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01x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 08/31/23 06:41
by bunniefuu
MUSIC: La Route Est Dure
by Georgia Brown

♪ La route est dure
La vie est morne

♪ Mon ame est sur d'aucune borne

♪ Que dois-je faire avec ma vie

♪ Quand toute la terre s'est
endurcie? ♪

Le Peuple.

Thank you.

It's w*r. w*r.

European peace is what I am aiming

..and I hope that this journey

may open the way to get it.






But, Herr Hitler,

I have secured from the French
and Czechoslovak government

all the demands which you yourself

I have gone further.

I have now agreed that without any
question of a plebiscite,

the Sudeten territories
shall be ceded to Germany.

What more do you want?



The situation has changed.


I have made a new timetable
and it cannot be altered.

Timetable? For what?


You have come too late. I shall
occupy the territories

in two days' time.


Then why have me make the journey?

I must say, Mr Chancellor,
that you appear to have no intention

whatsoever of securing peace.

Was hat er gesagt?







We are informed that Dr Benes'
government has just ordered

a general mobilisation.



Jacques isn't done yet.
He was working late last night.

Every time we meet alone, her first
words are always about her husband.

Sit down. There are two letters for
you. Oh, thank you, Odette.

Have you seen the paper?

Not yet.

I haven't had the heart
to look at it. Hmm?

The news, at the moment.



What's the joke?

It's from Boris. A questionnaire on
why I haven't written to him.

He says, "Please
delete where inappropriate.

"One, I am well, not well.

"Two, the reason for my silence
is pardonable, unpardonable,

"ill will, lunacy, perversity,
sheer bloody laziness."

"I will write you a long
letter in dash days from now.

"Fill in dash."

Where is he now?

In Biarritz with Lola. So,
they are still together?

They never really parted.

He's rather young, isn't he?

Does that matter?

Suppose not.

Are you a group two man?

Yes. But I shan't be leaving

This other letter is from Gomez.

He's coming here to see me on

Sunday? Mmm. He didn't give his

I can't get in touch. But won't you
get into trouble?

I have to report to the barracks
in Nancy. It's quite a journey.

I doubt if they'll fuss
over a slight delay.

Only hours left, then.


Is Daddy leaving tomorrow?

Yes, darling.

Is he going back to Spain?

Not immediately.

He's going to spend the last day of
his leave with your Uncle Mathieu.

I wrote to him, Sarah.
I like to know what he's up to.

I can't let him down.
Of course not.

Bang, bang, bang. I'm going to k*ll
them all!

k*ll who, eh?

The Fascists. Like you do, Dad.

Good boy! k*ll the lot.

Look, you've forgotten that one -
over there.

Bang, bang, bang, bang,
bang, bang, bang!

Gomez, how could you.

Oh, what? Bringing him that
as a present.

Our son must learn to fight.

Else he become a coward
like the French.

I don't see that people
should be called cowards

because they don't want to fight.
There are times when
one ha

You were a pacifist
when we first met.

That was the right time
to be a pacifist.

The ends have not changed.

The means for attaining
them is different -

that is all. Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Take that, you dirty French coward,
you. Stop him.

Pablo, don't attack the French.
They're not fascists.

No, but they're yellow through and

so they've got to be k*lled.


Oh, my poor dear brother.

Odette's just told me.

I shan't be going today, you know.
No, I know. Won't you get

into trouble? A few hours shouldn't
make any difference.t

Well, my dear chap, what can
I possibly say to you?

And with other wars, you could
always say to a fellow,

you're going off to fight
for your children, your liberty,

your property, you're going
to defend France.

But with this one, ha,

you, er, you don't answer.

Yes, I can understand it.
You feel trapped.

You feel desperate.
Not at all.


Now, don't tell me you're resigned
to going off like some sheep
[font color="♪fffff

I've been called up, so I'm going.

Yes, but is it a w*r worth fighting?

That to me is secondary importance.

My dear Mathieu, you stagger me.

You really do. Why?

Where's the turbulent, sarcastic,
cynical brother I had, hmm?

