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Vera Cruz (1954)

Posted: 08/24/23 18:56
by bunniefuu

You an American?

You interested in me or the horses?

Would one of 'em be for sale?

- One would.

- Which one?


- How much?

- $100.


- That's mighty hard.

- So's walkin'.

His leg was broke.

A three-legged horse'd

bring a price down here.

- He was sufferin'.

- Soft spot, huh?

Only for horses.

Next time you draw near me,

say what you're aimin' at.

If I have the time, I will.

- Government troops! Gonna run or fight?

- I got no quarrel with them.

Fancy sh**t' for a man with no quarrel.

- That featherhead tried to k*ll me!

- Why not? That's his horse you're ridin'.

Back in Louisiana, we hang horse thieves!



I said howdy.

What gets into Americans down here?

He's got Joe's horse.

Friend, if you got Joe Erin,

you rode the wrong way.

Shoulda headed for the States

and claimed the reward.

All I got was his horse.

You're a liar!

You see, nobody could steal

Joe Erin's horse unless he k*lled him.

Nobody'd k*ll Joe

'less they shot him in the back.

Turn around, mister.

I didn't k*ll him.

Give the gent a hand first, boys.

A pleasure.

My old man always said

the bottle could ruin a man.

Joe! You ain't dead!

That's what the man said.

We didn't know he was your friend.

I got no friends, Donnegan, not even you.

Follow him, boys. We're leavin' anyway.

Louisiana, huh?

- Mint julep, Colonel?

- Colonel?

- All you Southerners are colonels.

- Not any more.

Civil w*r cost me everything but my shirt.

- Travelling alone?

- Depends.

How come you stopped the fun?

You got a soft spot for an innocent man?

No such thing as an innocent man.

- You aimin' to fight in this civil w*r here?

- If it pays.

I figure a whole passel of g*ns'll

pay better than a lone hand.



About my horse...

Your horse? You found another fast one

to get you here in time to save my neck.


I'll give you back your saddle.


I just don't see how the South lost.

Hear tell some boys

from the States is here.

Trouble draws 'em like hogs to swill!

The boys is here, all right!

Let me go!

Little Bit,

you gonna put your brand on her?

Ride her, cowboy!

Hooray for the papaya lady!

All right, Papayas. I'll take you.

Slow down, Little Bit.

Man's just tryin' to keep you alive.

- Easy, friend, easy. That's Ben Trane.

- That supposed to mean somethin'?

He stole Joe Erin's horse and lived to tell.

Thank you, seor.

Thought your soft spot

was only for horses.

Boys, there's a w*r goin' on down here.

Be a shame if fine men like us

weren't on the same side.

Anybody wanna ride along with me?

We're doin' just fine on our own.

We're here to dicker with General

Ramirez, big chief of the rebels.

- How much does he pay?

- I figure that's 'tween me and him.

Kind of exclusive, ain't you, Charlie?


permit me to welcome you to Mexico.

- You the mayor?

- I'm the Marquis de Labordere.

Aide to His Imperial Majesty Maximilian,

Emperor of Mexico.

You are Monsieur Joe Erin?

- You know me?

- Indeed. The American police account

of your exploits was so inspiring

I was compelled to seek you out.

Hear that, Ben?

I offer you a commission

in the service of His Majesty.

You and your men could be

of profitable service to the emperor.

- How profitable?

- Yeah. That's what I wanna know.

His Majesty is extremely generous.

How many men have you?

- 17.

- Add pretty fast, don't you, Joe?

Anything wrong with the count?


You're dickering with the wrong feller.

Those eight men are mine.

Those seven are his.

If we come in... I run the show.

I string with Charlie.

Anybody else string with Charlie?

Bravo! It is an honour

to know you, Monsieur Erin.

The honour is mine, Your Excellency.

- Who's he?

- A Juarista... a rebel.

A soldier in the army

of Benito Jurez, seor.

- I am General Ramirez.

- General?

- What's your proposition, General?

- We would like you to join us.

You'd be wasting your talents. These

peasants have no money to pay you.

As Americans, you can appreciate

our fight for independence.

We offer you more than money, seor.

We offer a cause.

