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Old Henry (2021)

Posted: 08/24/23 19:17
by bunniefuu
[distant birds caw]

[distant horse whinnies]

[rapid hoofbeats approach]

[grunting and panting]

[cries out]

[branches snap]

[horse whinnies]



[p*stol mechanism clicks]




[cries out]



Come on.

[man panting and groaning]

[groaning and panting]

Look at me.

[man wheezes]

Where'd he get to?


Where'd he get to?

I don't know.

[man screams]


Get the rope.

We's... headin' east,
towards Indian Territory.

He's in a bad way.

[gasping and groaning]

Is that everything
you have to say on the matter?

I swear. I swear!

You know what?

I believe you.

Whoa. Duggan.



The hell?

How the hell you figure this wound up
out here in the middle of these grassland?

This will work out nice.

Just cut me loose.

You'll never see me again,
honest. Just cut me loose.

Sit on up.

Well, you see,
I would cut you loose,

but that just violates
my sense of what's right.

[sharp gasp]

[man gasps]

[Henry] It can be hard to tell
who and what a man is,

he's got a mind
to convince you otherwise.

My people were from New York,
where I was born.

By the time I was three,
we'd made it to Coffeyville, Kansas,

then down to Arizona, then New Mexico.

I was in Mexico proper for a time.

I've tried my hand at many a vocation.

Some more marginal than others.

Finally, I settled on the life
of a farmer.

Which is what I am.

We got that hog, stock to feed,

and a root cellar to fill.

There's tractors can do this now
in quarter the time.

Is that right?

And here I thought
farming was in your bones, Wyatt.

This would be a good place for you
to raise a family of your own.

I know your ma would have felt that way.

I ain't her.

Or him.

By wisdom is a house built,

and through understanding
is it established.

Through knowledge are its rooms filled

with rare and beautiful treasures.

And blessed are those hearts
that are set on pilgrimage.

Much as I'd like to stick around...

listen to y'all quote Scripture
at each other...

I'm goin' bird huntin'.

Thanks for the help, Al.

It does me good to be here.

Makes me feel like I'm still
connected to Marie somehow.

Give your uncle a hand with his things.

That is, if you've had sufficient respite.

Thank you, son.

Yes, sir.

Yeah, I wanted to go huntin' this mornin',

but your pa said he needed some help.

Sure would like to go with you
one of these days.

I don't think
that'd go over too well.

Your pa's a good man, Wyatt.

I wouldn't let him marry my sister
if I didn't think so.

Soon enough, you'll be able to

do all the travelin'
and sh**t' you want to.

Stop frettin' about it.

We'll take two chops
for supper and smoke the rest.

I ain't got time to render this.
Throw it in the pen.

Don't it bother you sometimes,
they eat their own?

Don't make no difference to a hog.

Why'd you settle here?

What's that meant to mean?

Why? Why the Territory,
of all places?

You could stake a claim,
hang onto it for a year, it was yours.

Seemed like
a pretty good deal at the time.

Got here before the g*ns
went off, you know that.

I still don't believe
this is what you wanted.

Up at dawn, feedin' the stock,
workin' the crops.

Hot or cold, rain or shine.

You'll discover
there's worse arrangements.

[horse whinnies]


Easy, gal, that's it.

Had me a mare near just like this

when I wasn't much older than you.

Lookie here.

What do you think happened?
Some kind of robbery?

- A sh**t?
- Shut your nonsense.

I'd best go look for the rider.

Yeah, I'll go saddle up.

You tend to this horse
and stay inside till I get back.

But what if it's trouble, Pa?
I can help you.

Go on. Do as I say.


[soft thud]


[p*stol mechanism clicks]


- Is he alive?
- Barely.

Was he alone?

No, but I dispatched
with a dozen others was there.

Give me a hand.

He's... he's lost a lot of blood.

Is he gonna live?

Be up to us, I suppose.

Too far and too late
to fetch the doc.

Well, I can go.
Ride all night if I have to.

I'm sure you would.


You'll stay right here.
Hand over that witch hazel.

That is an outlaw.

On the run, shot off his horse.

You think he k*lled somebody?

