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Stander (2003)

Posted: 09/04/23 11:29
by bunniefuu
[ Laughing ]

[ Man ]
Andre, you're mad!
You're mad!

Oh, Je--

No, no, no!

No! No! No! Aah!

Oh, shit.

Oh, sorry, Captain.
I didn't recognize you.

Anything serious?
Oh, usual business.

Carry on.

I'm the force now.

[ Siren Wailing ]

[ Boy ]
Come on!

** [ Festive Pop ]

Hey. Hey. Shh!

** [ Stops ]
Come here, guys.
Come, come, come.

[ Clears Throat ]

- Oh, no, no, no, no.
- [ Men Shouting, Laughing ]

Hold it--
[ Clearing Throat ]
There you are.

All right, um,
I would like to toast
my best friend, Andre...


who has had the good fortune to
marry the most beautiful woman
in our country.

In all Africa!

Excuse me. Sorry.
I stand corrected.
He's had the good fortune--

- You've said that.
- 'Cause it's worth repeating,
you lucky bastard.

- You get to marry her twice.
- [ All Laughing ]

Do not screw it up
this time. Okay?

You're getting a second chance
at this.

So just enrich our numbers
with some new Stander blood!

- Hip-hip!
- Hooray!

- Hip-hip!
- Hooray!

[ All Shouting, Laughing ]

Yes! Oh, yes!

You are bastards!
Bastards all of you!

Where are you, Andre?

With you on a beach.

But we're 18.

It's America.
Fort Lauderdale.

[ Laughing ]

Rock and roll is playing.
We're running through the surf.

And have you
lost our hotel keys yet?

I'm gonna take you back there.

You're crazy.
I will. You'll see.

You're crazy.
[ Shutter Clicks ]

All I need is you.

I want it to be
different now, Bekk.

I need you
to help me this time.

I need you to tell me I won't
get sucked back into the muck.

You can do it, Andre.

Just promise me that whatever
undercover crime-infested hippie
drug den you find yourself in...

that I'll be there.

In your thoughts, I mean.


[ Bekkie Laughing ]

[ Both Laughing ]

[ Squeals,
Continues Laughing ]

Hey. Hey.

[ Grunting ]

[ Siren Wailing, Faint ]
[ Man Speaking On Radio,
Faint ]

[ Man ]
Bad business, Andre.

Single woman. She's about 32.
Dead maybe 8 or 10 hours.

It's clearly m*rder,
but there's no motive
we can make out.

Wounds are vicious.
Looks like a serrated edge.

Think she knew the guy?
There's no signs
of forced entry.

Not much of
a struggle either.

We'll need sh*ts
of the bedroom as well.

And check the bathroom door
and the taps for prints.
Where's the child?

She had a girl,
maybe 5 years old.
Any sign of her?

That child was here last night.
We have a m*rder-kidnapping.

And if we don't move fast,
that list will grow.
I'll get you the reports--

You're in charge, Cor.
Get used to it.

I've got a date
with my wife.

[ TV: Reporter ]
In the wake of rioting...

which broke out in Soweto
two days ago,

v*olence continues
to erupt in townships...

with students
organizing protests...

against Afrikaans
as the language
of instruction.

In Tembisa, a number of schools
and administration buildings
have been torched.

Municipal beer halls
and liquor stores
have been burned down...

and police
have erected roadblocks
at all township entrances.

While the anti-urban
terrorism unit continues
to patrol the townships,

all members of the police force
have been placed
on riot duty alert.

A number of arrests
have been made.

What is going
to happen, Andre?

The Department
of Bantu Education...

has closed all schools
in Soweto and Alexandra.

[ Dog Barking, Faint ]
[ Baby Wailing, Faint ]

[ People Chattering ]

[ Man Speaking Afrikaans ]


What's this?

Live rounds today,
no extra charge.
Courtesy of the general.

Too many of you
caught changing the rubber
for D-cells anyway.

[ Man Continues In Afrikaans ]

[ Man Shouting Commands
In Afrikaans ]

I can feel it, Andre.

It's a bad day.

Don't, Cor.
It'll be fine.

It's Rita.
If anything happens to me--

Of course.
And you'll do the same
for me with Bekkie, huh?


