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Gettin' Square (2003)

Posted: 09/04/23 09:34
by bunniefuu
Get in!

Hurry up! Come on!
Get in!

You're number four, okay?

That's all you gotta remember. Right?

Number four.

Too easy, mate.

You are number one and number two,
number three and number four.

Number one is the man
who handed you your gear.

Number two is seated to his right.

Number three should be
seated opposite number one.

And number four is the last man in.

If you are uncertain of your number,
speak now.

I'm number four. Right?

Yeah, four. f*ckin' four!

Yeah. Right. Four.

The target is a commercial premises.

You will enter through
a rear fire escape door

from an alleyway behind the building.

Let's go!

Come on!

Is this it?

This is it.

Are you sure, mate?
I don't think this is it.

This is it! Let's go!

I don't think this is it...

Righ to everyone right down!
This is a stick-up!

Get your faces down on the f*ckin' floor!

Get down!

Get down or I'll blow your f*ckin' head off!

So get down!

Don't move!
Get down on the f*ckin' floor!

What's goin' on, mate?

This ain't the right joint!
Change of plan, Johnny Boy.

Righto, Jack.

Let's see your safe.


Come on!

Jesus! What happened?

There was a g*n in the safe
and the bastard topped him.

Shit! Is he all right?

He's gone, mate. He's wasted.

Ah, f*ckin' Johnny Spitieri!
He was f*ckin' dead meat anyway.

Wattsy! You're on.

And I'm sick of it! D'you understand me?

I'm sick to shit of it
and I'm not coppin' it any more!

Youse are gonna let me out. Right?

Mr. Obst, you can't ...

No! No! No! No! No "Mr. Obst"!

Youse'll let me out. Okay?

Now don't start that!
Don't start that whisperin'! Right?

Youse have got nothin' to talk about.

Youse are gonna let me out.

Right now. Right here. Today.

That's it. Finished. End of story.

Done. Over with. Say goodbye.

I must say your history
gives me cause for concern.

I see that in this latest robbery,

you actually locked three of the
bank staff in the strong room.

Yeah, I wouldn't do that again.

Well I should hope not.

No, I wouldn't. Dead set.

Since I done me Violent
Offenders Program and that,

I know that you just can't do
that shit no more.

And what would you say that
you'd learnt, Mr. Morrison?

Well, you just gotta
be more professional about

everything you do these days, haven't ya?

Things like getting
to the crime scene early.

Bein' polite and courteous
with your victims.

I mean, if you can't be professional
about what you're doing,

then you dead set shouldn't
be doing armed robberies!

Who's running our
Violent Offenders Course these days?

I have absolutely no idea.

Thank you, Mr. Morrison.

Oh, it's all right for the young
blokes comin' through, see?

It's okay for them.
They got no worries.

You know, this joint's
like a bloody revolvin' door.

The minute they arrive,
youse just roll out the red carpet for 'em.

They get handed this. They get handed that.

Bloody wrong, don't ya think?
Something wrong with the whole system.

Yeah, no sooner they get in here, mate,
they're out again.

Gotta be taught, don't you think,
Your Majesty?

If you can't do the time,
you don't do the crime.

You've been in prison
since you were nineteen.

You've served eight years of
a twelve-year term for manslaughter.

This is your third application for parole?

That's right.

You struck a -year-old night watchman

who disturbed you and others during
a break-and-enter of a warehouse

in South Brisbane and he died as a result.

I never hit the bloke.

Yes, I know. You're quite innocent,
like every other inmate in this prison.

But that doesn't alter the fact that
you've confessed the crime to the police.

I never made that confession, ma'am.
The coppers bricked me on it.

And you continue to assert
that your arresting officer,

Detective Senior Sergeant Deviers,
fabricated the case against you?

I came through that window with the others,
but I never hit that old bloke.

Arnie Deviers just wrote me up for it.

It was a dead set verbal.

Well, you see,
that's another problem, isn't it?

You say that someone else committed
the crime and yet you won't say who.

That's just how I was brought up, ma'am.

I don't tell tales.

Hey! Hey, Barry!

Hey, brother.

Hey, better luck next time, man.

Better days ahead,

Mate. I'm gettin' out, man.

You serious?

Yeah, yeah. Believe that.
Parole's effective immediately.

Mate, that's shit hot, mate Yeah.
So what're you gonna do?

Oh mate, I'm gonna get square
and I'm gonna stay f*ckin' square.

Yeah. You do it, mate.

Oh man, I'm outta here man.

I've spent too much f*ckin' time
in here already, mate.

I'm f*ckin' square, I'm tellin' ya.

I'm gone. Dead set.
I'm goin' to Italy to live.


Yeah. I told ya, remember?

I traced me cousin there.

It's no bullshit, eh.
Me uncle left us this house in his will.

It's like ten thousand
years old or somethin'.

Yeah but, Spit mate, like,
do you think that

they're just gonna let you piss off
overseas when you're on parole?

Oh mate, f*ck 'em!

Yeah, mate.

Oh yeah. f*ck 'EM, mate!

You don't come back here.
You understand?

You get square.


So what's this walkin' shit?
All part of this diet that you're on, is it?

Too right, son.
It's your Slim Shapers Programme.

Regular exercise in conjunction with
your strictly controlled dietary regime.


Yeah. Go for a walk every day.
Weigh-in once a week.

What, in front of all them sheilas?

Mate, I'm a New Age bloke. All right?

Yeah. Well, you've dropped a bit.

I'm down four kilos!

Shit. That's all right!

Shit-hot, mate.
I'm a bloody star performer!

Piss off, birds!

I don't get it, Crusher...

... the joint's heavin'
with bloody tourists.

Every dump in town is doing big business.

We can't even put in enough
punters to start a decent argument!

Oh. Hello, darlin'.
Hi, Dabba.

I'm tellin' ya, boss.
Cheryl's got too much gear on, eh.

With tits like them she should be topless.

Don't be so f*cking vulgar.

What about if we put a couple
o' tables in out the back?


A couple o' tables.

Mate, are you listenin' to me?

I've come up here to get away
from all that shit. Okay?

I'm getting square.

I got meself a new missus
who's straight up and down,

and two beautiful baby daughters who
are going to come up the right way. Okay?

Square heads. Do you understand?

That's it. End of story, son. Boomf.

And square heads don't run no illegal
game out the back o' their joint, Craig.

You with me?

What about a pool table?

Pool tables always get the punters in.

All right you blokes. Play School's over.
Hardware up!

Everyone out!

No. Not you, Barry. You stay put.

You've got a visit.

I think you know
Detective Senior Sergeant Deviers.

G'day Barry, old mate.

I heard you got yourself
a cushy job in the kitchens.

Well done, son.

Mostly 'eat in' crowd, is it?

What the f*ck do you want?

Just like your old mum used to make, eh?

I heard she'd been a bit crook lately.

She's on the mend.

'On the mend'?

f*ck! Is that what you call it?

Haven't you heard?

The old bat carked it last night.

She's dead, mate.

That's what we're here for...

... to break the good news
to her little baby boy.

I volunteered specially for the job.

