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Gunfighter, The (2014)

Posted: 08/24/23 18:07
by bunniefuu
the weary gunfighter walked slowly through the saloon.

the long miles from Cheyenne had taken their toll

who saying that stuff.

he scanned the room with a suspicious eye.

years of being on the wrong side of the law,

had taught him that a tough
man can get out of a situation.

but a smart man never gets himself into one.

please quit doing that

I just want to have
a shot of whiskey in peace

but the gunfighter would find no peace.

for the Henderson boys were

waiting in the corner to k*ll him for

the $200 bounty on his head.

that true.

you boys trying to k*ll me like this voices say


lied the oldest Henderson boy.

how do you know I'm lying.

- the oldest Henderson boy
asked to the air. - no.

I didn't ask the air
I'm asking you, your f*cking..


- said the oldest Henderson boy.
- do please stop saying said..

- ..the oldest Henderson boy.
- implored Tommy,

the oldest Henderson boy.

meanwhile the younger Henderson's
hand twitched by the..

..Colt Peacemaker on his right hip.

he was thinking of shouting look out behind you

to trick the gunfighter into turning around

so he could sh**t him in the back.

- no I was not.
- come on Johnny, again with..

..the look behind you
what were you gonna..

..say was behind him this time.


Johnny lied. he was going to say a bear.

Oh, came on.

bear Johnny in a saloon.

Johnny's face turned red.

he began wishing he was in a safe place.

- at home in bed with his dolls.

- what hey, I ain't got no dolls.
- to calm his nerves he..

..pictured himself combing his doll's hair..

-..and pouring them each a cup of tea.
- no.

wait wait wait you have
tea parties with your dolls.

but something about the

younger Henderson's vulnerability opened

- ..a door in the gunfighters heart.
- nope. no it didn't.

inside a sea of confusing

- ..emotions bubbled to the surface.
- no.

he started imagining himself holding

the younger Henderson
and stroking his greasy hair.

- no. - he pictured his first
kiss with the younger Henderson.

- no. - they both giggle at
how clumsy it was.

they know the next one will be even better.

I'm seriously not picturing that.

- but inside he was.
- no, I'm not.

- but he was. - no, I'm not
in that's a final word.

- but he was.
- God damn it.

- why don't you two go
get a room. - hey..

why should we trust this voice anyway

- just then the gunfighter
had an idea. - hey..

- you.
- me?

think of a number between one

and a hundred and then we'll see if this

voice really knows what we're thinking.

- okay got it.
-Sally the whore began..

..thinking of her favorite number..

..which was 32.

she then thought of her lady parts and

how itchy they were before deciding to

change her mind and go with 76.

- her second favorite number.
- the voice is rad.

32 is my favorite number but then I..

- ..changed my mind I went with 76.
- and your..

- ..couch.
- husband issues I'm at horrible

since Saturday bill.
you know anything about that.

- oh no.
- he did, but we'll get to..

that in a minute.

looks like that voice really does know

- ..everything.
- the gunfighter noticed for..

the first time that
the bartender was black.

this was still unusual in the West

but the gunfighter decided
he was okay with it.

- um thanks.
-the people in the town..

prided themselves for their progressive

- ..attitudes about race.
- that's right.

but would they still feel that way if they

knew that Sam had been
sleeping with Ned shillings wife.


relax Ned all right everyone has been with her.

- guilty.
- yeah you're right.

- and Elijah Jessup sister.
- well Sam has dead.

watch yourself Jessup you best put that

g*n down I'll cut you in half.

that music seems kind of ominous tone it

hominis what's that mean

you know like like something Bad's about

to happen like i canti this g*n fat.

the stage was set for an awesome ballet of death.

blood would be spilled.
but who..

- ..would be the first.
- wait singer, ballet of..

..death, what the hell.

I think this voice wants us to k*ll each other.

meanwhile the gunfighter saw his

- ..opening to sh**t Tommy dead.
- no no wait.

that that one really is a lossy my hands

- ..don't need my g*n.
- okay you got me that.. wasn't true.
but this one is..

..yesterday Tommy Henderson
made sweet..

- to build Jessup's wife.
- oh, nooo!

wait he's left why mama?

here's the thing about that.

- Oh you are dead Henderson.
- said Gabriel..

..who had recently delivered a load of..

..cream to the back
porch of his brother's wife.

- he did her in the butt.
- what?

- how could you your own brother.
- yet even as..

bill reacted with disgust the irony was

- ..not lost on. - know what
I see oh where are

you going with this and I'm just gonna

retract my disgust right
now if that's possible.

for he had been regularly

- ..sneaking into Paul Valentine's barn.
- okay,.. know we're good
we're good here I

- ..think we should just move on.
- where he'd

been having sex with
Paul's favorite sheep Martha.

- oh boy.
- Martha Phil! Martha!..

that is why I've been so itchy

oh you know what we all just need to

take a deep breath here.

we're playing right
to the voices hands.

sure there's been a surprising
amount of infidelity in this town.

and the bestiality should probably stop.

and I might be gay.
but if..

..we start sh**ting the voice wins.
I think..

the voice is giving us an opportunity.

in a world where our deepest darkest

secrets are unveiled one by one.

maybe we'll stop doing the things were ashamed of.

and start to embrace the things about

ourselves we're afraid to accept.

hell this could be the beginning of a new

utopia a society based on fairness and

tolerance where

don't matter if you're rich,

- you're poor...
- or a woman.

let's not get carried away

but the point is is that the boys is

showing us the worst side of ourselves

and we need to show it our best.

now who's winning?

it was a good speech and things might

have turned out differently if the crowd

never found out that the gunfighter had

just last night shot and k*lled the

youngest son of John McCullers.

because he quote had some breath that smelled the ascend of a Chinaman.

well you must be mr. McCullers.

it was a true ballet of death.

when the gruesome bloodbath was over.

not a single person was left standing.

except for Sally.

the Itchy whore.

you who celebrated by scratching her front porch.

little did she know she would be mauled

to death by a rabid wolf the very next day.

well f*ck.

~The Gunfighter~