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Crime Spree (2003)

Posted: 09/04/23 09:13
by bunniefuu
- Shhh...

- Shhh!

- Shhh.

- Yes.

- Oh...

- Going somewhere?

- Hey, Marcel.

I thought it was somebody else.

I mean, if I knew it was you,

I would never run.

How's it going, man?

Everything is okay?

Cool, family, kids...

Ha! Ha...

You're probably here

for the money I owe you.

Well... uh...

I don't have it but, you know...

But, Marcel, wait!

Wait, wait! Wait! Wait!



Ow! Ow!

- Today's your lucky day, Sami.

Normally I'd be breaking

your fingers right now

but I'm going to give you a chance

to make enough to pay me back.

We have a group going to Chicago

to do a job.

You're going with them.

- Me?

- You lived there.

You know the city.

- No. No, no, no, man.

That's not possible, man.

I've still got a few legals problems

back in the States...

I'll be happy to go.

- Be at this address.

Nine o'clock, Friday morning.

- Daniel. Julien.

This is Sami.

- Hey. How are you doing?

Everything is okay?


- Caf.

- This is Zero.

- Hey. Hi. And I'm One.

This is Two, Three,

Four and Five.

- In English.

Sami doesn't speak French.

- Where are you from?

- Algeria.

- And you don't speak French?

- Well, you know,

not all Algerians speak French.

It's a matter of what school

you went to. Me, I never really got...

- Zero is not interested

in your life story.

Who gets k*lled?

- Hopefully no one.

- No one? Then why is Zero here?

- He speaks about himself

in the third person?

- Feel free to correct him

if you want.

- Quoi?

- I'm sorry, Frankie.

Really I am.

- You bleed on me, I'll k*ll you.

What did I tell you, huh, Vinny?

What did I tell you when

you came to me for money?

Didn't I ask you not to do it?

Did I not say that?

What did I say to him?

- You said, "Don't do it," boss.

- That's right. Did you listen to me?

No. You wanted the money.

So I lent you twenty large.

And now it's been three weeks

and you ain't paid a dime.

What do you think that makes me

look like on the street?

I don't do something to you,

everyone will think

they can skate.

- Frankie, I... I...

- Shut up!

Don't you try to make me

feel bad about this.

This is on your head, not mine.

Break his arm.

- Jesus, Frankie! I...

I'm your brother!

- That's why I'm only breaking

one arm.

- Guys.


- Oh, let me handle this.

Hey, what's up, brother?

How are you doin'?

- Don't you "brother" me,


Hey, what's in the bags?

- Dirty underwear.

- Ha! Dirty underwear...

That's a good one.

Let me explain something to you.

This is my street.

Are you going to give me

the suitcases

or do we have to take 'em?

- Va te faire foutre!

- What did he just say?

- He said to go

and f*ck yourself.

- We're tired and bored

with your bullshit.

So put that stupid

little knife away

before Zero shoves it up

your ass.

- Who's Zero?

- He is.

- Well, maybe Zero would like

to get up off his ass

and come take my knife from me.

- If you insist...

Lay it down before

Zero sh**t off

those little raisins

you call balls.

- You put a loaded g*n in your bag

and you brought it through customs?

How stupid is that?

- Zero didn't put it in his bag.

He put it in yours.

- Hello...

- Laurent Bastaldi sent us.

- Come in.

That's... uh... that's Wayne.

He's my roommate.

Laurent didn't say there'd be

this many of you.

I guess you'll have to...

um... double up.

So is anyone hungry?

- Ready to order?

- Uh... Could we see

yourwine list, please?

- Ha! That's cute.

- They don't have a wine list.

- Well, we'll have the house wine.

- Sure. And would you like that

before your escargots

in white truffle sauce?

- I did not order escargots.

- Hey, they don't serve wine here.

- Okay. I will have a beer.

- I don't think he's grasping

the concept.

Look, we've got iced tea,

lemonade, Coca Cola,

Sprite or root beer.

- Okay. I'll have a Sprite and...

- And me too.

- Yeah, okay.

We have all Sprite.

- Idiot!

- And no smoking!

- No smoking! No drinking!

What kind of country is this?

- I understand you're interested

in one of our properties.

- Yeah.

- That warehouse over

on Liberty Street.

The volume on our import

business has risen dramatically.

The proceeds this quarter

will be supernumerary

due to numerous... - Super what?

- Supernumerary.

It means betterthan expected.

- Then why don't you just f*cking

say "betterthan expected"?!