Wyatt, I know
just as much as you do.

What's that for?

Seal the wound tight
so he don't bleed out overnight.

No! Don't never elevate
the feet with a chest wound.

I've seen the scars on your body.

'Cause I ain't hid 'em from you.

Now maybe you'll
understand your raisin'.

Put your hand right here.

Where you goin'?

Just keep applyin' pressure
till I get back.

[Wyatt sighs]

[insects chirping]

[distant loon calls]





[water sloshes]

What now?

b*llet's gotta come out.
And he won't make the ride.

Half that rope.

I'll fetch the doc.

You'll stay here
and keep an eye on him.

You really think that's necessary?

It ain't not necessary.

Now, why don't you cool his fever

instead of vaporizin' on every
thought that comes into your head?

Trail's cold.

We'll get him.

[shrill whistle]

That dog could track
a fish through water.

[both chuckle]

Come on.

[Henry] He should come to,
you keep your distance.

It don't matter he's tied up.

I can handle myself

[Henry[ You just do as I say.
I'll be back soon as I can.

Come on.

[sudden gasp]

[soft gasp]

[p*stol mechanism clicks]



[soft chuckle]



[soft chuckle]


[Curry grunts]

[soft groan]

[Curry grunts]

Where's Billy at?

[in Spanish]


[man] Keep your head down.
You'll be all right.

[soft gasp]

[Curry grunts]

[distant thunder rumbles]


He was here.

Don't look like it to me.

[distant thunder rumbles]

If I'm right, he weren't alone.

Whoever it is knows what he's doin'.

Covered his tracks as good
as anyone I've run across.

Weren't for this rain,
I'd have found him sooner.

[Ketchum] I don't need you
to speechify the inner workings

in your halfwit canine mind.

I need to know where he's headed.

Well, that don't exactly narrow it down.

[distant bird squawks,
wings flutter]


[Curry, groggy]
Where am I?



Who the hell are you?

M-My pa found you,
close to dead.

He brought you back here.

Oh, yeah?

Who's your pa?

Nobody. Uh...

Henry. Just a-a farmer.

[pained grunts]


What, it's only you and him here?

He here now?

He's just out back.

Tendin' to the hogs.

Oh, yeah?

Well, go fetch him.

Quit mov... moving!

Right now, I don't want to hurt you.
I don't want to hurt you. Stop moving!

Where'd you put my g*n
and my satchel? Listen to me!

I don't know what
you're talkin' about, mister.

Don't you lie to me! What'd you do
with my g*n and my satchel?

[cries out]


How'd he get loose?

H-He wriggled free.

Wriggled free?

And got hold of my knife
I left on the bedstand.

Well, that's on the both of us.

Help me tie the son of a bitch back up.

[sharp gasps]

[Curry grunts]


[audibly straining]


You better think long and hard
on what you got yourself into.

Funny, I was about
to tell you the same thing.

What you aimin' to do with that?

Gonna dig that b*llet out of you,

maybe get some answers in the process.

I like what I hear,

I might be inclined to give you
something to ease the pain.

[Curry grunts]



Okay! Listen, listen!


Let's start with you
tellin' me who you are.

[shrieks] I'm law!
I'm a g*dd*mn lawman!

[Curry cries out]

He ain't no lawman, Pa,
he was fixin' to k*ll me.

Ready for some whisky?

I just told you... I'm law.

[Curry shrieks]

Ask him about the money.

What money?

He asked me about it.

Listen. Listen to me.

Okay, listen.

What's a shot lawman doin'
with a satchel full of cash?

[pained groan]

Listen! If you got a brain in your head,

you need to get yourself and your boy
out of here fast as you can.

You hear me?


Oh, no! No, no!

[Curry screams]

[screaming continues]

[screaming subsides]

At least we know you won't die
'fore I find out what I want to know.

Oh God.

Let me have a little more.

Let me...

[distant horse whinnies]


Come on, cut me loose.
Come on, cut me loose.

[pained cry]

Listen, they gon' be three of 'em.

One's a Mexican.

The other's an ugly son of a bitch
with a thick beard.

