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02x09 - Sayonara Hiawatha

Posted: 05/23/12 08:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

What did Rosie find out?

Stan Larsen wasn't her real father.

There was this box with pictures...

I saw Rosie looking through it a bunch of times.

You think you got this job because you're a good cop?

Low life tweaker.

We scheduled a sit-down between you and Chief Jackson.

Chief Jackson makes Drexler look like an altar boy.


I'm coming! I'm coming!

I'm right here!

I hate you!

Where was she going?

To the 10th floor.

They took away all our keys the day after Rosie died.

We need to get that key.


Yeah, you're right. They got it all.

Damn it.

Talk to ray. He'll know what's going on.

What the hell are you doing here?

Yo, Lieutenant, your boys tossed my apartment, and they snagged a bunch of my personal stuff.

I want it back.

You're off the Larsen case, Holder. Let it go.

Besides, county has it now county?

Yeah. Transferred.

You and your partner really screwed the big one on this.

You violated every federal law.

You made a laughingstock out of this department.

Yeah. You're lucky you kept your badge.

Go home, Holder.


In a way, it's not your fault.

You had some bad luck being paired with Linden.

Hey, Linden ain't so bad.

You know she spent a month in a psych ward?

Completely lost it working on a case.

I wouldn't put my career in her hands if I were you.

My advice--
Find yourself a new partner.

Like I said...

I'm just looking for my stuff.

So who do I talk to at county?

No one's there? It's only 8:00.

Are you county boys doing down there?

You having a party?

There's got to be someone in evidence.

Yeah, whatever.

Yeah, yeah--
No, tomorrow's too late!

The mayor must have put Gil up to this.

We have to get that key.

And how are we gonna get it? We can't go to Gil.

Then we go around him. We go around county.

You just got suspended, Linden.

Now you got friends in high places?

Then Oktoberfest. At the Ballard Senior Center.

Old gals love you. Four days, Jamie.

We have four days until the election.

Are you sure a senior center is our best use of...

Who let you in?

Door was open.

Rosie Larsen was last seen alive at the Wapi casino.

We need access.

To the casino?

That's on Indian land.

City has no jurisdiction. But you have pull.

If solving the Larsen case is truly a priority as you've said.

I have an election in four days.

I have many priorities.

Helping us find Rosie's k*ller is only gonna improve your situation, Mr. Richmond.

And you're just here to lend a helping hand.

We filed a federal warrant, but that could take months.

You've had to deal with Chief Jackson for years on the city council.

Maybe you have a relationship with her.

My relationship with Chief Jackson is no better than yours.

I promise you that, Detective.

Chief Jackson does what's best for Chief Jackson.


Maybe somebody should be thinking about that dead 17-year-old girl and her family.

Good luck with the election, councilman.

Man, I still got a few amigos down in county.

I'll make a few calls first thing, see if I can track down our case files.

Holder, I'm sorry.

We shouldn't have split up.

It happened.

We're good, Linden.

You're still my BFF.

Where you going now?

Still staying at that $120 a night flop joint you call a hotel?

Get out of my car.


Thanks and thanks for being there for Jack.



Mitch. Wow.

I-I wasn't sure that I could find you, David.

I just had this old address, and...

I don't-- I'm--
I should have called first.

I'm so sorry.

You're here because of Rosie.

It was like seeing you at that age.

It completely threw me.

I knew she was yours before she even opened her mouth.


I had no idea she was coming up here.

She never said anything to me.

Teenagers, right?

Their whole lives are based on secrets.

She'll tell you eventually.

What did she want?

Why was she making a four-hour bus trip to Blaine?

I don't know.

I kept wondering the same thing myself.

You know, honestly, I think she just wanted to talk to someone who knew mom before.

Before what?

Before life happened, before, you know, you became her mom.

She seems angry, Mitch.

S-she... And, um...

She seems a--
Little lost.

I guess you guys are having a hard time, huh?

Your girl's really...


And direct.

Just like you were.

What did you tell her about me?

I told her you always had a book in your hand.


Um... Oh, that you--
That you liked...

Really crappy mo like...

What was that one-- What was that one about the whale?

"Free Willy"

Oh, no, no, no.

Yeah. She knew that.

I didn't tell her about the pot.

But I did say that you weren't afraid of anything.

That time we went to see Soundgarden and you insisted on jumping right in the middle of the mosh pit.

Head banging... Body slamming and all.

Told her that? She loved it.

She couldn't believe you were that person.

She had no idea. Kids never do, I guess.

She wanted to know if we were in love.

How could you not know your daughter was a prost*tute?

What kind of parent are you?

Hey, I think I've seen your daughter.

Is there like a double reward if you find her--

Mr. Larsen, this is Principal Rosenstein from Woodridge Elementary.

Your son Tommy's been involved in a serious incident this morning.

What are you doing?

