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Catch That Kid (2004)

Posted: 09/04/23 09:10
by bunniefuu
Oh, no.

- Hi, Mom.
- Hello, Madeline. What are you doing?


Over spring break? You're not climbing,
are you? I don't want you to be climbing.

No, Mom. I'm not climbing.

- They've been waiting for you.
- Just one second.

I'm gonna be late, so I'm gonna need you to...

Pick up Max from day care. Surprise.

It's not gonna be forever.
It's just until I finish this project.

- All right. I'll be right down.
- Down?

- Over. You know what I mean.
- OK.

I'll see you a little later. I love you.

Good afternoon, Mrs Phillips.
Nice of you to join us.

Are you aware that your company's deadline
for getting my bank online was 23 hours ago?

Mr Brisbane, I did inform you that
due to the age of the building...

The primary shareholders will be here
for the opening of the bank next Friday night.

As I have said, the system will not
have been tested and I cannot...

That party will take place
with or without your consent.

- This is a complex...
- Hartmann.

Don't tell me how to run my bank, all right?
You work for me, remember?

Now, when I turn around,
both of you will be gone.

And the race is under way.

Number 11, Bad Chad, into the pits.

As they go into turn number one.

Hey, ret*rd. I'm losing the race
cos you don't know what you're doing.

I can't believe Mom made me hire you
as my lead mechanic. Damn!


You better pray this works.

Looks like number 11, Bad Chad,
is finally out of the pits.

Come on, man. Come on, come on.

Chris "The Crusher" pulling tight.
Bad Chad back into the pack.

Looks like that front axle may have gone out.
Number 11, Bad Chad, is out of the race.

- Good job, dorkus!
- You stupid...


There she is. My leading lady. My star.

Sound, speed and... action!



Hey! Fartknocker!

I'm gonna k*ll you.

Stop it.

Cut it out. Cut it out!

Not so tight! Let go.

- Hi.
- Come on. Pick on someone your own size.

Climber girl.

Go contaminate someone else.

Look, here comes Captain Cool.
Loser number three.

I'm having a barbecue at my house
if you guys wanna come.

- Definitely.
- Hey.

I don't if you heard but Bad Chad picked up
a shift at your momma's bank.

I'll be with Lieutenant Ferrell in security.

One step closer to being a cop.

Don't worry, Ferrell won't let Bad Chad
carry a w*apon. He's an intern.

Trainee! Buttmunch.

Sorry. He's training to be a buttmunch.

So immature. Isn't he?

OK, folks.
Race number three will start in five minutes.

So let's get ready to step on the gas
and let's kick some butt. It's race time.


But what? Hey, kiddo. What's up?

Mom needs me to pick up
Max from day care. Again.

- Won't be forever, sweetie.
- Now you sound like Mom.

And that's so terrible?

You OK?

Is this a new style that the kids are sporting?

- Dad, don't freak out.
- When do I ever freak out?

It's just that there are a thousand other sports
that don't involve falling 100ft to your death.

You said standing on Everest
was the best day of your life.

No. No, I said it was one of
the best days of my life.

Look. See, I even wore the hat you gave me.

I don't understand what the problem is
with me trying to be like you.

Do we have to discuss this every day?

Just till I turn 18.

OK, race fans.
Here we are. The last race of the day.

Drivers, get in position.

Mr P, can I ask you a very serious question?

Only if you want a very serious answer.

Do ladies like guys
who build stuff with their hands?

Or do they go for the nerds
who play computer games and stuff?

What he means is, do women prefer a low-IQ
?ber-male who only know about spark plugs,

or do they prefer a true artist
who has both sensitivity and a brain?

That's a very difficult question, boys,
but I'm afraid I'm not the one to ask.

- Hey, Madeline Rose.
- No, no.

Dad, don't call me that.

- What are you doing?
- Nothing. Nothing.

It's an old climber's trick.

You'll have a scar.
Why do you get all the cool stuff?

It's true. Women love scars.
This drives Maddy's mom crazy. Check it out.

- That's gross.
- You can touch it.

- Is this when you fell?
- Yeah. 100ft free fall.


Stop touching. Bad touch. OK.

- Hey, stranger.
- Not you too.