And their leader...

their leader looks like a man
you don't want to mess with.

And believe me, you don't.

Keep back from the window.

If you want to live, you gotta turn me
loose and give me my g*n, hear?

He's lyin'.

I said keep back.

Go on.

[shell casings clatter]

Can I help you?

I'm Sheriff Sam Ketchum.

These here are my deputies.

We've been scoutin'
for a man on the run.

Lately goes by the name of Curry.

Been shot.

Six foot, brown hair,
said to be handsome,

though most would want him
credited for nothing but devilry.

What I do know is,
he's dangerous.

You seen anybody around here
answers that description?

Say you're a sheriff?
How's it I don't recognize you?

We're from way over
in Woods County.

Now, this Curry we're looking for,
he's got a warrant on him there

in Missouri and Tennessee.

Might also claim he's the law.

He's got a history of such chicanery.

Far from it. He's a k*ller.

He will k*ll again.

You're not fixin' to sh**t
any of us with that p*stol, are you?

So far I got no reason to.

That's good news.

You'll want to think 'fore you
raise that thing up, farmer.

Nothing to be
worried about here, friend.

Just a little project
I'm working on, that's all.

How many people live out here?

What difference is that to you?

I'm trying to make sure
you're safe, is all.

Wouldn't seem to be your business,

seeing as how you're
from Woods County.

You married?

Saw a grave over there.

My wife.

Died ten years back from tuberculosis.

My condolences.

Horrible way to go.

Tell 'em, Pa. Tell 'em!

Marie Hobbs McCarty,
the marker said.

Your last name McCarty?

That's right.

First name?


So Hobbs was her people,
I'm guessing.

'Cause I noticed a Hobbs ranch
to the east of here.

Her brothers.


Well, from the looks of things,
you've been out here a good many years.

Nice situation.

All nestled up here in the hills.

Hard to see from a distance.

What's any of this got to do
with the man you're lookin' for?

Not much, I'll grant you.

Long time ago, uh...

was a fella caused some trouble
down Arizona, New Mexico way.

Heard he went by the name McCarty.

I was wondering if he might be your kin.

You got the wrong pig by the ear.


I don't know no McCartys
anywhere but here,

and all my kin is deceased.

Now I got chores to tend to
and scant wood to cook my supper.

I ain't seen the man you're after.
I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Be sure to alert the good Sheriff
in Chickasha if I should run across him.

Well, then.

I thank you for your help.

Looks like another dead end, boys.

You be sure to lock your doors tonight.

Stay safe.

Come on.

Now you're inclined to hang onto that?

I thought you might be needin' help.

You wanna tell me how this got fired?

Honest, Pa.

Don't you lie to me!

I wanted to know what it's like.

I am the only boy for 50 miles
that's never fired one.

You won't even let me
lay hand on your old shotgun.

So if you can't teach me proper,
I gotta do it myself.

You get into my things again,
I will crack your crust!

[soft sobs]

You're a stupid, worthless old man.

A whole life, and nothin' to show for it

but this rundown old farm

and a boy who's gonna
leave you alone to die

as soon as he's able.

Let me guess.

You gon' tell me that he ain't
the sheriff of Woods County, you are.

They ain't lawmen, they're bank robbers.

Well, what's left of them, anyway.

Knocked over the Adams Express.

Me and my deputies gave chase,
k*lled two of 'em,

including the one carrying the loot.

Bank robbers wearin' badges?

That they took off me and my men.

He's the one impersonating the law.

But you made off with the money.

Hell, yeah, I grabbed it.

Then why ain't you back with it
in Woods County?

Oh, I don't know.
Why does it look like?

And my first priority was
getting away from that bunch alive.

That's why I rode like hell
till I couldn't no more.

There's the last thing I remembered,
till I woke up here.

Look, I know what I'm saying
sounds ridiculous to you and all.

That it does.

Why they didn't sh**t you dead
on the spot just now, I don't know.

But I can guarantee you...

they'll be back.

Only thing I can't figure

is why the old man
would risk his neck for a stranger.

Maybe he got offered a cut of the money.

Something tells me that ain't it.

Any one of us could have taken him out.