[ Man Shouting In Zulu ]
[ Group Shouts Response ]

- [ Man ] Oliver Tambo!
- [ Crowd Shouting, Singing ]
* Oliver Tambo

[ Crowd Continues Shouting,
Singing Response ]

[ Man ]
Oliver Tambo!

[ Singing,
Shouting Continue ]

[ Singing,
Shouting Continue ]

[ Man Shouting
In Zulu ]

[ Crowd Responding
Rhythmically In Zulu ]

[ Man Continues Shouting ]
[ Crowd Continues
Responding Rhythmically ]

Away with Afrikaans!
[ Crowd Shouts ] Away!

Away with Afrikaans!

Away with Afrikaans!

More power!
More power!

[ Woman ]
More power!
[ Man ] More power!

[ Baby Crying ]

This is
a illegal gathering!

- [ Woman Screaming ]
- [ Chattering ]

The time is now 9:23!

You have three minutes!

At 9:26 you must...


- Thank you very much!
- [ Individual Protesters
Shouting ]

[ Shouts In Afrikaans ]

[ Screaming ]

- [ Man Continues Screaming ]
- [ Crowd Chattering, Shouting ]

[ Cameraman Shouting
In Afrikaans ]

Requesting you
that instead of...

making a mockery
of this warning...

that you disperse,
effective immediately!

[ Policeman Shouts ]

[ Continues Shouting
In Afrikaans ]

Coming back!

[ Officer Continues
Shouting On Bullhorn ]

[ Officer On Bullhorn ]
Stop this action immediately!

[ Growling ]

[ Officer On Bullhorn ]
Stop this action!
Leave this place immediately!

We need backup, quickly!

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Groans ]

[ Officer ]
Hold your fire!

Hold it!

Stop this action

[ Officer On Bullhorn ]
Now we must take action
against you!

You have been warned!

Fire at will!

[ g*nshots ]

Get him out of here!

[ Shouting Continues ]

[ Man Continues Shouting ]

[ Shotgun Blast ]

[ Shouting, Screaming Muted ]

[ Shouting, Screaming Resumes ]

** [ Man Singing Mournfully ]

[ Baby Crying ]

** [ Singing Continues ]

[ Speaking In Zulu ]

- You know the policy on this?
- Not at all.

He will.

Think we'll get overtime
on this?

Jesus! Andre!
Andre, what's wrong?

[ Grunting, Groaning ]


Andre, it's okay--
[ Policeman Yelling ]

It's okay! It's okay!
Andre! It's all right!

Come on! Come on!
It's all right.
It's all right.

It's all right.
It's all right.

[ Coughs ]

Harold told me
you was coming.

Why do the wrong ones
keep dying, Pa?

I shot a man today.

[ Sighs ]

[ Speaking In Afrikaans ]

Speak English, Dad,

If you hadn't shot him,
what then?

The riots
would continue, sir.
And then?

Maybe they would take power.

Eventually they will.

They would k*ll us,
those of us who stayed.
Wouldn't they?

Maybe they're not like us.

This country would become
like the rest of Africa--

disease-ridden, corrupt.

Popular leaders who m*rder
their own people, steal millions
from the treasury...

and then go off
to die of cancer
in Swiss clinics.

Our blacks have the highest
standard of living
on the continent.

Son, you helped
the Africans today--

By murdering unarmed men?

Unless you call this
a w*apon?

[ Man ]
You can't avoid riot duty,
Stander. No one likes it.

Some of them do.

Let them do it.

You've discussed this
with your father?

He has nothing
to do with this.

Yes. Riot squad is
an important part of your duty,
like it or not.

And asking to be
relieved from it--

You're making a good name
for yourself.

You're the youngest
captain in the force.

You know what this
will mean to your career.

I realize what this
will mean to me, sir.

** [ Man Singing, Faint: Punk ]

** [ Headphones:
Singing Continues ]

[ Sighs ]
For God's sake.

[ Loud ]
* To you

** [ Stops ]
Sorry. Didn't mean
to wake you.

Don't you do this to me.
Don't you dare shut me out.
It's me.

[ Panting ]

I wasn't defending myself.
I wasn't defending my family.

The only thing I maybe
might have been defending...

was my own-- What?

And even then,
it's not mine.

Saving Stander face.
Holding up my end.

Which is
a bullshit excuse...

for my sh**ting people,
k*lling people.