- Now, this is a nutritious dinner.
- Please, don't give me a hard time.

We just miss you. Especially Maddy.

And I don't wanna have to set my alarm
for the middle of the night

just so I can have a date with my wife.

Would you like to go dancing?

I have to go back to work. I can't...

You have to do this first. OK?

Quit messing around.
I can't hold you up. I can't...

Tom? What's going on?

I can't feel my legs.

Where does it hurt? Tom?

Can you hear me? Tom?


The injury probably occurred
during his accident.

There must be something that you can do.
Isn't there any kind of emergency surgery?

Not here. A private medical facility in
Denmark has done testing on this injury.

OK. Let's go, then.

It's experimental,
and even though it's been successful...

- We'll try anything.
- Your insurance won't cover it.

- How much?
- What?

How much does the surgery cost?
We'll pay for it.


We'll pay it, Mom.
Mom, tell her we'll pay it.

Mom... we can pay it.

Mom, tell her we'll pay it. Please.


What happens if your dad
doesn't get the operation?

We'll go door to door. Everyone
loves your dad. They'll give us money.

- I could sell my camera.
- It's $250,000. You know how much that is?

I have a coin collection.

They're rare.

What if I borrow half?

And then I can make...

No, it doesn't exceed that.

Personal collateral?

We own a go-kart track.

Let's cut to the chase, shall we, Mrs Phillips?

You're not qualified
for a personal loan of this size.

I understand, but my husband is sick
and I was hoping...

Yes. Yes, I am aware of that, Mrs Phillips.

Doesn't it mean anything
that I work for the bank?

But you're freelance, aren't you?

From a security company.

A company, which, under your guidance,
has been unable to provide my bank

with a fully operational security system
in the allotted time stated in the contract.

Don't you have a heart?

This is not an emotional issue, Mrs Phillips.

A bank has no heart.

Only paper in a vault.

It's strange not being able to move.

I've been staring at the same spot
on the ceiling for the past three hours.

Mom can't come up with the money, Dad.

I escaped death on that climb, Maddy.

20ft from the summit my gear stuck.

There was this perfect crack
all the way up to the top.

- You free climbed it?
- It was so easy.

I lost concentration and I fell.

But somebody or something was looking
out for me so I could go home, see you,

get to know what a great girl you are.

In a way that fall was the best thing
that could have happened to me.

You know I'd do anything for you.

Dad, we'll come up with the money.
I promise.

...200ft-high steel chamber
which houses the Lion Safe.

The system provides the best of new
technology and tried and true security,

making Harderbach Financial
the most secure a bank can be.

The entire system is run on a generator,
making power loss a virtual impossibility,

meaning the system would remain safe
even in the event of a city-wide blackout.

The project began in the fall of 2000,

and is the most advanced security install
to date for any bank in North America.

The halls are lined with hundreds
of motion-sensitive cameras.

Until the system has been fully tested,

the halls will be patrolled
after hours by attack dogs.

This all leads to the Lion Safe.

The safe is suspended
nearly 100ft off the ground

and is equipped to hold over $25 million
in cash and gold bullion.

Safety deposit boxes line the walls of this
chamber. Slated to be finished in April...

Are you crazy? We can't rob a bank.

- We'll pay them back.
- How?

I don't know. I'll work. I'll do anything.

You understand what happens
if we get caught?

We go to jail forever. Until we're 21.

No one will ever suspect us.

Adults treat us like
we're five years old anyway.

Tomorrow I'll go to work with my mom
and check out the bank.

Gus, you need to find out
who the architect is of the bank

and see if you can get a floor plan or a model.

And Austin... Austin'll take care of the dogs.

What dogs?

- Rottweilers.
- Vicious k*lling dogs.

Gus, come on. This is serious. Tomorrow I'll
try to check out my mom's security system.

- Mrs Phillips, who's that with you?
- My daughter.

I'll try to take as many pictures as I can.

You guys, I really need you.

- All right. For Mr P.
- For your dad.

OK, Maddy. Here we go.


Do you have any idea how fast you were
going? Save it, pal. License and registration.

That is the eye of God, Chad.

Do you see these people?

These are not people.
These are snakes in paradise.

Waiting for your weakest moment,
any chance you give them.

