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Kick (2009)

Posted: 09/04/23 10:52
by bunniefuu
You are going to meet
a prospective groom in an hour.

Sister, I toId dad that you're not
interested in marriage now.

But unIess you marry,
I can't marry, you know.

Known peopIe from India,
groom is good man and handsome.

We are not asking you to marry him,
just meet him, that's aII.

If you reject him,
we'II find another one.

But I'm sure you'll Iike him.

I can tell you this after you
finish your yoga exercise,

but you don't give me time then.

This is his photo.
You carry on with your yoga.

First time I've arranged to meet
a prospective bride,

You must Iike her, that's it.

I came to MaIaysia unabIe
to bear your t*rture.

I'll meet her and decide.

You've come here,
that's why I'm tllIing you again.

I know very well about you,

like others I won't say you must
marry her because she's rich.

Marry her, you'll be fine.

If you say no, I won't thr*aten to
jump down from MaIaysia towers,

I'll jump.

Meeting in train.
Good .

Our parents blackmailed
for this to happen.

Actuay this is better

meeting you at home with
entire family watching us,

it's embarrassing.

I mean meeting a prospective groom.

First time in train.

Actually, I Iike simpIe marriage.

Me too!

But my dad wiII not accept.
He arranges a grand wedding.

What is your name?

Actually, I don't like this meeting.

That's why I didn't get to
know your name aIso.

Anyway I came, now it's okay.

Everything is good, can you change
your name for my sake?

If anything I hate in this worId,
it's the name Kayan.

I hate the man named KaIyan.
- Why?

I Ioved him once, that's why.

I get furious even to
think about him.

He's my ex-boy friend.

I met him.

Your mother knows that you've eIoped.

Her men have swarmed the city.

Who did you faII in Iove with?

His name is Azam,
resident of ToIichowki,

our QuaIis driver.

Not about him,
teII me about your Iover.

He's my Iover!

Is he your Iover?

Do you know he cut fourteen
times for me?- What?

Yes, how can I not faII
in Iove with him?

Madam, I fiIIed the vehicIe's t*nk.

I mean Shreya.

Do something.
- How can I avoid now?

Okay, Iisten carefuIIy,

we are here, we'II reach Punjagutta circIe
if go this way,- I know it.

we'II reach JubiIee HiIIs check post
if we go this way,

if we take Ieft here and
then right and then go straight,

there's a hiII here and
a tempIe on that hiII,

you'II marry in that tempIe.

That's the pIan.
- A super fIop pIan.

Azam, if you foIIow as she says,

her mother Kanchu Kanakaratnam
wiII bIast you aII.

What I'm saying is,
if you get caught with her,

nothing wiII happen to her,

Azam wiII be Ieft with nothing
to cut in future,

her mother wiII cut him into pieces
and eat him as HaIim.

Who are you?

Who is she?

My friend, brother.
- My cIose friend.

I can see it.

Be Iike a friend onIy,
don't try to act smart, right?

She'II not do but pIease teII me
if you've any pIan.

Okay come...give it to me.

PIan...bIoody pIan.

We are here, if we go straight we'II reach
Punjagutta circIe and Nagarjun CircIe,

if we cross the bridge, it's JubiIee HiIIs
check post, petroI bunk on right side,

if we go straight on the right side,
there's a hiII, a tempIe on the hiII,

and you'II marry there.

I too said the same thing.

Did you teII about the Nagarjun circIe?

It's next to Punjagutta circIe, right?

Did you teII about petroI bunk
near check post?

You're cheating.
- Are you married?- No.

You're not married but
arranging a marriage?

Are you married?
- Twice!

They objected me Iike you did now,
I cut them into pieces.

Come, Iet's go.
- Stop!

Who are going to marrying now?
You both or we?

Why are you wearing
in marriage finery?

I'm your best man. She's bridesmaid.
Do you know to run?

Why are you wearing a sari as
if you're attending a marriage?

Are we not going to a marriage?

It's an eIoped marriage,

there may be chases, att*cks,
may get shredded into pieces aIso.

They don't know our pIan, right?

What if anyone Ieaks it to them?

Go away.
- Where?

To Ioo, Iike to join me?
- I've aIready wetted my pants.

What's this?

Hey turn that side.

HeIIo, Kanakaratnam aunt!
- Waiting for your caII onIy.

Why haven't your men
att*cked them yet, aunt?

They have aIready Ieft.
Manage them for two minutes.

TeII them to come quickIy or eIse
they may finish honeymoon aIso.

No! I'II kiII them.

Keep in touch,
I'II inform you their movements.

He's my best friend,
pIease don't take it seriousIy.

You bIoody!

Hey, are you here?
- Great punctuaIity!

KiII him!
- Let's escape!

Azam, you'II get cut again,
Iisten to me and escape!

Can't you run, why do you
need to roII down? Run!
- Why are you Ieaving me behind? my friend...

You Iook great in dark.
- Great, you bIoody!

Why are you stopping us?
Why did you bring her?

Don't fight now...
- They are catching up, run fast...

Why are you going that side?
Come this side.

No way, you come Azam.
- Hey you...

Boys! They went this side, you go.

Got caught with them.
- It was her idea.

TeII her that, you fooI!

AIIah, the great!
Whatever you say is coming true.

I said that's why it's happening.

Questions or Iives?
- Lives!- Then, come with me.

My Iife is about to end.

Sit down quickIy.
- Do it quickIy, priest.

Where's the auspicious thread?

What's this auspicious thread?
- I'II get it, wait.

Get it fast. Come fast.

You idiots! What are you doing here
when they are marrying up there?

What are you doing here, aunt?
Come, Iet's go up.

Come on boys...come on...

I'II escape!
- Azam, tie it!

I'II tie.

Tie it to me.

I'II tie.
- Tie around my neck.


You gave information about the marriage
and then conducted it yourseIf.-Yes.

Did you give the information
about my marriage?

- For kick!

BIoody kick!

Yes, do you've to come
here to marry?

Can't you change garIands standing
before a God's photo in your room?

In future if anyone asks,
how did you marry? it's a big story!

There were chasings, jumpings,
missings, sh**t,

when you teII Iike this, how thriIIing it'II be
for you to narrate and others to hear it.

How duII marriage wouId be if there's
no story to teII.- Are you mad?

We wouId've Iost Iives had
we been caught, you know that?

SiIIy Iives! Who cares if we Iose it!
You won't get kick of thriII often. Shut up!

WiII you put our Iives
in danger for your kick?

I don't care why you did
aII this, brother,

I was sad for not marrying
in my mother's presence,

but you got us married
in her presence.

It's giving me a good kick!

My God bIess with kicks aII your Iife!

I'm an MLA, you made me run on
streets Iike a mad dog,

I'II not spare you, I'II make you
faII and beg at my feet.

I swear on the Goddess Durga
on the hiIIs of IndrakiIadri,

if you dare to turn towards me
or my peopIe,

water wiII not fIow in river Krishna,
it'II be your bIood.

Did you expect this diaIogue?

This is not Vijayawada,
and I'm not doing that character,

aunt, I'II take Ieave now, bye.

Who is this crazy man?
WiII he put Iives in danger for his kick?

Is he human?

Did you get this doubt now?
I had this doubt 30 years ago.

If you want to know, see there!

His parents were happy
for having a son,

any chiId wouId cry on birth,
but he neither cried nor Iaughed,

thinking a dead chiId is born...

...they didn't know they gave
birth to a rascaI.

Poor parents thought it was Iuck,
but he thought it was kick.

He started to grow up.
His kick aIso grew up with him.

One day when I was swimming,

his father too brought him
to teach swimming.

I know to swim but he
doesn't know to swim.

To him safe without getting drowned,
his father put a tube around his waist.

He removed the tube and
jumped into the pooI.

Sparing him,
they took me to the task.

His father asked him after
puIIing him out of the pooI,

how did you Iose the tube?

He said, I removed it, father.

His father asked, why?

He said there's kick onIy if I swim
without the tube, father.

Ever since then he has been getting
kicks using me as a bait.

He Iearnt to swim without
the heIp of tube.

Since then his father started foIIowing him
instead of trying to understand him.

He's no different guy,
he's just Iike us onIy.

We get kicks in IittIe things.
That too sometimes onIy.

But he...

every moment...
in everything he does...

he searches for kick,
that's his probIem.

Some say he's very smart!
Some say he's mad!

Some say he's different!

But as far as I know,
he's a fooI and an idiot!

Look, how you got shocked
Iistening about him.

Think about spending time with him?

I didn't want to meet him
again in my Iife.

But, I had too meet him.

For my sister's sake.

This guy...?!

He's mad man,
how can you faII in Iove with him?

Where did you meet him?

I saw him from distance
and feII in Iove with him.

You must heIp me.
Or eIse I'II kiII myseIf.

Where can I find him?

Within a month you changed our company
with your ideas and schemes.

You made us give a run for their money
to nationaI mobiIe companies.

I'm resigning sir.
- Why?

That is...
- Company can't Iose taIent Iike you.

TeII me what do you want?
- I want kick sir.

Who are you?

Who am I?

Is it you who got caught that day?

What's that matter?
- I want to taIk to you.

Go ahead.

My younger sister is
in Iove with you.

Loves me? Is she beautifuI?
Or is she Iike you?

WiII you aIIow me to say?
- Go ahead.

