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Winchester '73 (1950)

Posted: 08/24/23 18:59
by bunniefuu
Boy, oh boy, a Winchester '73!

What I'd give to have that g*n.

One of 1000?
First one I ever seen.

But mister, that's a real g*n.

Heard it took over
a year to make it.

Yeah, they give the first
to President Grant.

I'll sure be in good company
when I win that one.

We've hit a lot of towns, Lin.

What makes you think
he'll be here?

He'll be here.

We've been wrong before.

- He'll be here.
- On account of that?

If he isn't here already,
that g*n'll bring him.

- Staying overnight?
- Maybe.

We'll board your horses.

Two bits in the corral
with grain feedin',

four bits to stall them.

Real clean stall?

Yes, sir! You can
look for yourself.

You look like an honest man.

I'll take your word
for it, mister.

I don't care. Let go!

You've got no right
to treat me this way!

I'm not doing anything now that I
haven't been doing the last six months!

Now, just till over the Fourth.

Why don't you pick on
the gunslingers

and the tinhorn gamblers,

instead of a girl trying
to make an honest dollar!?

And what about Steve? You
know I'm expecting him!

If he finds I'm gone, he's liable
to never catch up with me.

- Come on.
- Oh, no!

Is there something I can
do for you, ma'am?

- Stranger in town?
- That's right,

but I was talking to the lady.

Don't fret about it, Lola.

If Steve comes along, I'll
send him on after you.

Thanks anyway.

Lola's all right. It's just that

some folks in town think
the dancehall girls

might give the place
a bad name over the holiday.

Not that I'm one of them.

You boys plan
to stay for a while?

We might.

The Dodge House is about
the best place in town.

Might be full up, but I'll
put in a word with Jake.

Might as well drop off your
g*ns here at the office.

- Let's have them.
- Now wait a minute.

You must have a real good reason

to ask a man to do
a fool thing like that.

We don't allow anybody
to wear g*ns in Dodge City.

- Hadn't you noticed?
- Who's "we"?

Didn't I introduce myself?

Well, where in the...

Where'd I put that thing?
I had it here someplace.

A man could get himself k*lled

hiding his badge like that.

I'm the marshal, Wyatt Earp.


Come to think of it,

everyone did look
kind of undressed.

Virgil, here's some more g*ns.

Take good care of them.

You're gonna get this office
so cluttered up with six-g*ns

a man won't have
a place to spit.

You've got half
the g*ns in Kansas

hanging on the wall right now.

Awful lot of law for
one little cow town.

This is the kind of cow town
that needs a lot of law.

You boys gonna try
for the Winchester?

I sort of thought I would.

You'll have
some tough competition.

Who do you figure
is the toughest?

Well, as of now,
Dutch Henry Brown.

You ever hear of him?

No, can't say I recall the name.

- Local boy?
- No, I'd say he was sort of in on a pass.

You can sign up for
the sh**t over there.

That's Dutch Henry Brown.

I thought you said
you didn't know him.

I said I didn't recall the name.

Pick out a name
and write it down.

All right if I use my own?

Some folks do.

Yeah, some folks do.

Lin McAdam.

That'll be $2.

Being as you're a stranger

and nobody knows
nothing about you,

I'm just going to make
your odds five to one.

I'll take a little of that.

And who would you be?

High Spade Frankie Wilson.

With a hyphen.

That's what I sit on
when I get tired.

Friend of yours?

I wouldn't exactly
call him that.

Personal matter?

Yeah, very.

Have you got any goat's milk?

Ain't cow's milk good enough?

Give it to our cat...
Don't hurt her.

This personal matter,

I hope it can wait till after
you fellows leave town.

It'll wait.

For the gentleman at the end.

From the gentleman
at the far end of the bar.

Let's have a nice quiet
Fourth of July, shall we?

We're about to begin the proceedings.
Right this way.


And ladies,

today at our Centennial

we are going to make history
here in Dodge City...

My old man sh**t
a Henry and he says

it's the best g*n there is!

- Gentlemen, if you please...
- Ain't better than a Spencer!

My dad says a Spencer is better
than anything you can get!

Young men! Dry up.

Without being unkind to either
the Henry or the Spencer,

do you suppose
we could agree that

this is the finest g*n
in the world?

Can I touch it?

You can if you keep shut
till I get done talking.

All right.

This is what
you're sh**ting for.

Take a good look at it,

and say a prayer...

and pass it along
for the others to see.

It's real pretty.

While the contestants
are examining the prize

to be awarded to the winner,

I'll tell you
something about it.

It seems that when
the Winchester people

are turning out these here g*ns,

every so often,

maybe one g*n out of
every 10,000, 20,000,

well, it comes out just perfect.

Now naturally,
it ain't for sale.

I would give a year's
wages for that g*n.

But money won't buy it. It
wouldn't be right to sell it.

So the Winchester people,
they have given it a name.

They call it
"One of a Thousand,"

and that's a good name.

President Grant has got one,

and Buffalo Bill Cody.

