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Scorched (2003)

Posted: 09/04/23 11:22
by bunniefuu
-Don't die on me yet.
-Give me your hand!

How much further?

Over the ridge.

Dear God.

What the hell is that?

Is that what you were expecting?


It 's much worse.

The flre we've reported
lsstIllburnlngout ofcontrol.

Check that shit out, man!

Never seen such a pissed off
looking volcano before.

Never a damn marshmallow
around when you need one.

You know, when they said
my last gig would be a hot one...

...l kind of pictured Fiji.
-The hell you did!

Go on, admit it, Colonel.
You're gonna miss this shit.

I'm gonna buy myself a beach
house and a bunch of kites.

-My kid likes to surf.

Sounds like water t*rture, man.

Not to me.

Village is forty clicks north.

I'm gonna have to drop you
a little farther than that, sir.

Thing don't fly
too good dipped in lava.

Fine. Just find me
some good ground transpo.

I think I saw a couple
donkeys back there.

Your sex life's your
own business, Fingers.


I'm sending it right now.
Just tell him to look at the numbers.

Tell him to look at the numbers.
No, don't! Don't hang up!

Tell him to look at the damn
numbers! Hello? Hello?

I knew it. I was right.

I was right.

Very exciting.
What were you right about?

-Who the hell are you?
-That 's not important, Ms. McGrath.

But seeing as we're not under
any pressure here, what the hell?

I'm Colonel Beckett. I've been sent
to pull you out of here.

-Yeah? By who?
-By someone who gives ashit.

I don't know anyone
who fits that description.

So... you're one of those.

-One of what?
-Never mind.


Listen, jerko...

get back on your shiny white horse
and go rescue someone else...

because I'm going to leave
when I'm good and ready.

So... you ready?

-Nice call, Ms. McGrath.
-It 's Julie. Just drive.

Sure. Anything else back there?
Hairbrush? Maybe a little eye...

-Have you had psychic evaluation?

Yeah, but what do they know?

-Traffic always this bad?
-It 's called an evacuation.

Yeah, well, they should
have a carpool lane.

Damn! This is a rental.

All those people. We have to do
something. We can't leave them.

Afraid we can. My orders are to get
you out of here safely. Only you.

Yeah, well, screw your orders.

-Don't do that again.

My bad.

Thls ls the NorthHollywood
statlon. Please watchyourstep.


-What happens if we get caught?
-We never get caught.

-Come on, Faith. Don't wuss out.
-I'm not! I'm just...

-I have to meet my aunt in half an hour.
-She's wussing out.

I told you. Come on.

You guys ready?

If a train came right now,
I'd be the last one off the tracks.

Bullshit. You'd be the first, yeah?

-What 's that?
-Wireless instant messenger.

Birthday present from my dad. He
says hello from the South Pacific.

Kick ass! All my dad ever
gives me is a hard time.

-He just shows up, he doesn't?
-Hey! Check this out!

Look at that.


This is the one.

It 's part of the
ventilation system.

Tommy Lang says it goes down
like five hundred feet.

Shit! Knock it off, man.

-Who's the wuss now?
-That 's not very funny.

-Where are you going?
-I'm late!

-Where the hell were you?

This is what I get
for trusting you?

What am I supposed to tell your dad
when he gets here?

You mean, if he gets here.

He'll be here, Faith. He promised.

Get down, Faith! Don't move!

Aunt Tara!

You okay?

Like it or not, you're definitely
your father's daughter.

-How certain are we on this?
-Confidence's high, Mr. President.

Our problem at the moment
is how to keep a lid on it.

What 's our containment?

We've quashed reports out of
New Zealand and the Netherlands...

but there's still
the McGrath woman.

-Have we secured her?
-Yes. She's with Colonel Beckett.

Who dragged him into this?

You told me to get the best,
Mr. President. I did.

No lnjurles were reportedln the
5.6quake, the thlrdthlsmonth.

Unheardoflnitsselsmlc hlstory.
Elsewhere, the heat contlnues to rlse.

Recordtemperatureshave lgniteda
rashofflrestormsacross the natlon.

The sclentlstsare wonderlng:

I'll tell you what 's up with her.

She's mad as hell and
she ain't gonna take it anymore.

Maybe it 's just her time of the month.

You really are an assh*le.

-I was just growing fond of jerko.
-Well, consider this a promotion.

Ten hut!

At ease.

-I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
-Mr. President.

-I don't know what to say.
-That 's a first.