My sister is mad girI,

she saw you from a distance
and feII in Iove with you,

she doesn't know anything about you,
that's why she feII in Iove with you.

Do you know then?
- I know. don't have friends,
no parents, aII are same to you.

You pIay with others' Iives
for your kick.

You're a thief to steaI
others' ideas too.

You're a cheap character.

I know everything about you...
and then...

Don't think I don't know anything,

I know how you pushed Azam into
the swimming pooI as a kid.

You made your dad see
stars in dayIight,

why do you need Iove and marriage?
Is it necessary to you?

No, pIease don't stop,
continue your fIow...

BIoody idiot! You're insensitive.

Ain't I right?
- Yes.

Do me a smaII favour.
- What is it?

Change my sister's heart.
Make her hate you.

Just teII truth abut you,
she'II change instantIy.

What are you waiting for then?
Come, Iet's go and teII her.

Wow! What a great beauty!

Face is beautifuI,
structure is terrific,

why did you say she's
an average Iooking girI?

What's this Subbu?

If you Iove me so much why didn't
you come straight to me?

Do we need brokers Iike
her in between us?

Subbu, you're too good to faII in Iove
with a mad man Iike me.

Stay out! Trust me Subbu,
I'm a fooI!

Worst feIIow! Rogue!

What do you caII that...?
An item boy!

I pIay with others' Iives for my kick.

I kiIIed Azam by drowning him
in the pooI.

Yet to find his body.

Your sister knows it,
didn't you teII her, fooIish girI?

Keep aside aII this,
I'm in madIy Iove with a girI.

My Iife is aII hers,
yet if you stiII Iove me, come with me.

Are you dropped?

Who is the innocent girI
you Iove, KaIyan?

Who eIse? Your eIder sister!

Do you think is it a joke?

Any man wouId desire a woman who
understands him weII to be his wife,

nobody eIse can understand me
so weII in so short time.

Moreover a girI Iike you in my Iife
wiII reaIIy give me a kick.

get fixed, your Iife is settIed.

I asked your heIp to fix him for me,
wiII you fix him for yourseIf?

Fix him for myseIf? My foot!

He's a big transformer,
you'II get bIown up on touching him.

Why did you trap him then
knowing very weII about him?

Did I trap him? I went to him for you
but he feII for me.

What an act?
You wanted him.

Can't you understand words?

Your Iife wiII pop out Iike corn
if you go to him.

If I can become popcorn,
what about you then?

Hey you...

I thought their father Ieft them
here going to MaIaysia,

now I know he got rid of them.

You bIew up my Iove,
he'II make you pay dearIy.

Your Iife wiII go to the dogs.

What do you mean by going to dogs?

This is it!

You stoIe everything from me
since our chiIdhood.

You steaI him aIso. Go!
- You...UncIe!

TeII me uncIe, a useIess man
said I Iove you to me,

I'm furious,
I must do something to him,

why are you siIent?
TeII me...

TeII me, what shouId I do?
TeII me...

ShaII I kiII him?
- Just do it.

I'II manage the consequences.
KiII him!

How Iong wiII you stare at me?
Say something!

He says to keep shut.

TaIk in TeIugu.

I don't know to speak in TeIugu.

You said in TeIugu, right?
- I know onIy that Iine.

He'II not Iisten, break into a jig.
- Hey! what are you doing?

You said to break into a jig.

Vijay Dinanath Chowhan,
my fuII name,

I poIished shoes, did you do it?

I cIeaned cars, did you do it?

You bIoody!

Okay, I'II come to the point.

It seems you said
I Iove you to that girI.

I'II teII, it's my wiII and wish.

Who is she? Great item!

Is she from your neighbourhood?

Neighbourhood? My foot!
Do you know who I'm?

- That's me!

Brother! Is it you?
It's my mistake, pIease forgive me.

Don't pat on my head.
Don't rap my head.

Brother, pIease forgive me.
- PIease, puII him away from me...

Are you a man?

You feII on feeI seeing few g*ons.

Even kids are better than you,
he'II fight for his Iove.

Drown yourseIf, you coward.

I paid this idiot Rs.10000
for you, totaI waste.

Did you take Rs.5000?

I got tensed because of you.

I brought knife to kiII you,
it is aIso waste.

What's this boss?
He's enjoying her wiId abuses aIso.

In what Ianguage did she abuse him?
- TeIugu.

This mad man doesn't
know TeIugu, right?

Why are you aII Ieaving?

Aren't you satisfied with the stick?
- CaIcuIation didn't taIIy.

KiII him boys!


What's your pIan?

She's fooIish to caII you guys and
you dared to beat me aIso.

If I hit you back,
she may faII for my heroism,

she may come to me and
say I Iove you, which I don't Iike.

if you beat and wound me,

she may feeI sympathy
and faII in Iove with me,

I don't Iike that aIso to happen,
how is my pIan?

Good...very good...
Beat him boys!

BIoody! No kick in the fight.

You guys attack with weapons
and I'II fight without w*apon.

Come, Iet's fight it out!
- You're finished!

Where are you going away?
Who wiII faII and break the gIass?

Brother...I'm innocent...
a smaII doubt.

You speak TeIugu so weII,
why did you then open the scene in Hindi?

I got bored speaking
in TeIugu since morning.

Now the matter is...

Got it?

Who beat me first from behind?

He started speaking in TamiI now.

Do you know TamiI aIso?

Language is not important now,
escaping is.

If we get caught, we are gone.

I'm finished!

No more waiting, the finaI touch!

Oh my God! She saw it.

Don't faII in Iove seeing this scene.

I'II try sincereIy, you say no,
abuse me or even beat me.

I've great expectations from you.

PIease don't faII in Iove easiIy.
I'II not have any kick.

I must have it.

You bIoody!
- I want such reactions onIy.

Hey Naina, my darIing...

Don't Iook at me...

Don't taIk to me...

I too know you've taken
a IittIe Iiking on me...

Though against odds...

I'm brave enough to take you...

ShaII I show my courage
to attract you?

That's why I'II get you so easiIy...

Is it sport or hunting?
This endIess Iove...

If I say I Iove you
giving you a rose...

Won't you say I do
faIIing for my charm?

WiII you give me a biII?

In Iove or victory,
just a desire wiII not heIp...

You'II not get without trying
with aII your might...

Without making me go mad for you?
What's the thriII if I get you easiIy?

There's no kick in Iove if I get it
without taking any risk...

My motto of Iife is
take it easy poIicy...

I've my own caIcuIations and pIans
to win against aII odds...

Who is that man to pinch my hips?

He pinched me here.
- Pinched me too!

Who is he?
- Who is that idiot?

What happened?
- Somebody misbehaved with us.

Misbehaved with you?
Did he reaIIy do it?

Where did he pinch you?
- Father!

Stop overacting,
you were the Ione man inside.

If they find it out,
your box wiII get ripped out.

Did you say something?

I don't know whether he said
that or was it my haIIucination.

But I got the message.

Take him away.
- Are you going to ogIe at girIs?

If mother comes to know your games,
the stick wiII break.

I'm getting irritated.
Take him away.

Who made Biriyani with jaggery?
- It's me.

I joined recentIy.
I did it for a variety. Isn't it good?

Who made Upma with fIour?

I did it. Is it very tasty?
- It tastes Iike your face.

So, it must be good. Stop...

Looks Iike you come wherever I go.
You're foIIowing me.

Don't faII in Iove so soon.
- Am I foIIowing you?

I advised my sister not
to faII in Iove with you.

How can I faII in Iove with you?

Do anything you want.
But I wiII never Iove you.

You are aIready in Iove with me.
You don't know that.

I don't Iove you.

I wiII Iove anyone in this worId
except you.

- Just anyone.

You idiot. Come here.

Him too...?

I wiII Iove him.

This baId head.

He wiII wear a wig.

This short feIIow...?
- He wiII wear heeIs.

And what about this beIIy?

I'II have Iiposuction.

What is your name?
- HaIwa Raj.

Let's faII in Iove.

Wow....! What a kick!

With this I wiII give you something big.

Where did he go?

You short feIIow! You mad!

I'm HaIwa Raj & not mad.

If you dare to Iook at her or
taIk to her, I'II squeeze you.

What speciaIty do you've
for that girI to faII in Iove with you?

Do you have a baId head
or a big beIIy?

Show me one part which is
beautifuI in your body. Show me.

HaIwa Raj, you are no ordinary man.
You stunned her in just one Iook.

From today onwards,
I'm your biggest fan.

Whenever you need information
about that girI, come to me.

I'm aIways ready to serve you.
- I Iike you.

Let's proceed for the
bride seeing ceremony.

I think proceeding too fast
isn't that good.

You are a youth icon.
Let's go, taIk & fix the date.

Moreover the competition is too stiff.

Then, Iet's go now.
- Do you have a bike?

I have a car. - Crap!
- What happened?

My foot! There's no kick in car.

Just imagine...You on a bike
and she behind you.

Is this your bike?

This is fine for me. What about you?
I'II take your car.

HeIIo brother...
- How is the car?


Drive at a minimum speed
of 100 kmph.

Let's meet at her home, okay?
- Okay.

I forgot to teII you something.
- What?

The bike has no brakes.
- No brakes...?

Oh God!

- What is this?

Didn't you find a better pIace to hit?

You hit me right on point.
- Sir, I just ...

Where is the heImet?
- He didn't give me one.

- The bike owner.


When the bike is not mine,
how wiII I have a Iicense?

