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02x11 - Bulldog

Posted: 06/05/12 21:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

My contact at the morgue gave me Rosie's file.

You have any idea what a su1c1de attempt does to a political campaign?

I was fourteen years old.

I wonder how my father would see it.

You think your father didn't know?

What are you doing?

It's a key card.

There was someone else in here that night.

Janek's dog breaks into the Mayor's construction site, Ames chose not to press charges.

You're on the wrong side, Lieutenant.

They're using you.

[ rain falling ]

Man on PA system: Four more years!

Re-elect Mayor Lesley Adams, a name you can trust.

Seattle, when you cast your vote, vote for Mayor Lesley Adams, a man you can trust.

Re-elect Mayor Lesley Adams.

Don't forget to vote.

Re-elect Mayor Lesley Adams, a man you can trust.

Four more years! Four more years!

[ Man continues speaking indistinctly ]


What the hell?


You should eat something.

How you feeling?

Yeah, they had you drugged up pretty good.

You were all docile and glassy-eyed like my aunt Doris.

It doesn't make sense.


Why would the Mayor torpedo his own waterfront project?

We've got Ames and Chief Jackson at the casino.

We know what they were meeting about now--

The break-in at the waterfront.

What was the Mayor doing there?

I got to get that key card.

Let's go.



They erase your mind while you were in that nuthouse?

Remember what happened last time we went to the casino?

Kulamish don't mess around.

[ Sighs ] Hold up.

Look, I know you want to nail the guy.

I feel that--
Believe me-- But--

Talk while you drive.

[ Sighs ]

I'm just saying--
I'm-- You've-- you've been sleeping inside your car.

You just got out of that place.

Maybe-- I don't know--
You know, take a nap, take a shower, rest a little.

So now it's you, too?


Come on, Linden.

They got to pay.

I know.

We ain't getting back in that casino without a federal warrant.

Then we better get one.

[ Engine turns over ]

Any second now.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

We're down two.


[ Cheering ]

Uh, it's a dogfight!

Let's not celebrate prematurely.

Hey, prematurely is my middle name.

No, Gwen's right.

Adams is still up.

A day ago, we were down four.

Now it's two.

The words "statistical dead heat" mean anything to you?

We do have momentum going into tomorrow.

That's right.

We got Kobe on our team.

Step aside, dog with rollerblades.

2%. If 2% of the people that watched that video online show up at the polls, that's your deficit right there.

We might win this.

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ]

Darren: [ Laughs ]

Here we go!

Any blow life deals you is an opportunity for healing.

10,000 views. Is this a joke?

See, I-I find that all adversity opens a window onto the past. Abani: [ Chuckles ] - Half those hits are probably from that little prick, Jamie.

And facing that past can be-- - This is a disaster.

Well, here's some good news.

I figured out who's been leaking information about the Larsen case to Richmond's camp.

Apparently, Jamie's got himself an ex-girlfriend in the DA's office.

I'll talk to her today.

You should have done it already.
[ Key clacks ]

...we can close ourselves off to...

The countless possibilities of our future.

You know, so what if the guy can play basketball in a chair.

Half of Seattle still thinks he's a k*ller.

So make sure you go to every mall in town, all right? - Right.

Bring that back to the office.

Gwen: And make sure you go to the campus of the university, put up posters there.

Thought you guys were supposed to be investigating the Mayor.

Sarah: We are.

The trail leads to the Wapi Eagle casino.

We still need that warrant.

We're still getting nothing from our department.

We already told you.

The casino's out of our jurisdiction.

The Councilman doesn't have any pull there.

Excuse us.

Your father could get us in.

We're less than 24 hours away from an election.

I don't have time for this.

This isn't about an election anymore.

It's about what he's done to you, to the Councilman, to us.

You say you want to change the way the city's run?

Well, here's your chance.

We need to get into that casino.

[ Sniffs ]

All right. Have at it, Otis.

Terry: Okay, grab your stuff.

Whoever's late walks the plank.

Ninjas don't walk. They stalk.

Well, I'll roll you if I have to.

[ Indistinct talking ]

Terry: I told Denny he could wear his costume to school.

Don't worry.

They're okay with not trick-or-treating tonight.

I talked to them.

[ Telephone rings ]

Larsen residence.

O-oh. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Um, I'm not Mitch.

I'm her sister, Terry.

So let me pass you to Stan.

It's some lady saying that you got an offer on the house.

What house?

Yeah, this is Stan.

No shit. For real?

[ Laughs ]

No. N-no, this-- This-- this is good.

It's just the first good news I've had in a long while.


Yeah. Sure. Fax it over.

Can you make sure that there's paper down there, Ter?