How 'bout that, Ben? This here's

our cause expert. Fought for the South.

A brave struggle, seor.

My congratulations.

What for? We lost.

You were sayin'...

the emperor was extremely generous.

I am sorry, seor.

His Excellency is now our prisoner.

- What'd you say?

- The marquis is our prisoner.

So are the rest of you.

Each one of you is a target for 20 of us.

At this range,

even our ancient weapons are effective.

- If it's that easy, what's stoppin' you?

- We're not savages, seor.

We do not k*ll in cold blood.

But we cannot permit you

to serve with Maximilian.

If you do not surrender

before Pedro finishes his song...

Better make it a long one, Pedro,

cos you ain't ever gonna play another!

Hold it!

Get those children outta here.

Yeah, sure... Always did like kids.

How about you, General?


Donnegan! Pittsburgh!

Get those kids inside.

Come on, kids.

Hurry up! Pronto!

All right, Joe!

The two inside will not stop us.

Nor will 200.

No, but they can stop a lot of kids

from growin' up, amigo.

- Donnegan!

- Just say the word, Joe!

You want those kids to live,

get your men up that hill.

We'll leave then, not before.

Wars are not won by k*lling children.

Hasta la vista, seores.

I give you my word we will meet again.

Donnegan! Pittsburgh!

Turn the kids loose.

Fascinating man, your friend...

and a brilliant bluff about those children.

Or was it a bluff?

They're still alive, aren't they?

- Where's this palace of Max's?

- Mexico City. We'll be there by nightfall.

Let's ride.

If this blue coat don't rile you,

Mr Trane, I'd like to ride along.

Can you think of a better man?

He won the w*r, didn't he?

- Suit yourself.

- The man's crazy about you.

Move along.

- My wallet!

- To you, seor, it is free.

It is useless to look for it now. In Mexico,

a thief disappears like a puff of smoke.

It's only cowhide, Ben.

Max'll buy you another.

It wasn't the wallet,

it's the sentiment. I had $12 in it!

- Old Max sure knows how to live.

- The fanciest lodge hall I ever seen!

- Hey, come on down here!

- What's at this end?

Aren't you going to join us, monsieur?

- The emperor built quite a palace.

- You know its history?

We had books in the South...

And one or two homes that once

might have stood beside all this.


There's nothin' ever destroyed

that can't be rebuilt.

Perhaps... if a man

wants to badly enough.

I didn't come down here for the ride.

Aw, come one, take just

a little bite! Come on!

- What do you suppose is wrong with her?

- Try approaching 'em downwind.

Oh, gentlemen.

May I present Captain Danette?

Monsieur Erin, Monsieur Trane.

You'll find something in common

with this gentleman.

As a soldier, he fought with

the American Confederate Army.

Then I feel we'll have little in common.

You see, I've never fought

with a losing side.

That's cos you ain't ever fought him!

He has you there, Captain, I assure you.

Excuse me. The captain will

take care of your needs from now on.

Tell Max we're waitin'!

Your acquaintance with

etiquette amazes me, monsieur.

I had no idea you knew

which hand to use.

When I was no higher than

a hound dog's tail on point,

I had a little tin soldier, about so high.

And one day I lost him... and I cried.

My mother said "Stop bawlin'. Someday

that soldier's bound to show up."

And she was right.

You're back.

Joe! Over there!

Careful, monsieur. Some of the wine

is getting in your mouth.



Marie. You're looking

your loveliest this evening.

Thank you, Henri.

Mon cher Henri,

it's so nice to have you safely back.

The palace seemed empty without you.

Obviously your trip was successful.

Successful but... distasteful.

May I introduce Monsieur Erin, Monsieur

Trane? The Comtesse Marie Duvarre.


No wonder you was in

such a fire to get here.

Tous les Amricains, ils sont trs beaux.

- You are being complimented.

- Merci. Vous seriez belle n'importe o.

Monsieur, your French

is as pretty as your flattery.

In New Orleans,

we learn how to handle both.

Dirty son of a...

His Majesty the emperor.

Excuse me, gentlemen, please.

- Your Majesty.

- Henri.

They're a disreputable-looking band.

Do they know the nature of their mission?

Only that they will be

handsomely rewarded.