And today you're going to see

one of these here men
win something

that I would give my right...

That I would give
my left hand to own.

Now if you folks
behave yourselves,

I could give my right hand.

However, that is the prize.

All right, first group,
pick up your r*fles.

Get your shells from Bat
Masterson and the sheriff here,

and take your position
on the firing line.

Rules for the contest are:

Three rounds
of three sh*ts each,

to an elimination.
High score wins.

Over there, boys.

Load your r*fles!

Aim... fire!

One bull's-eye
and two in the first

for number five.

One bull's-eye and two in
the first, number five.

Three bull's-eyes
for number six!

Three bull's-eyes, number six.

Better check it,
it's a real tight group.

Do you call it luck or do
you come by it natural?

Let's just say
I learned from a good man.

Three bull's-eyes
for number seven!

- Three bull's-eyes, number seven.
- Yahoo!

Almost the same grouping.

Looks like you fellows might
have learned from the same man.

He taught quite a few folks
how to sh**t.

Only trouble was
he taught them how,

he didn't teach them
what to sh**t at.

Maybe he figured a man
should know that...

Without telling.

Yeah, that was his big mistake.

He lived just long enough
to find it out.

Next group up to the line.

All rounds being completed,

the decision of the judges is...

a tie between Lin McAdam

and Dutch Henry Brown.

The targets...

The targets will be
moved back 25 yards.

- You all right, Lin?
- Yeah.

You find out where
he put up his horse?

Right next to ours...
Next to Wells Fargo.

But don't try anything... not with Bat
Masterson and Wyatt Earp around.

- You got to wait, Lin.
- I'll wait.

Pass the cartridges.


Lin McAdam!

Three in the bull's-eye
for Lin McAdam!

Dutch Henry?

Dutch Henry Brown!

Three in the bull's-eye
for Dutch Henry Brown!

Looks like we can
move this target

clear into the next county and
they'd still be sh**ting even.

Wait a minute.

See if he can hit this.

Suit you?



Plumb center!

Here I'll put up this time.

I wouldn't want to play my
hand on borrowed money.

Are you ready?

Whenever you say.

I've never seen
the beat of this sh**ting.

Well, it's not plumb center,
but it is a good hit.

Want to try again further off?


- Further off?
- Oh, sure!

Might get a little
expensive though.

Say, you want sell?

- How much?
- $1.




For a minute I thought
I had him beat.

See what you can do with that.

Anything you say.

All right, Dutch Henry?

All right.

A miss.

Looks like another miss.

I wouldn't want to say you're wrong,
Marshal, but I didn't miss it.

I don't see any mark.

Except maybe this scratch
on the inside rim.

That was my mistake,
I shot through it.

You missed it.

Can I borrow this for a minute?


I'll do it again, if you want.

You mean you want another
shot, is that it?

No, not exactly.

I'll tell you what:

If I hit it, I win;
If I miss it, I lose.

You don't have to sh**t.

Lin, don't go making
any fool deal as that.

If you're gonna have
to sh**t, so does he.

I'll take that bet.

Lin McAdam says

he's gonna sh**t a hole

through this here postage stamp.

Are you ready?

The winner!

Very fine sh**ting.

Thank you.

The boys would like to engrave
your name here on the gunstock.

So if you'll let us have it,

you can pick it up
in the morning.

That's real nice of them.
I appreciate it.

How much will you take for it?

It's not for sale.

That's too bad.

That's too much g*n
for a man to have

just for sh**ting rabbits.

Or for sh**ting men in the back.

If it's all right with you,
I'll get my g*n.

You mean you're pulling
out of town?


All right. Get your gear
and stop by the office

and Virgil will let you
have your g*ns...

And see that you get
out of town.

I guess I won't have time
for that engraving.

- I suppose you're pulling out too?
- That's right.

I want to congratulate you.
That was real fine sh**ting.

Thanks. You pick up
the g*ns and the horses.

I'll get the stuff
out of the room.

I can't think of anyone I'd rather
see own that g*n, except maybe me.

Thank you.

Now you understand I don't care

what they do to each other
once they leave town,

but there'll be no
g*n fighting until...

I understand perfectly and I
promise you there won't be.

Did Dutch Henry pick up his g*n?

No, he didn't pick it up.
I think this is his.

I thought he was gonna come by.

How could he come by
and pick it up

if it's still here?

Sometimes you don't make sense!

Of course he didn't come by
or I'd have seen him.


It's Wyatt Earp.

It's Earp and he's out gunnin'.
Let's get out of here!


I don't know what
your quarrel was before,

but you can add
the r*fle to it now.


I don't know about you,
but after two days,

this saddle's pounding
the back of my neck.

Why don't you run up and hit
him over the head with it?

What I wouldn't give for
a pocketful of shells.

While you're at it,
dream up a few for me.

And a six-g*n to go with it?

I ain't felt so naked since
the last time I took a bath.

You got a long memory.

A funny man?
But I still want a g*n!