This is Janet Hill,
National Security Advisor.

And General Thomas Moore.
We've been discussing your findings.

They were right, weren't they?

I've been trying to get someone
to listen for months, but l...

Special Agent Kellaway.
And I believe you know Dr. Sallin.

-You look well.
-So do you.

That makes sense, considering the
fat check you get for selling out.

Ding ding.
Round one to volcano girl.

Welcome back. It 's been awhile
since you disgraced these halls.

Sure has, sir.
How's Mrs. President?

She's fine.
She's over in Europe.

With asecurity detail that
won't try to proposition her.

-I'll tell her you said hello.
-Thank you, sir.

-Let 's get to it, shall we?

-Would you bring us up to speed?
-Yes, certainly.

-You hit on the First Lady?
-I was young. She was hot.

As you know, fifteen months ago
the Chinese ignored the...

test ban treaty and detonated aseries
of underground nuclear devices.

Since that time...

we have faced aseries of
unprecedented geothermal events.

Active volcanism, earthquakes,
floods, and, most recently...

a rapid acceleration
of the greenhouse effect.

Now, based on my observations
in Antarctica...

I would say that we are
potentially on the verge...

of a catastrophic global event.
You see...

the release of all that energy...
can I have the Pacific plate?

...has caused deep fissures...

within the Pacific tectonic plate...

causing it to move apart from the
15 plates, which move in unison...

to conserve the Earth's axis.

Now this, in turn, has
created the potential scenario...

that the Earth could lose
its temperature stability.

Somebody in English, please.

What he's trying to say is that
it 's going to get awhole lot hotter.

-Exactly what does that mean?
-The movement has exposed...

dormant hot spots
deep in the mantle...

and this, in turn, has allowed the
release of hyper-thermal gases...

which, in its turn, has contributed to
accelerate the greenhouse effect...

...and this possibly leads on...
-Can we just let her talk?

It means we have 3 days to stop
the Pacific plate from moving.

-Or what?
-The Earth incinerates itself.

Hold the hell on. I thought we were
talking about Mother Earth here.

-The one that keeps on ticking?
-Well, put it this way, Colonel.

The Earth will still be here.
We won't.

-Is this actually possible?
-Apparently so, Mr. President.

It 's been confirmed by JPL.
But to be honest...

you're looking at the two
brightest people in the field.

What do we do to prevent this?

Well, based on the plate's
current momentum...

there's only one way to stop it.

-By triggering aseismic event.

You might call it a global
chiropractic adjustment.

-Yes, yes. What she means is...
-Excuse me.

What are we really
talking about here?

A thermonuclear expl*si*n.

-A what?
-Are you out of your mind?

Doctor, do you concur with this?

Yes, Mr. President, I do.

The Pacific plate has already
moved 26.6 centimeters.

Once it moves past
44 centimeters...

nothing we can do
will have any effect.

There will quite literally be
Hell on Earth.

How large an expl*si*n?

15 megatons.

A hundred times the expl*si*n
that decimated Hiroshima.


Based on my calculations,
which are, in turn, based on...

global laser imaging
and GPS tracking...

ground zero has to be...




There's no need to humiliate me
in front of the President.

That was foolish.

Since when is
telling the truth foolish?

As usual, father...

one of us always
has it backwards.

I have you to thank for being
dragged away from my research.

Well, you wouldn't
have come otherwise.

And I see you've started...

...using your mother's name again.
-It 's my way of remembering her.

What is yours?

I've seen your work, Jules.

It is superb.
You've come such a long way.

Save it. Your approval doesn't
mean shit to me. It never did.

Wait. You've seen my work?

Son of a bitch. The grant.

It was fake, wasn't it?

You've been funneling money to me
to keep tabs on my findings!

Jules, we can beat this thing!
But we can only do it together.

-Now, this is not about us!
-Of course it isn't!

It has never been about us.

We have late report that the Presldent
has called anemergency meetlng...

with the Jolnt ChlefsofStaff
as wellasmembersofhlsCablnet.

The NatlonaISecurityDlrector
hadno commentsonreports...

that the UnitedStates was worklng
with leaders fromaroundthe world.

Leadlngsclentlsts are meetlng
ln Washlngtonat thlshour...

on the rlslngtemperatures...

The Pentagondenledreports that
it lsmobIllzlnglnfantryunits...

forposslble deployment
to SouthernCallfornla...

