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A b*llet for the General (1967)

Posted: 08/24/23 17:37
by bunniefuu
Take aim!

We're dying for our country
and our freedom!

- Long live Mexico!
- Fire!

k*ll me, k*ll me, you bastard!

k*ll me!


- Hey, there's a line.
- Go to the end of the line!

Where do you think you're going?

- Where are you going?
- As far as the train goes.

- As far as Durango.
- Okay. To Durango, then.


Are you from the United States?


- Do you like Mexico?
- No, I don't.

- Look, there's a man on the tracks!
- Look!

Stop! Stop!


Can't you see there's a man there?
Stop, by God!

Call the lieutenant.

Where's the lieutenant?

- Why did we stop?
- I don't know.


- What are we waiting for?
- There's a man on the tracks.

A man? Who is it?

He's tied to the tracks...

with chains.

He looks like an officer.

- Is he alive?
- Yes, he's alive.

Sergeant, tell the men
on the flatcars to be on the alert!

You soldiers up on the engine, get down!

Go unchain him!

He has a captain's uniform!

What's going on?


- Where's Rosalba?
- Mama! I'm here!

- My child is with you!
- Yes, over here!

Lieutenant, why aren't we moving?

We have no cover up here.

Driver, get as close as you can,

but don't run him over.

Yes, Lieutenant.

It's impossible.
It's impossible.

- Sergeant, send two men down.
- Yes, sir.

Giamo, Gomez, hop to it!

They're sh**ting
from the other side as well!

You guys go to the other side!
sh**t toward the mountain!


Here I am!

We're going to have a party!

They're going to k*ll us!
Let's move!

Paulito, take cover!

Let's go! Driver!

That's it! I'm not staying here.

Garc?a, stop!

Are you crazy?
Come back, Garc?a!

Lieutenant, we have to get out of here!

Tell the driver to move,
or they'll k*ll us all!

Captain, I'm Lieutenant Alvaro Ferreira!

I belong to the 7th Rurales Regiment.

I await your orders.
I don't know what to do.

I'm Captain Enrique Sanchez Campoy

of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment.

I'm sorry to be the cause
of these complications, Lieutenant.

Give me my orders!

Decide what I should do!

You decide, Lieutenant.

I can't.

- What?
- I can't!


Answer me, by God!

The sergeant is dead.

Officer, can you hear me?

If you leave us your weapons,
I'll let you go home.

I'll let you go back to your wife.


You're busting my balls!

And when my balls get busted,
things get ugly.

I'm going to find a safer place.
I'm leaving!

No! They'll get you!

Come back!

What the devil can we do?

Are they revolutionaries?

They're damned rebels.
Sons of b*tches!

- What do they want?
- Our hides.

No way they'll let us live.

Captain, I await your orders!

Don't ask me.

What kind of an officer are you?

You're nothing but a coward!

Take responsibility for your actions.

I know I'm responsible for my men,
but I can't k*ll you!

One man is worth less than sixty.

All right, then.

Bastards! God damn them all.

Muchachos, leave the officer to me!


Achilos, stop the train!


!Vamos! To the train!


Let's go, Achilos.


The horses! !Vamos!

Let's go, muchachos!


What's he doing?
Hey, you can't go there!

They k*lled Mat?as!


Over there!
The train's stopping!

Let's go!

We're with God and the people.

We fight for God and the people.

We're your brothers!

Have no fear!

Nino, did you stop the train?


- You k*lled the driver and the soldier?
- Yes, I found a g*n.

With handcuffs?

How did you do that?
Tell me how you shot them with cuffs on.

Like this.

Easy, nino, easy.

So tell me, why did you do it?

They were taking me to the border.

- To El Paso?
- Yes.


- There's a bounty on my head.
- Oh, yeah?

How much are you worth?
How much money?

Not as much as a train.

I get it.

You've already paid me
by giving me the train.

All right, nino, I'm in a hurry.

Hands in the air.

Hands in the air!
Get 'em up!

Nino, we're even now.
Go back to your mother.

Muchachos, leave the civilians alone!

Just take the weapons!

And all the amm*nit*on you can find!

!Viva M?xico!

- Is there a machine g*n?
- No, only r*fles.

Where do these bastards
keep the machine g*ns?

- Vicente, any machine g*ns?
- Nothing! peace. Amen.

And you?

Who are you?

A priest living with those thieves?

Christ died between two thieves.

God is with the poor and the oppressed.

If you're a good priest,
you should know that.

Don't touch him!
Respect the dead!

- Get out of here.
- I said leave him alone!

Hold it right there, you bastard.

He k*lled me!
He k*lled me!

They're going to k*ll us!

They k*lled them!

Achilos, the mules.

Load the munitions on their backs.

They're going to k*ll us all!

Quickly, muchachos!

Let's go.

- Who's that?
- The gringo who stopped the train.


Look. Do you want it?

