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Heat Team (2004)

Posted: 09/04/23 10:34
by bunniefuu
It's hot! How hot is today?

As recorded by the Royal Observatory,

today is the hottest day in these years.

It's . degrees Celsius.

Oh my God, it's burning me!
How can we stand this?

What will you suggest to cool us down?

It's easy, let's listen to some cool music!

Uncle, I want a super hot one.
Thank you.

Officer Li, this is the last treat by me.

You like the super spicy bean cube, right?

Amy, you are my best partner.

Don't do anything stupid
for a man who doesn't love you.

Officer Li, I am sorry.

He told me that it's her who seduced him,
it's her fault.

If not were her,
he wouldn't have brushed me off.

I've already checked it out.

He is a notorious playboy in the force.

He is a playboy, you know?

You can k*ll her,

But can you k*ll all his women?

If you are put behind bars,
who will feed your dogs?

Sir, her boyfriend has arrived.

What are you doing here?

Would you calm down, okay?

I'll k*ll her!

Okay, go ahead.

Susan said she's willing to die for me.

Are you kidding, man?


- You nuts!
- sh**t!

Fire now! Come on!


She said she dared not sh**t to k*ll.


I leave this heartless guy to you.

Give me the hostage.

He is the man that is worth dying.

He should die instead.

You said she wouldn't sh**t.

Come here.

Come on!

Everyone freeze!


KC Wong, you've broken my heart!

KC Wong, have you ever loved this woman?


How about me?

I love you too.

For the matter of love, I never lie.

I will commit su1c1de after k*lling this woman,

After losing two women you loved,

you'd be very desperate, right?


He causes this mess,

If you want to sh**t,

I'll k*ll him first.

I won't believe in it.

Let's play the game, the Russian roulette.

Either you or me will die.

It's your turn.


Hands off!


I am sorry to make you bring it to my office.

I just can't leave this office.

Never mind, take a deep breath please.

Have I gained weight?

No, your breasts are a bit bigger.

This always happens on the brides-to-be.

This is a physical and estrous reaction.

- Is that true?
- Sure.

This is Bobo Fung of the Interpol.

What? I'll be right there.

Why hasn't the criminal from
South Africa been sent to the airport?

He hasn't set out yet.

What the hell!

Man, you stay here...

Shut up your mouth.

Do you want to fight?

What the hell?

Madam, he said he wants to eat

goose liver and drink Lafite.

If not, he refuses to get on board.

You get out first.

Come on baby!

Do you want to marry me? Come on...

Come on...

The Interpols are supposed to report duty today.

I heard that they're famous.

One is called YT Lee.

He is great at sh**ting,
he shot numerous criminals.

Another one is KC Wong, he is famous too.

The FBI once came to seek our help,
they just chose KC.

But I heard that he's ugly looking.

He has poisoned lips too.
And he always loves courting policewomen.

Have you seen him?


Someone told me that Li isn't that smart.

Actually he is afraid of women.

He always gets nervous when seeing women,
and he...

KC Wong.

YT Lee.

There is still enough space for you.

Sir, I feel sick.

I don't want it to be over loaded,
you'd better go up first.

See you later then.

This is Ken Ma, American Chinese.

He robbed the British Museum once.

And he robbed the safe at the Central
Bank of Frankfurt.

As well as the Sotheby's in New York.

All were big cases.

Some years ago, he was caught by the FBI.

He was in jail for years, after release,
nothing was heard about him.

But not long ago,
he committed some more big cases in Europe.

He is a wise guy.

He hired different people to work for
him for different cases.

They acted like a military team.

The International Crisis Control Centre
was informed that,

Ken Ma has arrived in Hong Kong.

But we have got his in and out record
from the immigration.

I believe that he's using a fake passport.

The passport is true, but that's not his passport.

I always want to work with smart guys.

Do you know why?

Cause I am wise too.

Officer Cheung, are you looking for me?


This is Bobo.

She will be on her marital leave in next week.

You two please act her post.

May I introduce, this is...



I've checked on them.

They two are the best guys in the force,

just after me.

You don't have to worry about the work
while you're on leave.

- Thank you, sir.
- Okay.

You guys just work hard.

I'll be backing you up.

Work hard.

Yes, Sir.

They are our team members, Ko, Eddie,

Michael and Kit.

I've already known them!

Is it hot? Lower the temperature please.

Sir, the air-conditioner is out of order.

