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Going by the Book (2007)

Posted: 09/04/23 09:35
by bunniefuu
Jeong Jae-young

Son Byung-ho

Investment by Kim Joo-sung

Written by
Jang Jin, Lee Gyu-bok

Directed by La Hee-chan

Going by the Book

Sam-po City Hall Intersection

Obey Signal

Excuse me.

Oh, yes.

You made an illegal left turn.

Show me your license, please.

Oh, I'm not really familiar
with the roads here.

And I'm running late.

Alright. I'll do this
as quickly as I can.

Hey, I'm really in a hurry here.

Let's talk about this later.

These issues should be handled
as they come, sir.

My name is Lee Seung-woo.

I'm the new chief
for Sam-po Station.

Sir! Sam-po Traffic Department's
Jung Do-man reporting!

It's an honor to meet you, sir.

- Sir.
- Yes?

I still need to see your license.


Eyes Front! Attention!

- Salute!
- Greetings, chief!

This way, please.

This station's pretty quiet.

Is it because it's a small city?

Sir! Everyone's waiting for you
at the assembly hall.

Sir, the inaugural ceremony is today.


Let's just say we had one,
and get to work.

Sam-po Police Station
Fair Governing, Friendly Service

- Sir...
- Where should I pay this?


He happened to make a left turn
where it wasn't allowed.

And he came straight toward us.

So naturally, Do-man caught him
with his animalistic instinct.

You idiot!
That's not animalistic instinct.

That's animalistic behavior!

How can you issue a ticket...

when you should've been giving
welcoming bouquet!


Will you please loosen up, man?

I thought I could have some peace
after you left our department.

But aren't you a genius
at causing trouble!

That's a talent, too.
What a remarkable talent.

Hey! Do-man.

You did nothing wrong.


Hey, you shouldn't be
issuing tickets.

And blowing whistles.

You are too smart for all this crap.

Why should you be crying, why?

I'm not crying.

Shit! You...

You are a crime fighter.

You are detective Jung Do-man
of the police force!

That crappy weasel governor...
How can he do this to you?

How can you put up with this!



I will get you back to work!

I'm going to get you back
to the investigation department.

The pending issues are pretty trivial
compared to the size of this city.

Public safety during the tourist season
Gambling prevention.

Recent cases of bank robbery
One, two,

three, four and five.

This is my observation.

Based on our history
of bank robberies,

you can see a general trend
from the data we have.

With the city as the center,

the robberies have been
here, here, and here.

As you can see, the second,
third, fourth and fifth cases.

have been getting further away
from the center of the city.

That means
our situation is getting better.

And, this is based on my instinct,

but when the flowers bloom,
in mid-March, the beginning of spring,

I believe that our city
will be no longer.

inside the perimeter
that is subject to bank robberies.

Thank you.

In the past few years,
land prices have been soaring.

because of rumors of development.
With that came population increase,

and that created more banks
And compared to other districts,

the rate of savings is high in Sam-po.
Yes, so...

that'd mean people have
that much more money

If you look at past records,

this area has been particularly
notorious for its robbery problems.

And that may be due to
the negative karma of this land

Is the shift planning for
the crime department finished?

Oh, yes. And we've increased patrol
for vulnerable time slots.

There will be no more robberies, sir!

I'm at Jin-heung Bank, where a robbery
occurred approximately an hour ago.

According to the employees
and eye witnesses on the spot...

Don't know about
he robber's age...

The robber seems extremely bold.

So far, there's been no leads

and this is unsettling to
the neighborhood residents and banks.

Sam-po Police Station
A Civil application

What the hell are you guys doing?
Banks are continuously being robbed!

How can we go to any bank?
Wake up and do your jobs! Cops!


Oh, hi!

A tough first day, huh?

Well, we always get criticized
That's part of our job.

Oh, I was going to call you
when I heard you had moved down here.

- Did you family move down with you?
- Nah.

I don't think
I'll be here long anyway.

It's just what I have go through
to work in central office.

I'll be here 6 months,
at the longest.

Blow through here. Mister!

Hey, I am an old fart
from this neighborhood.

It's dangerous.
From that corner...

I can go on my own.
I'll be careful.




Bravo! One more round!

It's very realistic.

Poor men are getting
their butts frozen.

Wow, they're working their butts off.

It's just like the 80's.

- Sir.
- Excuse me.

- Thank you for your cooperation.
- We're doing training right now.

Drive safely.

Sir! God speed!

God speed!

So what if he is a governor?
He didn't even look busy.

The training sucks.
A training should be more realistic.


Your cap's robbered.

Simulation training?

Yes. As you just heard,
we're going to simulate a robbery.

And you are doing this
due to recent robberies.

Was this your idea, Chief?

There once was a similar case
back in 1929,

during the 2nd Oil Shock Crisis.

A chain of bank robberies
broke out in Kim-po, Gyeonggi.

Through a similar training,

the police and banks collaborated
to come up with measures.

and a hotline network was created
Later the robber was caught.

This training will serve
as working ground

to ease the anxiety of our residents,

to help people feel assured
about financial business,

and convert the nation's ill opinions
about this city.

It won't simply be a training
to fight bank robbers.

