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I Shot Jesse James (1949)

Posted: 08/25/23 07:47
by bunniefuu
Jesse James was
a lad who k*lled many a man.

He robbed the Glendale train.

He took from the rich
and give to the poor.

He'd a heart and a
hand and a brain.

That alarm bell's
something new.

They must have stayed up
all night trying to figure

out a way to discourage us.

Sorry I dropped the money.

Forget it.

How's it look?

Clean through.

You know what they say, when
you save a man's life you

assume his responsibilities.

There's only $100 on my head.

That ain't much when
you say it fast.

We got a long ways to go.

Think you can hang on?

Sure, where we going?


It ain't I'm not charitable.

But Bob Ford's all healed
and now able to get.

It says in the paper they're
selling a handsome cuspidor

secured by a screwed...

He just spells trouble,
him and his brother, Charlie.

Why don't they leave you alone?

You got out of the wrong
side of the bed all week, see.

I ain't been to bed since
you carried Bob in here

with a b*llet in his back.

He's a good boy.

Been riding with me
for a length of time.

Been living here for
a length of time too.

Six months.

Don't mind your brother,
Frank, but them Fords...

You've been a
devoted wife, Zee.

And I don't say that
you speak falsely.

I promise, right after the...

What is it, Jess?

I only see one
rider, Charlie Ford.

You can look at that
map now if you want to.

I spoke my peace.

What's ailing her?

It's funny.

I wonder what happened.

Why didn't Frank
ride in with you?

He stayed behind to study
the roads we'll have to use.

We picked a good
bank in Dodge City.

The four of us can handle
it without any trouble.

No alarm bells this time.

When are to meet him?

11 Days from today.

The bank will be fat.

He'll be here, the West
Bank of the Arkansas River,

a couple of miles from Wichita.

Thought you might be hungry.

Thanks, Zee.

May as well sit.

We're going to eat.

I stopped by in town
to find out what was new.

Guess who's there, Bob?

Your girl.


In Saint Joe?


Still play acting too,
at the opera house.

Had a show last
night, I was told.

If you're recognized, Bob...

They don't know us in
Saint Joe, Mr. Howard.

Watch out for Marshal Craig.

And don't get into a g*n fight.

That's not my intention.

You love Cynthy, don't you?

Since I was old
enough to crawl.

Then why don't you marry her
and settle down and buy land?

You're a farmer at heart.

We all are.

By the way, Cynthy, there's
a very good friend of mine,

a gentleman... well,
someone I know.

And he's seen the show
every night this week.

He says...

We only opened last night.

Yes, and so... so he did.

Well, maybe he saw
the rehearsals.

Anyhow, he's most
anxious to see you.

And he says...

Oh, Veronica, will
you make up some more

of that sugar and water?

I didn't like the
stuff Harry picked.

Well, look, he's a
very important man.

He's the Silver King of
Colorado or something.

And he... he feels...

Harry, how could you
expect anyone to back

our show if they've seen it?

Well, he's very fond
of heartwarming dramas.

Well, thanks.

Oh, a little more water, please.

Now look, how would
it be if I brought

him here sometime this week?

I you like.

Maybe tomorrow or
tonight, or just a minute.

Mr. Kelley?


Kelley, this is Miss Waters.


How do you do, Miss Waters?

Mr. Kelley.

Well, what do you favor?

Light opera?

Oh, um...

Uh, heavy opera?

Oh yes, I uh, do...

Maybe heartwarming dramas.

Well, that...

Don't forget Lille Langtry.

Of course, Lillie Langtry.

Oh, please, Cynthy, we...

Miss Waters, Mr. Kane,
you don't know this,

but I've seen a
lot of your shows.

I saw you in "Joplin."

Maybe Kansas City?

Oh yes, yes, Kansas City.

- Jefferson City too, huh?
- Oh yes, Jefferson City too.

- That's fine.
- Yes, yes.

Seen lots of your shows.

All bad.

but don't let that
bother you, Miss Waters.

I'm sure it wasn't your
fault or Mr. Kane's.

Just bad plays.

But I'd like to talk
to you a little more.

Maybe I could see you
after the show, hmm?

Mr. Kelley, if you're
going to put a nickel in this

show you'll lose it.


We don't make money.

Oh, Cynthy.

What is it, Veronica?

It's Mr. Miller.

He's outside.

Hello, Harry.

Now, they want you
outside, Harry.


Oh, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Miller.