Do you consider death

a handsome enough reward for them?

If not from the g*ns of the Juaristas,

perhaps from the steel

of Your Majesty's lancers.

You may present me

to the courageous little group.

Your Majesty, allow me to...

I implore your indulgence.

They are not familiar with court protocol.

It is gratifying that you men

are so sympathetic with our position

- that you offer your services to us.

- Let's get one thing clear, Your Majesty.

Our services come high.

I hope the emperor is more interested

in fire power than protocol.

Precisely. Our primary concern is getting

a coach through Juarista country

- to the port at Vera Cruz.

- May I humbly remind Your Majesty

that my lancers will also take part.

Quiet. You failed before.

I beg your indulgence, sire.

But why should these men do any better?


- This is why.

- Indeed.

May I? I am something of a marksman.

Ah, yes...

the new Winchester repeating r*fle.

I hear it fires faster than the double-action

p*stol, and as far as the eye can see.

Mister, it does everything

but sh**t around corners.

Most amusing.

But, of course, a w*apon is only

as good as the man who uses it.


Hold on to your hat, Max. And don't

worry about the women and children.



Three torches left.

A pity your g*n is empty.

It's not.

Your Majesty said he was a marksman.

Allow me, sire.

Thank you, monsieur.

Bravo! Bravo!

All the way forward...

All the way back.



Perhaps I better stop.

We have a servant problem as it is.

I assure Your Majesty I shall be

perfectly safe with these gentlemen.

Well, then, I suppose I must approve.

You see, it is the countess

who will occupy the coach.

She's decided that she must see Paris

again, and we indulge her every whim.

The marquis wants her to reach

the ship at Vera Cruz safely.

She will if the price is right.

I suppose when one deals with men

of action, one must expect action.

Does 25,000 in gold sound reasonable?

A pretty figure... but only half as pretty

as the figure we're escorting to Vera Cruz.

I gather that double would increase

your sense of responsibility?

It would double it.

I'll be a dirty...

The water is about to come in!

Joe's pretty fast on the draw!

I'd prefer he restricted

his speed to his g*n!

Funny country, isn't it? A carriage cuts

deeper tracks than an overloaded wagon.

Yeah, funny country, all right.

A very large convoy

to protect one woman.

It will take two days

to get men for an attack.

- Get them!

- Yes, sir.

But in the meantime a few

will have to do the work of many.

- You are welcome, seor.

- We need food and drink for 70 people.

Your best - you understand?

But, seor, our provisions are scarce,

and the emperor does not pay.

We dine in an hour.

They have a very passable wine here -

vintage of '59. We'll stay the night.

Easy to defend, too.

My dear, you are unusually

gallant this evening.

- As gallant as the two Americans?

- You surprise me, Henri.

You should know there is never

anything to fear from two men.

Your French is as pretty

as your flattery, mon-sewer.

Ma'am, I learned my French

in old New Orleans.

Oh! You wanna play, huh?

Voulez-vous get off my toe?!

Aw, Tex! I told you to be careful!

You Americans are so gallant!

Come on, Countessy. Let's go!

Come on, Joe. Give it back.


A little careless with

your hardware, ain't ya?

- Look out behind you, Joe!

- Ah, come on, Little Bit.

You can do better than that.

Careful, Joe.

It's cocked.

Well, what do you know?

So it is. Catch it, Little Bit!

You boys ain't gonna let

a little g*nsh*t spoil the party?

Ballad, show us really how to dance.

Give us a hoedown, Pittsburgh!

Anything you say, Mr Erin.

- Hello...

- Hello!

How much d'you think is there?

Just enough.

For two?

Good evening.

Each one of those six boxes contains

half a million dollars in gold.

- Three million!

- Sure has a nice ring to it.

You plannin' to visit Paris or buy it?

This is the money to bring troops from

Europe to keep Maximilian on the throne.

But I can think of many uses for it

more civilised than w*r.

- Ma'am, you're just full of surprises.

- Then let me add another.

- One million's enough for me.

- It ain't for me.

I'm a pig.

Be a shame not to keep it all in one piece.

Perhaps. But neither of you

can get out of the country alone.