I've been looking all over for you.

Hotel front desk said you weren't in your room.

You been sleeping here all night?

What time is it?

It's 8:30, Linden.

I told you you could crash at my place.

What's going on?

I talked to my guy at county.

Never showed up.

They don't know nothing about it.


The Larsen case files, Linden.

They're gone.

What the...?

Hey, Gil.

What are you doing here?

This is arrabiata, right?


This is arrabiata? Pennbiata?

It's damn good, too. What'd you put in this?


What do you want, Holder?

Larsen case files.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I think you do.

You know what "arrabiata" means in Italian?

Hmm? "Angry."

Although in my case it would be more like "pissed off."

You get the hell out of my place.

You know what a low-life tweaker does when he gets pissed?

You don't have the balls.

Oh, damn.

Got to go, Gil.

Hey, it was great catching up.

And thanks for the leftovers, man. It was real good.

You know, timing's everything, Habib.

You feel me?

And the time will come.

Like the good book says...

An eye for an eye.

We ain't done, my brother.

He don't have the files. Not in his apartment.

You sure?

I tossed it good. It's not there.

You get anything from his car?


Oh, snap, Linden.

You finally figured out how to work the slim Jim, huh?

Gil's last five locations--

1262 Healey Ave. Everett, Washington.

30 miles away. That's where he went last night.


Maybe... He stashed the Larsen files in the middle of nowhere.

Wait till everyone loses interest.

Rosie Larsen becomes just another cold case.

Let's go.

We propose using this waterfront property to build a Northwest American Indian museum and gift shop.

A place that honors the rich legacy and history of our people.

I certainly have no objection to that.


I'm not sure mayor Adams and I see eye to eye on this.

Truth be told, we'd rather be in partnership with you on it.

This would include my endorsement of your campaign.

Of course.

And in return?

Simply put, we want you as mayor to endorse legislation granting tax-exempt status to all our land found within the city limits.

So, you are asking for tax-exempt status for the museum.

And anything built on our property.

Ah, let me ask you a question.

As you may imagine, I am eager to put the Larsen case behind me, as we approach election day.

Seattle police seem to feel this won't be possible without getting into your casino...

Where the girl was last seen.

As a sign of good faith, I'd like you to give them access.

Your police have no place on sovereign Indian land.

It would set a terrible precedent.

Please understand that I speak for the American Indian Nation when I say this.

I don't think so.

I think you speak for yourself...

Miss Jackson.

Always have. That much is clear.

Darren, I'm sure that we can--

This conversation is over.

Your choice.

Good luck with the election.

You're saying he k*lled a bird?

Three fledglings.

Tommy and some friends found a bird's nest near the swings.

When they knocked it off, there were some baby birds inside.


Tommy then proceeded to step on them.

Stomp on them.

Until Miss Herman observed this and intervened.


That certainly doesn't sound like Tommy.

He loves animals.

But, um, I will have a talk with him.

Mr. Larsen, we're concerned about your son.

k*lling animals can be a warning sign.

Come on.

Boys will be boys, right?

I mean, sometimes they do dumb stuff.

k*lling defenseless creatures is not just "dumb stuff."

It's a cruel and violent act. No.

Daughter being m*rder*d three weeks ago--

That was a cruel and violent act.

This is just stupid!

Mr. Larsen...

Tommy is suspended for two weeks.

Maybe during that time... Two weeks?

That's-- That's crazy.

How am I gonna work with a kid at home?

My wife...

My wife is out of town. It's just me.

It's just me trying to hold it all together there.

I'm sorry.

I know this has been hard for your family, Tommy really needs to think about his actions.

1262 Healey Ave., Everett. This is it?

Maybe he got hungry. Gil loves him some gyro.

Oh, this was a waste of time.

Wait, wait. I've been here before.

At that Greek joint. With Gil.

That's good to know.

Come on. Let's get back on the freeway.

No, h-hold on, Linden.

Helping him move his crap out after his old lady kicked him out of the house.

Move it where?

To his storage locker, which happens to be right around back.

You've got to be kidding me.

Why'd you think she kicked him out?

You he front, I'll take the back.

What'd you do?

Shut up, ass wipe.

Come on, move it! I got to get back to work!

You know what a pain in the ass this is?

How am I supposed to work when you're in at the house for two weeks, damn it?

I'll tell you something right now, kid.

You better shape up, or your life's gonna become a nightmare.

For starters, you can forget about Halloween. No parties, no trick or treating.


You heard me.

Too much going on in my life to have to deal with you and your bullshit.

You used a bad word, dad. That's right.

'Cause I'm tired of your brother and his stupid stunts.

You know what else?

No TV, no video games for three months.

Get in.

You have to be kidding me. Don't push it!

You would never do something like this to Rosie.

Because Rosie never pulled crap like this!

She did a lot worse!

