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Never Too Late to Celebrate (2023)

Posted: 08/25/23 14:26
by bunniefuu
The big finish...

Shake it, shake it!

Shake it, shake it! Shake it!

Oh, yes!

You guys are good.

Last one...

- Camila.

- Hi, Mom.

Come on in.

Your future

is right around the corner

and it is as bright

as a gleaming smile.

And who knows, maybe one of you

will become a dentist

just like me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Everybody thank Dr. Lopez

for helping us

kick off the school year

with proper oral hygiene. Yes?

Thank you, Dr. Lopez!

No, thank you guys

for having me.

And brush your teeth!

I take it you can't

stick around for a bit.

Oh, Mom, I wish I could, but

we're lucky Dr. Be no it

let me slip out for an hour.

Now that he is semi-retired,

I'm the one left

picking up all his slack.

Sweetie, you are working

yourself too hard.

Mom, I'm the daughter

of an immigrant.

We work hard.

Okay, love you.


Oh, we're on for

dinner tonight, right?

- See you then.

- Yes!

Thank you, darling.

Quack, quack, quack!

Alright, guys, here we go.

And the big finish,

the big finish!

Spin, spin!


- Boom!

- Woo-hoo!

The mom got

all of her ducks back.

- Good!

- Can I see that?

Y Colorn Colorado,

este cuento se ha term in a do!

Should we go back inside

and play some more games?

- Yeah!

- Yeah?

Yeah, let's go!

Grab all your stuff, guys.


My lovely assistant!

- Hi!

- Take that right inside.

Hi, uh, sorry to bother you.

No, no, no, not a bother. Hi!

The story that you

were singing to the kids.

The end, with my singing,

it was probably a little pitchy?

I'm working on it!


No, your singing was very sweet.

They loved it.

No, at the end,

you say this phrase,

"Colorn something."

"Y Colorn Colorado,

este cuento se ha term in a do."

"Se ha term in a do."

- That one?

- Yes!

Yes, that... Ah...

I haven't heard that in so long.

My dad used to

read me bedtime stories

and he would end with that,

but I...

I never knew what it meant.

It's a Spanish folk saying.

It roughly translates to

"That's the end of the story."

Kind of like our "And they

lived happily ever after."

It's very beautiful.

Yes, it is.

Thank you.

Yeah, of course.

Um, I should get

back to the kids.

Of course, yeah.

Oh, uh, how come

you never asked your dad

to just translate it for you?


Well, it just wasn't something

that I ever thought to ask him.

- Oh, I'm so sorry.

- I'm so sorry.

I don't even know

why I'm crying right now.

I think I'm just, like,

really exhausted

from work or something.

Hey, I'm sorry, uh,

how about you come inside,

I'll get you a tissue, and...

- Okay!

- Yeah, come on.

Oh, that looks great!

Thank you.


I lost my dad

a couple years ago.

He was from Mexico,

and I'm just now realizing

how much I don't know

about where he comes from.

Or where I come from.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

Well, for what it's worth, uh,

I don't think it's ever too late

to learn a little Spanish.


I substitute teach here

during the day.

When I'm not singing

about duckies,

I actually teach an adult

beginner's Spanish class.

That sounds amazing.

But my work days

are really full right now

and I'm usually in bed by nine.


Sure, uh...

In case you change your mind.


Of course it's work.

Don't let me keep you.

- Thank you again.

- Of course.

Between you and my work,

my phone has been

blowing up all morning!

I know you're busy,

but it's important.

I had a flashback photo

on my phone this morning

and I had a major epiphany.

Do you know what today is?

Okay, I haven't had

a day off in weeks.

I don't even know

what year it is.

It is exactly one month

until your birthday,

and not just any birthday,

your 30th!

- My 30th...

- Yes!

Oh, we have to party

for your big 3-0.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

can it be a small 3-0,

like a spa day or something?

Don't you worry.

I got this.


Absolutely not, Barbara,

we just whitened

your teeth three months ago.

But I want them

the colour of snow!

They are day-glowing!

I'm gonna leave these with you.

Good seeing you, ladies.


Oh, Mom,

it has been a crazy day at work.

It's really nice

being out of the office.


No, that's not me, that's you.


- Oh, thank you.

- Oh, it's just Maren.

"Thinking surprise party

for Cam's b-day."

"Don't tell... Cam."


I told her I did not want

this to be a big deal at all.

Just ignore her!

- Crazy lady.

- Ignore?

Whatever you do, do not

tell her that you're retiring

in December,

because she will throw a party.

Well, about that,

I've decided to postpone

a bit longer and just, uh,

finish out the school year.

Well, what about

the person who's replacing you

after the holidays?

Well, with the budget cuts,

there's been a hiring freeze

and, yeah,

I don't want to leave

Principal Lee in the lurch.

Mom, what about

your travel plans?

Well, what fun

would it be on my own?

I'd rather wait till you

had a moment to come along,

and just like Dad planned to do.

Did talk ever talk about

going back to Mexico again?

How do you mean?

Well, I mean, he grew up there,

but isn't it kind of weird that

he never instilled, you know,

the culture or traditions?

Becoming an American citizen

meant the world

to your father.

He fully embraced his life here,

and assimilating for him meant

leaving certain parts behind.

I can't believe

it's been three years.


Good morning!

Why are you so glum?

Apartment hunting

in this market is bleak!

So little space

for so much money.

Ooh, forced coziness!

Oh, I think that would actually

be really good for you and Evan.

This apartment is perfect.

Affordable, so many memories...

Like, yeah, girl!