Hello, Miller.

Oh, are you a member
of the company here?

No, my business
is prospecting.

I didn't hear.

I like Miss Waters
acting very much.

Do you have a match, Mr. Miller?

Miss Waters, don't
be worried about me

losing any money on your show.

I don't have any.

But I'd still like
to talk to you again.


Cynthy Waters.

If you'd listened
to me three years ago,

we could've been married.

You're a good farmer.


After the next I...

And what if lead
poisoning sets in first?

When I marry it won't
be to a man on the run.


Look at Jesse's wife.

Last time I saw her hiding
out in a mountain cabin.

She looked 50 instead of 30.

I don't want that
kind of a life.

Maybe... maybe you
don't feel for me

the way she feels about Jess.

I'm still Missouri.



When you're free
I'll marry you.

All right.

I'm leaving the
James g*ng for good.

I know Mr. Merritt.

He's the prosecuting
attorney of Jackson County.

Tell them... tell them
I'm going to be a farmer.

You were gone long
enough to get 10 pardons.

What did Meredith say?

Pumped Cynthy livid, trying
to find out where I'm hiding.

Said if I gave myself up
he'd see I only got 20 years.

20 years.

You think they
may have followed

you back from St. Louis?


Where's Jess?

Took Zee and the
kids to church.

Did Meredith tell her what the
governor just came out with?

Everybody in Saint Joe's
been talking about it.

Don't seem to worry Jess none.


Amnesty for any
of the g*ng who

turns in Jess, dead or alive.


Yeah, act of pardon.

Means if you're on the run and
you turn in Jess you're free.

No time in jail?

Not even a day.

And you could walk down the
street and nobody'd bother you?

Yeah, it means just that.

It means I could get married.


$10,000 goes for
that, dead or alive.

Means we could buy a farm.

Nobody could take Jess alive.

That'd be su1c1de.

She wouldn't have to
tear up old weed sacks

to make herself a
pair of drawers.

Bob, what are you...

I'm thinking of Cynthy.

What about Frank, James?

What'd you do that for?

Meaning I'm afraid of Frank?

Ain't ya?


If I want to think I'm
afraid I'll say I'm afraid.

I'll think it and I'll say it.

Nothing gonna stop me
from marrying Cynthy.


Hey Bob!


Hey, hurry up, Bob!

That's wonderful, man.

That's more like it.

It's nice and warm now.

Be back in a minute.



Pick up that
blanket, will you?

It's a Colt 45.

Improved pattern.

Silver-mounted pearl handle.

It's beautiful.


Well, when I give a present
I like to make it complete.

Well, go ahead, Bob.

What are you waiting for?

There's my back.

Here, scrub it.

Hey Bob!

I'm going to town.

I'll see you in the morning.

What are you doing, poking
around out there, Bob?

Come on in, let's talk.

It's kind of lonesome
without Frank around.

It ain't lawful.

Even folks in town what
don't like Jesse James

is sayin' it ain't lawful.

Don't you fret about it, Zee.

Its just as if
the governor was

advertising to hire an assassin
to go and k*ll ya unawares.

I ain't k*lled yet, Zee.

I pick my friends
and I know 'em.

No friend of mine would
swallow that immunity

offered by the governor.

Ain't that... what are
you so nervous, fer?

Did Cynthy turn you down?

Yeah, Yeah, ki... kinda.

Think I'll go into Saint
Joe and buy a new horse.

You can fetch the children
home from school with ya.

Yeah, I'll do that, Zee.

I'm tired.

I guess maybe Zee's right.

Time I settle down.

That's what you
want to do, Bob.

Get yourself a wife and a home.

That's what I'm
aiming to do, Jess.

Well, It's only 11 o'clock.

Think I'll wait until later
this afternoon to go in town.

It's an awful hot day.

I feel kind of naked
without my weapons.

No sir, nothing like
putting around a home.

There's no $10,000.

The governor didn't conspire
with you to assassinate Jesse.

The reward is $5,000
for his apprehension,

$5,000 for convection.

All you'll get is $500.

Bob, you ought to see the
way that folks looked at me

when I walked down the street.

You ought to see 'em, Bob.

That $10,000?


What happened
to the rest of it?

What's the difference?

I got enough to buy
Cynthy a ring, a diamond

ring, a great big one.

You can be best man.

Oh, not me.

I'm not hanging around
waiting for a ball

from Frank James's g*n.