The man who'd never
allow himself to be fooled.

Yes. Well, I can't form any firm

on this Czechoslovakian issue.

It's outside my province,
so I'm, er,

merely doing what everybody else

Well, I'll tell you about
this Czechoslovakian issue.

The situation's absolutely clear.

Benes, their president, was pledged
to establish Czechoslovakia

as a federation of states
on the Swiss model and that was

agreed at the peace conference,
but, oh, no, not Benes.

No, he has placed the Sudeten
Germans under Czech administration -

Czech laws, Czech police. The
Germans under Hitler want to protect

their brothers, and rightly so.

And now France proposes...
France! The land of liberty

intends that it should shed her
blood so that Czech officials might

go on tormenting its German

And to see you going along
with this crass, illiberal stupidity

makes me extremely hot
under the collar.

Oh, come off it, Jacques.

It isn't their own administration
the Sudetens want now,

it's union with Germany. Oh,
Mathieu, don't talk like my

concierge and call them Sudetens,

The Sudetens are mountains.
Say Sudeten Germans, if you like,

or simply Germans.

They ARE Germans - who've
been goaded beyond endurance

and want to join their fatherland.
What's wrong in that?


To think that my brother,
a university scholar,

should so abandon the most
elementary principles of human

conduct to say he's going
off to the slaughter

because he cannot do otherwise...
No, that I really cannot endure.

If there are many like you, my dear
fellow, it's all up with France,
[font color="♪f

What would you like me to do?

What? I said... We're still
a d

I imagine there is still such
a thing in France as public opinion.

Well? Well, if millions of

instead of futile quarrels,

had closed their ranks and said
to the government,

"So the Sudeten Germans want to
return to the bosom of their own

"people, do they? Then let them.
It's their own affair,"

the politicians would have piped
down soon enough, I'll tell you.

Oh, Mathieu, I know
you're prejudiced against Hitler,

but I do think, as a reasonable man,
you might try to look at the other

side of the coin.

It's a young and energetic regime.

Not our culture, admittedly,
but it exercises an undeniable

attraction on the nations
of Central Europe.

Aren't we wrong in interfering
with a whole way of life,

simply because it doesn't
happen to be ours?

♪ Sah ein Knab' ein Roslein stehen

♪ Roslein auf der Heiden

♪ w*r so jung und morgenschon

♪ Lief er schnell, es nah zu sehn

♪ Sah's mit vielen Freuden

♪ Roslein, Roslein, Roslein rot

♪ Roslein auf der Heiden

♪ Knabe sprach
Ich breche dich

♪ Roslein auf der Heiden!

♪ Roslein sprach
Ich stech dich

♪ Dass du ewig denkst an mich

♪ Und ich will's nicht leiden!

♪ Roslein, Roslein, Roslein rot

♪ Roslein auf der Heiden. ♪


Well, you're entitled
to your opinion.

Jacques thinks I ought to be more
upset about being called up.

He's telling me I'm going to get
k*lled for nothing.

It's pure lunacy.
Worst case of su1c1de in history.

Whatever happens, we can't win.

France will lose three or four
million men,

and become a second-class power.
That'll be the result of this w*r.

Let's only hope Neville Chamberlain
might bring our government to its
[font color="♪

You really think the English
will stand by us in this madness?

Do you think the English will allow
Czechoslovakia to continue as it is

with his army of . million,

its modern-arms industry,
and nine nationalities at each

Could there be a bigger time b*mb?

The English aren't stupid.


My first duty... that I am back,

is to report to the French and
British governments

on the results of my mission.

But until I have done so... would be difficult for me
to say any more.


Just to think, this fat old cow
beside me is my wife.

Well, I wanted a high-powered
catastrophe, and I certainly got it.

And what's worse, she adores me.

Do you really think there's
going to be a w*r?

Oh, God, if only a w*r would come.

How I should wallow in that sea
of hatred.

Do you, Daniel?

A w*r? No.

No, I don't.

If only I could believe you.

Good afternoon, Emile.


Oh, to have my hands on his thighs
while he digs.