These people... not to be trusted.

My sweethearts.

Maddy, I love that you wanted
to come to work with me today,

but I have a lot of work to do
so I need you to keep up.

- Can I see the safe?
- That's just the old safe.

- The real one's upstairs.
- What are those?

- A motion detector.
- Can I see the new safe?

If Miss Fancy-pants Phillips
would have listened to me,

we wouldn't need
all this hi-tech flimflammery.

The dogs!

Dogs would have done all the work.

Dogs and my black belt.

Back to the monitor, maggot!

- Is your office upstairs?
- Yeah. I need to be near the safe.

Whoa. That thing looks like it's alive.

It's got a motion detector.
The guards can't watch all 100 cameras,

so when the camera picks up movement,
the light goes on and they can see us.

Watch. Stay completely still.

Climber girl.

It's pretty cool.

They'd better fix the ISP.
That side of the building is SLL.

I didn't think you were coming in today.

The party is Friday so I wanted to make sure
the system is as close as possible.

I spoke with Brisbane about the loan
and he wouldn't budge. I'm really sorry.

Oh, God.
We'll have to figure out some other way.

- Would you like a tour?
- Alan, that's really...

- Yeah, that'd be awesome.
- Great.

We'll start this way. I'll take good care of her.
Now, we're gonna begin...

I paid that phone bill!
I paid that phone bill last week!

Hi. My name's Aust...

- Easy!
- My name's Austin and I make movies.


Really? How may I help you?

I got this dog for my birthday and I was
hoping I could use him as a stunt dog...

- What kind of dog do you have?
- Budweiser?

- Rottweiler?
- Yeah.

I just happen to be a Rottweiler expert.

There is a really nice boy here
who's going to write an essay

about the design
of the Harderbach Financial building,

and he needs a floor-plan drawing
that he can use as a visual aid for his essay.

Are you freaking nuts?
You can't give bank floors plan to a kid!

Normally he's very nice.
But it's a little more difficult with banks.

I mean, imagine if you were a bank robber.

It's that last time I got a C in my essay
because I didn't have any visual aids,

and my stepdad, he...

Well, he gets a little...

Stay here.

You can't see it now,
but by the party we are hoping it's primo.

Down here is the security room,
ultra hi-tech. Your mom designed that, too.

You might notice the keypads, designed
to keep people out of the important areas.

- Who has the codes to all these?
- They're different from room to room.

But I have a code
that is good for the whole building.

- Cool.
- Come on.

D. E. N. I. R. O.

De Niro.

Look at that view.

This is the coolest office in the building.
It belongs to Mr Brisbane.

Check this out.

And get this. Your mom has rigged it so you
can control all the cameras from right here.

You talking to me?

Are you talking to me?

It's De Niro. I still do some acting.
This bank manager thing's just temporary.

Come on. You try.

- I don't know what to say.
- Say anything.

- Hi.
- Disgusting.


In this room there's a tunnel that leads to the
safe. I can only tell you a bit about the safe.

Only your mom understands the whole thing.
She designed it.

Whoa! No!

I can't wait till we get rid of these things.
They get me every time.


Rottweilers respond
to German commands only.

Ausfahrt, k*ller! Ausfahrt!

Say "Ausfahrt," kid.
Do it or he'll rip your throat out.

- Ass fart!
- Ausfahrt!

You must show them respect.

Ouch fart!

Wrong answer.

Ass fart! Ass fart!

Go away! Ass fart!

Get outta here, kid,
before I turn him loose on you.

No respect!

Come on. Come on.

Don't ever tell anybody where you got it.

I would never. Thank you.

They're gonna send out a search party for me.
Can you get back to your mom's office?

- Yeah. Thanks, Mr Hartmann.
- OK. Bye.

I'll see you tomorrow.

- Mr Hartmann?
- Yeah?

I think you'd make a really good actor.


The party's in two days. That's when
we'll hit the bank. Austin, how are the dogs?

The dogs are under control.

- Gus, the model looks cool.
- Piece of cake.

I thought that secretary was gonna adopt me.

Do you guys think we could do it?
Get the money?

- Are you kidding? Of course.
- Yeah, of course.

You, you're the best climber
in the whole state.