Knew you'd wanna hear it from an old mate.

You know, Barry ..

This soup's not bad.

It's not bad at all.

Just needs um ...

... a little bit of the
Colonel's secret recipe.

Keep at it, son. Keep at it.

I've been very bloody
patient with you people,

comin' here year after year.

But a bloke's only got so much patience.

Well, I've had a gut-full!

Youse'll let me out, you ungrateful people!

And if I cop any more of your bullshit ...

I'm dead set gonna do me 'nana! Right?!

Get your f*ckin' hand off me!

The sole remaining family member.

Thank you, Miss Flynn.

Mr. Wirth, the Board is saddened to hear
of the recent death of your mother.

I understand it wasn't entirely unexpected?

No, ma'am. She'd been crook for a while.

In any event, her death means that
your younger brother, Joey,

is left without any parental support.

Your current application urges this Board
to approve your release on parole

so that you can provide emotional
and other support for your brother.

Do you feel that you're
capable of providing it?

Good luck, Barry.

How you doin', Baz?

Hey, little brother.

Good to see ya, mate.

Let's get outta here, yeah?

Yeah, no worries.

Traveling a bit flash, mate.

Whose wheels?

G'day Barry.


Climb in, son.

I think I'll take the bus.

You stood staunch, Barry.
I don't forget things like that.

But we got things hummin' out here now
and there's a place in it for you ...

... if you want it.

All I want is to keep my head down
and get square.

Well... Blokes like you and me,
we don't get square.

We're too smart for that.

Yeah, I hear you're so smart you've
even got the coppers on side now. Yeah?

Makes it easier to do business that way.

I'd rather have 'em inside the tent
pissin' out than outside pissin' in.

You've got a short memory, Chicka.

Well I don't get paid
to remember things, Barry.

Or people either. Eh?

Let's f*ck off.

Look at these kids.

Are these beautifuI f*ckin'
kids or what, eh?

Livin' dolls, mate. Livin'
f*ckin' dolls

Now, I'll just have a quick bite
of lunch with the girls. Okay, sweetie?

No worries, pussycat.
The kids'll be fine with me and Crusher.

See ya!

Hey listen! Why aren't your fancy
mates havin' lunch here, anyway?

Get real, darl!

If we had a table they could've come
back for a game of pool.

Sheilas don't play pool, do they?


Hey, Cheryl?

Sheilas don't play pool, do they?

Nah, not really.

See? Sheilas don't f*ckin' play pool,
you imbecile! Boo!

He's an imbecile, isn't he?

He's a little f*ckin' imbecile.


Yeah, mate.

Mate, the...



No, mate, no. No-no-no, mate,
mate, mate mate. Mate ...

Oh mate ...!

No, mate. It's all worked out on
what they call 'cal points' see?


Yeah. Oh, cal. C. A. CaI points.

It's a scientifically calculated
measurement of your daily fat intake.


Yeah well it's very simple.

Let me give you an example All right.
Stubbie o' Light.

Only three cal points, mate.

Yeah, so what's a 'heavy'?

I Mate, it's five an' 'alf.

Jeez, for two an' 'alf extra you'd
almost take the punt, wouldn't ya?

No, mate. No, no, no.

See, the thing is, this is where blokes
like you get it wrong, you see?

You're always tryin' to cut corners.

Cheat the system.

Now the thing is, right,
you throw down a Lightie...

take the edge off the thirst, sort of thing.
So you're in for three points.

Then you hop into a couple
of those white wines,

put a bit of a glow on ya.

Oh yeah. White wine, eh?

Yeah. Or red.


Yeah, red or white.
Makes no difference, mate.

Yeah, so what are they worth?

Mate ... three points.
Only three bloody points, son!

You see what I mean? Throw a coldie back,

then whack a couple of
those white wines into me.

Next thing I'm 'alf on me way and all done
and out and finished for under ten points.

Jeez, that's a top diet, Darren.

Mate? Mate!

Hello, darling.


How are ya, mate?

Very well, Darren. Very well.
Nice to see you.

Crusher. How you doin', my friend? Good?

Jesus! Darren! You've dropped
a bit of weight, haven't ya?

She's got me onto Slim Shapers.

I'm down four kilos, mate.

I'm a bloody star performer!

So what do you reckon?

Well, we've each got our
own rooms now, eh. So...

Like, maybe if you want
to move into Mum's room or...?

Or I can, or... It's whatever you want.

That was 'orrible.

Mate. This ... this is one sensational deal!

They will pay us one point five mill.
for the site

as soon as the council approves
it for high-rise development.

Now you, you're only paying
six hundred to buy it.

So mate, there's a nine hundred
grand pick-up in it for ya.

All you've gotta do is settle the purchase.

And then you turn it straight back around,

whack nine hundred in your kick -
less my ten percent, of course.

What about The Texas Rose?

Mate, did I say sensational deal
or did I say sensational deal?

The development plan is for
a residential tower. All right?

With, you know, ground floor retail
shops and restaurants -

one of which comes back to us twelve
months rent-free for The Texas Rose.

Now mate, you tell me if that's
not a sensational deal.

Con. That is a sensational deal, mate.

f*ckin' sensational!

Are you sure they'll get approval?

Darren! Trust me, mate. It's sweet.

But, you know, it is gonna take a few weeks.

Are you right to settle in the meantime?

How much do I need?

Well, the bank will give you four hundred,

so you'll need to kick in
about two to top her up.

Any problems?

I don't think so.

I still keep a bit o' dough
with Warren Halliwell -

my accountant here in Surfer's Paradise.

He moves it around a bit for me.

Yes, Mr. Halliwell?

Melanie, I think we might
break for lunch again.

What do you think?

Sounds great, Mr. Halliwell.

He's got one of them dodgy
'first mortgage' schemes set up.

Puts it out on a short-term drip-feed
to all them shonky builders

doin' high-density rent guarantee
developments in the back lots.

Oh yeah, Warren's a real operator.

He's slipperier than ajar of eels.

When it comes to jugglin' figures,

he can make a bucket that stinks
smell like a bunch o' roses.

He's slicker'n goose shit, mate.

Warren knows all the moves

Oh great! Just great!

Hi there. You've called Warren Halliwell.

I'm out at present,

but if you leave a message
I'll get right back to you. See you!

Great, Warren!

While you're out hitting the piss somewhere
I'm here having a crisis.

The Beemer won't be ready 'til . o'clock

and I'm due at tennis in half an hour!
Call me!


You bastard!

Oh Graham, it's Niall Toole here from
the Criminal Investigation Commission.

Good. Listen,
I need to organize a search warrant.

Well it's a little bit sensitive,

which is why I'd prefer to get
a criminal code on it if possible.

Do you have any magistrates available
around three this afternoon?

Oh wonderful.

I'll get a complaint sworn up immediately.

Yes, it's for the offices of the Surfers
Paradise accountant, Warren C. Halliwell.

Oh excellent,
Darren! It's another two kilos!




Oh you're f*ckin' kidding!

We won't sign it.
We're not signing anything.

Darren! Don't sign it!
We're not signing a thing, mate.