You'll have one as soon as
you get down to Riker's.

Maybe he'll buy you a bath too.

There's more smoke...
Up on the saddleback.


Take a look. Can you read it?

I don't have to.

Indian smoke always
means the same... trouble.

You think they know
about Custer?

All I know is

I want to get my business done
and get out of here.

If you were smart,
you'd do the same.

With what?

Mine doesn't come
as easy as yours.

Then why don't you
try it my way?

Or is that too rich
for your belly?

Call it that if you want...

but there are some things

that even I wouldn't
sell to an Indian.

Are we gonna quarrel?

Howdy, Dutch. Been a long time.

- Anybody inside?
- A fellow named Lamont...

Indian trader. Did you come far?

- Far enough.
- Notice much smoke on the way?

Looks like they're
working up a sun dance.

We're hungry.

This is Joe Lamont.

Dutch Henry, Johnny and Ben.

Looks like you might have been in
Dodge City and left in a hurry.

Was that meant to be funny?

He's all right, Dutch.

Just that he notices
things, like g*ns.

You selling these?


You a half-breed?

I'm white

and you haven't got a g*n.

That's right. So I'll
buy some of these.

I might even get one that was
meant to k*ll a white woman.

Or her kids.

It's empty.

How much you got?

Less than $20.

I left the rest in Dodge City
at five to one.

- You?
- $7.50...

$8, $9...

I went for the whole kit.

We'll take three six-g*ns

and some 44-40s
for my Winchester.

What'll that be?



Why, you two-bit thief...

I'll wrap them around your neck.

A six-g*n doesn't
bring better than $25

anywhere in the territory!

- It does for me.
- Why...

Wait a minute, Dutch.

You got no call
to insult this gentleman.

- Gentleman?
- All right, so he's an Indian trader...

I know of a lot worse things.

What, for instance?

That you're not going to get
the price down that way.

I'm sick and tired of going around naked.
We need g*ns!

We got $82. What'll that bring?

Mind if I look
at your Winchester?

I could use a four lb. Steak,

or will that cost $300?

No, I get my beef cheap.

Have one on the house
while you're waiting.

One of a Thousand.

I've heard of them,

but this is the first I've seen.

Play your red six
on the black seven.

The red six.


I'm not much of a hand at cards.

Just k*lling a little time until
Young Bull sends his man down.

Yes, sir,
that's a real fine g*n.

Don't suppose you want to sell?

I'm buying, not selling.

Your black jack on the queen.

What's Young Bull doing
this far north?

I wouldn't know,
but he wants g*ns.

They all want repeaters
since the Little Big Horn.

Thought I'd clean up
and get out.

Might go ranchin'
up Montana way.

What happened
at Little Big Horn?

Haven't you heard?
Sioux jumped Custer,

wiped out his whole command.

Yes, sir, getting to be mighty
tough country to travel...

without a g*n.

So I see.

Now, that g*n there,

I'd be willing to give you
$300 in gold

and let you take your pick
of six-g*ns and repeaters.

Might even throw in
50 rounds of shells.

Move your king over
and get them all up.

I'm not trading.

You're about ready to
fall out of that saddle.

Why don't we rest up
for a little?

I'm not that tired.

Four or five hours ain't
gonna make any difference.

We've been chasing him since...

Since I can't remember.

That's right! We've never
been this close before.

It might just be Young
Bull's man won't show up.

Might be.

- You'll be stuck with those g*ns.
- Yeah.

After that meal,
I'm down to $80.

That's still enough
to play poker with

if you fellas want cards.

I lost one place that way.

Since then I've reformed.

Well, I'm not much
at poker myself.

Still if it's only
for a dollar or two,

who knows?
You might win another $20

and have the price of one g*n.

- That the idea?
- Three g*ns...

If your Indian friend
doesn't show.

Well, cut.

First jack deals,
anything opens, right?

- Do you mind?
- No, not at all.

Your deal.


Would it do any good
for me to suggest

- that we bed down for a while?
- Nope.

That's what I thought.

When do we sleep?

Soon as we get to Riker's,
we'll sleep then.

Could be Dutch didn't
go to Riker's.

Wyatt only said if he was Dutch,

he'd go to Riker's, providing
he was going to Tascosa,

which is only what somebody said

they heard Dutch say
where he was going to.

I think you'd better spit.


Just wanted to get your
tongue straightened around.

Well, you know what I mean!

Yeah, that's the reason we're
going to Riker's. Come on.


Three kings!

I've heard of beginner's luck,

but I didn't know
it could be this good.

That clean you out?


Well, at least we ate.

I'm about to give mine back.

I could act like
an Indian trader

and lower the price,
but I won't.

Offer still goes... $300 in gold

for your Winchester...
Whatever you pick.

No deal!

I'm a very patient man, but
you're talking like a fool!

- Give him the g*n!
- I said no deal.

It's a long hungry ride
to Tascosa without money!

Again, I don't want to sound
like an Indian trader,

but with all that smoke
in the hills

- and you with no g*ns...
- Why don't you shut up?