Do you want it?
I got it for you.

- Where are you going, nino?
- I'm coming with you.

Hear that, boys?

This nino wants to come with us.

- Why?
- I don't want to be hanged.

I understand.

- If they catch me, I'm done for.
- Oh, yeah?

I stopped the train.

Besides, you need men.
You lost several today.

One. Mat?as, poor guy.
He's gone forever.

Guapo, what do you think of this kid?

If he's brave...

- If he's brave, why not?
- Okay.

He stopped the train.
He k*lled the driver and a soldier.

Two sh*ts, two kills.


- Picaro?
- All right, but let's get going.

- Pepito?
- He's a gringo. I don't like him.

That's why?
Because he's a gringo?

No, because I don't like him.

He's in love.
He doesn't count.

- Santo?
- If he helped us, we should help him.


But tell him if he's with us,

he's with the revolution.

Got it, nino?
Do you like the revolution?

Wasn't it the revolution
that shot off my handcuffs?

That's true.

It's me.
I'm the revolution.

Muchachos, we've found a new comrade!

Let's celebrate!

Oh, Mother of God!

The horse is k*lling me.

I can't take it anymore.

Buck up, Emilino.

We can't stop. Be brave.

- I can't.
- Hang in there!

Hey, Chuncho!

- Sixty r*fles.
- Good.

- How much at 30 pesos apiece?
- Sixty times 30 makes...

- A lot.
- 1,800 pesos.

1,800. Thank you, kind sir.

- There are 15 of us. How much apiece?
- One more now, with the gringo.

- But Emilino is dying.
- Right. Then one less.

- So how much apiece?
- 120 pesos.

- 120 pesos. That's easy.
- That's great!

Hear that, nino?
You made 120 pesos. Happy?

- It's not much.
- I know.

We need to find some machine g*ns.

They're worth a lot more money.

- What is it, nino?
- Nothing.

- I thought you were revolutionaries.
- We are.

Who do we sell our weapons to?
To the revolution.

To General El?as?

My God.

Do they know our great general
even in the United States?

I'm glad, gringo.
Look at him!

This is General El?as.

He gave me this medal.
I fought with him.

My brother says he was sent by God.

Hey, Picaro!

Sing one of our songs
for Emilino. He's dying.

- I don't feel like it.
- I'll give you five pesos. Sing!

Come on, boys!

Let's all sing! Cheer up!


Forgive us.

Forgive us for this day.

For today we have shed yet more blood.

And we have k*lled many of our brothers.

But you know that it is only
our love that guides us.

Our infinite love
for all the creatures who suffer.

Is he crazy?

He's my brother.

I didn't think he was your brother.
He's blond.

Why not?

Same mother,
and the father, who knows?

We grew up together.

He's the best of all of us.

And he's not crazy!

He's pure...

as pure as a child.

He doesn't know
we get paid for the weapons.

He thinks we donate them
for the triumph of the revolution.

- Where are we taking the weapons?
- To the headquarters in the Sierra.

- Where is that?
- In the mountains, in the Sierra.

- That way?
- Yes...

But first we need to collect more weapons.

- Are you coming?
- No.

- Why not?
- I don't feel like it tonight.

- Is he dead?
- Yes, he's dead.

May he rest in peace.


It's cold at night...

if you sleep alone.

Nino, I think Adelita likes you.

But watch out for Pepito.

Good night.

He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke...

he doesn't even notice women.

- What do you like, nino?
- Money.

- Get me the commander.
- Guard!

The commander is busy.

- Why do you want to see him, gringo?
- I'm handing these two criminals over to him.

- What have they done?
- They att*cked the train I was traveling on.

- Bandits or rebels?
- Is there a difference?

No, there's no difference.

Well, look at this.

- Are you the guy with the drum?
- Yes, I am.

With our national flag?

You bandit! Guard!

- Inside!
- Let's go. Move!

I said inside! Let's go!

You come along too.

Get a move on!


Inside, you pig!

- Go get the commander.
- Yes, sir.

What kind of gringo are you? English?



Tiny heart, lots of money.

Who gave you a medal?
Your general?

For all the soldiers you slaughtered?

Well, we're going to k*ll you.

Should we k*ll you today,

or should we k*ll you tomorrow?

Should we k*ll you today,

or should we k*ll you tomorrow?

- Are you pulling my beard?
- Yes, I'm pulling your beard.

Then I'll break your balls!

Hold it, or I'll sh**t!

Where is he?

Where is this American senor?

I'm Commander Hern?ndez Montoya.

Come on. Let's go.

Hurry, Eufemio.

- k*ll him!
- Let's hurry it up.


If you touch Adelita, I'll k*ll you!

Give it to me.

- Give that to me!
- Good.

Pepito! Come on!

- Let's go, muchachos.
- !Hombre!

Give them here.

More soldiers are coming.
They called in reinforcements!

Let's get out of here!