Which is what we should do now.

- Ride up, finish it.
- Not just yet.

'Cause of some shaky old farmer?

He didn't hold that p*stol
like any farmer I've ever seen.

There are three of us.

We don't run up in a bank,
or ride up on a stage

- without knowing who's in it.
- [Duggan spits]

We know Curry's in there.
With our money!

Which is why you're going to
reconnoiter that so-called farmer's place

and make sure Curry don't skedaddle.

[spits] Gladly.

Don't make a move till we get there.


- [Ketchum] Duggan.
- I said fine.

[Ketchum sniffs]

Come sunup, you and me
will head into Chickasha,

hire some g*ns.


On the way, we'll pay a call
on Farmer Hobbs...

find out if he's got anything interesting
to tell us about ol' Henry McCarty.

- [insects chirping]
- [horses approaching]

[rooster crows]

[roosters clucking]

[Wyatt sniffs]

[Henry] Wyatt.
Come on in.

- [Wyatt] I'm almost finished.
- Leave it till morning.

Come on.

[door opens, closes]

[Curry slurps]

[Curry clears throat]

[Curry slurps, gulps]

It'd be a damn sight easier
if I could feed myself.

[Curry slurps]

Be a damn sight easier
not to feed you at all.

- You and me ever met?
- That I'd remember.

How long you been a sheriff?

- I'd say onto 18 years now.
- How'd you get your start?

I was a deputy for Big Bill Thompson
in Baxter Springs.

Baxter Springs.
Baxter Springs, Missouri?

- Kansas.
- Skinny fella, big ears?


Missing part of his left ear from
a drunk miner taking a potshot at him.

- I heard it was a drunk whore.
- Oh, you did?

Which part of Baxter Springs
you live in?

A boarding house.
Out near Grant's Stage Station.

What was the landlady's name?

She weren't no lady.
[chuckles softly]

She a nasty ol' cuss named Hannah.

- You ever run into a George Crook?
- You mean General George?

Sumbitch dedicated his life
to driving the Caddo out of the Territory.

[silverware clinks]

[Curry slurps]

How in the hell did you end up
in Baxter Springs?

Well, like every other fool

dreaming of easy riches
and digging for tin.

Till I realized there weren't none.

Just a bunch of ghost stories
about a mine near Smokey Hill River.

Then I... I was broke.
Work was hard to come by.

I'm lucky Big Bill took a liking to me.

Otherwise I... I don't know
what would have come of me.

I... I'm sorry I jumped your boy before.

I woke up in a strange place,
didn't know who he was...

I was being held hostage
in some hideout.

This look like a hideout to you?

I overheard what he said earlier.

He didn't mean any of that.

Yes, he did.



I'll give you one hand free.
Don't make me take it off.

All right.


All right.

- [Curry slurps]
- [silverware clinks]

[Curry groans, slurps, sighs]

[Curry chuckles]

Was farming what your daddy did?

My daddy died when I was 3,
up in Kansas.

And he did near everything
but work the land.

I was orphaned at 15.

That's 13 years longer
than I knew my folks.

Ah. Whereabouts you grow up?

New Mexico.

- Which part?
- Fort Sumner.

Born and raised.
You heard of it?

Where Billy the Kid was shot,
wasn't it?

Main reason anyone know it.

[glass filling]

I was there the night it happened.

How's that?

I was just a boy.

I used to make what money I could

doing chores for a fella
by the name of Peter Maxwell.

Same Peter Maxwell
put the Kid up for the night.

Same Peter Maxwell tipped off Garrett
and his deputies, Poe and McKinney,

the Kid was holed up there.

I was sweeping the stalls.

When I saw Garrett walk in the house, I...

I don't think nothing of it.

But Billy wasn't in there.
Not then, leastways.

- Know how I know?
- How?

He was barefoot
in his shin sleeves,

cutting the meat off a deer carcass
not 20 feet from where I was working.

I saw him peer through the barn door,

and he saw Poe and McKinney
on the porch there.

He stopped carving,
looked me dead in my eye.

He said, "Keep your head down,
you'll be all right."