You don't need to sign it.
It's a search warrant.

Yeah well exactly!
So we won't be signing anything, eh?

So what's the f*ckin' charge?

Ah... the charge...

What's the charge?

No charge at this stage.

No charge at this stage, Darren.

What? There's no f*cking charge?

They're turning a bloke's place upside down

and there's not even a f*ckin' charge?

They can't do that. Can they do that?

Can you do that?

As I'm sure you are aware we have very
extensive powers of search under the Act.

Search? Search for f*cking what?

Darren! Please!

Search for...?

We believe Mr. Barrington
may be in possession of money,

which constitutes 'tainted property'
under the Confiscation of Profits Act.

Thank you...

Mate, I'm f*ckin' square All right?
C'mon, I'm tellin' ya.

Hey Darren?

Have you seen what
these d*ck-heads are doing?

What the f*ck do you think you're doing?

That's 'A' grade turf you're
poking holes in there, pal!

What are they f*ckin' doing?

Yeah, what are they f*ckin' doing?
I mean, excuse me!

But you know, what are they ...?

They're probing for buried receptacles.

As you know we have power to interfere
with private property under the Act.

Er... Con... er... Con...

Listen, buddy...

I'm square these days. Ask anyone you like.

I'm out of all that shit.

Dead set. One hundred percent.

Declare everything. Me taxes, everything.

Are you with me?

We're not suggesting you don't.

But we believe that you may be using funds

illegally obtained through
the bank scams back in '.

Mate. I've done me time for that blue -
fair and square.

We're interested in
what happened to the proceeds.

I've spent 'em. What's it to you?


Turn it up, sport!

What d'you think you're bloody doin'?

That's our bloody lawn, ya drop-kicks!

If your client invested tainted funds
in his business

then he may be guilty of money
laundering under the Act.

As you know that carries ten years.


f*ckin' ten years, mate!
You're kidding, aren't ya?!

We're primarily interested
in revenue at this stage.

If your client is willing to
voluntarily declare the funds

and consent to forfeiture

then I don't expect we'd be prosecuting
on money laundering charges.

What? So I just hand the dough
back to you blokes, eh?

It's forfeited to the Crown.

Oh right. And I suppose they hand
it back to the banks, do they?


No. No, no. Bloody right they don't!

Jeez, yous are dead set f*ckin' red hot,
you are, eh?

You can't even do your own f*ckin'
thievin' for yourselves!

We gotta do it for ya!

You, dead set!

You're bigger f*cking
crooks than I am, mate!

As I said, we're revenue driven.

What have we here?

Er... Con?

... seventy, eighty, eighty-five.

Sixty-one thousand, six hundred
and eighty-five dollars.

Now why would you have that kind of money
buried in your back yard?

I don't trust banks.

People keep robbin' 'em!

I nearly didn't recognize you the other day.

Yeah, well. It's been a long time.

I just wanted to say that
I'm sorry about your mum.


Well, Joey's glad you're back.

Are you best mates now?

I'm his probation officer.

Community Corrections Three years in April.

Small town.

He's a good kid.

I just want things to go right for him.

I hope you're up for it.

Well he's me brother, isn't he?

A lot of people have stuck
their necks out for you, Barry.

I never asked them to.

Well, just don't f*ck it up for Joey. Okay?

So how did you go with your weigh-in, anyway?

Oh yeah, no worries, mate.

I wore the paper-thin strides, no belt.
Sweet as you like.

You gotta come off a good base, see.


Mad if you don't, mate.

First weigh-in, see, you're building
a bit of give and take in there.

I goes in with a couple of kilos
of lead in me boots -

gives it that little bit of
breathing space, sort of thing.


Yeah. Mate, they'd make your
life a misery otherwise.

This way, you can have a bit of a blow out,

you don't have to give yourself up,
sort of thing.

No point in holding up your hands.

Mate, why would ya?

Oh, here he is.

No charges. But they're
looking for a forfeiture order.

What's that?

Basically it means the ClC gets the dough.

What? The whole sixty grand?

Plus the two hundred
grand you gave Halliwell.

Oh, that dirty f*ckin' bean-counter!
He's dogged me!

No, no, no, no. I don't think so, Darren.

Apparently Halliwell's
gone into deep snooker.

The ClC got all his bloody files, eh.

Who is this ClC anyway? What are they?
The f*ckin' cops or what?

Nah, they ain't the cops.

They ain't cops?!

Well, f*ck 'em then!

They can't do nothin' to us
if they ain't even cops!

Darren, they're worse than the cops, mate.
They're like, they're like super-cops.


Yeah. With all these
fancy new coercive powers.

Ah! Jesus! f*ck a duck!

I'm tryin' to run a straight up
and down show here,

an' I'm bein' lumbered with super-cops
with f*ckin' coercive powers!

What's goin' on here, Con?

No, look, it seems they're
lookin' at official corruption.

I mean they reckon Alderman Burrows

got a drink out of the re-zoning
of the Texas Rose.

And they're tryin' to link the money
you gave to Halliwell back to the bank scam.

So f*ckin' what? That's my dough.
I pinched it.

Yeah, well, mate, they want it.

And apparently, if they can trace it back,
they get it.

Well, good luck to 'em, mate!
They got no chance.

That Halliwell's the shiftiest
bastard in the game.

They can't do nothin' with the bloody files.

Yeah, but they've, like, subpoenaed every
f*ckin' person in the world for questioning, eh.

Oh well, tell 'em to get f*cked, Con!

We don't have to answer
their bloody questions.

I'm really sorry, Darren,
but I'm afraid you do, mate.

It's part of their coercive powers.

Well, what about your right to silence?
That's unassailable.

Yeah, ya can't force a bloke to tell tales.

That's against the constitution.

That's f*ckin' un-Australian.

What about a deal, Con?
Can we do 'em a deal?

Go to seventy-thirty. Bottom line,
split it down the guts.

I don't think they work that way, Darren.

Well, f*ck 'em! f*ck 'em!

Tell 'em to go their hardest.
Good luck to 'em.

Anyway, that money's legit.

Dead set,
one hundred percent on the up and up.

And they'll never prove otherwise.

Not unless someone puts
the finger on Johnny Spit.

Who's Johnny Spit

He's the bloke I got to deliver
the luka to Halliwell.

They'll never find Johnny Spit.

No way! The bloke's a junkie.
They got no hope.

We're from the Criminal
Investigations Commission.

We understand that John Spitieri
rents a room here?

Yeah, except he don't pay his rent.

He's in Room six.

Top of the stairs.

Oh f*ck!

I'll be home for dinner, mate.

Hang on a tick. I'll give you a lift.

ln a Ford?

You are kiddin', aren't ya?
I'd rather walk.

What're you talking about? Ford's King!

Holden is!

Ford, mate!




f*ckin' Ford!

f*ckin' Ford ...

Yeah, so I've only had my
ticket about three years,

but I've been the head cook since then.

Well you shouldn't have to do
anything too fancy around here.

Where have you worked?

Just at SDL.

SDL? Where's that?

Sir David Longlands.