Long live the revolution!

Commander, what's she look like?

- Blonde? A brunette?
- Is she pretty?

Gentlemen, this is a real woman.

She's stupendous! The most beautiful
that's ever come this way.

Corporal, help the lady.

Fernando, some champagne. Quickly.

- Welcome.
- Welcome, beautiful lady.

- At last!
- Welcome!

Hello, boys!
Dona Dolores sent me.

Good for Dolores!

No more abstinence!

- Muchachos, take it easy with my things.
- Yes, miss.

- It's the new girl.
- Reserved for the officers.

- Hello, whore!
- And what are you? A virgin?

- Oh, no! I'm a whore.
- We're all whores here.


- Welcome!
- No more chastity!

Easy. There's some for everyone.

Come here!

Just a minute, gentlemen!

One, two, three-

My sister is a nun,

and she embroiders
very nice hankies for me.

I was good at embroidery too as a child.

Dona Dolores is a true friend to the army.
She's our godmother.

What's she doing?

Come over here.


- Adelita, are you okay?
- Yes, I'm okay.

- I give up!
- I give up!

Eufemio, the weapons!

- Is there a machine g*n?
- No, nothing.

- Shit!
- Nothing doing.

You can have whatever you want.

No need to get rough.

Come to me, morena!

- Are there any machine g*ns here?
- No, only whores.

- Excuse me.
- No problem.

What kind of shitty army
has no machine g*ns?

Let's get out of here!

Aim! Fire!

Did you run out of courage?
Why are you shaking?

Hold it right there!

Aim! Fire!

Let's go get the officers.

- Water.
- Water.

- Have pity on us.
-Water, senor.

This way. Come on.

Come on up.

We have to agree on an exchange
of prisoners for our officers.

- Sorry, you're out of luck.
- Let's talk about it.

- You're just unlucky.
- We can arrange something.

Have a little dignity.
Please, sir, hold still!

No, wait!
This is too good for them.

Leave them to me.
Move it!


What are you going to do to them?

Get down there!

Take the ladder out!

Throw the key in the river.

This way you'll die...

a slow death.

You'll have all the time you need
to repent your sins.

Santo, this is no time for your sermons.

We've got to hurry.

Let's go, muchachos.

In the name of our president,
Venustiano Carranza...

Stop! Stop!

Why are you decorating criminals?

They've k*lled women and children.

They've tortured common laborers.

They're a disgrace!

They've pillaged, r*ped, slaughtered,

exterminated poor, innocent victims.

Tigers of Mexico, I curse you!

Is that priest crazy?

Nino, get a move on
with the amm*nit*on.

Vamos, let's go!


There's been an uprising in San Miguel.
The people hold the town.

- And the soldiers?
- They k*lled them all.

Muchachos, let's go to San Miguel!

Tonight we eat, we drink,
and I want a woman.

What's wrong?

There will be girls
for you too in San Miguel.

Come on. A little revelry!

You're always sad, nino.
Let's go.

Let's take the weapons to El?as's camp first.

- Then we can go to San Miguel.
- Come on!

Wake up, nino. If you come
to San Miguel, you won't regret it.


We'd better go to San Miguel now.

You never know when the army will come.

And then the party's over, nino.
It's time to live!

- !Vamos, Pepito!
- Let's go dancing!

Long live the revolution!
Long live Mexico!

Long live the revolution!



- Crazy man!
- Old fart!


- How are you, Raimundo?
- How are you?

- What happened to your arm?
- Lost.

- Where?
- In the last fight with the army.

General El?as said to me,

??Old man, go home.
You've done enough for the revolution."

How about you?


I travel with the boys.
I k*ll soldiers.

I steal weapons from the army
and give them to our general.

Excellent. El?as needs them.

- And who's this?
- An American. He's very brave.

A good guy.
A comrade from America.

The United States gives money
to Carranza's government.

- But also to the revolution.
- They used to.

These days, they only help our enemies.

-Why , gringo?
- Why?

I don't know. I'm not friendly with
the president of the United States.

He's ?not friendly."

- But what do you think?
- Me?

I'm with Chuncho.

We take weapons from the army,
and pass them on to the revolution.

Of course.

Is he offended?

Oh, well.

Let's go celebrate our reunion. !Vamos!

No, wait.

First we must k*ll Don Felipe.

- Who's Don Felipe?
- The owner of the lands.

All right. Muchachos,
first we're going to k*ll Don Felipe.

Let's go find this Don Felipe.

- Are they coming?
- Yes.

What are you doing? Wait!

- What do you think you're doing?
- What you should be doing.

- No, darling. Please don't.
- Go get the cartridges.

Let's not be foolish.

- I'm not saying this out of cowardice.
- Coward! Let me go!

We can talk, negotiate.
Raimundo is a reasonable man.

Let's at least preserve our dignity.

Oh, God! Oh, God!

I feel ill.