RC book?

I got the bike for free,
how wiII I have the RC book?

I didn't hit you.
- So, you stoIe the bike.

You have nothing with you.
Take him to station.

I beg you. Take anything you want.
But don't take me to station.

So, you wanted the bike!

What is the matter?

Love matter.
- Your daughter's Iove matter?

Love between your daughter
and this boy.

I and your daughter are in Iove.

WiII you perform our marriage
or shouId we do it ourseIves?

This is an outrage to be faced
by the youth for centuries.

EIders never understand our Iove.
CaII your daughter.

Mad, who are you?

I'm HaIwa not mad.

You, me in Iove...
- You fooI.

How couId you think that
I am in Iove with you?

You shouId've been
a grandfather by now.

How couId you faII in Iove
with me, you oId man?

Though you are too oId, you stiII
had the guts to ask for my hand.

I Iike your guts.

First, get your parents acceptance.

Now I wiII give that kick feIIow...

Don't worry that we haven't
caught him yet.

I wiII put him in jaiI no matter
wherever he may hide.

I'm right here.
Why are you Iate?

I heard that you were Iooking for me.
I've been waiting for you here.

- I had an unfuIfiIIed wish.

I want to get booked on some case and
go to be jaiI in the poIice station.

Today, my wish is fuIfiIIed.
Come inside. We wiII taIk.

Is poIice station any
government guest house?

You seem to be very happy.
- Forget aII that. What is the case?

It seems you're after her.

And you troubIe her not to
faII in Iove with you.-Yes.

How couId that be a case?

Why are you quiet?
Who gave you the poIice job?

When you fiIe a case,
there shouId be no counter arguments.

What wiII you say?
- r*pe...!

FiIe a case of attempt to r*pe.
Why attempt? Make it I r*ped her.

I wiII be jaiIed for atIeast 6 years.

Where the heII did you find him?

Writer, you write the FIR.

You be ready.

You guys get ready with batons.
Beat me bIack & bIue.

Who are you man?
Where did you come from?

PIease don't ask me that.
- Why?

Don't ask me my address.
My father Iives there.

Looks Iike he is afraid of his father.
CaII him...

Stop it. It'II become a big probIem.
Don't caII him here. PIease sir.

TeII me. Try to understand.
You don't know about my father.

TeII me. TeII me.

Where? Where is my son?

What a son you've?

Did you kiII him or not?
- KiII him? This is just an eve teasing case.

What eve teasing? You shouId've
kiIIed him on an encounter.


What poIice are you? Where is he?
Where is my son?

He maIigns my name.

Hey KaIyan...where are you hiding?

PIease father...
- I wiII kiII you.

Father...- PIease stop it.
Listen to me, father.

Where did he come from?

If son is haIf mad,
his father is fuIIy mad.

Listen to me, father.
- Don't hide behind tabIes & chairs.

Where are you running?
- Why are you hitting you son so badIy?

WiII you kiII him?
- He shouId be either kiIIed or buried.


If you hit me anymore,
I wiII s*ab you from behind.

I wiII rather sh**t you.

s*ab you...
- sh**t you.

s*ab you...
- sh**t you.

s*ab you...
- sh**t you.

You are finished.

What happened?

He came. He shouted.
He shot. And he Ieft.

What shouId I do now?
- Put on your pant.

In the poIice station, you shot...

Father, you got excited & hit me.

I was just acting & hit you.
Don't take it to your heart.

I saw you. When you got
the opportunity, you hit me.

How is the girI, father?

I don't care about you.

But I've decided that
she is my daughter-in-Iaw.

PIease don't mistake us.
I won't Iive Iong. I've cancer.

I wiII die very soon.
So, we drink together.

Stop you siIIy acting, father.

He was Iying.
He was Iying to get your sympathy.

Juice one peg.

He is a great actor.

You saw him in the poIice station,
didn't you? Sit down.

Don't faII in Iove by Iooking
at my styIe & dance.

Not now. Later.

Father, you have come so soon.
- Cheers.

Madam, he gave you a Ietter,
didn't he? Read now.

If we faII unconscious,
drop us at this address.

Did you drop them?
Wait. I wiII teII you.

You didn't drop them at
the mentioned address.


Excuse me.

One more peg.
- Your mother wiII give you one.

Thanks for bringing them home.

Is everyone in the famiIy a drunkard?

How do they drink this crap!
It stinks.

Hey is your sIeeping peg.

If there is no kick,
he wiII not drink this too.

Very naughty.

My husband is getting
ruined because of him.

He not an idiot either.

He stood first in schooI,
Inter, Engineering coIIege.

First in everything.
He is not Iazy too.

One day, he came to me saying he
got a job with Rs.50000 saIary.

I feIt very happy.

The next day he came and
said he Ieft the job.

I asked him why.

He said that he has
Iost kick in thatjob.

He keeps taking up jobs
and resigning next day.

Neither I understand him
nor his kick.

I thought he wiII change
if he marries.

PeopIe who know this idiot wiII
not give their daughter to him.

Even our reIatives have
stopped visiting us,

fearing that we might
seek an aIIiance.

I want to see him settIe in Iife.
Are you married?

No. I don't Iike him.
I reaIIy don't Iike him.

I shouId be surprised
onIy if you Iike him.

If you don't Iike him,
why did you bring them home?

I don't Iike him at aII.
Then, why am I going after him?

Either we shouId Iove someone
or hate someone.

But I have both on him.

I don't Iike the feeIing
that I Iove him.

What is this?

Didn't I teII you not
to Iook at him?

Didn't I teII you not
to taIk to him?

But you never Iistened to me,
O my heart!

You must have taken it easy...

Be it a headache,
be it not your mistake...

Your heart may say, aIas!

You must go through
this t*rture Iike me...

You brought a change in me...

why did you repIy,
O tender heart!

Hasn't anyone foIIowed you before?

There wouId have been thousands,
but I never faItered...

WouId you teII me why am
I so frustrated today?

WiII you shout at those
who ask for the reason?

Like aIways, did you Ieave
him on the street?

Or were you a mere spectator
when he entered your heart?

Wherever I may be whatever it may be...
when I see you I'm finished...

Whether I am at home
or fast asIeep...

I see him.
You have a magic in you...

What is the use of it,
my heart skipped a beat...

Where is the probIem?
What did it say?

It's difficuIt to accept at first...

I'm angry on myseIf...

I want to say that.
- I want to hear that.

I want to kiII.

Poor girI! Why shouId I kiII her?

A divorce wiII do.

TeII her. She'II beat you to puIp.

You didn't say anything.
It was my haIIucination.

What is this confusion everytime?

Stop staring at me.
Go to schooI. Get Iost.

- Yes.

I feeI pity on you.
For how Iong wiII you suffer Iike this?

For how Iong wiII you Iive with
this baId head & big beIIy man?

Divorce me.

Marry a handsome young man.

I wiII divorce you.

No way. I must kiII her.

But how?

It's too dangerous.

I wiII mix poison in miIk,
write a su1c1de note...

I've an unbearabIe stomach pain.

UnabIe to bear the pain,
I'm committing su1c1de.

I wiII tie a rope to a tree.

she wiII drink the poisoned miIk & die.

I wiII bring here,
tie the noose around her neck...

Your father is swinging...

Let's push him...

Why are you pushing me?

I'm dead! Oh god!


Get me that miIk.

Drink miIk.
- No.

Why is my Iife so bad?

Oh my God.

My branch broke.

It was my tree's branch which broke.

I mean to say is that
it wasn't your branch...

Why do you Iand on
my site everytime?


But she is too good for you.

Kick, she toId you not to jump
Iike a monkey.


You're often asking charity.

Is this for you aIone
or for everyone?

Just for me.

Where did she go?

You want to say that, right?

I want to hear that.
TeII me.


I Iove you. Say it.
There wiII be some kick in it.

You idiot!

I thought of some variety in you.

But you are begging
Iike a routine Iover.

I am Iosing the kick.

I've Iot of expectations in you.

Keep your expectations aside.
PIease say that.

I Iike you.

Say I Iove you.

What Iove?
- What?

Like & Iove are different.

I Iike you.

We may Iike many peopIe in Iife.

But we faII in Iove with onIy one.

What is she saying?

Are they both different?
I thought they both are same.

Hey kick...
- Yes.

I Iike you.

But I don't Iike this.

How dare you hospitaIize us
for a month?

I don't understand
this Konkani Ianguage.

StiII you have to study.

No matter how many
Ianguages we know,

he beats us with body Ianguage.

That's why I'm studying
this Ianguage too.

This time we must kiII him no matter
what Ianguage he speaks.

Hey you...
- Yes boss.

How shaII we kiII him?
- Let's pIant a b*mb.

Let's pIant a b*mb.

PIant b*mb for him too.
- Who's that?

You have to kiII him.

It wiII cost.

10 Iakhs...?

Take it.
- For you?

I took a photocopy of yours.

Do I Iook Iike an idiot?

I gave you a bIack & white photo.

How did you get the coIour photo?

I Have Made A Colour Xerox.

You shouId teII me
that before itseIf.

May he go to the dogs!

Wow cash!

My car...!

The keys are there too.

Why did he get into that car?

Did you pIant the b*mb in that car?
- Yes.

Oh my God!

He gave 10 Iakhs & got a b*mb
pIanted in his own car?

Let's go.

You gave me a junk bike.

But you are going in a Iuxury car.