What do you mean by
not having a set scenario?

This training will not have
a set play of actions.

We'll show you how well,

how quickly we respond to
matters as they break open.

Will there be any awards?


Depending on the results of training
and your accomplishment,

you may be promoted.

I want this to be clear
The title of your role isn't important.

Please give your best
at the position your given.

Even if you are the robber.

Do-man, what are you?

It's a secret.

I know that we won't be told
when the training happens,

but it'll be during
the working hours.

Our performance will be publicized
on TV, radio and newspapers,

It's important that you
respond calmly and flexibly.

This will affect the end of the year
employee evaluations.

So let's try to get back the trust
of our residents, alright?

So the training will start
without prior notice on that day?

We're busy enough
Why do we have to do this?

Oh, this is going to be fun.
Hey, hey,

so we might get on TV.

What fun are you talking about?

I knew something annoying would
come up before this year ends.

Hey, hey. Let's stop complaining
and just do this.

We just need to let it happen.

What are we supposed to do
when a real robber comes?

I wasn't here
the last time it happened.

You just give him all the money.

Say, 'Goodbye,
come back and see us'.

If you try anything different,
you'll get k*lled.

We're having this training
to change that way of thinking.

You have nothing to say!
You didn't even show your face.

Oh... That time...

I had trouble hearing.

- Does he have a hearing problem?
- That's just the way he is.

Ms. Jeon. What are you doing
coming to work so late?

I had something urgent
to take care of.

At this early hour?

Yes. I had to do something
as soon as the bank opened.

Hey, you!

How come you go to other bank,
when you work here!


That's actually a bigger crime
than bank robbery.

- Mr. Yoon.
- Yes.

Where did we leave off?

- I will... take care of...
- Enough, Enough.

Put on a mask, will you?

Yes, yes.

It'll be interesting.

The purpose is
to make us look better,

so give us a good coverage.

Yes, thank you for your help.

- Yes.
- Yes. Come in.



Yes, I'll talk to you again soon.
Alright, bye.

You haven't been a traffic cop
for long, have you?

Forgive me for the other day,
if I made you upset.

It's just that that's what I do.

No, no. I'm not annoyed
by things like that.

Don't let it bother you.
Sit down, won't you?

Yes, sir.

Let me see what you picked.

Excuse me?

Show me what position you got.

Patrol Team.


This slip wasn't in the drawing box
in the first place.

It's not a role
that anyone can take on.

You said
there wasn't anything set.

You're right.
Nothing's planned.

But we need to
look good for the public,

so we need a believable robber.

Then... why did you pick me?

You're one curious guy,
aren't you?

You just look the part.

And I feel that you may have wanted
to be a crook for once in your life.

No, sir. It's not...

I'm just joking. Just joking.

Officers from
the criminal investigation department,

are good at catching crooks,
but they aren't very sharp.

And I didn't want just anyone
to be the robber.

- You might regret this.
- What?

It's just that I'm...

not the kind of
person you'd want...

Jung Do-man

I didn't call you here to negotiate.

I'm your chief and
You'll follow my orders.

Yes, sir.

Yes. Is there any special details
that I should be aware of?


Things such as...

when and how I'll be caught...

You're a funny guy.

You just focus on robbing the bank.
We'll catch you.

Just do your best
for your given role.

This is my earnest request.

Our dignity is at stake.

Don't take it as a joke
Be realistic.

Like that time
you gave me a ticket.



Oh, hi.

- Where's my brother?
- Your brother?

He's at the station.


Hey! Wear your helmet!

If your brother sees you,
you are dead!


Oh, officer Jung,
you came right on time.


Everything going well?

If we don't have customers
like you do, we will.


We live off of late fees,
not rental charges.

So people like you who are never late
don't really help us much.

I see.

Best Credit Bank

Mr. Jung Do-man.

Thank you.



Please remember...

you all will be
always my loving family.

And I'll always be...

your loving son as well.

Let's eat.


Training Starts Now

- I'm heading out.
- Huh? Hey.

You've got mail.

Hey, hurry! Quick!

- Mr. Yong-bae!
- You have a good life ahead of you.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

What are you?

The robber?

I am just a customer.

I don't think so.

I'm only a customer, like you.

I'll show you something.

Oh, you're part of
the arrest team.

Lucky you.

Hey, but what if the robber
goes to a different bank?

Yeah... It's not as if there's
only one or two banks in this city.

Look who's here. It's Han.


Maybe she's the robber.

A female robber?

Like that one from
the movie Tomb Lady or something.

- Hello.
- Thank you.

Hey, the guy with the mask.

Isn't that Do-man?

Jung Do-man.

That is him!

What's he doing in the bank
when he should be working?

Look how he's dressed.

That idiot.


Did traffic wardens draw
for duties?

Hello. How may I help you?

Good morning.

Don't be alarmed.

I didn't have a choice.

Please, stay calm.

Don't scream.

Put $10 bill stacks into this bag.

Stop staring!

Stuff the money, you bitch!

Haven't you seen
a robber before?

I think we've met before...

Which high school
did you go to?

The bell rang off.

Who pushed the bell?

What was that?

I shot you!

You shot me?

I only asked you where you went
to high school. You shot me for that?