The man's right!
Give him the g*n!

You bought a g*n!

Now all I need is a beaver hat
and I'll be dressed for Easter.

I'll be happy to find one
of these things that works.

No wonder the Indians try
to sh**t around trees.

Your deal.

Aren't you ever satisfied?

Not till I get my g*n back!


Want me to pick out
one for you, Dutch?

Find one that won't
crack open in my face.

He got any Winchesters?

No, there's nothing here
but a bunch of junk.

I won't need a r*fle!
Just get me a six-g*n.

It's gonna cost you
$300 to draw cards.

We weren't playing
for that kind of money.

Playing table stakes, aren't we?

$300 to draw cards.

Well, I may be foolish,
but I feel lucky.

How many?

I'll play these.

Now I don't feel so lucky.

Your bet.

- Gimme your g*ns.
- No no. Table stakes.

Aces full on eights!

Just missed being
a dead man's hand.

Not enough. Four threes.

Drop it!

You hadn't ought to have
done that, Dutch.

You know I run a decent place.

One on the house
before you leave.

Who said I was leaving?

You're leaving!

Don't forget your shells.

You may need them.

Open them up.

Young Bull. Sorry to see
you all wearing w*r paint.

What's the matter, trouble
between the tribes?

We will look at the g*ns.

They are old, worn out.

They are not the g*ns
of which we spoke.

I'll admit they're
not Winchesters,

but every one's a repeater,

and they'll all sh**t true.

You lie.

If you were a white man
I wouldn't take that.

But you're an Indian, so you...

Yes, I am an Indian! So it
is wise to listen in silence

while you wait to cheat me.

All white men are thieves!

In peace they steal our land.

In w*r they k*ll our women.

And you are a white man.

If you want my gold,

bring me the g*ns with which Crazy
Horse and the Sioux of the north

made their w*r
at the Little Big Horn.

Then you know about Custer?

This is g*n I want.

There isn't enough money in your
whole tribe to buy that g*n.

This is g*n I want!

There's 1,000 in gold,
and my g*n.

You missed him.

If I did, he's deaf!

That's the trouble
with these old Henrys...

Takes them too long to k*ll.

Let's go down and get a g*n
that does it, right now.

I don't think it was a b*llet.

I said it wasn't a b*llet!

Why do they always scalp
when they k*ll?

You'd think they'd
let a man keep his hair.

Never mind his hair!
Some Indian's got my g*n!

He said he was going to Tascosa?

To meet up with
Waco Johnny Dean,

which in any man's
language means trouble.

And I'd say good riddance!

You see, it's like I said

when Wyatt told me
if he was Dutch

and going to Tascosa,
he'd come by here,

but that was only what somebody heard
Dutch say where he was going to.

Anyhow, I was right.

You were right.

Well, thanks a lot.
You've been friendly.

Let's move along.

You mean you're gonna get up and
ride away from all this comfort?

I know. We never been
this close before.

It's better than a two-day
ride into Tascosa.

Sure you won't stay
here for the night?

Thanks, no. We'll ride.

Yeah, on account of it
makes so much less sense.

Have it your own way.

But keep your eyes open
along the ridge.

- We'll see you.
- Good luck!

Well, if I'd have been there,
Wyatt Earp or no Wyatt Earp,

he wouldn't have run you
out of town.

It doesn't make any difference.

You found me, didn't you?

I don't like it. I may just
tell him so next time we meet.

Well, you're not gonna meet,

not unless he comes
out to our ranch.

Is it a pretty place, Steve?

It's the old Jameson place,

about 40 miles
outside of Tascosa.

That wheel is enough
to drive anybody crazy.

I should have greased it
back at Doan's store.

Can we move right in
and start living there?

Yeah, you can.

What about you?

Well, like I told you,

I gotta meet some fellas.

It'll only take a day or so.

It's... well, it's a deal.

Oh, please, Steve,
no more deals.

That's why I worked
in Dodge City.

That's why I got the money...

That's what I mean.
You got the money.

Now I gotta get some.


Can we outrun them?

I don't know!
Come on, boy, git up!

Git up!

That wheel! It'll split off!

Steve, what are you going to do?

- Ride ahead and find help!
- What about me?

I'll get help!

Steve, come back!


Come on!

Cavalry in the valley. Come on!

- I'm sure glad we've run into you.
- Are you?

Mind if I help you down, ma'am?

Do you mind if I kiss you?

No, ma'am. I'd like it,

providing your man don't mind.

That's for saving my life.

Now you disappoint me.

I thought it was
'cause I'm pretty.

Got some coffee
boiling on the fire.

Want to just sort of
help yourself?

Oh, coffee.

You know, now that
I look at you,

you are pretty.

Never thought I'd have
a woman around

- when I cashed in my chips.
- What?

You don't know about them?

And them?

Them Indians been keeping us
pinned down all day,

waiting for those
reinforcements you brought in.


