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06x08 - Angelina's Indian Lunchtime / Angelina, A.Z. and Cheezy Z

Posted: 08/23/23 09:07
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I'm angelina ballerina.

Today we're performing our favorite fairy tale


- Princess mouselina

Has taken a bite of the poison cheese

And fallen into an enchanted sleep.

The kindly troll

Is beside herself with worry.

- Alas! Alack!

And boo-hoo-hoo.

She's fallen asleep.

What shall I do?

- But all is not lost.

- Here comes my favorite part.

- A brave prince rides up to mouselina.

- Hark!

What a beautiful princess.


- Hmm.

- [Gasps] oh, happy day!

What joy!

What bliss!

She's been awakened by true love's kiss.

- And they lived happily ever after.

- Encore!

I want to see it again.


- Here he is, my handsome prince.

- Not anymore.

The show is over.

- True.

- [Sniffs]

- What's that, marco?

It smells spicy.

- It's curry,

Just like the curry I had

When I visited mousihari in india.


Mm! Mm.

- Sounds like you had an amazing time there.

- I saw so much.

Look at this.

It's one of the most important stories in india

The ramayana.

- One of the most important stories in india

Is a comic book?

- It didn't start out that way.

It's a long poem with , verses.

But it's been made into ballets, musical plays,

Even comic books.

- That's so amazing!

- The costumes are really pretty.

- Come, look at this.

These are tabla, indian drums.

[Exotic percussive music]

- Cool.

- Nice rhythms, marco.

I'm glad I found you all.

It's time to plan

Our next lunchtime theater performance.

- I vote for mouselina.

- Me too.

- Yeah, it's my favorite.

- But we just did mouselina.

- So?

I never get tired of it.

- Me neither.

- Well, I do,

Especially since all I do is kiss the princess.

Let's do something else for a change.

- Like what?

- Like... How about the ramayana?

Or at least we could sing an indian song from it.

- But no one's ever heard of it, except you.

- And over a billion others in india.

- Tell you what.

We'll draw straws.

Whoever picks the short straw gets to choose.

- That's fair.

- Yeah! I won!

- [Sighs]

I guess we're doing the ramalama.

- The ramayana.

You'll like it.

Okay, here's the song I learned in india.

[Exotic percussive b*at]

♪ Pravishya

♪ Pravishya

- That doesn't sound like any song I've ever heard before.

- The words are in hindi, an indian language.

- ♪ Tu mahaaranyam

- Even the music sounds different.

- Indian musical scales, ragas,

Have different notes than the scales we're familiar with.

- ♪ Dandakaaranyam

♪ Aatmavaan

- There's no way we can sing this.

- But marco won, fair and square.

- I know.

I just mean that if we even try to sing this song,

We're going to mess up.

We'll be laughed off the stage.

We're trying everything to get marco

To do mouselina instead of the indian song.

What if you don't have to kiss me at the end?

I know you don't like that part.

- I'm sticking with the ramayana.

- What if you play the kindly troll

Instead of me?

That's a bigger part.

- Nope.

- I know.

Instead of an evil stepmother,

You could play the evil stepfather.

You could wear a long cape and do an evil laugh.


- I want to do the ramayana.

Just give it a chance, please?

- Okay. - All right.

- Sure.

- Okay, try the first line.

♪ Pravishya

♪ Pravishya

♪ Tu mahaaranyam

[All singing in discord]

- You're singing it wrong.

It's not "poor wish."

- It's not about a horrified professor, either.

- It's not any of those things.

It's in hindi, remember?

Maybe it would help if we understood what we were singing.

- Yeah!

Please tell us more about the ramayana, marco.

- Okay.

- What are those, marco?

- Did I mention the ramayana is also a puppet show?

There once was a brave prince, rama.

As oldest son of the king,

Rama was next in line for the throne.

But the king had promised his new wife,

Rama's stepmother,

That he would grant her two wishes.