If the Juaristas captured it,

they could win.

- They ain't gonna capture it.

- You don't know the Juaristas.

They are suspicious already. Even

Maximilian needed me for camouflage.

How come he made

the mistake of pickin' you?

The emperor is very fond of the marquis,

so I made sure

the marquis became fond of me.

Looks like you been thinkin'

about this for a long time.

I have.

There will be a sea captain

to meet me in Las Palmas.

He has a fast ship

up the coast from Vera Cruz.

The marquis know about that?

Unfortunately, as I have

discovered to my embarrassment,

Henri is loyal to his emperor.

But I dare say he would be willing to...

die for Maximilian.

- How do we know we can trust you?

- How do I know I can trust you?


you're beginnin' to talk my language.

- And yours?

- Should be an interesting trip!

I wish you'd stop drawin' around me!

Now, gentlemen.

It's a long way to Vera Cruz.

You see that?

You must have had a restful night

to find the morning so amusing.

It's the countess. She's quite a woman!

Indeed. She's worth her weight in gold.



Out of the way, peasants!

Not yet!


The carriage!

The carriage!


Hey! You saved my bacon back there!

Sorry I was so slow gettin' to ya.

You'd have been a little slower,

you'd have stood to be richer.

- Maybe I didn't think of that.

- Too bad you never knew Ace Hanna.

Ran a gamblin' joint back in Laredo.

Shot my old man in a stud game

when I was still a kid.

- Ace felt so bad, he give me a home.

- What's it got to do with my savin' you?

Ace said "Don't take

any chances you don't have to."

"Don't trust anybody you don't have to.

Don't do no favours you don't have to do."

Ace lived long enough to know he was

right. He lived 30 seconds after I shot him.

You know somethin'? That's the first time

I ever told anybody the story of my life.


Halt the caravan! Count the casualties!

- Well, if it isn't Papayas!

- Why don't you let a real man try it?

You'll never catch her, Pittsburgh!

What's the matter?

Ain't you gonna scream?

I like 'em when they scream. Maybe you

can bring Ben Trane to the rescue again.

- Ain't that right, Donnegan?

- Right.

Hold it!

- Where did she come from?

- She's here of her own free will.

- I'll believe that when you let her go.

- You was a man, you'd get off that horse.

I'll get off when you turn her loose.

sh**t him as he's gettin' off.

We're waitin'!

You boys had enough fightin' for the day?

You heard the man.

Tex, get aboard that wagon.

Well... that old Southern charm.

Draws 'em like bees to honey, eh, Ben?

She snaked that wagon outta there

just like a mule skinner.

- Mount up, Ballad.

- I just wanted to get to Vera Cruz.

Just for the ride to Vera Cruz?

You did a favour for me once.

Is it too much to expect another?

That was a nice new dress you're wearin'.

You wouldn't turn her down, would ya?

It'd break her heart.

Captain Danette informed me of your

heroics. My compliments, mademoiselle.

We want an explanation

of your presence here.

Ain't you heard?

We just picked up a passenger.

Such decisions are up to the marquis.


I wish you a pleasant journey to Vera

Cruz. It's time we were starting again.

Mount the caravan!

- Thank you, seor.

- Forward!

Kinda cosy, ain't it, Ben?

Now we both got girls.

You just can't do

enough for me, can you?

Why not? You're the first friend I ever had.

- That's the fifth one we've seen today.

- Sixth. I bet these hills are full of 'em.

It's a cinch

they ain't gonna wait much longer.

Hey, you! Wake up!

Keep your eyes on the road!

Your concern for the safety of the

carriage is most gratifying, monsieur.

Protecting the countess

is what I'm here for.

Is that all? I like to think

you're here to protect the wagons,

the supplies, the horses...

to say nothing of myself.

That marquis has too many teeth

in that crocodile smile. I don't like it.

Then don't make so much fuss

over this carriage... or me.

We get to Las Palmas, if that ship captain

ain't there, you'll really see a fuss.

- I see we have a prisoner.

- And three missing lancers.

Not a very good swap.

Run! Run, you fool!

Why don't they try throwin' rocks?

You wouldn't want to see

the game end too soon, monsieur.

Long live Jurez!