Sir David Longlands?
That's not a restaurant, is it?

No, it's a prison.

Oh right.

Did you work for the Prisons' Department?

I was an inmate.

How long were you in there for?

About eight.

Eight months?

Eight years.

Eight years. Gosh!

What were you in for?

I was done for killin' a bloke.

I never did it.

Oh right.

You're a hard man to track down, Joey Wirth.

It's good for my image. Man of mystery.

You look like you've won the lottery.

Yeah, I ... wacked me pocket money
on a favourite at Eagle farm.

It's come good.

Oh yeah?

How are things at home?


He settling in all right?

Yeah, no worries.

What's he doing with himself?

Do you want me to get him to give you a call?

No, he's cool. He's good.

So where's your boss?

Ah... Jeez, I haven't seen him.

Has he got a name?

Oh he's just this old dude that I bumped into.
He gave me a twenty to hose down his boat.

Okay I'm gonna need a name, aren't l?

Yeah. No worries.


Yeah, Davo. It's Annie Flynn.

Can you run a name search on a boat for me?

It's called the 'Far Canal'.

No, no. I'll hold.


Thank you. 'Bye.

So you've been away
for a few years, mate?


OiI rigs, eh?

Yeah, North Sea.

What? D'you get jack of it?

It's too bloody cold, mate.

You won't get too bloody
cold around here, mate.

That's it. That's it.
Come on! Kick it up!

That's the way ... good.

Clear off! All of youse!

No, not you, Jackie Chan.

Yeah, that's right.
Talking to you, sweet'eart.

Little Miss Community Corrections.

Elvis, piss off!

I want to know what your
interest is in Chicka Martin.

What business is that of yours?

Everything in this town's
my business, darlin'.

You understand?

Now I don't know what that...

that grub Barry Wirth's been
telling you about Chicka Martin.

But what Chicka Martin does has got
nothing to do with Community Corrections

and it's got nothing to do with you.

So if you don't want trouble with me,

you keep your spunky little bum out of it.
All right?

It's Deviers. Right?

That's Detective Senior Sergeant
Deviers to you, rose-petal.

Are you always this charming?

Only on the first date, darlin'...

... only on the first date.

What about your salmon?

Oh mate, sweet as a nut.


Absolutely. No, your salmon
is shit-hot gear, mate.

We're talking here maybe point one,
point two of a point.

Piece of crispy bread, throw in an
extra maybe point two of a point.

It's nothing.



G'day Dabba.

You know Big Mick?

Yeah, 'course I do.

G'day Mick. How are you, son?

Good, Darren. Yeah, mate, I'm real good.

You're lookin' really good.

Jeez, I haven't seen you in years.

No, not since the old
Pink p*ssy Cat days, eh?

That's right, yeah.

Jeez, you've dropped a lot of
weight since then, Darren.

You're lookin' really good.

Isn't he lookin' fabulous, Chicka? Huh?

Yeah. I'm 'barred up' at the sight of him.

Yeah well, he's dropped a heap,
hasn't he? Look at him!

Yeah, yeah.
He looks like a f*ckin' Biafran. Okay?

Listen, Dabba, I just come over to discuss
a little business proposition with you.

Oh yeah?

What's Big Mick doing here then?

You need to learn a few manners,
don't you, Chicka?

If you wanna talk business with me, fine.

But don't come packing muscle.

No offense meant to you, of course, Mick.

Oh no, Darren. There's no offense
taken, mate. No, none at all.


Why don't you go and get yourself
a cold beer at the bar?

Let's take the weight off, big fella.

Sit down.

When are you going to get a bit of
f*cking form about you, Chicka?

Oh, keep your shirt on, Dabba!

I only came over to see you
as an old friend...

... and to offer you an opportunity
for a little earn.

Oh yeah? Taken up charity work, have you?

Well, as you know,
charity begins in the home.

And right now, I got myself a little problem.

See, lately, I been parkin' most
of my hard earned 'Cyril Ashe'

with our good friend, Warren Halliwell.

But now, because Warren has great difficulty
in keepin'g his d*ck in his dacks,

he's in considerable shit with the ClC.

So, in the interim,

I've been parking a shit-load
with Black Jack Cullan.

He's showing it in the books
of his cash businesses

and turning it into paper for me

for a of course healthy commission.

But you and me both know that there's
a limit to the amount of cash

that even a shockin' punter like
Black Jack Cullan can drop on the horses.

And that's where you come into it.

Oh yeah? How do you figure that, then?

Well, I hear tell from the dogs
that are barking in the street,

that in this particular establishment,

you've gone and
got yourself a complete dud.

So I figure you gotta be hurtin' pretty bad.


I am of course touched by the
level of your deep concern, Chicka.

Well, as you know,
that's the kind of bloke I am.

Anyway, I figure there's a bit of
mutual back scratching to be done here.

So I'm proposin' that you and me become
partners in this here white elephant of yours.

Now I know you can't stop people
paying cash in a business like this.

So you pay your tax ...

and then you and me split the rest

on a basis that is fair and reasonable
and equitable to both parties.

Say, eighty to me -twenty to you?



I don't think so, Chicka.

But Dabba. Dabba,
we're talking concepts here.

Don't go gettin' too
hung up on the figures.

Like I say, it's negotiable.

No, it ain't.

See, to tell you the truth,

I don't like the business you're in, Chicka.

And I'm not all that particularly
fond of you, either.

ln fact, I wouldn't have you as a partner

if you was served up on a silver
platter surrounded by watercress.

So if you want someone to wash
your filthy luka for you,

I suggest you take it to the Laundromat.

Is that right?


Well, l, of course, appreciate your being
so frank and forthright with me, Dabba.


Maybe you need to learn a
few manners yourself, Dabba.

Well, let me know if
you find a good teacher.

Empty the till, mate!
Come on now! Do it, mate!


Do it! You empty the till now!

You gotta be kiddin'.

No mate, I'm serious.
Empty the f*ckin' till!

That's a screwdriver, ya d*ck-head.

What're you gonna do?
Put up some shelvin'?

I hate g*ns, mate.
They're dangerous f*ckin' things.

Piss off or I'm gonna get over there
and I'm gonna give you a good floggin'.

Is that Wattsy?


Hey, Wattsy! Mate!

Johnny, you prick!
What are you doin' to me?

Oh f*ck! That thing's so f*ckin' hot!

Johnny, what are you
doing stickin' up a servo?

Hey, I know mate, I know.

Hey, I'm a better crook than that.
But mate...

I'm back on the shit again, mate.
I'm hangin' out somethin' fierce.

You're not, are you, mate?

I am, man. Dead set. I'm f*cked, mate.
I gotta score, big time.

Don't sh**t!

Now go mate, go back, get back mate!
Go! Go back!

Come on, empty the till, mate! Come on!

Get back! Or I'll give it to you! Yeah.

Oh right. Yeah ...


Thank you.


Yeah ...

Thank you.



Where do you think you're going?

She's from Community Corrections, Sarge.

I know where she's from.

This is a police station,
not a bloody social club.

You sit your arse down and
wait like everybody else, sweet'eart.