We got this place

right out of college.

We'd never be able

to afford it now.

Do I have to move out?

I mean, if it were up to me,

you would stay here forever,

but I really don't

think that your BF

wants to live with your BFF.


Look at us,

slumming it with

our basic coffee makers.

Hey, I know a way

to get us a free upgrade.


I'm just saying,

we deserve

to be celebrated, too,

which is exactly

why I am insisting

on an epic 30th birthday bash.

Do not use the word "epic"

or I will burst into tears.

Which, surprisingly,

is not the first time

that that has happened

this week.

Oh, no?

Did a patient bite you again?


I cried in front of

a total stranger.

Was he cute?

Wait, that is where

your brain goes?

He was cute!

He was cute, wasn't he?

Oh, yes. Irrelevant,

but yeah, he was cute.

Oh, no, no, no. More.


More, more, more, more, more!

Okay. He is a substitute teacher

who works at my mom's school,

and he was reading to the kids

and singing to them, and

well, he offered me

Spanish lessons.

Ooh! Muy bien!

Was he wearing a wedding ring?

I don't know. I wasn't looking!

See, this is why you need me!

No, what I need is sleep.

My mental capacity

cannot handle dating.

Or Spanish lessons.

Okay, I'm just saying

he seems nice,

and Spanish lessons

could be fun.

And you need more fun!

Okay, you're right.

I do need more of that.

And a new coffee maker.



- Javi, right?

- Yeah, yeah.

And, uh,

good to see you, um, uh...

This is like my worst nightmare.

- Camila.

- Camila!

I don't think we actually

introduced ourselves,

so you are off the hook.

Okay, good, 'cause I was

freaking out a little bit

'cause I thought

that you told me

and then I just... I was

distracted and didn't notice.

Yeah, probably

distracted by my waterworks.

- No!

- Sorry.

No, no, no. No, you...

Actually, I think

you have a cute cry.

Well, uh, because some people

have, you know, ugly cries,

and yours, yours is kind of...

Like, it's cute.

Do you... do you work here?

Oh, no, my mom does, Mrs. Lopez.

She teaches second grade.

Wait, Sherry is your mom?

- Yeah, Sherry is my mom!

- She's awesome.

Yeah, she's great.

So anyway,

I actually came by because

I would like to take

your Spanish lessons.

Well, you do know that

my number was on that card

that I gave you.


So, I may have thrown that away.

Oh, mi corazn, it just hurts!

That means "heart."

Yes, I know how to say

"heart" in Spanish.

I'm not that bad.

Yo no soy...

I don't know the word for "bad."


Well, look, this is great news.

Let me give you another card.

And, uh,

try not to throw this one away.

- I will not.

- The address is on the back.


I'll see you tonight at eight.

For your first Spanish class.


8 pm, on the or a.

I see what you did there.


Buena, clase.

Conversational Spanish,

that is what we are gonna

focus on tonight.


Lucky for all of you,

Spanish vowels have

a lot less variety than English.

Okay, why don't we start

with a little enunciation

for our, uh, new student.

"Ah, prohibido

el uso de telfonas celulares."

The use of cellphones

is not allowed.

Can you guys repeat

after me, please?

- Prohibido...

- Prohibido...

- El uso...

- El uso...

- De telfonas celulares.

- De telfonas celulares.



Can you guys open

your books to Chapter 2?

And I'm gonna need

everybody to focus tonight.

It's gonna get a little crazy,

but I promise...




Rise and shine.

I'm so sorry!

No! No, no need to apologize.

I should be apologizing.

My bad teaching

rendered you comatose.

No, I have been running

on empty lately, so...

Well, some good news?

You have an adorable snore.

I was snoring?

I'm just kidding!

- I'm kidding!

- Thanks.

No, the thing is my boss

is in the process of retiring

and he is basically

transferring all his patients

over to me in droves, and it's

tough keeping my eyes open.

- Hey! Your book.

- Oh, thank you.

I'll tell you what.

Let me treat you to some coffee.

There's this place

around the corner.

They make the best

horchata lattes.

What's that?

- What's horchata?

- Yeah.

Ah, only the most

delicious cinnamon rice milk

you've ever tasted.

Come on.


I told you.

- It's good, right?

- Oh, this is good!


- Very good call.

- Of course.

Okay, so tell me about you.

You are an elementary

school teacher by day,

but by night you teach

adult Spanish classes?

That's me!

So do you live in the area?

Uh, originally, yes.

And then I moved

when I was younger.

I spent my twenties

in California.

And, uh, yeah, my brother

and his family

all still live here.

So what brought you back?

Thank you.

Well, my life was flipped

upside-down about a year ago,

and I am not gonna

bore you with those details.

Thank you. For the horchata.

- Of course.

- So tell me, what about you?

You have a busy schedule

and you're taking

my Spanish classes...

Are you a glutton

for punishment?

It's in my DNA.

I mean, what do you expect?

My dad's an immigrant

from Mexico, so, you know,

he worked himself

to the bone and...

I'm sorry.

I think about my dad

a lot around my birthday.

I'm sorry, it's your birthday?


No, my birthday's

not for another month,

but, um, I'm turning 30.

It's a milestone birthday.

It's definitely weird

that he's not

gonna be here for it.

Yeah, I hear that dads

and daughters, it's a thing.

Well, my niece's quince

is this weekend,

and my brother, ugh!

He is just going on and on

about how his little girl

is becoming a woman.

That's very sweet.

Yeah, it is.

How was your quince?

Mm, I didn't have one.

- What?

- No!