I saw your g*n sticking out.

Don't move!

Stuff the money in now!

Try your best not to move!

I said freeze!

Don't move!

Don't move!
Get your hands up!

Hey! Why do you keep yelling
at these people?

- I have to act like a real robber.
- Hey.

We can all hear you,
so stop yelling.

You already look like a robber.
So don't go overboard, huh?

Everyone come out from the counter
with your hands up.

Come out now!

Go, go, go!

Move, move, move!

- Come out!
- Alright, Alright.

- We don't have much time. Move it!
- Hey, everyone.

Don't be too alarmed.

Watch out!

He's just... a bit like that.
So don't worry.

You all got the official notice, right?
Well, this is the training.

So just come out as he says.

I'm sorry, but
you'll have to move also.

Let's all cooperate.

The head office requested
for our cooperation.

Mr. Yoon and Ms. Da-hae
get the money ready, alright?

- Alright.
- Yes, Thank you. This way, please.

Excuse me, Ma'am,
but you have to step out as well.

Who are you calling a ma'am?

- Ms. Lee, hurry up and move please.
- Come out.

- There's not much time. Move quickly.
- Be good with the money.

We appreciate your cooperation.
Yes, please cooperate with us.

Thank you.
Thank you for listening.

There won't be any more casualties
as long as you all cooperate.

Raise your hands high!

Come on people!

Ah, yes. We've started.

Yes, please
give us good coverage.

You know small town folks
They love getting on camera.

Yes, yes.

It won't take long.

Please cover us
on your 9 o'clock news.

Yes, yes.
Yes, see you soon.


Oh, yes. It will be fun.
Come out. Alright.

- Oh! Who's on the scene?
- Yes, there are about 10 hostages.

No, I'm talking about our people.

There are Cho Sung-wook and
Han So-young as customers.

And squad leader Woo Jong-dae
was there undercover.

- But he got k*lled.
- What?

Jung Do-man
took a g*n with him?


Why did he have to complicate
things for us. I don't understand.

Yeah, really.

What kind of cop asks a robber
which high school he attended?

What are you doing over there?
If you're going to do this, do it right.

Hey! I'm dead.

Thank you for your cooperation.

You are the bank manager, right?

Yes, I am.

You're the only one
with your hands down.

You might get shot!


Hey, I can leave
since I'm dead, right?


Gain control over hostages
Secure the emergency exit.

Accomplished in
4 minutes and 20 seconds.

He's jotting all this down.

Come on, hurry. Those nasty
cops may get here soon.

Look at the way that freak talks.

Don't you think calling us
nasty is a bit harsh?

Then what are you?
A clean cop?

Mr. Woo!

Shut up.

What's going on over there?

If there's a crowd in front of a bank.
You have two things happening.

They are selling apartments,
or there's a robbery.

Hey. Make a U-turn.

Aw... Why are you doing this?

Let's go home please!

Either you make the turn,
or I jump out of the car.

Greeting, Sir!

Sir! Do-man's inside!

What? No. No.

- Why is he in there, Huh?
- Should I tell him to Come out?

He's the robber.

- What?
- What?

- Hello?
- Hey, this is me, your chief.

- Oh, Yes.
- Doing a good job There.

Good work.
But why did you k*ll Detective Woo?

You might get slandered for that.
Don't sh**t.

Well, I could've gotten caught
I thought that wouldn't be good.


the camera isn't here yet,
so keep it up for a bit longer, alright?

And when the broadcasting
goes out later,

don't look fake.

You understand me, correct?

I thought this was supposed to
be for real.

Yes. Right. You're right.

In about 30 minutes
the SWAT guys will arrive.

Don't be taken back.

Never let them catch you.

Yes, I'm doing all of these
not to get caught, Sir.

If they catch you,
we, the police, won't look so cool.

Also, we're going to finish this
before they get here,

but no matter what happens,
don't be frightened.

Don't get hurt, and be careful.
Got it?

Ugh. This is so frustrating!

There's already a stack of work
piled up.

Boss! You'd better not say anything
about this later.

Let us just all cooperate
It won't take long anyway.

Who said that?

Who said this would be short?

The situation broke off
at 12:32 PM.

The first team got here
just 7 minutes after.

Although a member of
our arrest team was shot,

The hostages are all fine.

By that you mean
a cop was k*lled, correct?

Was that arranged?

Nothing had been planned
in the first place.

Take this as a real case.

We're also responding
to this as if it were real.

No one knows
when this training will end.

See you at the 2nd briefing.

What is all this?

- Thank you.
- He said the training was real.


Hey! Do-man!

I'm asking this because
I'm really curious.

You are the only robber.

And there are these many hostages.

How did you tie all of us up?

This doesn?t make sense

Yes. That's right!

Hey! You tell us to do our role well,
but what you do doesn't make sense.

Your hands
and feet have been tied up.

You all have been
taken in hostage.

So are you saying
you did everything by yourself?


You did.


You tied everyone up.

Then you tied your legs

and cuffed your hands
with Mr. Woo's handcuffs.

Of course, during that whole time,
I had a g*n on you.

In the case, I don't have to do
anything to tie you guys up.

Clear now?