Yeah, and Austin's
some freak-of-nature computer genius.

Yeah, and Gus is...

Gus is disgusting.

Austin, this should be the height of the gate
at the bank. Watch carefully, OK?

OK, Austin. Your turn.

The kart doesn't control you.
You control the kart.

- Go.
- I got it!

Whoa. Hey! Whoa. Whoa.

Is there any way
you can make them quieter and faster?

You want a window or an aisle?

100psi of pure NOS.

OK, work for your daddy.

It's worked! I'm a genius!

How am I gonna stop?
Maybe I'm not a genius!

Mr Hartmann's a nice guy.
Do you have your script?

- Always prepared.
- "I'm always prepared."

Austin, you just have to get him
to say to turn the alarm off.

I know. I know.

- Come on. Hurry up.
- I'm coming. Wait for me!

Take it easy. Take it easy. Take it easy.

All right.

Maddy's home alone and scared of the dark.

You play her dad,
who walks in just as the alarm blares.

What do I do for a living?

I'm glad you asked.

You work for a specialized branch of the CIA.

I like that.
I've always wanted to play an assassin.

Here's your chance. You are a CIA assassin.

Can I get a water, please?
Can I talk to you for a second?


Which is stronger? Hair or no hair?

- I think hair.
- OK.

Six slick Schick supershavers.


This is scene one, take one.
Sound, speed and...


- Dad, is that you?
- Hey, take it easy. It's only me.

You were really good today, Austin.
Seriously, really good.

I just try to stay out of the way of my actors
and let the magic happen.

- Gus, we have to go over the plan.
- Go over the plan with your boyfriend.

What? He's not my boyfriend!

- So you'd rather go out with Gus?
- I never said that.

Are all boys this stupid?
I don't wanna go out with either of you.

If we're so stupid,
then why don't you rob the bank yourself?

- Fine! I will!
- Good luck rigging your go-kart.

Have a good time hacking into
the bank's computer by yourself.

This whole bank idea sucks.

Dad, I have to talk to you.
I'm gonna steal $250,000 from Mom's bank.

I have to climb 100ft to get to the safe,

way higher than
I've ever, ever climbed before.

And I have to lie to my two best friends
to get them to do it with me.

Well, Maddy... 100ft is too dangerous.

You know that's how far I fell.

Yeah, I know, Dad.

Plus, it's illegal to steal money. You know
Mom'll get fired if anyone ever found out.

I thought about all that.

But wouldn't it be worth it
if it means you could get better?

Yeah, Maddy, it probably would be.

I've been thinking since yesterday and I've...

I love you.

Here. I have the other half.

- Please say all that again.
- Stop.

- Promise to help with the mission?
- Yeah.

Just don't tell Gus, cos we need him
and he probably wouldn't do it if he knew.

He'd be devastated.

- What about Austin?
- You're much cuter.

I've actually liked you the whole time.

Yes! I knew it!

Here. I have the other half.

Promise to help with the mission?

- OK.
- Cool.

Let's go over the plan one last time.

I took Maddy's pictures from the bank,
the model that Gus brought home,

and I scanned them into the computer.

Using those elements, I created a digital
blueprint of the building. Check it out.

- Voil?.
- Whoa!

That is awesome!

I mean, it's OK...
if you like that kind of stuff.


Here's where the party's gonna be.
Mostly contained in the lobby.

It's gonna be fancy so we'll need to blend in.

Security's on the second floor, so we'll have
to get past your brother to get to the elevator.

And, Austin, you'll hack into the bank's
camera system from Brisbane's office.

Gus, we're gonna make our way to the safe.

It's suspended 100ft off the ground,
so the only way to get to it is to climb.


Maddy, are you sure you're gonna
be able to make this climb?

I mean, it's double the size of the water tower.

You guys take care of yourjobs.
I'll take care of mine.

They're doing a lot of tests on your father
tonight, so I wanna be there.

So I'm gonna need you to look after Max.

Mom, I can't. I'm going out with Gus
and Austin. You never think about me.

- If you're not gonna come to the hospital...
- I can't.

Maddy, you're gonna
baby-sit Max tonight. OK?

That's it.

One more thing.

I do think about you, Madeline. Every day.

All the time.