A buckshot from some of the
folks what don't like what

happened to Jess.

You scared?

He'll get you, Bob.

He'll get both of us.

I'm riding out.

Stake me, Bob?

Here's $100.

Thanks, bob.

Watch yourself.


I still got enough to buy
Cynthy a big diamond ring.

Miss Waters?

Miss Waters?

I beg your pardon.

It's Kelley, John Kelley.

I was talking to the
manager, Mr. Kane.

He told me you
changed your mind.

You're not going
to leave the show.

I'm glad to hear it.

If there's something troubling
you, Miss Waters, can I help?

I'm living at the
North Hotel, if there's

anything I can do to help.

John Kelley, North Hotel.


What's the matter?

How could you have done it?

Jesse, your best friend.

How, Bob?


I didn't do it for the reward.

I know!

I know!

I know.

Then why you looking
at me like I'm poison?

Can't you understand
what's happened?

You got me kind
of all mixed up.

When you pulled that trigger,
all the love I had for you...

But I done it for you.

Oh say that...
don't ever say that.

Well it's true, Cynthy.

Can't you see
how wrong it was?

It was legal.

It was m*rder.

Don't look at it that way.

You ought to be proud of me.

The governor's grateful.

The law says it's legal.

Don't look at it no other way.

What other way
can I look at it?

Cynthy, I ain't
on the run now more.

I can walk down the street
and nobody, not even the

whole militia, can bother me.

That's what the
sh**ting means to you.

What it means to me,
it means I'm a free man.

Ain't that what
you wanted, Cynthy?

Ain't it?

T'weren't easy sh**t' Jess.

It weren't easy.

But there's nothin' I
wouldn't do to have you.

Your wedding ring.

I can't.


You're hurting me!

What do you think
you're doin' to me?

Listen, Cynthy, when I
k*lled Jess I had a cause.

If you turn against
me, I got no reason.

The way you did it, Bob,
well, can't you understand?

The love I had for you...

No, t'ain't that.

Somethin' else has
turned you from me.

Ain't a m*rder*r.

So there's got to be a reason.

Kelley, that's who it is.


You're talking crazy.

What was he doin'
to you when I came in?

Did you see him much
when I was in jail?

Stop it!

I knew there had
to be a reason.

I knew.

Bob, you're
wrong about Kelley!

he's got nothin' to do with us!

Come in.

You've got to leave Saint
Joe at once, right away.

I have to what?

Bob Ford's going to k*ll you.



Because he thinks
we're in love.

Oh he does, huh?


How does he know?

There's not time to waste.

You've got to leave.

Is that... is that an order?

Well, it's a fact
that'll save your life.

Or uh, his?

Please, Mr. Kelley.

Now, just a
minute, Miss Waters,

we hardly know each
other up till now.

There's no time to...

Well, you're not giving me
any chance to get to know you.

You barge in here
and tell me I have

to run away just because
that hot-headed Ford

says we're lovers.

Don't make sense.

His g*ns do.

Yeah, that does give
him quite an edge.

He's dangerous.


Because he k*lled
his best friend?

Look, I'm telling
you to go because I

don't want any more bloodshed.

He's jealous and...

Was, uh, Jesse James
in love with you too?

It was for the amnesty.

And not the reward.

He wanted to be
free to marry me.

Look, we're wasting time.

He's on his way up here
now, looking for you.

I don't think he'll sh**t
unless I turn my back.

He k*lled Jesse
James because of me.

He didn't want money.

He wanted me.

Just as if I'd pulled
that trigger myself.

And now he thinks we're lovers.

Oh don't you see, Mr. Kelley?

I don't want any more
murders because of me.

Please help me.

I'm sorry, I
didn't understand.

Then you'll go
at once, right now?

Do you love him?


I don't believe you.

You couldn't love him.

I don't like what I'm doing
but if it's what you want,

it's good enough for me.

Come on.



Well, there goes
another four bits.

So you really know
the whole clan, hmm?

All of 'em.

The mother of the
Dalton boys was

Adelaide Younger, half sister
of the Younger brothers.

Cousins of the James boys.



So they're all
kind of related.

Just one big family.

Cole and Jim and Bob
and John Younger,

and Grant and Emmett Dalton,
and Frank and Jess, and Jim Reed

and Belle Starr, and their son.



Just having a run of bad luck.


Uh, would you mind letting
me look at that 0.45 now?