And then to slide them slowly
upwards, feeling the ripples

of those dorsal muscles,
to bathe my fingertips in the moist

shadows of his armpits.

I don't think you're right,
you know.

Mobilisation has already begun.

CROSSLY: Why doesn't she clear off
and take her afternoon nap?

My dear Marcelle, appearances
can be deceptive -

above all in politics.


We shall mobilise , men.

Hitler will send rolling
armoured divisions,

after which, the statesmen,
having satisfied their consciences,

will have a quiet little talk
around the table.

I see.

If only it had got something to
compensate for that lack of brain.

But female flesh makes me puke.

Women's bodies are like rubber
and boned meat.

You always get more than enough
to fill your hands.

Ah, there's a body, if you like.

It cries out for the touch
of a sculptor.

A sinewy back.

A tight little rump.

Stop it. I'm reformed.

I mustn't drift into that again.

Oh, but, Christ, how can I go
on living with this great hulk

of nauseating femininity?

w*r. That's the answer, w*r!

Let it turn all bodies, M and F,
into wrecked,

bleeding, dismembered pieces
of meat.

Better that than be haunted
for ever by this eternal round

of furtive desires.

But surely...

What was that, my dear?

Surely Germany is geared to w*r.

And there's scarcely anything more
we can do to satisfy Hitler.

When... We will satisfy Hitler
to our utmost, my dear.

Then Hitler will withdraw.

Hitler will appear to be most
benign and magnanimous, my darling.

You think so? I do.

A young god.

Oh, stow it, for Christ's sake!

You're an old queen. That's you.

Every time you see a young boy
half-naked in the sunshine, you say

"a young god". Stale thoughts,
you old fairy, you.

w*r won't change a thing
for you, will it?

You'll haunt the railway stations,
luring young soldiers to your flat

for the night.

And however smelly and pimply
they are, your practised lips

will murmur automatically
"a young god".

A man accompanies himself for ever.

ALOUD: Come.

You mustn't worry about things.
You're missing your siesta.

The doctor said that you need a lot
of rest.

I feel so ashamed.

I seem to spend all day
in my bedroom.

THINKS: Yes, thank God.

I bet you haven't written
to your mother. Oh, that's true.f

Oh, I'm a bad girl. Well, I'll do it
before I go to sleep.

No, you go and rest.

I'll write to her myself.

Oh, Daniel.

A letter from her son-in-law.
She'll be so proud.

I married her because I thought
I might come face-to-face

with the real horror of myself.

Here's the result - I laze in a
garden, sipping brandy, enjoying

all the old desires.

If anybody knew about me,
they'd loathe me.

A pervert with a wretched,
twisted mind.

But when I try to hate myself,
it all becomes indulgent,

woolly, insubstantial.

Only through others can I recognise
the filth and horror within me.

I want the whole world to hate me.

Perhaps then...

..I might feel that I exist.

Do you want something, monsieur?

What were you digging?

I was burying a dead dog, monsieur.

It's getting a little hot out here.
I think I shall go and rest.


♪ Toodle-uma-luma-luma

♪ Toodle-aye-ay

♪ Any umbrellas, any umbrellas
to mend today?

♪ He'll patch up your troubles,
then go on his way

♪ Singing

♪ Toodle-uma-luma-luma-toodle-ay

♪ Any umbrellas to mend today? ♪

Gentlemen, I have heard
your arguments,

but I still refuse to mobilise.

If we did, the gesture might provoke
Hitler into an immediate

air attack upon London.

If you cannot conceive
of that horror, I can.

THINKS: He sees me.

He sees me.

That is it.

At long last, I am myself.

I exist in his look.

He searches me to the depths.

He knows me for what I am -

Coward, hypocrite, pederast.

For all eternity.

I am not alone.

Here I am, then.

Here I am as you see me.

I do not know myself,
but you know me.

I cannot support myself,
but you support me.

Your look eternally recreates me.

Hated, despised, yet sustained.

Transmuted into myself.

Your presence will have me
continue thus for ever.

I am infinite and infinitely guilty.

I am.