Thank you.


[ Indistinct talking ]

Just hang on a second.

I'll be back.

Hold on for a second.

If you have come to apologize for DC, you're wasting your breath.

I need your help getting a federal warrant--

A search warrant for the Wapi Eagle casino.

You could call the attorney general as a personal favor.

I'm astonished you'd waste my time on something like this.

Of course, I shouldn't be after the stunt you pulled, walking out on senator Farrelly.

It's for the Rosie Larsen case.

I don't give a rat's ass who it's for.

Chief Jackson and her Kulamish have supported me every office I have run for.

You, of all people, ought to know that.

We're not done here.

I don't care.

You are getting me that warrant.

What's gotten into you?

I'm just curious, dad.

How long have you known about Adams?

Excuse me?

What he did to me.

You're talking about the night you were drunk on champagne, hanging off every one of my colleagues' arms, embarrassing me, your mother, and yourself.

We'll see how the people of Washington state feel about a senator who knew a political ally assaulted his teenage daughter and did nothing about it.

It was just a kiss.

If that's your defense, I'd start writing your resignation letter now.

Hardcover, paperback, network, cable--

When I'm done, you won't be able to run for the water district.

What happened to you?

Nothing happened to me, dad.

I just learned from the best.

Jack: Hey, mom. Call me, okay?

[ Inhales deeply ]

[ Ringing ]


Hey, Jack. How are you?


How's Chicago?

I tried you like 50 times.

Where were you?

I was catching up on sleep.

[ Car door opens ] Okay.

I should get back to class.
[ Car door closes ]

Hey, did you get into honors math?

[ Laughter ]

Jack, who's that?

I-I gotta go, mom. Later.
[ Receiver clicks ]

Hey, tell the little man I said hi.

Holder says hi.

Okay, sweetie. Have fun. I love you.

[ Beep ]

Did you get ahold of the judge?

We're in.

[ Indistinct talking ]

We gonna do this again?

Not today, we ain't.

Okay, second district does Michael and Joy. - Okay.

Volunteers, I want you knocking on doors at 7:00 A.M.

And no doughnuts--
Spelt muffins.

Wait. Better make that 9:00 A.M.

Guys, I want jackets and ties.

Oh, and birkenstocks.

One step ahead of you.

Oh. See, that's what we need--

People who think ahead.

Actually, he just lives in the second.

[ Laughter ]

Words before blows? Is that the idea?

I'm sure we can keep this civil, Darren.

If this is where you ask me to wait four years, you played that card.

I know where you were the night Rosie Larsen died.

I had no idea you were feeling that low, Darren.

That testimony was sealed.

I'm sure whoever leaked it feels terrible about it.

Releasing it is a felony.

Believe me, I'll be the first to press for a thorough investigation.

You son of a bitch.

You should have thought of that before you played your hand.

I'm only serving it back to you.

Don't get too comfortable in that office... Lesley.

Tampering with evidence, obstruction of justice--

Police know about it all.

Matter of time before they come for you.

You have until 9:00 P.M.

To announce your withdrawal from the race.

Otherwise, the whole country will know what a coward you are.

[ growls softly ]

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ]

Stinks in here.

What are you doing here, Janek?

Got a leash?

[ Chuckles ]


Take him for a walk--
All of you.

[ Sighs ]

How's Mitch?

The boys?

[ Chuckles ]

This guy does some work for me.

I hear he talked to the police about my business.

I need you to put him down.


I'm not asking, Stan.

I said no.

I took care of Piotr for you.

That was it. That was our deal.


That dog--

Make sure your boys walk him with the leash.

People-- They drive crazy these days.

Could hit the dog...

Or Tommy... Denny.

Who knows what people could do?

Hey, boss.

[ Clears throat ]

It's your brother.

You're not doing this for me, Stan.

You're just protecting what's yours, right?



Officer: We're gonna need to see all your security-camera footage from the casino, parking lot, lobby, hallways.

Elevators too.

Every camera in this place from October first through to the moment we walked in the doors.

That shouldn't be a problem.

My chief of security will make sure to give you any information you may need.

[ Chuckles ]

Such a nice font.

Did you make this at home?

Because the hotel is under renovation, they're still working on wiring, so a few cameras may be down.

That wouldn't happen to include the elevators we just got off of, would it?

I thought they'd taken away your badge, Detective.

She's here as an observer.

Tear up the floor.

Let's go, guys.

Don't worry, Chief.

We'll put it back just the way we found it.

Find out which way those joists are going. Along the wall...

What did the old bag say?

Say he'd support you in four years?

Darren, what's wrong?

I want you to send all the staff and volunteers to the rally tonight.

