It is yours, isn't it?

- Oh, angelina, I didn't even notice the tutu.

- It's yours, right?

- I was going to say it's beautiful,

But no, it's not mine.

- I was so sure the tutu was ms. Mimi's,

But it wasn't.

It looked like our search was not over.

It's not yours?

- Are you sure?

- I'm sure.

I would definitely remember owning a tutu like that.

- Hmm, then it must belong to someone else.

- But who?

- We were completely out of ideas.

[Ticking percussive music]

- Now it's midnight.

Hear how the music sounds like a ticking clock?

Cinderella, it's time to go.

- I can't believe it.

I thought for sure the tutu belonged to ms. Mimi.

- So did we,

And now we had to get home by noon.

- Just like cinderella had to be home by midnight.

Finish the story, angelina.

What happened next?

- Well, polly and I had almost given up

On finding the tutu's owner.

- You made it home in time for lunch

Pea soup with cheese sandwiches.

Uh, I thought you loved pea soup.

- It's not that, dad.

It's this tutu.

- What's wrong with it?

I think it's rather pretty.

- It's stupendous,

But we spent all morning trying to find the owner,

And we haven't even come close.

- Not even a teeny bit close.

- [Sighs]

- Um, i...i'm not sure what to tell you.

- If only you could tell us who used to own--

- My tutu.

Both your tutu?

- Yes, that's mine from when I was a little mouseling.

I took a few ballet classes, you know.

- But why were you hiding the tutu in the attic?

- Oh, it must have been in the box

That grandma just sent me.

- That's right.

She said she was cleaning out her garage...

- And she found some of my old things.

I haven't had a chance to look through the box yet.

- I'll bet you would've if you knew

There was a special hot pink tutu in it.

- That's right.

I would have given it to you right away.

- But then we wouldn't have had our adventure.

- Yes, we went all over...

- Looking for the owner of the tutu,

Even though it was our very own mum...

Both the whole time.


- So that's how you got your tutu.

- I told you it was a good story.

- Positions, everyone.

The show is about to start.

- And cinderella gets to wear the best hot pink tutu ever.

[Light music]

Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- I'm eliza. - I'm adrianna.

- I'm byron. - I'm emma.

We are the tap city youth ensemble.

All ♪ ba-da, da-da-da da

[Drumming and tapping]

- I started dancing when I was seven.

- I like the rhythm,

And I like being with my friends.

- The sounds that come out of your feet

Are, like, really, really cool.

- Whenever I tap-dance,

It's like, whatever energy I have,

I put into my feet.

- The piece that we're performing

Is in honor of bill "bojangles" robinson,

A very famous tap dancer,

And it is a collection of his most favorite steps.

Tap dancing is like drumming

Because the same sounds that can come out of a drum

Can also come out of our feet.

- Here are the taps that make the sounds.

This one usually makes a lighter sound,

And this is one is a deeper sound.

- Learning new things,

Like steps that you don't know, is always hard,

But once you practice, it's pretty easy.

- I like dancing so much,

Because I'm around my friends all the time,

But I'm still doing something that I love to do.

[Peppy jazzy music]

- I'm angelina ballerina,

And you'll get a kick out of what's happening this week

At camembert academy.

- [Humming]

- What's with the kicking, viki?

- Haven't you heard?

Mousical the musical is coming to camembert.

- A musical?

- Yup, a play put to music

With lots of dancers and singers.

The cast is from new cheese city.

- Wow, brieway stars.

- Yeah, and musicals have lots of dancing.

- What kind?

- All sorts tap, jazz.

Every show is different.

- The performers sing and dance...

- At the same time.

- And the best thing about mousical the musical

Is the grand finale.

There's a really cool kick line...

When all the dancers kick perfectly together.


- Ooh! - Ahh!

- Wow, who is that?

- That is perry parmesan,

The star of mousical the musical.

- Perry parmesan is my favorite.

- Oui, he is fa-mouse.

[Both giggle]

- He looks like he's a stupendous dancer.

- And I bet he's an amazing singer.

- So amazing.

Perry parmesan can sing.

He can dance.

And he can act.

That's what a musical is all about.

- But can he kick?

- He's the best.

[Upbeat music]

All ♪ fa, mi, re, do

- Wonderful.

Now that we're warmed up,

It's time to sing the theme from mousical the musical.

- Perry parmesan sings that song.

- That's right, viki.

He sings it with the rest of the cast.

They sing it all together in unison...

- While they do a kick line.

- Stupendous.

- And what's even more stupendous

Is that you all are going to sing with the cast

At our assembly.

- [Gasps] wow.

Sing with perry parmesan?

- He's really coming all the way to chipping cheddar

To sing with us?

- [Laughs] you bet.

He said nothing would stop him from meeting young dancers

Like you mouselings.

Now, let's practice.

[Upbeat piano music]

- ♪ Welcome, it's showtime

All ♪ welcome to our show

- ♪ Don't you wish we could be in a show every day ♪

- [Clears throat]

- ♪ All that singing, dancing, laughing's-- ♪

Oops, pardonnez-moi.

- In unison, mouselings.

We want to sing together in one strong voice,

Like the chorus in a musical.

