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02x06 - Openings

Posted: 05/02/12 21:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

Get the hell out of my property.

What about this boyfriend... Jasper?

Rosie broke it off.

It's me. Can we just meet somewhere?

If you want to meet in DC, sure.

The kid who drew those trees, what happened to him?

Child protective services took him.

I should get this.

Rosie asked if she could keep these.

I'm staying at the motel if you need anything.

Who's she afraid of?

I couldn't see, the windows were tinted.

What did Rosie find out?

The truth.

Stan Larsen wasn't her real father.


I don't get it.

How you can just...

...cut me off.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Everything that we've been through, everything that we had. I'm sorry.

I know you don't want to do this.

I can feel it.

We belong together. Don't throw this away.


You're gonna stop calling me.

[ Breathes deeply ]


Just... We've been through hard times before, right?

I mean... Just tell me what you want me to do.

There's nothing for you to do.

I have a life with Sally. I have a family.

You can't keep living in fear of your wife.

You can't let her rule your entire life!

[ Gasps ]

No one rules my life.

Not her and not you.

[ Raps window ]

Stop calling me.

You have to talk to all the limo drivers, Holder.

Yeah, I'm sure.

What about Rosie's burner-phone records?

Okay, keep on him, and I put in a call again about the casino warrant.

But in the meantime, stay on the drivers.

I got to go.

You have a minute, Mr. Larsen?

This about Piotr's kid?

He didn't have anything to do with your daughter's death, Mr. Larsen.

This is about Rosie.

How long have you known that she wasn't your child?

[ Knock on door ]

[ Rain falling ]


Hey. So, my idiot boyfriend locked me out of my room.

Is it cool if I chill in here for like five?

Yeah, yeah, of course. Come on in. Come on.

[ Sighs ] Wow.

You got cable.
[ Scoffs ]

I love how all these places make a big deal about that on their signs.

It's like, "we got beds."

[ Both laugh ]

Well, you--
You have to be freezing.

Do you want to take a shower?

No. [ Sighs ]


I mean, I guess I could take a shower or whatever.

Okay. There's some clean towels right there for you.

[ Door closes ]

Mitch and me, we had been dating for years.

Knew each other from the neighborhood.

She broke up with me for a few months.

Then she told me she was pregnant.

[ Sighs ]

I knew from day one that I'd never leave her.

Not for anything.

Even if Rosie wasn't your child?

That didn't matter.

Who was Rosie's father?

I don't know.

You never had any ideas or suspicions?

No, and I never asked.

What's this got to do with who took Rosie away?

Maybe it doesn't.

[ Sighs heavily ]

Me and Mitch never told her. How did she know?

She was, um, going through some difficult times because of it.

Alexi told us. They were friends, Mr. Larsen.

Were you having any problems with her over the last few months?

N-no, no, no. Me and Rosie were always good.

Do you have any idea how she found out?

What is it?

There was this, um...

Box of Mitch's, like an old, uh, shoe box with stuff in it--

Pictures, keepsakes.

I saw Rosie looking through it a bunch of times.

Said she got it from Mitch's parents.

Do you know where it is?

No, I haven't seen it. Not since I saw Rosie with it.

What about Mrs. Larsen? Can I talk to her?

[ Breathes deeply ]

She's gone.

[ Sighs ]

Rosie was my daughter, detective.

I got to go.

Would you mind if I look through Rosie's room, Mr. Larsen?

What are you? Dyslexic?

I've never done it from this side, all right?



[ Chuckles ]

Keep that up for the interview, all right?

Kellie's ruthless.

Don't get lulled in by her "I feel your pain" BS.

She's gonna start with softballs, and then she's gonna launch into verbal grenades.

So, stay positive.

[ Sighs, sniffs ]

Right. Nothing but...

Roses and puppy dogs.

That's right.

[ Thud ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Chimes jingle ]

[ Sea gulls squawking ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]


Holder: I found the limo that went to the ferry that night.

Guess who the passenger was.

I'm not guessing, Holder.

Michael Ames.

Jasper's father?

Yep. That ain't all.

Driver said Ames had an overnight bag with him like he was gonna stay the night or the weekend somewhere.

So, who else had a bag with her that night?