Well, my mom is American

and my dad was very Americanized

by the time I came along,

so no quince.

You know, that's a common story

for a lot of Latin immigrants.

They want to assimilate

and just not be known

as different, so...


You know,

it's kind of crazy, though,

'cause not only

did I not have a quince,

I've never even been to one!

You're kidding.

Well, that makes sense.

Why, you've never

tried horchata!

Well, I'm glad we fixed that!

What about a double quince?

A what?

You said that you

were turning 30, right?


So, you should have a double

quinceaera to celebrate.

Two times fifteen.

Come on, what better way

to honour your father

than to embrace

your Mexican heritage?

Did you see me

in your Spanish class?

I don't think

a fiesta's in my future!

Look, why don't you come

with me to my niece's quince

and you can see what

all the fuss is about?


like a date?

No. No, no.

Not a... not a date.

Um, think of it like

extra credit.

I know you're thinking

up reasons not to go.

Learning about

surgical dentistry seems like

a much better use of my time,

rather than going

to a fifteen-year-old's

birthday party.

Except you could

disappoint your future husband

for a lifetime!

You need to stop.

Let me see.

- Yes!

- You're gonna look beautiful.

I hope Evan's mom likes me!


Wait, are you serious?


You are awesome

and fun and sweet and smart.

You literally bring out

the best in Evan.

Of course she's gonna love you.

The feeling is mutual.


- Take this. Steam it.

- No, no, I don't want to!

- Yes!

- Go to the quince!

Learn what it's all about!

Have some fun that doesn't

have to do with work

or hanging out with your mom.

Hey! She gets lonely.

Oh, I know, I know.

I love me some Sherry.

I do.

But this isn't about her.

Sometimes I think you

use your mom and work

as excuses not to

put yourself out there...

Romantically or otherwise.

Oh, I...

So just...

It's time to do the things

that you put on the back burner.

Don't miss out

on the good stuff.



What a spectacle.

Yeah, this is... wild!

No, I'm talking about you,

and this dress.


Thank you.

You look...

Are all quinceaeras this...


Ah, my brother's a lot.

Come here.

Don't you worry, I got you.

If you do decide to do a quince,

you can make it your own.

That's the beauty

of these things.

You can basically decide

what you want.

Speaking of... hey, Mano!

Come here.

This, this is my brother,


- Nice to meet you.

- Camila.

- And his wife, Lucia.

- Hi, mucho gusto!

They're Izzy's parents.

That's so great

you were able to find a date.

Yeah, he really took his

time with his "plus one."

Uh, yes, I am his date,

but we're not...

- We're not, like, together.

- Together, yeah.

I mean,

we're here together, but...

Well, fun fact...

Camila here,

she never had a quince.

En serio? No.

- Really?

- No.

Yeah, and she's thinking

about having a double quince

for her 30th birthday.

How cool is that?

- No way, that's wild!

- I love that idea.

Thank you!

I thought it would be perfect

for her to, uh,

- come to this one...

- That's right.

And see what it's all about.

Let's go.

- What's happening?

- No, no, no, shh, just wait.

Here it comes,

here it comes, here it comes.

She's beautiful.

The girls are called damas

and the boys

are called chambelanes.

It's a huge honour

to be chosen as

the birthday girl's chambelan.

Is that Izzy's boyfriend?

No, no.

My brother won't let her

date till she's 50.

They've actually known

each other since kindergarten.

You know, it doesn't

have to be a romantic thing.


They've been rehearsing

this for months.

Izzy really wanted to surprise

everyone with a modern version

of the traditional

baile de vals.

That is a lot of dancing.

You haven't seen

anything yet. Here.

Hold this... and make sure

you find a good seat.

- Okay?

- Mano.

Well, good evening, everyone.

Well, good evening, everyone.

Buenos noches.

For those of you

who don't know me,

my name is Javi.

I am Izzy's favourite uncle.

Which is an honour that

I have bestowed upon myself.

When your dad asked me

if I would sing

during your

father-daughter dance,

I was touched.

And I obviously couldn't say no!


I love you, Mija.

I love you, Papi.


Oh, it's so true! Yes!

So, um, did I miss

some hot family goss?

Because Abuelita's

under the impression

that you're Javi's

new girlfriend.

Wait, is that... is that

what she thought I said?

- Yes!

- No!

No, I'm just...

I'm here for the quince.

Which is beautiful, by the way!

Aww, thank you!

I think you guys are giving

Izzy amazing memories.

Oh, thanks! I-I hope so.

You're so great!

- Thank you!

- And so is Javi.

You know, he's such a catch.

It breaks my heart to see him,

you know, out of the market.

Oh! I mean, is he...

not on the market?

Well, no, not since

Elena cancelled the wedding.


His fiance, Elena,

she broke off their engagement

a week before their wedding.

Though it looks like

it's time to dip that toe

back into the dating pool.

And it looks like you're next.

- I'm sorry, what?

- Uh, for your photo.

Oh, yeah!


So what do you think?

Um, I need to take

whatever this is home with me!

It's called "tres leches."

Well, I need tres of these!

I thought that you

didn't like sweets.

Listen, I'm just trying to

dive into culture here.

Oh, I see!

Okay, so is there a double

quinceaera in your future?

I don't know yet.

See, it's hard to picture

all of this being a thing

without my dad,

especially watching

watching Izzy and Manolo

dance together.

It still hurts.

Look, you can choose to not

celebrate because he's not here,

or you can create new memories

and find a way

to make him part of it.

No, no, out of all the amazing

traditions you guys have

taught me tonight,

this is the one

that makes me uncomfortable.