It's not fear.
Believe me.

- Rafael!
-Yes, senora.

I truly feel ill.

- Rafael, come quickly!
- I'm right here, senora.

- Help me take him to the other room.
- I can't breathe!

Come. Lie down.

I'll talk to those criminals.

- Are they all at home?
- Yes, sir, all of them.

No, no, that's champagne.
You'll get diarrhea.

Drink something else.
Drink red wine, hombre.

Good morning.

Please, come in.

- Take a seat.
- Thank you.

Beatriz, Henriqueta,
more bottles for the gentlemen.

Sit down, muchachos.
You too, Adelita.

Senora, where is Don Felipe?

We're here to speak with your husband.

Senora, excuse me.

Could you pass the cheese?

- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.

Senora, please have someone
go get your husband.

My husband is resting right now.

You may speak to me.
There's no difference.

- There is a difference, senora.
- Please, sit down.

- You're Raimundo, right?
- Yes.

Is your family all right?

Since when are you interested
in my family, senora?

So, what do you want?

- Money?
- No.

What do you mean?
It seemed as though that's all you wanted.

- You've done nothing but ask for it.
- That's true.

We ask,

and your husband, just so he doesn't
have to give us anything,

calls the green hats...

the Rurales, our murderers.

- No, he didn't call them.
- Yes, senora, he did.

My husband has always been against bloodshed.

- Believe me. My husband-
- Is responsible for our dead!

Let's not talk about the past.

Raimundo, let's try
to reach an understanding...


- What is it that you want?
- The land.

All right.

- We'll see what we can do.
- Nothing, senora.

- The land is ours now.
- Yes, stolen!

- You see, senora...
- Yes?

The fact is that these muchachos
would like to k*ll your husband.


Why k*ll him?

What has he done wrong?

And why are you telling me
and not them?


they're not in the habit of talking.

As children, they were always quiet.

Forget it, Rosario.

There's no use in talking.
It's pointless.

So, Raimundo,
you've decided to k*ll me.

There must be a reason.

Is it just because I'm rich?

No, senor.

It's because we're poor,

and you've done your best
to keep us that way.

- Who is that man?
- He's one of General El?as's men.

A brave and decorated soldier
of our revolutionary army.

Can you tell me, then,
why they want to k*ll me?

I understand your question, senor.

Felipe, what's happening?

It's unfortunate,

but, in this life,
people die sometimes.

- Guapo, toss me the cheese.
- All right.

- I have one favor to ask.
- Anything but your life. Ask away.

Let me say good-bye
to my mother in there,

and let her and my wife leave.

- What do you say, Raimundo?
- All right.

All right.

- Do I have your word?
- You have my word.

But let's get a move on.

Good-bye, dear.

Forgive me if I've disappointed you sometimes.

I've always loved you.

Felipe, what do these people want?

I have to leave with them for a moment.

- Tell me the truth.
- It is the truth.

- What kind of a r*fle is that?
- It's a precision r*fle.

Nice. Do you like it?

Here. My gif t to you.

- Enough!
- No.

- Cowards!
- Where are you going?

Get out! Get out of here!

All of you, out!
Get out of here!

- What a beauty.
- I'll call the army!


I'll have you all hanged!
I said get out!

What kind of commander are you?
You're a m*rder*r!

- You're all murderers-
- She's hot!

I'm sorry.

Get ready to leave, senora.

You really want to leave, senora?

Too bad.

I like you and your red hair.

Didn't you give your word?

Words fly away with the wind, nino.

- Out of my way! Let me go!
- Come on.

Let's have a private party,
just the two of us.

Haven't we wasted enough time?
Let her go.

Why are you defending her?

I was only 15
when some other Don Felipe r*ped me!

Why should she get special treatment?


Adelita, look what I found.
It's for you.

Come and try it on.

- I like her. I like her.
- And you want to get rich, you clown?


- Lazy slobs like you don't get rich.
- I'll k*ll you.

Did you hear that?
The nino is defending the lady.

But the lady wants to stay with us.

Can't you see you disgust her?
You smell like a goat!

And you'll smell like a-


Why, Chuncho?



What have you done?

Why? Why did you k*ll him?

Because Guapo wanted to k*ll the nino.

And the nino is my friend.

Wasn't Guapo your friend too?

Guapo is dead.

Don't worry about him.

- What are you yelling about, Eufemio?
- Oh, nothing.

I came to tell you
Don Felipe has a car. Come see!

A car? That's great.
Let's go see it.

Good-bye, Rafael.

You're happy, aren't you?

Stop, stop!

Let's go to San Miguel in the car.

To San Miguel!

A car!

- What's that?
- The gear shift.

- What's it for?
- To shift gears.

- Do you understand?
- No.

- But the horses go faster.
- Don't tire the horses out!

Don Felipe, what kind of a car
runs slower than horses?

There are too many of us.

Did you hear that?