- Nice bandanna.
- Nice turtleneck.

- What's he doing here?
- I have to baby-sit him.

He's gonna ruin everything
we've just worked for.

He hasn't made a sound his whole life.
I don't think he's gonna start now.

What if we mess up?

We're my dad's only chance.

I'm ready.

- You ready?
- Let's hit it.

Ew, gross!

Mom, Bart was taking a picture of his butt.

Sure, like I'm really gonna
take a picture of my butt.

Grab a burger? Only four of us?

It's all clear.

Here you go, Maddy.

When I get up there, I'll disable the motion
sensors. You can come up the stairs.

Careful, Maddy.

Maddy, camera.

I gotta get Chad and Ferrell out of that booth.

Don't worry, we got it covered.

Strike. And strike. Like a cobra.

Lesson one, Chad.

Never take your eyes off the enemy.

Take this for a test ride.

Dude. The way your feet smell,
it's just... it's not normal.

God, Gus!

Oh, my God.


Motion detected, north staircase.

Check the monitors.
Check the monitors.

I don't see anything.

That's when your enemies are
most dangerous, when you can't see them.

This is a test, I just know it.

I'll go downstairs, make a round.

You stay here and take care of your privates.

You stay in this booth!

It worked. Sort of. Ferrell's gone,
but now Bad Chad's alone in the booth.

We'll think of something.

I got it. I'm gonna distract him. When I give
you the signal, get into the elevator.

I'll meet you there.

Hey, Maddy. What's the signal?


Maddy, get away from Chad. He's a lunatic.
My brother really thinks he's a cop.

This wasn't part of the plan.
Maddy, don't go in there.


What are you doing here?

I was at the party. I was totally bored.

What are you doing?

Just my job.

You look different.

Why are you such ajerk
to your brother all the time?


You know he completely idolizes you?

- Gus?
- Yeah.

To him, you're like Yao Ming or Shaq.

- Which one? There's a big difference.
- Yao Ming.

- Definitely Shaq.
- You think?

- Yeah, I think so.
- Sweet.

He thinks you're gonna be a great cop.
He told me.

You should come downstairs. The police
chief is here to check on my mom's security.

You could show him
how serious you are about yourjob.

Ferrell told me not to leave the booth.

I just came from the party.
Don't worry, he's not down there.

She winked at me.

- Gus really thinks I'm cool?
- Yeah.

Maybe that's the signal. Go.

Where's the chief?

What I love about this is the wave
it sends through the body. Unbelievable.

Oh, God.

- Come on, Maddy.
- Come on.

Hurry. Come on.

All right. Go to 22.

Freeze. Red light.

Go, go, go.

- Red light.
- How long do we have to stay like this?


Red light.

Green light.

Go, go, go!

All right, you guys. I'm online.

Max, stay here. I'll be right back.

I gotta go bust this bank
so we can save Dad. Give me five.

Yeah. I'll be right back.

Red light.

Green light.

Red light.




Do you see any dogs in there?

I'm searching now. Nothing in the cages.
They must be somewhere else.

It's all clear. OK.

Camera panning... off.

No. Max. No!

Go back, Maddy.


Max, no. Not the camera.
It's not a toy. Not a toy.

- Austin!
- Max.

OK, I got it. Go.

How do you know
the dogs aren't gonna be waiting?

I don't. But I guess we find out.

Whoa, that's high.


Don't look down. You'll be fine.

What is this? Another door?
How do you open this one?

Open sesame!

This one doesn't even
have any numbers on it.

Whoa! Cool!

Mr... Lieutenant Ferrell?

- What?
- I saw something in Sector 5.

All right, I'll be right up.
Don't get your panties in a wad.


Maddy, we are so grounded.

Say goodbye to my Xbox,
my iPod, my go-kart.

I'm gonna have to take out the trash,
do the dishes, massage Grandma's cold feet...

- What?
- I saw something in Sector 5.

- In that region.
- Sector 5?

I was just in Sector 5!

That was me, you idiot!

Chad, did I ever tell you the story about the
boy who cried Sector 5 one too many times?


That's where they keep all the money?

Thanks a lot, Mom.

This is Mr Brisbane's office. Look at that view.

Someone's coming. Get down.

So I finally have you all to myself.