I've already lowered the room temperature.

Is that so?
I thought it's the problem of someone.

In fact it's the problem of the air-conditioner.

I've already asked for maintenance.

KC, this is your desk.

YT, you take that desk please.

One chair is missing.

I seldom sit to work. Take it.

Sitting too much will cause hemorrhoid.

I won't get back those things I gave up.

I won't take back those things
that are got rid of by me.

Just dump it.

It's a no smoking zone.

Say something!

Too bad! Why do you call up this late?

Who's on the phone?

Sir, it's Madam's fiance.

Sir, this one.

Organic fertilizer?

That's stool, sir.

Who is following Ken Ma's case?

I am working on it now.

I've contacted Mr. Fok's men.

If any outsiders are coming to commit crimes,

they'll be informed anyway.

You mean the most powerful triad
kingpin in Hong Kong?

You don't have to get informed from his fellow.

Just approach him directly, that's it.

Good, I love this line.

Wait, let me get advice from the senior first.

All right, take your time.

You two please come here.

What's the matter, pal?

I am not your pal, I am police.

Mr. Fok,
may I ask you something about this person?

His name is Ken Ma.

Being good at fighting is no big deal.

Be frank, I have got what you need.

But you just step in...

say something and show me some stances...

Do you think these things
can make me tell you what you need?

I wouldn't do that as being the big boss here.

I don't want my fellows to mock at me.

Well, what do you want?

Since you have come for a visit,

why not sit down and have a meal with me?

What don't you want to eat?

I can eat anything.

Well, let me make the order.

You know what's most famous here?

That is the "Red cock", it's really great!

Don't you mind spicy food?
Okay, let me try first.


Bring him a glass of iced water.

It's not necessary.

You want to tell me something?

It's better to drink
some white wine with chili.

You'll have two different feelings.

One from the throat to the stomach.

It's so hot that it may
possibly blood your stool.

And the other one, it's straight to the head.

It makes you all wet.

You raise your head and
find yourself all wet.

Can you tell us where Ken Ma is now?

I've been in the underworld for ages,

I haven't betrayed anyone.

But I know a person named Santos.

He is not like me. He has a big mouth.

He is not as righteous as I am.

You can seek help from him.

Give them Santos' phone number.

Yes, boss.

The value of this meal ends right here.

Brother, you're so great!
You drive the cops crazy!

Boss, what's wrong with you?

You can try this and
sense how I am feeling now.

Call the doctor!

Yes, boss.

This is the schedule and shipping route.

About the gear?

Right on schedule.


Santos is over there.


Police, we want to use you
as well as your bike now.


Ko, we have got information from America.

Thank you, madam.

K, we have got information here.

- Thank you, Madam.
- You're welcome.

As being informed from the Americans,

To Yu-fung, she has a green card,
being a good citizen.

She went from Beijing

to New York for studies in .

years later, she got the GIA certificate.

Then she has been working in an auction
company in America till now.

About her relationship with Ken Ma,

It's not mentioned right here.

This time, she comes to Hong Kong
through the immigration.

You can tell at the first
sight that she's a robber.

And she is lustful too.

I don't think so.

Her figure is better than yours.

Her eyes are special.

You can tell her blueness
and mystery in her eyes.

Even she is a robber,
she definitely is not an ordinary one.

But a lustful one.

I mean you...

Agree with me or not?

Who is that nonsense
to write me such letter?

It's from an anonymous!

Is it a letter of

sexual harassment or threat?

It's a love letter.

Love letter?

You did it!
You're a notorious policewomen hunter.

Yes, I love wooing policewomen,
but not your type.

What type?

She asked why she's
categorized as a "type"!

I bet it's written by him.

Look at him, he always shuts his mouth.

I can tell it's because
of sex depression, right?


He wouldn't write such letter,
he's not that kind of person.

Hello, I'm Macy.

This is so hot.

Why are you here?

I am not happy.

Follow me.

What's the matter?

You said I could come to you

when I feel unhappy.

He spent $,

for a bottle of red wine
and shared with his friends.

The wine was sour,
so I just voiced that out.

He thus scolded me,
saying that I know nothing.

He said I should not bother men's
business and told me to shut up.

Sometimes, men...

Men need face and respects.

You always feel better after biting me.

But I don't think it's good to do so now.

Come on.

I feel better now.

This is a call from the police station.

Are you Michael Ng?

Your girlfriend loves you so much.

You don't have to bother how I know it.

