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Klatretøsen (2002)

Posted: 09/04/23 10:53
by bunniefuu

...closing in on each other.

They're giving everything!

Car number is getting ahead,
it's a close race.

A fantastic race by car number !

We've got a winner,
ladies and gentlemen!

Car number five.
Ten minutes to the next race.

- Hi, Dad.
- Hi, Ida. Where are you?

- I'm doing my homework.
- In your summer holiday?

- The summer holiday's over soon.
- Can you take over for me here?

Okay, I'll be right over.

We're getting ready
for the second heat today.

We're going to see
cars number , , and .

Check your safety belts.
No smoking, except from the tires.

- Get on with it, loser.
- Don't turn too sharply.

- It's a bit heavy in the gears.
- Don't tell me what to do.

- Relax!
- Hi, Sebastian.

- Hi, Johnny.
- Hi, honey.

Don't call me honey.
You're not my boyfriend.

Still hanging with the losers,
Climber Girl?

No, is there any more room?

- I can't understand we're brothers.
- You must be adopted.

See you... Honey.

Jonas' video diary, July th.

Hi, Mum and Dad.
I hope you got my last tape.

At the airport they said you'd be
flying around the USA for some time.

I heard they need pilots in Denmark, -

- so maybe you can find work here.

It's a close race
between cars number and .

Great driving!

Number and are right up front,
and we've got a winner!

Car number . Great driving, number
! minutes till the next race.

Hi, Ida! Coffee?

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

What's that on your finger?

Let me see.
You haven't been climbing, have you?

"You haven't been climbing,
have you?" You sound just like Mum.

Sweetiepie, there are thousands
of sports that are just as cool.

But climbing...
If you fall, you can die.

- You fell meters without dying.
- Must we discuss this every day?

Only till I'm .

We're getting ready for the first heat
in the sixth race today.

We're off in seconds.


Hey, Jonas,
pass me the soldering iron.


Do you think your parents want
to watch Ida from a billion angles?

I think I'll ask her
for a date tomorrow.

- Can I have my coke?
- You haven't got a chance.

- You think you have?
- All women want a man like me.

A rugged handyman who gives them
flowers. I read it in "Woman".

- You read women's magazines?
- Sure. That's why girls love me.

It's all in the women's magazines.

- Boys, have you seen Ida?
- Wasn't she in the ice cream stand?

Yeah. Can I stay for dinner tonight?

- Yes.
- Me too?

Yes. Klaus is cooking.
Just so you're warned.

I need some green peppers.

Cut it out.

You can set the table.

Have you been driving today?

- We only have yellow peppers.
- That's fine.

- The new CCT Bank...
- I'm on!

Despite building delays, -

- some employees have
had to move in...

Look, Mummy's on telly.

- You're so sexy fixing those alarms.
- I wish they'd hire me permanently.

- I've worked on it for a whole year.
- Oh, William.

Potty, William.

Say something, William.
You're two years old.

The safe is meters up in the
tower, so we're safe from robberies.

The other children in daycare
talk all the time.

Until the safety system
is finished, -

- Rottweiler dogs guard what will
become Denmark's safest bank.

You haven't answered
your cellphone all day.

Why do you think we gave it to you?

Because all you do is
check up on me all day.

I've got a life of my own.
Why can't you be like Jonas' parents?

I called you to say you'll have
to take care of William tomorrow.

- What if I can't?
- You have to. Okay?


- Klaus...
- He just collapsed all of a sudden!

- Klaus, what's the matter?
- I can't feel my legs.

Can't you feel your legs?
Call an ambulance.

Don't be afraid.
You'll be all right, honey.

I can't understand you haven't had
any symptoms before.

You suffer from a rare form of the
Guillain-Barré syndrome, MND.

The nerves used by the brain to send
signals to all large muscle groups -

- have been cut off in the spine. It
happened in that fall on Mt. Everest.

- That was nine years ago.
- The nerve path slowly weakened.

This affects the blood supply
to the brain.

To the brain? Can it?

- How long have I got?
- We don't know how advanced it is.

Can't you do something?
Can't it be operated?

We can't do anything here. There's
no approved treatment for this illness.

But a private clinic in Seattle, USA
is testing...

Then what are we waiting for?

The Danish state doesn't pay
for experimental operations.

- What does it cost?
- It depends on the surgery, care...

- Roughly how much?
- Up to . million kroner.

We'd like to be alone.

Take it easy, honey,
I can still kiss you.

. million...