Everybody knows what

"betterthan expected" means.

- I'm taking a vocabulary course

to enhance my...

communication skills.

- Okay.

How much?

- I'm not here to negotiate.

- Why are you here?

- To tell you that we're interested

in the property.

- You told me that on the phone!

What the hell are

you doing here?

Showing off

your communication skills?

Go back to your people and tell them

when they're serious,

to put a number on the table.


How's my brother?

- He's over at Saint J's.

They had to put two pins

in his arm.

- I said a clean break!

- Hey, boss, it's not a science.

- Send him some flowers.

Something nice.

Roses or carnations.

And one of them

"get well soon" cards too.

- Okay, there's

an exterior alarm system

with a motion detector.

The control panel is

in the bedroom.

- Good. So...

Zero and Julien will go

through the window

and disable the motion detector

and we'll come in

through the front door.

- So when do we go?

- Tonight.

- Tonight?

- Well, I know they won't be

home tonight.

- You never heard of jetlag?

- Take a nap.

- What about transportation?

- Raymond, you steal a car.

- No problem.

- What the hell is that?

- Neighbors.

They do this all the time.

- I will talk to them.

- Yeah, right.

- That's not a good idea.

- It is just a matter

of communication.


My name is Raymond!

I am visiting next door

and I was wondering

if you could make your music

a little less loud!

- No!

- But the music is a very...

- Now f*ck off!

Listen, assh*le...

Ah! Oh!

- What did you say to him?

- Nothing.

- Give me the money!

I said give me

the f*cking money!

Open the safe.

- I - I don't have the combination.

- Open it!

Open it!

- I swear I don't have it.

- My car!

- Vato, where's your car, man?

- Where the f*ck is my car?!

- You like shoes?

- No.

I like the bag. I think it will be good

for the job tonight.

- It belongs to Vincent Bastaldi.

He left it last time

he was here.

I'm sure he wouldn't mind

if you used it.

I like yourtattoo.

You know, I've been thinking

about getting a tattoo.

A flower or something.

On my ass.

- And who's gonna see it there?

- The lucky ones.

- How are you doing, Frankie?

- What are you doing here?

- Mr G wants to see you.

- Did you come all the way

down here to tell me that?

- Uh-huh.

- You knew where I was

and you got in your car

and you drove here

to tell me that?

- Yeah. Why?

- Hey!

Wouldn't it be great if they made

some kind of electronic device

that allowed people to talk to one

another over long distances?

What a tremendous communication

aid that would be, huh?

- Mr G wanted me to tell you


It's a new thing he has.

He feels it adds a personal touch.

- Personal touch?

- Yeah. You know.

He sends me to show you that he

cares enough to personally invite you.

- So what are you?

Like a walking, f*cking

Hallmark card or something?

- Believe me, Frankie.

You wouldn't want me to be here

for the other reason

he sends me to see people.

Are you ready to go?

- What? Now?

I can't go now.

I've got a date

with a drop-dead major babe.

- I'll tell Mr G you said that.

- Okay.

I'm coming.

- Hey, Frankie!

Good to see you.

Sit down. You want something?

- No. I'm good, Angelo.

- I...

I understand Bobby Vee came

to see you today.

- Yeah.

It seems Bonnicelli wants

to talk about buying

the Liberty Street property.

- Business must be good

if he can afford

to buy up useless property.

- I heard this quarter his profits

are going to be supernumerary.

- Going to be what?

- Supernumerary.

It means betterthan expected.

- Excuse me, Mr Giancarlo.

I just wanted to remind you

that you have an appointment

in ten minutes.

- Someone else coming?

- No, no.

That's Tony's way of telling me

that "Camilla's Court"

starts in ten minutes.

Do you everwatch it?

- Uh... No.

- You should.

You'll learn a lot about

the criminal justice system

on that program.

Stay and watch it with me.

- You know, I'm kind of tired,


I'm just going to go home

if it's all the same to you.

- All right, all right.

Go rest, go rest, go rest.


What's this I hear

about your brother?

- He missed three weeks.

- But your own brother...

- Angelo, we live and die

by the rules we make.

We are men of honor

but honorwithout respect is a...

horseless carriage.

- What the f*ck does that mean?

- Hello... Yeah.

It's Raymond.

He's outside with the car.

- That's for luck.

- I'm glad he didn't get

something flashy.

- Watch this!

Yee-hoo! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Hee hee! Hee hee hee!


- Raymond, park

in the next street.

We'll meet you

when we're finished.