Rosie was sleeping with her boyfriend's father?

I don't buy that.

I called Sea-Tac--

Got flight lists leaving between midnight and 9:00 AM the night of.

Turns out Ames had a flight to Vegas that night.

Never got on.

I won't make you guess who was sitting next to him on the flight because you suck at it, but... I can tell you this.

It wasn't Rosie.

[ Sea gulls squawking ]

Don't worry about the zipper.

What, are you gonna catch a cold? You're like 50 feet away.


You got a minute, miss Marek?

[ Bell rings ]

Go on, boys.

We met at a party...

For the service.

It wasn't like a date or anything.

He wasn't a client.

You know, we didn't even kiss that first night.

Do you ever?

Isn't that, like, against your code?

What Michael and I had was real.

He got me my place.

We were even looking to buy a condo for after he left his wife.

We went on trips together. Like Vegas?

October 5th, same night your niece was k*lled?

He canceled on me last minute.

No, I...

I was supposed to pick him up from the ferry, but...

What ferry?

The one that goes to that Indian casino.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Beep ] Holder.

Look, I know what you're thinking.

Why he'd want someone like me?

See, we have a connection. I understand him.

I know what it's like to want a better life.

Thank you.


Rosie's burner-phone recs just came back.

Got a hit a few weeks before the m*rder.

Rosie sent Michael Ames a text.

It said, "$5,000.

I want the money, or I'll tell your wife."

[ Ringing ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Mitch: Hey. You've reached Mitch.

Please leave a message after the beep. Thanks.

[ Cellphone shuts ]

Yo, you're becoming like "a beautiful mind" with that board, Linden.

Next thing, you'll be writing on windows and talking to Rosie.

If you found out the guy who raised you for 17 years wasn't your father, what would you do?

Find the real one and beat his ass into the ground.

Question remains, was Ames her daddy or a John?

Either case, she was blackmailing him.

Maybe the casino was their meeting spot.

Check this out. Ames' company?

Columbia domain fund?

Big supporter of mayor Adams.

Sponsored a fundraiser for his campaign.

So maybe the mayor helped clean up his buddy's mess.

Pinned it all on Richmond.

Two birds, one rock.

You realize if you're right about this, we're gonna end up working a tollbooth in Walla Walla the rest of our careers.


[ Dialing ]

He would have had to call her to set up a meeting.

Hey, detective Linden.

I'm gonna need a warrant for phone records for a Michael Ames.

Yeah, I'll drop off the paperwork. Thanks.

[ Receiver hangs up ]


If Rosie knew Ames was her daddy...

How could she hook up with Jasper?

He'd be like her half-brother, right?

[ Potato chip crunches ]

[ Birds chirping ]

[ Scoffs ]

Holder: Slumming it in the mainland house, huh?

Go on. Take us on the tour, son.

As long as I don't end up a gimp like that politician guy.

Nah, you ain't worth sh**t'.

We just have a few questions about you and Rosie.

See, something just don't quite add up about you and her.


You weren't the only one sticking it to her.

Oh, but you had to know that, right?

That she was a pro.

Oh, snap. You didn't know?

I Gus you were like her charity case.

Whatever. As usual, you don't have a clue.

Please bestow on us your wisdom.

Rosie wasn't giving it up to anybody.

You know, all that crap on the news about her being a prost*tute?

It's a joke.

Rosie was a dork, a total virgin.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah, right.

'Cause she wouldn't give it to you, she was a virgin?

Yeah, anybody ever tell you you're white?

You never had sex with her?

No. Never. Didn't hook up at all?


All she'd ever do was cry when I'd want to.

Bitch was like meat kryptonite.

Look, she hated her life. All right?

Said it was all a fake. And those pictures on her wall?

She wanted to burn them to the ground.

What about your dad, Jasper?

Where was he the night Rosie got k*lled?

My dad? W-why are you asking about him?

Maybe your girlfriend was saving it up for pops.

'Cause junior didn't pack enough of a punch.

He was in Abu Dhabi, you tool.

Whatever. So he came back. So what?

You saw him that night?

Yeah, that morning like at 4:00 AM.

I was on my way out. I saw the car drop him off.

No, you didn't.

No car services sent out cars to this address that night.