Wow... you tied
all these people up, huh?

Then you must be worn out now.

Maybe that's why,
but I am tired.

Let me sit back down now.

- I have a headache... Sorry
- Good... for trying

- Have everyone be ready.
- Yes.

Tell the news camera to follow us.

Yes, sir.

B team is ready.

Uh... Ex... Excuse me.

All the security cameras are cut off.
With this condition,

we won't have a good way of
knowing what's going on.

I'm in the middle of training.

The training.

How long will it take for
the SWAT team to arrive?

They've just passed
the downtown checkpoint.

Hey! Do-man!

Something's been accidentally touched,
I think.

The security cameras
have been cut off

and the shutters are down.

We're about to go in.

- I lowered the shutters.
- What?

Those things shouldn't
be messed with.

You might break them.
Don't touch the bank's equipments.

Well, sometimes robbers do.


Jung Do-man!


I'm about to answer
no more calls.

Hello? Jung Do-man!

Jung Do-man!

Excuse me...

To how far have you talked
this out with Do-man?


What I mean is...

Haven't you talked about
when and how he's going to be caught?

No. I just...

told him to do his best.

And try to be a robber if he can.

Excuse me, but...

why are you taking our cell phones
and watches away?

Since there isn't much cash
in our branch,

you should steal those things as well,
shouldn't you?

Mr. Robber. Aren't I right?


Hostages shouldn't be wondering

what time it is,
how long it's been.

I think it'd be better
for you all not to.

That's less stressful,

and that won't get you thinking
about trying something.

Excuse me!

I'm mentally and emotionally
unstable right now

So stop with this already.

Miss Lee.

What's wrong with you
He's in the middle of public duty.

Even if it is his public duty.

This is too much
We're not kids here.

This is nothing but a training.

He should be
more considerate of us here.

You made us sit on the cold floor
and took our phones and watches.

You're a real robber!
A real crook!

Officer Jung...


Now that is quiet,

let me summarize
the situation for you.

You the student and
you grandpa can leave.

I'll stay here longer
I like it here because it's warm.

Don't mind me.
Just do your thing.

Excuse me.

Even though he doesn't have an account
with us, he's our loyal customer.

And you don't need to worry,
he lives just right in front of here.


Don't you have school?

We have today off.

Do you go to Sam-po High?


That's odd.
Then why did my son go to school?

Ah... He must be goofing off
somewhere else then!

And one more thing.

This is training,
but it's not like other ones.

I've taking on
the role of a robber.

And I may be harsh on you
to the extent

that you think of me
as a real robber.

So please, understand
where I'm coming from.

Don't move! Hey!
If you move, I'm going to sh**t!

Hey! On your knees!
On your hands and knees, idiot!

- You died already.
- On your hands and knees!

- Hey, Mr. Woo.
- The r*fle! Give me the r*fle!

No! You follow my orders
and lie down!

Hey, I was too bewildered
to think about this,

but I was
wearing a safety vest.

- That's right!
- Untie those people!

- Get him! Get him!
- Safety vests are standard for cops!

- Hey, Do-man! Everything's over now!
- That's right! Good thing I remembered!

Excuse me, sirs!

Can you wear
a safety vest on your head?

What, kid?

You were shot on your head.

- You were shot on your head?
- I don't know.

That's right.

I think I saw that, too.

You people!
Do you have proof?

- Here.
- It was your head.

See! I told you so!
I was right!

I have a good eye
for these things! Yes!

- Give me the g*n.
- It was the head.

Give me the g*n.

Nice! The SWAT team is here.

They're here.

They're here?

Everyone. Attention!

At your service, sir!

At ease.

I'm the attack commander.

What's up with the sudden training?

One down already, huh.

Those things happen on occasions.

This is
what real training is all about.

Responding to unplanned situations.

Wow... when did you
come up with this?

The police headquarters has
the right to command.

So the SWAT team can wait
for further instructions.

According to the field manual,
this would be the persuasion period.

Look at this. There he is.

He has just returned
to the country.

But they say he's an expert
on hostage negotiations.

He's been to the U.S. for training, and
he's known to be pretty good at this.

We haven't seen
his skills at work yet,

but we'll be able to see
how he does with this one.


We got enough footage.

Let's go home now,
or we're gonna get stuck in traffic.

Don't just sh**t here.
Film over there.

Zoom in this direction.

- Are you posting this on your blog?
- Oh, and get him!

Ah! It's cold!

So we can't do anything
until they try something?

No, not yet.

Why did that idiot lower the shutters!
What's his deal?

Oh! There's a way.

Detective Han is in there.

Officer Jung.

Let me go to the bathroom.

She was the winner
of the 2003 Wu Shu Competition.

Wu Shu! Detective Han
is a master at it!

These requests are
usually not allowed.

Follow me.

But Officer Jung,
he's also a competition winner.

Oh, that...
That's right. Boxing.

Boxing or Wu Shu,
which one is stronger?

That's easy.
The one with the g*n.

I'm here at the Best Credit Bank,

where people have been taken in hostage
for an hour and a half now.

Another casualty
has just been caused.

The police force hasn't been
able to do much as of this time.

We'll have to watch and see
how many more casualties happen.