You know, this g*n will probably
end up in a museum someday.

Not while I'm alive to tell it.

Um, curtain will
go up the usual time.

You better hurry up.

I... I mean, take your time.

I'll see you later.

I'll be around.

I been waitin' for ya, Cynthy.

I'm sorry for what I said.

I was wrong about Kelley.

He checked out of town.

You ain't sore are you?


You know, I've been thinking
about us and it's wrong for us

to get married now.

I know what you
were trying to tell

me without hurting my feelings.

Do you, Bob?

Sure, it ain't right
for a man to get married

if he ain't got enough money
to take care of his wife.

So I got myself a job.

On a farm?


Well, whatever it
is, I'm proud of you.

Well, I hope you feel that
way when I tell you what it is.

Do you want me to guess?

I'm going to be a performer.

And I'm going to ride Jumbo
in Barnum's Circus in New York.

No, Mr. Kane and
I talked it over.

I'm going to be what he called
a... a special added attraction.


Well, every night I'm
going to... I'm going

to show folks how I shot Jess.


That's what I aim to do.

Have you lost your mind?

How can you put yourself
up like... like a freak?

People will pay...

I don't care about people.

I'm talking about you, Bob Ford.

How do you feel about it?

You mean you're going to
use Jesse as a... oh, Bob.

What's the difference?

He's dead.

I got to make money
so we can get married.

And farming will take too long.

Look, I don't regret what I
done because it was to have you.

I don't regret what I aim to do
because the whole thing's kind

of tied up in one big crazy.

I... I can't stomach
you using Jesse's ghost.

You're right
about that, Cynthy.

Look, I ain't much
good with words.

But seems to me that
real honest love

is like ghosts, which everybody
hears about and few people see.

Well, I see it.

I feel it and I got it.

If that can't make you
see what's driving me on,

nothing can.

I just want a chance to prove
I ain't no m*rder*r, traitor,

or assassin.

It's a hot day.

I think I'll dust off
some of these pictures.


A wandering
minstrel man I am.

I sing my songs in trade.

And in the course of traveling,
my fortune I have made.

If I sing a lilt near
to any purty miss,

even though she maybe shy,
she pays me with a kiss.

Now in this room, I feel an
urge to tell you what I think.

If someone pays the cost I'll
trade a ballad fer a drink.

Give him a drink.

I just blew into town.

I could use a drink, mister.

I'll sing you one
everybody likes.

A song everybody likes.

Jesse James was a
lad that k*lled many a man.

He robbed the Glendale train.

He took from the rich
and give to the poor.

He'd a heart and a
hand and a brain.

Young Jesse had a wife who
mourned for his life, three

children, they were brave.

But the dirty little coward
what shocked Mr. Howard

has laid Jesse
dead in his grave.

Cause it was Robert Ford,
the dirty little cow...

anything wrong, mister?

I'm Robert Ford.

Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Ford.

I didn't know.

So everybody like it, eh?

Oh, nobody likes it
very much, Mr. Ford.

Go on singing.

Oh, please, Mr. Ford.

I want to hear it.

it was Robert Ford,

the dirty little cow... I can't.

Sing it.

Cause it was Robert
Ford, the dirty little coward.

Wonder how he feels.

He ate of Jesse's bread
and slept in Jesse's bed.

Then he laid Jessie
dead in his grave.

Jesse James sat at home
on a Saturday night,

talking to his family, brave.

Robert Ford come around
like a thief in the night

and laid Jesse
dead in his grave.

No man you ever saw
on the side of the law

could take Jesse dead or alive.

T'was his friend,
Robert Ford, who

collected that
reward by sh**ting

Jesse James on the sly.

Young Jesse had a wife
who mourned for his life.

Three children, they were brave.

But the... dirty little
coward what shot Mr. Howard

had laid Jesse
dead in his grave.

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

I'm out of b*ll*ts.

Why pick me for
target practice?

You shot Jesse James.

Anybody would sh**t
you becomes the biggest

gunman in the country.





A lot of it!

Creede, Colorado!






Creede, Colorado!

I wanted to find you.

You've got to get out of town.

I overheard some men talking.

You're the target for every
g*n-happy man around here.

They think k*lling you
will make them famous.

It isn't safe for
you here anymore.

It'll be the
same wherever I go.

You could change your name.

No, I'm not going
to do what Jesse did.

But you can't go on like this.

Every minute I expect
someone to sh**t you.

So do I.