Yeah, did I say it was a town car?

It was some piece-of-crap cab or something.

Had a broken taillight.

That's all I got.

Maybe you should talk to his whores.

He's had them my whole life.

Yeah. Wow. Surprise.

Shouldn't you be in school, Jasper?

What's amazing here is your resilience.

But here you are, just days after a sh**ting.

Did you get down at all?

Did you have any doubts you'd be back?

[ Inhales deeply ]

You know, honestly, Kellie...


No, I never once doubted I could run this race.

Man: This dude's high.

No, I think he's literally high on painkillers right now.

Look at him.

You k*lled a girl.

No offense, Gwen, but is he really that delusional?

Does he really think he can win?

He was exonerated by the police.

So was the guy who was shtupping Chandra Levy.

Gary Condit didn't k*ll Chandra Levy.

Then why'd you just say his name?

With all you've been through in the last seven days--

Being arrested, getting shot, losing your ability to walk--

There wasn't a moment you felt just an ounce of self-pity?

You'd be amazed by the inner resources you don't even know you have.

But in that moment the doctor gave you the news, the news that would change your life forever, tell us--
What went through your mind?

[ Inhales deeply ]

Tell us, Darren.

[ Sighs ] There was a man.

Ted Wright.

He worked the boeing plant for 35 years.

He had an accident and lost his leg.

$gbut he never gave up.

He was angry, sure, but he...

He used that anger.

He channeled it...

Toward a better life for himself and his family.

And Ted used to say...

That bad luck either destroys you or it makes you the man you really are.

For me, Kellie, there really was only the one choice.

[ Laughs ]

Good to have you back, sweetheart.

It's good to be back, dad.

Just like the old days.

You were my secret w*apon. Charming the city council.

Nothing more endearing to an old man than a young girl's admiration.

Well, I was 14.

It was a bit... Overwhelming at times.

Come on, admit it. You loved it.

You learned everything you know in those back rooms.

How politics is really done.

Not to mention sneaking sips of champagne from my colleagues.
[ Chuckles ]

Man: Excuse me. May I?

Thank you.

What is it?


The, uh, rockefeller foundation's throwing a fundraiser on Tuesday.

Old Saudi mullah is the guest of honor.

You want to be my wingman?

It'll be a lot of fun, Gwen. Just like old times.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Jasper, what are you doing here?

assh*le, you can't leave any piece of ass alone, can you?

Excuse me.

Don't you ever come to my workplace and talk to me like that!

What did you do with Rosie, huh?

What the hell are you talking about?

The cops came to the house.

Said you were screwing her--
Were you?

[ Sea gulls squawking ]

[ Engine turns over ]

I swear to God, and then I told that other teacher--

I was like, "if you ever talk to me like that again,"

I'd call her husband and tell him she molested me.

[ Laughs ]
Oh, God, that is so bad.

Oh, whatever. She totally deserved it.


Do you want to see something cool?

Yeah. All right.


[ Chuckles nervously ]

That's beautiful.

[ Laughs ]

I told you I was good.

I'm gonna be in the Cincinnati Ballet.

That's why I'm going there.

As soon as I get enough money saved up.

I have, like, an uncle or cousin or whatever there.

Have you told your mom about your plans or...?

Maybe you should call her, just let her know you're okay.
[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Gasps ]

Wait, you took my clothes?

I want my clothes back now!

They were wet. They're downstairs in the dryer.

Tina, I'm sorry.

I just bet she misses you so much.

And whatever it is you think you've done, however bad you think that is, she will still take you back.

And that there's nothing in this world she'd want more than to have you back.

I know what it's like to miss your child.

Can I have my clothes back?


[ Sighs ]

[ Rain falling ]

[ Beep ]

Fiancé begging for you back?

Jack's father. Do you mind?

Taking on way too much Rosie, Linden.

For real.

Empathy can poison your brain.

It's like elephants?

I mean, they mourn their dead.

Go nuts over them.

They pace around, piss on themselves.

You're gonna need a diaper soon, Linden.

Are you still watching discovery channel?

[ Chuckles ]

Hey. It's detective Linden, I'm checking on the status of the Michael Ames warrant.

Is she around?

Hey, Chris. What?