I can raise that.
It's not that much money.

What happens
if he doesn't get the operation?

Klaus can't just die, man!
He's the coolest dad there is.

- If my dad died, I'd hardly notice.
- We have to get that money!

And now we can't even keep
the go-cart track open.

- Ida...
- I'm not crying.

Isn't there a chance of maybe
borrowing half of it?

No, I'm a free-lancer.
But we have a go-cart track.

We have a go-cart track!

This is Maria Johansen.
I called you yesterday about a loan.

- I'm afraid we can't help you.
- My husband is very ill, and...

We know it's a special situation,
but we do need security.

- Please think about it till tomorrow.
- I know you're desperate, but...

This is Maria Johansen.
I've faxed an application for a loan...

Yes, Maria Johansen. Thank you.

Well, listen... I need help.

Can I call you again tomorrow?
Yes, a go-cart track.

I see.



- Hi, Dad.
- Hi, Ida.

It's really strange
not being able to move.

I've been looking at the same spot
for the last three hours.

- Where's Mummy and William?
- Mummy can't get the money.

It's funny about that spot.

I thought it was a spider,
then I realized it didn't move.

I'll get that money. I promise.

It's okay. It's okay.

- I'm looking for Maria Johansen.
- She's my mum.

Yes. Can you tell her there's a staff
security meeting tomorrow at ?

I'm from the bank. Thanks.

The safe is meters up in the
tower, so we're safe from robberies.

The safe is meters up
in the tower...

...have had to move
into the unfinished building...

...the new CCT bank is designed
by architects Groth and Lumstein...

...I've spent two years
training them to k*ll...

- We can't rob a bank.
- It's not any old bank.

It's the bank where my mother helped
install all the alarms and codes.

Are you just going to ask her:
"Mum, what's the code to the safe?"

Why not? The grownups still think
we're five years old.

They'd never believe
we could rob a bank.

It's a very serious crime!
They'll put us in a borstal.

We're not stealing the money for
ourselves. We're doing it to save Dad.

- Can you climb up to the safe?
- meters.

Only more than the reservoir. If my
Dad could climb Everest, I can do this.

You're forgetting one thing.
Your dad fell down.

Are you in or out?

You can always rely on me, honey.

Okay, listen up. Sebastian gets
the plan of the bank, -

- Jonas learns how to deal with the
dogs, and I go to the bank with Mum.

I don't feel like going to work at all.

- Hi, Sebastian.
- Trouble, Ida.

Guess where my brother started
as a trainee?

See those people?
Snakes in paradise, Johnny, -

- waiting for the moment when you
lose concentration for one second.

And you will.
Watch the monitors, Johnny.

You have to watch all the monitors
all the time. The trick is not to blink.

No blinking!

You sit here
and watch those monitors.

Good morning.

- Who's that?
- My daughter.

Hey, Climber Girl,
what are you doing here?

- Have a nice day.
- Thank you.

Why did he call you Climber Girl?

- Well?
- I don't know.

I told you to watch those monitors.

The rest of the day
you'll watch your little friend.

- Okay.
- Okay, Sensei!

You call your master Sensei.
Have you never seen Karate Kid?


- Why does it do that?
- They can't watch cameras.

So the monitors change. But when
the red light's on, they can see us.

There's a staff party Friday night.

- Who's got the codes for the panels?
- A different person on each floor.

But I've got a personal code
for all the panels, -

- so if there's an error,
I can get the system running again.

What's the code?

I can't tell, not even you. If I do,
I'll never work in this business again.

- The meeting's in five minutes.
- I'll be right there.

Go to the canteen on the first floor
and get something to eat.

I'll meet you there in an hour.

What are you doing here?

My mother was going to show me
the building, but she had a meeting.

- Who's your mother?
- Maria Johansen.

I'm sorry about your father.

We'll postpone the meeting for half
an hour. I'll show you the building.

I'm the manager of the bank.

Want to see my office?

- Can I help you?
- I got a dog for my birthday.

- Congratulations.
- But it's pretty wild.

It keeps biting my mother.
I'd like to learn how to tame it.

- What kind of dog is it?
- It's a...

A Budweiser.

- A Rottweiler?
- Yeah...

It's your lucky day, kid,
I'm a Rottweiler expert.

- What's its name?
- Sebastian.

Jesper, I've got
this really nice boy here, -

- who's going to write a paper
on the design of our new CCT Bank.

He's asking for a ground-plan
drawing he can use as a supplement.