- It freaks me out a little bit.

- Shall we?

I don't think you understand,

I cannot dance!

Just follow me.

I got you!


- No, come on, ready?

- And here we go.

It's not that hard.

Look at my brother.

Manny used to have

two left feet,

and then he took some lessons.


he's still getting better.

All I'm saying is that

with a few dance lessons,

maybe, you know, you could

be the next cumbia queen.

What does that mean?

"There's nothing you can't do."

You're home!

Hi! I am!

How'd it go?

It was fine.

Get outta here!

You walked in

practically glowing!


are we birthday snoozing

or birthday schmoozing?

Say it...

I want a double quince

for my 30th birthday!


And, yes, I would love it

if you would help me plan it.

Oh, good!

Because I've already

started researching.

I started creating a mood board,

as you do.


I knew you would

change your mind.

Your mom knew also.

I'm gonna call her

in the morning

and we're gonna get started.

Oh, this is going to be epic!

No, I do not like

the word "epic"!

I don't like that word.

Oh, don't k*ll my vibe!

Let me love you.

Speaking of love, I got your

Taylor Swift "thumbs up" GIF

and I'm assuming everything

went well with Evan's mom.

Oh, she is the coolest!


She told me to call her "Ro."

Did I mention she loves me?

Did I mention I told you so?

I don't think Evan had as good

a time as me and his mom did.

Turns out making fun of Evan for

all the things he's bad at...

We were told that you are

the go-to dressmaker

for quinces.

S, s.

So, tell me what you

are thinking for this dress.

You've always

looked great in red.

Oh, I mean,

that would be wonderful.


Ooh, look at Miss Spanish Class!

Okay, not to step

on your creativity,

but I saw a dress

that you made for Isabella

and she looked beautiful!

But I am significantly

older than she is.

More... mature.

Yes, exactly.

Never too late for a quince.

Do you guys remember when

I made my own bat mitzvah dress,

beads and all?


I remember you being

a very talented seamstress.

Well, it's very fun being

the head of my own firm,

but I do miss

working with my hands.

- Poor baby.

- Ugh, you!

Okay, todo bien.

I make you something beautiful!

In rojo.

Ooh, rojo!


So my patient, Barbara,

is the manager of this hotel

and she got us a ballroom

at a fantastic rate.

Wait, teeth whitening lady?

Yes, that's the one.

Excuse me,

do you know where Room A is?

- Yes, this way.

- Thank you.

Oh, wowza!

Uh, yeah, it's

it's a lot.

I say go big.

No, no, this is not quince big,

this is royal coronation big.

That is because

you are the queen.

Maren's right, sweetie.

You deserve to treat yourself

and make your quince

reeeally special!

What are you doing?

Why are you being so weird?

Oh, it's...

Javi might come.

I'm sorry,

are you... talking to Javi?

We talk all the time, darling.

I work with him.

I just said that we'd be

downtown this afternoon

and he was welcome to join.



They're texting...

Your mom, she got his

number before you did!

Thanks. Thank you.



- Hi!

- Wow.

Stop, stop, stop!

Hi, Javi!


Um, that's my friend, Maren.


Sorry, she told me you were cute

but she failed to mention

her new profess-sir

is a certified hottie!

I-I didn't say he was cute!

I definitely did not say

you were cute.

Duly noted.

Um, I hate to bring it up

in case you get all worked up,

but all of this space!


- So much room...

- Don't!

To da-a-ance!

I'm sorry, my friend

is very strange.

Oh, what's so scary

about a little dancing, right?


Javi, people dance

at a quinceaera, right?

Yes, absolutely!

You should have seen her

on the dance floor

at my niece's quince.

I was terrible!

Come on, and we did a little...

Remember cumbia?

- It was bad.

- No!

I told her with a few lessons

she could be great.

I know a guy.

He's a pro, alright?

He teaches salsa classes.

If he can't make you move

nobody can!


I'm all about quality time,

but we are under dressed

and way over our heads.

I think if we sneak out now,

no one will notice.


Welcome, dancers!

I'm Rafael.

If you are getting cold feet

and thinking of leaving,

it's too late. You're mine!

Join the class!

Gather up, class!

The good news is, even if

this is your first class,

you all know what to do.

Dancing is a language

we all speak.

Now, follow me.

Five, six, seven





And if your hips want to get

into the action, let them!

The rhythm is going to get you.


Oh, please! I'm her mother.

Well, Mama's got some moves.

Follow my lead.


You have no excuse, young lady.


dancing is in your genes.

Oh, well...


He was flirting with you!

Oh, no, he was just trying to

give an old lady confidence.

Come on, love is in the air.

You are young and hot and...

Dancing is in your genes!

Well, I'm hot alright.

I'm sweatin' up a storm.

Yeah, I bet you are!

Nice. Well done.

Bueno, clase.

Looks like everybody's done

with their fortune tellers.

Can you guys pair up

and tell each other your future?


En espaol.

Oh! And, uh,

I graded everyone's tests,

and the person

with the highest grade

was Seorita Lopez!

98 percent, oh!

Nice work.

Wow, four years

of dental school

and I pick the pastime

that requires exams.

Uh, it's an odd number

in the class

and I don't have a partner.

So... what, you want, me?

S, por favor!

Alright! Alright, let's go.

Can you pick a color?

- Azul.

- Azul?




It says, "T vas a ir al museo

con amigo maana."

I'm going to the museum

with you tomorrow?

Wait, hold on,

does it really say that?

- I...