You too, ferret.

I'll bring your boyfriend out
when we're finished with him.

Thank you, Constable.

Here he is!

Me old mate, Barry Wirth.

Wattsy Wirth?
Not f*ckin' much, if you ask me.

I hear you been up to your
old tricks again, Barry.

I'm not talking to you, Deviers.
I want to see a solicitor.

You don't need a solicitor.

The Boy Scouts here are gonna let you go.

Reckon they don't
have enough to pinch you on.

You see? Not like the old days, eh?

These young blokes here haven't got
the balls to drop a verbal ...

... even on a little grub like you, Barry.

But I do, Barry. And don't forget it.

I stitch up a little
shit like you in a heartbeat!

I know you were in on that servo job.

And when the boy scouts here
pinch your little mate,

he'll tell me everything I need to know.

And then you're going back
inside where you belong.

Only this time, you're never gettin' out!

Look, I don't give a shit what you
do with your life, Barry,

but if you breach your parole,
I can't guarantee anything for Joey.

I'm lookin' after him.

No you're doing a great job.

Oh, thanks very much.

He's a smart kid, but you gotta
look after him. Look!

f*ck only knows why, Barry,

but he thinks that you're
someone worth looking up to.

Well, he's not that smart then, is he?

Come on. Wake up to yourself, Barry.

We're doin' all right, Annie.

Look, I haven't told the department
about Joey working for Chicka Martin yet,

but I'm beginning to think that I should.

You done?

Stick up, pal. all your dole.

Hey mate, what are you doin'
looking for a job?

I heard you was working in a servo.

Oh really? Where'd you hear that?
Come on ...

So Chicka Martin's gonna
be my ticket outta here, man.

Chicka's nothing but trouble, Spit.

No, no, no. Hey, mate. Mate,
listen to this.

About six weeks ago, right,
this wood-duck rolls into town.

Drives a Porsche, mate.
Absolutely rollin' in it.

And he knows no one. Right?
Absolutely f*ckin' no one.

Mate, he starts hassling me
about getting' gear for him.

He's payin' like three times
over the odds for it. So, mate...

I done this shit-hot deal with
Chicka. Right?

He's givin' me a kilo of 'H' for
twenty grand on credit.

The wood-duck's gonna
pay me thirty grand for it.

Mate, that's ten grand goin'
straight into my skyrocket.

Mate, you gotta get off that shit.

Nah, this time I'm gonna do it, eh.

This one's gettin' me out for good.

Mate, what are you talkin' about?

This, mate. This. Look...

Look. The cure, mate.

Look at her. She was a ragin' junkie.

She was pumpin' like
a thousand bucks up her arm a day.

But her oldies, here,

they sent her off to Israel
for this special treatment.

They like put you in a coma or somethin'.

And when you wake up you're straight, mate.
No cold turkey. Nothin'.

No, I checked it out, mate.

As soon as I done the deal, mate,
I'm on the plane ...

... courtesy of Chicka.

It's a lot harder than
I thought it would be, Spit.

No one wants to hire an ex-con.

Mate, any bloke who can make a fancy sanger
like this should be in big demand.

Shut up.

Hey, I could get you kitchen work.

I know this Pommie bloke
He owes me a couple.

I don't want nothin' dodgy, Spit.

No, no, mate. This bloke's square ... sorta.

Anyway, eh. He's got his own restaurant.



Surfer's Paradise, mate.

Surfer's Paradise?


Surfers bloody Paradise.

Jesus, Crusher! What's this meant to be?

You said 'well done'.

Well done?

Blokes don't get this
burnt in the electric chair!


G'day, pal

Are you Spit's mate?

Yeah. I'm Barry Wirth.

Can you cook steaks, Barry?

Yeah, 'course I can.

Pepper steak. Well done.

'Well done' as in still identifiable
without havin' to check its dental records.

All right. Crusher will show you around.

Come on...

Barry ...

So, have you seen Johnny Spit
around lately?


No well I've asked around.
I'm told you're a good boy.

You keep your nose clean
and you got a job around here. All right?

No dr*gs, no hardware.

You don't dud me and I won't dud you.

You f*ck up, and I'll wipe
you like a dirty bum.


If I catch you thievin',

I'll chop your nuts off and watch you
grate 'em over a Salad Nicoise. All right?

That's more than fair.

Come on.


Wake up! Wake up! Get up!
Get up off the floor! Come on!

What are you doin' to me, eh?
What are you doin'?

Get outta here!

Get up!

Hey! What's happenin', mate?

What's happenin', mate,
is that you're f*ckin' outta here!

That's what's happenin'!
Get outta here!

Where'd you get the money to buy the smoke?
You been thievin'?


No. You've been working for Chicka,
haven't you? You stupid shit!

Jesus, Barry, chill out, will ya!
It's only a bag of smoke.

You're not my bloody probation officer ...

That little bag of smoke
is enough put me back inside.

And I ain't f*ckin' goin' back.
All right?

Not for you, not for Chicka,
not for f*ckin' anyone!

You understand me?

Jesus, Barry. Handle it, will ya?
f*ckin' handle it!

So you're worried about
the little bastard, are ya?

Yeah. I promised my mum I'd
never let him end up in boob.

Your mum, eh?

Yeah, that's the thing
about mothers, isn't it?

You go inside and they do
every day of it with ya.

It's harder on them than it is on us.
Dead set.


Yeah, my mum done it real tough for me.

This brother of yours.
Does he know how to pull beers?

Who's he gonna pull beers for?
We got no punters.

Well never mind about that.
We're on the verge of big things, here.

Bring the kid in.
We'll teach him how to pull beers.

You got any more of this custard?

Doesn't that stuff f*ck up your fancy diet?

As long as a certain party don't
dog me to my missus, it don't. No.

Thanks, Dabba.

Forget it.

Listen, Dabba.
I know you're chasin' Johnny Spit, so ...

if I see him I'll have a word with him.


That'd be good.

Yeah. Shit-hot, mate.

Johnny! Quick! Get in!

What's going on?

Just drive, mate!

What the f*ck's goin' on?

Just get outta here, mate!

Oh shit!

John Francis Spitieri.
You're officially served.

Oh, what is this shit, man?
What have I done?

Oh, Criminal f*ckin'
Intelligence Commission?

Oh, why?

Oh what are youse hasslin' me for, mate?

I'm square! I'm f*ckin' square!

Mate, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I'm not goin' doggin' anyone.
That's for sure

Dabba's always been square with me.

I'm not puttin' You can tell him back.

Oh shit!

Oh f*ck.

Community Corrections I'm outta here, man...

You don't seem too popular.

It's nothin' for you to worry about.

Wasn't that John Spitieri?

I don't know his name.
He just bummed a lift off me.

Okay. Well, just so you know,
next time you see him hitching,

he's a convicted criminal,

so giving him a lift would be a
breach of your parole.

I'll ask him for lD next time.

I see you got the Falcon going again.

Yeah, just cleaned her up a bit.
She purrs like a kitten.

Only woman a man can rely on, huh?



Annie, when I spent my first night in slot

I was just a young kid pissing my pants.