Before God and before men,

I am.

Ecce h*m*.



What's wrong?

I'm sorry, dear.
I can't stand it.

Don't you care that millions of men
are going to be k*lled?

Well, answer me.

We all die.

We are dying from the day
we are born.

With all respect, that's
intellectual claptrap, my dear wife.

Thank you. I'm asking my brother,
who has a degree in philosop

What is it all about?

You want an answer?
Oh, please.

Or, we can if you like, play an
intellectual game,

or we can accept
that the question is futile. Hmm?

We're on a futile journey
towards the grave.

Ah, then why are we here?


For nothing.

Ecce h*m*.

Oh, look at that.
They're all clearing out.

Good. We'll have the hotel
all to ourselves.

Or be able to change our room
at least.

Two Pernod, please.

You know there were only ten people
at the casino last night? T

I made them all sit at the
centre tables,

and walked around and whispered
my songs in their ears.

Why do they do a bunk?
Really, they'd be better off here.

They might get home and find
their house has been bombed.

At least they'd be at home. What?

You don't understand that?

Well, frankly, no.

After a certain age, people
like to meet trouble at home.

What are you laughing at? At you!

You are a scream, Lola.

There you sit, talking about how
middle-aged people feel

and you don't know anything about
it. You've never had a home.


You're being very nice to me.
Are you complaining?


Why are you doing it?

Perhaps I'm growing up.

I intend to study you.

Do you? Hmm.

Well, you know the saying, study one
woman only and study her well

and you'll know
the whole race of women.

Perhaps you'll find out too much.

Don't you worry about that.

MUSIC: La Marseillaise

A thoroughly sound technique.

I approve.

Well, a method's essential,

otherwise everything's woolly.

I'm so glad I came.

Here I am, then, God.

Here I am as you made me -

an irredeemable, dirty-minded
old pervert.

Right, you've put me here.
Now sustain me.

I'm as q*eer as a coot,
for ever and ever, amen.

Why have you done it to me?

Ah-ah. God's purpose
must not be questioned.

You did it, not me.

You'd like me to serve
the everlasting as an old queen?

Don't worry, it'll be done.

What's more, you must love
yourself in me,

o thou who has created monsters.

Do you know something, God?

|I feel remarkably calm
and sanctified.

Hello, there.

Oh! Well, colonel, how goes it?

General. What?
You are talking to a general.

I don't believe it. Promotion's
very rapid in your army, isn't it?
[font color="♪f

You are looking well.

My luxury tan.
Lazing on the beach.

Where shall we go?
Oh, little restaurant, I think.

We could go back
to where I'm staying.

Your brother and his wives?
It's not all that amusing.

Let's go to a place where
there's music and women.

I just spent a week with my family.

Well, we'll go to the Provencal.

There's a message from the Czechs.

Well, read it, then.

"My government has now studied
the document and the map.

"It is a de facto ultimatum,
such as commonly presented

"to a conquered nation, and not
a proposal to a sovereign state

"which has shown every readiness
to make sacrifices

"for the sake of European peace.

"Mr Hitler's government
has shown not the faintest trace

"of a similar disposition.

"My government is astonished
by the contents of the memorandum.

"The proposals go far beyond
what we agreed to

"in the so-called
Anglo-French plan.

"They deprive us of all safeguards
for our national existence.

"We are to allow the German armies
to penetrate deeply

"into our territory.

"Not only must we deliver intact
our carefully prepared

"fortifications to the Germans, but
those of my people who do not wish

"to live under the German regime
are told they must leave home

"without the right to take their
personal possessions with them.

"A peasant family is not even
allowed to take with them their cow.

"My government wishes to declare
with all possible solemnity

"that Mr Hitler's demands under
their present form are absolutely

"and unconditionally unacceptable
to my government.

"Against these new and cruel
demands, my government feels

"constrained to offer a supreme

"and with the help of God,
will do so.

"The nation of Saint Wenceslas,
of Jan Hus, Tomas Masaryk,

"will not be a nation of slaves.