- No, no, no!

These things don't lie!

And it is strictly

for educational purposes.


Fine. Then, s.

Con mucho gusto.

By the way, I took

the whole day off tomorrow,

which is a very rare

occurrence for me,

so I expect us to deep-dive

into Mexican culture research.

- I'm in.

- Yes?

But seriously,

did it really say that?

Because I just gotta know.

No se!


I'm impressed.

That was a lot of off-the-cuff

verb conjugation.

I have a very good teacher!

Okay, how are you guys

doing over here?

Okay, that was

actually a lot of fun.

Oh, yeah, it was!

I had no idea that

the Mayan exhibit was in town.

You know, I think your dad

would be very proud

that you're willing to know

so much about your heritage.

- Oh, yeah.

- Yeah, he loved history.

Which is surprising because he

never talked about his history.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I mean, he also was a quiet man.

Or maybe it was that

my mom talked so much

he couldn't get

a word in edgewise!

Well, look,

now you're making up for it.

I think it's really cool

that you're wanting to stay

so connected to him.

Yeah, I agree.

Hey, you want to know

a little fun fact about


Oh, yeah. Tell me.

Well, mmm!

- Is that good?

- It's so good.

- It originated in Mexico.

- Oh... Mexico!

It was said to be

an aphrodisiac.

Oh, wow!

And the Aztec emperor,


he would drink 50 cups a day.


Well, okay, I'm gonna just

jump ahead here and say that

this is when Montezuma's

Revenge occurred.

Bingo! Yup!

Look, I think you would really

like the pure form of cacao.

- Ermm...

- I know you don't like sweets,

but a lot of Latinos make it

in their dishes, and the best,

my favourite, mole poblano.

Oh, it's so good!

Ooh, at Izzy's quince,

your Abuela told me

she makes a mean mole.

Hold up, you were

talking to my Abuelita?


And you understood her Spanish?

I did.

And actually, she told me

I have an open invitation

into her kitchen.

And I'm gonna

take her up on that.

- Oh, yeah?

- Yes!

You know, Javi,

I feel like you are pulling out

a side of me that I have

never seen before!

Looks like those

dance classes are paying off.

Oh my gosh, this is so much fun!

I am so excited for my quince.

I have a great venue.

My dress is being made.

There's one thing

that I realize I am missing.

Okay, tell me.

I need a caterer,

so do you think that your Abuela

will make a mole for 50 people?

I think that might be a big ask

for an 80-year-old woman.

- Yeah, it might!

- But,

but I might have an idea.

Come on.

Alright, bienvenida!

Thank you.

Oh, this place is awesome!

Okay, it's been open

since the '70s,

but has been under new

management for the last year.

The chef?

Eh, he's kind of a dork,

but he makes the best

Latin-infused tapas

you will ever have.


- Surprise.

- Manolo!

- That's me!

- Wait, this is your place?

It is! I mean...

Okay, so our Abuela

and our Abuelo,

they started it when

they first came to the US.

That's right,

and now it's all mine!

He took over once Abuelo retired

and gave this place

a much-needed facelift.

Well, you did a great job.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

Now, Javi told me

he was gonna bring you by,

so I prepared some dishes

that you might want to serve

at your double quinceaera.

Ooh! Thank you!

Alright, first, we have

a duck con fit taco

with a tropical fruit

pico de gallo, okay?

Then we have

a smoked chicken tostada

with a beautiful

edamame guacamole.

Okay, sure.

And then, my personal


the pulled pork tamale

with crema de serrano.

So good!

- Amazing.

- Oh, that looks great.

Well, that was

very professional.

- Well, thank you.

- It's what I do.

You know, for me,

food isn't just food.

Ay, here we go...

He's been hearing this

his whole life.

- This is the whole speech.

- But it's true.

I mean, food is a way

of expressing who we are.

It tells our story,

and this place has been

a part of our family's story

for generations.

And, you know, food is also

a way of expressing love.

You want to try?

- Oh, yes!

- Go!

Uh, which one do I try first?

I think you should

follow your heart.

Oof. Um...

Are you kidding me?

Oh my goodness,

that is delicious!

- Yes!

- Yes!

Manolo, will you please

cater my quince?

I would be honoured.

- Yes!

- Ha-ha!

- Aw...

- Thank you!

Well, congratulations.

For landing

the best chef in town.

No, thank you.

Thank you for

sneaking away during lunch.

Never mind that.

Tell me all about Javi.

Is that short for "Javier"?

Does he have a last name or does

he go by "Javi" like Oprah?

I don't know!

What I do know is he can

treat a girl to a nice dinner.

I can tell you that.

Cam, that's a date.

It was at his

brother's restaurant.

That's even more of a date!

You've met his brother

twice now!

Okay, hear me out.

Javi is sweet and he's charming

and we have

a lot of fun together, but...

Principal Lee?


- Hello!

- So good to see you!

- Hello!

- Hello!

How are my two favourite former

students doing these days?

Good! Busy.

I have a lot of patients

and not enough time in the day.

But we're good!

So I heard you're keeping

my mom around a little longer.

She told me all about

the hiring freeze

and how she had to

postpone retirement.

Oh, not at all.

Your mother came to me saying

that she didn't feel ready

to retire yet.

If it was up to me,

I'd keep her forever.

Anyway, girls,

I better get going.

It was lovely bumping into you.

- Bye, Principal Lee!

- Bye.

I don't get it.

Why doesn't my mom

want to retire?

Well, besides you and work

she doesn't have

a lot going on right now.


then why not just say that?

I dunno, cut her some slack.