So Billy went straight to Maxwell's room,
realized pretty quick

it ain't just Maxwell in there.

He called out,
"¿Quien? es ¿Quien es?"

'Cause Billy spoke Spanish
as good as a Mexican.

Pat's answer?

Two sh*ts. One wide of the mark,
and the other one in the chest.

That was the end of Billy the Kid.

And you seen it all.

I most certainly did.

Saw the Kid's body get hauled off too,
wrapped in a bloody sheet.

Enough to teach me
that ain't no life for me.

I'd rather stop this crazy
than be part of it anyway.

[knife scraping]

[knife cutting rope]

[Henry] Well...

[chuckles] Damn.

If I knew all it took was a good story
for you to cut me loose.

[knife clatters]

You well enough to stay upright
in the saddle?

- Not hardly.
- I want you out of here.

I suppose waiting till sunup
ain't an option?

If I was alone out here,
it'd be different.

Well, then, I guess I'm ready.


Take it.

I'll fetch your loot.



[g*nsh*t, glass shatters]

[Curry grunts, groans]

[Curry pants]

[effort grunts]

[g*nf*re continues]

- Pa?
- Wyatt! Get down!

[Wyatt pants]

- [g*nsh*t]
- [glass breaking]

I-I think I'm all right.

Is... is he hit?

[p*stol slides across floor]

He just passed out. Give me that.

I'm better with it than you think.

Not until I teach you proper.

- I've taught myself
- Shush.

[softly] Now, where'd you get to?

[quiet movements below]

- [Wyatt] He's under the house.
- [Henry] Shh.

[wood creaking]

[cocks p*stol]

- [wood creaking]
- [g*nsh*t]

[creaking resumes]

[softly] I hope you got
good enough with this.

God forbid it happens, but sh**ting a man
is different than hitting a target...

a line you can't cross back over.

- I know that.
- You couldn't until you've done it.

If he comes in here...

you pull that trigger.

Aim for the chest.
And keep firing until you hit it.


- [g*nshots continue]
- Where you going?

[Wyatt grunts]

[door unlocks, opens]

Son of a bitch!


- f*ck.
- [shells clattering]

[shotgun clicks]

[Duggan] Shit.

[indistinct chatter]

[Duggan grunts]

[Duggan groans, strains]

[thunder crashes]

[Duggan grunts]

[thunder rumbling]

[Duncan grunts, whimpers]

[struggling sounds]

[Duggan groans]

- [Duggan screams]
- [bone breaking]

- [Duggan gasps]
- Where's the others? They close?

[Duggan] Go to hell.

- [Henry strains]
- [Duggan chokes]

[Henry] I've been here too often to let
a man of your caliber overhaul my baggage.

- [Henry pants]
- [Duggan gasps]

Answer me, or it ends for you right now.

[Duggan breathes shakily]

[Duggan] Go to hell, you bastard.

[Duggan whimpers, gasps]

[Duggan struggles]

- [Duggan chokes]
- [Henry strains]

[Duggan gasps]

[Duggan grunts]

[Duggan whimpers]

[Duggan chokes, gasps]

[Duggan whimpers]

- [Henry sighs]
- [thunder rumbles]

[thunder crashes]

He was fixin' to k*ll us both.

I saw.

Probably here to watch and got greedy.

- [thunder rumbles]
- The others will be coming.

First thing, we gotta get rid
of this body.

How we gonna do that?

We ain't.

[door creaks, closes]

[pigs oinking]

- [animal squeals]
- [pigs snort]

[Henry] I know it don't feel like it.

You're lucky it just grazed ya.

If you know I found that g*n,

you know I saw what's
in the back of that closet.

Who are you?

I'm who I am.

Aren't you always preaching
about being honest?

The truth will set you free?

I've never lied to you.

Isn't not telling me the whole story
the same damn thing?

I've done things
I wish I could take back.

A long time before you.
Before your ma.

Things that
you got no business hearing.

How am I supposed to respect you
if you ain't respecting me?

I am respecting you.

And if you don't understand that,
you ain't heard a word I just said.

No, I heard it. I just don't believe
a bit of it.