I repeat, I am a cop.

You'd better come to the Hong Kong
Headquarters to pick her up.

He is on the way now.

Thank you.

Do you smoke again?

- No.
- Never mind.

I am no longer your girlfriend now.

You don't have to quit smoking for me,
just go ahead.

I really quitted smoking.

I promised you to quit smoking.

I'll wait for him downstairs, bye.


Look, be careful, man, all right?

I've just gone after by the pigs.

The pigs are after me, they're giving me heat.

They know what you're up to,

you know what I mean?

You tell them,

No one can stop me from doing anything.

Look, these pigs, they don't run the beat.

They're pros, they want to catch you,
they'll catch you.

They're the pros, they can do these things.

You know...

Is everything ready for tomorrow?

You want it, you get it. No problem.

I'm your maid, I'll help you out anyway.

When do you think we can get off tonight?

Just fix your own business first.

I have to work over time tonight.

I am sorry

Mom, would you please record

the football match for me tonight?

Yes, I am going to leave now,
order a beer for me then.

Well, it's almost time...

Order some food for us please.


Order some pizza please,
it'll be quick and tasty.

It's too dry! It's not a good idea.

How about Shanghai dishes?

That's too greasy.

How about Chiu-chow food?

I don't like Chiu-chow food.

How about Japanese food?
Any Japanese food?

How about shark-fin soup?

Sir, if you don't like
those food mentioned before,

At this time, we only have this...

Anything would do.

You make the order then.

The air-conditioner is out of order,
now it's degrees,

we are eating spicy hot pot.

We can only order spicy
hot pot right at this hour.

No, I feel not bad.

Can you make it?

Sure, why not?

Eat more if you like it.

Officer Li, this is an internal
shipping carried in a low profile.

A diamond necklace of the Royal family

of Brunei Darussalam will be transited.

Their ambassadors asked
our force to escort it.

No wonder I just can't check it out.

Will they rob that?

There is a pink diamond on the necklace
that is weight over carats.

It's worth over million US dollars.

When will it arrive in Hong Kong?

It just arrived minutes ago.

Call the Security Bureau.


Cover... cover...


Relax, it will be okay.


"Calmness in adversities"

Don't panic.

Although this is the
most serious robbery

ever happened in Hong Kong,

The Commissioner asked whether
we can handle it or not,

but I scare nothing about it.

Let me put it in this way,

I love handling big cases.

Don't be afraid, I can handle it.

Those robbers are
tougher than we have expected.

But I have confidence to break that case.

I think so.

Well, KC,

your ass was serious hurt, wasn't it?

How do you feel now? Turn and show me.

I am sorry, sir, it's not convenient to do so.

I'm so glad to have YT with me.

You're welcome.

You two did a great job, just go on.

Yes, Sir.

I found you disgusting at the first sight.

I haven't had any idea of flattering you.

You're so self-complacent,

you just care nothing about other's life.

When we are carrying our duties,
we just can't avoid sacrifice.

You shouldn't value your ass that much!

Cut the crap!

Either you listen to me, or I listen to you.

I am the boss here.

All right.

The winner will be the boss.


Ask all of them to get out of there.

Yes, Madam.

You fell so badly.

You had a stupid turn.

You looked silly!
You fell like a piece of pork chop.

You've got no b*ll*ts,
just admit your failure, okay?

We'll wait and see.



Don't do that.


Don't take the g*ns with you,
just throw them into the sea.

Got it?

You're the boss.

I understand.


g*ns, w*apon, come on.

Madam, we've got something on Santos' line.

Whose call is it?

A woman left a message

in his voice mailbox in Mandarin.

I've got the necklace,
call me as soon as possible.

It's her.

That woman?

Is her phone on?

Yes, Madam.

Check her location.

As long as her phone is on,

we can check where she is

by locating the launching station.


Charter Garden at Central.

No moving.

Call GFS.

- Let's move over there.
- Yes, Sir

Should we inform Officer Wong now?

No. We have no time.

Yes... yes... thank you, bye bye.

How is it?

They said that the
suspect is now in Central.

They are on the way by helicopter.

Why not call us?

Y.T. Said it not necessary.

He really said so?

He really said so.

Call the Marine police,
I want the fastest boat, thank you.

Yes, sir.

Madam, target signal is still there.

Okay, keep every signal per seconds.

She is still there.

Find her.

Officer Wong of the Interpol,

Cat is on phone.