Figured you knew,
till your lady kissed me.

Guess you'd better tell her.

Yeah, I hear them.

I told you night
riding wasn't smart.

I guess you did.

Now we're smack in
the middle of them.

I guess you're right again.

Being right ain't
gonna do us any good.

- What'll we do now?
- Well... keep riding.

With Injuns all around us?

Maybe you'd feel better
if we stopped.


Maybe we'd just better
keep on riding.

It was such pretty hair.

I had it ever since I was a kid.

A little thin on top, but...

I'd sure like to keep it.

Come on! Come on!

Wrong way, Lin! We're
heading into their camp!

That's no Indian fire,
it's too big!

Come on, pour it on.

Here they come!

- Best get under the wagon, Lola.
- I can sh**t.

- But I don't want you to get hurt.
- Fire!

Hey, stop that fool sh**ting!
We're friends!

- Don't sh**t!
- Hold your fire!

Name is McAdam.

Thanks for leaving the door open for us.
This is High Spade.

Glad to see you. I'm Wilkes.

- This is Steve Miller.
- How are ya?

He and his lady came earlier.

You've got a woman here?

They jumped us on the rim too.

Well, hello again!

- Hello.
- You know him?

Not exactly. We just sort
of met without talking.

He's the fellow I told you about

who offered to g*n
Wyatt Earp for me.

I didn't know it was Wyatt Earp.

I don't like to break
up this gabfest,

but we make a wonderful target
standing here in front of that fire.

You men! What are
you looking at?

Keep your eyes
where they belong.

They'll be coming
any minute now.

At night?

It's the best time for a raid.

Let's hope they wait until
I have a cup of coffee.

- Got any cooking?
- I'll get you some.

- You from Fort Bascom?
- That where we're headed.


New in the territory?

Yeah. Pennsylvania 9th.

Picked up our mounts
at Fort Smith,

been riding ever since.

Pennsylvania 9th?

You fellows were at
Gettysburg, weren't you?

Left a rib there.

One of them Johnny Rebs
hung me up on a bayonet.

Real group of fighting men.

Never knew when
they were licked.

They gave us a real bad time
at Shiloh and Bull Run.


About these Indians.

Seems like they hardly ever
attack at night.


Well, they figure
if they're k*lled in the dark

the Great Spirit
can't find their souls

and whip them up to heaven
or something.


I don't mean to be forward,

but if you've never
fought them before...

Keep talking. You ain't forward.

Well, it might be
a good idea for your men

to catch up on some sleep. They're
going to be real busy in the morning.

How many sentries?

Two ought to be enough.

You men turn in
and get some sleep.

Coates, Murphy,
take the first sentry duty.

Call your relief in four hours.

I see you've done
my chores for me again.

Yeah, you can say thanks.

This cavalry...

A little on the young
side, most of them.

What do you guess
for our chances?

What chances?

Well, it's a little softer
than the ground.

That's real thoughtful of you.

Thank you.

My woman's got yellow hair.

Did have yellow hair.

It's white now.

Where is she?

Home with the kids.

Got one bigger than you are.

Go to sleep.

Hey, Mossman, you awake?

Yeah, I'm wake.

Pretty, isn't she?

I don't like yellow hair much.

My wife has brown hair
with red in it.

I hope the kid has
brown hair with red in it.

You see, this'll be
my very first own home.

Not that I didn't have
a nice home,

but this'll be my very own.

- You know?
- I know.

Did you have a home like that?

Sort of.

With your wife?

No, I haven't got a wife.

No, it was with my father.

Is that where you're going now?
To your home?

No, my father was k*lled.

Pretty, aren't they?

Sometimes they sing all night.

I know what they are.

Maybe you'd better try
and get some sleep.

I can't sleep.

Can you?

Yeah, I mean,
if I tried, I could.

Aren't you afraid of tomorrow?

Would it do any good
for me to lie to you?


I'm afraid.

I guess everybody
gets afraid sometimes.

Yeah, I guess so.

Yeah, and I made you
some coffee too.

I'll do the same
for you someday... tomorrow.

How soon do you think
they'll come in?

Anytime now.

You'll hear them talking first.

You know, I was chatting with a
fellow out in the territory...

Name of Riker.

He was telling me about how
the Sioux under Crazy Horse

wiped out Custer.

Clever fighters, those Sioux.

It seems they knew all about your
Springfields being single shot.

- You mean they had repeaters?
- Yeah.

They sent in the first wave
light... so it'd draw the fire.

Then they sent in
a heavy second wave

before the Custer men
had a chance to reload.

You think these fellows
have repeaters too?

And they'll try the same trick?

Yeah, I kind of think they will.

Only this time
we just might outfox them.

On account of we got
two Winchesters.

And a Henry!

You'll save your fire
for the second wave?

Well, it's up to you, Sergeant.
Whatever you want to do.

Sound all right to you?

I guess.

Rout out, you men!

Go to your places and take
them as they come in!

- Take care of the girl.
- Yeah.