Well what are we
going to do, Bob?

Well, there's a silver
strike in Colorado.

Maybe if I go there, I might...


No, I'm not going
to change my name.

Oh, I didn't mean that.

What did you mean?

It's about us.

Cynthy, it might
take a short time.

Might take long.

If I strike it rich
I'll send for you.

But Bob, I...

I'm leaving tonight.

Howdy, mister.


My horse is beat.

- Brush him off.
- I'll do that.

Feed him too.

I'll feed him.

You got a clean
stall for my horse?

Why, sure.

You look like you could
use a clean stall yourself.

Where do I find one?

There's not a room in
the whole town, mister,

unless you can talk
yourself into one

down at the Silver King.

And that's down the
street, to the left.

You can't miss it.

It's a sure thing.

It's worth a million.

Now, if I could just start
right along at this rate...

Sorry, lucky, nobody'll stake
you on that piece of ground.

Well, would you
loan me a half dollar?


You owe too much already.

How about a room?

Filled up, unless you want
the bridal suite, $100 a night.

Say, how'd you like
to sell that ring?

I got a little more than $40.

How about that room?

Well, or doubling up.

If you can get the fella here
in 124 to share his with you

it'll be $10 for the night.

Where is it?

Upstairs to the right.

It's open.

Hey, I know you.

You're... you're Kelley.

Aye, Miller.

Hi, I got no place to sleep.

You mind if I share your room?

It's big enough.

Help yourself.

How're things in Saint Joe?


I guess everybody and
his brother is in town.

That's the way
these booms are.

It's lucky it's
this time of year.

No snow on the ground.

Makes it easier
to find the veins.

This your first crack at it?


You're going to find
it pretty rough, Miller.

There's a lot of old
timers here know every rock

and hole in Colorado.

Well, before I share your
room, I ought to tell you,

my name ain't Miller.

That's none of my business.

I ain't ashamed of it.

It's Ford, Robert Ford.

How about the room?

It's still big enough.

You uh, through with this?

No, leave it there.

madly, I love you.


Yep, the boys
have been talking

about you again, Mr. Kelley.

Everybody likes you and...

No chance.

It's good paying money.

I can make you a
Marshall in five minutes.

I've been kicking around too
long to hang up in one place.

Is that what you want?

Ending up like most of
these broken down sourdoughs?

I got no reason to
stick around this town.

Sure wish you'd
change your mind.

All the storekeepers
think highly of you.

Joe, all peacemakers
are targets.

That's not for me.

What have you got to eat?

Sweet corn, corn
meal mush, corn pone

with cracklings
and corn whiskey.

I'll have it.

Beautiful dreamer,
wake unto me, darling...

Say it.

You remember Cynthy Waters?


I remember.

I'm going to bring her
back a mountain of money.

Is that what she wants?


We're going to get
married when I strike it.

dreamer, queen

of my song, lest while I
woo thee, with that melody.

Gone are the cares of...

That's what Cynthy
used to sing to me.'s
busy throng.

Beautiful dreamer,
awake unto me.

Beautiful dreamer, awake
unto awake unto me.



I made it!



Kelley, m'lad, I made it!

Look at it.

That tote will carry $200!


Be careful now,
Soapy, be careful.

Don't let anybody know where.

You're drunk.

Sure I'm drunk.

Come on, let's all get drunk.

Aye, Soapy.

A jug of your best
for my friend, Soapy.

Those men with
him, do you know 'em.


Looks like they're going to
strike it rich tonight too.

Well, a man gets that
drunk it's his own neck.


All you got to
do is sign, Soapy,

and we give you $500 in cash.

So what?

We're buying your
rights for $500.

In cash.



Oh yeah, sure, sure.

Come on, Soapy.

I'm gonna take you home.

Go on, Kelley, give it to 'em!


I don't like you
pulling on a g*n

on a man what ain't got one.

That's his own fault.
Anything can happen to a man

when he ain't got his g*ns.

That old drunk there,
if you want his mine,

why don't you sh**t
him and take it?

I don't like a man going
around the back way

and pulling a sneak.

Kelley, you're great.

Come on, Soapy.

I'm going to take you home.



Where's Kelley?

He got up early.

Where's he go?

He checked out.

Where's Kelley?

Nobody tells anybody where
they're working a claim.

I ain't anybody.

He stole my ring.

Kelley wouldn't.

He checked out.

Bring me some coffee.