Maybe she's just

embarrassed to admit it.

Or she doesn't want you

worrying about her.

That is a very

astute observation.

Thank you.

Just keep taking her

to those dance classes.

Maybe she'll figure out

retirement can be fun.

Look at all of these

beautiful colours!

These Peruvian lilies

are gorgeous!

- Oh, and the peonies!

- And the peonies!

To die for!

Let's incorporate them both.

Oh, love those.


Thank you so much for coming.

Yeah, of course.

It's so good to see you.

Well, this is Team Flower Power.

Alright, girls, what's next?

Uh, we need vases

on every table.

Oh, and there is

also the tradition

where you lay

the flower wreath on my head.


Someone's been taking notes.

- I have! I told you!

- Okay.

Oh, uh, usually

the birthday girl

picks her favourite flower

for the wreath ceremony.

So, which one is your favourite?

Oh. Um...

You know, I really

like this one.

Good eye.

That is the flower of Mexico.


That was your father's

favourite flower.

Did you know that?

No, I didn't.

He chose dahlias

for my wedding bouquet.

It's kismet!

Okay, why don't you girls

head over to the caf?

I'll place the order

and join you later.

- I'll see you guys there.

- See you later.

Love you. Thank you. Bye.

- I'll help you find someone.

- Great.

So am I gonna be

your maid of honour or what?

Pretty sure that's

not a quince thing.

Oh, no, I mean for

you and Javi's wedding!

- Mar!

- What?!

He is in there alone

with your mother right now.


He could be asking

for your hand in marriage!

He is literally just

helping us plan the quince.

That's it!

Ooh, it's Evan!

He's got a hot tip.

A friend of a friend is thinking

of renting out his condo.

- Go!

- Mind if I jet?

- Love you! Bye!

- Love you!

Javi, I meant to ask you

the other day,

are you looking for a permanent

position at the school?

Because I can

put in a good word.

That's very kind of you.

I, um...

I don't know if I'm

gonna be there long-term.

Thank you.

Sure thing.

I'm just so glad

Cami signed up for your class.

Oh, being bilingual,

it opens up a lot of doors.

Well, yeah, that too.

But honestly, I just want her

to have more fun in her life.

She puts so much

pressure on herself.

Always has.

You know, in the, uh...

pie chart of life,

Camila is like one

very big slice of work pie.

And now I'm craving pie.

Me, too.

But maybe you can relate.

I just... I feel like sometimes

it's easy to get so used to

a work routine

that it kind of becomes daunting

to think about

anything else outside of that.

This is just what I needed

after the day I had at work.

Okay, how good is that?

I know!

- What's it called again?

- It's pronounced "horchata."

Your dad would have loved this.

Mom, can I talk to you

about something?


So... I ran into Principal Lee.

Oh, really?

That's nice.

What did she have to say?

Well, she told me that they're

not in a hiring freeze

and that you decided

not to retire.

So why are you putting it off?

Especially after

everything with Dad.

I mean,

we're not promised tomorrow,

so why are you waiting?

For years, your dad and I

dreamed of retirement.

All the exciting things

we were gonna do!

But without him

to share it with, it just

seems pointless.

Mom, I'm sorry.

I'm not sure

who I am without him, Cam.

And at least if I am working,

I know how to fill up my day.

Well, Mom,

I think you're doing great.

I mean, look at you.

You took up a new hobby.

I mean, you're dancing now.

You've been

taking night classes.

You're enjoying that, right?

Very much.

And you're making new friends,

like Rafael.

Oh, Rafael is

such a sweet guy

with a jawline to die for.

Um, but...

I miss your dad.

Oh, Mom.

I do, too.

But... I do feel like

bringing new people

into your life and having fun,

that doesn't diminish

the love that you have for Dad.

I mean,

he would want that for us.


That was some sabor.

What's "sabor"?


You added mucho spice

to those moves.

You were just so easy to follow.

It's all about connection.

You were connected to me,

and together we were

connected to the music.

Great work, Sherry.

Great instruction, Rafael.

Thank you.

This was

the highlight of my week,

and I'll see you next class.

Wait! Before you go...

How would you like

to come and see my

advanced students' recital

this weekend?

A sneak peek of

where you're headed

if you keep up

with your classes.

Uh, me, an advanced student?

Well, sure. Why not?


we can grab some arepas

at my favourite Colombian spot.

Thank you for the invite.

Um... I just, uh...

I have so much

on my plate right now.

I completely understand.

If you want to fill that plate

over dinner with me,

the offer stands.

Oh, uh, s!

Oh, it's... excelente!

Que bueno! Que bueno!

- That was really good!

- I told you!

Listen, do not

tell Manolo this, but

that was the best thing

I've ever tasted.

You should go tell her.

She'll appreciate it.

But do it in Spanish.

- In Spanish?

- In Spanish. Come on.

You know. Go, go, go.

Uh, Abuela, es que molo es...

- Mole.

- Mole!

Es, uh, delicioso.

- Que gusto!

- Yes!


Was that... was that okay?

Eh, you know!

Do you guys really

close this place

once a week for family dinner?

- It's tradition!

- Ever since we were kids.

Camila? Bienvenidas.

Okay, yes.

Can you teach me

the song from my quince?

Yes, I can!

Alright, here we go.


Ow! Oh, I'm okay, I'm okay,

I'm okay, I'm okay.

It's just... it's, um

just little cut. It's tiny.

- Es nada.

- Yeah.

- You're good, you're good.

- She just cured you.

Okay, thank you!