Inanunprecedented move
to secure the reglon.

the Emergency Management Center...

wasplacedonhlghalert thls
afternoonafterstate andlocal...

throughout CallfornlaandNevada... the situatlonescalates.
-The mayor'sofflce...

wouldonlysaldthat theyare
worklngwith the White House...

-The closlngofCityHall...

allstate andfederalagencles,
andschools forthe flrst tlme...

...reports that Presldent Nelson

wIlladdress the countrytomorrow
ln the most lmportant speech...

In the hlstoryofthe country,
lfnot the world.

Okay. Final looks everyone.
We're going live in two minutes.

I want this room cleared
in thirty seconds.

Sir, we need to talk.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the President of the United States.

Good afternoon. I come to you today
with a matter of global importance.

It 's insane. You can't evacuate a
city of 8 million people on a hunch.

-What if they're wrong?
-We're betting they're not.

-I know what this is about.
-You can't begin to know, sir.

It doesn't change the facts. I need
someone with your reputation.

Reputations don't mean shit
unless they're good.

Get someone else, Tom.
I'm asking you as a friend.

-Given the time, I would.
-I can't just leave them there.

I'm sending in
an extraction team.

Faith and Tarawill be safe.
You have my word.

-And if I say no?
-Then I'll find someone else.

Someone who may
or may not get it done.

Are you willing to risk that?

-Dad, hurry up. Get in. Come on.
-Would you please hurry up?

...aspeechbythe Presldent

I've come to thlsdeclslon with
the support ofleaders worldwlde...

basedon the recommendatlon
ofexperts fromaroundthe globe.

Iassure the resldentsofLA that
fullreparatlons wIllbe made.

andgreatest hope.

-MayGodbe withusall.

-You better go.
-See you.


To repeat:thls lsnot a test. All LA
resldentsare orderedto leave...

Get the first aid kit. And anything
else you think we might need.

Tom and Renee said we can
stay with them in Tucson until...

Agaln:thls lsnot a test.

I know, honey. I'm scared too.

Pack some clothes. Not a lot. Just
enough for a couple of days. Go on.

-Hey, sis. It 's me.
-Ryan, thankGod.

-We're scared out of our minds.
-Now listen, it 's gonna be fine.

-I've made arrangements for you.

A pollce escort wIllplckyou up
andtake youout ofthe city.

-Don't pack. Just go with them.
-But I thought you were coming...

-Ican't. Nowllsten to me, Tara.
-No, Ryan, you listen.

She needs you here.
What am I supposed to tell her?

LAPD. Ms. Beckett. LAPD.
Let 's get moving. Right now.

-They're here.
-Now you go with them.

TelIFaithit'llbe okay.

-Tell her I love her.
-You tell her yourself.


We've gotta go. Let 's go!

In, in, in. Let 's go.
Get in, get in.

I hope you're not jeopardizing the
classified nature of this mission.

-Meaning what?

no outside communication.

-Don't f*ck with me, Kellaway.
-I see you gentlemen have met.

You might want to exchange numbers
since he will be part of the team.

-Like hell he will.
-By order of the President.

-What about the rest of my guys?
-Being assembled as we speak.

Though I can't say they'd be
my first choice to save the world.

Candidly speaking, without them,
the world doesn't stand a chance.

Damn. This is gonna be fun.

Welcome, ladies.


Anderson. Norris.


How's retirement, man?

f*ck you, Fingers.

Nice bunch. When are they due
back to the fraternity?

Trust me. You're in good hands.


-Relax, doctor. We're on schedule.
-Let 's keep it that way.

-What 's the matter, Colonel?

One tactical nuke not
good enough for you?

July 4th, 1972.

First time my old man
let me set off a firecracker.

I light the fuse. Tossed it up.
Waited for that great big bang...

and nothing happened.
Damn thing was a dud.

I hate duds.


Good luck.

Ten hut!

Make me proud, Colonel.

Unit 17,DCneeds
acopyonyou20. Over.

Copy that, Rampart.
Our 2O is the 7OOO block...

of Valjean Avenue in Van Nuys.
We're proceeding westbound...

...awaiting your orders. Over.
-What are you doing?

I'm sending Dad an e-message.

Tell him the traffic's no worse,
even in an evacuation.

-So he can see that right now?
-Only if he has it on.

If not, it 'll show up later
as a text message.

Bounces off asatellite
to anywhere in the world.

Damn. I can't even defrost stuff
in the microwave.

Excuse me, ma'am. There's
no smoking inside the vehicle.