I like to come up when I know he's not here.

It's too high to climb to the safe.
There must be a way to bring it down.

Then come help me look.


Gus, come help me.


You know The Planet of the Apes?

- I was in that movie.
- I love that movie!

Whoa, that's fresh!

- What did you do?
- I just stepped on this dude's eye.

These numbers
match the ones all over the wall.

They're safety deposit boxes.

I bet you if we press one...

My mom's gonna k*ll me. Retract 3212.

Hit 2357.


That's right. Come to Mama.

Oh, yeah!

Mr Hart...

And that concludes our tour of the ninth
floor. Let's get you back to the party.


This is gonna work.

You can't climb this. It's too dangerous.
You'll never make it.

- I'm doing it.
- Austin,

you've got to hack into the main whatever
and find some way to bring down the safe.

- Check. Searching now.
- Gus.

I love you. Now do what I say.

OK? 5344.

I'm searching for the hydraulic controls
for the safe, but... I can't find anything.

- What's going on in there?
- 2244.

- You don't wanna know.
- I do.

- What's next?
- 4231.

- Gus!
- Sorry.

You're k*lling me here, dude.
Focus. Retract 4232.

Good evening, everyone. How are you?
Having a wonderful time, are we? Terrific.

To our generous board of directors.

Here's to the only type of success
that really matters -



OK, Gus, last one. 5343.

Security breach. Security breach.

Security breach. Security breach.

Do something. Do something now.


Oh, sh**t. Tape.

Austin, tape. Run the tape.

Mr Hartmann, the alarm has sounded.

Take it easy. It's only me.
Just turn the alarm off.

- I should let out the dogs.
- Calm down, princess. It's fine.

Really. No, nothing to worry about.
I'm right here. Just turn off the alarm.

Should I...

k*ll the alarm.

Well, it seems that our security system works.

Yes. It's just a false alarm, everyone.

So why don't we all just relax and enjoy
this wonderful party? What do you say?

Wonderful. Please.

Something's going on.
I'm gonna find out what it is.

Hey! Watch the monitor!

You can do this.

Maddy, be careful.

My parents grounded me for a week
when I left my bike outside.

Imagine what they'll do if they catch us now.

We'll figure out a different way.
It's too dangerous.

Not listening to me. She doesn't understand.
She's climbing up this stupid wall.

- Austin, maybe she'll listen to you.
- That'll be a first.

I wonder if we can finish
the eighth grade in prison.

Wait. If we're in jail our parents
can't ground us. Right?

Come on. This cannot be happening.
The cam's stuck. It's stuck.

20ft from the summit my gear stuck.

There was this perfect crack
all the way up to the top.

He free climbed it.

Maddy, are you free climbing this?

Maddy, no.

Maddy, we never even got to kiss.

- She's looking down. She's looking down!
- Tell her not to.

Why did I look down? It's high.

Maddy, don't look down.

That's high.

That's not high.

Gus looks like an ant. OK.




Two and a half.

- Maddy, no.
- Three.



Oh, no.

She set off a timer. She has two minutes
to enter the code before the alarm goes off.

Maddy, you've triggered a timer.
You've gotta reach the keypad.

D. E. N. I. R. O.

- Access denied.
- Oh, no!

De Niro's not the code? I can't believe it.

I can't break the access code, Maddy.

Your mom designed the safe.
The code must be something she chose.

What could it be?
What did you use?


- Access denied.
- No!

Come on, Maddy. Think.

Maddy. Come on.

What could it be?

Mom, what did you use?


Access denied.

I do think about you, Madeline. Every day.

All the time.


Access code accepted.

She used my name! My name is the code.

In your face, Harderbach Financial!


- What happened?
- She made it. She's in the safe.

- Is the money there?
- Gus, 250 grand coming at you.

No. It's down here.

Good job, Max.

I'll meet you guys at the karts.

- Austin, we're on the move.
- Exit code requested.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Code red. All sectors beginning lockdown.

Come on, Maddy. Run.

Hurry up. Come on!

Code red. Intruder alert.
Code red. Intruder alert.

Hello. We have a code seven
at Harderbach Financial.

Send everyone. I mean everyone.

Release the dogs.

Hurry! It's closing!