Okay, get off.

- Get off!
- Down! Down!

- Idiot!
- Get off.

And now, drive faster!

Wow, it's nice.

You look beautiful tonight, Adelita.

What's up with you, gringo?


I wanted to apologize
for not noticing sooner.

See? It was a good idea
to come to San Miguel.

I thought you didn't like women,

but you do.

So, what are you waiting for?

Are you afraid?

Of Pepito?


- Of what, then?
- Of complications.


That's never happened to me before.

- Why are you here, then?
- To say good-bye.

I'm leaving.

So are we.

- When?
- Tomorrow.

No, you're not.

Can't you see Chuncho?
He'll never get tired of the applause.

He's starting to appreciate
the revolution again.

Oh, really?

And just because they're clapping,
I should give up on my money?

After we risked our lives!

No way.
I won't give up on it.

- Why don't you tell Pepito?
- You bet I will.

Where did that idiot run off to?


- Adelita, what is it?
- Come here. I have to talk to you.

And quit drinking!

- What's wrong, my love?
- I've had enough.

I don't want to rot in this town,

and I don't want to waste my life
always in the saddle,

waiting for the money
from the weapons forever.

What's wrong? I don't get it.

Really, you don't get it?

What are we doing here?
Chuncho sings, Santo preaches.

Everyone's drunk, but when
are we going to deliver the weapons?

I want my money, and I'm leaving.

After this trip is over, we'll be set.

The trip ends here.
Ask the gringo.

What does she mean?

I was telling Adelita that Chuncho
has no intention of leaving.

Says who?

Ask him.
He's over there.

What are you waiting for, idiot? Ask him.

Go on. Ask him.

If everything goes well,

I'll take you with me to my country.


To the United States?

Don't make fun of me.

- Do you like me?
- Do you like me?

- Let's go.
- To my house.


- I need to talk to you.
- Tomorrow.

No, now.
When are we leaving?

I know when. When I say so.
When I feel like it.

- Let's go.
- Forgive me, querida.

Get out of here.

Forgive me.
They're so rude.

- Look at the bull!
- The bull of our pueblo!

Eighteen, 19, 20.

- Only 20 cartridges?
- Enough to k*ll 20 soldiers.

Watch it!

- I don't know how to sh**t.
- Then give it back!

- Wait! Where are you going?
- No, it's mine and I'm keeping it.

Raimundo, a machine g*n!
I found a machine g*n!

- A machine g*n?
- A machine g*n?

There was a machine g*n hidden
in the warehouse with tons of b*ll*ts.

- No kidding!
- And it's brand new.

- Where is it?
- In the warehouse.

Let's go.

Where are you going, my love?

It sh**t 20 b*ll*ts at a time.
It can k*ll 1,000 soldiers in an hour.

- Who found it?
- Get out of here. Let me see.

So beautiful! I've wanted one of these
even more than a woman.

Come on, women.
Hurry it up!

Double time!

Brother, if the cavalry comes,
we'll roast them on a spit!

You said even horses
are God's creatures, didn't you?

But not the government's horses!

- Anything new up there?
- Nothing.

- Keep your eyes peeled.
- Of course, General.


- What's going on?
- I was waiting for you. We're ready.

- Ready for what?
- To leave.

And the rest of you?
Are you all leaving with him?

No, it's the gringo who's coming with us.

Chuncho, come with us.
The party's over.

Our money is waiting for us
at General El?as's camp.

What are we waiting for here?
The army?

So they can capture us and the weapons?

We can't leave the village
of San Miguel to be slaughtered.

And what should we do?
Get slaughtered too?

That's not why we came here.

But if we're all here with our weapons...

and with a machine g*n,
we at least have a chance.

Why take that chance?
I don't get it.

We can take more weapons from the army.

- That's something.
- We have so many already.

- No, I'm done.
- We've done enough sh**ting.

The truth is, amigo, you have shit
in your veins instead of blood.

Maybe, but living shit
is better than dead shit.

- Amigo, shit will always be shit!
- Fine.

- Then give me my share of the weapons.
- Give them to him.

- What's his share?
- Thirty r*fles.

- And the amm*nit*on.
- Four boxes.

Come on!
Everybody, gather 'round.

We have to unload the r*fles and a*mo.

Look at these shitty warriors

running away from San Miguel
while the army is on its way.

What heroism!


I'm not mad at you.

You're a gringo.

What do you care about Mexico?

- I'd leave regardless.
- Even if you were Mexican?

- Why should I stay here?
- For them!

- Is it worth it?
- Why? Aren't they men like us?

Look at this town, nino.

They're poor and dirty, but they're men,
just like us. Look at him.

He doesn't go to the barber
or wear cologne,

but he's a man like us.

Go unload the weapons.

Do you understand me, nino?



Are you coming or not?

Good-bye, General!

Chuncho, you can't do
a bunch of things at the same time.