Radio station.

This is YT.

Please block the signals around the
Charter Garden for minutes.

Sir, this is such an urgent task,
but you need approval.

Do you know why it's so urgent?

I don't know.

It's because it's really urgent.

What rank are you in?
Can you afford the consequence of it?

Do you wanna die?

No, Sir.

Yes, Sir.

I am going to do it now.

Everyone pays attention to the
telephone kiosk around you.

Our target will show up soon.

Officer Wong, the network is down.

Our target appears.

The location is at the left telephone
kiosk out of the Prince Bldg.

Bobo, she saw me and KC before.

Why didn't you call me?

But now we are leaving.

I am here and you want me to leave now?

Yes, leave now.

Leave... leave now...

Don't move, drop the bottle.

What the hell is it?

Are you all right?

The doctor is coming. Does it hurt?

No. I don't mind pain.

Macy, where is the bull with a broken head?

I am a cop, not a bull.

It's just the same.

From the wound, I can tell it's broken by a woman.

By a criminal.

I'll stitch for you.

Do you mind pain?

He doesn't mind.


I've just forgotten to introduce you to him.

This is my boyfriend, Michael.

This is my ex-boyfriend. Y.T.

He is that cop who yelled at you on the phone.

You don't mind pain, do you?


Well, sir...

Have you ever seen such a strong doctor as I am?


Doctor, I...

He has broad chest, it's just wonderful.

Why not show you?


Do you think it's so charming?

I am always excited whenever I see that.

So charming!

- So attractive.
- So exciting!

Doctor, can you finish the stitches first?


Why do you look so serious?

I don't care what you are doing out there.

But right here,

I won't allow my fellows to have messy affairs.

I haven't done that.

You grabbed Bobo for kissing at the open area,

is that right?

It's not true! We were just working.

As reported from the witness,

your tongue was stuffed into her mouth,
by force.

Sir, I strongly oppose your saying.

I am a professional police officer,

Other than kissing,

even you want me to sleep with her,
I will be glad to.

Second, I didn't force her to do so.

When I was kissing with Bobo,

I felt her tongue swinging in my mouth.

Swinging? What does that mean?

That means her tongue...

Welcome mine, that is.

It's chicanery.

You're notorious in the force.

I don't want the girls

in our office be hurt.


Yes, Sir.

What's wrong with it? Why it's so hot?

Hello! Nice to see everyone here!

It's so hot,

so I bring some fruit for you guys.

Dr. Chu, are they from your farm?

Sure, you have some peaches this time.

We fertilized them with organic fertilizers.

Come on, enjoy it...

It's too kind of you!


Can you tell

the difference of these two peaches?

They look almost the same.

One is more red, and one is more fresh.

- No.
- One is bigger and one is smaller.


That one is fertilized by poor people's stool.

And that one is
fertilized by rich people's stool.

Smart boy!

It's true, they are fertilized by my stool.

Let me introduce myself.

I first met this officer.

My name is Chu,

Dr. Chu Yan, Vincent.

Okay, you can leave it to my secretary.

Leave it to his secretary.


Come on...

Let's go into my room.

Why are you so anxious?

Well, you're my friends,

so you must eat those
peaches fertilized by my stool.


Leave those to the junior police officers.

Enjoy it.

Come on, don't be anxious! It's hot.

Where were you at : pm?

I was at the research centre.

Research centre?

You lied.

At : this afternoon,

You were holding the hand of

a stupid woman with big breasts.

Is the right, Mr. Chu?

She has big breasts, but she is not stupid.

Nancy has just got a Master degree
in the Harvard University.

So you admit that.

How about you?


You... kissed with the officer who's just come.

I was at work.

But you seemed like enjoying the kiss.

I just held Nancy's hand.

But your tongues twisted and twisted.

Have you ever thought of my feeling?


We're over.

Where is the criminal?

He is in the cell, sir.

Wait, my colleagues are out there,

would you please give me some face?

Honey, I am leaving now.

I won't pick you up then.

Hey, I am leaving.

See you in the banquet.

Come earlier to play mahjong.

All right.

- Bye!
- Bye!

Madam, this gentleman came to see you.

Miss Fung,
I am from the marital service company,

I am here to send you invitation cards
and cake coupons.

You can drop it here, thank you.

Bobo, since we're not getting married,

just dump the invitation cards,

but I want the cake coupons back.


Ben, let's go.