Heard what you did
for me last night,

Mr. Ford, and I want to tell
you it was decent of you.

And you're wrong about Kelley.

I think maybe if you...

Who asked you to think?

You're here to make
a strike, ain't you?

You got a piece of ground?

Ever do any prospecting?

You know, for an old man,
you ask a lot of questions.

Yep, I guess you're right.

Everybody wants to live long
but nobody wants to be old.

I'm old and a little tired.

Well, I just left a bed.

You can have it.

No, I mean tired
of working my mind.

I was thinking maybe you...

Look, you don't have
to give me a reward

for sh**ting them two fellas.

Who said anything
about a reward?

You'll have to work.

And you can't tell.

We're liable to run into Kelley
anywhere along the river.

What do you want
to cut me in for?

You struck it.

What do you need anyone for?

The bartender told me why
you was here for diggings.

Most of us just want the money.

You want it to get hitched.

That's the highest point
in a man's life, Mr. Ford,

getting hitched.

What are you driving at?

There ain't no
place so high that you

can't reach it with a
borrowed load of pay dirt.

You know, you don't look like
a man that makes much sense.

But you sure do.

Why sit here eating
your heart out,

waiting for a man you
think stole your ring,

when you got a chance to win
gold and wear it or hoard

it or spend it or
lend it or lose it,

or use it to get hitched?

I got nothing to work with.

You got hands.

Better than the
hardtack, ain't it?

"And I
shot that mountain lion, which

was only 20 feet behind Soapy.

We've been digging
for weeks, and

we're going to keep on digging.

Nighttime is when it's...
well, it's night time."

What'll you do if he
does strike it rich?

I don't know.

I don't remember if it was
Shakespeare or Aristotle,

but one of them
once said, "No one

loves the man whom he fears."


For me?

No, for you, Miss Cynthy.

I seen you wear black
before, but now it

kind of makes you seem taller.

Hello, Bob.

Yeah, but not taller maybe.

You're looking
kind of different.

Perhaps I'm tired.


Now your telegram said
you'd be arriving at 6:00.

It was the other way around.

I said we'd be leaving at 6:00.

Yeah, I got... I'm
kind of mixed up.

Oh, I see you
brought him with you.

Oh, Harry a little
tough luck in Saint Joe.

And he thought for...

Well, long as
this is a boom town,

maybe they'd like to pay money
for a real heartwarming drama.

Yeah, well I hope
you got yourself

a new leading lady, Harry.

Cause Cynthy and I, we... come
on, I got a surprise for you.

What's the matter, Cynthy?

Don't you like it?

I guess you're all
wore out from the trip.

You know, I sent to
Denver for a dressmaker

to make your wedding dress.

Oh, you've gone to a lot
of trouble, Bob, and I...

You know, people see
us courtin', it'll be

the biggest wedding in...
oh, it ain't the truth

that's tired you.

Something bothering you.

You know, when something bothers
us, we got to talk things out,

when something bothers us.

Come in.

Go on.

All right, tell him.

I stole your ring when you
went to sleep that night.

Give it to him.

Go on.

Get out of here.

Don't ever call me a thief.

He can put that ring on
your finger now, Mrs. Ford.

I'm not Mrs. Ford yet.

You go freshen up.

You must be tired, huh?

I'll fix up a room
for Kane and myself.

Go freshen up.

That clerk shot out
of here like a b*llet.

I knowed the minute you
blew back you'd clear that up.

He did the same thing
last year in Jefferson City.

When you grabbed
him behind his desk,

I sure thought he
was a dead one.

How'd you make
out with your claim?

No good.

You shoulda' come
in with me and Ford.

He's rich now, real rich.

You need any grubstaking?


You got any money?

You're going out to
hammer them hills again?

Got a cigar?


How long did you say it
would take to make me Marshall?

Five minutes.

You better tell your friends.

A fella's gotta eat.

Let me have my bag.

You got a reason to
stay in town now, eh?


Hey, did you see the bride?

She's no bride yet.

better wait with those bags.

Have you told him yet?

I couldn't.

Why are you wasting time?

I'm not particularly
fond of him.

But even a traitor
like Bob Ford...


Yes, even he
deserves consideration.

Well it isn't easy.

Well of course it isn't easy.

But you've got to
tell them the truth.

Tell him that you're
on your way to Denver,

that we're going
to open a new show.

Cynthy, Perhaps I've
exaggerated now and then

about your acting ability.