It was John Spitieri that
put his hand on my shoulder.

He taught me up from down.

And that counts for something, doesn't it?

Right now, Johnny needs a friend.

Well friends are important.

Yeah. And friends that stick.

'Cos when it comes down to it,
they're all you've got.

What? Like Chicka Martin?

No. Chicka's no one. He's ancient history.

So why is Joey working for him?

He's not. Not any more.

See ya.

See ya.

G'day, mate.

The gear's on the floor in front of you.

It's the same as what you've been getting.

It'll cost you twenty large,
payable on Friday.

Sweet, mate.


Hey! Yeah, it's me.


Hey. Frank, mate. It's me.

Who is it?

It's me!


It's me! It's f*ckin' me!

Oh right! Right!

Hey, mate. I got that stuff for ya.


I got that stuff for ya, you know,
the 'whats-it' you know.

The other thing?

Oh right. The whats-it. You got it did ya?

Yeah, mate. I told ya I would, eh.

Unreal, excellent. Excellent.

Hey, hang on, is that the dark chocolate
or is that the milk chocolate?

Come again?

Is this the brown beetles,
or is this the vanilla ice cream?

Ice cream?

Oh yeah ice cream. Yeah, mate.

Yeah mate I got you the vanilla ice cream.

Hey mate, nice and creamy, too.

Awesome. Mate,
were you able to get me a double Scoop?

Yeah mate, I got you a large scoop.

Cool. How much is the large scoop?

A large scoop of ice cream, mate?
Thirty thousand.


Okay, mate.

Hey! Get in!

Hey mate!
Hey bro. How are ya?

I'm good, mate.

You got the gear?

Right here, mate.

Let's crack it open, man.

Oh not here, mate.
Just go up the road a bit, eh.

You got me a kilo?

Just like I said I would.

And it's heroin. Right?

It's the best money could buy, mate.
Hey, you got the dough with ya?

And the deal is a kilo of heroin for
thirty thousand dollars. Right?

Police, Johnny.
Mind stepping out of the car, please?

Oh shit!

I don't need a job. I got a job.

What? Cleaning up after Chicka Martin?

Chicka looks after me all right.

Chicka looks after bloody Chicka, mate.

Listen, Joey...

I jumped through that window
all those years ago with Chicka Martin

because he was Mum's boyfriend.

As far as I was concerned,
he was the duck's nuts.

So when Arnie Deviers,
he started leanin' on us, I wore it.

I said nothin' ...
and Chicka said nothin'.

And next thing I know,
I'm being banged up for twelve years

and Mum's doing three for
accessory after the fact

... and you, baby brother,

you're being raised by people
we don't even f*ckin' know!

Still Chicka said nothin'.

He starts doing business with the wallopers

who put me inside
and things couldn't be sweeter.

Well f*ck him!

I thought he was going
to look after me, too, mate.

Well, I didn't know none of that.

Yeah well didn't need to.

Well I didn't much like
cleanin' boats anyway.

So what is this gig?

John Spitieri?

Who's askin'?

We're from the Criminal
Investigation Commission.

We'd like to have a short word with you.

Oh what? Turn it up!
Youse have only just let me go.

We're not the police.
We think we might be able to help you.

Mate, I don't know what
youse are talkin' about.

Look, John. You're in a bit of trouble here.

You've been charged with trafficking.

You wouldn't even have got
bail if we hadn't intervened.

You see, we know you delivered cash
to Halliwell for Darren Barrington.

And when you get along to our inquiry,

you're either going to tell the truth,

in which case you'll
face money laundering charges -

or you're going to lie,

in which case you'll
face perjury charges as well.

The way you're going,

you could end up back inside
for another twenty years.

So you see, Barry...

... this bean counter,
this Halliwell bloke,

he's caused a whole lot o' shit
to rain down on a whole lot o' people.

He pulled poor old Cranky Stan down
with him just 'cos he knew the bastard.

Well, do you know him or not?

Who? Warren bloody Mate,
I don't know what you're talkin' about.

Who is this Warren Halliwell, anyhow?

You don't know him?

Never met him?


Are you certain of that?

Yes, I'm certain.

Absolutely certain?


There can be no mistake
about it in your mind?

Mate, I dead set wouldn't know the bloke
if he stood up in me f*ckin' soup.

All right?

How say you,
ladies and gentlemen of the jury?

Do you find the accused guilty
or not guilty of the charge of perjury?

Poor old Cranky drew four with no bottom,
just for knowin' the bloke.


That'd be f*ckin' right.

Halliwell was also the reason they shone
a torch up Alderman Burrows' arse.

They reckon he copped a sling for the
re-zoning of the Texas Rose.

I don't know where they
get these ideas from!

Burrows was way too smooth for them.

Certainly not, sir.
I would never do such a thing!

Unfortunately, they did turn up
some expense account records

which did prove very embarrassing.

Who would've thought it, eh?

Educated bloke like that.

If anybody was gonna get across the line,
you'd think 'Slippery' Frame would 'ave.

Well, Mr. Frame? It's all there in your
own handwriting, isn't it?

Records of all the payments
you made to Mr. Halliwell.

Well, what have you got to say, Mr. Frame?

Is this it? Is this all youse've got?

Well, it's not a bad start, is it, Mr. Frame?

Mr. Frame...

Mr. Frame, what are you doing? Mr. Frame!


Mr. Frame, take that
exhibit out of your mouth!

Mr. Frame, do not chew that exhibit!

I order you to stop chewing!

Mr. Frame, do not swallow that!

Spit that out immediately!


The poor bastard nearly choked to death.

And he still drew three for contempt
of the Commission, or some shit.

No, if anyone was gonna come 'ome,
you'd have thought Slippery would've.

But they got sweet f*ck all on me. Right?

Pardon my French, darl.

Sweet f*ck all!

Except for Johnny Spit.

Yeah, except for Spit.

I wrapped the cash up in a parcel

and slipped Johnny a two-spot
to deliver it to Halliwell.

Well, how can they prove they
were your folders then, pet?

They can't.

They got nothin' to tie me to that cash.
Absolutely nothin'!

Except Johnny Spit.

Yeah, except for Spit.

Johnny's no teller.

Yeah. Well, if he gives me up
they'll pinch me for money laundering,

in which case, I could cop for ten years.

Johnny wouldn't tell a dentist
which tooth to pull.

Well anyway,

me and Con Katsakis are gonna be in Brisbane
for a couple of weeks at the hearing.

Which means you're gonna have to
run the restaurant without me.


Well, I'll put the kids
out on agistment with Mum,

so I should be around most of the time.

But she's gonna need your help, Barry. Okay?

Yeah, no worries.

I reckon we're comin' up
for a busy time soon.

You could be run off your feet.
But don't worry.

All the systems are in place.

You don't have to change nothing.
All right?

Oh f*ck this! Let's get a cab!

Oh darl!


So here's my problem, Barry.

I am presently so hungry from this diet

that I could chew the arse
out of a low flying duck.

But because I have been pigging
out all morning,

I'm allowed no more than
a further grams of fat,

which means that I'm restricted
to rabbits' food.