- Morning, ma'am.
- Morning.

I fixed you a spot over
yonder, under the wagon.

That was nice of you.

That saddle
was real comfortable.

That's good. Say...

Just in case you...

I know how to use it.

I understand about the last one.

They'll be coming down
in about three more whoops.

What do you pick for our spot?

They'll come in out of the sun.

Let's get up to the
end of the wagon.

Let them have it!

Let's concentrate on the chief.

We get him,
we might have a chance!

All right, this is the big one.
It's all or nothing.

- So long, partner.
- Good luck.

One other thing, Sergeant,

out here we play
winner take all.

No use leaving
all those repeating r*fles

lying out there to rust.

Never thought of that.

Go out and pick up them
fast sh**ting g*ns,

and anything else
you happen to like.

You're a man after my stamp.

Wish we'd have had you
with us at Bull Run.

We might not have run so fast.

I want to tell you something...

I was with you at Bull Run,
so was High Spade.

Only we was on the other side.

- Good luck, Sarge.
- Goodbye, boy.

See you again.

So long, Sergeant.


Before you go, this is yours.

Oh, yes.

The last one's still there.

Well, so it is.

May I have it?

You just never know
when a girl might need a b*llet.

Sure, if you want it.

I want it.

Hey, Sarge!

Look at this!

Look what I found on this one.

He was their chief.

I saw Lin drop him.
Real pretty shot.

Well, now...

"Dodge City r*fle
sh**t won by..."

It don't say who won it.

- Do I get it?
- No.

Some officer will take it
away at Fort Bascom.

It's too good for an officer.

No, it rightfully belongs to...

Hey, Lin!


I hope you won't think
this is second best,

but one of you fellows
ought to have this.

That's a real fine g*n.

Take it with the thanks
of the US Cavalry...

To protect your lady...

And I wish it was a Congressional
medal for bravery.

You earned it.

Help you in, ma'am?

That one's 'cause
you're real pretty.

- Goodbye, ma'am.
- Goodbye.

- Goodbye, Steve.
- Bye.

This the Jameson place?

That's right.

That garden you were
talking about...

We could plant it over there.

Maybe you wouldn't want a garden?
Would you?

I don't know.

Maybe you don't want to go in?

I'll go in.

Sort of nice, isn't it?

You'll like it after it rains.

It gets green, and there's
water in the run.

Hello, Mr. Miller.
You got back real soon.

Yeah, I did.
This is Miss Manners,

the lady I was
telling you about.

How do you do?
Come in, won't you?


Jimmy... that's my
husband... he's in town.

Sit down. I'll fix
you a bite to eat.

We don't want to
cause you any trouble.

- It's no trouble.
- None for me, Mrs. Jameson.

I have to go into town.
But if Miss Manners could stay...

You aren't going anywhere till I
fix you supper. Now sit down.




- What's your name?
- Bonnie.

- And what's yours?
- Gary.

Cute kids... they sort
of go with the place.

- Sort of.
- As soon as we're married,

I guess you'll be wanting kids.

They've got plenty
of room for it here.

Bonnie, Gary, come on out here.

Don't bother the folks.

They're no bother at all.

Why do you have to go into town?

- I've got to meet a fellow.
- Who?

Fellow called Waco Johnny Dean.
You don't know him.

I know about him, he's no good.

That's because
you don't know him.

- Do you like this?
- I don't know.

It's on account
of what I did back there?

Steve, I'm not sure.

I won't lie to you.

I went yellow... crazy yellow!

It came over me all of a sudden!

But I came back for you!
You know I came back for you!

I'd give my eyes
if it didn't happen.

Someday I'll prove it to you.


Well, hello, Steve!
What kept you?

Roan, Latigo, look who's here.

Yeah, I saw him.

How many was there
when they started?

- 12, I think.
- There's only nine now.



I make it eight.

What a pair!


Hello. You live here?

She's with me. Her name's Lola Manners.
I told you about her.

Yeah, but you didn't
tell me she was...

- Hello.
- What's all this about?

It's old home week in Texas,

happens every Saturday night.

Steve, you want a laugh?

While we're waiting for you,
we jumped over to Hays,

down on the big blue...
Just for jokes...

And who's there?
Noonan the marshal

and a dozen men
from The Triangle Bar.

You have no right
to come in here.

You got any coffee?

- I said you have no...
- And I said, you got coffee?



There's a woman and her
youngsters in there!

Send them out the front door

and we'll hold our fire!

Then what?

Then you can come out too,

under arrest.

But I'll promise you
a fair trial!

And if I don't come out?

Then we'll g*n you out
and you know we can do it!

All right, now,

send that woman
and her young'uns out!

Come and get 'em!

All right, but remember,
you asked fer it!

- Where's the coffee?
- You're about the lowest thing

I've ever seen standing
in a pair of boots.

Why don't you let this
woman out of here?

She hasn't done anything to you!

And these kids... you
ought to be ashamed

to look at them, you two-bit
four-flushing gunslinger!