[crickets chirping]

- [lantern rattling]
- [footsteps approach]

- [inhales softly]
- [Curry groans]

[Billy the Kid]
Keep your head down.

Keep your head down.
You'll be all right.

You'll be all right.

[intensified breathing sounds]

[door creaks, closes]

[distant birdsong]

[rocking chair squeaks]

[birds fluttering]

[r*fle cocks]

[chickens clucking]

[sheep bleating]

[horses approaching]

- Whoa.
- [chickens clucking]

[distant sheep bleating]

- Morning
- [Al] Morning.

- Something I can help you with?
- I sure hope so.

Nice place you got here.
Peaceful. Quiet.

Bird hunting.

Nothing quite like the flush of the bevy.

You must be quite the shot.

Do what I can.

I envy you.

I don't get to go out hunting
as much as I'd like to these days.

Something I can help you with, mister?

My daddy used to hunt pheasant.

It was always
my damn job to clean 'em.

Oh, cutting the skin on the breast,
peeling it back.

But over time, I figured the best way
to get rid of their innards...

was to split the bird's back.
Get to 'em that way.

Is that what you find?

Look, I don't...

mean to be un-neighborly, but...

But get to the point? Sure.

I wanted to ask you a couple questions
about, uh, your brother-in-law.

Well, what concern is he of yours?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

You see, I got this crazy idea...

there might be more to ol' McCarty
than meets the eye.

[sighs] You supposed be
some kind of lawman or something?

Something like that.

Well, I think it's time you left.

Well, we came here for some answers.

We ain't leaving till I get 'em.

That so?

- I should... [grunts]
- [horse neighs]

[sighs] Now how the hell
we gonna pick his ass up?

[Curry groans, whimpers]

[Curry groans, exhales]

[labored breath]
Okay. Okay, thank you.

[Curry groans]

- [bed creaks]
- [Curry strains]

[labored breath]

[Curry whimpers]

- Oh, God. Okay.
- [bed creaks]

I'm no good to travel. I'm not.

You take the boy,
you get out of here.

When Ketchum and his men arrive,
I'll hold them off as long as I can.

- The hell with that!
- Wyatt.

We got g*ns.

You already k*lled one of them barehanded.

Fill a pack. We're leaving.

[labored breath]

[Henry, softly]
I'm warning you.

[scoffs softly]

[Curry panting]

[birds chirping]

He's back.

- Leave the rest.
- We can't just leave him here to die.

I am damn sure not gonna lose you
over something that ain't our fight.

Your pa's right.

I am old enough to make my own decisions,

whether you are ready
to accept that or not.

Yeah. [grunts] This is mine to finish.

Go on, now. I'll be all right.

[horses whinnying]

[horses whinnying]


[shouts] Curry!
Anybody home?

[shouts] You gentlemen need something?

We're here for our fugitive.

[Henry] I told you yesterday
I ain't seen him.

My intuition tells me that's not true.

I'll make it easy...

you hand him over,
we let you and the boy go free.

[Ketchum] The other option is,
we take him. And you and the boy die.

You take that deal. [breathes shakily]
I signed up for this, you didn't.

See your horses are already saddled.

You can just ride on out of here.

You and I both know we'll be dead
before we mount our horses.

[shouts] 'Fore this turns
into some kinda brigasee,

why don't me and you settle this,
knuckle and skull.


You got a lot of fight for a farmer.

That ain't the way this plays out.

[shouts] Bring him up!


[shells rattling]

Listen to me. What's gonna happen
will happen quick.

I'll stall long as I can,
but I want you to sneak out back

- and hole up at Roger's Mill...
- [cocks g*n]

...and wait for me there.

Only use this if you have to.

Let me fight.

I can't do this right
if I'm worried about protecting you.

[Curry] Just turn me over.

You don't, they're gonna k*ll us all.
[breathes shakily]

You and me both know
they're fixin' to do that anyway.

And yet you expect me
to run out into sure g*nf*re?

[Curry] Your boy's right.

Stay inside.

Stay away from the window.

You have to sh**t,
aim for the chest, and...

Keep firing till I hit something.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[Ketchum] I've had some suspicions
about who you are, Henry McCarty.

