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01x13 - Orpheus Descending

Posted: 06/22/11 09:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

These are from the Wapi Casino?

I ain't used to see her looking like this.

Somebody used Rosie's computer to visit Beau Soleil on Wednesday night.

There's a message board on Beau Soleil so the girls can warn each other.

This girl... She posted something.

I think the guy used the name Orpheus.

He drove her down to the water and asked her if she ever wondered what it was like to drawn.

Did you send the email?

Yeah, about a second ago.

Send it again.

What are you doing?


An interesting choice for a screen name.

So you're familiar with the story?


Actually, I'm not.

Orpheus was a Greek poet and musician.

His music could entrance.

He descended into hell to rescue his wife, and his song won back her soul.

But there was a condition --

He couldn't look back as he led her out of the underworld, or she would be damned.

Let me guess --

Things didn't work out.

He looked back, and she was...

Taken away forever.

Excuse me.

Linden here.

Richmond's Orpheus --
The hooker I.D.'d him.

We got him, Linden.

I'm with the councilman now. You headed over?


Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way right now.

My partner --

He's en route.

I'm leaving now, councilman.

Hey, you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. Son of a bitch!

Are you okay, Detective Linden?

Yo, hang back. I got this.

What the hell happened?

I sent e-mails to Orpheus. They came up on his computer.

He knows we know.

Let's bring him in.

No, not yet.

We've got to tie him directly to Rosie through Beau Soleil or --
Or to the casino that night, and then we break his alibi.

Campaign adviser.

All right, I'll have ray take another look at the phone records and tell the techs to take another crack at the hooker site.

Yeah, and have a unit keep eyes on him in the meantime.

Then meet me at impound.

I want to take another look at the campaign car.

All right.

Friday night, Richmond leaves the B&B in Tacoma.

He trades his personal car for this one at the campaign parking lot, takes the ferry to the casino to meet Rosie.

Why did he switch cars?

Maybe he knew what he was going to do.

He was planning it.

So why'd he switch to a car that could be traced back to the campaign?



No one can see you, see inside.


Tinted windows.

He could do anything he wanted inside with her and not be recognized.

Do we have gas records for this vehicle?

Yeah, campaign gave them up the first day.

Still got 'em.

Get them.

I don't know if going inside's the best thing.

Mitch hasn't been herself.

She didn't mean what she said.

You should just talk to her...

Smooth things over.

Go upstairs, okay?

The boys are waiting for you.



For getting me out.

We're family, right?

I got it.

License plate 563-tb0.

When it was checked in to the campaign parking lot Wednesday, the t*nk was half full.


It's nearly full now.

Meaning he filled it up.

He must have stopped at a gas station on the way to the ferry or on the way back.

He could have used a credit card to pay for the gas, and maybe a security camera got him on tape.

Putting him in this car on that night --

Not in Tacoma.

All right. Got to find a map.

Find all the gas stations between campaign headquarters and the ferry.

I'll get the unis to do a sweep, and I'll meet you at the station.

Your ma and Terry took the boys to the park.

There you are --

My Mitch.

Such a beauty.

Where'd you get this?

In your old bedroom at the house.

Rosie asked if she could keep this.

She found my scrapbook.

All your plans.

You had so many.

Rosie was so much like you.

Yeah, let me know when you find something.

Gas-station canvass striking out?

They just started. Give them time.

What about the hooker --

She return your calls yet?

No. She's gone in the wind.

Man, this math ain't adding up.

Car's odometer from the campaign parking lot --

It read 45,304 miles.

Now it's reading 45,420 miles.

Yo, you listening?!

What's your point?

From the campaign parking lot to the ferry...

To the casino... Back to Discovery park --

That's 20 miles, round-trip.

According to the odometer, he drove 120 miles that night.

That's 100 miles missing.

Where'd he drive to?

Maybe he didn't take the ferry back to the park.

Public figure... Running for mayor.

You don't want to get stuck on a boat, nowhere to run.

Especially not with an underaged girl in the trunk of your car.

So maybe he took a quiet drive where no one would see him or recognize him.

The only other way to or from the casino is north, past city limits...

Over Desolation bridge.

And that's the extra mileage.

There's a tollbooth on the bridge.

Requisition the camera footage from that night and the next morning.

Councilman, can you comment on reports that have surfaced about your alleged affairs?

Groundless allegations by a failing political campaign on its last legs, and I won't mention whose.

And that's all I'll say about it, because today, we're actually here to celebrate a community victory --

The reopening, citywide, of my Seattle All-Stars!