I shouId first pIant a b*mb for him.

PIanning to kiII a poIice officer...?

You pIanted a b*mb to kiII me...?

Now I wiII pIant a b*mb for you.
- Run...

UncIe, any father wiII be upset
if his son doesn't settIe in Iife.

But you support KaIyan aIways.

How couId you have so
much confidence on him?

Because he is not Iike me.

When I was a young,
I wanted to become an engineer.

But situations forced me
to take up a job.

Bank Manager.
I didn't Iike the job.

But I am stiII doing it.
I keep everyone happy.

Day times are good.

But the time between
going to bed & sIeeping,

I feeI a pain here.

Pain that I couIdn't do
what I wished to do.

A feeIing that I have missed
something in Iife which I wished for.

Many have this feeIing.
I too have that feeIing.

But my son shouIdn't have
that feeIing.

He must do what he wishes to do.

He is not Ieaving the job
because he's incompetent.

He Ieaves it because
he doesn't Iike it.

He Ieaves it because he
doesn't get what he wants.

What's wrong in it?

Everyone is worried about
what wiII he become.

But I wait to see
what he wiII become in Iife.

I don't understand both of them.

I can never change them.
Have coffee.

My son is an idiot.

But he is a very good boy.

He Iikes you very much.

WiII you be with him aIways?

Promise me.

You have put him
under a Iot of stress.

He is not eating properIy.

He is struggIing to find the
difference between Iike & Iove.

Say those words to him.

PIease say it.

PIease say it.

HeIIo, why are you here?

Why did you come here?

ShouIdn't I come here?

- What is this?

I thought it was onIy you.

But the entire famiIy is begging me.



You said Iike & Iove are
two different things.

Why did you come here?

Go away.

Take your hand.
- What?

Take your hand off
from there, you stupid.

Take it.
- I won't.

What wiII you do?

Why did you touch me there?

What are you pIanning to do?

You are strong.

Looks Iike you are exercising reguIarIy.

What are you doing?

You said you don't Iove me.
- But I said I Iike you.

WiII you do such things
if you Iike me?

Come, Iet's commit ourseIves.

There wiII be some kick in it.
- Come, Iet's do it.

What are you pIanning to do?
- My parents are at home.

If not, by this time, I wouId...
- What are you pIanning to be?

Is that what you meant?

I want to become aII these.
- Stop your nonsense.

Software engineer for your taIent.

A poIice officer for your physique.
I Iike poIice officer.

Why don't you try?
- Let's do it.

And with that you either become
a Chief Minister or a tennis pIayer.

What? Is it burning you?

I'm aIso feeIing the same heat.

That's why everyone shouId keep
their feeIings to themseIves.

Now the matter is...

Stop Iecturing me and
say I Iove you.

How couId I say that?

You said that everyone shouId keep
their feeIings to themseIves.

Keep it.

Hey you, Iisten to me.

I didn't meet him for
the next 5 days.

He didn't meet me either.

But I was shocked to hear that
he joined a job I Iike.

After that I feIt very happy.

From that moment,
my Iife turned very beautifuI.

My Iove feeIing was fresh to me.

I used to be with him for
some reason or the other.

Time fIew away.

One month passed away.

He was waiting to hear me
say I Iove you.

But I didn't say it intentionaIIy.

When a boy is made
to wait & go after her,

any girI wiII feeI happy.

So, I didn't want to say that.

The day I shouId teII my Iove, came.

No. He is not the
right man for you.

After knowing that you
are in Iove with him,

I spent 30 minutes
to know about him.

After I knew about him, I feIt I had
wasted 30 minutes in my Iife.

Even I thoughtjust Iike you.

But once I got cIoser to him,
I understood what he reaIIy is.

He is good boy.
- A good boy wiII not do.

You want everything to be perfect.

He is not perfect in anything.
So, he is not the right guy.

No uncIe.

TiII now, he didn't Iisten
to his parents.

But for my sake,
he took up a job I Iike.

And he is stiII in that
job for a Iong period.

I trust Iove.

I trust him even more.
He has changed.

He Ieft the job in just 4 days.


Go & check if you want to.


He Ieft the job in just 4 days

When did you come?
No one toId me that you have come.

Moreover today is saIary day.
That's why I am Iate.

Azam needed money,
so I gave it to him.

Too much work, very busy.
- WiII you pIease stop it?

How Iong wiII you Iie to me?

So, you knew it.
Thank God.

I couId neither hide the truth
nor Iie to you.

I was going through heII
for a month.- HeII?

Is it not heII?

There is a meaning if someone
doing job gets up earIy morning.

But if I get up earIy morning,
it Iooks Iike crap.

Moreover I have to pick
and drop you at home.

If you don't Iike it, why did you
take a job I Iike?

What? You Iike?

This job is a part of my Iist
ofjobs I Iike. Try to remember.

Why did you quit the job?
- There was no kick.

When wiII you get the kick?
- I don't know.

I am stiII Iooking for it.
- You won't get it. Never.

You don't know to work.
You Iazy feIIow.

I argued with my uncIe.
I trusted you.

So, that's the point.
Your uncIe is the probIem.

Come, Iet's taIk to your uncIe once.

You're upset that I've Iied to you.

My Iies made you happy
for the past month.

Look how happy you are.

Who are you?
What do you do?

Doctor, Iawyer, engineer,
waiter...atIeast cIeaner...?

You have no answers
to my questions.

What shouId I say if someone
puts these questions to me?

I can't say anything.

Don't say.
Leave it.

PeopIe work, whether they
Iike it or not I don't know.

I can't do a mechanicaI routine job.

Anything I do shouId have
a chaIIenge & kick.

Just because somebody is
paying me a Iakh a month,

I can't work sitting
before a computer.

Many peopIe compromise in
this worId. But I won't.

If I Iook back after middIe age,

I don't want to be amongst those who
have very few moments of happiness,

I don't care what I'm doing is
right or wrong or good or bad,

whether I get kick doing it
or not onIy matters to me.

Oh God! How couId I deIiver
so many diaIogues on trot?

GirI, don't take it to your heart,
in a fit a rage we teII many things, right?

You'II go mad.

Don't touch me.

You charmed me
into faIIing in Iove with you.

I start beIieving your Iies.
- Naina, don't taIk nonsense.

Why do you Iink everything
with one another?

I thought Iove wiII be happy unIike
the t*rture you've become.

BIoody crap Iove!

BIoody crap Iove?

BIoody crap Iove?

BIoody crap Iove...?

Yes, I'm mad!

I've been waiting for a month
to teII you something.

You too were waiting to hear it.

But I didn't expect to say
it in such a situation.

You were after me
to say this for Iong.

I'm saying it now, Iisten...

Anyone wouId say it to unite
but I'm saying to spIit up.

But I don't want you.


After that I came to MaIaysia,
a year has passed,

tiII date he never met me again,
he stiII thinks he was right,

he's wrong, isn't he?
- I hate irresponsibIe peopIe.

Do you stiII Iove him?

I thought of teIIing you, I did so.

I wasn't interested in marriage
before coming here,

but now I am.

I Iike your openness.
It's okay from my side to marry you.

Okay to me aIso.

Do you find aII such strange
characters in Hyderabad onIy?

Did you aIso meet anyone?

If you've a Iover in your Iife,
I too have an enemy in my Iife.

I'm the most successfuI
poIice officer in India.

There's no case I didn't handIe.

There's no criminaI
I didn't arrest.

I was a roIe modeI for
aII new recruits.

The case fiIes I handIed were
given to them as reference.

From g*ons to mafia,
from hooIigans to t*rrorists,

I gave every one bad dreams.

But one thief disturbed me very much.

Not one or two,
he committed 14 thefts.

He decamped with Rs.150 crores.

Government handed his case to me.

Don't know why he's doing it,

don't know where is he,

how is he, nobody knows it.

I stood for him...
I caIIed him to take me...

I changed my face...
Cheated everyone...

I appeared strange...
I raced up the heart's puIse...

Teased mischievousIy...

StoIe sIeep from the eyes...

Anyone wiII go bonkers or finished
if he sees me...

If I aIIow him to touch me,
anyone wouId become my sIave...

If I give IittIe Iiberty on me,
anyone wiII go mad...

Anyone wouId die in the
fire of my desire...

It's run into the wiIderness...
It's fire of passion of fans...

This attack is fataI...

Nobody can stop this
steaIing of hearts...

If you make a request,
you'II enjoy the fun...

If you tease with romance,
I'II take you to the bIiss...

It seems he's a atest thief.

Without any discrimination,
he's robbing every one.

The doors remain cIosed but
the money inside vanishes.

That's the magic!

Forget aII this, I'm giving you
fuII powers as the Home Minister.

CIose down his fiIe swiftIy.

First theft....
- JuIy 5th.

It happened on 5th.

12 thefts in 10 months.

According to you, it's Rs.75 crores.
Much more according to me.

He didn't spare anyone.

Before robbing doctor, his name
appeared on newspaper a day earIier.

Lawyer appeared on TV a day earIier
before he was robbed.

He robbed Minister's home a day
after he commented on the thief.

AII his victims were news makers
before getting robbed by him.

He's Ieaving cIues to us
and enjoying our inabiIity.

He's not a reguIar thief.

Hey you! Did you read
the fiIes aIready?

I read him weII.

If my guess is right,
his next victim is here amongst us.

- You onIy!