I am pretty sure your Abuela

just put a spell on me.

Oh, she did.

It was a love spell.

No, it's a thing that we say

when kids get hurt.

It actually translates to

"Heal, little frog."

- That's...

- Weird.

Yeah, weird!

Essentially, you're hurt today

but tomorrow you'll be better.

- Oh, that's sweet.

- Yeah.

Bueno! A comer!

"A comer," that means,

like, "Let's go eat!"

I know what that is!

- Okay, well, then let's go!

- Vamos!

What is that?!

Okay, let's hear it.

Okay, let's see!

Oh, can your family

please adopt me?

Yeah, they're pretty amazing.

Javi, I have not had

this much fun in,

well, I don't even

know how long.



Can they please

just come to the quince?

Is it too late to ask them?

Okay, be careful

what you wish for,

because they will show up...

All of 'em!


I have to go, but you...

Javi, thank you.

Did I do something wrong?

Wrong? No.

No, not at all.

That kiss was perfect.

You, you are perfect.


I really like you, Camila.

And I really enjoyed helping you

get ready for your quince.

Javi, I'm still waiting

for the "but."


I'm not ready

for anything serious.

It scares me.

It's kinda hard to explain. I...

No, no, but please,

please try to.

Camila, you

are absolutely wonderful,

in every way.

This is my baggage.

No, no, Javi, please

don't do the whole.

"It's not you, it's me" thing.

No, no, no, no, no,

it's the truth, okay?


Look, whatever happened

in my past relationship,

this girl, Elena, and...

None of it matters, okay?

It just... it took a toll on me

and I have not

been able to shake it.

Javi, just talk to me.

Let me help you.

Well, thank you for reminding me

why I don't date.

You know,

I was actually gonna ask you

to be my chambelan.

Hi, Mom!

- Hey!

- Thank you for coming over.

Of course, darling.

Come here.

- Come get cozy on the couch.

- Muah!

What's up?

Talk to me, sweetie.

What's wrong?

Javi doesn't want to date me.

You told him how you feel?

Oh, yeah!

And he practically sprinted

in the other direction!

But Mom,

before he blindsided me,

we had this kiss

and it was so magical, and

there were these seconds

between him kissing me

and before the bad news

that it really felt like,

I don't know,

like we could be something.


he doesn't feel the same way?

His past just has

such a strong hold over him

and he can't shake it.


I know that feeling.

What do you mean?

I dipped the tiniest of toes

in the world of romance,

and it was like bungee jumping.

My heart was beating so fast!

Mom! Oh, come here!

Past relationships,

they leave their marks.

Your father certainly did

on the both of us.

He did great!

There you go. Go to Mommy!

Good job.

Keep brushing your teeth.

- Dr. Lopez?

- Yes?

Cam, I'd like to talk

to you about something.


I wanted to thank you for

taking on so many of my patients

as I start to scale back.

- Of course!

- Right there.

In fact, I've delayed

looking for another dentist

to join the practice

because I think

it should be your choice

who we hire.


Uh, thank you. That means a lot.

Well, you mean

a lot to this practice.

That's why, when I retire,

I want to leave it to you.


Well... Wow, I...

I don't even know what to say.

Well, don't say

anything just yet.

Think it over.

It's a lot of responsibility.

Well, I can handle


Oh, I have no doubt of that,

but you've gotta want to.

That's the difference.

Here you go.

Oh, no.

It's not

that bad.

Mar, I look like

Little Red Riding Hood

skipped Grandma's house

and went to prom.

At least it's rojo!

How did this happen?

Uh, essentially, um,

because you told her

to do her thing.

So she

she did her thing.

Well, I mean,

I can't wear this, right?

You strut into that party

with confidence,

and I truly believe

you could make anything work.

Okay, okay. Maybe you ask Lupe

to remake the dress?

By tomorrow?!

No, there's no chance!

You know what?

It's okay.

I am going to pay for this

and I will go buy something

at the mall.

Oh, no!

No, no, no,

you can't buy off the rack

for something this important.

Well, uh, okay,

then I'll rent something.

No! No, no!

Well, what do you want me

to do with all of this?

Okay, I...

Ooh! I...

I will make you a dress.

Okay, no, no, it's okay.

Oh, wow... Okay!

Thank you for staying up

late to do this.

You are amazing.

And tomorrow,

my mom and I are gonna handle

everything pre-party

so you can sleep in.

Oh, no, no, I'm happy to do it!

Plus, a little stress

will help me sew faster.

I love this.

Can we use this?

- Yes, of course.

- Thank you!


What happened with the condo?

Is it a go?

Oh, no. No, no.

Evan's friend of a friend

forgot to mention

one very important detail...

He planned to live

in the other bedroom.



It's fine. We just have to,

uh, adjust our expectations.

Well, what if...

What if you guys didn't have to?

What do you mean?

I don't know,

just with everything that's

gone on this past month,

I'm just kind of thinking

why I got into dentistry

in the first place.

To help people.

Like Barb.


Do you remember in college

when I almost went to

work with a non-profit

and they would do dentistry

in all sorts of

underprivileged areas?

I do remember.

You asked Dr. Be no it

to sponsor the program

when you first started

working with him.

Well, I looked it up and they

have some positions

open in Mexico.

And I was thinking

what if I move to Mexico?

I mean, I can continue

to learn Spanish,

and I could really get into

my roots and find out

more about

where my dad came from.


I just feel like that's

where I'm supposed to be.

I think it's a great idea.



If you go,

I'm gonna miss you so much.

But I am totally turning your

room into my sewing room.