- Pleasant trip?

- It is not pleasant to see a man k*lled.

- Even a Juarista.

- Even a Juarista?

That's strange coming from a Mexican.

It is hard to be a patriot

on an empty stomach.

What if Ramirez and the Juaristas win?

Things might be different.

How can they win without money?

Without g*ns?

You saw General Ramirez,

and you chose Maximilian.

Why should I be different?

You are different.

Most girls don't steal wallets.

Where is it?

If you believe that, seor,

why did you let me come with you?

- Hand it over.

- Have you looked for it lately?

Of course, it is empty.


Picking pockets is a habit hard to break.

Why are you so anxious

to get to Vera Cruz?

For me, it is not wise

to stay too long in one place.

And in Vera Cruz there are

many people... and many pockets.

And many dresses.

They say that a thief in Mexico today

can disappear like a puff of smoke.

- Is that true?

- You can see smoke disappear.

Suppose I wanted to get to

Vera Cruz alone... Could I do it?

It's possible, seor.

But why?

A man named Ace Hanna used to say:

"It never hurts to have an ace in the hole."

We would go together?

You never can tell.

I'm just liable to get that filled for ya.

- Henri?

- Yes?

I should like to stop here.

Las Palmas is famous for its fiestas.

Of course. And you must be tired.

Continue with your dancing!

I enjoy seeing our people happy.

- We halt here.

- But we could push on to the next town.

This will make it difficult

to reach Vera Cruz tomorrow.

It is the countess's wish.

I do not intend to disappoint her.

I will see the mayor provides us

with food and quarters.

Food only. Quarters will not be necessary.

You see, it is here that

the countess intends to betray us.

Halt the caravan.

I'll take this.

Of course. Anything you say, monsieur.

- Gettin' very polite, isn't he?

- Yeah.

- That ship captain here?

- In front of the cantina.

The man with the whiskers.

- He will come to me later.

- Why not now?

We must be careful

not to arouse the marquis' suspicion.

You see, he may not trust us

as much as we trust each other.

He been to see her yet?

Not yet. He don't make a move soon,

I'm gonna work on him myself.

Easy. Wait till he's had a chance

to tell the countess where the ship is.

- You ain't a fool enough to trust her?

- No.

But she can't make a move,

not without us.

Tell me somethin'. How come you let

a little thing like the Civil w*r bust ya?

I made the mistake of fightin'

the last battle on my own property.

Well, don't you worry. After this you can

build her up again, outta solid marble.

I guess you don't know much

about a plantation, do ya?

It's not just a house.

It's land... a lot of people.

And right now they're in a pretty bad fix.

They're sorta dependin' on you

to get 'em started again, Colonel?

I guess that old soft spot

ain't only for horses, huh?

You keep an eye on that captain.

I'll watch the gold.

All right, you boys.

Let's just keep right on playin'.

I never played with no real band before.

Vous avez une allumette, monsieur?

- Seor, you startled me!

- How did you get in there?

I told them the countess

had sent me for a dress.

- It's a good thing I'm not the countess.

- Don't tell her.

I wanted to wear it at the fiesta.

- But she's sure to be there.

- But by then I will have it on.

- It will be worth it, seor.

- When she sees you with that dre...

I thought you were

keepin' an eye on that captain.

He just went in to see her. I'll give him

some time. Everything all right here?

Quiet as a churchyard,

if you don't count that fandango.

Sounds kinda nice, doesn't it?

Must be hard for a man to keep his mind

on his job when music like that gets goin'.

Guess it is, if you think about it.

- Anybody pokin' around?

- Not a soul.

If they had, you'd have shot 'em.

Wouldn't you?

All right, Joe. You saw her.

I'd have stopped her on her tracks... dead.

For stealin' a dress?

You and Ace Hanna wouldn't

have lasted long as partners.

I don't figure Ace

would have had much choice.

By joining the ship in this cove here,

you won't have to worry

about the garrison at Vera Cruz.

- I shall be there by sundown tomorrow.

- You and all these Americans?

Only two.

The others will be lost along the way.

- The longboat will be on the beach.

- But one thing must be understood:

When I come aboard with the gold,

I come alone.

- But the two Americans?