And see when the police will
get it together and take control.

That will be our focus.

This is Kim Jee-kyung
from Best News.

Can't believe we're sh**ting this.


Maybe you all are too comfortable,
because you're starting to get ideas.

Please come off of the sofa.

Onto the floor?

He wants us to sit on the floor?

Our butts will freeze.

Good going, Han.
Why did you have to bother him anyway?

I have bad knees,
so I can't sit on the floor.

This is all because of you!
Apologize now!

How can we stay sitting
on the floor?

Ah... Shit!



Can you watch your language?

There's a baby in there.


Hello, your son just passed away
a few minutes ago.

You can say that he died on duty,
because he died during training.

He... hello?


You crazy bastard!
Hey! Do-man!

Have you gone mad?
You jerk, are you insane?

My mom has a weak heart!

That crazy bastard!

This phone. Hello?

Ah, what's up with the battery?
Aw, shit! I'm about to go nuts!

Ah. Ah.

Jung Do-man!

I'm from the provincial
police headquarters.

My name is...

I'm Jang Yeun-soo,
in charge of liaison.

Is he going through
a voice change now?

Aw. That guy has the cold, too.

See! The cold virus going around
these days is not a joke.

First of all,
what you are doing now...

is a very serious
and reckless crime.

I hope you will realize that.

Where's the medicine?

Your house is
in Jung Do-man's name.

- That's my son.
- I need his seal to issue this.

This is for a loan,

could you just
let me slip by this time?

No, ma'am.

It's not there?

Oh, then check the small drawer
by that desk.

The small drawer?

I looked there already.

So why did you put the house
in his name anyway?

Criminal Psychology


Let's take this route here,
and just push the building over.

Did you come here
to take out a building?

Well, we can't just sit here
and k*ll time, right?

We will get in somehow!

A cash box

Physical action will start 60 minutes

after persuasion
and indirect conciliation.

- Chief.
- Yes.

The security camera inside
the safe is still working.

Come and see.

- Are we ready to send officers in?
- Yes.

Let's do this.

Three, two, one. Let's go.

- Manager.
- Yes.

Alpha, Alpha.
State your location.

This is Alpha.
Moving to target.

- Call the reporters.
- Yes.


Now stationed.
Starting mission.

- Let's take a peep at the safe.
- No... no... wait!


Does this building have
an air circulatory system?


There's air for people
and air for money.

Can you turn that off
for a few minutes?

What's wrong with this?

Look at your cell phones.

- There's no reception.
- What's wrong with them?


Just be prepared and
take good footage.

This will be
the highlight of the day.

- Chief, hold on.
- Yes.

There's a problem.
You should come to the briefing room.

- My crew...
- The crew...

Stop the mission immediately!

Are you deaf?
My men are about to die!


Open. Now!

If we opened the door 1 to 2 minutes
later, you all might've been dead.

Come out. All of you.

Seven cops now dead.

I'm reporting from the scene of action
If this were real,

then it'd be the worst case of hostages
taken by a single individual.

I called the headquarters.


Everything's ready.
Just take a look at it.

No, it's very interesting.

Yes, alright. Thank you.


A simulation?

What dimwit
thought of this great idea?

Hey, a little ago, you said that this is
how a real training should be.

Aren't any of you hungry?

Whatever you do, you should
never leave your stomach empty.

Oh! Da-hae,

we ordered rice cakes for
the bank's anniversary. Did they come?

The umbrellas have,
but not the rice cakes.


Hey! How long
are you going to do this to us!

Miss Lee!

You scared me.

Boss, would you have done this
if the robber was real?

Excuse me.

But you are supposed to
be unconscious.


Unconscious, my ass!

So what if I fainted!
What! Huh?

Hey! So if I did faint,

should I stay unconscious
all day long?

I woke up, okay?

Your punch was too light for me,
so I woke up after I fainted! There!

Keep on looking at me like that.

Doesn't this make sense to you?

Hey, you've done everything
your way so far,

why can't I?

Right on! Hey, fool!

Fainted people
can wake up, you idiot!

You are dead!


I don't care what you do,

but do it yourself!

Oh... what?
You're gonna sh**t me?

What... You want me to fall over
and pretend to die?

Hah! Very funny!


We were friends from childhood.

Even when we were young,

he was always polite
and pretty strong.

People inside must be
having a rough time.

He should be coming out.

Officer Jung used to
be a crime investigator.

Then he was demoted to a traffic cop.

Yes. About 2 years ago,

Do-man was after the
governor's corruption scandal.

This was a serious issue.

We had a gut feeling,
but we couldn't prove it.

We don't know
if that went to cash or bonds.

We don't know because
it was never figured out.

Even if we did, it would've been like
fighting with a giant with a stone.

So what happened?

The chief of that time was fired.
And we started having robbers.

He was demoted then.

He went through a lot.

Excuse me, but is it okay
for me to say all of these?


Oh yes, yes.
Hold on, please.

Chief, it's from
the National Police Agency.

This is Lee Seung-woo speaking.


A national broadcast?

This is a simulation training
hosted by the Sam-po police station.

You must be wondering
how this came about.

Now we can't end it
even if we want to.