All right, we look forward to seeing you all at tonight's rally, but right now, let's play some hoops!

Where were you last night?

Why don't we just focus on trying to get through the day.

We've got that rally tonight.

Gwen, I was in a bad way after lily died.

It wasn't healthy --
I admit it.

But it stopped when you and I started.

Gwen, look at me.

You know I'm telling you the truth.

They're waiting for you.

Now, you do realize that this man will most likely be Seattle's new mayor.

So you need to tread cautiously, detective, and not plunge headlong into some overwrought theory that can't be proved in a court of law.

We're requisitioning footage from state highway patrol for the cameras on Desolation bridge.

If he was in that car, we'll have proof.

Oh. Just like the "proof" you had at the gas stations.

Me and Holder will go out and re-canvass ourselves.

The unis probably missed something.

Well, good luck with that.

And you let me know when you have some actual detective work you'd like to discuss.

Hi, Jack.

I'm glad you're having a good time.

That's great. What are you guys doing?

Did he really?

That sounds like fun.

Yo. Check this out.

Have your dad call me when you're ready to come home.

I'll pick you up.

Okay. I love you.


He is his father.

Hey, right on.

But, I mean, if he don't work out, Jack's always got me. So...

Yeah, Richmond didn't always have to pay for it.

He had freebies on the side.

You notice something about Richmond's women?

They all got brown hair, brown eyes, white, pale skin --
It was the same type.

It's Rosie's type.

Yeah, he's got a thing for brunettes --

A fetish for drowning them.

Yeah. Aleena -- She was the dry run. Could be one of these girls too.

Councilman's affairs revealed Mrs. Connell.

Detective Linden, Holder --

Seattle Police Department.

Look, like I told you on the phone, I have nothing to say to you people.

The papers have absolutely no proof about Darren and I.

Damn. Homeboy's got to be packing some kind of punch, 'cause none of you ladies are talking.

Maybe he's paying you off.

I don't have to listen to this.

No, but I bet your husband will be all ears...

Knowing his wife was making all kinds of late-night phone calls to her boss back in the day.

2:00 A.M., 3:00 A.M.

Lots of business transactions during those hours, Meg?

No one's asking you to lie.

Hey, if the truth hurts, you ain't living right.

Whatever it is you think Darren's done, you're wrong.

He's a good man.

Noble, generous.

He has a deep sadness in him since his wife died.

And that's...

When he and I became lovers.

He's good at compartmentalizing his grief, his emotions, shutting off.

I think...

That's what makes him a great leader.

He doesn't...

Let others see his wounds.

You were his campaign adviser.

Why'd you leave?

Did he frighten you, Meg, or hurt you?

No, that's ridiculous.

I left because...

Because it hurt too much to stay.

Now, I've told you all I know.

Just please go.

Oh. Let me get that for you.



It's like...

Trying to steer a battleship.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, yeah, no, it's -- It's okay.

Listen, miss, uh...

No matter how it seems, I-I can tell you that a baby...

Greatest thing that can happen to your life.

How many kids do you have?


I've got three... Children.

Well, I bet you're a great dad.

Good luck, miss.

You did it, aunt Terry!

Now you try!

You can do it.

There. Run, run!

You can do it, Denny!

Yeah, yeah!

It's flying! I'm doing it!

We've got to head back home soon, boys.

Do we have to?

Hey, I got it!

Oh, Denny, you're doing great!


You're sure you didn't see a black sedan pull in here?

No, I told them other police.

I didn't see nothing like that.

Thanks very much. Sure.

Thanks for your time.

Any word on that tollbooth footage yet?

No. I left three messages.

After that wiretap business, I got a feeling I'm in the d.A.'S no-fly zone.

So put in the req again in my name.

Use my info. It's badge number 903.


Whenever you have a moment.

I don't want to intrude on your little project there.

Yo, why don't you focus your beady little eyes on driving instead?

Well, what the hell are you doing, anyway?

The math ain't adding up.

That's why we keep striking out on this route.

I mean, no one fills up a t*nk till it's empty, right?

So what if Richmond didn't fill up after leaving the campaign parking lot?

What if he got on the ferry, got to the casino, did his thing with Rosie, and then headed back into the city with her?

You still following?

Okay, so -- So, he can't go on the ferry back, so he goes over Desolation bridge.

We already know this, Holder.

So the t*nk's half full, meaning it had 7 gallons of gas in it, and the campaign car gets 16 miles per gallon.

What's so funny?!

You trying to do math is kind of like a dog wearing a hat.

Yeah, whatever. Listen! All right.