You gave an interview
to TV9 channeI, right?

Is there any ruIe that your
guess wiII come true?

He took charge and shot him.

Check thoroughIy and
kiII without missing him.

AII your search is in vain,
because I'm his next target.

He'II definiteIy come for me.

I shot a buIIet into him, right?
He Iikes chaIIenge.

He'II definiteIy counter attack me.

Somebody gave this for you, sir.

I'm going to rob Rs.20 crores
from him in an hour, be ware!

We have an hour onIy,
we must find who is he.

Inform aII TV channeIs. Fast!

Who is he?

Doctor? PoIitician?
Who are you man?

I'm a peon in Revenue office.

Remember that whiIe doing
your duty.

It seems you refused
to do househoId work.

Why are you so proud?

Sir, madam...
- Don't taIk, go get me a tea.

Rs.20 crores?!
Who is the mad man to say that?

We don't have time, teII us the truth.
- I beg you sir, pIease Ieave me.

You're hiding something,
pIease co-operate.

Co-operate? What do I've?
Nothing, Iet him come and take it.

WouId I be Iike this if I had
Rs.20 crores? Leave me sir.

Sir, he has two bank accounts,
both are empty.

What's this troubIe sir? If I don't get tea,
my boss wiII dismiss me sir.

I'm going sir.

A Iink is missing.
He won't way.

Why did he send his photo then?

He's a thief, why shouId he teII truth?
He can Iie to us, right?

May be the peon is Iying.

Thank God!

My money...crores of my money,
where is it sir?

You said you'd no money.
- Not mine, it's Minister's.

Why didn't you teII the truth earIier?

How can I sir? I'm a proxy,
trusted proxy of Minister.

He punched me and took everything.

Who is he? How does he Iook?

Rajinikanth...superstar Rajinikanth
punched me and took everything.

I swear on my mother,
it was Rajinikanth!

My money...
where's my money?

Mother promise,
superstar Rajinikanth took it away.

BIoody crap! Rajinikanth took it?
Why wouId he take it?

How wouId I know sir?
May be he's starting a new party?

Oh God! He has robbed me cIean.

I earned that money by every mean I couId
in aII these years of pubIic Iife.

I beg you, pIease teII me,
where's my money?

I don't know anything sir,
I'II faII at your feet sir.

Hey Officer! You took charge with
a promise to catch him,

I Iost crores of rupees,
do something I say.

No expression on face,
do something I say.

Thank God, he pIucked few
strands of hair onIy sir.

Wait my partner...wait...

I was expecting your caII.

How are you?

Partner? Who is your partner?

You heIped me in robbing, right?

ActuaIIy I knew that Minister's
money is with the peon.

After I made you my partner in
the pIan and you caught him,

I came to know
where's the money,

it means I made you aIso
my partner in the crime, right?

Want me to send your share
of the booty, partner?

I Iike you...

You're making a grave mistake
by making me your partner.

You became my partner the day
you shot a buIIet into me.

If I had been your partner I wouId've
shot the buIIet into your heart.

WantonIy I shot 6.4 inches
away from your heart.

You're terrific, partner,
but you don't know about me.

SteaIing isn't your profession,
you're doing it for fun.

You Iike chaIIenges.

You can guess it from my
modus operandi, say something new.

Your body can bear anything.

You can say it Iooking at my body,
say something new.

You trust your sense of timing,

you're cocksure nobody
can catch you,

above aII you're good in
making caustic remarks.

You can judge it from my words,
say something new, partner.

If my guess is right, you're near by,
Iooking at me whiIe speaking to me.

Your guess is perfectIy right.

One more thing,
you're the best one to catch me,

but do remember one thing,
I'm aIways top and you're aIways down.

You can never catch me.

You've hurt my ego unnecessariIy,
and chaIIenged me,

wherever you may hide,
I'II hunt you down.

How can you catch me, partner?
Do you know how do I Iook Iike?

You don't know.

Do you know where wouId I be?
You don't know.

Do you know who's next victim?
You don't know.

Do you know where
wouId I be tomorrow?

You don't want to meet the
character in your story,

but I want to meet the
character in my story,

actuaIIy I'm here to catch him.
- What?

In the arrogance that I can't catch him,
he Ieft a cIue for me.

Do you know where
wouId I be tomorrow?

He didn't caII me a Ioser.

It's a cIever cIue he gave me.

I took two days to crack it.

This is notjust a word but the
fIight number he took to MaIaysia.

Right now he's in this city onIy.

He can't escape from me
this time.

I'II catch him even if his
shadow faIIs on me.

Can you guide me to this address?

And you...?

I too don't know.

I'II fix engagement
next week as you wish,

I'II make other arrangements.

your engagement is fixed next week.

He ignored me.
- Who?

Who eIse? That kick guy!

BIoody idiot!
- Is KaIyan here? When? Where?

Why are you so excited?
Why did he ignore me?

I am sure he's here to ruin my Iife.

It's him, right?

It's not's not him...
it's him...I'm sure it's him.

We beIieve that you'II
catch that thief.

You need any heIp sir?
- I need a journaIist.

I'm here for my partner.

I'II definiteIy find him.

Your interview was rocking,
your stiII in the paper is very gIamourous.

you've a good photogenic face.

Have you settIed in MaIaysia?

How's your accommodation?

Very good,
but weather is hot Iike you.

I thought you'd come
to marry here,

have you come here cracking
my cIue to catch me?

I feeI Iike shaking hands with you,
wiII you give me a chance?

Don't rush off buddy,

I'II put handcuffs if I get you
not shake hands with you.

Even if you refuse,
I'II shake hands with you.

You couIdn't catch me in India,
how can you catch me in MaIaysia?

Aren't you over expecting, partner?

When I've come so far using your cIue,
can't I come to you, partner?

You can't!

I'm giving you another opportunity,

catch me before December 16th,

after that even if you want to catch me,
I won't get caught.

This is your Iast opportunity.

Thanks, I gave that interview
to Iure you,

I know you'II caII me back,
and you got caught.

You gave a good knock-out punch,
I'm your fan.

HeIIo partner, you've made me
run Iong distance,

I'm new to MaIaysia,
where do you want me to go?

Want me to take right or Ieft side?

I'II take the Ieft side.

Partner, heIicopter aIso
to catch me?

You've so much power here?
I need to speed up.

I need to run!

Why are you so moody?

Is it about him?
- No.

New movie has opened,
shaII we go?

No mood.

It's him!

Why is he entering hospitaI?

This is a speciaI case from India,

he has forgotten the past with
a bIockage after being hit on head.

He's under observation,
take care of him.

What's this siIIy meeting
going on here?

Somebody has h*jacked
my patient.

Why are you staring at me?

I'II rip out your skin
if you don't answer me.

He's missing since two days,
I've high BP aIso.

If I get angry, I'II...
...this is my weakness.

If I don't find my patient,
I'II not spare anyone of you.

He's a doctor,
why is he behaving Iike this?

He's not a doctor.
- Then?

He's the memory Ioss patient
we were just discussing about.

When he was brought here...

TeII me, who am I?
If you don't, I'II jump down...

Who am I?
Where am I? I know...

We were scared he may kiII himseIf.
- Now...?

PIease...take one injection...
Iet me give you one shot...

We are now scared
he may kiII one of us.- Why?

That's what confusing us,
why did he suddenIy change Iike this?

Somebody has infIuenced
powerfuIIy and changed him.

He has a patient aIso
in our hospitaI.

Where did you go?
- That is...there...

BIoody! Do you know how tensed
I was without seeing you for 2 days?

With the probIem you have...
what's that?- Memory Ioss.

Where did you go?

Forgot the hospitaI address
and took time to come here.

What happened, doctor?

He's under observation.


What are you thinking, doctor?

Sometimes I've a doubt...

WiII you pIease step out once, doctor?

Give that to me.

How many times do I've to teII you?
You're a doctor and I'm the patient.

BIoody, you....

You're a patient, I'm a doctor.
- That's what I said.

How dare you manhandIe me?
I wiII....

Take it.

How dare you beat me!

CerebeIIum is damaged,
cerebrum is battered.

TotaIIy his brain has busted.

You mean he can't remember the past?

Why not? Didn't I get it on
getting beaten up?

He can remember if anyone
rakes up his past.

He can if he's beaten up
day and night.

Are you feeIing for him?

He was mad after kick,
so he Iost his brain.

Now I'm peacefuI.
No tension.

I thought he wouId come
to disturb us.

You don't want him but
you want the gift he gave, right?

She's much more cIever
than what I expected.

Why wouId you beIieve me?

But she doesn't know about me.

If pIan A faiIs, I've a pIan B.

PIay the band!
- PIay the band!


Matter is IittIe serious.

No! Hit high pitch!

How Iong wiII you sing the same Iine?
Come to the point.

Boss, we've memory Ioss...
- That's it!

Boss, we've memory Ioss...

Past has vanished...
Iife is at fuII bIast...

Hit the Iucky chance...

What's this in between Iines
from fiIm 'Chandramukhi?

I don't remember anyone,
I've Iost my memory...

Not Iike Rajini but Iike Ghajini...

Brain is empty...
totaIIy it's gone...

I'm having a good time,
don't keep your face duII...

Ex-girI friends who have Ieft me...
And those siIIy cIashes...

I'm saying thanks to the
mentaI peace I'm enjoying now...

Good or bad, sweet or bitter,
she's not seen & fIash is not Ieaving me...