- I repeat: I come aboard alone.

Very good. I have a well-trained

and well-armed crew.

- Shall I leave this, or can you remember?

- I can remember.

- Who is it?

- Open up!

Joseph! I was just going to send for you.


This is Capitaine Lecroix. Monsieur Erin -

the gentleman I mentioned.

A pleasure, monsieur.

- Until tomorrow, then.

- Of course.

What's your hurry?

But, Joseph, everything's arranged.

He has a long journey.

You wouldn't want to delay him.

To Paris!

- You forget who I am.

- I don't forget a thing.

- He looked at me like I was a dead man!

- Ridiculous!

I've seen that look

too many times not to know it.

- If you trust me so little...

- I don't trust you at all.

All you want is that gold.

You won't get it without me.

I'm takin' over that boat

before you ever set foot aboard her.

That's why you'll take anything

I hand out and learn to like it.

See? Because you and me is the same.

Sale brute! I should have made

my deal with Monsieur Trane.

Old Ben Trane...

He's quite a feller.

Aide to General Beauregard.

Whipped his weight in Yankees.

And a gentleman.

A real Southern gentleman!

Colonel Ben Trane, ma'am,

at your service.

I don't trust him. He likes people and

you can never count on a man like that.

Do you mean... it would be

just the two of us, Joseph?

I was wonderin'

if that captain could swim.

I've always wanted to sail my own boat.

But, Joseph,

you will have a million and a half

and I'll have a million and a half.

And... we will have each other.

But Monsieur Trane...

how will we slip away from him?

Funny... runnin' my fingers through

your hair, I feel it way down in my toes.

But, Joseph, we have so little time,

and Monsieur Trane knows our plans.

Part of our plan.

How much of your plans do I know?


You are wondering why

I should share anything with you.

But, chrie, you know where the boat is.

But afterward... we must be careful

one doesn't push the other overboard.

Ace Hanna'd be proud

of the way you think.

So am I.


you are born American,

but at heart you're French.

- Take it off.

- The countess has missed it?

Don't worry about that. Hurry.

I am hurrying. Do you want me to tear it?

There'll be no time for any fiesta tonight.

Look. Isn't it magnificent?

And feel. It is silk.

The first silk I ever wore.

I wanted you to see me in it, just once.

- Found the gold in there, didn't you?

- Gold?

The gold you've been looking for

since you joined this outfit.

- You can't believe that.

- You knew the carriage was guarded.

You wouldn't have sneaked in for a dress,

not if it was made of all the silk in China.

All right. You knew I was a thief.

Not only a thief - a Juarista.

How can you say that? I drove the wagon

out when the Juaristas att*cked.

Sure - after the attack. Don't try to lie

to me. All you people are Juaristas.

Then why did you help me?

Because I need your help - now.

You're not like these other men,

these hired K*llers.

You know Maximilian

has no right to this gold.

That gold belongs to the man who gets it.

Joe Erin or me.

You like that dress.

How would you like a dozen of 'em?

A hundred, with hats and shoes

and parasols to match?

How can you even say this?

Because that gold belongs

to both of us together.

You and I both know that no cause

is worth three million dollars.

Wait here!

- The horses!

- What's it about?

Round up the men and get the horses!

They got the carriage!

Hold it!

We'll get the carriage back,

but we'll get it back together.

Now cut this lead out!

- Why weren't you sittin' on that gold?

- What were you doin'?

Never mind that now. Cut that b*llet out!

A pleasure!

- What's up?

- Don't pester him! The man's sufferin'.

Hold it!

We all wanna see what's in there.

It's kinda funny the way you two

been takin' care of this carriage lately.

And not sayin' nothin' to the rest of us.

You boys sobered up mighty fast.

A few g*nshots'll do it

every time, Mr Trane.

If what we think is in there,

we'd just have to figure you two

was crossin' us, wouldn't we?

Now open it up!

Looks like the marquis beat us to it, Joe.


Still a fool for luck, ain't ya, Joe?

Man, oh, man!

- Pittsburgh! The Winchesters!

- He'll never make it!

He gone crazy?

Wait a minute.

- You were right, General. We meet again.

- You are wise to surrender, seor.