So, he's --
He's got enough gas to go from the campaign parking lot...

To the casino...

And over the bridge.

That's a total of 110 miles, give or take.

Meaning he would have been driving on fumes South of the bridge.

That's when he filled up the t*nk.

Not before.

And how does this help us?

There's a gas station on lowell street.

It's about five miles from Discovery park.

It would have been right in his path.

Lowell street's not on the list.

Yo, trust me, Linden.

I got this.


Oh, God.

I didn't hear you coming in.

What are you doing here?


I wanted to talk to Darren, but he's not answering his phone.

I thought he might be here.

Is there anything I can help you with?

The police questioned me.

They seem adamant he's guilty of something, especially that female detective.

They wanted to know about my relationship with Darren.

Well, his former indiscretions aren't relevant to where he is now.


You should leave.

Don't take it too hard, Gwen.

You know him by now.

No one can compete with a dead woman.


We're with the Seattle police department.

I'm Detective Linden.

You here about those kids stealing my gas?

No, I want to talk to you about Friday night, October 3rd.

Do you have security-camera footage of these pumps from that night?

Do you see a camera anywheres?

I worked that night.

I work every night in this pit.

Why? What do you want?

Maybe you remember a black sedan fill up.

It would have been late, like after 1:00 A.M.

Yeah, I seen a black car. Why?

A black sedan? Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Took off, run out of here in a hurry.

Probably 'cause of that girl.


Yeah. The one who was screaming.

I was doing inventory in the back when I hear her, so I go up front to the pumps, and that's when I seen that black car flying out of here.

Did you see the driver?

Nah, he left cash in the box.

Why didn't you call the cops?

He paid. Why would I?

And you never saw the girl?


I've got to get back to work.

I've got orders to fill.

You were back here when you heard her scream, right?


So she could have been outside in the back, not at the pumps.


I'm gonna have to see all the receipts from that night.

Three miles north of here.

That's Discovery park.

He stopped for gas, and somehow she got out of the car and ran.

Then what?

She was wounded, scared.

She panicked.

Just wanted to get away from him.

If she ran, it's a solid three miles to the park from here.

That's why her foot was so cut up.

She was out here a long time, then.

Alone, cold...

Might have taken all night.

He hunted her.

4 points a day.

If he keeps this up, the council president could win by a huge margin...

Mm. ...Taking what was once a close race...

Go ahead and gloat.

I didn't know about all this stuff in the papers.

But despite it all, you hung in and did your job, and I respect that, Gwen.

How wonderful for me.

I know how it is to feel unappreciated, like the person you do everything for takes that for granted.

Gwen, I've known the guy for 10 years.

He's a... He's a complicated guy.

Is that the word?

I'm going home now.

What are you gonna do?

Ah, I'm going to...

Take a bath and get some sleep.

And then I'm going to come back here for tonight's rally to do my job.

I'm always good for that, right?

I'm just, uh, I'm on my way out.

I just had a few last things.

Hey, Belko, listen.

Don't go, okay?

Mitch didn't mean what she said.

What I said at the wake --

That was stupid.

It was mean. It was untrue.

You are family.

And we need you right now.

So, please...



Look around.

There's no family anymore.

Everyone's gone.

Oh, I'm starting to get a tolerance for this, the single-malt lunch.

Yeah, well, we won't have time for this after the new year.

It was the perfect rebuttal today --

Re-opening All-Stars.

Ah, everything's working.

Tonight's rally is just icing.

How'd it go with Gwen?

She's fine.

You don't have to worry.


I'll make it up to her after this is all over.


You, um...

You got any skeletons I need to know about, Darren?

'Cause that's my job.

But I can't help you if newspapers and other people know more than I do.

Relax. Please.

There's nothing to worry about.


Yo, where you been?

I been looking for you.

Move everybody east to this fire road.

Get the canines over here.



That's her shoe --

The same one as we found on her body.

Bag it.

Mark it as evidence.

Hey. You all right?

She ran into the field.

But his car cut her off at the fire road, so she turned into the woods.

If she'd just turned the other way and run west, she would have come up on lights, on a neighborhood.

If she had just... Turned the other way, she would have made it.

She would have lived.

Thought I'd find you here, councilman.

I'm busy.

You can show yourself out.

I won't keep you. I was just curious.

When the car was going into the lake and she was begging for her life, how'd that feel?

Get out!

Maybe you felt nothing at all.

You fooled everybody.

"The integrity candidate."


That's why "Orpheus the Enchanter," a man incapable of loving anyone since his wife died.