I got to admit,
that name sticks in me like a thorn.

My curiosity was aroused.

I was hoping Al here
might shed some light.

He wouldn't say shit.

Even after my boys were...

what's the word?
Uh, emphatic in their question.

You probably concluded I'm no sheriff.

Nor are these men my deputies.

Not a one of us had spent time
in Woods County before a month ago.

What about you?

Where'd you come from?

Every place on earth but this.

So be it.

Last offer.

This tongue-tied piece of shit

for Sheriff Curry in there
and the money.

You get what you want.

I get what I want.

We go our separate ways
without blood spilled.

Not yours, not mine.

Not that boy of yours I see surveilling
all this through that window.

If I wanted bloodshed, I'd have busted
in there g*ns a-blazin' a long time ago.

I believe you know that.

You leave my brother-in-law
right where he is.

Turn and ride your asses off my property.

You do that, and I'll let you live.

[chuckles, mutters indistinctly]

You hear that, fellas?

- Is that the talk of a mild old sodbuster?
- [chuckling]

I think not.


That sounds like
something else altogether.


Anything you could tell me
might change the equation here?


Kiss my ass,
you long-winded son of a bitch.

You got a pair, I'll give you that.

Last chance, Al.

You have no idea the hell storm
you fixin' to let loose.

Consider me properly warned.

[Ketchum] Easy. Whoa.

Easy, fella.

[blows] g*dd*mn.

Look at that.

I'd say she's done.

Ain't that a thing of beauty?



Get in!

- [g*nf*re continues]
- [door slams]

- [glass shatters]
- [Curry grunts]

- [Curry groans]
- [glass shattering]

You still with us?

[groans] Less of me. [grunts]

- Whoa. Whoa.
- [glass breaking]

[Wyatt pants, coughs]

[p*stol cocks]

[shouts] McCarty!

You dead yet?

[Henry] I sure ain't.

[Ketchum] I'm assuming the fact
I ain't seen my man Duggan this morning

means he must have crossed paths with you,

and things didn't go his way.

Seeing as how I just k*lled
your man Al here,

I'd say that squares us.

No more games.

You got one minute to come out.

You nearly got us both k*lled,

which is about all your tears and rage
would have amounted to.

Now keep your damn head down.
You'll be all right.

[Curry pants]

[Billy the Kid, echoing]
Keep your head down, you'll be all right.

Poe and McKinney were on the porch.

Garrett went in the house.

[cocks p*stol]

Two sh*ts... but he...

[chuckles] And you were
speaking Spanish to 'em. [pants]

But he didn't k*ll you.

He helped you escape.

You're him.

He's who?


Pa, what is he talking about?

- [door opens]
- [Wyatt] Pa!

Smart choice, friend.

[Stillwell speaks Spanish]

[Henry speaks Spanish]

[both speaking Spanish]

What's he saying?

- [horse whinnying]
- [man cries out]

[g*nf*re continues]

- [g*nshots continue]
- [glass breaking]

- [Curry grunts]
- [man screams]

[glass breaks]

[man grunts]

- [glass shatters]
- [Curry pants]

[glass breaks]

- [g*nshots]
- [glass shattering]

[Henry pants]

Don't you dare step outside.

[door squeaks]

[distant g*nshots]

[distant signal whistle]

[distant g*nshots]


[distant signal whistle]

[g*nshots resume]


[glass shatters]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Henry speaks Spanish]

[Stillwell] Ah.

[in Spanish]


[shouts in Spanish]


[Ketchum grunts]


[shell casings clatter]

[Ketchum pants]

[cocks p*stol]



[Henry grunting]

[Ketchum grunts]

[Ketchum pants]


[Henry groans]

- [g*nsh*t]
- [b*llet hitting wood]


[Ketchum grunts, pants]

- [hammer clicks]
- [Ketchum growls] f*ck.