She wished that her son, bharata,

Would be king instead of rama.

The king had no choice but to obey.

So rama was banished to the dandaka forest

For years.

Rama's wife, sita,

And his other brother, lakshmana,

Went with him because they were loyal to him

And didn't want him to be alone.

- Hmm.

Mouselina was banished to the forest

By her stepmother too.

- I get it!

The ramayana's a fairy tale.

- It's a lot more than that.

It's about friends who stand by you no matter what.

It's about doing the right thing

And never giving up.

- It is a good story, marco.

I'll give it another try.

- Me too.

- I will too.

- Thanks.

And maybe it will be easier

If we take it one word at a time.

♪ Pravishya

[All singing discordantly]

- No, no.

♪ Tu mahaaranyam

[Discordant singing]

- [Groans]


I know you guys are really trying,

But maybe this song is just too hard.

I guess we should just do mouselina after all.

- I feel so bad for marco.

He really wanted to do that song.

- I know, but we're just gonna mess it up.

I don't think marco would want that.

- [Gasps] uh-oh.

He left his backpack.

Do you think he'd mind if I read his ramayana comic book?

I'm still wondering what happened

After rama got to the forest.

- I don't think he'd mind if you're careful.

- [Gasps]

- What? What happens?

- The evil ravana takes rama's wife, sita,

From the forest.

- And then what?

- I'll show you.

[Dramatic sitar music]

Rama got help from hanuman, the son of the wind god.

Hanuman had superpowers.

He flew across the sea and found sita.

Rama couldn't fly, but that didn't stop him.

He built a bridge across the sea to rescue sita

And defeat ravana.

Rama returned home and was crowned king.

He ruled wisely and well for many years.

- That was stupendous!

- Mouselina doesn't have the son of the wind god.

- Or a bridge across the sea.

The ramayana's a great story.

- And it's great to have friends who stand by you

No matter what,

Like rama did.

We can be friends like that too.

- The ramayana's also about doing the right thing

And never giving up.

- Yeah.

If rama can build a bridge across the sea,

Then we can certainly learn this song.

- We want to surprise marco by singing the ramayana song,

But we need help.

- You got it.

I can even show you

Some indian classical dance moves

To go with the song.

- Wow.

That looks so graceful.

- Marco will love this.

We'll make him feel like he's back in india again.

- Remember, don't tell him what we're up to.

Pretend we're still doing mouselina.

[All laugh]

[Lush exotic music]

We're getting it.

We just needed to try harder and not give up.

- Like rama.

- Let's try that part again.

[Exotic music continues]

- Reading the ramayana again?

- Yeah.

Well, I've got a lot of time before I go onstage.

- I wouldn't be so sure about that.

- Welcome, everyone.

Today we're bringing you a song

From a wonderful story loved all around the world

For many, many years.

- Mouselina.

- The ramayana from india.

- What?

- What?

- Surprise!


[Lush exotic music]

All ♪ ramayana

♪ Ramayana

♪ Hear the tale of rama

♪ Aatmavaan

♪ Man of courage

♪ Aatmavaan

♪ Rama

♪ Durdarsa

♪ He's a hero

♪ None can match king rama

- That indian dance looks fun

And a nice change from mouselina.

[Lush exotic music]

All ♪ ramayana

♪ Ramayana

♪ Ramayana

- Oh-ho-ho-ho!

Good singing.

- It's easy.

All ♪ ramayana

♪ Ramayana

♪ Rama

♪ Ramayana

- Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- Hi.

[Speaks japanese]

My name is kenichi.

I'm from japan.

I started dancing when I was years old.

[Delicate harp music]

This is a story of a mannequin in a store

That comes to life.

[Hip-hop b*at joins harp music]

I taught myself dancing by watching videos and tv.

What is cool about dancing

Is that I can communicate with people without talking.

If you're interested,

You can learn by watching other dancers

And then develop your own style.

[Whirring and clicking]


[Whirring and clicks]

[Electronic b*at]



Hit it.