You, remember, even I don't want it,

don't ever dream of it.

And you, be smart!

Don't bully women!

Sir, do you need an ambulance?

Police officer assaulted me!

Can you see that? Can you see that?

You adulterer, you...

Let me call for the ambulance for you, okay?

Let me tell you frankly,

I won't spare women.

Don't you think that I'd spare you
for you're a woman.

Sir, are you nervous?

What does that mean?

I see you sweating so much.

And your hands are trembling.

You're wrong.

I sweat for the air-conditioner
is out of order here.

My hands are not trembling,

But I am just preparing to punch.

Where is Ken Ma?

Has the goods delivered yet?

I tell you, actually

I hate women very much.

Especially those who don't go straight
but fall in love with criminals.

Sir, what's up with you?

It hurts!

Sir, do you need me to go to hospital with you?


The criminal's hurt her leg.

Wrap her wound please.

Yes, Sir.

I am not interested in knowing your story.

You had guts to write,
why don't you have guts to admit?

You think I did it?

What's that? Show me.

Only you'd write this shit.

Wow, this is shit.

Well, it's implicative, but it's true.

It's gentle, but it's tough.

I like this line.

This is a very good line.

Your heart is broken, that breaks my heart too.

Don't cry.

You know? In the valley of love,

there is a man who is ever waiting for you.

KC Wong, why do you like me?

You're ridiculous.

You're tough.

As well as practical. You despise men.

You're the symbol of the women

of this age! Fantastic.

What are you doing?

Actually I am this disgusting!

Do you like me?

All right...

All right, hold on please.

He hung up.

It's a call from Santos.

What's the matter?

He told me to look for him tomorrow.

Is he with his g*ng?

Can you help me?

You take the diamond with you,

find a safe place to hide up.

No! Let's run together.

You have the diamond, so they won't k*ll me.

I'll contact you, run!
Run from that side. Go.

You must call me!

All right, let's co-operate.

Your hands are so soft.

But women have soft hands
may not be softhearted.

Where is Ken?

What the hell are you doing?

Shut up, listen to what I'm going to say.
All right?

Ken is all right, you hear me?

He is safe, as ever he expects.

He gave me this. He said give it to you

And wait for his call.

You wait for his call, understand?

Yes, I understand.


Right, find a place and hide.

Whose side that you are?

I'm on my bleeding wallet side, didn't I?

I'm going to be a banker.

Why did you bump at me?

Why did you stop without any notice?

It's you who followed too tight,

that caused the trouble!

You sure didn't want me to follow you.

Drag me up now.

I am dragging, but you're too heavy!

Many girls are waiting for me.

You'd better die alone.

Don't drag me down.

But we are partners.

I haven't admitted that.

Don't move.

Are you all right?

Are you all right?

Wait for me, let me move first.

Don't press on my leg.



Be slow... Slow down...

Why it's that high?

Slow down...

Wait... Oh my hand...

Raise a bit higher...

How is it? All right?

Give him a chance to run away.

Open your mouth.

I want to go to toilet.

Are you all right?

How are you?

I want to see your boss.


You'd know it very clearly that,
if not were me,

you can never find the person
and that thing you want.

So, what do you want?

Three conditions, just very simple.

First, I don't want to be tied here.

Second, I want new clothes, nice clothes.

Three, I don't want to stay here,
I want to live in the hotel.

I just live in a hotel of five stars.

Five stars?

That's my wish too.

You nuts!

Now we have our own chip,
just listen to her.

Let's see what she is going to do.

Actually she is pitiful.

She screws up her life for a man.

Do you like her?

I pity her.

Thank you.

Too bad you're a playboy.

Actually you're a good cop.

I am sincere to all my lovers.

Whenever I see women

feeling sad, I would...

I would try to comfort her,
to make her happy.

I don't understand.

Why women would fall

for a person of your kind?

Look at me.

What's the matter?

The answer is...

Look at these two... can you see that?

These two soft, gentle and moisturized lips.

Look at it, they are so smooth.

I have two lips too.

Yes, but your tongue is different from mine.

Even men can't resist my tongue.

Are you kidding?


Wanna try?

Not now.

Just once, okay?

Okay, but don't regret.

No way.

You try, but don't fall for me.

- Look at you! You look so excited.
- Hurry up...

Follow me, close your eyes.

Can I have my eyes opened?

All right, just as you like.

Open your mouth.


Bigger, right.

Ready... right.