Do not panic, ladies and gentlemen.
Would you please take care of this thing?

We gotta get to the hospital.

He hasn't said a word in his life
and now he won't shut up.

Let's go see Dad, all right?


Austin, you got this one?

- Run.
- Run?

All you had for us was "run"?

Help! No biting!

Get away from me!

Gus! Austin!

Not the money!

We gotta get down that chute.


Come on. Come on, you guys, we have to go.



Fart? That's the code word?

Come on, you guys. Let's get to the chute.

What have we here?

- It's not what you think. We were just...
- Save it, doll face!

- We were at the party...
- Zip it! Or I'll zip it for you.

Well. Young Chadley.

Looks like we've caught
our first little trespassers.

And since no one is here to claim them,

then no one will hear them scream.

First we're gonna...

Where's my thingy?

Looking for this, Lieutenant?

Get it off!

What are you gonna do, bro?

You just get that money to Mr P, all right?

Don't you forget who got you out of this one.

Bad Chad don't do this kind of thing all the...

You guys, we really gotta go.


OK, here goes nothing.


- Where's Max?
- Max?


Max, you all right?

- What's that?
- What?

Round your neck.

Well... Well...

I guess we got something to tell you.

Oh, yeah?

You guys, we do not have time
for this right now. Come on, let's go.

I am not going anywhere
until I find out why Gus has on my chain.

She played us.

That sucks, Maddy.

- Let's get outta here, man.
- I'm right behind you.

I guess it's just me and you, Max.

I think I'm low on gas.

You should have enough to get back.

Love hurts, huh?

You kids in the karts, pull over now.

Pull over immediately.

Gus, I don't wanna be ajuvenile delinquent.

Austin, pedal to the metal.

2-11, Harderbach Financial.

Car 22 in pursuit. Two go-karts
fleeing the scene of a robbery.

22, repeat. Sounded like you said "go-karts."

Gus, I am out of gas. I'm slowing down.

- Jump onto my kart.
- What? Are you crazy?

Hurry up. The cops are right behind us.

One, two...

What happened to three?

- OK, buddy, hang on.
- Now turn.

- Look up.
- I got it.

Gus, they're right behind us.

- Look out for the curb.
- Hold on.

- Yeah! They're stuck.
- 22 requesting backup.

Wait! Steer. Go, go, go!

Come on, kart!

This is the LAPD. You are surrounded.
Pull over your go-kart.

Now we have a spotlight.

You have left the scene of a crime.
Pull over.

Gus, we're dead. We'll never get away.

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.
Don't worry.

Chopper one, splitting off.

- The helicopter's going away.
- What's he doing?

OK, Austin. Now let's
get rid of these two cops.

You are about to experience
100psi of pure NOS. Hold on.

Here they come. Chopper one, we've got 'em.

- The helicopter's back.
- Do not approach the helicopter.

- Gus, what are you doing?
- We have you surrounded.

- Stop your go-kart.
- We're going under.

- Don't go under!
- I'm gonna do it.

- That was crazy.
- I know. It was close. I'm so good.

Gus, look at the road.
Look out for this truck. Gus, look!


Did you see that helicopter? That was great.

- You think Maddy made it?
- Yeah.

I'm sure she did.
I mean, the cops followed us, right?

Yeah, I'm sure she made it.
I'm sure you're right.

We've gotta go back, don't we?

Yeah, let's go get her.

OK, Austin, jump on now.

Let's go. Let's get Maddy.


- Faster, faster!
- They'll never catch us, Austin.

All right, Max. Almost there.

Only one more block.

3-72, I think we've found them.

Hold on, Maxie.

We're back.

What are we gonna do?
We'll never outrun them.

- I got it covered. Don't fall behind me.
- OK.

You kids in the karts, pull over now.

- They're getting closer.
- Not for long.

Operation Jack.

I am a genius!

Car 14, we've been disabled
at the corner of Grand and...

- Thanks, guys. Now keep up.
- We're right behind you.

Alan, I just heard.
How much did they get away with?

- Who's this?
- She's the head of security.

Three suspects. They got away on go-karts.
They hit you for $250,000.

- Go-karts?
- We also found this in the vault room.

They used it to climb up to the safe.