[Record scratches]

[Energetic hip-hop music]

[Rapping in japanese]

[Energetic hip-hop music]

One thing I love about dancing

Is to give energy to the audience.

Then I get energy back from them.

[Hip-hop music]

Hip-hop is popular all around the world.

[Funky hip-hop music]

[Speaks japanese]

...means "I love dancing"

In japanese.

[Delicate harp music]

I just love dancing.

- I'm angelina ballerina.

Tomorrow is a.z.'S birthday,

And a.z. Doesn't want any of us to forget.

- Tomorrow is the most special day of the year for me.

But you mouselings don't have to spoil me or anything.

- Oh, okay, a.z.

- We won't. You can count on us.

- Oh.

Oh, okay.


Guess what?

I can hear something.

- What is it?

- It's--it's--

It's my birthday!

It's tomorrow, and it's getting closer all the time.

- Is it tomorrow?

Oh, stupendous!

- Uh-huh.

And my grandparents have said that for my present,

I can choose anything I want from mrs. Thimble's store.


Because tomorrow is my birthday.

Tomorrow is my birthday.

Tomorrow is my birthday!

Because tomorrow is my birthday.

Tomorrow is my birthday.


That's a cheezy z. Cap

Signed by hip-hop superstar cheezy z.

I'm going to tell my grandma and grandpa

That this is exactly what I want for my birthday.

I'll come back after I talk to them.

- A.z. Has absolutely no idea that we're going

To throw a surprise birthday party for him.

- He thinks we don't really care.

But we do!

- But where is marco?

He promised to help us.

- Oops.


- Excuse me.

Coming through.

Thud! Both whoa!

- A.z.!

- Sorry, marco,

But I'm in a big rush.

I'm going back to mrs. Thimble's store

To get something unbelievably amazing!


The cheezy z. Cap.

It was there this morning, but now it's gone.

- Sorry I'm late,

But I got a.z.'S present.

- Wonderful!

What did you choose?

- Huh. It's a...

[Indistinct whispering]

- Stupendous!

- [Giggles]

- An amazing present

And a surprise party.

A.z. Is going to be so happy.

- Hello!

A.z. Mouse coming in the house.

Both a.z.!

- Hi.

All hi, a.z.

- Guess what.

- Uh, what?

- I just found out

That the one thing I wanted for my birthday is gone.

- Oh, that's terrible, a.z.

- Awful.

- Poor thing.

- But there's no point

Just sitting there getting down about it.

- Oh, there isn't?

Both no!

- You should, um...

Come for a walk with me

To cheer yourself up.

- A walk?

All yes!

Both phew!

- [Hums quietly]

Isn't walking great?

- I guess.

But having a cheezy z. Cap for my birthday

Would have been much better.

- Your birthday is next week, right?

- No.

It's tomorrow.

- Oh, yeah.

I got to go.


- My birthday is tomorrow, and the cheezy z. Cap is gone.

If this happened to cheezy z.,

How would he cheer himself up?

I know.

He'd dance.


Cheezy z. Wouldn't need a hat to have fun.

[Light hip-hop music]

If I can't have the cheezy z. Hat,

I can at least do a cheezy z. Dance.

First, you do the cheezy z. Foot drive.

Heel and toe, heel and toe,

Heel and toe, heel and toe.

And now his famous cincinnati step.

[Hip-hop music continues]

I can do the foot drive,

But the cincinnati step doesn't look quite right.

[Snaps fingers]

Oh! I get it.

I flick my foot.

Just like cheezy z.


[Hip-hop music continues]

Go, cheezy.

Go, cheezy.


I feel a lot better.

What else would cheezy z. Do if it was his birthday?

He'd throw a party for all his friends.

Yes, he would.

[Music stops]


Which do you like best

Musical chairs or mother may i?

- Um, musical chairs.

- Excellent.

- Viki! - [Yelps]

- What do you like best

Cheesy twists or cheese and pineapple bites?