[labored breathing]

[distant bird squawking]


- [Ketchum grunts]
- [g*nf*re]


[Ketchum groans]



- [g*nsh*t]
- [b*llet whizzing]

- [b*llet whistling]
- [Ketchum grunts]

- [Ketchum groans]
- [g*nsh*t]

[Ketchum pants]

[Ketchum yelps, grunts]

[Ketchum groaning]


[shell casings jingling]


[groans, gasps]


[p*stol mechanism clicks]


[Ketchum whimpers, spits]

[Ketchum coughs]

[Ketchum grunting]

[cylinder spins]

[cocks p*stol]

[Wyatt breathing shakily]

You all right? [pants]

[Curry grunts]

[Curry groans, pants]

[Curry groans]


[shudders, grunts, groans]

[Henry] Wyatt. Fetch
a pail of water and some rags.

Go on.

[Curry exhales]

[Curry groans, sighs]

[Henry] You've certainly seen
better days.

I knew you had a familiar face.

I just couldn't place it at first.

[Henry] We'll get the doc.

First I gotta slow the bleed.

How you manage
to stay hidden all these years?

Let's get some of this shirt off you.
I can use it to tie off this leg.


[Henry chuckles]

[Henry groans softly]

[Henry sighs]

[Curry] Well, shit.

I wish you didn't see that.

[Henry breathes shakily]

[pants] It's just like I heard you
tell your boy before.

Ain't that I lied, I just never
told you the whole truth.

Was you law at all?

Sheriff of Woods County,
just like I said.

Me and my deputies,

we signed on with Ketchum
back in the spring.

We had to take their brand.

Done a few jobs with 'em.

But we figured out they was planning
to g*n us down on this last go.

So we tried to beat 'em to the punch.

Took off, and they plugged me
from a distance.

They'd have hunted me
to the end of the earth.

- I'm sorry I ended up here.
- [Henry scoffs softly]

Last thing I wanted,
you wanna know the truth of it.

'Cause you were good to me back then.


I could never square
you done the things they said.

Though I sure as hell
can believe it now. [chuckles]

[Curry whimpers, grunts]

I don't even remember you.

Well, why would you?
I was just a ranch hand.

[cocks p*stol]

Now I get to be the man
who k*lled Billy the Kid.

[Curry grunts]

[Wyatt pants]

[Curry groans]

[Wyatt exhales]

[Wyatt pants]

- You hold on, I'll get the doc.
- No.


It's a miracle I made it this far.

Once this gets out...

you gonna hear some things about me.

Some of it's true.

A lot of it ain't.

Fact is... [chuckles]

I don't even know
who or what I was anymore.

[sighs] I don't believe in redemption.

But a man can find some kind of solace...

if he's got a boy like you to raise.

[Wyatt whimpers]

The world is changing.

You go see it.

It's a place I don't belong in
no more.


I'm hoping...

you do.

[voice breaking]



[Wyatt weeps]

[Wyatt] Come on.

[acoustic country music playing]

♪ My son ♪

♪ My blood runs through your veins ♪

♪ That don't mean we're the same ♪

♪ I know you're gonna be
your own man ♪

♪ My son ♪

♪ Sometimes we don't see eye to eye ♪

♪ I just hope you know that I'm ♪

♪ Still trying to do the best I can ♪

♪ My son ♪

♪ Please don't make mistakes
I've made ♪

♪ No, don't chase
the things I've chased ♪

♪ Don't waste your life on the run ♪

♪ My son ♪

♪ Go ahead and spread your wings ♪

♪ While you're reaching
for your dreams ♪

♪ There's one thing you can't outrun ♪

♪ You'll always be my son ♪

♪ My son ♪

♪ I sure wish you never knew ♪

♪ The past I wish I could undo ♪

♪ But we both know
I can't go back in time ♪

♪ My son ♪

♪ Just keep on being who you are ♪

♪ Keep believing in your heart ♪

♪ You're destined for a better life ♪

♪ My son ♪

♪ Please don't make mistakes
I've made ♪

♪ No, don't chase the things
I've chased ♪

♪ Don't waste your life on the run ♪

♪ My son ♪

♪ Go ahead and spread your wings ♪

♪ But while you're reaching
for your dreams ♪

♪ There's one thing you can't outrun ♪

♪ You'll always be my son ♪

♪ You'll always be my son ♪

♪ You'll always be my son ♪