I have an important announcement to make.



I'm withdrawing from the race.

Please tell me I'm on hidden camera.

What did Adams say to you?

Nothing. It's for personal reasons.


We have busted our ass 24/7 for this campaign.

Don't give me that "personal" bullshit, Darren.

I tried to k*ll myself.

The night Rosie Larsen died, that's--

That's where I was.

How did he find out?

Does it really matter?

I'll need a new speech.

Just wait a second. All right?

Let's think about this.

Think about what? How to spin this?


You suffer from depression, but you're on medication.

And I know a doctor--
He'll backlog a prescription, make it look like you've taken it forever.

Jamie, that's--
That's enough.

We cannot walk away from this!

Yes, we can.

Darren's right.

This can't go public.

The voters would never support him.

He withdraws now, he still has a political future.

[ Scoffs ]

You're right.

You're both right.

So we're done.


I want you to know about that weekend.

Darren, you don't need to tell me anything. - Listen to me.

When I-- When I went down there, I wasn't--

I wasn't planning to do anything.

You have nothing to be ashamed of.

We've all been there... One time or another.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Stan: That house was gonna be a surprise...

...for Mitch, for the kids.

I wanted Rosie to have a backyard before she left.

She never had one growing up.

[ Scoffs ]

That's what a dad's supposed to do, right?

Bottom line--
Take care of his family?

[ Tommy and Denny speaking indistinctly ]

We were looking at houses, too.

Me and Michael.


We were gonna get our own place.

Start a family together.

He said I'd make a good mother.

We looked at places together.

I guess that's why they say, you know, you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.

[ Dog barks ]

[ Laughs ]

Look at that dog.

Come on--
Just keep pulling.

He doesn't worry about what he's done.

Doesn't have regrets.

Sees this family.

It's not missing anyone.

It's perfect as it is.

[ Indistinct talking, barking continue ]

Anything happens to me, I want you to take care of the boys.

Why would you say that?

Don't say stuff like that, Stan.

You're good with them, Ter.

You're a natural.

And they love you.

Hey, I got to be someplace.

Oh, what the hell.

Take 'em trick-or-treating tonight.

[ Saw whirring ]
Okay, you got it?

Jackson: I have a very busy schedule.

Are you almost done here... With your search?

And your warrant runs out in about 10 minutes.

Sorry to disappoint you, detectives.

[ Sighs ]

It's over, Linden.

That was it.

That was, like, our last hope.

What's that?

It's the key card.

You swiped it?

Well, what about chain of evidence?

What did you think we were gonna do, walk into Seattle PD with it?

[ Sighs ]

We might as well drive it over to county ourselves.

Or better yet, we could hand it to the Mayor in person.

[ Scoffs ]

Come on. Wake up.

They took my badge, booted you off the case, stole our files.

We're on our own out here.

We should at least get it tested.

So we can find out what--
It's Rosie's blood on it?

We know it is.

I'm not gonna risk it.

What, if we're not gonna use the card, I mean...

We're gonna use it.

So where we going with it?

Roberta: I was just watching the footage after they left when I saw this.

Jackson: What am I looking at?

I can't see it.

It's a key card...

From city hall.

[ Sighs ] I--

I don't know how we missed it.

I mean, I went over the room like 20 times.

You moronic little bitch.

Do you realize what you've done?!


[ Groans ]

[ Receiver raises ]

[ Dialing ]

[ Breathes shakily ]

They've got your key card.

I thought you said this couldn't come back to me.

No. No. I'm already on it.

Where's that lieutenant who's on the Larsen case?

How can I be of assistance, Mr. Mayor?

The female detective.

Abani: Her name's Linden--
Sarah Linden.

Whatever the hell it is, I want her off the streets.

Mr. Mayor--

I've got an election tomorrow.

I can't afford any more nonsense.

She's been suspended, released into a doctor's care.

I've done everything I can possibly do.

You can arrest her.

Impersonating an officer.

Deputy commissioner's retiring early.

I'm sure we could use a man of your judgment.

[ Gear shift clicks, engine stops ]

[ Police radio chattering ]

Turn up the radio.


The damn police radio. Turn it up.

Officer: The victim was transported already.

What the hell, Linden?

Officer #2: Copy that. Show us en route...

Scan the channels.

[ Police radio tuning ]

We've got eyes on the suspect heading South on 15th street.

Copy that. We're in position. Over.

They got a surveillance team on us?

[ Scoffs ]

[ Police radio chatter ]

[ Horn honks ]

[ Knock on door ]

Sir, Linden and Holder dropped our team.

But we pinged Linden's cellphone.