He's usually quite nice,
but it's a bit tricky with banks.

You might be a bank robber.

That's all right.

It's just that... I only got a C
for my last English essay.

That was because
I didn't add an supplement.

And my stepdad behaves pretty
strange when I get bad marks, -

- so it'd be great if I could
get that drawing. Look...

Your stepdad did that?

All right. Come with me.

No, that's my final decision.
Well, he'll have to choose, then.

That's how it is.

Right. Goodbye.

That's from one of the films I was in.
The only one, actually.

But they edited me out. I don't know
why I became a bank manager.

I wanted to be a film star
or a rock musician.

But no matter what I do,
I always end up as boss.

Do you want to see what they can do?
I can be in it too.

They hate it when I do this. They can
see it in the control room. Hi there!

Big Brother...

Snakes, Johnny. Snakes.

Come here...

Good, that's a real k*ller...

There, now it's your turn.
Pick that one up. Don't be afraid.

It won't harm you.
And then you go: Atcha!

No, man, like this: Atcha, atcha!

You have to get the tone right.
Get him!

Where are you going?
You haven't learnt it yet!

- Does your mother know about it?
- Does he hit you often?

- Why can't we call your mother?
- Draw your family for us.


The safe's at the end of the tunnel.

- What's that sound?
- It's the safe sliding down.

- Can I see it?
- That's totally forbidden.

I don't even have access to it.
Besides, the dogs are down there.

Tell the guard to lock the dogs up
on Friday.

We can't have the dogs running
around at the staff party.

Try there.


Can we get three of those? They
used them for the Gibson Expedition.

Where did you get all that money?

Three intercoms, courtesy of
Singapore Airlines. They won't know.

- Your parents know you can do this?
- I doubt it.

They keep sending Pokémon games,
although I'm the local Diablo champ.

- Look what I found.
- That is so cool!

- What are you doing here, Ida?
- We're shopping for the bank job.

- Jonas, what's this?
- That's my mother's.

Your mother's?


We'll have to do the job
on Friday. There's a staff party.

The whole bank is closed and
all the guests are on the th floor.

The safe is suspended in a shaft.
You enter the shaft at the th floor.

Hartmann's office is on the th floor,
too. Jonas goes in there.

All the cameras in the building can be
operated from Hartmann's computer.

- What do I do?
- You go into the shaft with me.

- Hello... What are you doing?
- It's just a thing we've got.

Come on, concentrate!

Sebastian and I enter the shaft,
and I climb up to the safe.

- Can't we just bring it down to us?
- No, that'll set the alarms off.

- What if Jonas fucks up?
- Then we'll get caught.

The cameras are operated
from the manager's office, right?

We can get the cameras to show
something else if the alarm goes off.

Like what, Brainiac?
Your home videos for Mum and Dad?

Boys, we need an idea for a film.


Hi, Ida. Hi, guys.

- Who's the photographer?
- I am. It's my camera!

I operate the camera,
he does the lights.

The owner of the camera
is the boss, dammit!

Stop that.

- What was the story?
- It's this girl who's home alone.

She's terribly afraid of the dark,
so they've put up all these alarms.

One night her dad, that's you, comes
home, and when he opens the door-

- all the alarms go off.
So you just turn around and say:

Take it easy. It's just me.
You can stop the alarms.

Take it easy. It's just me.
You can stop the alarms...


We're totally fool-proof. If the
alarms go off, Jonas plays this.

Way to go, honey.

- Jonas, we have to go over the plan.
- Go over it with your boyfriend.

- I'm going home.
- Tell him you're not my boyfriend.

- I'm not?
- No, get it into your thick skull!

My skull isn't thick!
Maybe you'd rather have Jonas?

Are all boys this braindead,
or is it just you?

If we're braindead,
how come you need our help?

I don't need your help. Your stupid
fights spoil everything anyway.

- I can climb and I've got the codes.
- You've got nothing!

The only code you've got isn't even
for the safe. This hit is ridiculous!

What are you looking at?

You're on your own!

I cheated death on that mountain, Ida.
Someone was watching over me, -

- so I could come home
and get to know you.

- I didn't know I had this little brat.
- I hate you too, Dad.

When I was a mountaineer, I only
saw you a few months every year.

My accident was a blessing in
disguise. But now it's payback time.

But I'd give anything
to take a little walk first.

- Dad? Dad?
- It's okay. Pull the white string.

- Where does it hurt?
- Everywhere.


- It's good.
- I've got of these in the freezer.

You always know what's in them.