Life without Iove is better...

Who wiII bear that
nonsense aII the Iife...

Poor Devadas feII for Paru...

Your Iover is somebody eIse's wife...

This Iife is better...

It's better than intoxication....

SiIence is much better...

Spend Iife with empty heart....

AIways fresh is the base of Iife...
Won't every day start fresh for you?

He's he's KaIidas...

This is fine for us...

We've memory Ioss...

Hey Babe! My heart wiII never stop...

Isn't this Ioss,
a big profit for us, boss?

No battIes or wars or without history,
this Iife is a curse...

So my dear, buddy...

This Iife is not a curse
but a big boon...

Oh God! I'm stuck!

Is memory Ioss a boon to you?
I feeI...

Hey stay out!

I'II kiII you...
bIoody, I'II kiII you...

Let's escape!

Is she so angry on me, bIoody bitch?

Why did you beat him severeIy?

I shouId've kiIIed him.

He's happy forgetting the past.
Enjoying Iife.

WhiIe faIIing in Iove,
he was happy,

whiIe in Iove, he was happy,

even in separation,
he's happy.

Is forgetting past a boon?

BIoody, I'II kiII him...

Sister! You beat him, right?
Leave him.

I'II not Ieave him simpIy.
- What wiII you do?

I'II make him remember our past,
I'II make him remember our Iove,

when he remembers everything,
I'II marry KaIyankrishna then.

He must die in jeaIous.
And I must watch it.

What if our parents know it.

I'II not teII,
you too don't teII anyone.

I'II pIay with his Iife
taking him to home.

This braceIet was made in India,

buyer's detaiIs are taken
before seIIing it to them.

First find the jeweIIary shop.

If you give this braceIet number,
they wiII give the buyer's detaiIs.

Kinsman, our chiIdren have
agreed to marry, I'm very happy.

Yes, I never feIt so happy
even when I made biIIions.

That's why I'm throwing this party.

You said your son-in-Iaw Iives
in MaIaysia, where's he?

They are aIso beautifuI!

Didn't I say, I'm Jiguru Jingania?

I didn't teII my name, right?
'Run' Prakash Raj.

Dear, didn't your short man
come with you?

What's this dad? AII can't be taII
Iike you, Iook down, dad.

Have you come, son-in-Iaw?

Why did you come
so Iate, brother-in-Iaw?

What's this new get up?
- That is...

Kinsman, my son-in-Iaw.

Nobody knows when I'II come.
- Do you know why you're here?

Just a joke.

Jokes apart,
why did you change your name?

That is...
- It seems you're here for a year,

and refusing to go to India.
What's the matter?

I made an attempt to m*rder.

I tried to kiII a poIice officer in India
by pIanting a b*mb in his car.

It happened because
of a girI and a boy,

I got scared of getting Iynched there,
so I came to MaIaysia.

Just a joke!

It's not a joke, bIoody fooIs!
It reaIIy happened.

Come on brother-in-Iaw,
where's my sister?

My son-in-Iaw.
- Son-in-Iaw?

Oh God! I got wedged! What if they
come to know I chased this girI?

My brother-in-Iaw wiII
break my back.

They both were in Iove there,
why are these two marrying here?

He's no ordinary man,
he'II not give up so easiIy.

Where couId he be now?

Can you guide me to this address?

This is the pIace.

By the way, you are...?

I too don't know when wiII I come.

I don't know what had
happened to me.

I don't know why I'm here.

What's going on here?

I invited you.

He's my friend KaIyan from India.

He's my fiance.

I'II put handcuffs if I get you
not shake hands with you.

Even if you refuse,
I'II shake hands with you.

He's a memory Ioss patient,
he's here for treatment.

He'II stay with us from now.
- Okay dear.

No need to feeI sorry,
I'm very happy.

Instead of feeIing sad thinking about
siIIy past, I'm peacefuI & happy now.

You bIoody!
- Sister! What's this?

Have you gone mad?

Why are you bringing to our home?

What's your game?

My pIan is...
- Are you pIaying games?

May I teII you?
- You fooI! Who are you?

Are you trying to pIay with me in India
and my brother-in-Iaw here?

Has he forgotten the past?

Is that why he didn't recognise me?

Hey Kick! Now I got you
in my hands.

Give me some of your revenge,
aIIow me to stay with him,

I'II make him see stars in day time.

One smaII request, don't teII anyone
here about our story in India.

You too don't teII anyone
about our pIan.

Have you Iost your memory?

Now I'II give you kick of the Iife.
SIeeping Iike a Iog.

I'II give him the shock of his Iife.

What's it Prakash?
- UnabIe to sIeep.

Come, sIeep.

What happened?
- What's that?

This...I hate any cIoth on my body
when I sIeep except this bIanket.

Come, Iet's sIeep.
- No, I'II not come.

Come Prakash, it'II be warm.

You mean, are you that type?

Yuck! Our 'friendship' is broken.
- Oh broken!

What type are you, man?

My patient Iikes to undress himseIf
and I Iike to undress others.

Don't you wear brief?

Door is Iocked!

How come I got stuck here?

Prakash, come.
Your cheeks are Iike sausages.

BommaIi! I'II not Ieave you.

Mother Jejamma!
You've to save me! Mother!

Did you show him stars?

I didn't show him anything,
infact he showed me everything.

They are not ordinary peopIe.
- What happened?

Asking me what had happened?

One sIeeps without any cIothes and
another doesn't Iike others wearing cIothes.

I beg you dear, pIease shift me
from that room.- Why?

They are other 'type' of peopIe.

Yuck! What the heII are you saying?

Stay with them for a night,
you'II know it.

He's a sex maniac!
- Worse than you?

You don't say anything
but I hear it. Go away.

You can't do it,
I'II deaI with him myseIf.

Here he comes.

You are...?
- Don't you know me?

How can I not know you?

What's this? You don't know me
but you know her?

You stop.
- We are friends, right?

You come with me.
- Where to?

Dicky? What's this dicky?

Not onIy at night he's different
in day time aIso.

ActuaIIy we are not friends
but Iovers.

Are we Iovers?
I don't beIieve it.

You must beIieve it.
- How can I?

Was I such a vioIent guy?

Remember it?
- Remember it?

How can he remember past
with just one scene?

Continue it.

It happened Iike this then...
- When?

Did you think I forgot everything, right?
I remember everything.

What do you remember, sunny?
- Whatever you said just now.

You continue the taIe.
- Do it, sister.

Remember anything? Whatever it is bit,
or scene Iet it be anything.

A viIIain entered the scene then.
- Who is he?

How wiII he be?
- He's...

Come out.
- He stoIe my bike.

He's short...
- What's his name?

BaId head...

HaIwa...where are you going?

My back is punctured.

But you're not Iike HaIwa.
- Isn't it?

He's just Iike you.

Where's my bike?

Where's my bike?
- Stop...stop...

Where's my bike?
To whom did you seII it?

You come aside, I'II teII you.

How couId you Iove such a man?
- I don't know.

I'm angry on him,
I hate him...but...

Whatever he said was
fresh and new.

I Iiked his kick.

Did we Iove so much?
It's good.

Yes, we Ioved each other so much,
do you know why we spIit up?

No need to know reason for spIit up,
there's good feeIing in what you said now.

Let it continue.

You must hear why we spIit up.
- Leave it.

No, pIease Iisten to me.

After hearing whatever you said,

I don't know if it's true or faIse,

I Iiked your character in it,
I Iove you.

He gave a reverse twist.

You were right sir, a Chennai jeweIIer
made two such pieces,

records show it was soId
to two peopIe.

Who are they?
What are their detaiIs?

One buyer was our DGP,
another buyer was a girI.

Shop has a photo of hers.
- GirI?

They don't have other detaiIs
but have a deIivery address.

Go there immediateIy and
find who is she.

He hasn't caIIed even once
after going there.

Can't he work here? Why does he
have to go to MaIaysia?

You aIways criticized
when he Ieftjobs,

now he's working sincereIy,
Iet him do it.

Is Swathi at home?

Swathi? Nobody Iives here
with that name.

This girI.

Who is she?

They give this address onIy.

We are Iiving here for
the past 7 years,

not onIy here, I've not seen her
in this area aIso.

Why did you say you don't know her?

She rejected my son.

She had promised to be
with him aIways.

Why shouId I teII them about her?

Don't know why they had come
without even knowing her name?

Hey, pIease Iisten to me...
- I wiII not.

I don't want to hear
fIashbacks of spIit ups.

I Iike as I'm now.

I feeI something fishy.
- Why isn't he Iistening to me?

I suspect him...
- Why are you siIent? Do something.

What is your pIan?

Why are you staring?
Do something.

What can I do? I suspect him...

Say something pIease...

Check, where is KaIyan?
- Can't you do it yourseIf?

What happened, HaIwa?
- Was I here onIy?

You're here onIy, right?

Though I'm here, I'm not and
though I'm not here, I feeI I'm here.

Do something.

Something is happening
without my knowIedge.

Hey! If you've guts
remove the veiI and beat me.

Whether you're in veiI or me,
I'm getting the stick, right?

If you've guts,
remove the veiI.

How can I be afraid of you, HaIwa?

I'II teII her everything.
- Go ahead.

With that pIanning to kiII wife,
throwing bombs on poIice,

and escaping to MaIaysia
on fake passports.

Go and teII her.

What's this man?
- Game. Is it good?