Now I have got to lose this extra weight
to surprise Darren when he gets home.

But if I don't have a decent feed,
I am likely to deck someone.

Now. You're a chef, Barry.

You must be able to make something
edible out of this crap.

Yeah, should be able to.

I am talking about something edible, Barry.

Oh shit! That looks all right!

Just say 'yes' or 'no' Okay?

'Yes' or 'no'. Sweet, mate.

You don't volunteer anything.
You don't make any comment.

Just 'yes' or 'no'.

Yeah no worries mate.

Because the more you say, the more they're
going to try and trap you. Right?

Yeah. Right, mate.

Just 'yes' or 'no'.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Your full name is John Francis Spitieri?


I beg your pardon?


Your name is John Francis Spitieri?


Thank you. And you reside

I never said it wasn't.


I never!

Never what, Mr. Spitieri?

I never said it wasn't!

Wasn't your name?

Oh that's crap!

It is my name!

I didn't say it wasn't.

Yes, you did. You said it then.

Yes you did.

Look, I think we might be at cross-purposes.

What d'you mean cross?
I'm not the one gettin' cross.

Yes, all right.

Yeah, youse are the ones that are arcin' up,

getting around accusing
everyone of everything.

No one has accused you of anything,
Mr. Spitieri

Yeah? Well what am I doing here then, mate?

Excuse me?
Who's paying for my bus fare today?

I'm sure someone will sort that out.

Yeah. Well, who, mate?

I'm on a pension, you know.
I haven't got no money.

Well, we'll come to that later.

Oh see, there you go!

That's the same sort of shit
them coppers were on about,

trying to get me to say things that
'm s'posed to have, I know nothin' about.

Youse are full of shit, mate. Dead set.

You're dead set trying to verbal me.

You're trying to put words
into my mouth and that.

No. No one is trying to
put words into your mouth.

Yes youse are.
No we're not.

Yes, youse are. You're doin' it now.

Doing what, Mr. Spitieri?

Well, what do you think, mate?

Trying to get me to say
things you wanna hear.

Mate, I already told ya.
I don't know nothin' about that shit.

Yes, well...

I'm sorry, Your Honour.

I didn't mean to say 'shit',

it's just that this f*ckin'
guy's gettin' to me.

He's trying to put words
into my mouth and that.

Like, I'm not smart or nothin'.
I only went to junior at school.

Well, Mr. Spitieri,
I shall try to take it slowly.

You don't have to talk slowly.
I can understand ya.

And I'd like to give special thanks
to Marion Barrington

for providing this wonderful
venue for our November meeting.

And, of course, for providing
the delightfully appetizing lean cuisine.

Warren Halliwell.

I'm asking you if you have ever
heard of Warren Halliwell.

I told ya, mate.
I don't remember names and stuff like that.

Oh. I do remember there
was an old bloke, Warren,

who used to drink at
the Oxford at Petersham.

But mate, I don't know
what his second name was.

I was referring to the
accountant on the Gold Coast.

You were referring Warren
to an accountant?


Oh mate, old Warren wouldn't
need an accountant, mate.

He's just an old pisshead.

I don't know where you're
gettin' your info from.

Old Warren would be dead by now,
wouldn't he?

I am not talking about your friend
from Petersham, Mr. Spitieri,

I am talking about Warren Halliwell
the accountant

who practices on the Gold Coast.

Oh yeah.

You know Warren Halliwell, don't you?


If he used to drink at the Oxford
at Petersham, I do.

Yeah, mate. But dead set,
he didn't look like an accountant to me.

No, I'm not saying he was an accountant.

Yes you did! You said it then!


Yes you did, mate.

You keep doin' it.
You're tryin' to confuse me.

Anyway, what did old Warren do wrong, mate?

What are you hasslin' him for?

He's done nothin' wrong.
He's just an old pisshead.

I am not talking about your friend Warren.

Oh well, what the f*ck
are you talking about?

I gotta go home.
Me bus goes at : o'clock.

Excuse me? Who's payin'
for my bus fare today?

I put it to you that on
August the th last year

you delivered approximately
, dollars in cash

to the office of Warren Halliwell.

Oh mate! Two hundred?

Do I look like I got two
hundred grand in cash?

I'm on the bones of me arse, mate!

I've gotta get home.
Who's paying for my bus fare today?

You don't need to worry about
that now, witness.

Oh, excuse me! I am worried about it.

I'm on medication, you know.

I gotta pick up me methadone before :,

otherwise I don't get nothin'
'til the mornin'.

Excuse me? Your Honour?

Do you know who's paying
for my bus fare today?

Mr. Dent, has the witness been
afforded appropriate expenses?

Sir, I'm informed those instructing me

will arrange a cheque in payment of
Mr. Spitieri's witness expenses directly.

A cheque?

What am I going to do a cheque,
Your Honour?

I don't want a f*ckin' cheque!

Me bus driver's not gonna take a cheque.

I need me bus money.
Otherwise, how am I supposed to get home?

Yes all right, Mr. Spitieri

Mr. Dent, I wonder whether,
in the circumstances,

some appropriate arrangements
couldn't be made?

To avoid further delays
I'll get Mr. Toole to fix that up now.

That's only twenty dollars.

Me bus doesn't come 'til :.
I'm gonna need some lunch.

I think, perhaps, in the circumstances,

the witness is entitled to be reimbursed
for his luncheon expenses, Mr. Dent.

I'll get Mr. Toole to give him another twenty
dollars to cover his luncheon expenses.

Thank you.

Thank you, Your Honour.

Table twelve away.

How far are those mains?

ln a minute, chef.

Barry? There's some sheila out the front
says she wants to say hello to you.

Bullshit, Marion. Give us a break.

No bullshit, darl. She's a good sort too.

What does she want?

She says she wants the chicken.

He's absolutely brilliant.

I tell you, darl. He can cook anythin',

even all that rabbit food crap

spinach, celery all that sort of shit.

I reckon he'd do a
pretty good breakfast, too.

Well don't ask me.

Oh come on!
If I wasn't a happily married woman

I reckon I'd go the taste test.

Oh, here we go...

Compliments of the chef.

Well, hop in for your chop, love!

So this is the famous Chez Barry, eh?

It looks like a restaurant.

Sure as shit smells like a restaurant.

Here he is! The maestro himself!

Jesus, Baz.

Love the fancy f*ckin' clobber, mate.

What do you want?

Mate, I thought you might want to shout your
Uncle Arnie a free feed, that's all ...

... unless you dropped off your old mates
since you got out of the slammer?

Is this official police business,
Senior Sergeant?

Well, f*ck me.

Isn't this cosy?

Kitchen's closed.

Is that right?

It looks like we might have to
catch up some other time, then.

Since when did you think you had the right

to stick your nose
in other people's business?

You've had your free meal...


Joey? Can you call me tomorrow?

I need to see some employment records.

No need to get your tits in a tangle, Barry.
She's just trying to help.

So. As you can see, Johnny,

the reason I invited you over today
for a swim was not all social.

You've gone and got yourself a headache,
old son ...