[Upbeat piano music]

All ♪ welcome, it's showtime

♪ Welcome to our show

♪ Don't you wish we could be in a show every day ♪

♪ All that singing, dancing, laughing's ♪

♪ Gonna keep those blues away ♪

♪ One minute things are looking bad ♪

♪ You're barely hanging on

♪ The next you might be on the stage ♪

♪ With perry parmesan

♪ Yes, perry parmesan

♪ Welcome, it's showtime

♪ Welcome to our show

- Much better.

You're all on your way to becoming mousical stars.

- Yeah!



- I can't believe

We're actually going to sing with the cast.

- And maybe we can dance with them too.

- What do you mean, viki?

- We're just going to sing

With mousical the musical, remember?

- But if we learn the kick line,

Maybe we can even go to new cheese city

And dance with perry parmesan.

- Tonight, starring with perry parmesan,

Are jazzy viki...


And angelina ballerina.


- Angelina.


Angelina, are you in?

- Join our kick line, angelina.

- You bet.

- We're going to surprise the whole school

With a song and a dance.

- We'll be stars in no time.

- Let's do it.

I'll lead and be the dance captain.

Right, left,

Right, left, right.

[Music stops]

- Wow, how do they kick that fast...

- [Sighs] in unison?

Uh-oh, mousical the musical is not so "easical."

- We'll get it in no time.

When perry parmesan sees us, he'll be so amazed.

We just have to practice.

[Upbeat piano music]

- With our dance captain viki leading the way.

- Wait. Wait.

- Viki's showing us how to start

On the same leg to the same b*at.

- Oh, ooh.

- Whoa! - Ohh!

All oh!

- And knee and kick and knee and kick.

- We're doing it...

- In perfect unison.

- Right and left and...

All fan kick.

- Oh, that was so...

- Amazing.

We finally got it.

- Thanks to our stupendous dance captain.


Whew, we must have done a million kicks.

- But we're finally dancing in unison.

- Just in time for the assembly.

- And for perry parmesan.

- I can't wait until the whole school sees us

Singing and kicking with the mousical cast.

- Let's show ms. Mimi our kick line.

- Great idea.

Let's go.

- Ms. Mimi, guess what.

- We learned the mousical song...

- And the kick line like...

- Like perry parmesan.

- Fantastique. - In the finale.

- Mouselings, I'm afraid I have some bad news.

New cheese city's been hit by a big snowstorm,

And the stars of mousical the musical

Are snowed in,

So I'm so sorry,

But the assembly's been canceled.

- [Gasps] oh, no.

- Canceled?

You mean mousical the musical is not coming to camembert?

Now we won't get to see

The amazing mousical the musical kick line...

- Or sing with the cast...

- Or dance with them.

- And I'll never get to meet my favorite star,

Perry parmesan.

[Bell rings]

- We worked so hard on our kick line.

- And perry parmesan said

Nothing could stop him from coming.

- It wasn't his fault.

Maybe mousical the musical will come another time.

- Or maybe...

Follow me.

We can put on our own show.

- Without the mousical cast?

- Without perry parmesan?

- Even if mousical the musical isn't coming to camembert,

We can still do a show...

Just for us.

- Viki's right.

We practiced our kick line a lot,

And it's a ton of fun.


- Yeah, we'll ask ms. Mimi

If we can perform at the assembly anyway.

- Oui, oui.

- Not yet.

We still have to practice one more thing

Singing mousical the musical while we dance.

- No problem.

We know the words by heart.

- So we just have to put it all together in perfect...

All unison.


[Audience murmuring]

- It's time to kick off

The best performance ever at camembert.


- This is it.

- A big welcome to our assembly

And a bigger welcome to our surprise guest,

Someone who skied across the snowy streets

Of new cheese city

And made it to sunny chipping cheddar

To perform with some of our best students.

[Audience oohing]

May I present the star of mousical the musical,

Perry parmesan!

[Cheers and applause]

- Perry parmesan is here?

- He made it through the snowstorm...

- To perform with us?

- See? Nothing could stop him.

- ♪ Welcome, it's showtime

♪ Welcome to our show

All ♪ don't you wish we could be

♪ In a show every day

♪ All that singing, dancing, laughing's ♪

♪ Gonna keep those blues away ♪

♪ Welcome, it's showtime

♪ Welcome to our show

♪ One minute things are looking bad ♪

♪ You're barely hanging on

♪ The next you might be on the stage ♪

♪ With perry parmesan

♪ Welcome, it's showtime

♪ Welcome to our show

♪ Welcome, it's showtime

♪ Welcome, welcome to our show ♪


- Looks like we're one step closer--

Or should I say one kick closer--

To becoming mousical stars.

Hello. I'm angelina ballerina.

Did you know dance is a wonderful way to exercise?

Just as you warm up before exercise,

You should warm up before dance.

You have to warm your muscles so you won't get hurt.

It's best to warm up by stretching.

You can reach for your toes.

You can reach back.

Stretch that arm, now.

You can even bend backward like a noodle.

And once you're all warmed up, ta-da.

You're ready to dance.

- Hola, marco here.

I'm listening to my friend yibiao play the flute.

Did you know that flutes have been around

Since the time of the cavemen?

Flutes are wind instruments, just like recorders.

That means air makes the sound.

Do you see how yibiao puckers his lips

To push air through the flute

And his fingers cover the holes to make the different pitches?

I want to play flute at the next camembert parade.

It's easier to carry than a tuba.

Gracias, yibiao!