Sorry, Sir.

I've told you many times.

This is the station, don't mess up in the office.

No sir...

I don't care much about
my fellows' private life,

but you just can't mess up in the office.

You screwed up with Bobo, and now, it's YT.

How can you mess up in the office like this?

Are you going to court me too?

Never, sir. I love young people.

Sir, this is not the case.

It's useless to explain.


But don't worry.

I will never disclose it to other people.

But you two just break the
case as soon as possible.

Forget your affairs, okay?

Thank you, Sir.

Come in, just take it as your home.

This is upon your request.

This is a detention cell of five stars.

Before the case is finished,

you have to stay here.

The decoration is a bit old, you know?

This is the government's style.

But the setting is not bad.

With beautiful view.

Listen, we'll watch you round the clock.

Come on, change the clothes.

I picked that for you. The toilet is over that.

As I judged, you'd be wearing medium size.

You look lustful.

Don't you think an affectionate woman

is especially sexy?


You just don't understand women.

If you want to solve the case, just listen to me.

Be happy.

It's bored, why not do something?

How about playing mahjong?

The specialist said, playing mahjong

would cheer people up.

I don't want to play.

Come on, let's play mahjong.


Come on, let's play.

It helps to solve the case. Come on.

Okay, let's play in Taiwan style,
$ as dividend, $ per fold.

No magic domino.

Let's play rounds, % of the dividend
will be added or lost in each game.

Three of a kind.

Three of a kind.

Three bamboos.

- Three of a kind.
- Okay.


Grand slam, no flower and no character,

banker, total is folds.

- Fifty thousand.
- Three of a kind.

- South.
- Three of a kind. Green Dragon.


Grand slam, three flowers,

banker, total is folds.


and a half pairs, single one, no odd numbers,

one kind is missing, banker, folds.

no flower and character, slam, banker.

Bingo! Bingo! Bingo!

You'd have behaved! Are you sick?

You don't have to be that harsh!

She is only a criminal,
you won't get money even if you win the game.

It's you who wanted to play mahjong.

What can I do then?
Should I deliver the domino away?

Are you sick?

YT, I have to go out.

What's the matter?

Private matter, but it's important.

Just take care of her.

Please move the luggage into the car for me.

Are you going for a trip?

Why don't you ask why I wanted
to see you this urgent?


I broke up with Chu Yan.

I lived in his house.


You'd not ask "So".

You'd ask, "What's next?"

What do you mean?

The date of marriage is fixed,

why don't you take his place?

Do you think it's a game?

Do you have to brush others girls?

By the way, we have just kissed twice.

Yes, twice.

But it's so important to me.

For the first time, I took it as work.

But not for the second time, right?

The second time is...

It's actually a misunderstanding.

Bobo, why are you in KC's car?

I am waiting for him.

Are you two really falling...

No, no.

No way, I must talk to you.

Sir, it's not necessary, officer Cheung...

Actually you are too innocent.

You're cheated again and again.

I don't want you to be hurt.

Thank you for your care, sir.

Don't you think KC

looks stupid,

Actually he is...

He is so cunning.

Girls are easily cheated by him.

But his lips...

He just bluffs, he is nothing!

I don't think so.

He wrote beautiful love letters.

He is gentle and caring.

When I was most desperate,

he gave me great support and care.

Bobo, you know?

I wrote the letters.

Sir, I always take you as my idol.

I know, but...

I really love you.

You think I am serious?

Actually I am cute.


Sir, I didn't take you as my idol,

but I think you're really cute.

I won't bother you two.

Take your time.


Please give me a help.

Don't tell anyone
about what happened today.

Especially about the love letters.

Sir, it depends how you treat me.

Don't worry,
I'll treat you in a very special way,

you'll be satisfied. Okay?

Thank you, Sir.

You are welcome

Sir, and I'd like to tell you...

I am sincere...

You're really cute.

Thank you.

It's time to eat.

What do you want to do? Tell me.

We are staying alone here,

don't you worry something would happen?

Don't mess up.

You know?

I can sue you of indecent as*ault.

I am sorry, I have to take a bath.

Please... Come on!

- Hello.
- Hello, it's me.

Are you safe?

I am missing you so badly.

Where are you? What did they do to you?

Come on, don't cry.

I won't cry, I haven't cried.

How is your wound?

I am okay, where are you?
I'll come right away.

I don't know where I am.

Don't come over, it's too dangerous.