"We rely upon the two great Western
democracies whose wishes we have

"followed against our better

"to stand with us
in our hour of trial."

Is that all?
That is all.

More trouble.

Daladier and Bonnet will
be here in an hour's time.

I find this document inopportune,
to say the least.

Written, perhaps, to impress
the French when they arrive.

Cows. What's all this about cows?

It's so very uncalled for.

Personally, I was rather moved
by it.

Moved? My dear fellow, we are
conducting a negotiation.

We must not allow our hearts
to go to our heads,

or we will lose the game.

And what about Marcelle?

Sarah told me it's all over
between you.


She married Daniel.
Oh! A strange choice.

Still, it gives you your freedom,
doesn't it?

Freedom for what?

Marcelle wasn't your type.


Ah. There's your music.

So I hear.

What about the women?

When I was here last week,
you couldn't budge for a skirt.

A lot has happened since last week.
Hm. I think people are beginning

to understand what's happening.
Ah, the French understand nothing.

A Spaniard understands.

So does a Czech - even a German,
because they're in it.

The French aren't.
They understand nothing.

They are afraid. That is all.

When... When people's minds are
being geared to peace,

it's very difficult to change
over to w*r.

I did it like that.

Do you think I didn't enjoy
the peaceful existence

of being a painter?
You're different.

Oh, you talk like my wife.

Yeah, it's stupid, but I had
a feeling you were going to turn up

in uniform. Uniform? Mm.

Would you like to see me in uniform?



Oh, yeah. That's very imperious.

Oh, I have to be.

Yes. It is a farce.

A couple of days from now,
I'll be in uniform.

I doubt if I'll look as fierce
as you, though. Are you an offi

No, a private. Oh,
all Frenchmen are privates.[font colo

And all Spaniards are generals.

Now, look at that.

Mars and Venus.

A bit more your style.

She's a bit young, though?

. What?

w*r matures them.

Here's me in action.

Oh, no... No. Fighting.


Where was that taken?
Madrid. The university.

Fighting is still going on.

You know her?


An actress. She's kept by a rich
industrialist from Lyon. Ah.[

You've nothing to lose
but your chains.

THINKS: None but the brave deserves
the fair.

He deserves her. He's fought.

Behind him lie burning
villages, scorched earth,

the cracking of r*fles, the bursting
of mortars...

..blood and sand.

I've never had the fair.

I've never slept with one
of these healthy,

radiant, sensual women,

fit only for warriors.

My women have always been the odd,
the rejects.

In fact, I wouldn't even dare
approach the fair.

I know I don't deserve them.

I'm not the brave.

Evening. Evening.
Not many people in tonight.

I usually keep open till All Saints,

but if this goes on, I shall close
down the st of October.

When will you open again? If w*r
comes, I reckon I shall stay s

What will you drink? The usual?

, , , , .


Oh, your contract expires at the end
of the month.

It means we've got five
more days here. What of it?

I'm just beginning to get
a taste for the finite.

Who's she? No, it's nice to know
when things are going to end

It helps you to appreciate
them all the more.

What are you hinting at?

Hinting? All your kindness
to me lately. What's behind it?fo

I'm not with you. You're not just
giving me a good time befor

leave me, are you? Now, where do you
get that idea from?

All this talk about things
coming to an end.

That's just my new
philosophical posture.

You see, we tend to think that
everything is infinitely renewable.

Well, like cigarettes.

I can take the cigarette,
I can light it and smoke it

without ever feeling
the intensity of the experience.

Because I know that a little later,
I shall be smoking another.

But that's the wrong attitude, Lola.

Everything carries the tag
of finality.

Is this my lecture for the evening?

Sorry. No, go on.
I love it when you're clever.

Well, now you're really
putting me off. No, please.

What were you saying about
the intensity of experience?

The phrase is magic.

All right, I'll make you laugh.

Now, this morning, in pursuit
of my present philosophical posture,

I made a few calculations.

Now, assuming that I die in ...

Oh, yes. Give or take six months,
that's when I'll die.

You don't say. Well, Lola, if I
continue my post-graduate stud

to doctorate level, that will mean
before I enter the army.