Surrender? Hardly!

But why waste lives over nothing?

There's no gold there to fight over.


We've all been tricked.

I've an idea that gold is in a wagon,

headin' for the garrison at Vera Cruz.

You did not walk out here

just to tell me that.

I suggest we join forces and get it back.

No. That gold belongs to Mexico.

It cannot be shared with anyone.

We don't ask a share, only fair payment.


- A lot of money.

- A lot of us will die earning it.

Very well. Payment to be contingent

on the capture of the gold.

I take your word, seor.

And we will keep the bargain.

Sure gotta hand it to ya, Colonel.

Robert E Lee himself never

made a smarter manoeuvre.

For 100,000...

Maybe I should have doubled the ante.

Why worry about the ante

with three million still in the pot?

You know somethin'? You're gettin'

more like Ace Hanna every day.

From now on,

it's me and you right down the line.

Just like it's always been, Joe?

- You ain't sore, are ya?

- Now, what have I got to be sore about?

All right, Ben. I was a fool

to even think of crossin' ya.

How'd you figure it out so fast?

Old crocodile teeth

switchin' the gold to the wagon?

Old crocodile teeth and I had

the same idea... only he got to it faster.

Well, I'll be a dirty...

- You managed to precede me, Captain.

- My route was more direct, sir.

- And I had good reason for haste.

- No doubt. But the ruse was successful.

The emperor will be pleased.

Is the ship waiting?

Yes, sir.

The captain is sending an escort

to take you and the cargo aboard

- in time to leave with the morning tide.

- Good. Now...

I am sure you will enjoy

sending me to a dungeon, Henri.

Certainly not.

The countess has lived

a most comfortable life so far.

See that she enjoys the brief remainder.

Yes, sir.

This way, madame.


- They're more friendly than I expected.

- What do you mean, "friendly"?

They're playin' us for suckers. They figure

we're gonna get that gold back for 'em.

Hey, Ben... I didn't know

these yokels could write.

- What are they up to?

- They know it won't be any picnic.

Wanna be sure and get buried

under the right name.

It's a good idea.

You write my name, I write yours.

We'll fool Saint Peter yet!

- What luck?

- We went all the way around the fort.

- They are better prepared than last time.

- And our attack failed the last time.

Seores, I'm glad you're here.

How can we best use your Winchesters?

They're the nearest thing

to a*tillery you have.

Very well. You will cover us

with fire while we as*ault the gates.

Hey, General, that's a great idea!

We'll be right behind ya!

Hey, amigo, what you got there? Tequila?

Strange man, seor. The first like him I

ever met who could be happy with his lot.

Why is that strange? He stands

a chance to win a big prize tomorrow.

Money. Is that worth risking your life for?

Comes closer than anything I know.

A man's got to have more than that.

He needs something to believe in.

I got that too.

- You two have met before.

- A couple of times.

You are surprised to see me?

Why? I believe last night both of us knew

that gold belongs to Mexico.

Like bees to honey, eh, Ben?


Looks like we tied up

with the wrong outfit.

Give 'em some help. Aim for the windows!

On to the second position!

Let's go!

Nice sh**t', Colonel!

They got a lotta guts.

If they get that gold, they'll have earned it!

You ain't thinkin' of keepin' that bargain?

I wouldn't give 'em the sweat off my brow!


Move it, men!


- Chrie! Where's the gold?

- The marquis! He's making a run for it!

Ben! The marquis!

- Ballad! Donnegan!

- Be right back.


Ballad! Snake that wagon outta here!

- Oh, chrie...

- Where's the boat?

Only a few miles. The next cove

up the coast... the north side.

Now we both know where it is. Don't we?

Joseph, you're taking me with you?

You and Ben Trane... you'll never learn.

So long, chrie!

- Hold it, Ballad! You got a passenger.

- We got it, Mr Erin!



Looks like you meant

that Ace Hanna story after all.

Too bad you missed the point.

I'm takin' that wagon out.

That gold's goin' to the Juaristas.

Not if you give me a fair chance at a draw.

Just like you gave Ballad.

That old soft spot, eh, Ben?

Even Ace had one, Joe.

That was Ace's mistake.