So, any chance we're going
to get out of here this week?

Soon, ma'am. Soon.


Quake! Cover your heads! Hold on!

Run! Run!

-Gas line! Get out! Now!
-Oh, my God!

Faith, get out!

-What are you doing?
-Faith, get the hell inside!

Aunt Tara!

National Guard's calling the ball.
But I've mobilized the Marines.

-Just in case it gets worse.
-Can it get worse, General?

-Where's the team?
-They've just touched down.

-Those are the nukes?
-Yes, sir. Mike and lke.

It wasn't my idea.

Never thought I'd be
the first president since Truman...

to wipe out an entire city.

Especially one of our own.

-I'm Mayor Salizar. Welcome to LA.
-Thank you, Madame Mayor.

We've arranged transportation,
along with most of the equipment.

-What do you mean "most of it"?
-A truck went up in a tunnel fire.

-They'll have to do it with only one.
-Dig 3OO feet with only one rotor?

-Jesus Christ!
-How soon can you track down more?

-Couple days, maybe.
-Couple days? Shit, man.

-We'll all be pot stickers.
-What about blasting?

We could use Power Gel packs
with a higher VOD rating.

Not if we hit granite. And since
we don't have time to sample...

-He's right. We need those rotors.
-Right. We'll do everything we can.


Thank you.

All right. Get this stuff loaded up,
we're moving out in about, say...

...fifteen minutes.
-Guy creeps me out.

-Makes two of us.
-Clock's ticking, sir.

If we want to reach the site
on schedule, we gotta bolt now.

You heard him. Load up. And keep
it small. 2 trucks. Police back up.

-This ain't gonna be a parade.
-May I say a little something?

Sure, Norris.

Heavenly Father, we ask for your
strength and courage to guide us.

Watch over us so that we may
preserve your glorious creation.

-Amen to that.

Nice touch.

You mean,
not bad for an assh*le.

Yeah, something like that.

He doesn't look too good.


he doesn't.

Sweet! It 's about time we brought
a babe on one of these gigs.

-Forget it, Styles. Her IQ is high.
-You know what they say.

Only a fool underestimates
the style of Styles.


What is that?
I never get what that means.

You just worry about getting us
out of here when the time comes.

No sweat, man.

Something tells me
it won't be hard to find a runway.

-General, we have a problem.

We've lost contact with the unit.

-Beckett 's daughter is missing.

Last report placed the evac unit
in a tunnel outside Pasadena.

Report just came in of a tunnel
fire in that area. No survivors.

Sir. It 's Beckett.

Greetlngs fromHollywood.
We're onroute to the site.

-ETA slxty-flve mlnutes.
-Well done, Colonel.

-How's the team holding up?
-So farso snazzy.

We're aheadofschedule.

We're wonderlnglfwe couldcatch
some surf. It wasn't crowded.

Perhaps another time, Colonel.

Slr,about mydaughter.

-Has there beenanyword?
-You'll be happy to know that l...

...just got off the phone with her.
-Howdldshe sound?

Tough. Like her father.

-She'sagoodkld,slr. Imlssher.
-I'm sure she feels the same.

We'llchecklnassoon as
we place the devlce.

Goodenough. Moore out.

How old is she?

Fifteen going on thirty.

You'd like her.
She thinks I'm an assh*le too.

-Smart girl.
-Yeah, she sure is.

Her mother died
when she was five.

Night of the funeral,
I was crying and...

she came in and she said...

"Don't worry, Daddy.
It 'll be okay.

I won't ever leave you."

Daddy's little girl.

-And then some.
-You're lucky only having one.

Me? I don't sleep at night.

-You're too busy knocking knees.
-Number eight 's on the way.

The best. Being there when they
see the world for the first time.

The best.


I guess it is.

-He deserves to know.
-The hell he does.

I know Beckett. If I had even
blinked, he'd be out trying to find her.

-At the expense of the mission.
-And if she's really dead?

Well, then it makes
no difference, does it?

-You are one cold fish, General.
-That 's the way the country likes it.

That 's how we win wars.

-This isn't awar!
-Of course it is.

We're talking about a kid here.
Fourteen. Fifteen.

What if she's still alive? Do you have
any ideawhat could happen to her?

I'll try not to think about it.

Shit! Damn it!



Right here!

Right here!

There's nothing here. We're clear.

-What the hell is this?
-Stay put. We'll check it out.

-What do you mean, they stopped?
-They're 3.4 miles from the site.