- Ha! Ha! Ha!


Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Hou!

- So much for no one being home.

- We've got to be careful

not to use our real names.

I'll be Elvis, you...

- I want to be Elvis.

- No, it's my idea.

- I look more like Elvis than you do.

- Okay, you can be Elvis

and the rest of us are John,

Paul, George and Ringo.

- Hey.

Joe DiMaggio.

It's for my nephew.

- Ah.

- Hey, it looks like

Zammeti's being robbed.

- Should I call CPD?

- Yeah, but tell them

not to move

until these morons

come out of the house.

- Where are the jewels?

There aren't any jewels.

- There has to be.

- I'm telling you.

I pulled out everything

in the safe.

There aren't any jewels.

- We... we...

we've got a problem.

No, no, that doesn't

really describe...

Do you know who that is?

- Mr Taylor.

- No, he's not Mr Taylor.

- Uh, he's not?

- This is Frankie Zammeti,

the under-boss of

the Chicago Mafia.

- Why would they want us

to rob the mafia?

- We're in the wrong house,

you f*cking idiot!

- Ha, ha... Mafia...

- Mr. Zammeti...

There seems to have been

a big mistake here.

May I use your phone?

- Feel free.

- All.

- Laurent.

- Marcel?

- Oui... Oui, oui...

Ha! Ha! Ha!

O.K., au revoir.

- I'll find you.

No matterwhere you go,

I'll find you.

- You don't carry the same weight

in France as you do here.

- Do you think it's smart

to tell him we're French?

- I think he already knows that.

- You sure you want to do this?

If I were you,

I'd take a moment

to think it through.

- Okay.

Let's go.

- Wait a minute!

The FBI's across the street.

They've been watching my house

for months.

Think I don't know.


- He's right.

There's someone watching us.

- Why are you telling us this?

- Professional courtesy.

Besides, it would be more fun

to find you myself.

Last chance, boys.

Do the smart thing.

- I really don't know.

Maybe if we did just leave...

- Mr Bastaldi said to take

what we have.

- You think he's just going

to forget about this?

He's coming after us.

We may as well take the money.

- We're going out the back.

- Be seeing you!

I'll eat your f*cking legs,

you frogs!

- Shut up!

- What the hell are

they doing in there?

- Yeah?

Oh, yeah...

Oh, yeah, baby...

- Oh, give it to me.

That's good, that's good.

- Hmm?

- Oh, yeah, just keep it going.

Keep it going for me.

I'm getting there.

Keep it going, sweetheart.

Give it to Papa Joey.

- Joey, who is that?

- Uh... And don't call here

again, you pervert!

A pervert.

Yeah, boss?


- I wasn't expecting you guys

back this fast.

So how'd it go?

- You gave us the wrong address,


- No, I didn't.

- Bastaldi got the address

from you. Yes?

- Yes.

- And he gave it to us.

9945, Ridgeway Road.

- No. 9945, Ridgeroad Way.

- Ah, that moron.

- Oh, it's an honest mistake,

you know.

Ridgeway Road, Ridgeway Street.


- Okay, let's go to sleep.

We leave early tomorrow morning.

- Do you think we could have

a hostage situation in there?

- Now, hold on a second.

Joey Two-Tons just pulled up.

- Jesus, boss!

Hey, what happened here, hey?

Are you okay?

- Joey... Joey...

- Yeah... I'm here.

- Joey...

Pick me the f*ck up!

- Oh, oh, okay.

Hang on there, huh?

- f*cking moron!

They're all French guys.

- French guys?

You mean like...

French from France?

- Yeah. French guys from France.

- Hmm. What did they take?

- Everything!

- Everything?

Like I told you, boss, you are

handling this very well.

- You know why I'm handling

this very well?

Because you're going

to find them for me.

- Yeah, sure.

Don't worry about it.

I get them for you.

- Now would be a good time

to start.

- Oh. Okay.

- Hey!

Papa Joey?

- Can't sleep?

- Aaargh!

- Somebody stole my cartonight.

- Come on, Raphael, you don't think

that I would steal your car?

- You stole my cousin

Enrique's car.

- Hector. Don't interrupt me.

- But, Raph, he...

- Hector!

- He told Enrique that he didn't know

anything about his car!

- I don't give a shit

about your cousin's car.

We're here about my car.


Shut your mouth!

- Ohh...

- If I find out you're lying,

I'm going to come back

and I'm going to cut off

your nose.


- Sophie!

- She's not here, man.

- Where is she?

- Uh... I think she went

to see someone.

She... uh... put some stuff

into a bag and then left.

- f*ck!

Oh, shit!


f*ck! Shit!

Oh, man!

We've been ripped off!

- Huh?

- De quoi?

- Oh, man, this is bullshit!

We can't trust anyone

these days.

- She took everything?

- Not everything.

I was going to listen

to it last night but I...

I fell asleep.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

No, you didn't, man.

Uh... you were banging Sophie.

I saw you guys going at it.

- You slept with her?

- Well, actually, I would say

she slept with me.

- Heh, heh, heh...

- You didn't think it was

a little suspicious

that someone you only knew

for a few hours

wanted to sleep with you?

- No.

Chicks dig me.

: Yeah?

: It's me. I need an

answer from you if I'm going to move.

: We're not just talking

about a piece of work here.

We're talking about a boss.

Giancarlo's a dinosaur.

The guy thinks he's f*cking

Vito Corleone or something.

The old ways are gone.

If we don't change now,

we're going to get pushed out.

I need to know if I can count

on your support.

: Yeah.

- No wonder Zammeti didn't want us

to walk out with the tapes.

He's planning on k*lling Giancarlo

and taking over the family.

- This wasn't the deal.

The deal was to steal

the necklace,

not get in the middle

of a mafia w*r!

- The deal is whatever

Mr Bastaldi says it is.

- We have to find Sophie.

- How are we going to do that?

- I know where she went.

- Don't turn here.

- I know where I'm going.

- It's the wrong way!

- Shut up!

- Yo, Raph...

- Hector, shut up!

Don't say anything

unless I ask you.

Hector, tell me the truth.

Do you think I'm ever going

to find my car?

- Uh... it's hard to say.

- Hey... Hi. Uh...

Did a woman just check in?

She's about five-six,

dark, long hair.

Uh... pretty.

- I can't give out information

on our guests.

- Come on, man.

I think she's having an affair.

- So are half the people

in this place.

Can't help you, pal.

Look, I already told you...

Room 14.

- The money isn't here.

- Where is it, Sophie?

- I don't know.

- Who are you waiting for?

- Why don't you stick around

and find out?

- Okay.

- He's FBI.

- We've been set up.

We didn't go to the wrong house,

We went to the right one.

Didn't we, Sophie?

They sent us to Zammeti's house.

The FBI is just across the street

watching the whole thing

and they don't move.


Because they were waiting for us

to come out so they could arrest us.

- What does arresting us

get them?

- Do you want to tell him?

- You're telling it fine.

Aaargh! Ah!

Okay, okay!

We've been investigating

Zammeti for years

but we never had enough evidence

for a warrant to search

his house.

We got word through a snitch

that Zammeti was planning

to take Giancarlo out.

Our informant told us

that Zammeti was talking

to other bosses and

recording the conversations.

- So we rob Zammeti,

you arrest us when we come out

and the contents of the safe

is now evidence

which you can use against him.

- Why us?

- Vincent Bastaldi's in jail.

- Last time Vincent was here, he asked

me to meet him outside the city.

Before he could tell me

what he wanted,

the FBI showed up

and arrested him.

- Arrested him forwhat?

- Laurent and Vincent were

in business with Zammeti.

- What kind of business?

- Black market art.

Zammeti got to a few key

security guards in the museum.

Bastaldi supplied the artists

to make copies of famous works.

They'd switch the paintings

and the originals to Paris,

and the Bastaldis would sell

them to private collectors.

- We know they replaced

Van Gogh's

'Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers'

with a copy last week.

If we got the tapes,

we'd release his brother,

providing he tells us

where the Van Gogh

and the other paintings are.

- No one has mentioned

the part of the plan

about us getting caught

and going to prison.

- We're leaving.

Raymond, get the bag.

- If you leave with those tapes,

you'll never

get out of the city.

- Did they know who you were

when they broke in the house?

- Yes.

- What's happening

with the world?

There was a time when no civilian

would touch a made man.

What did they take?

- Some cash, some jewelry.

The other stuff I can replace

but there's a cardboard box.

Photos of my mother.

They're the only ones

I have of her.

- We're doing everything

we can to find these people.

Right, Tony?

- Believe me, we've reached out

to everyone we know.

- If they're still stupid enough

to be in this city,

Tony will find them.

- All right!

- I'm closer, I'm closer.

- Why, are you blind here orwhat?

- What? Are you nuts?

- Frankie, come here

for a sec, please.

- Get in the car.

- Who's closerto the wall?

Joey or me?

- You are. Now get in the car.

- This is turning to shit.

- You find them. You're the FBI.

- Ah. I can't bring

the Bureau into this.

If I do the tapes

become evidence.

- They're supposed

to be evidence.

That's why Bastaldi set this up.

- f*ck Bastaldi and his brother!

Those tapes are gold.

Do you have any idea what

Zammeti would pay to get them back?

Too many people know

about my involvement in this.

- Then we'll just have to make

sure that everyone who knows

can't say anything.

- You're right about that.

- I would like to thank you

for your hospitality.

If you are ever in Paris...

here is my number.

- Cool. Yeah.

- What, man?


- g*ns. Can you get them?

- Man, I can get anything.

- Don't bullshit me.

- I ain't bullshitting.

I can get g*ns.

I can get you any kind of g*n

you want.

See? But that ain't going

to help your sorry ass.

That man's carthat you stole,

Raphael Ruiz...

Yeah, well, he's the leader

of the 19th Street g*ng

and one disturbed m*therf*cker.

And Frankie Zammeti already put

the word out on the street

that he's looking

for some French dudes.

You're French, ain't you?

- I'm from Belgium.

- Shit.

I'd be from Belgium too,

if I was you.

You know, Zammeti just put

his own brother in the hospital.

Broke his arm because

he was late on a debt.

You see, I mention this

to illustrate

the kind of people

who are looking for you.

- Why haven't you turned us in?

- I ain't no rat.

You've got money, right?

- Uh-huh.

- Cool.

- Have you got a cell phone?

- Hell, yeah, I've got a cell phone.

My damn grandma has a cell phone.

- Okay. You give me the number

and I call you later.

- Yeah, you do that.

- Fine.

- Cool.

- Hey, man. No, no.

What are you doing?

Oh, excuse me.

Don't you need a search warrant

or something?

- Not today. Where are your friends?

- They left about a half hour ago.

- Yeah. Where'd they go?

- I don't know.


Oh, man, you can't do that!

- What? This?

- Aargh!

- Huh? Orthis?

If you don't want me

to keep on hurting you,

it's important that I believe

you and right now I don't.

So tell me. Where did they go?!

- I swear, man. I don't know.

They packed up and left

a half hour ago.

They left a number for a guy

in Paris that's on the table.

- Hmm. Thanks.

- Ah!

- Hey, Sami. You're on TV.

- Police want to question

Sami Zerhouni

in connection with the m*rder

of Sophie Greer.

- What?

- Police have confirmed

Zerhouni was seen

entering the woman's room

by the motel manager.

They also want to talk to Zerhouni

regarding a robbery last night

at the home of alleged mafia

member Frankie Zammeti.

- Bastaldi, you f*ck!

- The other members of his g*ng

are reported to be

French nationals Daniel Foray,

Marcel Bonnet,

Julien Labesse

and Raymond Gayet...

- Huh. Dumb crackers.

- And an unidentified man

known only as Zero.

- That ought to shake things up.

- Up next: A vacation getaway

on a budget.

We'll be right back.

- This is bad.

This is really f*cking bad!

Am I the only one who sees

how bad this is?

- Hey, this is not your picture

on TV, it's mine!

So try to be cool!

- Don't tell me to be cool.

We were supposed to be in and out.

In the last twenty-four hours,

we've managed to get the mafia,

the FBI,

the Chicago Police Department

and a group of latin g*ng

members after us!

- We have to get out of here.

- That's brilliant.

Care to elaborate?

- You're not helping.

- What you're doing right now

is a very normal

psychological reaction

to stress.

You're projecting your anger

on to us.

- Oh, Jesus.

We're dead.

Yeah? - It's me.

- Hey! You guys are

becoming famous.

I was just watching the news


- Did you set it up?

- Man, yeah, I set it up.

Tomorrow morning, ten o'clock.

- Pogue.

- What's happening over there?

- Your idiots are getting


- Sami, you steal a wallet

from someone who looks

like one of us.

- What for?

- To rent a car. And forthat

we need a credit card.

- Oh, excuse me. I'm sorry.

- I'm gonna have to search you!

- We'll save you the trouble.

- You can't come in here

with that!

- What's wrong with this guy?

- He's my cousin. He's deaf.

- We're here to buy,

not to steal.

- You can let them in.

- Yo, man, what the hell

are you doing?

Hey, look, I gave

these dudes my word.

- f*ck yourword!

Zammeti's offering twenty grand

a head forthese guys.