You've got to stop this.

You know, the truly
amazing thing is--


don't even feel worse
than I do.

Please... just--


Please don't.

Oh, for Christ's sake.

Where the hell
is everyone?

They've all been called up.
That b*mb in Soweto.

They have to
enforce a curfew.

And meanwhile
we let everything
go to shit here.

You know, a white man could
get away with anything today,

while the police
are too busy
crushing the blacks!

[ Ringing ]

[ Door Opens ]
Coming for lunch, sir?

Terrifically busy.
Thank you.

[ Man ]
Newspaper. Newspaper.

Newspaper. Newspaper.
Newspaper. Newspaper.

Paper, paper, paper.

** [ Radio: Man Singing ]

[ Woman ]
Hey! Hey, excuse me!

Did you see what he did?

[ Cocks g*n ]
He just comes barging in,
pushing past.


I mean,
we're a queue here.

We are all waiting.
You're not the only one
in a hurry.

What if we all did that, eh?

It would be
a bit of a mess,
wouldn't it?

I don't know.

After all, this is a bank.

- You're supposed to
behave yourself.
- [ Bell Dings ]

Some gentleman!

No. No. No, no, no.
He was wearing--
wearing a blue suit...

and, um,
big sunglasses on his face,
big sunglasses.

He had big sunglasses
and-- and a blue suit.
Yes, I think--

[ Boy Shouting ]

[ Shouting Continues ]

You can drop these
at lunchtime tomorrow.
I'll be in meetings all day.

And what are these?
[ Gasps ]

[ Chuckles, Laughing ]
What's got into you?

I blew off some steam.
That's all I needed.

It won't happen again.

If these are to make up for
a week of nothing but trouble,
you can keep your roses.

But it might cost you
the Bolton.
Oh, no.

[ Both Laughing ]

** [ Man Singing,
Ethereal, Indistinct ]

[ Chuckles, Pants ]

[ Man ] It'll only take two men.
I didn't believe him.
Only two men.

He said, yeah, two men
and a hundred blacks.
[ Man #2 Laughing ]

A hundred kaffirs.
[ Laughing Continues ]

[ Man #2 ]
That's rich.

[ Man #1 ]
What about one man
and 200 kaffirs, huh?

[ Both Laughing ]

Bring it in.
We'll take care of it for you.

- Thanks very much.
- Thank you.

Going around the corner!

[ Children Shouting ]

[ Pleading Shouts ]

So, he showed
the teller the g*n,

and apparently threatened
to blow his head off if he
didn't hand over the money.

[ Stander ]
Anyone else hear that?

Uh, no.
Apparently they were
quite busy at the time.

And then he exited through
the front of the bank,
went into the street.

The security guard
pursued him,
but lost him immediately.

Any description?

the same good looker
that hit the first bank.

Put out an alert
and stake out
the downtown banks.

All right.
Thanks, guys.

The '68 Nederburg.

[ Sighs, Laughs ]

All right.

Go ahead.

Oh! Oh.

And two of them, Andre.
It's beautiful.
They're beautiful.

We can't--
We can't afford these.

There were old assets
in my family.

I decided
it was time to cash in.

Well, you certainly did.

It's time you had
something as lovely
as you are.

Tell me everything's
all right.

Everything's all right.

Nothing solid.

He keeps his head down,
seems to know where
the cameras are.

six foot, suit, red hair.


Probably a disguise.
Yeah. Right.

I know.
It's been a bad day.
You okay now?

I'm sure, miss,
you've been through this
over and over,

but could you tell me
exactly what you saw?

- You.
- Me?

I mean--

[ Chuckling ]

I-I don't know what I mean.

It's just he was,
you know,

like you.

Want to take me in,

[ All Laughing ]

I don't know.
Some kind of satisfaction.
Fame, maybe?

Well, he's got
our attention.
I'll give him that.

He keeps pushing,
raising the stakes,
upping the ante.

He's probably contemplating
something daring next.

Something big.

The airport.

The foreign exchange windows.
Morning flight arrivals.

A thousand foreigners,
exchanging dollars,
pounds, marks.

The airport, really?
That's a stretch.

But I got a feeling
about this bugger.
A very strong feeling.

Take a team, Cor.
Stake it out.