Jonas... I think I'm in love with you.
Will you be my boyfriend?

- What about Sebastian?
- He's nice, but you're more mature.

Here. I've got the other half.
That means I'm your girlfriend.

Say that again.

Will you help me with the hit, then?

But don't tell Sebastian, okay?
We need him for the hit.

- Don't show him the heart.
- I won't say a word.

- But what about Jonas?
- He's nice, but you're better looking.

I've been in love with you
all along.

I'm in love with you too.

I've got the other half.
That means I'm your girlfriend.

Will you help me with the hit, then?
But don't let Jonas know.

- Promise?
- Cross my heart!

My name is Maria Johansen.

My husband and daughter want to go
to Seattle the day after tomorrow.

- Have you got any seats left?
- How many do you need?

Two, please. The earliest flight
possible. They're buying it, William!

Yes, you can charge it to my account.

My credit card number is , , , ...

- What's up, Brainiac?
- What's up, handyman?

- Nice scarf.
- You too.

- Weather's a bit cold.
- Yeah.

Let's move.

- Hi, do you know if my dad left?
- What's his name?

- Poul.
- Poul what?

- Nürup.
- Poul Nyrup?

- With a German y.
- Oh, okay...

I can't find any Poul Nürup. Hello?

Your turn, Jonas.

- I tuned them, they can do now.
- Can you muffle them?

Do bears crap in the woods?

- Now I just need my mother's code.
- Ask her about her childhood.

Codes are always the name of
people's pets or holiday islands.

It's the little personal things that
matter in a modern woman's life.

It's just something I read.

Mummy, did you have any pets
when you were a girl?

- Why? Do you want a pet?
- I want to hear about your childhood.

- I had a hamster called Halfdan.
- Halfdan the Hamster...

- Any others?
- Yes, a hedgehog named Sten.

With one or two E's?

I don't know.
I don't think we ever spelled it.

- What meant most to you as a child?
- I loved making alarm systems.

I made string systems with a bell that
rang when someone entered my room.

Granddad hated it, but I didn't care.
I didn't want anybody nosing around!

Dad, I want to ask you something.

I'm going to try to steal . million
from Mummy's work.

But I have to climb meters
inside a shaft.

And I lied to Mum to get her code.

Ida, you know
we don't want you to climb!

It's too dangerous.
Look what happened to me.

And robbing a bank is a crime.
Mum'll lose her job if you're caught.

Yes, I thought of all that.

But if you got well,
wouldn't it be worth it?

- Yes, Ida, it would.
- I knew you'd say that, Dad.



- Hi, Mum.
- Hi, sweetiepie.

- People can hear you.
- Never mind. You are my sweetiepie.

They're running a lot of tests on
Klaus tonight and I want to be there.

- So you have to take care of William.
- But... I can't.

I'm... going out with Sebastian and
Jonas. We're going to the movies.

No. I think it's much better
if you come with me to the hospital.

- But I can't.
- You'll have to bring William.

- I can't!
- You have to.

End of discussion.

- We can't rob a bank with a baby.
- He's two years old.

And Dad is getting worse.
We have to do it no matter what.

What if something goes wrong?

- What if you fall down like Klaus?
- Nothing will go wrong.

This is our chance of doing what
Klaus never did. It's our Mt. Everest.

- Mount Everest.
- Mount Everest.

- Mount Everest.
- Mount Everest!

A nappy?

I'll climb up and throw down the rope.

- My stomach hurts.
- Time of the month?

Dip your fingers in the water, do
the butterfly, shake off the water.

Got it? Down, butterfly, shake it off.

Ida, the red light's on.
They can see us.

Are you a chicken, eh?
Bring them up front...

What's going on?

Something's wrong.
I'll check up on it. You stay here.

- Do you think they saw us?
- I don't know.

Sebastian, I'm by the window now.

Ida here. I can only see Johnny.
I've got a plan.

Great, Ida.

- Sorry I've been such a jerk.
- So have I.

- You've given up on Ida?
- Yeah. How about you?

There are plenty of girls out there.

- Hi, Johnny.
- What are you doing here?

- I was at the party. It's so boring.
- I didn't see you coming in.

- Cool hair.
- Yeah, pretty cool.

- Why are you so mean to Sebastian?
- I'm trying to make a man of him.

It's not my fault he's a born nerd.
Life's a bitch, you know.

Want to kiss me?

- Why not?
- Stand up.

Come here. Closer. Close your eyes.