What on earth do you think you're trying to do? And he looked for her everywhere --

In other women, other bodies --
But none of them were lily.

None of them were her. You stop. You stop!

They all looked like her, but they're not. Don't talk about her.

Is that why you k*lled her?!

You have no right!

For two weeks, you've been trying to burn me, burn this campaign!

Or did Rosie thr*aten to tell the whole world who you are, how sick you are?!

Ruin me and all the hard work I've done now that I am so close!

The things I have had to do!!

Like what? Tell me.

Tell me what you've done.

I did nothing...

To that girl.


Look at me.

You know that I'm telling you the truth.

He said he needed to get away from the campaign --

Just for a night.

He got out of bed.

He left.

I waited for hours.

It was...

Close to morning...


When he came back.

And he was wet.

Soaking wet.

What do you mean?

Like he'd been in the water.

Here we are!

They tried to keep us down, they tried to derail us, every step of the way, but here we are!

He met Rosie six months ago at a campaign rally.

His campaign adviser gave up the tape, also his alibi.

She admitted she wasn't with him the night Rosie was k*lled.

You've still got nothing concrete placing Richmond in the car that night.

Oh, come on.

His own girlfriend thinks he did it!

A man like this, you can't go off half-cocked, Sarah.

You need a coffin nail.

I got the nail.

If you got the hammer.

Security-cam footage on Desolation bridge caught Richmond making the crossing 3:00 A.M. Saturday morning.

License-plate numbers match the campaign car that Rosie's body was found in.

We got him, boss.

Oh, boy.

It's a new day for Seattle, and we will make it happen together!

What the hell is she doing here?

I don't know.

Let's go.

No, I-I can't speak right now.

Thank you. Thank you.

Councilman, let's go.

Great job.

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Rosie Larsen.

Do we have to do this right here?

This is a joke.

You're making a big mistake.

I'm thinking you can handle the paperwork.

Oh, so now I'm okay to work alone.

You're a pretty good cop, Holder.

You're gonna make a passable detective.

You want a tip?

That mouth of yours?

You don't have to say every thought that runs through your head.

Yeah, well, guess what I'm not saying now.


Get out of here.

The way I've been feeling...

It's not good for the boys.

They don't...

They don't need me.

But I do.

You didn't want any of this --
I know.

All this, you didn't...

Mean for it to happen.

You know, for me, all this -- This...


It's been better than I could have hoped for.

Every piece of this place hurts me.

In breaking news, city councilman Darren Richmond has been arrested for the m*rder of Seattle teen Rosie Larsen.

Richmond will be transferred from city holding to county jail within the next few hours.

News crews are standing by awaiting further information regarding the arrest of the councilman.

Keep it tuned in here to KYZT news for the latest up-to-date coverage.

Belko, can you give me my towel?

I'm freezing.


Seattle-Tacoma international airport is a nonsmoking...

You didn't tell him we were going.

I will.

You got to tell him.

Jack, I will.

Come on, we got to go.

We can't just leave and pretend he doesn't exist.

I know he exists.

I know he's your dad. I get it.

You're going to see him again. I promise.

But...We got to go, Jack.

We're gonna miss this flight, and I don't have another $50 million to spare.

You don't have to get all emotional.

Hey, Stan.

We should watch "transformers."


"Spider-man" is way better.

Hey, go get some plates real fast.

You can watch "spider-man" tomorrow.

I haven't seen "spider-man" yet, though.

Oh, my God, Stan. Did you hear the news?

Where's Mitch?

She left.



I never get to pick.

Yes, you do! You pick all the time!

You picked last time.

No. Yeah. No.

Jack, turn off your phone.

Fasten your seatbelt.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.

We've been cleared for departure.

So, as soon as you can find your seat and get situated, we'll get you on your way.

Now, just looking ahead here, folks, we may be in for somewhat of a bumpy flight.

But we're going to do our best to make your journey with us as smooth as possible.

Linden here.

Detective Linden, this is highway patrol.


About your requisition --

The footage from the tollbooth cameras on Desolation bridge?

We aren't able to fulfill the request for those photos.

What are you talking about?

You already did. We have the footage.

That's not possible.

The toll cameras on that bridge have been out of service.

I'm sorry, ma'am --

Give me a minute.

You're saying that no cameras at that tollbooth were working that night?

None of the cameras have been working on that bridge since August.

Photo worked.

He's going down.

All right, ladies and gentlemen, we should get you into Oakland, I'd say about 20 minutes ahead of schedule, if that's okay with everyone. On behalf of the flight crew, thank you for making us your flight of choice...