-You get me Beckett on Satcom.
-Yes, sir.

-What is it, Colonel?
-I don't know yet. Stand by.

-Keys in there?
-Yes, sir.

-What about the gas?
-It 's empty.

I don't get it, Colonel.

-Hey, Styles.

Check the map.
Plot us a new route around this.

-sn*per fire! Back up!
-Get down!

Back up!


Norris, lock them down.

-Satcom is down, sir.
-Christ. Give me thermal. Now!

-Get out of there!
-I'm trying!

-Damn it, Mac. Where are they?
-I'm on it!

sn*per! Rooftop! Nine o'clock.

Mac. Styles.
Lay down cover. On three.

One, two, three!

-Yes, sir. a*t*matic weapons fire.

-What the hell is going on?
-Keep your head down.

Norris! Cap a Slim Jim! Stat!

Order up!

-Oh, my God.
-Just stay low.

-Oh, my God!
-On my mark.


Three, two, one. Hit it.

Oh, Christ.

-Tell me that wasn't...
-No, sir. Nukes are stable.

Then what in the hell
is going on out there?

General. It 's the President.

-Who the hell were they?

Been at it all night
from the looks of things.

Probably figured anything being
escorted is worth ashit load.

-Stable. They shot the transmitter.

-We won't make any phone calls.
-Smart move, Beckett.

Walking into an ambush.
Really good.

-What 's our vehicle stat?
-Total write off. Nothing's moving.


Heavenly Father. Accept this
man's soul into Your kingdom.

A place it shall remain
safe for eternity.


You and your dad
better be right about this.

Break out the gators.


-What happened?
-They were att*cked. We lost contact.

-What is the status of the nukes?
-Stable. For the moment.

-Tell me you have a contingency.
-I've mobilized the AWACs.

And we're waiting for your orders
to send in the gunships.

-Sir! They're moving.
-Can you confirm who has them?

No, sir. But they are
definitely back in play.

-Could be a t*rror1st element.
-Could be a rogue militia.

Excuse me. I have to base
my decisions on facts.

-So get me some.
-Yes. I'll scramble the gunships.

We have to proceed as if
the team has been eliminated.

What about his kid?

-You can send in another team.
-I can't risk it. There's no time.

General, that city
is coming apart.

God only knows what kind of
madmen are running loose out there.

We came here tonlght


Andlamhere to tellyou people
that Godhasaplan.

That we remember
one thlngtonlght.


There are no angels left
ln the CityofAngels.

They've beengone

forthe devIlls the only


A slumofevllandsln.

Andhe has...

from the llght!


When we layourheads
down tonlght...

we shouldnot do so
ln fearthough.


Because thls lsnot the
endofthe world. No,no.

You'll wake the others.

Llke SodomandGomorrah...

Godhaschosen to take


No. No...

God said:
"Let this be a day of reckoning.

A day to gather the sinners
and cast them down!"

He speaksofthe Beast.

Rememberwe have
saw the otherface.

Find me repulsive, do you?

So do l.

Though I've accepted this burden
as one I must carry...

until that day.

The day He shall descend
upon this Earth...

and unleash His wrath!

A day which has finally come.

-Please, don't!
-It 's fast, you know.

Faster than you might think.

Just ask them.

There's nothing to fear.

Your time will come...

when the dark of night
gives way to sun.

Also forcedeveryone

free andslaves...

to recelve amark
onhlsrlght hand.

Whlchls the name ofthe Beast.

All right, this is it.
Norris, cut that lock.

Cell sites must be shut down. Lines
too. I tried a pay phone. Nothing.

Well, considering we're
about to blow up most of LA...

I'd sure fell better if we could
reach out somebody for the okay.

I'd be more worried about
drilling a hole with this shit.

-Can you do it?
-You bet.

If I've to get down there and
lick a drill bit clean myself.


So the rabbi turns
to the priest and says:

"Hell of a lot better
than pork, ain't it?"

You get it? Pork?

I know what you're thinking.

Good looking, smart and funny.
Too good to be true.


do you wanna... I don't know,
grab a beer or something later?

I'm talking after we nuke LA, so
we might have to go someplace else.

Come on, doc!
Let 's pick it up!

-This guy, man...
-I'll get him.

She'll come around.

-Just looking for my second wind.
-You've been doing it all night.

I'd say it left you
about five years ago.

Oh, Julie.

I haven't seen you. It doesn't mean
I have not been thinking of you.

Thinking about someone and being
there are two different things.