- Ex... Excuse me.
- Watch It.

What station are you with?

- Why do you ask?
- What do you mean why I ask?

What makes you think
you can film here?

Did you get prior permission?

Get your vehicle out of here now.
Now, please.

Hey! Come over here.

Help move this car
out of here. Hurry!

Should we take out ours as well?

No. You can continue.

That's not fair.

How come one gets to report,
and the other doesn't?

This is a violation of
freedom of speech, isn't it?

No, it seems like media repression.

This... this lady...
is a real pain in the neck!

I'm not 'this lady. '
I'm a TV journalist.

What, you're just a reporter.

The membership fee
starts at $1000 dollars.

The membership period is
one month, up to 36 months.

You'd perfectly fit our criteria.

It's not good for women
to sit on the cold floor. Ugh!

- Have some coffee.
- Thanks.


Save. I got that one.

It feels real to be
playing with checks.



Yes! I won that one!

Emergency, Time Out

How do you feel right now?

Please look this way!
Just give us a word!

Chief, just tell us one thing...

Thank you for letting her go and
not putting me in an awkward spot

Are you going to resume soon?

I should.

What's your reason?

Why are you going this far?

I warned
that you might regret this.

But I'm a cop

so if you tell me to stop right now.

I will.


you want me to end this?

Let's see
how far you go with this.

Do your best until the end.

Yes, sir.

I'll take that as an order.

Anyway, this is a relief.

At least we have
one fewer hostage.

Is it over?
When will the hostages come out?

What will happen now?


I'm not done.


Hostage Exchange!

Had I been a real thief,

I wouldn't have
let those hostages go.

So to make this fair,

I'll need someone
to take their place.


I'll go in.


I'll pick the hostage.

Should I just sh**t him?



But shouldn't he go in
without the camera?

If this is a fair one-to-one trade off,
then he should leave the camera.

The camera should be
counted as a person

since it has its eyes.

I let two hostages go.

A bit more! Push a bit harder!

It's coming! It's coming out!

My name is Da-hye.

Yes, everything's set.

Alright! I'm ready.

Okay, relax.
Talk as if you would normally.

Okay, ready!

So you've seen Al Queda and Hamath,
It's obvious.

Let's go without the g*n, please.

Alright. I'm currently

the person playing the robber
for the training.

I'm officer Jung Do-man.

Contrary to our expectation,
this training has been extended,

and is far from
what you may have expected,

but the police officers of Sam-po
are willing to ensure.

the safety of our residents
and the peace in our city,

at any cost.

Also, I don't know
how this training will end,

but the purpose of this is to
heighten our abilities

to tackle the crimes
that unexpectedly arise.

I want to emphasize this
one more time.

Also, I would like to thank

these hostages for their cooperation.

Hey! You crazy fool!

You aimed
that loaded r*fle at me!

Um... Why is this in there?
The b*llet shouldn't be...

Well, I didn't...

What was that?

Call them, huh?

Hey! He told us to call them,
what are you doing?

- Hello, Where would you like to call?
- Best Credit Union.

- Alright. Which branch?
- The Sam-po branch.

Yes, in Joong-ang Dong.
Joong-ang Dong.

I have that for you

- 337
- Yes?


We got a call from
the provincial police headquarters.

I'll transfer the call to you.

How are we supposed to fix this?

Excuse me!

Shouldn't we continue
our filming?

Yes, sir.

even if you don't want to,

a case can only be resolved
if someone dies.

Target obtained.

Do I have to do this?
I don't want to.

Alright. That's fine.

I'm not going to.

Do I look alright?

Okay... are you ready?

- I'll give you a count.
- Okay.


Our... Best Credit Ba... Bank is...

Cut, cut!

You know, I think maybe
it's better that you don't do this.

Jeez, you are sweating.

It's because the heater broke
I feel chilly already.

He has a fever.

Hey, I really need to
take my pills.

Target Found. Direction Good.

- Are you sure that is Do-man.
- I'm positive.

- Should I fire?
- No, when he is completely still.

There won't be any mistakes.

He's still.

Alright, fire!

Okay, done.
Got him on his head.


Oh, wait.
Does he wear glasses?


With this,
the number of casualties is now 8.

The mistake of the police has caused
another innocent person's death.

The situation is
continually deteriorating.

Aw sh**t. Let's do that over.


So would I qualify for
accident insurance?

Of course.
That with life insurance

and government compensation,

You'll get quite a lot, huh?

Will my seniority affect
government compensation?

Don't managers get more?

Hey, officer Song!


Eight people were k*lled so far.

One by the police.

Anyway, this is
driving our chief nuts.

Ah. Ah.

Alright, let's start.

You must speak normally.

My son, Do-man...


This is your mom.

You told me to talk normally.

The word 'son'
is very important here.

My son, Do-man.

This is your mom.

Why are you doing this?
Think of your parents.

Why are you doing this?
Think of your parents.

If you surrender,
we'll forgive you.

Are you listening, Do-man?

They say they're going to
forgive you if you stop now.

- Do-man.
- I told her to say what I say!

- I don't think this will really work.
- Ah Ah.

Do you think
that I think this will work?

I don't think he can hear me inside.

This is going as I planned.