- Do you have the perpetrators in custody?
- Not yet.

Why would someone break into a safe
with $25 million and steal only 250,000?

Excuse me. There she is! She is our so-called
head of security. This is all her fault!

- Actually, I did...
- With all due respect,

Molly told you the security system
had not been tested.

Really? You just got your walking papers,
didn't you, Hartmann?

Are you talking to me?

Are you talking to me?

You must be talking to me cos there's nobody
else here. So you must be talking to me!

Excuse me.

Monsieur Nuffaut, I must apologize
for this strange debacle. I assure you...

It's not me you owe an apology to, Brisbane.

Of course, if the head of security
told you the system is not ready,

then it seems like a - how do you say? -
knucklehead move to have this soiree.

Je suis d?sol?, madame. The blame falls
squarely on your shoulders. On y va, ch?rie.

Monsieur Nuffaut. Oh, Fran?ois!

Couldn't stay away, huh?

Let's go save your dad.


Daddy. Daddy.

Maddy. What are you doing?

I have the money for the operation.

- What are you talking about?
- I got the money!


What have you done?

Maddy, we gotta go!

What are you doing?

Madeline, what...

Mom, I have the money. We can go.

Molly, what is this?

I warned him that
the system wasn't online yet.

I know.

And to prove to everyone
just how vulnerable the bank was,

I had my daughter and her two friends -
three kids - rob the bank.

If you look in my contract you will see
that I have a license to perform

undisclosed tests to the system until such
date as the system is deemed fully operable.

Are you buying any of this?


Molly was authorized
to hire consultants to test the system.

This was all a plan.

A brilliant plan.

Mrs Phillips, is it true your daughter's
a leading suspect in the robbery?


We understand three children were involved
in a high-speed pursuit, ending up here...

The details are sketchy, but it appears the
children have robbed Harderbach Financial...

And a source inside the bank is saying the
robbery was actually some kind of plot to...

Stories are swirling, but this reporter has
learned that one of the children has a father...

The child has not been identified
but the father is registered as Tom Phillips.

Mr Phillips runs a local go-kart track
and is expected to return home tomorrow,

since his insurance
will not cover his operation.

I'm Maria Quiban, Channel Ten News.

You know what you did was wrong.

- Yeah, I know.
- I know I haven't really been there for you.

But that's gonna change. OK?

- I love you.
- I love you too, Maddy.

You have such a big heart.

You guys gotta come down the track.

They're coming.

What are they doing?

- Waiting to buy tickets.
- Come on. Let's go.

- Hey, Maddy.
- Hey.

Skip, the tickets are only three bucks.

Keep the change. Tell your dad to feel better.

- It's three dollars.
- Here's 100 from my parents.

Thank you. Wait. Here's your ticket.

- Six dollars.
- Help Mr P feel better.

- How much?
- 400.

- I have 300.
- Here's two here.


Even with the donations
from the news station, we're still short.

- Molly?
- Mr Hartmann.

You forgot something. The consultant fee for
the company you hired to pull off the robbery.

Holy... $50,000?

The hair. The hair.

That should get you close. And the president
of the bank has authorized a personal loan.

- Mr Brisbane already said...
- He's not with the bank anymore.

So call me for whatever you need.

- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.

I finally got my starring role.



Throw it. Throw it, Maxie.

Here we go.
Get ready for the first race of the day.

And I know who you want calling the races,
and it sure ain't me.

Hey, Dad.

Thank you, Madeline.

All right, race fans.
Who we got in the first race?

It's John "The Rammer" McGillicutty.

He's brought his kart Demolition.
Watch out for him, he's number four.

Oh, my God! You know what time it is.

So let's hit the gas, and kick some... butt.

It's race time!

- Dada.
- That's right. That's your dada.

Why do I have to choose between you?

Cos you can't have two boyfriends. Come on.

OK. I've made up my mind.

Turn around.

No matter what, we'll still be friends, right?

Are you kidding?
You're gonna be our best man.

- Go get her!
- Maddy!

Maddy, wait up.
Come on, you're gonna choose.

- Pick me! Austin's a geek!
- Gus is a blockhead!

You're wrong, guys.
You'll never catch me, my legs are longer.

You'll never catch me!