Yes, that is a firearm,
but I don't intend to use it.
Give me all your money.

Captain Deventer?

What? Three? In an hour?

[ Man ]
We just got these in.

[ Chuckles ]

He's one smooth oak.

[ Sirens Wailing ]

Something on your mind,

You know, Andre,
if you want to get away,

just you and Bekkie,
just to let things settle
away from this madness,

I'll cover for you,
as long as it takes.

I'll keep that in mind.

As a friend,
hey, we all need
a change of scenery.

[ r*fles Cocking ]

[ Cor ]
Captain Stander.

Sir, you are
under arrest.

I'll have to have
your g*n, Andre.

We've had a 90-man team
on you, Andre.

What took you so long?

I'm not as good as you.

[ Sighs ]

You've gotten better.
[ Chuckles ]

Could you please just
turn around and put your hands
behind your back, please?

[ Handcuffs Locking ]

[ Man On TV ] The state
of bank robberies plaguing
the Johannesburg area...

could finally come to an end
with a surprising arrest.

The suspect in the so-called
"White Collar Robber Case"
has been captured.

In a startling
turn of events,

an arrest was made of
none other than Johannesburg
police Captain Andre Stander.

The extent of the captain's
alleged involvement in
the robberies on the Reef...

is not determined
at this time, though
28 charges are pending.

Among them are several counts
of robbery, attempted m*rder,

illegal possession of firearms,
forgery and pottering.

More news after this.

I have three sons
who do motorcycle riding.

Their clothes are
just caked in mud.

[ Man ]
Does the defense
have witnesses?

[ Man #2]
Uh, none.

Then do you have a statement,
Captain Stander,

before I consider judgment?

I'm tried for
robbing banks.

But I have k*lled
unarmed people.
[ Murmuring ]

That is not the business
of this court.

Do you have
anything more to say?


"The court only
attaches importance...

"to the accused's
reckless endangerment
of innocent people...

"that he had sworn
to his country to protect.

"No account
is taken of his prior
record and commendations.

The court sentences
former Captain Andre Stander
to 32 years imprisonment."

[ Spectators Murmuring ]

Dirty f*cking Harry.

He won't last long.

Who's got the balls?
You, Lee?

[ Door Closing ]

[ Lock Locking ]

[ Lee ]
Hey! That psycho kidnapper
will be out before you.

How does that make you
feel, supercop?

Lee McCall.
I used to hit banks...

back home in Australia.

[ Man #2 ]
You're not Australian,
you bastard.

Sing the national anthem, then.

[ Lee ]
* Wallaby and Kangaroo

* Will ever runnin'
be free and... true-- **

I'm f*ckin' no Australian--
Lee McCall.

You've been inside
11 of the last 12 years.

Bad checks, stolen cars,
credit cards.

Small-time habitual.

Hit the bank?
You've never even
had an account.

Why, it sounds like
you know me.

Your file crossed
my desk... once.

"The car must stay
full of petrol.

"Ask my father to please
empty my treasure chest
and put the money in the boot,

"shift the seat back
please, Bekk,
I may be handcuffed.

"I feel like the lowest
of the low for asking you
these things.

Or are you enjoying
the adventure?"

- How did he get it past them?
- Oh, he didn't.

A friend of mine
slipped it to me before
the press got hold of it.

He's a flight risk now.
One letter a month,
no visitation rights.

- Would you have helped him?
- Of course.

If he had been caught,
the appeal would have
been denied.

Bekkie, I may be selfish,
but that is the only hope I have
of seeing him out before I die.

Don't encourage him.

Oh, Bekkie.

There are parts of Andre
I'm afraid we'll never know.

You didn't marry him twice.

[ Stander's Voice ]
My friend, Cor.

After two years in here,
I am an honest man.

I no longer worry
that I'm living a lie.

I have more respect
for the sorted criminals
I find myself amongst...

than I did for the cops
I used to know.

Thugs, bullies,
cut-up buggers...

smoking stolen cigars
at my very own wedding.

Robbed goods paid out
in the name of
so-called protection.

I'd rather rob a bank
than accept a gift that
was given out of fear.

Oh, not for me.
I've got a half shoulder.

Parachuting accident.

How do you spell
parachute? Eh?

I don't know.

[ Man Shouting ]

[ Stander ]
Hey, asslicker!