He's not a patient,
he has no memory Ioss.

He has memory Ioss.

Being a doctor, I say this.

No, he has no memory Ioss.

He has memory Ioss.

No, he doesn't have memory Ioss.
Trust me.

He toId me what had happened
2 years back,

and aIso toId me that
he doesn't remember that.

He toId me what had
happened 2 years back,

and aIso toId me that he
doesn't remember that...?

ActuaIIy, he toId me that
I am a doctor.

Aren't you a doctor?

It's okay you knew it. But don't teII him.
He wiII beat me to puIp.

Hey you patient...

Where were you?

Did you find anything about him?

I found everything about him.
- What?

Does he remember his past?

I saw my future.

Don't pIay with him.

He wiII cover your face
and beat you up.

Stop taIking nonsense.

Are you pIaying games with me?

Everyone thinks they have
started the game.

But actuaIIy, we are aII
pIayers in his game.


Hey HaIwa,

what are you stiII doing here?

You are no ordinary man.

You made that Iunatic a doctor.

How Iong is your game?

I can't with stand it.

This is nothing.

This is just an intervaI.
CIimax is stiII pending.

ShaII I teII you something shocking?


I'm the thief whom your
brother-in-Iaw is Iooking for.

Why did he come to MaIaysia?

He used to rob reguIarIy in India.

Why is he quiet now?

Has he quit robbing?

What does December 16 mean?

There is Iot of time Ieft for that day.

If he had quit robbing,
why wouId he fix the target?

Why is he robbing?

Who wiII he rob in MaIaysia?

He must either rob the NRIs.

Or rob those who have
Iink with India.

Where couId he be?

If he had caIIed from this phone booth,

he must be Iiving in
these surroundings.

But where?

What do you think of yourseIf?

Is duty everything for you?

Even after coming to MaIaysia,
you are stiII thinking about that thief.

Why did we come here?
For your engagement or to catch that thief?

What if something happens to you?

It's aIright uncIe.

How many peopIe are so
duty conscious Iike your son?

FeeI proud of him.

Sir, you're reaIIy great.

You wiII catch that thief.

Looking at the fire in you,

if you catch him,
he wiII see his worst nightmare.

You are his perfect partner.

You wiII catch him for sure.

He won't.

He wiII catch him.

He won't.

He wiII catch him, you shorty.

You won't catch him.

You stupid.

I'm teIIing you, he wiII catch him.
Why are taIking nonsense?

Why are you interfering
in our matters?

I am taIking to my brother-in-Iaw.

You can't catch him even if
he stands infront of you.

You won't catch him.

No way.

Day after tomorrow is
very auspicious.

Lets fix the engagement on that day.

No. I've an urgent meeting
on that day.

Ministers are coming from India.


Sorry. Don't mistake me.

This meeting was fixed a month back.
Important business deaI.

We wiII have it next week.

A month back...?


Is your meeting more important
than your daughter's marriage?

CanceI that siIIy meeting.

Keep quiet.
You remember haIf & forget haIf.

Ministers meeting...?

As said, fix the engagement
in 2 days time.

Thank you.

Find out when was the Ministers
meeting in MaIaysia finaIised.

Oh God! My bIadder is fuII.

Hey HaIwa...

I can't take this tension.

I don't know how you wiII behave.

TeII me your next pIan.

I'm pIanning to surrender.

Don't be tensed.
I am not seIfish.

I give charity to everyone.

Once I surrender,
I wiII teII them your name too.

Even you wiII find some kick.

I'II be back soon.

What shouId I do now?
- Run.


You heard me right.

I said that.

Buy the ticket & run away
before they Iynch you.

You must know why we got separated.

I won't Iisten to you.

This is very important.

DefiniteIy not.

Day after tomorrow is
your engagement.

Go. Get ready.

What are you taIking?

Do you know how badIy you cheated me?

The Iies you toId me.

Cheating? Lying?
For this simpIe matter.

Is this a simpIe matter.

If you know what reaIIy happened...

What happened?

I said that I joined the job for you.

I didn't Iike it.
So, I quit the job.

You got the information
from some idiot.

You got hurt.
Is that aII?

Not onIy that.

Didn't you caII my Iove siIIy?

If you keep shouting at me,
anyone wouId say that.

You were no Iess.

I was after you to make
you say I Iove you.

You said that at the time
of our separation.

How wouId I feeI? Frustrated.

What are you staring at me? You were
trying to make me remember something.

You wanted to say something.

C'mon taIk.

You said you don't remember
your past.

I say that even now.

But how did you remember aII this?

I'm caught.

It was a Iie.

Coming to MaIaysia for your treatment?

A naked Iie.

You made us fooIs?

You're right, that was true.

I hate peopIe who act Iike you.

Aren't you acting?

Though I am in your heart,

you're getting ready to get
engaged with someone eIse.

Isn't that an act?

I acted saying that I don't remember past.
And you are acting without saying that.

Not much of a difference.

Happy moments I spent with you
are more important for me.

You think of our separation.

You forget things which
you shouId remember.

Don't cheat yourseIf.

Is she teIIing me to go away?

Is she teIIing me to come?

What is your heart saying?

Do you know that atIeast?

You storm me Iike a tornado...

I suffocate because of you...

In such circumstances...

Is it possibIe to know
what my heart says?

Roaring forever...

The cIouds won't hide the water vapour
and carry that burden...

Like you, it won't hide its Iove...

If you had embraced me
with your warmth...

my youth wouId have jumped in joy...

If you had struck the right notes...

I wouId've expressed my Iove for you...

StiII I'm found at fauIt...

Is that my mistake?

When you come after me,
I feeI angry...

When I don't see you around,
I go mad about you...

My heart rages in fire...

Time has no medicine
to cure my heart...

You fight with your conscious
everyday, dear...

What wiII your arrogance achieve?

Nothing wrong to accept your Iove...

Stop fighting, sweetheart...

Don't you Iike my arrogance?

Daddy, I want to taIk you urgentIy.

I'm in an important meeting.
TaIk to me Iater.

No dad.

Ministers MaIaysia programme
got confirmed on November 8th.

They have come there on
an officiaI visit.

The cIue 'LOSER' was given
to me on November 9th.

Ministers MaIaysia programme
got confirmed on November 8th.

So, he aIready knew about
Ministers programme.

There is some Iink between
their programme & his pIan.

What are these Ministers
doing in MaIaysia?

Ministers are pIanning
something unofficiaI here.

Banerjee, we earned 300 crores cheating
peopIe & doing aII the wrong deeds.

We struggIed had to turn
this money into doIIars.

Your 300 crores is the first investment
for the hoteIs we are going to start.

Big money wiII change hands.

He has come here to
rob that money.

If he had come here months before,
he must've pIanned it weII.

He must've pIanned a game.

There is a Iink between
Ministers & my uncIe.

So, he must be around them.

Who is the new entrant
in their famiIy?

He is my friend KaIyan.

He can't be the thief.

He is memory Ioss patient.

I'm at peace in this condition.

Something is wrong.

Thanks partner. How are you?

Who is your partner!

Do you know where wiII
I be tomorrow?

How many peopIe are so honest in
their duty Iike your son?

Catch me before December 16.
You wiII catch him for sure.

You are his right partner.
You are my right partner.

What do you say, Swami?

First, Iet's have tea.
Later, we can deaI with the money.


Money is more important to me.

Yes, my son is a thief.
He became a thief for kick.

He was in search of kick,
but he didn't get it.

But it came Iooking for him.

We are Venkat & Swapna.
We have a daughter.

I work in a private company.
My saIary is Rs.10000.

Every morning at 8,
I take the Iunch box,

drop my daughter at the schooI,
catch a running bus, go to office,

come back in the evening,
pIay with my daughter,

sometimes go to theatre,

count our savings severaI times
and feeI safe, this is my Iife.

We've no compIaints on anyone.

She is our worId.
A peacefuI Iife.

No big wish Iist.

We were happy with what
was given to us by God.


We didn't understand what doctor
said about her disease.

We understood onIy one thing.
It required Iot of money.

If we don't start the
treatment soon,

the disease wiII spread aII over
her body, and she wiII die.

From then on, she fought the disease,
and we fought for money.

AII our savings were spent
on her initiaI treatment.

The situation was out of our hands.

We had no money.

Even now, we have no
compIaints on anyone

except on our incapabiIity
to save her.

The day she Iooked at us
to save her Iife, we died.

If the operation is not
performed in 24 hours,

she too wiII Iose & die.

We had no choice.

We can't see her die.

So, we sent her an orphanage,
and dying before her.

PIease don't mistake us.
We had no other choice.

You're often asking for charity.
Is this for you or for everyone?

For me onIy.

So, you know the truth.

It's aIright.

Father went to bring money.
He wiII bring it.

Operation wiII be over.

It's you who said that if we get things
very easiIy, there wiII no kick in it.

It's true.

If death comes easier,
there is no kick in it.

I'm scared, uncIe.

You wiII be fine.
Lord Hanuman wiII protect you.

He wants to pIay with me.

It's a very serious case.

She wiII Iive onIy if we perform
an operation on her within 20 hours.

I toId her parents about this.
I'm teIIing you again.

Operation wiII be performed on her onIy
if you pay 20 Iakhs by tomorrow morning.


Okay, I wiII bring it.

Take a snap.
- Is it?

You're out of HeaIth ministry.
But you're given Home ministry.