- Well...
- Here... why don't you stand back of her

when Noonan starts gunnin'?

I want to see it. I want to remember
it so I can tell my friends

about Waco Johnny Dean,
another brave man!

They're coming out, Noonan!

Not you.

Remember, you want to see this?

You want to tell your friends,

and I want you to tell it right.

Waco, are you coming out?

She didn't mean all that.

Let her get out while she can

before they start coming in.

They won't come in.

But this is the only
chance she'll get.

Where did you get that g*n?

I won it.

Let's see it.

- I'll buy it.
- I'm not selling.

Name a price. Make it big!

I'm not selling.

All right, Steve,

have it your way.

Cook up some coffee.

Coffee? With Noonan
sitting out there?

- I'll make it.
- Let him do it.

- I know but...
- I said, let him do it!

You don't mind, do you?

No, I don't mind.

Send out that other woman, Waco,

and we want her now!

Yeah? I can see his point.

But she likes it here!

Come on, sit down.
We got lots of time.

Have you known him long?

Long enough.

No bad habits?

No, just bad company.

Maybe we can change that.

I'm a likable person
when you get to know me.

Are you?

And you're a lot of woman.

Too much for woman for...

Waco, they're bunching up
around the barn.

You mind if I take care of them?

You'd miss.
You know how I hate noise.

What was I saying?

You were talking about yourself.

- Where did I stop?
- You didn't, but you can now.

I already know all about
Waco Johnny Dean,

the fastest g*n in Texas.

Texas? Lady, why limit me?

This one I can't miss.

Lennie, Nick, gather up some brush
and put it on that rig there

and head it right for
the center of that house!

This is what I want, coal oil.

David, fill them buckets up
with this here

and bring them outside
and hurry it along!

Coffee's ready.

Well, bring it on!

Put an apron on.

He'll look better.


What are you trying to prove?

Just trying to buy a g*n.

You sure you don't want to
sell it to me, kitchen boy?

- You can serve us next, waiter.
- I like mine black.

Give him the g*n! Can't you
see what he's trying to do?

Coffee's ready.

Now, clean it up.

Clean it up!




I tried to...

Let her go!


Well, I guess it's time
to go, children!

What, and walk into those g*ns?

Would you rather fry?
Last man out is a fool!

Run for it!

We'll go this way, it's shorter!

Easy does it.

- Why don't I take one of the other horses?
- Guess why?

Look, he's getting away!

Don't sh**t! Can't you
see that's a woman?

What time do you figure
to hit Tascosa?

Around 2:00 or 3:00 tomorrow.

I remember when you were
taught that trick.

- Long time ago.
- Yeah, long time.

You ever wonder what he'd think

about you hunting down
Dutch Henry?

He'd understand.
He taught me to hunt.

Not men. Hunting for
food, that's all right.

Hunting a man to k*ll him...

You're beginning to like it.

That's where you're wrong.
I don't like it.

Some things a man has to do,
so he does 'em.

What happens when the hunt is over?
Then what?

Hadn't given it much thought.

Maybe we could get the ranch
back together again

and round up the strays,
and then we could...

I hadn't given it much thought.

Now might be a good time,

on account of we're coming pretty
close to the end of the trail.

Yeah, I guess
maybe you're right.

You've been real fine people,
riding along with me.

That what friends is for,
isn't it?

Leastways, that's the way
your dad always said it.

Yeah, he did, didn't he?

He said if a man had
one friend, he was rich.

I'm rich.

Now we're playing games?

Cute little echo?

Your echo's confused.

This time it's Dutch Henry.

Hey, he's got a woman with him.

Maybe that's what kept him.

As though I didn't know.

Sometimes I think he's
a little on the crazy side.

Yeah, so do I,
but I think quiet.

- Howdy, Dutch, John, Ben.
- Hi.

Wanna come along?

I wouldn't leave you
for money, bright eyes.

Boys, this is Lola.
She's crazy about me.

Where did you get my g*n?

Your g*n? Why, this was given
to me by a very dear friend.

It's my g*n and I want it!

And if you don't get it?

Do you want in
on this Tascosa deal?

I didn't ride out here
to pick blueberries.

Then I'll say it again,
that's my g*n!

Well, as long as you feel
that way about it,

the g*n is yours!

Where's Lone Tom and Dudeen?
Didn't they show?

They're inside sleeping.
Rode in late last night.

Where's Latigo and the others?

They're not here.

Got themselves all shot up.

- How come?
- It's a long story...

With tears.
I'll tell you over a drink.

Haven't I seen you somewhere?

I've been somewhere.

In Dodge City!
You were playing piano and...


Yeah, that's why
Earp ran you out of town.

Who plays the piano? You?

Sure, roll one out and
I'll toss off a tune.

I'll take you up on that
once we get to Tascosa.

Which, by the way, happens when?

- Today.
- Today?

What are we sitting
around here for?

You won't be for long.
Here's the setup:

First, John, Ben and I
ride down to Trygillo,

that's here.
When we get to Trygillo...