Everybody at school knows what she did!

Shut your mouth.

I hate her.

And I'm glad she's dead.

I hate you!

I hate you! Tommy, stop.

I wish I could leave you like mom did!

I hate you! Guess what!

I hate you, too! You think I want to be here?!

I don't have a choice, and neither do you!

Now, get in the truck!

Get in the truck, now!

I'll say it the last time, I'm not making any kind of deal with that woman.

Darren, you don't owe these cops anything.

It is insane to throw this away because of them.

It's not because of them.

I have no intention of doing business with that self-serving charlatan.

She wants to build a museum. What's the big deal?

You heard her, Jamie.

She reserves the right to develop anything she wants on that land.

Not to mention her refusal of my--

That is a different problem for a different day.

When you're mayor.

Why are we doing this?

Why are we doing what?

Why are we running this campaign?

Why am I running for mayor? Oh, Darren.

After everything that's happened, Jamie, it has to mean something, or what's the point?

First you have to win. At what cost?

The chances of you winning and running a squeaky-clean campaign are nil at this point.

I don't believe that.

You do it your way, and see what happens in four days.

He loves it when you get idealistic.

I'm gonna lose this thing.

Aren't I?

Your own room, huh?

And an iPod. Wow.

Okay. Well, let me know what math they put you in.

'Cause you're good at math and you should be in honors, okay?

Okay, I will.

I do, too.
Little man okay?

Yeah, he's great.

You know, it's gonna take more than an iPod to win him over.

The maid...

Is willing to meet us at the end of her shift, in the kitchen door and avoid the cameras.

If we find the key.

You okay, Linden?

I'm fine.

'Cause you know...

You can talk to me.

About whatever.

If you want. Look, I'm-- I'm here.

I know you are.

So, can we find the key now?

Yeah, whatever you say, boss.

It's not in there.



Yeah, we were gonna travel every summer, right?

Peru, India, Europe.

Nothing ever turns out the way you think it's gonna when you're young, does it?


Rosie is just like you.

Hey, look, for what it's worth...

I told Rosie she ought to wait till she graduates before taking off.

She didn't want to hear it.


Taking off?

Oh, I-I figured she--
She told you by now.

Told me what?

About the... bus trip to California, to see the monarchs.

At the Pacific Grove, I think?

And, uh, from there she was just gonna play it by ear.

I'm-- I'm--
I'm sorry.

I...I assumed she was on her way by now.

I told her to be sure and say goodbye to everyone that matters.

That people have a hard time when you just disappear.

She'll tell you, Mitch.

She said she would.

David, I'm so sorry.

You've been so gracious, but, um, it's really late and I have to go.

Hey, uh, look, I'm-- I'm sorry if I said something I wasn't supposed to.

No. No, no, no. It's fine.

Everything's fine.

It's just, um... It's just late.



Mitch, I just got to ask...

Is she mine?

No, she's Stan's.

It was really good to see you again, David.

Tommy! Denny, dinner!

You heard what I said.

I'm not hungry.

I'm sorry I... Lost my temper.

I don't like to get that way.

Tom, why did you hurt those birds?

I don't know.

Did-- did it make you feel better?


If you go, dad...

Who's gonna take care of us?

Denny, what are you talking about?

Everybody leaves.

I know you want to go.

I lo--
I love you boys.


I love you and...

You will never be alone. I promise you that.

Does mom still love us?

Yes, of course.

Mom didn't leave because she doesn't love you.

She left because...

...she had stuff to figure out.

I miss her.

Mom? I know.

I miss Rosie.

Mary's housekeeping shift gets on at 7:00.

She said she'd prop the doors open at 10 past.


Okay, the elevator bank is right outside the kitchen.

It'll take you about 20 seconds to get there.

As far as I remember, there's a camera here, here, and one inside the elevator, so you got to keep your head down.

Security clocks you, and chances are they will, crazy horse and her prairie dogs are gonna be just a couple of minutes behind you, so you got to work fast.

Sure you want to do this?


DC disagree with you?

Thank you for coming.

You're looking well.

I was intrigued by your phone call.

I have a proposal for you. A proposal?

I propose you walk away from any deal with Chief Jackson and the whole waterfront project.

Now, why would I do that?

My father's always been a...

Great fan of yours, Lesley.

A real supporter. Mm.

Couldn't have done it with him.

What's your point?

Your political aspirations lie beyond this city.

I know you've got your eye on the seventh congressional district, in which case my father's support will be... essential?

It's late, Gwen.

We can discuss my political aspirations another time.

After I win this election.

I've been thinking a lot about the summer before my freshman year of high school.

Dad was running for senate.

You were working on his campaign.

Spent all that time at our house.


That night after the rally?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I was 14 years old.

I think maybe we see events differently.

I wonder how my father will see it.

You think your father didn't know?


Richmond must be really desperate.