I'm on to you.

- I want to take a trade test.
- Who gives a shit?

On the 31st.
Outside these walls.

Outside. Really?

You're soft.

I think you've
lost your nerve.

I don't need to
prove myself to you.

I was robbing banks
years before you.

I robbed my first bank
with my finger.

With your finger?


You swine.

See, I was born to it.

Chaos. It's all I know.

Well, Allan, when I get out,
maybe I'll come back
and get you.

Thank you, but, uh,
that's not how I see it, Andre.

When I get out,
I'll come back and get you.

You hear that, McCall?

- Heyl thinks
he'll beat us to it.
- Huh?

- [ Chattering ]
- Scrum up!

- Engage!
- [ Grunting ]

- [ Whistle Blowing ]
- Oh, God!

Your mother balls!

f*ckin' does cop
broke my f*ckin' arm!

[ Groaning ]
Get off!

- [ Shouting ]
- [ Whistle Blowing ]

- [ Whistle Blowing ]
- [ Shouting Continues ]

Get off!
Get up, boys!

Break it up!

Break it up!
Come on, break it up!

[ Groaning ]

Let's check your mobility.


I'm looking at 30 more years
here. Do you think I care
if I live or die?

How about your friend?
Does he care?

Does his wife?
His kids?
[ Whimpers ]

Come on, give me that!
Give it! You too!
Come on!

You fat boy!
Give me the g*n!
Lay on the ground!

[ Lee ]

Now why don't you be a good ou
and take these off of me.

[ Stander ]

Tell me about your cars.

Lee, come on.

[ Speaking
Foreign Language ]

You did fine, son.
Just fine.

[ Speaking Foreign Language ]
[ Foreign Language ]

Is this yours, Granddad.
This yours, is it?

I'll take this.
[ Sighs ]

Nothing more up-to-date?

[ Knocking ]

Get in here!
Thank you for coming.

[ Siren Blaring ]
Pull over! Pull over!

Please step out, Miss.

I didn't know about it!
[ Groans ]

This way.

Is there a problem?
No problem.

I would have gone with them!

Thank you
for your cooperation.

[ Phone Ringing ]

- Guten tag.
- [ Yelling ]

It's Andre.
He's done it.

Good afternoon, sir.
Good afternoon.

Do you see that gentleman
behind me?

He's my second. He's here to
make sure that after I leave,
you don't do anything stupid.

Fill it up.

You're a lovely woman.

* Well, I take
whatever I want to *

* And, baby, I want you *

[ Phone Ringing ]
...previously convicted in
a series of bank robberies,

escaped today from custody.
[ Ringing ]

It is suspected that
the precisely ex*cuted escape...

was planned by Stander...
[ Ringing ]

with the assistance
of Patrick Lee McCall.

Both men were
wearing disguises.

[ Ringing ]

[ Ringing ]

[ Line Ringing ]

[ Ringing ]

If that is you Andre, then
I trust that God will help me
to do the right thing.

[ Lee ]
I'll bet they're pulling out
all the stops to find us.

I can tell you what
they're doing right now.

They're sitting
in a meeting in Jo'Burg.
Smoking fat cigars.

Trying to figure out
how to handle this without
making themselves look...

even more witless
than they already are.

Bastards. Oh, no,
you can't be serious.

You're next.
Nah. There's no need.

Cops have got nothing on me.
No photos, nothing.

You lying shit, man.

[ Grinding ]

Lie down!

Lie down!
Lie down!

Allan! Allan!

Outside the walls, Allan.
Trade test is over.

Let's go.


Nice to see you.

[ Laughing ]

I'm Peter Grey.
I'm very pleased to meet you.

[ Laughing ]
Kenny Roberts.

Brandon Clayton!

You swine!

Now, where to, my Chinas?
Now what do we do?

We f*ck with the system,
we crumble its foundations and
capitalize on the new disorder.

What the f*ck is that
supposed to mean?

It means we rob
every bank between here
and the other side of Jo'Burg.

- [ All Laughing ]
- Whoo! Whoo!


- It's empty.
- Fill it.

Fill it.

The bank's money or yours?

[ Man ]
Help! Anybody help!
We've just been robbed!

Careful they got a g*n, eh!

[ Shouting ]

I think it is, eh?
Do you-- