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Dhoom 3 (2013)

Posted: 09/04/23 09:17
by bunniefuu
Every story needs a beginning.

The great epic Ramayana was
started by the Sage Valmiki.

When sage Sutha narrated a story to
his disciples, the Mahabharatha began.

This story began on a rainy evening on
the terrace of Mr. Viswanath's house

There is nothing more ill fortune than
being father of a daughter.

Everyone speaks about the mother who carries
child for 9 months in her womb.

No one speaks of a father who fulfills
her needs from her birth to marriage

Girls... cry when they are born.

but make us cry when they
Ieave after marriage.

When a girl is born...

you enjoy when she is playing
in your lap.

When she is 16 years and she is
walking beside you

and when guys stare at her...

You feel proud to be
the father of such a beauty.

l wasn't happy when a son
was born to me.

But, before 19 years...
on a night like this.

When l was sitting in veranda of
Mission Hospital l heard a cry.

That cry changed my whole life...
Anjali was born...

l didn't know how time passed away...
with her Farex box, school bag...

When she was 8 years l bought
her an ice cream.

She asked ''Daddy, if l want an ice-
cream everyday, how much must you earn?''

The next year l bought an ice-cream
parlour beside her school.

Then l decided... if she has to be
free of difficulties...

l had to earn money...
and l earned millions.

Every year l gift her
on her birthday

Even last year l gifted her...

But l never expected that it would
change our lives upside down.

How is your gold coloured fish?
- How d'you know l was near the aquarium?

l know you from the day you were
in your mother's womb

Even Anju knows where her daddy is...
- Where am l?

ln Delhi. You are back to hotel from
meeting and calling from your room...

After the meeting, returned to
Hyderabad by a flight...

l'm standing just below the window of
your room and speaking to you...

Give her your blessings.

What did you bless her?
- She should be married soon.

Bless her to clear her exams,
marriage can be done in four hours

Even exams are the same its
get over in three hours

Well, where were you last night, when
we had been to your room to wish?

You were with him! What you would've
Iost if you had informed us the same.

Then what would you do?

Could have been part of your
happiness. Nothing else!

Only gifts for her?
- Are we given any chance for it?

Last year l thought of gifting her
cycle, daddy gifted her Scooty

This year l thought of gifting an
helmet, but he gifted her a car

How about next year?

No matter what l shouldn't be
sentimental about such things.

You can challenge me in all
matters except Anjali's

Because no one can love
her like how l do

Why not? My son is there
- Your son is superb in all matters

l've already paid you for the month
- l expected a raise in next salary

ls he there?
- Is it madam

What is it?
- Tell him to send Rs.1000 with you.

Rs.1000... He is not here.

Always about money, to give instantly
is it Rs. 1 or 2 its Rs. 100O

You are the owner of such big shop
and thinking to give Rs.100O

Big! Shop is like a talcum box
and loan is like a oil drum.

Will my ancestors come and
repay the loan?

Are they staying nearby?

What do you need?
- 1 kilo of cashew.

Customers like you should
begin my day...

rather than customers who
come for petty items

Service is very fast.
- Even the quality is good.

Can you give me the change?
- Can you pay me before that?

Hasn't you son given it?
- If you buy, why should he pay?

Because l've paid him already.

He took Rs.300 from me and told me
to try the new stock of cashew

Got shocked. If l show the game
you will faint

This is billiards table, If my owner
see cards on this l'll be fired.

You are speaking so cheap
about our National game.

l think hockey is National game?
- l think you owe me Rs.100.

lts enough play now?
- What is the bet?

My bet is Rs.30O

He has _o 'Jacks' and one 'Ace'
- How do you know?

Look at his spectacles

What a brainy guy you are!

Forget our cards. Skilled men say,
see opponent's cards first

You'll definitely win

- Where is it?

l'll give it when you win.
He doesn't know we'll be the winners

Show the cards
- First you show the cards.

You might be shocked.
- l can withstand.

You may leave now.

We know the remaining cards.

You should have only one Ace.
How do you know?

We saw it in your glasses
- In this...?

lt shows always the same. These are
called gambling glasses

Check it out.
- Let me see it.

This is cheating, What do you say?
- Why is he here?

Please wait for a second, daddy...
Wait l'll repay.

Listen to me daddy, had been to
Iate night movie.

l was gambling and l lost
Rs.300 in an hour.

l took coaching from him all night
and started to play here.

How much is the profit?
- Rs. 50O

Where is it?
- Not for me, it's for him.

ldiot, waste fellow
- Tomorrow l'll come and we'll play.

Daddy please wait.
- You hit the teacher for a chocolate

Cut hair of your classmate's for a
tiffin in your high school

Till date have you done outlast
one thing to please me?

Why don't you die and go to hell?
- We shall discuss this in the house.

Do you have prestige also?
Look like rogue with that band?

The big shop of your father's is
set up with a loan of Rs. 15 lakhs

You are an extra debit for it.
- We shall discuss it in the shop

Discuss? l'll decide today... whether
to keep you in the house or not

Daddy please don't make me wild
- What will you do?

Come home in the evening...
l'll show you

Come and have dinner?
- Come on father lets have dinner.

What is the day today
- Saturday?

Do l eat anything on Saturdays'?
- No

What do l drink?
- Milk.

Then why did you call me for dinner?
- She is a fool!

You come now.
- How about brother?

You are wrong. Ask him if he knows
anything else apart from eating?

lf you yell at him like this, one day
he'll not come to the house

l'm just waiting for that day.
- Are you a human?

You are not bothered that he has
slept without having food?

He doesn't starve. He would
have had something outside.

Since evening, he hasn't
been anywhere.

Then he would have had sufficient
in the afternoon.

But you can never accept
that he is starving.

Why can't you accept that nothing
happens to him if he skips a meal

Get me milk.

What happened?
- l'm feeling hungry

Shall l serve you food?
- No l don't want. He is in the hall

lf l go there, he'll start his lecture
regarding my studies. He is a pain.

He says for your own good, right?
- He can say it in a better way.

Leave it. Well, may l have
little milk.

Anything that you give is so tasty
- Ask directly that you need more.

Why to leave so little?
l'll drink the remaining.

Am l drinking more?
- Why are you saying so?

Atleast if you read main sheet, your
general knowledge will improve.

You are reading since 30 years...
to worsen your eye sight.

Will you have butter milk?
- l asked for milk...

After 15 minutes you are asking me to
have butter milk? You have brains?

l have brains, but there is no milk.

What happened? Did the cat drink?
- No, l drank.

You've drank half a litre of milk?
You've a stomach or bottomless pit?

You were asking what will do right?
Now see what l've done.

Now you can't sleep without milk.
Until morning can't expect milkman.

Don't challenge me.
- People starve in anger. But you?

l am not like others.
Hence l changed.

l am angry and you need to starve

ln which star was he born? Who ever
marries him will have a tough life

Play for half an hour and have one
kilo fruits is it called dieting

but your son has more than him
after watching the game

You lost it daddy.

Did you enquire about college for her?
- Wesley college is better daddy.

Nobody from that college has prospered.
- Even l am from the same college

That is why l am saying to try in
St. Joseph. Is it Okay for you?

As you wish.
- Its too far from office and home

Good, then join your wife there.
- Daddy

What is the quarrel?
- Nothing

Why should you ask me when you
have already decided?

We may ask a person how was the movie.
But do we accept his suggestion?

Then you don't value my decisions?

That's what l like about you, Though
you delay, you understand what l mean.

What are you staring so badly?
- English lecturer is so handsome.

Don't speak like that.
- Why?

l love him.
- Instead of him, love to study.

Let's go. He is so jealous of him.
Jealousy? Why people are like this?

Move aside.
- Who is this idiot?

l thought you were a student.

What can you do if l look so young?
Are you studying from now itself?

To sell.
- Sell?

Have some financial problems.
Will librarian know about this?

l have done it _ice before.
How will they know now?

- What's it?

Do you know something?
- No, l don't know.

What's the difference be_een
man and superman?

- No.

Man wears underwear and then pant over it.
Superman wears pant, then underwear over it.

Now, am l man or superman?
- You are a gentleman.

- You wear nothing inside the pants.

My car...

Hope no one has seen this.
- Can't you see and drive?

l understand if it would've happened
on the road.You've hit a parked car?

lt is hardly a week old. l shouted
from there, couldn't hear that too?

Sorry? Now what shall l do for
these broken lights?

lf you hear to my problems,
your heart will break.

What are your great problems?

My mother was sick. In the
hospital, she was tested...

My father had a heart attack
Iooking at the bills.

Then doctor suggested for
bypass surgery.

What'll l do when l'm
just doing my degree

Seeking help l am here in college.

Then l thought l know that lady and...
this happened

Don't feel so bad. l said
things unknowingly.

We'll just change the
bulbs for Rs.300.

lsn't it? Then why did you yell at me?
- You cried because l yelled at you?

l cried to stop your yelling.
Then... father... heart attack...

lt happens only for person with heart
My daddy doesn't have that chance.

By the way... what did you say...?
'' Can't you see?''

You think driving this is easy?

Hold clutch, engage the gear, accelerate
control the handle, see girls...

Some times when we apply
takes time for the vehicle to stop.

What's your name?

Geetanjali? Swarnanjali?
- Only Anjali.

You know who l am?
- l joined just 10 minutes before.

Though you have joined 10 minutes
back, l know your name.

l am studying here since 2 years still
you don't know my name is Rishi?

Now let's move.
- Where to?

After getting such a shock...
we need to have coffee

Do you eat idli?
One plate idli.

Get me one dosa

- l don't want.

Get me a plate upma

Yes. One coffee
- Why coffee for girls? Get ice-cream.

Had your lunch?
- Yes l had.

That's why you aren't hungry.
l've had it 2 hours ago.

Place everything here.
Even that too.

Why are you staring at me?
Pay the bills

Why? You don't have money?

Are you the daughter of car's
driver or the owner?

The car is mine.
- Then you must have money. Take out

lt is enough for tips...
who will pay for bill?

l've only this much.
- Why do you come without money?

Daddy buys everything for me.
- Now who'll pay the bill?

l had seen in movies, but l'm
surprised it is happening to me

Though you are so thin, you want to
lift all those plates at once

You saved me from washing those.

lt's you...
What happened...?

You have really come?
- Why are you asking like this?

Since you were absent for 2 days, l
was habituated to recall your words

l thought even now it was the same.
- You waited for me so eagerly?

Person who fights is called fighter,
and l'll wait hence l'm a best waiter

Shall we have a cup of coffee

Who is it?
- For yesterday's incident.

What happened?
- Yesterday, he took me to have coffee

With coffee, he had light tiffin.
Bill was Rs.20O

But l didn't have money...
- Then Rishi must have paid it.

lf he would've paid l would say
thank you and not sorry.

Yes, Why did you say?
- Do we need to discuss those?

Please leave from here.
- He couldn't pay, hence washed dishes

You, washed the dishes?
- l didn't wash, l just lifted them.

l have brought my purse today,
shall we have coffee...?

l am busy at some work...

What's the confusion?
- l am scared

ln my lifetime l've done lots of these
experiments and have taught too

Now when you mix these _o chemicals
smoke will be generated.

Don't worry everything will be
alright when the smoke clears

Calm down, troubles do come
for humans not for trees

lts finished
- If you don't stop l'll start crying.

Look how much he is hurt, from
_o years he is behind Priya

Sorry it's three years. Only for
Rs.200 you made him lose his prestige

What sin had he done to you?
- My life is spoilt,don't yell at her

Look that is called as greatness
Is that there is you.

Aren't you ashamed to ask a
guy to pay the bill

lf he washes the plate, you want to
publish that in the newspaper

Are those details required now?
- It was casual, don't stop crying.

He is only crying, If it was me then
l would have committed su1c1de.

l will kick you.
- Sorry l over acted.

You are new to this college and
You've to abide the rules.

Girls should come early and leave late
Should have atleast Rs.1000 in vallet.

Should make friendship with girls and
maintain relationship with guys

Pay the bill if guys have coffee and
give chits for copying in exams

Within six months you should love
somebody or help others to love

lf you don't like this
you'll have tough time

flShe is a new and helpless girlfl

flShe is vey innocentfl

flShe should be taught a lessonfl

"There are many conditions"

"These are class room subjects"

"These are all nuisance"

"You should know to
behave in the campus"

fllf you don't know, learn itfl

flDaughters of great businessmen
have to bow to us"

"You need to ask our
permission for eveythingfl

"Take my words as lesson and
Iearn them daily"


"Don't eat ice cream
and put on weight"

"Diet and be slim"

"You are like a potato"

flHave a look at yourself firstfl

flEven you need a girl friend?fl

flStop debating that girls
are better than guys"

fl Get to know the power of men
and start praising them"

"You should bring bouquet
for us dailyfl

flAnd beg in front of us
to accept your proposal"

flDon't be so proud of your beauty.
Get to know your weaknessfl

flDon't be so proud of your beauty.
Get to know your weaknessfl

flDon't be so proud of your beauty.
Get to know your weaknessfl

flDon't be so proud of your beauty.
Get to know your weaknessfl

flDon't be so proud of your beauty.
Get to know your weaknessfl

flDon't be so proud of your beauty.
Get to know your weaknessfl

flDon't be so proud of your beauty.
Get to know your weaknessfl

flBe disciplined to follow themfl

flWe are known for patiencefl

fllf you cross your limits,
you had it"

"We enjoy when you are angy"

" When you are cying, we get
a chance to console you"

By the way, what happened to the
connecting road contract?

lt's difficult to get it.
- Why?

Factually, expenses for that
contract is 20 millions

But the opponent's tender
is for 15 millions.

Their aim is to snatch contract from
us though they are at loss.

Then our tender will remain same.
- We'll not get it.

What are they saying?

Though they are at loss, we should
not make any profit.

What am l saying?

Though we don't make any profit, they
must be at loss. Put the tender.

A person by named Rangarao
- He has an appointment.

Send him inside
- Okay sir.

Who is he?
- A marriage broker.

Hello sir, you know businessman
Satya Narayan Rao, his...

Tell me the matter?

His grandson Kumar saw your
daughter in a marriage and ...

What is he?
- He is a sof_are engineer in US.

He earns in millions, owns
a big bungalow also

- In US