We're glad to see
you got one of them right.

-We should keep it moving.
-Yes, we should.

-He never should have come.
-It 's his show.

He likes running it
from the front lines.

-Doesn't trust anyone but himself.
-Must have been tough...

growing up with that.

Not really.

He wasn't around enough
to do any real damage.

All right, people.
Cash and carry. Let 's move!

It has to be them. They're still
heading toward the target site.

At that speed? lmpossible.
Are they carrying the damn things?

I want visual confirmation
that our team has those devices.

Yes, sir.

Tango seven, we needa vlsual
conflrmatlonofthe target. Over.

Rogerthat,Command. Should
have a vlsualanysecond.

Tango seven,do youhave a vlsual?

Negatlve. There'sno slgn...

Checkthat. I've got ATV
tracksgolnglnto the tunnel.

-Yes! They're in.
-And still on schedule.

-Let 's hope it stays that way.
-I can tell you this about Ryan:

he never quits.

I'm not worried about Beckett.

It 's the rest of the world.

All right, people.

Okay, hold on.
Talk to me, Doc.

Another thirty meters
should be optimal.

Mac, you and Dr. Sallin head to
the site. Norris, you go with them.

-Get that rig up and running.
-On the bus, Gus.

Styles! Find aspot to park that
second nuke. And don't touch it.

But it 's so sexy.

Not bad. We've got 15 hours.
8 hours to drill. 4 hours to evac.

Three hours to buy some
popcorn for the main attraction.

Unless we hit another snag.

What is your purpose here? You're
starting to wear out your welcome.

Well, why don't you ask
Ms. McGrath?

Since she's the reason
I was brought along.

Go ahead. Tell him what
you told the President.

How you didn't trust him
to get the job done.

Colonel, I didn't...

Well, now you know, Colonel.

They sent me to pick up the ball
when you've dropped it.

I've never dropped it.

Yes, just be careful. Make sure
the flutter valve isn't obscure.

Good. Good. I'm not going
to tell you your jobs.

Would you know it?

LA's last night and
not an ounce of smog in the sky.

Okay. You wanna know the truth?
Yeah, I had some doubts about you.

You don't say.

What did you expect? You didn't
make the best first impression.

You mean saving your life?

-You must really hate him.
-Leave the psychobabble to pros.

God knows I've heard
enough of it.

I've spent most of my life...

Iistening to people tell me
what a great man he was.

How proud I should be
that he was out there...

making the world a better place.

He was always the same.

The night before he left...

he'd take me out back.
We'd look up at the stars.

And he'd say:

"You'll never be alone, Jules.

Not with all those stars."

And then he'd leave.

You'llneverbe alone,Jules.

Not withallthose stars.

Be ablgglrlnow,Jules.
No tears.

I'llbe back.

Fortyhoursafterit began...

the evacuatlonofLosAngeles

The city'sa vlrtualghost townat
thlshour. Desertedandabandoned.

Not slnce the bomblngofHlroshlma
have we seenanythlngllke it.

Now the country

Its fate ln the handsofthe team
who must do the unthlnkable.

Sacrlflce acityto save the world.

Easy on that torque, Norris!
lf this rotor gives out, we're screwed.

-Shut the drill.
-Shut it down!

Shut it down!

-Hold on, everybody.
-The other nuke.

Styles, wait!

-No, no.


Come on!

How much longer?

One hour. Two at the most.

Fine. Get back to it.

-Sir, l...
-Damn it, Mac! Just do what I say!

You're battling a thousand.

Andsangthe songsofMoses,
the servant ofGod.

Andthe songofthe land.

Great andmarvelousare your

Yes, Jesus. Jesus.

Jesus, amen!

the ordeallshere lnLA.

We know these are troubledtlmes.

We know the power ofGod
ls withallofus. Amen!

Are you listening, Lord?


Yes! Yes!

It 's time! It 's time,
brothers and sisters!

Are you listening?
Are you listening to the good word?

Are you listening to
the good word? Lord!

God. Save me.

God! Save me!

Is thlssome klndof...

some klndofprotectlon?
ls thls Yourwork?

You should take a look at this.

-I said you should take a look at this.
-Yes, I heard what you said.

That quake.

It changed something.

I ran a relative motion check
against our last GPS position...

and it seems...

well, it seems the plate
has picked up some speed.

Now at the rate of
this acceleration...

one expl*si*n won't be
enough to stop it.

-We'll detonate the other nuke.
-Is that what it says?