Take a walk.

You heard what I said,
take a walk!

She's doing swell
right where she is.

Now, what happens at Trygillo?


He doesn't like you.

Well, don't tell him now,
but I don't like him.

Get smart and I'll crack
you across the ear!

Look, Waco, this time tomorrow

you and her can play
patty-cake all you want.

But when I'm lining up
a deal, I don't want

any dancehall woman
listening in!

Why don't you cook up a few
eggs for the man you love?

- In other words, take a walk.
- Just a very short one.

Nice place you got here.

How'd you like to rent it
out for our honeymoon?

Here's the layout.

We pick up the stage
at Trygillo.

There's four men riding,
guarding the gold.

They'll ride it right
into Tascosa... that's here.

Where will I be?

In Tascosa with
Dudeen and Lone Tom.

Right across the street
from the bank there's a saloon.

Dudeen and Long Tom
will have the horses

tied off in front
of Jenkin's Bar.

After they carry
the gold into the bank,

the four guards ride on
to the livery stable.

You stand at the bar and you'll
see the stage when it pulls in.

At the piano.

Lola's gonna play for me.

Aren't you, honey?

I know, take a walk.

What else do you know?


So I'm in the saloon,
what happens then?

The stage pulls in, they
take the gold into the bank,

I go with it.

You go into the bank
and make your play,

and if there's any trouble...

I cover you from the saloon?

That's right.

Get started as quick as you can.

Come on.

Did you help yourself
to that too?

It was given to me...
By your friend in the picture.

Do you know him?

I know him.

Then we've got
something in common.

He's been trying to give me
one of those for a long time.

You're a strange person.

Am I?

First you k*ll a man
to get that g*n,

then you just give it away.

I'll get it back from old Dutch

the same way I got it
from old Steve.

Hey, that's all right.

It's better than all right!

Take your hand off your g*n.
We got no quarrel.

- Haven't we?
- That business with Steve?

He wasn't for you.
I did you a favor.

Thanks. Maybe someday

I can do the same for you.

Did you love him?

I guess I did.

You two had a lot in common.

Yeah, a lot of woman.

I wasn't trying to be funny!

When you talk like that,
you are.

Or didn't you know
he was yellow?

I knew.

You k*ll me. You want a drink?

- No.
- You mind if I get one?

I don't mind.

Your clock right?

Little fast, I think.

The stage is due at 3:00
and it's always on time.

It looks like you're full up.

Yeah. Looks like.

Isn't that the...?

Well, hello again.

Well, hello, nice people.

What are you doing in Tascosa?

Let's put it the other way
around: What are you doing here?

Playing the piano.

I never would have guessed
it if you hadn't told me.

Where's Steve? Drinking whiskey?

He's dead.

Sudden, wasn't it?


He was k*lled by that gentleman
standing at the bar.

The one that's looking at us.

Don't seem right for people to go
around k*lling nice folks like...

He's not people.
He's Waco Johnny Dean.

Riker told us Dutch
was riding to meet...

Waco Johnny Dean, yeah.

You haven't got a chance.
Don't quarrel with him.

- I got no quarrel with him.
- Lin!

Watch his left hand.

I've been riding to meet up

with a man name of Dutch Henry.

Whiskey, will you?

Hoping to run into
him here in Tascosa.

Wouldn't happen to know him?

I might.
How long do you know him?

Long enough to tell you how he got
that little scar above his right eye.

I gave it to him when he was 10.

Now you want to
give him another?

Where is he?

Supposing I don't tell you?

Then what?

Where is he?

Where is he?

Stop it!

Stop it!

- Where is he?
- I'll take you to him!


Right now!

Lin, look out!


Tom, the horses!

It's Dutch Henry!

Lola! Get out of the way!

Muchas gracias.

- Where are you hit?
- My arm.

You little fool.


I'll take her.

She's hit in the arm!

Don't let him go.

Why'd you let him?

Dutch Henry is a m*rder*r.

I know, ma'am. So does Lin.

It was Dutch
who k*lled his father,

so it's right for him to go.

Doubly right, because Dutch
Henry is Lin's brother.

The old man taught you
better than that!

You're caught below
another man's g*n!

I guess I forgot...


Don't mind my calling
you Matthew, I hope?

I like it better
than "Dutch Henry Brown."

Matthew McAdam!

It had a good sound to it!

I guess that's why
the old man gave it to you!

You got yourself
in trouble again!

I can smoke you
out of there easy.

First chance I had
to thank you...

For winning me my g*n!

sh**t real pretty,
wouldn't you say?

I didn't get a chance
to use that g*n, Matthew...

But I intend to!

There's something
you forgot too.

The old man told you never to waste lead.
Now you're short!

Not that short!

Well, that's the way it was.

The old man sired two sons.

One was no good,
never was any good.

Robbed a bank... a stagecoach.

Then when he came home
and wanted to hide out,

the old man wouldn't go for it,

so Dutch shot him...

In the back.