Do you think I'm going

to settle for four g's

when I could make forty?

Reach in easy

and put the g*n on the floor.


I said put it on the floor,

not kick it under the bed.

Get that and add it

to my inventory.

I assume you're carrying too?

Okay, put it on the floor

and do not kick it

under the f*cking bed.

Listen, cowboy,

if you're even thinking

about making a move, don't.

Nobody's that fast.

- Zero is.

- Who the f*ck is Zero?

- He is.

- I found it!

- Man, you're crazy. Give me my money,

I can get the hell out of here.

- There is one more thing

I need you to do.

- What, man?

- Hello.

- Hello. I'm James Picarney

from Dayton, Ohio,

and I would like to rent a car

with my gold card.

- Let me check

and see what we've got.

Yeah, I've got a couple of French

guys here trying to rent a car.

- So... I've come by to see

how you're doing.

- What do you want, Frankie?

- I just wanted to say

that... uh...

upon reflection...

that I may have overreacted

a little the other day.

- A little?

- I mean, you are

my brother and, well,

I should have found anotherway

of expressing my disappointment.

So I've decided

to make it up to you.

- You going to forget

about the money I owe you?

- What? Are you nuts?

A debt is a debt.

I was thinking of throwing

a little extra work your way.

You come down to the club

and make espresso for the boys.

Run some errands,

things like that.

- Vinny.

- Joey.

- Hey, uh...

no hard feelings about

the other day, huh?

It was just business.

Are you doing okay?

- Uh... my arm, it itches.

- Do not scratch it

with a coat hanger.

It can cause an infection.

My cousin Ernie...

- Did you come in here

for a reason?

- Yeah. Uh... Some guy

in a car rental called Nicky,

he might have a line

on our friends.

- Pogue.

- If you everwant

to get those tapes,

meet me in ten minutes at

Grand Park, by the Conservatory.

- Sorry about the wait.

There's... uh...

a problem with the equipment.

It should only be

a few more minutes.

- You tried to set me up,

you piece of shit.

Hey, what are you doing?

- You think I'm going to talk

until I see if you're wired?

- You k*lled her.

- No. You k*lled her.

The manager remembers you

going into her motel room.

Your fingerprints were found

all over the place.

You're f*cked, Sami, and you know it.

That's why you're here.

- Look, I just want

out of this nightmare.

Okay? I don't know these guys.

- Where are the tapes?

- I can get them.

But what do I get if I do?

- A pass.

- A pass?

How are you going

to give me a pass?

Awitness can put me

at the crime scene.

- Witnesses can be convinced

they made a mistake.

And without the murderweapon,

the DA doesn't have enough

to prosecute you.

- They don't have

a murderweapon?

- No... I do.

The lamp. The one with her blood

and your fingerprints all over it.


Of course, they could always get

an anonymous tip,

find it in a dumpster

behind the motel...

- You want the tapes

for yourself.

You're going to sell them

to Zammeti.

- I am going to retire

with a shitload of money,

find a nice little country with

no extradition treaty with the States,

live the good life.

- You didn't have

to k*ll Sophie.

- Yes, I did.

Loose ends are messy.

When you get the tapes,

you call me at that number.

We'll make the exchange.

That'll be the end of it.

- I don't know about

the little one

but the other guy is

definitely one of them.

- Looking good in your jacket.

One of your mother's gift?

You look younger.

- No!

- No!

- It's not your fault, Daniel.

- We had the chance

to walk out of Zammeti's house.

- We all agreed to it.

You had no way of knowing

Bastaldi was setting us up.

- I just want to live long enough

to get back to Paris.

Just long enough to k*ll him.

- I say we make him pay first.

And then you can do

whatever you want to him.

- He's right!

Do you have any idea

what Van Gogh's "Vase

With Fifteen Sunflowers" is worth?

It's got to be millions!

- We still have

to get out of here.

- Maybe if we gave

the tapes back...

- No.

They k*lled our friend.

It's personal now.

Besides, if we do that,

then Julien died for nothing.

The tapes are the key.

- I ain't seen your ride,


- Mrs Gayet?

Yes. Do you speak English?

Ah, you do. Great.

I'm a friend of Raymond...

You taught Raymond

how to speak English too...

Well, you did a wonderful job.

- Yeah?

- Do you know who you should

talk to is Freddy O?

- I thought he was in prison.

- No, man, he just got out

last month.

- Are you sure they're our guys?

- I'm sorry to call so late...

- And the other one?

...but I'm supposed

to meet Raymond...