You have to do one thing at a time.

The thing that's most worth your while.

- So, are you coming?
- No, I'm staying here.


- Good-bye, nino.
- Let's go!

Be brave!

- Good luck, Chuncho.
- Go on, you slut!

Sons of b*tches!

I hope you get f*cked in the ass!

In the ass!
That's where your motherland is!

Let's go.

Okay, Vicente. Hurry!

- What, are you leaving?
- We'll be back. !Adios!

Did you see that?
They're leaving San Miguel!

Like this.

Give me that.

This isn't a stick.

It's not a spike.
Is it a spike?

Is it? No?

Say no. No, right?

It's a r*fle, a Mauser.

A great r*fle.
Everyone, look at it.

You open it.

You load it.

You close it.

You aim.

You fire. Is that clear?

Try it.

Go on. Try it.
It's not hard.

You open it.

You load it.

You close it.

You aim.

And you fire.

- Did you drop this rod?
- No.

- So whose is it? Yours?
- Not mine.

Are we done?

Should we try again?

- I'm wondering why I stay with you.
- Just because.

And why should you stay with me?

- Why?
- Because we really like staying with you.

Why are you leaving?

Chuncho, what's wrong?

- Should we try again?
- Go ahead, sh**t.

You can k*ll each other.

You aim.

Like this?

That's good.

Get me the machine g*n.

Enough. Give me the r*fle.

Now go home.

- Leave me alone.
- My love, are you coming?

Leave me alone.

I don't love you.
I'll throw this at you!

- Come on.
- Go away!

Leave me alone!

- What's wrong, brother?
- She only wants one thing.

She's never satisfied.

You know, I was thinking
we shouldn't have let them leave.

It would have been better if we had all stayed here
together with our weapons and amm*nit*on.

Thirty Mausers
and a machine g*n will be enough.

As long as you and I are here,
no one will enter San Miguel.

I know, I know.

General El?as needs weapons
more than we do.

Who knows if the general
will ever get those weapons?


I don't know if the nino and those
good-for-nothings will find the way.

Didn't you tell them how to get there?

I said up the mountains, in the Sierra.

What else could I say?

There are no paths, nothing.

- The General is waiting for those weapons.
- I know.

I know that.

Watch it! I'll k*ll you!


if it weren't for the army,
which could get here any second,

I'd go after them,

catch them and bring them back with me.

I could, right?

But we need you here.

Yes, I know.


They stole it!

- They stole the machine g*n!
- When? Who?

- This morning, when they left.
- They asked for it in your name.

In my name? Who?

I don't know his name.
The one who sings.

- Picaro?
- Yes.

Did you hear that?

And you're the one who knows
how to read and write?

Hermano, I'm going.

- A horse!
- Chuncho!

Give me your hat. !Vamos!

Come back soon, brother!

- Come back soon.
- !Tranquilo!

I'll be back with the machine g*n tomorrow!


It's Chuncho!



Get my horse.

Get off!

No one can steal a machine g*n
in my name! Is that clear?

All right. Should we go?

Not that way! This way!


Because you can't go
to General El?as's headquarters.

It's too dangerous.
There's fighting there.

There's a different place where El?as's men
bring us our money. We'll go there.

Didn't you want to see the general?

Of course I'd like to.

But, for now...

I'll be satisfied with his photograph.

Some other time,
some other time.

Adelita, guapa, let's go!

Let's go, horse!

General El?as's men!

How come there is only one?

I told you they'd come.

- But only one?
- There are the others.

- No, they're soldiers!
- Pepito!

- Rurales!
- Pepito!

- Where are the others?
- There, at the watering hole.

- What's going on?
- Rurales!

- We're screwed.
- Get us more amm*nit*on.

Go, Vicente!

Nino, the machine g*n!

Take cover! Quick!


- News of the general?
- Everything's fine.

- Did you bring the weapons?
- Of course.

- But where are the others?
- They were captured.

Now we'll have some fun.
Grab a Mauser.

Vicente has been hit.

- Fire, nino.
- Easy.

What are you waiting for?
Come on!

Come on, damn it! sh**t!

Listen to the machine g*n sing!

Come on, nino! Another one.


They're coming back.

Watch out for Adelita, nino.

Another one.

Pepito, more amm*nit*on. Quick!


What have you done?

What have you done, you idiot?

Come here, sons of b*tches!

Come here!

Wait, nino. Stop.

I'll take care of those guys.

Where are you going?

Come here! I have to sh**t you!

Good thing you had the machine g*n.

Come here.

Don't leave!

Is he dead?

Maybe he didn't have it.

Maybe one of the others was carrying it.

But why them?


That means he didn't bring the money.

Or did you take it, nino?

- Yeah, and I already spent it all.
- Yeah, yeah.

Now we have to go to the general's camp.

And Vicente is dead.

- Eufemio?
- Dead.



Adelita, buck up.