... a twenty thousand dollar headache.

Now of course,

if you just did nothing to
fix such a bad headache as this

... and it were allowed
to go on for too long,

a bloke could get very sick ...

... maybe even die.

But fortunately for you, Johnny,

Mr. Deviers here has graciously
offered to give you an aspirin,

which will hopefully k*ll this
headache of yours ...

... before it kills you, so to speak.

That's right, Johnny. No doubt about it.

You're a very lucky boy.

So Arnie Devious wants me to get
four guys together

to pull an armed rob on the payroll office
of the Australia Fair Shopping Centre.

Reckons he knows through the cops exactly
when the cash is comin' in. So...

If the timing's right,

you'll be able to
pull around four hundred grand.

And if the timing's wrong you're gonna
go back inside for fourteen plus.

Yeah. There's twenty grand in it for me

and ten grand up front
each for the other three.

So that square's your debt to Chicka?

Yeah. Yeah, it gets me out of the shit.

Oh except for the trafficking blue,
of course ...

... and the breach of parole

and the perjury

... and the money launderin'
if they decide to charge me with that.

I'm sorry about this.

Forget it.

I thought you were supposed
to be the tough guy.

The bloke's out of control

Yeah, well he shouldn't be
allowed to get away with it.

You know I never k*lled that guy.


Chicka sconned him as we
came through the window.

Whacked him that hard I couldn't believe it.

Why didn't you say something?

I'm sayin' something now.

Bloody hell!

There's a lot of f*ckin' people!


Bugger me days, son!
We've not been that busy, have we?

Ooh! f*ck me! Who's run you over?

Chicka wants to know what
you're f*ckin' doin', mate.

I'm f*ckin' thinking about it, aren't l?

Well, you'd want to think a bit quicker.

Mate, I'll think as quick as I wanna.

Well mate, I'm tellin' ya.
No you're not.

I am, pal. I'm tellin ya!

No you're f*ckin' not!

Too right I am!

You're not f*ckin' tellin' me nothin'.
I'm tellin' you!

Well, mate, you've been told.

You have!
Bullshit I 'ave.

Yeah, all right. Well, anyway,
you're being f*ckin' told. All right?

Yeah mate, is that f*ckin' so? Says who?

Says me, Johnny. That's who.

Yeah? Well, f*ck you!

Sorry, Spit.
It's nothing personal, mate ...

It's just that Chicka
wants no more friggin' around.

So here's the go.

I get you the money you
need to buy your building.

And you reckon you got it sold?

So as soon as you get
the money from the sale,

you sign the Texas Rose over to me.

So my client has come into possession
of some very sensitive information

which he would be willing to
disclose to you people

on the understanding that you
give him a break and you know,

back off with this whole money business.

You mean discontinue
all forfeiture proceedings?


It would need to be pretty
significant information.

What if I was to say it was
an open and shut case

of conspiracy to commit armed robbery
by a very senior police detective?

I can't pick it up on the directional mic.

Okay. Let's bring him in.

So John, have you had a chance
to think about all that now?

You know, loyalty's one thing, John,

but you really don't have
too many options any more.

You're already going back
inside for a long time.

If we add conspiracy to rob
to the rest of what you're facing,

you might never see daylight again.

The MSS blokes deliver
the payroll to this entrance.

It's heavily armed. Okay?

I'll ring and give you the exact time
and hour before the job.

Are you with me?


The money's only there for half an hour,
so don't piss about!

There's a lane way at the rear.

You and your mates come up the back way
through the rear fire escape.

Got it?

As soon as you get the call from Deviers,

you dial the number
I've given you and say 'Go'.

That's it. Just 'Go'. Then you hang up.

The administration building will be
under heavy surveillance front and rear.

We'll have you sound monitored all the way.

Visual surveillance will
pick you up at the scene.

As soon as you go in,

the building will be sealed off
and your party immediately intercepted.

Do you understand all that?

Yeah, mate.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you, John,

how important it is that
you stick strictly to the plan.

No, mate. Strict, mate.

The van'll be waiting in the
lane way when we come out.

We drive down,

wait 'til it's safe,
then let the other two out.

And they won't know who we are?

No mate. All organized.

Let's do it.

Get in! Hurry up!
Come on! Get in!

Okay. Stand by.

Let's go!

They're in. They're in the building.



They're in the building?

Sector one, are they in the building?

Not in here, they're not!

How about sector four?

Not in this building, they're not!

We have no vision. Repeat.
We have no vision.


They've done a switch on us!

Righto, everyone down! This is a stick-up!

Get your faces down on the f*ckin' floor!

Get down!

Get down! Move you f*ckin' animals.

Get down on the f*ckin' floor!

Get down!

What's goin' on mate?
This ain't the right joint.

Change of plans, Johnny Boy!

Righto, Jack.

Let's see your safe.

Go! Get outta here!

Down on the ground, Jack! Today!

Get down!

Come on! Wrap him up!

Give us your hands, mate.

What, are you f*ckin' deaf?

I don't get it, mate.
We're in the wrong place.

No, Johnny.
I'm afraid you're in the wrong place

Deviers found out you were doggin' on him.
He told me to give you this...

Let that be a lesson to you, Jack.

Dead men tell no tales.

Anyone who gets up off that floor
in the next ten minutes is dead!

Let's go! Let's go! Come on!
Don't f*ckin' move!

Jesus! What happened?

There was a g*n in the safe
and the bastard popped him.

Shit! Is he all right?

He's gone, mate. He's wasted.

Ah f*ckin' Johnny Spitieri!

He was f*ckin' dead meat anyway.

Stuff this, mate. I'm outta here!

You wait for the signal!

Shit! Oh shit! The bastard's wired!

He's f*ckin' wired!


Is it dead?

Sure is, brother. So are you.

How does it feel?

Actually, not half as bad as
I always f*ckin' thought it would.

You all right?

No body has been recovered as yet.

But we've got a positive DNA matching
from the floor in Cullan's office,

and also from the overalls
recovered from the industrial bin.

It is definitely Spitieri's blood.

We may never find the body.

What about the money?

Cullan denies there was any money.

He says they got away empty-handed.

Any chance that's true?


So we just monitored the m*rder
of one of our own informants.

Before he shot him he said something like,

"Deviers said 'give this to you'."

Then he shot him.

What is this?

You tryin' to set me up?

You cross me, Chicka,

and I'll crush you
like the f*ckin' insect you are!


What the f*ck are you lookin' at?

Hey, Barry! Where's that champagne?

Well, that hit the spot.

Any more where that came from?

Here you go, garbage guts.
You can have mine.

Don't mind if I do.

I didn't think you were allowed
to eat that sort of shit.

What're you talkin' about?

I got me Life Membership badge now, son.

No more bleedin' weigh-ins for me.

So what does that mean?

You can eat what you like
without puttin' on any weight?

f*ckin' wake up to yourself, will ya?

Surrounded by f*ckin' geniuses, I am.

Barry! Sit down, darl'

You're making the place look untidy.

Hello darl!

I got this today ... from Israel ...

... from some imbecile
who forgot to sign his name.