- A French passport?

Well, what else

did you find on him?

- I'm supposed to meet

Raymond tonight

at his hotel

and I've forgotten...

- Hey, wait, wait,

wait, wait, wait.

A hotel card key?

- He's trying to play it straight

but he's still wired in, ese,

working in some restaurant.

- What hotel?

- The Evening Light Inn,

Room 412.

- I don't believe someone

would have the balls

to rip off your ride, ese.

- Coo hombre.

When I find him, he's not

going to have them anymore.

- I'll ask around.

If they try to move it,

I can find out.

- Excuse me. I was here first.

Listen, buddy.

You just can't push in here.

- Go away.

- I most certainly will not go away.

- All?

- Get out the room. You've got company

coming up. I'll meet you at the Chevy.

- Ah, mais c'est incroyable!

Merde! Ah!

- You f*ck. This isn't over.


- Hoy!

- Get back out there!

- You get out there!

- Let me drive! Let me drive!

- Are you ready to go?

- Yeah.

- What happened?

- They sort of...

got away.

- I see.

Well, get back out on the street

and find them

before I sort of k*ll you.

- But we ain't had nothing to eat

all day, boss.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

Had enough?

Try and get this through that

stupid f*cking head of yours.

If Half-tooth Tony finds

these guys before we do

and Giancarlo knows

what was in my safe,

we are all dead.


Are you going to bring that

over here today orwhat?

- All?

- Daniel?


He knows I set them up.

- How would he know that?


They don't know anything.

Look, they're your crew.

Find out where the hell

they are.

We find the tapes,

your brother gets out of jail,


- Bastaldi's here.

- What do you mean "here"?

- Bastaldi's in Chicago.

- How do you know that?

- I could hearthe police sirens.

- What do we do?

- I've got an idea.

Wait here, please.

- Yeah?

- I'd like to see

Mr Giancarlo, please.

- Who the hell are you?

- Tell him I am the guy

who robbed Frankie Zammeti.

- Either you're incredibly brave

or incredibly stupid.

Which one is it?

- I guess we're going

to find out.

- You rob an associate of mine,

a friend.

- Uh... not such a good friend,

Mr Giancarlo.

May I reach in my pocket?

- He's clean, boss.

: It's me.

I need an answer from you

if I'm going to move.

: We're not just talking

about a piece of work here.

We're talking about a boss.

Giancarlo's a dinosaur.

The guy thinks he's f*cking

Vito Corleone or something.

The old ways are gone.

If we don't change now,

we're going to get pushed out.

I need to know

- if I can count on your support.

- : Yeah.

- I've got to tell you,

Mr Giancarlo,

this guy is an idiot.

How he lived this long

is a mystery.

- I don't think it'll be a mystery

much longer.

I assume you want something.

- We've got a lot of people

looking for us.

We'd just like to go home.

- You want me to get you

out of the country?

- Yes.

And I need you to find

someone for me.

- And for my help,

I would get what?

- Half the tapes.

- What about the other half?

- Same place, one hour.

- Did you bring the tapes?

- Yeah, I brought the tapes.

The lamp?

- Just a second.

You must think

I'm a f*cking moron.

I just want you to know

that piece of work you asked for

on Johnny Wooks is done.

: Good. How did he go?

Like the crying rat bastard...

- There you go, sport.

What the f*ck is this?

- Give me yourwallet.

I'll take the bag too.

- You think I don't see

through this?

You tell Sami he is

f*cking dead.

- The bag.

- Not a chance.

- Convince him.

- Owww! Son-of-a-bitch!

You f*ck!

- Mr Zammeti?

- Yeah?

- I represent a person who wishes

to remain anonymous

but is aware of your current

financial problems

with your brother.

You see that car?

- Yeah.

- It's yours. A gift.

A gift you could give

to your brother

as partial payment.

- No shit?

- Oui. No shit.

- Thanks.

Hey, Ange!

: You understand?

Sir, I'm talking right now

and when I'm talking, mine is

the only voice I want to hear.

Okay? So zip it, buster!

- Ha, ha. She's a p*stol,

ain't she?

I love a tough broad.

I bet she's good

in the sack too.

The fiery ones always are.

What do you want?

You've got something for me?

Call this number.

Friends of mine have

made arrangements

to get you and your crew

to Canada.

Oh, oh...

And here's the other information

you wanted.

- Thank you.

- Do I need to point out

what a grievous error it would be

not to honor your half of the deal?

- No.

- Good.