If you have something to say
to your son, go ahead.

Do-man, where did you
put your seal?

I need it tomorrow
But I can't find it.

I know that you must be having
a difficult time because of my son.

But he has a good heart.

You shouldn't have asked him
to play the robber.

I bet playing his part
is ripping his heart out.

What? What! Look here, ma'am.
We never told him to do this.

He became the thief by drawing.
Drawing out of a box.

Everyone here picked a role
And your son, he picked his.


I guess that's his luck then.

Keep up the good work.

What, weird lady.


Yes. We're ready.

News Tonight

This afternoon, in Sam-po City,
a training is becoming a hot issue.

SWAT Team dispatched

Sam-po Police Chief at a loss

Now we only need to arrest him.

8 hours ' confrontation

8 casualties!

Yes, at this moment,
in Sam-po City,

a unique simulation training
is taking place.

And it has evolved into
an unexpected situation.

Let's talk to our reporter
on the scene.

Jung Do-man.

Do-man. We tried to persuade
a robber through the robber's parent.

And we failed miserably.

That's because
you are not a real robber.

I missed that point.

But it also means that
you didn't do your job perfectly.

You have the responsibility
to be like a real thief.

But if you were
really playing the part,

then you couldn't have been
so apathetic.

Why? Because she's your mother.

So ultimately,
you didn't do your job well.

Maybe we'll talk about this
after training.

Officer Jung is speaking now.

How come you call
yourself an officer?

You're a robber, bastard!

You've been a robber all this time!

Jung Do-man!

Let me talk.

My reason is simple.

My mother didn't shed a tear.

That's because she's
a mother of a cop, not a thief.

Every parent would have cried

if her son were really a thief.

This is the flaw of
this simulation.

I'm a robber but my mom is
still a mother of an officer.

That's why she didn't cry.
That's why she didn't plead.

I swear if my mom
had really cried,

I probably would've given in.

J u... j u n... Jung Do-man!

And one more thing.

Please tell my mom that my seal
is in my second drawer.

It's now 9:35 PM

Prepare a bus exactly by 10:35 PM,
in front of the bank.

Secure the road to Sam-po Harbor.

And prepare a mid-sized boat
at the time of arrival.

Station all officers on roof of
the building, across the street.

I was notified of
the start of training,

but I will be the one to end it.

The boat which I will get on,
will go north.

Near a territorial sea,

I will release
the hostages with life vests.

When I leave the sea,
the training will be over.

I will not yield.
And, if my requests

are not accepted,
I will k*ll a hostage every 10 minutes.

How should we get the bus...

- Are you nuts?
- Right. No bus.

Cancel that idea.

A lot of people are here.

Mr. Governor! What do you
think about this training?

Do you have any information?

Did you have any prior knowledge?

Ah... Let's do this later.

- Was the meeting arranged already?
- Why are you meeting him?

Mr. Governor!

So you know about
that guy in there.

He's quite a character.

You'll suffer some damage.

That's already happened.

I'm saying this
because you know him.

But you also know that
he has quite a temper, right?

You'd better leave now.
We don't want anything to happen.

Isn't this just a training?

My residents are uneasy because of
the lack of public security.

During a training like this,

as a governor,
I should make an appearance,

- and give warm words of...
- Excuse me.

This is a very important training,
but you're being slightly unhelpful.




You want more footage?

You think we're
some sort of troopers?

The viewing rate
for the 9 o'clock news was over 30%!

The commercial aired already,
so do a good job!

I appreciate your hard work,
but can you end it soon?

It's time for me to clock out.

How did you feel when you

first found out you
would have to be a thief?

Well... It was...

similar to how I felt
when I first became a cop.

I felt excited and exhilarated.

Is it weird
that I felt the same way both times?

I see.

As a robber, what do you think
about this training?

Well, I wish I'd be caught soon.
I want to be caught.

That may be how you feel,
but as you well know,

It seems like this training
won't end anytime soon.

As a robber,
how do you feel now?

How would a robber feel
in this situation?

As a robber,

I feel anxious,

because a lot of time has passed.

I also regret taking on this role.

I never intended to
make people sacrifice this much.

I resent myself because
things don't seem to work out...

I never wanted

to k*ll or hurt as many as I have.

Life is precious to anyone.



Officer Jung,

why did you sh**t me
all of a sudden?

That's because the police

went over that deadline
by 10 minutes.

And you've been annoying him,

pacing back and
forth with your camera.

I wasn't annoying him.

I was only trying to film this...

Hey, Do-man!

You should've at least
used your own g*n.

Every g*n-user should know
that is the basic etiquette.

It's a jinx.

As you know
I've never shot anyone.

You should listen to
your superior...

What's wrong with you, really?

Are you getting pissed?

- Stop, man.
- Hey! Do-man...

Bend down! Down low!

Why do you...

It'll be another 10 minutes soon.

If there's no bus by then,
one more will die.

Stop this, please.

We've been good so far.

Get the troops out
and call a bus!

Everyone evacuate.
Everyone evacuate.

sn*pers, be ready
take your positions to fire.

It's going to rain.


Is that the only bus
you could get?

Yes, all public buses
have stopped running,

and there are no bus drivers
at this time.