- Buck up, muchacha.
- I'm leaving.

- Where are you going?
- I'm leaving.


In this life, people die sometimes.

What about your share of the weapons?

Did you get the money?

No, nothing here.

But if you come to the camp with us...

we'll split the money three ways.

Do you have any money?

I don't know what you're looking for.

I've never understood you,
and I don't even care anymore.

Pepito is down there.
Bury him.

Are we going to waste more time
burying them?

What's wrong, nino?

Do you feel sick?

Come here.

Let's go.

It's nothing, nino.
You're not used to this life.


with a little fire,
everything will be all right.

No, it's malaria.


Get my pills from my bag.

- Get what from your bag?
- The vial with the quinine.

The vial with the quinine.

It's a little glass vial.

Glass? Okay.

- The whole thing?
- Four.


Take this.

Take it.

This is no good. I'll give you
some good medicine, nino.

Chew this. It's good.

Mescal is good for the body,
for the head and for love, nino.

It helps you sleep, dream.

- Drink up, nino.
- Thank you.

- Chuncho.
- What?

I don't understand you.

You keep wasting time,
thinking of others.

- Me? Who do I think of?
- Me, for instance.

You could have left on your own
and taken all the money for yourself.

Well, I don't like to work alone.

- Chuncho.
- What?

Do you know a Hotel Morelos
in Ciudad Ju?rez?

I don't know any hotels.

If we get separated, find it.

- Why should we get separated?
- Something might happen.

Nothing ever happens, amigo.

Nino, why do you have
a gold b*llet in your bag?

It's... a good-luck charm.

- Like this is for me?
- Right.

Good luck!

Let's go.

The general's camp is nearby.

Just think, nino.

That money is all ours.
We'll divide it all between us.



- Chuncho, are you still alive?
- Chuncho can never die.

- How are things here?
- We're waiting for weapons.

- How about down there?
- It's hell.


- Too hot?
- Hot and bloody.

This here is heaven.

A heaven where we starve.

- Not enough to eat?
- Nothing at all.

I have a machine g*n for the general.

- Go on, eat it.
- Thank you!

Hombre, he's a friend of mine.

Let's go!

Adios, senor.

Hey, kids, who's the oldest?

Come here.

Divide it fairly.
One chunk apiece.

Come forward.

- Two.
- Two.

Hold it.

How many?

- Five.
- Five?

- Three.
- Three.




Good, Paquita.

Another one.


- Senor, now do you like Mexico?
- No.

So what are you doing here?
Why don't you go back to your country?

I sell weapons.
It's a job like any other.

I wouldn't sell weapons to people I disliked.

Because you're not a professional.
Chico, learn from General El?as.

He buys my weapons and doesn't complain.

- Good-bye, revolutionary.
- Adios.

- How many survivors in the town?
- Not many.

- Are they here?
- Yes, we put them in the chapel.

- Are there many dead?
- Yes, many.



A machine g*n.


It's fantastic.
The latest model.

It uses the same b*ll*ts as the Mauser.


machine g*n.

Go on. Out.

One, two, two.

That's it.

How much?

- How much what?
- The amount.

Five thousand pesos.


First, the general wants to see you.

The general?

To see me?


They resisted as long as they could,
but there were too many soldiers.

- Nothing could be done.
- General.

Here he is.

Come forward.

- Come, Chuncho.
- Well met, General.

I have a picture of you.
It's your spitting image.

Take a seat.


It's been a long time
since you fought with us.

Now we must talk about money.

And about the weapons I brought.

Did you hear about the machine g*n?
It's amazing.

Yes, I know.

- What's the total, Tom?s?
- Five thousand pesos.

- Five thousand pesos.
- Pay him.

This time, Chuncho...

has done well for himself.

- Thank you, General.
- Just a minute, Chuncho.

I need your advice.

- Mine?
- Yours.

Sit down.

Three days ago, Carranza's army
took back the town of San Miguel.

All the townspeople died,

because they had no weapons
to defend themselves.

It was a m*ssacre.

- Really?
- Yes.

One man profited from this m*ssacre.

A man who profits
from the deaths of his brothers...

Does he seem like a man to you?

What would you call him?

A bastard.

And what would you do to him?

I would k*ll him.

Your comrades from San Miguel
are dead, all of them.

And you've made 5,000 pesos.

Have me shot.

- Ramirez.
- Yes, General?

No, I must punish him.

He's my brother.

My blood.

And you?

What do you have to say about it?

What can I say, General?

Who knows?

Maybe death will be less ugly
if my brother sh**t me.

Here, cashier.
I don't need any money where I'm going.

Good-bye, Chuncho.

Good-bye, General.
Long live Mexico!

Good-bye, beautiful.
I'm leaving!

I don't like this spot, brother.
It stinks of pig shit.

Let's go a little further.

Hermano, Santo, won't you let me
make confession or absolve me?