: Do not tell me how

to cook a roast. I will tell you.

- This came for you.

Are you all right?

- I stubbed my toe!

- Since we're such good friends,

I thought I'd give you an

advance copy of my next work.

- I am going to retire

with a shitload of money,

find a nice little country

with no extradition treaty

with the States,

live the good life.

- You didn't have to k*ll Sophie.

- Yes, I did.

Loose ends are messy.

- You were so busy

looking for a wire,

you probably didn't even think

about a video camera.

Anyway, I've sent

a copy of the whole tape

to the Chicago PD and the FBI.

They'll get it tomorrow.

If I were you,

I would take the day off.

- Hello...

Hey, boss, some guy says

he's got some tapes you want.

- Yeah?

: You want those tapes,

it's gonna cost you.

- How much?

- Half a mill.

- Are you nuts?

- Okay, I'll just give them

to your boss.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

There's an old warehouse

on Liberty Street...

Those the tapes?

- Hey, watch the paint.

- The money?

- How'd you get these?

- I got them.

That's all you need to know.

- Just a second.

Can you believe that guy?

What a moron!

- Good song, though. Huh?

- Great f*cking song.

- Hey?

- What's this?

- It's a car.

- Oh, really? Thanks.

I thought it was

a sewing-machine.

What the hell's it doing here?

- It's for you.

- For me?

What am I to do with

a piece of shit like this?

- I don't know.

You could sell it.

It's got to be worth something.

Somebody gave it to me.

Oh, come on, Frankie.

I'm trying to make good here.

- Okay, okay.

Hey! If you're well enough

to be walking around,

you're well enough

to start working here.

- Yeah.

- You lost?

- Watch yourtongue there, homes.

I'm about to make you

a very happy man.

- Where are you going?

- I'm coming with you.

- Wait in the car.

- No, Raph, I want to come

with you.

- Hector!

Wait! In the car!

La concha de tu madre.


Does anybody know

about the car outside?

- Yeah. It's mine.

- No. It's mine!

- The hell it is!

- I'm telling you.

That's my car and somebody

is going to pay for it.

- And I'm telling you it ain't!

Now turn yourtaco-eating

ass around

and get the hell out of here.

- Give me the f*cking keys!

- f*ck you, re-fry!

- f*ck me? Ha! Ha!

f*ck you!

- Mama...

: Angelo, we can't

lean too hard on this guy.

He's a congressman.

- How are you doing?

I think that's what they call

a rhetorical question,

being that I already know

the answer,

which is, in your case,

not so good.

Your driver's been replaced.

- Who are you?

- I'm an associate

of Angelo Giancarlo's

and I'm here to express

his displeasure with you.

- Can we work something out?

- I'm afraid not, sport.

- I can't believe

you didn't check it.

- I'm sorry. I did a mistake.

I suppose that none of you have

ever made a mistake before.

- This is great. After everything

we've been through,

we've got twelve hundred dollars

and a f*cking

autographed baseball!

- The baseball's mine.

- No, you can't have the baseball.

- Why not?

- You're not entitled to it.

- I took it.

The baseball's mine.

- If you say "baseball"

one more time,

Zero will sh**t you.

- Raymond,

don't you think

they're overreacting a little?

- No.

I think they have a right

to express their angerwith you!

Like... after the fact

that you... f*ck...

f*cking moron!

Why could you not check

the money?!

You g*dd*mn stupid


- Fine.

All of you want to be angry,

be angry.

But I'm the one who took

the ball and that makes it mine.

- No.

- Come on, give it to me, Sami.

- No.

- Give it to me!

- I said no!

- Give it to me!

- Perfect.

- And... action!

- Have you got a cell phone?

- Ha! Ha!

Hell, yeah, I've got

a cell phone.

- Without a murderweapon, the DA

doesn't have enough to prosecute you.

- They don't have

a murderweapon?

- No. But did I ever show you

my FBI ring?

- What are you doing?

- We came here to steal.

We shouldn't leave empty handed.

- Leave it!

- Cut!

- Do you think it's smart

to tell him you're French?

- I think he already knows that.

- But I can't, Bradley. I can't!

I can't, Bradley.

- We are men of honor but...

aie, aie, aie, aie.

- Loose ends are messy.

- What about me?

I'm not a loose hand?

- He's in there.

- But we ain't had nothing

to eat all day, boss.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

Had enough?

- You f*ck. This isn't over.

- Now that I have you,

how about a big kiss?

- Medic!

- Where are the tapes?

- Cut!