-Here. Take a look for yourself.
-Have you done a full diagnostic?

Have you calculated the
relative and peripheral motions?

Yes, I did it all.
And I'm telling you.

-I think I'm right about this.
-You "think" you're right.

Jules, have you got any ideawhat
will happen if we overcook this?

We could have aseismic effect
that would destroy every city...

on the Pacific seaboard.

You want us to risk this because
you think you're right about this.

Now there is a distinction
between thinking you're right...

and being right!

And you should know that by now!

Is that it?

-Is that all you have to say?
-There's a great deal I could say.

I'm sure there is, but we don't have
time to talk about it right now.

Look at the numbers again.
Run your own peripherals.

But don't just ignore this data
because it 's coming from me.

Stop being irrational!

Is it really that difficult
for you to admit...

that for once in your life
you are wrong about this...

and that I am right?

-I am right about this!
-Right about what?

The second nuke.
We're going to have set it off.

-That is not true, Colonel.
-The hell it 's not.

Look, we never took into
account the seismic disruptions.

With every quake,
the speed of the plate changes.

Now based on the current velocity...

one blast won't be
enough to stop it.

I'm not authorized to do that.

Well, call someone.
Get some f*cking authorization.

Unless you want to be the guy that
didn't save us because of asignature.

All right. Let 's say for asecond
I buy into this. What 's the game plan?

-Now just a minute, Colonel.
-Ladies first, Doc.

The second blast has
to occur near or at...

...the same depth as the first.

-We'll drop them both.
-No, no, it doesn't work that way.

They're not cumulative.

Ground zero
for the second device...

has to be at least
ten miles away from here.

-We have to spread out the force.
-Jesus Christ!

-I ran the numbers three times.
-We haven't time to dig a2nd hole.

You don't need to.
She's wrong.

I thought all the
cell sites were down.

-Go for Beckett.
-Colonel, General Moore.


We thought we lost you last night.
What the hell happened?

We encountered some resistance.
Not everyone's evacuated the city.

Listen, Ryan.
The President is here.

He understands the situation.
Are we still on schedule?

For the moment. Though it appears
we may have another problem.

-What is it, Beckett?
-Ms. McGrathsaysit'snecessary...

to detonate the secondnuke.

She says it 's the only way.

Does the doctor agree with her?

Actually no. He believes
one should do the trick.

Dr. Sallin is our chief advisor
on this mission.

His word is gospel.
Do you understand?

Colonel,do youcopy?

Yes, sir. I copy.

By the way...

I got word that your daughter's
on a plane to DC as we speak.

Thanks, General. Always knew
I could count on you, sir.

You have to believe me.

If you don't do this,
Anderson, Styles...

it will mean nothing.

-Yes, sir?

-How close are you?
-In the zone. Ready when you are.

Fine. Prep the nuke.
Let 's get it down there.

Norris, give Fingers ashout. Make
sure he's ready to roll. All right.

-Where do you think you're going?
-I have an errand. I'm on schedule.

An errand? Nobody leaves
until we complete this mission.

You see that? That 's my daughter.
She's still in the city.

Colonel Beckett...

our orders are to complete the mission.
I advise you stay where you are.

Consider me advised.

I'm going to have to insist.

No one's ever pulled aweapon
on me without using it.

So be it.

The ball's in my hand now, Colonel.

It 'll hurt. Trust me.

-You okay?
-Peaches, sir.

That 's your kid out there.
Go get her.

Give me an excuse.

You okay, Doc?

Yes. I'm fine, I'm fine.

I just want to check one thing.

-What the hell are you doing?
-I'm coming with you.

Like hell you are.

There's no other way, Colonel.
I can't activate it.

Only you can.

Where are you?


Thogh we walkthrough
the valleyofSanFernando...

we fearno evll!

Hearthe Lord!

We have obeyedHlm.

-I don't have time for this.
-You better make time.

Otherwise, there won't be aworld
left for you and your daughter.

It 's your choice.

-What if you're wrong?
-She's not wrong.

You were right, Jules.

One blast will not be enough.
That was good work.

Absolutely first rate in fact.

Yes, well, anyway...

Remember: at least
ten miles from here.

You know...

in all the time we were apart,
there was never...

a day that I did not miss you.

There was never a minute
that I wasn't proud of you.

And there has never
been an instant...

that I did not love you.


I love you.

And I love you.


You've got to go now, girl.
Go on. Go and do it.

Is this thing insured?

Probably not.