She's on the downtown tower.

Get me my car.

Yes, sir.

Yeah, I know, okay? I'm hurrying.

[ Door closes ]

[ Engine sputtering ]


[ Sighs ] Perfect.

Come on!

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Baby crying ]

[ Grunting ]

Janek knows.

He knows.

You hear me? Nod your head.

[ Crying continues ]

Good. Now, you run. You run.

If you ever come back to Seattle...


...I will k*ll you.


Ohh! [ Panting ]

[ Crying continues ]

[ Train whistle blows ]

If you wanted to do this, I'd be dead already.

I can admit my mistakes.

I was wrong about you, Stan.

[ g*n cocks ]

It's not in your nature to k*ll.

Alexi: I'm not Stan.

This is for my father.

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Whistling ]

[ Chanting ] One more day! One more day! One more day!

One more day! One more day! One more day!

One more day! One more day! One more day!

[ Chanting stops ]

Thank you all for coming out.

It's actually a beautiful night in Seattle.

[ Cheering ]


Yeah, Richmond! Whoo!

For all of you...

Who've put your heart and soul into this fight, I just want you to know that we've already succeeded.

We have exposed, for all eyes to see, the weakness of the political machine of Lesley Adams.

Let me be clear--
His time is up.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Siren chirping ]

Come on, Sarah. It's over.

How many units you got stalking us?

Stay out of this, Holder.

Hope some old lady gets robbed right now and nobody's responding.

I'm trying to make this easy on you, Linden.

No need for drama here.

Do you know what that is?

Where'd you get that?

Unfinished room on the 10th floor of the Wapi Eagle casino.

It's not a theory anymore, Lieutenant.

Whoever was in that room that night Rosie died works here.

Election's tomorrow.

Maybe Mayor Adams wins. Maybe Richmond does.

He's the one that got us into the casino.

New regime, gonna want to do some housecleaning, purge the department of the Mayor's people.

It's time for you to decide whether you want a boot on your ass.

Even if you're right, I can't call this off.

Then get out of my way.

Darren: As we move forward, we can show our love for this great city by not giving up our principles, our enthusiasm.

Even though now may not be our time.

Most of you know I had a little brush with the law recently and that I was exonerated.

Well, you haven't heard the full story.

What's he doing?

I don't know.

I was released because I had an alibi, the details of which were sealed as part of an agreement I made with the district attorney's office.

But before Seattle votes tomorrow, I think it only fair... You should hear the truth.

You got to stop him. He's throwing away his career.

It's his choice, Jamie.

[ Beep, click ]

On the night of Rosie Larsen's...

Brutal death, I was in Tacoma.

I was staying at a bed-and-breakfast where I had stayed with my late wife.

I couldn't sleep, so I took a walk.

I didn't even realize quite where I was headed until I got to the bridge.

It was the spot on which I'd asked my wife to marry me...

10 years ago that very night.

And as I looked down into the dark waters...

...I imagined the life that we could have lived together, and I allowed bitterness...

And pain and grief to overcome me.

And I jumped.

[ Crowd gasps, murmurs ]

I've spoken before about a man named Ted Wright.

A man who lost his leg in a freak accident in a factory.

Lost... Everything but who found inside himself the will to live, to move on.

Well, I'm not that man.

For me...

For me, the will came on the way down.

It-- It was not mine.

It was something deep and instinctual inside of me.

By the time I hit the water, it had woken up.

And it wanted to live.

And not just to live, but to fight.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Officer: We've got eyes on the suspect's car--

Washington plate 6-7-7-5-Charlie-1.

Darren: And I know I am not alone.

Every one of us has stood on that bridge... time or another.

Lay-offs, lost health coverage, dwindling opportunities.

Some days the temptation is just so strong to give up.

And yet you keep showing up...

For your jobs...

Your families...

Your communities.

Well, I want you to know...

...that I will keep showing up for you.

And that I will never... Stop fighting.

[ Scattered applause ]

[ Indistinct talking on television ]

[ Buzzer ]

[ Buzzer ]

[ Sighs ]

Linden, where you going?

[ Beep ]

Come on, aunt Terry. Hurry up.

We have to get to the next house.

[ Indistinct talking ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

On Part 1 of the two night season finale in which Rosie Larsen's k*ller will be revealed...

I know about the photo, Mayor. The one you planted.

We have a common enemy.

We can make a deal.

Jamie went to the city hall June 4th 7:30AM.

Security guard let him in.

He said he didn't have his key card.

Did anyone break in to you for a new card after that weekend?


Who was it?


I would be very careful about what I'd say right now if I were you.

For a longer look at the next episode of AMC's The k*lling go to