What do you mean, Carlson pulled the warrants on Ames and the casino? What?

I'll call you back.
[ Cellphone shuts ]

Damn it!
[ Thud ]

[ Panting ]

Maybe you want to count to 10 or something?

[ Door opens ]

You pulled my warrants. Why?

I'm sorry, detective. We'll have to discuss this later.

There's someone here to see you now.

Michael: Go on, tell them.

It was at a party. Rosie was there.

I took her phone when she wasn't looking.

Texted my dad.

I thought it'd be funny.

You know, make him think he was being blackmailed.

It was dumb. Okay? Whatever. I'm sorry.

My son is a brilliant strategist, clearly.

Why'd you do it, Jasper?

'Cause I'm sick of his lies!

I'm sick of the way he treats my mom.

You really think she doesn't hate your guts? That's enough!

I believe the use of a cellphone to attempt extortion is a felony.

Feel free to lock him up for the night.

It still doesn't explain Mr. Ames' whereabouts the night of October 5th.

Peter: Mr. Ames boarded an 11:45 ferry from Queen Anne's Cove.

And then he was at the Wapi Eagle casino until a little after 1:00 AM, at which point he took the 1:30 employee ferry back to the mainland.

Here is his, uh, credit-card records.

It indicates here the purchase of a candy bar Mr. Ames made at a concession stand on the ferry ride back from the casino.

So, what, you proved he's got a sweet tooth?

Can you account for Mr. Ames' time at the casino?

I was there for pleasure that night.

Holder: Really?

Thought you'd just hit the Wapi Eagle slots a few hours before you're flying to Vegas?


Peter: I hope this was helpful.

Now, if you'll excuse us, Mr. Ames has a plane to catch.

Sarah: Mr. Ames, you got home at 4:00 AM.

Where were you that night?

Carlson: Thank you for your time.

We don't need another high-profile mishap.

I pulled the casino warrant because what you had wasn't sufficient for a search.

Now, you've had your swing at Ames, and you missed.

Leave him and his family alone. Is that clear?

Just for the record, is there anybody that I can talk to?

Ames was at the casino that night.

Rosie saw him there.

She called Alexi at 1:14 scared out of her mind.

What did he do with the body? Ames k*lled her, right?

Dumped her in discovery park.

Where did he stow the girl on the ferry?

In the hat rack?

Sarah: Ames could have gotten somebody to help clean it up, but we won't know that unless we can talk to him again!

I gave you a direct order, detective.

Don't let your emotions get the best of you!

I looked at your file.

You okay, Linden?

I'm fine.

[ Bird squawking ]

Alexi: You think she can hear you?

Yeah, sometimes I do.

You know?

I saw you outside my house.

I didn't hurt her.

I know she found out about me.

That I wasn't her dad.

[ Sighs ]

I was gonna tell her...

When the time was right.

Must have been nice.

Having a dad.

Even if he wasn't her own.

Your father was a decent man.

He made some mistakes, but he--

Yeah, I know.

He was a lazy-ass thief, so you took care of him.

But Kovarsky didn't sanction it, so you got booted out.

He should have k*lled you...

And put you in the trunk, is what he should have done.

So why didn't you do it?

Why am I still here?

Why are you talking to me now?!

I don't expect you to admit what you did...

But I thought you should know...

...I spent a lot of time watching you.

She saved your life.

[ Sighs ]

Okay. Well, just--
Just don't, uh, rule me out.

All right.

Election's a week away, cowboy.

Sure it's not time for a break?

[ Chuckles ]
Shouldn't you be out getting me votes or something?

[ Chuckling ]
That's all I'm doing.

Hey, we have a dinner with the Black Church coalition.

They're gonna be thrilled you're showing up tonight.


This is business, not personal.

You're not dead in the polls yet, but the numbers are misleading.

Until you get the stink of the m*rder investigation off you, people are gonna balk in the voting booths.

Put me back on. I can turn it around.

No one knows you like I do.

No one's in a better position to help convince people of your innocence.

I can win this for you.

[ Dialing ]


Good to hear your voice. How you doing?

Well, I'm-- I'm much better. Thank you for asking.

[ Indistinct conversations ]


Did you ever figure out his morning routine?