- Hey, where are you going?
- Hey, life's a bitch.

- Did you have to kiss him?
- Shh! I didn't kiss him. You first.

- What if there's somebody up there?
- There isn't. Go on.

Jesus, what a lame party.

See camera ?
When I say go, turn the camera.

I'll be right back.

I'm just going to get some money
to save Dad.


All clear.

When I say go, turn the camera.

- Okay. Upwards.
- Go!

- Ida! What the hell's he doing?
- No, William! Let go!

Jonas, turn the camera back now.

Henrik... Sensei!

Okay, Jonas, we're inside.

Turn the camera back.

- What's up?
- The camera moved.

- Has anyone been in here?
- No.

- It's huge.
- You can't even see the safe.

What about your mother's code?
Did you get your mother's code?

- Haven't you got the code?
- I have a list of the things she said.

We'll just have to try them all
before the alarm goes off.

See you in a minute.

Jesus, William...

I'm sure we'll wake up tomorrow...
without food poisoning.

I'd like to carry on a tradition from our
old branch. Look under your seats.

Put them on.

Now it's time to play a good
old game of hide-and-seek.

Or, as we like to call it...

- "Catch the bank robbers!"
- Catch the bank robbers?

I suggest the PR department
finds the rest of us first.

Come on, let's hide together.

Come on, William.

This is the first place
they'll look for you.



- Who the hell is Lottie?
- What?

- Didn't you say Lottie?
- I thought you said something.

Ida! What's up?

Come on...

- Found you! Or do I just go on?
- No, we'll help you find the robbers.

- I'm at the safe now.
- Now we just need your Mum's code.

Halfdan... It must be.

Come on, Mum...

I'll try Steen then...


Then it's got to be Klaus...

Ida, then. I-D-A.

- I can't believe it!
- Ida?



- Ida, come in...
- Jonas, I'm in the safe!

Take it easy. It's just me.
You can turn off the alarm.

Hartmann, everything's under control.

- Way to go, Jonas!
- We're the best burglars in the world!

- Take this. I'll check the th floor.
- Okay.

- Okay, Sensei!
- Okay, Sensei.

If anybody comes in here,
you paralyze them straight away.

Where the hell is the money?

Sebastian. There's no money here.

The safe isn't even finished yet.

We can't save Klaus.
I'm too tired to climb down again.

Find Jonas and William and get out.

No way, man!

Jonas? Stand by with the camera.
We have to get the safe down.

- Sebastian? You can't go down.
- I'll get that safe down now.

It's just like a go-cart,
only more complicated.

We've got a blue one and a red one.
Blue or red?

Ida, hold on!


- Did you change your clothes?
- My clothes? What do you mean?

Are you drunk?

No, William!

Take it easy, it's just me.
You can turn off the alarm.

What the hell is that? Sensei!

Johnny, we've got a burglary.
Call the police.

Let the dogs loose.

f*ck, the dogs!


You have stop the dogs!

Jonas, stop the dogs!

Stop them! Hurry!


Is this the police? Come quickly,
we've got a burglary.

We've got a burglary.

Nobody leaves the bank before
they're cleared. The dogs are loose.

You've got seconds to get
downstairs to the reception area.

It's just part of the game.
It's something Hartmann's arranged.

I don't have
that sick a sense of humor.

Johnny, check all monitors
on the th floor.

Identify yourselves!

Come on.

- He didn't see us!
- He took William.

We have to get him back.

Nobody leaves the room.

Nobody leaves this area.

- This is the police.
- Come on.

All guests must go downstairs to the
reception area now. I repeat. Now!

Ida, take at look at this.

What is it?

It's all the money.

- It's as much as we want.
- Let's fill the backpack.

, ...

There's enough for Dad's operation!

Let's find Jonas.

Maria... There's been a burglary
at the bank.

- We can't all fit in here.
- We have to.

Identify yourselves!

How can we get him back?

Take it easy, people, take it easy.

Sebastian? What the hell are you
doing here? Did you break in?

We need the money
for Klaus' operation.

You've lost it, man.

Well done, Johnny. Get the police.

You can't use that on us.
We're children!

Not anymore. Now you're juvenile
delinquents. Johnny, get the police.

Now he'll sleep for an hour.
Sorry, Sensei.

We found this suction disc.
The thieves climbed up to the safe.

We don't know what happened.
They can't stand up.

We'll get the bastards.

- What's that?
- Nothing. Come on.

- Jonas?
- Where the hell did you get that?