Tell me where I can see you,
I'll come out for you.

Can you?

Yes, I can.

Come out!

I am bathing!

Get out!

I am so sorry for what
happened in the toilet.

You set the phone there for me to steal.

Ken won't call me.


You can't come here.

I am on duty now, I just can't come.

Let's go together.

Don't worry, my phone card is still with you.

I'll be right there.

Do you want to try our lovers' set?

My friend is coming,
give us two glasses of orange juice please.

Who is she?

The suspect.

She must sit next to me.

Is she the one who broke your head?

That's right.

Is it worth?

Miss, do you want any order?


Why do you ask me out?

Did he bully you again?

I am pregnant, I am going to get married.


After getting married,
will you treat me as good as now?


Why do you stare at him?

Why do you laugh?

Yeah, why?

It's because he's silly.

What did you say?

Just ignore that.

She is using your love on her.

You're getting married soon,

Would you spare him?

Do you want him to love you forever?

I am sorry, she's blaming me.

No! Just ignore her.

This is none of your business.

Have you found a new girlfriend?

She matches you so much, she is short too.

Did you tell him?

Sir, I don't quite understand,

I am a doctor, but we're still so careless.

I got her pregnant!

But I promised to marry her.

So, you'd better forget about her.

Are you looking for me?

Where are you now?

I am at a restaurant.

Leave her to me.

Let my hostage go.

If not, I'll sh**t.

Go ahead.

sh**t then...


Drop the g*n.

Drop it.

Call the ambulance!

What are you thinking?

A hard-boiled cop was
nailed by a female thief!

Losing love is okay,
but losing the suspect would be shit.

Can you shut up?

Calm down.

I had put a bug in her pocket.

How could we get Ken Ma
is we didn't let her go?

Bobo... come over here.

Why did you call her here?

Can't let her know.

Bobo is okay now.

Let's go.

Don't you trust me?

What would you like to say?

You stay here to back us up.


This is an order!

Do you think I am coming back for it?

Do you know why

I tried so hard to get it?

Not for its value.

I just want to put it round your neck.

If you don't want it,

I don't want it too.

I'll give you that, but let her go, okay?

Don't hurt her.

The diamond is not important to me.

You can take it away.

I am really touched.


Are you insane?

You thr*aten a cop by seizing a robber?

Are you a man?

How can you make a woman as your shield?

Shame on you!

Come and sh**t me.

Do you want a hostage?

I'll change for her.

Are you really in love?

I told you many times,

you can't do that for a woman.

You let her escape once,

But did she care your
feeling when she escaped?

You should not be that affectionate.

I am not.

Police, don't move!

This is your business now.

Why didn't you just sh**t him?

No way!
I just have to write a report after sh**ting.

We are now supposed to be at the safe house.

And I just told you to wait for me downstairs.

Why didn't you listen to me but walked up?

Why do you want me to back you up?

- Stop answering back.
- What?

Shut up.

Women should not answer back.

Don't bully women anymore.

If you want a hostage, I'll substitute her.

Are you telling me?


You know what to do now?

Give me the necklace.

If you take it, we'll all die.




Am I dead?

You're all right.

Only your left lung was broken.

Why did you sh**t me?

Your eyes told me to sh**t.

I told you, when I counted to three,

You ought to throw the necklace to him
so as to diversify his attention.

Then I would have a chance to bend down...

Let me explain to you.

Thank you, pal.

The g*n is right here.

Hand and neck, right.

Higher... right.

I just wanted to tell you that,
when he counted to three,

You go over there,
and you go over there. Thank you.

Throw the necklace here,
so his attention was drawn at the necklace.

I would then have a chance to bend down.

I would attack his
chest by my right elbow.

He would feel pain...

Then I'd s*ab at his eyes.

He couldn't see, and then I'd kick his penis.

Feeling itchy?

Then I'd give him a big slap.

And I would grab his g*n.

I would get his g*n, that's all.

But why did you sh**t me?

I couldn't tell so complicated commands
from your eyes.

We are police.

It's normal to make sacrifice.


Stay calm, the doctor said,

You can't get angry anymore. I am sorry.

Forget it.

You aim sharp anyway.

It's just luck.

Are you kidding me?

Miss, why are you running around?

Right, I want to live in this room.

But it's a single room.

Add a bed for me.
Just like the practice in a hotel.

Add a bed for me now.

Why do you smoke?
It'll affect your reproductive power.