- Um, cheese and pineapple bites.

- Thanks.

- [Laughs nervously]

You're welcome.

[Loud drumming]

- Marco!

Do you like banana cheesecake

Or extra cheesy cheesecake?

- You know I like extra cheese anything.

- So do i.

- Oh, great.

I think a.z. Is planning a party.

- He must be, 'cause he's asking us all what we like best.

- But this will spoil the surprise party

We're going to give him.

- So what should we do?

- We'll all just have to be busy tomorrow--

Absolutely, positively busy.

[Light hip-hop music]

- Foot drive.

And cincinnati step.

I can't wait to show everyone this at my party.

[Light hip-hop music continues]

Hey, mouselings.

I'm having a birthday party tomorrow,

And you're all invited.

- Oh, sorry, a.z.,

I'd love to, but, um...

I have to go out with my mum and dad

All day.

- Yeah, me too.

Angelina's mom and dad want me to go too.

- Oh.


You can come, can't you?

- No. I, um...

My mom and dad don't want me going out tomorrow.

- Why not?

- Uh...

Because I've got to go to the dentist.

That's it.

The dentist.

All bye.

- But--but--

Uh, but...

I can't have a birthday party if none of you come.

- There.

It's all absolutely, positively perfect.

We did great.

- Yippee!

- Fantastic.

- I can't wait to see a.z.'S face.

It'll look like this.



[All laughing]

- And...

[Both laugh]

You mouselings are super, super cool.

[All laughing]

- For me?

A.z. Is the mouse in the house.

[Both laugh]

- So all we need is a.z.

- I'll go find him.

- So is everyone having a good time?

[In a high voice] "yeah, thanks, a.z.

This birthday party is great."

I can't believe everyone came.

And the decorations look amazing.


This is the worst birthday I have ever had.

All my friends are busy,

And I' myself.


If only I had the cheezy z. Cap

Or someone to chill with today.

- Hi, a.z.!

- Marco!

- Oh, happy birthday.

Um, you can let go now.

- You're back from the dentist.

- Uh, yeah.

And anyway, I want to spend today with my best friend.

- Me too.

What do you feel like doing?

We could go to my house

And listen to cheezy z.'S latest song

And do some hip-hop dancing and--

- Let's go for a walk in the park.

- But I've just been in the park.

- Well, we'll, um, go a different way.

- But, but-- but...

This is a really long way to get to the park, marco.

- I know.

I just need to get something from angelina.

- But isn't angelina out with her family all day?


We shouldn't be here if angelina isn't--

But why are there--

All surprise!

Happy birthday, a.z.!

- Is it a party?

For me?

- Sorry we pretended we were all busy.

- And sorry you thought we didn't care.

We do, so much.

- Happy birthday, a.z.

- The cheezy z. Cap!

You got it for me!

Both uh-huh.

- I'm--i'm so happy,

I could just dance.

[Light hip-hop music]

- Just like cheezy z.

All go, cheezy.

Go, cheezy.

Go, cheezy.

Go, cheezy.

Go, cheezy.

Go, cheezy.

- Hola, marco here.

And this is kenichi ebina from japan.

He's a great hip-hop dancer.

In this dance, kenichi tells a story

About a mannequin that comes to life.

That move is called popping.


And here's an arm wave,

Like an ocean wave moving through him.

And that's locking.

See how fast his arms move?

You can learn hip-hop by watching other dancers

And even music videos.

And then you can make your very own dance style.

- Hello, I'm angelina ballerina.

Did you know dance is a wonderful way to exercise?

Just as you warm up before exercise,

You should warm up before dance.

You have to warm your muscles so you won't get hurt.

It's best to warm up by stretching.

You can reach for your toes.

You can reach back.

Stretch that arm now.

You can even bend backward like a noodle.

And once you're all warmed up, ta-da!

You're ready to dance.

- ♪ La-la, la, la

♪ La-la, la, la