There is no absolution for what you did.

- Prepare yourself.
- But you said God is good and generous.

God is, but I'm not.

Where, then?
Will you make up your mind?

Wherever the hat falls.

Where are you aiming?

Here or here?

- Wherever you want.
- Here.

Brother, what is it?

They shot General El?as!

The general was shot with a golden b*llet.

General El?as is dead.

BY GOLDEN b*llet

No bills, please.

- Isn't it the same?
- No. Gold!

You promised me
100,000 pesos in gold.

Pay him.

It's hard to believe you succeeded.


You're very young.

They said the same thing when I volunteered.

And yet I've done what I said I'd do.

- But how did you get away?
- I was lucky.

Just a moment.

The receipt.

For important services
rendered to the government.

Senor Tate, there are other rebel leaders.

If we should need you,
where can we find you?

If I need money, I'll find you.


- Keep the change.
- Thank you, senor.

Thank you very much.

Senor, can you spare some change?

I'm hungry.

Get out of here, for the last time!

What do you want? Get out!

Stop bothering our clients!

Where are you going?

What do you want?
Watch out! He has a g*n!

Stop him!

Call the police!

Leave him alone.
Leave him.

He's armed.
Can't you see he's got a g*n?

He's a friend of mine.

It's just a joke.
It's not loaded.

How are you?
I've been expecting you.

- Shouldn't we hand him over to the police?
- Go away!


Don't sh**t right away.
Wait five minutes.

Manager, I gave you a case yesterday.
I'd like to collect it now.

Very well.

Of course, senor Tate.

Just a moment.

- Right away?
- Yes.

To be secure, I put it in the safe.

Here it is.
The case and a letter.

For senor Chuncho Munos.

Read the letter.

??Dear Chuncho, I waited for you
for a week, but now I must leave.

I'm leaving you the 50,000 pesos you earned.

It's half of what I made with your help.

I hope we meet again someday.

Thank you for everything, and-"

For you.

Senor, just a moment.

A signature, please.


Sign the paper.
Any mark will do.


Come. Let's go up to my room.

- Should we call the police?
- No, I think they're friends.

- It's another one of your tricks.
- No.

If I'd wanted to trick you,
I would have left with all the money.

That's true.

But the general...

Why did you k*ll him, nino?

Yes, of course, I know.

For all this money!

You see how much that man was worth?

You've made more with this one job
than you could have in your entire lifetime.

For sure.

- But why did you k*ll my brother?
- He was about to k*ll you.


That's true.

Well, what's the matter?

- What's wrong, Chuncho?
- I don't know.

I came here to k*ll you.

And now I don't know.

?Qui?n sabe?


All right. Let's do this.

If you're having scruples,
I'll take all the money.

Hands off!

Who took you to the general? I did!

Yes, with this money,

I'd be a rich man,
even in the United States.

You are a rich man, Chuncho.

It's time to start looking like one.

Relax, senor.

What is your profession?

I'm in business.
I'm leaving tomorrow.

For the United States.

If I come back, I'll look for you.

I like you very much.

- How did it go last night?
- Very well. A fiery woman.

- How much did you give her?
- Nothing. I've never paid!

- What do you do to women, Chuncho?
- They fall in love.

Sometimes I might give them
a little present, if I feel like it.

But when you pay,
there are no complications.

In your country, perhaps.
I don't know.

But here money doesn't fix everything.

Hey, beautiful!

- Get out of the way.
- It was my turn.

And now it's mine.

Life is beautiful
because it's full of surprises.

The last man goes first.


Senor, may I shine your shoes?

Buy yourself some bread.

Cut it out!

Buy yourself some bread.

Shall we go?

Thank you, senor.

Tell me, Chuncho.
Have you ever taken a train before?

Thirteen, or 11.
I've lost count.

- No, I mean as a passenger.
- As a passenger, none.

You'll see, it's much nicer.

Nino, if we go to the United States,
won't it be dangerous for you?

You said there's a bounty on your head.

That was just a trick
so you'd let me join your g*ng.

What about the handcuffs?

I took them off a dead soldier.

- How did you know I'd attack the train?
- I had to join the rebels to get to the general.

I'd been riding trains
with weapons cargoes for two weeks.

- Then you met me.
- That's right.

Nino, you're very clever.
You never make a mistake, right?

- Let's get on. The train's leaving.
- You've been a good friend to me.

It's true, but I have to k*ll you.

- Are you starting with that again?
- No, nino, I'm almost finished.

Don't be stupid.
I made you rich, Chuncho.

- Why do you want to k*ll me?
- Nada. I just have to do it.

- But tell me why!
- ?Qui?n sabe?

Why do you want to k*ll me?

?Qui?n sabe?

What do you mean, ?who knows"?
You have to know.

I do know why.

Wait. Tell me why!

Go back to the United States!

And you, don't buy bread
with this money.

Buy dynamite!