Even if we find one,
he'll probably be drunk.

Even that bus was difficult to get
We had to cancel its appointment.

Do we really have to get on this?

Wow. The whole crowd left.

Even if we get on the bus,
we won't go anywhere, will we?

We'll probably be k*lled
on our way to the bus.

Several people died already.

One or two more deaths
wouldn't be a problem.

And you!
You've k*lled too many people

You call this a robbery?
This is terror.

Hey, Do-man.

I know you've worked hard
I know you were told to.


Why don't you give up now?

If I were a real robber,

would I really get on that bus?

If I were real.

What if you don't get on? Huh?
You think the police will just leave?

Out of 13 of us, who is the one
they are after, you fool!

Huh. Is your brain too fried
to think straight?

13 hostages?

They don't know that
Grandpa and I are in here.

We haven't been on TV, either.

Our target is on his way out.

Who's Jung Do-man?

Hold fire!

Look for Do-man's pants.

All of them have
their pants rolled up...

And none of them have hair
on their legs.

Oh, right! Look for a lefty!

There are 3 left handed individuals.

Uh... no... Wait, that's right.

Look for a guy wearing
a trench coat!


Just fire!

Fire! I said fire!

Just sh**t!

Out! Out! Out of my way!

How can I be driving
this bus? Damn.

It'd be different if I were
heading to the police.

Hey, no one else knows
how to drive a bus.

Ah, I can't believe
I'm doing this

I'm a cop for god's sake!

How am I supposed to help out
a robber, when I'm a cop!

Hey, just let me drive then,
I don't care.

Oh, grandpa, you know
how to drive a bus?

Well, no. But you just need to step on it
and turn the wheel a couple of times

Just drive.
Unless you want us all dead!

Wait, Wait.

- Can you turn on the heater?
- Yes!

- What a crazy bunch! Ugh!
- What about the radio?

Report the inside situation.

No one's in the bank, sir.
We'll evacuate.

They're leaving.

They left.

They left?


Whoa, it's cold.

You're observing
the traffic signals?

That doesn't fit with
this whole scenario.

We are supposed to be
fleeing, you know.

I'm just observing the signals.
How is that a problem?

Traffic gets chaotic
because of people like you!

You know how hard
our traffic cops work to keep order?

Oh, Jung Do-man.
Now he's a nut case.

It's a bit chilly, isn't it?

Yes, a little.


when are we leaving?

You have the key
to the manager's car, right?

Oh, no!

Aww... What am I supposed
to do with this?

They're all gonna
get stuck together.

Aw, sh**t...

10 million won
Are you okay?

I'm still a robber, right?

That's my house.

A boat is really coming in.

Wait... who...?

Good work.

Do-man that bastard!

Give us a smile.

Our target has fled.

Notify all check points

and block all roads leading
to other cities!

Excuse me.

Sorry, we are
in the middle of training.

Hey! Do-man!

Your cap's robbered.

See you later.

Hey! You better step on it!
I'm going to report you!

I let you sly by this time, buddy.

But why is he going that way?

When this is over,

you're gonna get yourself
in big trouble

I've got used to it anyway.

I don't have any friends, either.

But you did a real good job.

You haven't been caught.
You fled the scene.

Hey, you did an excellent job!

You know, it's weird...

I did my best
when I was a cop.

But I was always looked over
and ignored.

Nothing worked out for me.

Uh, we need to go that way
for Sam-po harbor.

Do we really need to go?

We're cops.
Now get to it, man.

Wow, now this seems real!

Hey, do you have a g*n?

I'm only a guest!


Jung Do-man, it's over.


Hostage card again, huh?

Well, it's over.

A successful robber takes money

and flees safely
without getting caught.

You think
you can still win here?

It was never my goal to win.

I was only interested
in doing my job.

I robbed a bank
under your jurisdiction.

It didn't go as well as
I had planned.

k*lled eight.

r*ped one.

And I haven't yielded yet.

I have a g*n.

Under this circumstance, there aren't
many choices for a robber in this case

There's no hope for me now.



Is the training over?

What are you going to do now?

Give us a word.

I did well, didn't I?

You were really believable.

Well, I did see 8 die today.

- Close your eyes.
- Oh.


What's this?

Officer Jung came by the first thing
in the morning and left it for you.

He said he couldn't take care of it
since he's a traffic cop.

This afternoon, former governor,

Jang Choon-sup was convicted of
taking bribes.

Since 2004, and up
to December of this year,

he has accepted up to 20 million won
from a certain company.

and allowed a green belt zone

to be developed into
a golf course.

Greetings, sir!

Don't you have school?

What are you doing here
at this hour?

Criminals always return
to their place of crime.


You don't have
your uniform on today.

I got my old position back.

I work for the crime investigation
department now.

But you looked good
in your uniform.

Why are you paying
with your money?

This was
the manager's car anyway.

Freeze! No one move!

- Don't move!
- Sit still. Go over there.

Put your hands up! Now!

- Lower your head.
- Are you deaf?

You all want to die?

- Everyone on their knees!
- Bend down, now!

What's wrong with these people?

What the heck...

Bend down!

- Put your hands up!
- Bend down!