It's good to see you.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Right through there.

Sarah: Mrs. Ames?

I'm detective Linden. Detective Holder.

Seattle police department. Sorry to interrupt.

May we have a few minutes of your time?

Can you excuse me just for a moment [Chuckling] Tyler?

Let's go through here.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]

I'm sorry if I seem surprised to see you, detectives, but I thought my husband already answered all of your questions.

Not all of them.

Do you know where Mr. Ames was the night of October 5th?

I was traveling myself that weekend, so I can't help you, I'm sorry.

You have no idea where your own husband was?

Sorry to tell you this, miss Ames, but he was hooking up with his mistress.

You need to understand something, detectives, we don't like to advertise it--

Certainly not to our business associates or family--

But my husband and I have an agreement.

He can play.

But he won't leave me. We have a clear prenup.

To put it bluntly, the money is mine.

All those women over the years--

Were you ever afraid your husband got any of them pregnant?

Were you ever aware of any relations he had with Mitch Larsen?

Rosie was Jasper's age, yes? Born in 1993?

Jasper was conceived in West Timor, Indonesia.

We were working with the Indonesian government to rebuild schools after the East Nusa earthquake in '92.

I don't recall Mitch Larsen being there.

But by all means, look into it.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Seems like maybe we're flying off course with this whole daddy angle.

Yeah, but Rosie saw him at the casino that night.

We know that.

Yo, Linden.

What the hell's the chief doing at Ames' house?

His lawyer said he had some business at the casino.

Maybe it had something to do with his construction company?

We should put a tap on Ames' phone.

[ Chuckling ] Yeah, right.

'Cause that worked like gangbusters last time.

You're serious.

Linden, you got to chill.

I mean, Carlson's gonna be riding our asses just for coming here.

What, you get a promotion, suddenly you're Carlson's boy?

Whoa, I'm just trying to save you from getting that file--

Whatever it is--
Thrown in your face again.

[ Sniffs ]

[ Inhales sharply ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Breathes deeply ]

[ Sighs ]

Oh, my baby, I'm so sorry.

Is this okay?

[ Crying ] No, sweetheart.

Let's just lie here a while.



There are still questions concerning councilman Richmond's whereabouts on the night Rosie Larsen was k*lled that he refuses to answer.

Well, I want answers. [ Telephone ringing ]

I think the people of Seattle deserve answers.

I have run my administration in a spirit of openness...

...And accountability.


Darren: Sushi or falafel?

Chicken shawarma.

Yeah, well...

You branched out.

Only a little.

How's your dad?

The same.

How's Jamie?

I think he's...

Developing maternal instincts.

Well, call me if he tries to breast-feed you.

[ Chuckles ]

Just business. Right?


You start tomorrow.
8:00 AM.

[ Beep ]

So, we had this quiz.


It's been hard to study since... I was sick and stuff.

It's okay.

How'd you do?

Not great.

So, let's see it.

[ Exhales sharply ]

It's only the second-highest grade miss Cosgrove's gave out this year.

You know those super-annoying parents that put their children's accomplishments up on the refrigerator door?

No way, mom. Don't do it.

It's all just part of being a proud mom.



Did you put this up here?


Jack: Mom? What's going on?


[ Door closes ]

But any blow life deals you, Kellie, is an opportunity for healing.

See, I-I find that all adversity opens a window onto the past.

And facing that past can be [Sighs]

Painful, yes.

But by facing it, we open ourselves up to the greatest treasure that life has to offer.

Our past is who we are.

And we can no more close our eyes on the past than we can close ourselves off to...

The countless possibilities of our future.

Kellie: People are comparing your situation to another recent case, the 9th circuit judge who suffered a near-fatal g*nsh*t wound.

Judge Hailey.

From what I understand, she's made a remarkable recovery.

Her husband describes some very dark days...

[ Cellphone ringing ]

This is Holder.

Sarah: Hey, it's me. Are you home?

Yeah. Why? What's up?

[ Knock on door ]

Hey. Hey.

We need to stay here just for tonight.

Yeah, sure. Come in.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Laughter ]

[ Sniffles ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Grunting ]

Listen, little man.

Come on.

You got nothing on me! I'm gonna take you down!