But your honesty, that's
a quality I've always

admired from you.

Thank you, Harry.

So you'll tell him you're
not going to marry him.


I can't.



Why can't you?

I'm afraid of him.

All right, Veronica,
you can take the bags in.

Well, I... I guess I'm
stuck in this town too.

You heard him, Veronica.

I bought her 20 dresses
and... say, you ought to try

getting married too, Soapy.

Mr. Soapy, think
what we could do here.

I'm offering you
a chance to invest

in the first professional
theater in the town of Creede.

Well, how much
gold would it take?

We could make it a double
wedding, just you and me and...

Gold is nothing but the last
corruption of degenerate men.

But to be just a little
corrupt, for the sake

of art, that I wouldn't mind.

How much?


I bought her hats
and dresses and shoes.

How much gold will it take?

Now you're talking like
an intelligent bachelor.

Anyone can get married.

Mr. Soapy, I just want... I
just... I just wanted to...



You're going to
marry him tomorrow?

Well, not tomorrow.

You're not ever going to marry
him because I won't let you.

Pack up.

You can't come in here
and tell me what to do.

You didn't let that
stop you when you

ordered me out of Saint Joe.

You're making it worse for me.

Cynthy, we don't need talk
to understand each other.

You don't love him.

I can't hurt him.

Then why did you come here?

Tell me.

Well, I...


I wanted to tell
him to his face.

What were you going to say?

What were you going to say?


I'm sorry for you.

I could never marry you.

I don't love you, Bob.

I don't love you.

I really don't love you.

I don't love you, Bob.

I don't love you.

I really don't love you.

I don't love...

Cynthy, it's Kelley.

Oh, Kelley.

It's Veronica.

She's not here.


Frank James.

Hello, Cynthy.

Sit down.

Sit down, Mr. Kelley.

I'm looking for you.

I'm looking for Bob Ford.

Tried to climb into Bob's room,
but his window was locked.

- If you k*ll him, you'll hang.
- Shut up.

Sit down.

Though I didn't mean to listen
to what you were saying,

Cynthy, I got a little
reckless and knocked

over a bottle of perfume.

Ain't used to female
things, you know?

I know how you feel, James...

Shut up.

Soon as we hear the verdict
we'll get back to work.

I still can't figure
out how Kelley

got the best of Frank James.

Mr. Kelley happens
to be a very...

well, he's a very smart man.

What do you think
they'll give Frank?

10 years maybe?

I don't know.

What number do you... what
number do you want to rehearse?

Maybe 20 years, maybe.

They'll never keep
him in jail, Bob.

He's been there a week, but
they won't keep him long.

You're right.

The trial is over.


How many years did he...

He's free.

I don't understand.

There was a price on his head.

There is, Bob,
but not in Colorado.

I don't have to k*ll you.

But I'm going to tell you
something that will k*ll you.

You're aiming to marry Cynthy.

When you put your lips up close
to her, she'll be kissing you.

But she'll be
thinking of Kelley.

It's you she's sorry for.

But it's him she wants.

Anyone see the Marshal?

I kept away because of you.

But I... I don't like
this hiding game.

Everybody knows what he'll
do the minute he sees you.

Well, I've got to figure
out some way to talk to him.

But he's crazy with jealousy.

I'm not going to run
away from something I want.

Then take me away.

Let's leave right away...

You wouldn't like that.

Do you want to spend the rest of
your life behind a bolted door?

They tell me Ford's
on his way over here.

Well, I got to talk to him.

He'll k*ll you.

I've got to try and
talk some sense into him.

I hope what I'm going to
do now turns out right.

For all of us.

I hope so.

Someday you'll
need my love at last.

You got your
back to me, Kelley!

Turn around!

Turn around, Kelley!

Turn around!

I ain't waitin' Kelley!

Turn around!


Turn around!

Go on, sh**t.

I ain't waiting, Kelley!

Turn around!

Keep away from
your g*n and listen.

I'm listening.

I was hoping I
could talk some sense

into you without the help of...

I'm still listening.

She's not going to marry you.

She came here to tell you that.

We both love her.

You in your way and
me... me in my way.

Some men will k*ll for a woman.

Some won't.

You won't cause you
don't love her enough.

He just wouldn't listen to me.

Oh, Cynthy.


I want to tell you something
I ain't ever told anyone.

Oh Bob.

I'm sorry for
what I done to Jess.

I loved him.