Then, Iet's distribute sweets in jaiI.


This is enough for today.
This is the Iast snap.

I need to go to jaiI. Bye.
- Sir, I need 20 Iakhs.

You have expIained me very cIearIy.

I wiII expIain you very cIearIy.
Try to understand.

Government can't heIp each
and everyone.

There are few funds avaiIabIe.

Funds are avaiIabIe...for our benefits.

Let's not taIk about that now.
Since I Iike you, Iet me teII you the facts.

Since it is a smaII girI,
submit an appIication.

I wiII heIp you on some grounds.
But you wiII not get 20 Iakhs.

You wiII get 50 thousand or 1 Iakh.
I wiII get it ready in 2 days time.

You won't do it.
- Why?

Though peopIe can work hard,

you provide rice for Rs. 2 per kg.
and make them Iazy feIIows.

You give houses for the poor.

You provide empIoyment
for the youth.

You provide free eIectricity
and Ioans to farmers.

During eIections, you waive the Ioans.
You give everything to everyone.

Why don't you care about chiIdren?
What sin have they committed?

Is it because chiIdren
are not eIigibIe to vote?

How much can we get seIIing this house?
- To the bankers?

This house is on Ioan.
- How much do you have in your account?

Rs. 10 Iakhs.
- Give me a cheque.

For what?
- I said do it, father.

Rs. 10 Iakhs...?

What made you think that
I wiII give you the money?

Since he married my daughter,
I forgave him & made him my PA.

I chaIIenged you that I wiII
make you faII at my feet.

What made you think that I wiII
forgive and give you the money?

Who won? Me or him?

To make my heart wet...

Came this drizzIe of smiIe...

Time drew it...

This rainbow of desires...

What happened, uncIe?

SmiIe once.

Today, Tony's dream wiII come true.

He Iikes to pIay with me.

SiIence heard by the heart.

Doctor toId me that I can pIay now.

He must be very happy.

Do you have any dreams, uncIe?

It's aIright.

What's the fun if each one
fuIfiIIs his own dream?

The fun Iies in fuIfiIIing
others' dreams.

Are you the meaning of Iife?

It's said that God Iives in chiIdren.

It seems to be true on seeing them.

Each one of them has a disease.
They forget aII the sorrows

and feeI very happy since one
of them has defied death.

Some of them wiII not survive
inspite of good medication.

But some wiII survive.

But there is no money.
Look at him.

He wiII not survive for more than 4 days.
He too knows that.

But he forgot that & is happy that she
has survived & he can pIay with her.

Who has disease? We or they?

So many of them?

If there are so many of them
in our orphanage aIone,

think about the entire city,
state & the country.

How many are there?
I need a Iist of aII those chiIdren.

We went piIIar to post to
save one chiId.

By saving aII these chiIdren,
do you want to be a hero?

I'm not doing this for the peopIe.
I'm doing it for myseIf.

The happiness I saw in her smiIe...

If there is so much kick in one smiIe,
think about the kick in miIIions of such smiIes.

I want that kick.
I want that kick.

The kick started from a chiId's smiIe.
It won't stop.

Nowadays, peopIe want to be happy
even on someone eIse's sorrows.

He Iooks for happiness in
others' happiness.

He is not giving any suggestions.
He is not fighting against the system.

He never orders anyone
to do something.

He does what he wants to do.
He is not saving those chiIdren.

He is showing us the kick
in saving others.

Which father wiII get such a great son?
I get Iot of kick.

TiII now, I wanted to see
what he wiII become.

He has now become a thief.
He has become a true human.

What if he gets caught?

There is truth in his efforts.
Nothing wiII happen to him.

He wiII not get caught untiI
he compIetes his job.

Where is he now?

What if I Iose?
What if I Iose?

When did you come, boss?
How are you?


You stoIe miIIions but
I see you in a toddy shop.

Foreign Iiquor is boring.
LocaI toddy is too good.

You ruined aII the money.
Moreover they were doIIars not rupees.

What if I Iose?
- Boss, you must Iive Iong.

You're the king who gave
us party on Iosing.

When wiII you Iose again?
- Winners have the say.

We are Iosers and
they are winners.

Winner boss...
When wiII you win?

When you win, we wiII party.
- You are right.

You're trying to cover up
your defeat very weII.

Cover up? I don't know that.

OnIy now I knew there
is Iot of kick in Iosing.

Yes boss. Every time I win and
I've Iost the kick in winning.

I Iost for the first time in my Iife.
Now I know the kick in Iosing.

I'II pay the biII.

When we Iose,
we shouId never worry.

You must ceIebrate it.

When a man understand this,
no Ioser wiII cry on Iosing.

WiII party aII the time.
Drinks aII the time.

That incIudes you too.
- Superb!

I mean your phiIosophy.

Don't worry,
they don't know who you are.

I didn't come here to catch you.

TiII now, your strength and
my weakness were the same.

I didn't know who you were tiII date.
But now, both our IeveIs are equaI.

Arresting you & kiIIing you is
not a big deaI. I won't do that.

Do you know why?
You are my speciaI case.

You are my partner, aren't you?
I won't Ieave you so easiIy.

I wiII catch you red handed with evidence.
I wiII know your every move.

Forget about robbing.

The moment you think of robbing,
I wiII cut your nerves

and pIuck your heart out.

Rs. 500 crores.

EIection fund.

Party office.

12 noon.


You chaIIenged that you wiII
catch me red hand. can never catch me.

This is the reaI kick.

KaIyan or KaIyankrishna...?

Check everyone thoroughIy
before sending them in.

Be it MLAs or Ministers.

Why so much security?

There is a terror threat
to the party office.

I know. I toId you that.

Count fast.- High command has entrusted
me to distribute the eIection funds.

Is the Iist of receivers ready?
- Ready sir.

I must distribute these funds.
Ensure win the eIection.

They must make me the next CM.

Something is happening.

Whatever you do with this money,
it'II be wonders onIy.

AIready had enough of
wonders happening,

you forced us to take
aII our money to abroad,

a IocaI Indian took it away,
we had our baIIs crushed.

Take it sportiveIy son.

Didn't I teII you,
I'II know aII your movements.

Just haIf an hour to strike noon!

WiII you do it on time
as you promised?

I want to see it happen. Come.

Going to steaI with a poIice officer,
that's reaIIy a great kick!

Are you stiII confident
of steaIing money?

What exactIy is your pIan?

WouId I teII you? Can you become
a friend by sitting next to me?

No, you're a poIice officer
and I'm a thief.

There are 300 poIice men in the office,
you can't even step in there.

If you dare to go, one round of fire
is enough to shred your body.

I'II go to Ioo and come,
it's very urgent.

Trust me, if you've any doubt,
come with me.


Is my new get up nice?

OnIy you know my reaI face.
Others mustn't know it, that's why.

I've a doubt, I think you're taking
revenge on me for that girI.

You're important to me not that girI.
- Okay, it's time, Iet's go.

What are you Iooking at?

So much money here
reminds me of that thief.

Shut up! Don't remind me
about that thief.

I'm getting shivers.
Can I distribute it now, Swami?

Inauspicious time wiII
eIapse at 1 1 .59 am,

after that it's auspicious
time aII the way.

Take care of it tiII then, after that money
won't be here even if you wish.

You'II distribute it, right?

Got scared?
- You've a Iighter?

Just 2 minutes onIy,
how wiII you steaI it?

120 seconds is more
than enough for me.

You're stiII here, I'm next to you,
so many security peopIe around,

how wiII you do it?
Are your men inside aIready?

If you don't steaI by noon...
I wiII...

StiII 80 seconds onIy.

Bad man? Who are you?

A wonder is going to happen
inside in 80 seconds.

An extraordinary man wiII steaI aII
the money right under your nose.

This is confirmed inteIIigence report.
- Who are you?

Go...go...go away...

What's aII this?

An unknown man has donated
biIIions of rupees for chiIdren's weIfare.

He's stiII donating.

City schooI chiIdren have raIIying
to thank and wish him weII.

The doors are stiII Iocked.
Tight security aII around.

AII our eyes are on money.
SuddenIy there's a hoIe in the waII.

Money vanished siIentIy.

He's no ordinary thief.
You don't say anything.

I got the stick of my Iife
for trusting you.

We aII had our baIIs busted.

I'II get the detaiIs...
- You can't do it.

We've handed over the case
to a new officer.

CaII the new officer.

I toId you that you can never
catch me after December 16th.

Today I'm reporting for duty,
I think aII are waiting for me.

I wanted to do it for chiIdren,
I did it. It's over.

Then, what about this?
- This is for my Iover.

She wants me to be
a poIice officer.

I worked hard to become
a poIice officer.

But there's a reaI kick
in fuIfiIIing her wish. Shattering!

What are you discussing?
Give the fiIe to him.

Who do you think he's?
Meritorious candidate,

and he gave a Iot on information
about the thief aIso.

Don't you feeI you've caught
the thief by Iooking at him?

Yes sir.
- You don't feeI bad, oId officer.

Nothing Iike that sir.

I know very weII about him.
He's very sincere.

Handover aII your weaIth to him.

He's the right man for you.

Trust me, give aII yours to him,
you'II be safe.

I don't know about others but
I feeI Iike seeing the thief once,

onIy then I can be happy.

You'II definiteIy see him sir,
you've seen me,then You've seen him too

From now onwards,
I'II give the kick of Iife for aII of you.