Oh, wow.

- Muah!

- Wow.

Here's a few more.

Oh, wow.

Thank you.

Buenos das, birthday girl!

Hi, Mom.


Brought your favourite...

Bagels from Just My Lox.

Thank you.

How are you feeling?



I have to tell Dr. Be no it

by the end of the day

whether or not I want

to take over the practice.


you were the one who told me

to take a leap, didn't you?


Have you heard from Javi?

If you want him there

as a friend,

you really should call him.

It just got really

complicated, Mom.

Whatever you decide,

you have worked really hard

and I want you to enjoy every

minute because you deserve it.


Uh, I think I started

hallucinating just a little bit,

but I finished!


What do you think?

You hate it.

- You hate it!

- No!


I love it!

I just... I don't even have

enough words to tell you

how much I love it!

Okay, well, don't

get too excited.

You have to try it on first.

- Thank you.

- But also, um...





I-I told him you were,

uh, running errands

and he said he could wait.

So I'm just gonna let you two

have your, uh, "conversacon."

Feliz Cumpleaos!

Thank you.

Big 3-0!

And, uh,

it's a big night tonight.

Yeah, it's a big night.

Well, you've worked really hard.

You should be proud.

Oh, I mean, it took a team.

Well, I just wanted you to know

that tonight's gonna be amazing,

just like you.

Thank you.

Is that, uh,

what you came here to tell me?

No, no. No, actually, um...

I-I have some really good news.

Uh, I spoke to the HR department

at the school

and I told them

that I was interested

in a full-time position,

and they said that there's

actually an opportunity

as a fourth-grade teacher

next year.


I mean, that's

really incredible.

Yes, and I'm gonna take it,

and I'm gonna stay here.

I'm gonna stick around.

I'm gonna plant

some roots and I...

You... you inspire me, Camila.

You commit to

everything you do, 100%.

That's the person

that I want to be, too.

Javi, I'm so happy for you.

Hey, I'm sorry

about the other night.

After Elena, I...

Look, I tend to run away

from everything.

I go from one place

to the next and I just...

I'm scared.

I'm scared of

committing to a job.

I'm scared of committing

to a relationship.


I'm afraid if I open up,

I'll get hurt again.

That's understandable.

But you

you are worth the risk.


I'm moving to Mexico.

The truth is, you were

the one that inspired me.

Your Spanish classes got me

excited about my culture

and my roots.

You reminded me of a dream

that I had back in college.

I love helping people,

so I'm gonna do that.

I'm gonna go work

with a non-profit in Mexico,

and I'm really excited.


I see.


I'm happy for you.

Thank you.

I wish I would have

told you how I felt sooner.

Oh, no.

We both had a lot of life stuff

that we had to figure out.

And we did.

- And it's good.

- Yeah.

We are so much better

having met.

Yeah. I think I should go,

so you can get ready

for your party.



Will you be my chambelan?


I don't want

to toot my own horn, but...

Toot, toot! Our girl looks good.

She sure does.

Are you ready?

I am.


We've got this.

- Just breathe!

- Can't talk, I'm counting!

I just want to say thank you

all for coming here tonight.

This double quinceaera

would not be possible without

a few very important people.

So, as a thank you,

I would love to light a candle

for each of them.

This first candle

is for my mom,


Mom, you...

You are my confidante.

My biggest cheerleader.

I don't know

what I would be without you.

Thank you.

- I love you.

- I love you.

This next candle

is for my crazy friend, Maren.


You have been my best friend

since the second grade.

You always push me

out of my comfort zone,

but it is exactly what I needed.

Love you, friend.

I love you.

Now, this, um,

this next candle is,

for my friend,

and my Spanish teacher, Javi.


Javi, you helped me discover

a side of myself that...

I didn't even know existed.

And thanks to you,

I can feel my dad all around us.

And that is the greatest gift

I could have ever asked for.

Thank you.

Oh, that's lovely...

This next candle is,

for my father, Armando.

You know, there wasn't

a single phone call where

he didn't say,

"I love you, Mija."

And as a kid growing up,

I would be

so embarrassed by that.

If you don't know, "mija"

in Spanish means "daughter"

and I just wanted him to call me.

Sweetheart or Pumpkin.

And what I wouldn't give to

hear him say that one more time.

You know...

I almost didn't

celebrate my 30th

because I just kept thinking

how difficult it would be

without my dad here.

In English, we say,

"I am thirty."

Like we are no longer

the person that we once were.

And in Spanish, we say,

"Ten go treinta aos,"

which means,

"I have thirty years."

And I love that because

it's like you get to

take all those years

and store them up with you.

All of the

the joys, all of the memories,

those just get to

come with you everywhere.


I realized that

my dad is here with me,

no matter how old I am.

So with these 30 years

that I have,

I want to thank you

because you all

helped make me who I am today.

So this last candle...

This is not just for me,

this is for all of you.

I love you so much

and thank you for being here.

That was a beautiful speech.

Thank you.

Shall we?

We shall, chambelan.

Okay, what...

What if...

What if I came

with you to Mexico?

Huh... what?

Uh, what about

your job as a teacher?

Well, I was offered

the job at the school.

I'm sure I can get

a job teaching in Mexico.

Look, I'd have more time

to get to know you better.

I'm sorry, I-I just thought

maybe it was a good idea,

but I...


Is that a yes?

That is most definitely a yes.

I almost forgot.

Happy Birthday.

I love this.


this isn't the end of our story.

I feel like it's

just the beginning.

Like I said, Camila Lopez,

there's nothing you can't do.