To put you up to this?


Why do we have so many secrets, Stan?

There's so much we never talked about.

Rosie hadn't been speaking to us...

For months.

Why did we not ask her what was wrong?

We did the best we could, Mitch.

Rosie found a letter that...

I wrote to David when I was pregnant.

A letter I never sent.

And she went to visit him a few weeks ago.

And he said that she told him that she was planning on...

She was leaving.

She was-- she was going on some sort of a trip.

She was leaving, Stan.

How are my boys?

The boys are okay. How are you?

I got to go, Mitch.

You take care.

Mary, Detective Linden calling again.

You were supposed to meet us at the kitchen door 20 minutes ago.

Where are you?

Please call me.

Damn it, she's not coming.

We should give her time.

No, she's not coming. She's scared.

Well, then we're screwed.

Stay in the car. Linden!

Linden, what are you doing?

I'm going in.

That's a bad idea. Let me go instead.

You just got out of the hospital.

They're gonna be right on you. You won't a chance.

Watch me.

Stay in the car.

Hey! What's up, guys?!

You winning! You winning, right?

It's slick Rick and Johnny Knoxville!

What's up, boy? How you doing, man?

What you got there? What you...

Show me your cards, man.

You winning?

I love your haircut, man. I love--
Sir? Sir.

It's like-- It's slick. You're not allowed to touch the players.

It's old-school slick.

What do you mean "touch the players"?

We're friends. We go way back.

If I touch him, it's cool, 'cause you love when I touch you, right? Sir?

Sir. You're not allowed to touch the players.

Everywhere I go, sir.

People just, you know, like, start winning.

You need to come with us.

I need to come with you.

I need to come with--

Oddjob, I just got here. I'm not going anywhere.

All right? Just, like, settle down.

Where are the ladies at, anyway, man?

No, not like old ladies.

I'm talking about real ladies, you know.

It ain't no party without no trim.

Okay, that's enough. You're leaving.

Hey, don't touch me, man!

I ain't done nothing, all right? I just want my cellphone back.

We don't have your phone, sir.

You got my phone, sneaky-G.

I know you got my phone. I just want it back.

I ain't leaving here until I get my phone back.

Hey, what's up, Bobby? What's the haps?

What's going on? It's been too long, mama.

You're one crazy son of a bitch or incredibly stupid.

Yeah, well, I'm a private citizen, and I got my rights, all right?

I just want my phone, cupcake.

Probably fell out of my pocket when you kicked the shit out of me the other day!

Hey, people, better beware of the she-wolf!

She'll crack your ribs. Look at that, huh?

She'll crack your ribs.

Oh. Found my phone. My bad.

All right, smile, Bobby.

Boom. Ooh, my boss at SPD will love that one.

He'll love that one.

I got a g*n, man! What? What?

Forgot it in my car. I'm gonna go get it.

I'll be right back, all ri I'll see myself out. It's okay.

Sayonara, Hiawatha.

This is Detective Linden. Leave a message.

Damn it, Linden.

This is Detective Linden. Leave a message. Come on, Linden.

Come on.

Holder. I'm in.

What do you see?

A hallway.

All the rooms are bolted shut.


I found the construction site.

Large room.

Been taken down to the studs.

No obvious sign of blood.

Why would Rosie come up here?

She wasn't working that night.

She didn't have to be at the casino.

It's dark, isolated.

That's it.

That's the sound from the voicemail.


The maid said they went up there to smoke sometimes.

Rosie didn't take a ferry from her house at 11:45 PM to come up here and bust a lung.

W-what about her back?

It had clothes, a camera.

Girl with dreams.

Her teacher said she wanted to see the world.

Wanted something more than what she had.

So, why was she hanging out in a dusty construction site in some crap casino in the middle of the night?

What's that?

Sliding glass door to the balcony.

Same sound as the voicemail.

She went out here.

She came here to look at the city.

She was leaving that night forever, she came to say goodbye.


Linden, yo, you there?

She was standing out here.

And that's when she saw Ames.

Rosie said on the voicemail...

"I saw him again."

He's standing in the room with someone.

Who was it-- Nicole?

She's willing to k*ll to protect what's in this room.

They're having some kind of meeting.

Rosie saw it, and it got her k*lled.

This is where it all started, Holder.

Linden, you got to get out of there.

It's been almost five minutes.

She's terrified. She calls Alexi.

And then what? They caught her?

What happened after that?

There was so much blood on the backpack.

What did they do to her?

Linden, you got to go!

How did they get her to the car?

There must have been a struggle.

Rosie must have fought them.

There would have been blood everywhere.

Linden, turn off your flashlight and get the hell out of there.

Re you doing? It's a key card.

There was someone else in here that night.

Besides Ames, besides Nicole.

A key card.

The mayor.

Damn it, Linden, turn off your flashlight!

It's off.