- Ida, did you give Jonas that heart?
- We haven't got time for this.

- Why is Sebastian wearing my chain?
- Your chain? It's mine.

- Tell Jonas you're my girlfriend.
- Why must I choose?

- Great, we're all going steady.
- The plane's leaving in three hours.

You suck, Ida.

- Have a safe flight.
- Say hello to Klaus.

Now it's up to you and me, William.


Car calling all cars.
I'm pursuing two go-carts.

- Did you say go-carts, ?
- Yes, go-carts.

Come on, Jonas!

Jonas, we'll split up.
I'll turn right. You go straight ahead!

Car here. We're following one
go-cart in the industrial area.

Come in, .

We lost one go-cart
at the lorry park, we'll check it out.

Hi, Mum and Dad.
I just stole . million from a bank.

I'm sitting under a lorry.

- He's got to be here somewhere.
- Car is on its way.

- I wanted the new Mondeo.
- That is the new Mondeo.

This is the last tape I'm sending.

If you want to know more about it,
come home.

Jonas, come in!

Jonas, answer me!

- What's up?
- Did you see a kid on a go-cart?

- You've got to be kidding me.
- You'll stay here.

Forget it.
I've got to be in Naestved in an hour.

f*ck, it's leaking!

He's under the lorry!

Good thing the safe was still empty.
They didn't get a penny.

they've broken into the interim safe.

- How much?
- About . million.

They found this in the shaft.

Who the hell breaks into million
and takes only .?


Ida, what happened?

Ida, wait. Wait a minute...

- We can talk about it on the plane.
- The plane?

Sebastian, I'm running out of petrol!
Help me. I'm in Havnegade.

Okay, I'm coming now.

You'll have to jump on my cart.

- You're crazy!
- You can do it, come on!

- I can't...
- Grab my arm.

- Did you see that?
- Awesome!

The police believe it was cat burglars
who stole . million kroner.

But the burglars left a lot of traces, -

- so we expect them
to be apprehended soon.

Johnny, what happened?

Do the guests have to be cleared?

Relax, the cops are here,
they're in control.

That's good, Johnny.

- What the hell have you done?
- Me and Sebastian robbed the bank.

Just the two of us.

Car here. Another go-cart
seen near the Central Hospital.

The driver is a young girl
with a baby.

Can you take us to the airport?

- Ida, Klaus!
- Maria, what's going on?

We're going to the States
to have you operated.

Did you steal the money?

I climbed up to the safe, and it was
empty, but I found the money.

I've booked tickets to Seattle.
The plane leaves in two hours.

You climbed up meters
to the safe?

- When did you say the plane left?
- At six o'clock.


- Okay. Let's get Klaus into the car.
- Are you sure it's a good idea?


This is the most spectacular case
in Danish criminal history.

It's incredible that -year-old
Ida Johansen and her pals, -

- Sebastian and Jonas could
break into this top-safety bank.

- How did you get into the bank?
- I climbed up to the first floor.

I'd left a window open there.

- How did you get to the safe?
- My friend operated the cameras...

- How much did you take?
- . million.

- How much was there?
- A lot.

- Why didn't you take more?
- We only needed . million.

My dad will die if he doesn't
get an operation in the USA.

I hacked into
Singapore Airlines' website -

- and got
Jing Sung's account number.

- Jing Sung?
- He's the boss at Singapore Airlines.

You weren't worried
that Jing Sung would notice?

Have the police released
the youngsters?

Yes. We've talked to Ida Johansen
and her two friends.

We're convinced that the burglary
was an act of despair.

We have no reason to believe
that it will happen again.

The two boys were released
from custody last night.

Just half and hour ago,
Ida Johansen was released too.

Climber Girl.

We've got a visitor.

I'm really sorry. I only robbed your
bank because my father's dying.

I regret the film thing most.
I thought it was a real movie.

I've got something for you.

- . million!
- Running a bank has its advantages.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to
the re-opening of the go-cart track!

We're getting ready
for the first heat.

Fasten your seatbelts
and check your helmets.

If I see any smoke on the track,
it's from the cars, not the cigarettes.


What's up?

See you.


It's great to see you.

We got your last tape.


Did you hear that?
He said potty.

Okay, can we have a starting flag,

A starting flag, please.

Five, four, three, two, one...


- Why must I choose?
- You can't have two boyfriends.

Okay, I've made my choice.
Turn around.

- We're friends no matter what, right?
- Of course. You'll be our best man.

- Jonas! After her!
- Ida!