And we add to that six months'
training, six months' fighting.

Yes, I should say early
would be a fair estimate.

You're not going to die. Over my
dead body. Over your dead bod

Supposing... Supposing that I enter
the army next year.

Next year, but you said...
Yes, I know,

but let's just say it's next year.
Yes, but why next year?

Well, Lola, if thousands of men
are being k*lled

while I'm just lazing about
the Sorbonne, then the philosophy

will have to be readjusted.

You do shift your ground, don't you?

That's philosophy.

Well, very well. Assuming that I go
into a bar twice a day.

That's two times .

That's grogs in front of me.

The paucity of grogs that lies
ahead really shocks me.

How about the other thing?

Oh, the other thing, yes.
I thought we'd get to that.

All right, so suppose we average
out at three times a week. Hmm

Well, all right, . , then.

So that's . times two times ,

which is seven times .

That's times.


Well, it's still not a lot.


So the answer's intensity.
Of experience. Yes.[font col

You know, you're a wonderful lover.

Am I?

Do you question it?

Well, you've had other men.
I've only had you.

Would you like to have other women?

No. In my philosophy,
when time's short,

only the fool goes in for diversity.

The, er... The wise man goes in for
intensity of experience.


Would you like to see the rest
of my calculations? Mm-hm.t



That's it.

The French government has undertaken
certain commitments

towards Czechoslovakia.

If the Czech government
maintains its refusal

of the German proposals,

and if in consequence of that

it becomes
the victim of aggression,

the French government will regard
itself as under an obligation

to fulfil its commitments.

Yes. Yes, obviously.

What in that eventuality
would be the position

of the British government?

Come in.

Why are you smiling?
It's charming.

If you like it, you can come
here as often as you wish.

I am leaving, my dear, tomorrow.


Where are you going? Spain.

But there's a w*r.
I am a soldier on leave.

Which side?

Which side would YOU prefer?

Franco's side. Do I look it?!

A single night.

Not much, is it?

And, for once, I've found a man
I could really fall for.

I come back

when Franco has won the w*r.

I won't be long.


There are army linesmen.
Come and look!

They're full of soldiers with g*ns.

What's Daddy doing now,
do you think?

I expect he's planning his next


Ah. Ah, there we are -
all ready for the off.

Hmm? Oh. Oh, yes.

What are you doing?
Trying to pick up Germany.

What? Hitler's speaking tonight.

Yes, I reckon it's a bad earth,
don't you?

Er, could be.
They rot away.

What do? Hmm?

Those things
you stick in the ground.

Look, the train doesn't go
for another half an hour.

I'd like to get it fixed. Ah!

Shove this in the ground, instead.
Brainwave, eh?

I won't be long.

Packed? Yes.

Ah, I've written to Ivich.
I wonder... Yes,

I'll get the girl to post it for
you. Thank you.

I've put in two wings of chicken

and a little of that pate
which I know you like,

and there's some ham sandwiches.

I filled the thermos with wine.
I thought you might like some

Thank you, Odette.

Put your finger there, will you?

Would you like some
hard-boiled eggs?

No. No, thank you.


That's done.

Um... Are you going see me off
at the station?

I think not. I'm sure Jacques would
rather be alone with you

for the last few minutes.

Will you write to me?
Afraid not.

I'll send you parcels, instead.

I'd like you to write to me.

Well, sometimes, you might find
a little note between the cigarettes

and the soap.

I'll say goodbye, then.




Ah, now we're getting somewhere.

Bit of fine adjusting
and we'll be there.

Said your farewells to Odette?

Well, we'd better get
you on your way, then.

♪ Les mains se tendent
de tous cotes

♪ Les chaines sont lourdes

♪ Puis-je les oter?

♪ Un seul pas contre la tyrannie

♪ Une raison d'etre

♪ Dans toute ma vie

♪ La route est dure mais
je suis forte

♪ Mon ame est sure la peur est morte

♪ Je sais quoi faire avec la vie

♪ Quand toute la terre
sera affranchie. ♪