We're going hot.

-2 hours. What 's our evac status?
-We're cool, man!

Just phone home when
you're on the way, baby, okay?

Copy that. Norris out.

Shake your groovy thing, baby.

Yes,people,it lshot,
we allknowit.

-But yourfaithln the Lord...
-It 's time.


You can scream all you want.

-Oh, baby.

-I'm here, sweetheart.

It 's okay. Honey, where's Tara?
Where's she?

She's... she's gone. Daddy!

-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
-It 's okay now, honey. I'm here.

You're gonna be fine.
I got you.

-I got you.
-Fifty minutes.


Fifty minutes.

Can you walk? All right.

Yes, sir.

The nuke is set.
But we've got another situation.

Beckett 's gone AWOL
with the second device.

Intentions unknown.

-Reacquire the device at any cost.

-Do you understand?

I'll find him.

Are you a God-fearing man?


Where are the others?

Hey, Doc.

-You should be careful with that.
-Answer me!

They're setting the device.

Go have a look.
They're just right down there.

You k*lled them.

You k*lled them all.

Your g*n. Put it on the floor.

You're a man of science, Doc.

You understand protocol.
That 's all this is. It 's just...

simple science.

They told you to go after them,
right? They told you to stop them.

Now you listen to me.
Julie was right!

There has to be
asecond expl*si*n!

-Give me your phone.

-I need to talk to them.

-I didn't know.
-Nobody knew. Just...

give me the phone. I have to
tell them I was wrong. Give it!

You're a good man, Doc.

You love your daughter
and I admire that, but...

we all have our orders.

-Why can't we drop it down asewer?
-It won't work. It 's too shallow.

It has to be at least
a few hundred feet.

-All right.
-I know a place.

-What 's that, honey?
-There's a real deep hole.

I saw it with Matt and Krissy.


They're on the move.
Heading east.

Now entering Sunset Boulevard
subway station.

-Did you get that, Agent?
-Copy that, sir. I'm on route.


Where's this vent of yours?

It 's around the North Hollywood
station. Just past it.

-How far is that?
-Six miles. Could be more.

-That 'll take an hour. We have...
-Thirty-one minutes.

We're never gonna make it in time.
Not on foot. Not carrying that!

-Do you know how to run this thing?
-I'll improvise.

Not bad.

-Now if only I could stop it...
-Did you try using the pedals?

-Thanks, smart ass.
-Come on, guys. Let 's go.

-Got that?
-Got it. Go!

-We can't afford to risk this.

Honey? Are you sure about this?

Yeah, Dad. I'm sure.

It 's down here.

This is it.

What is this place?

Come on. Let 's do it.

Holy shit.

This may just work.

What he means to say is
you kick ass.

You have to detonate them
at exactly the same moment.

Otherwise the first one will
wipe out the second one entirely.

That 's what I'm doing.
Syncing them up.

They're on the same
internal clocks.

Here. Use this to cut the mesh.

Honey, you better move back.

This is my stop, Colonel.

Disarm the b*mb and step away.


I'm under direct orders from
the President of United States!

He doesn't have all the information.
One b*mb isn't gonna do the job.

One more time, Colonel.

-Disarm the device and step away.
-It 's already been armed.

-You can't do it without the code.
-I know that.

That 's the only reason you're
still alive. But thankfully...

your daughter here
is expendable.

For Christ 's sake! Look at the
timer. We're under 18 minutes.

All the more reason
for you to do as I say!

If we don't set this thing off,
she's gonna die anyway.

I may not have been there
when she was born...

...but I'll be there at the end.
-I'm touched.

Have it your way.


I'll get the disarm code
from the General myself.

We're 3O feet underground.
Good luck getting asignal.

This is aswitch. The good guy's
trying to set off the b*mb...

and the bad guy's
trying to stop him.

The good guy?

Who said you're the good guy?
You have five seconds.

Shut it down!

I'm the good guy, Colonel!

-Are you okay?
-Yeah. Let 's go!

We got twelve minutes.
Move! Move!

-We're not gonna make it!
-The hell we're not.

I'll be damned.

What are you guys doing here?
They sent me to pick up Kellaway.

-Go, go!
-Change of plans, pal. Come on.

-Kellaway is still out of range.
-Just find him!

Lose the signal. Try again.

We have twin detonations, sir.

Both warheads are go.

Plate movement decelerating.

-It 's slowing down.

It 's working, sir!

It stopped, sir.

Well done, Colonel.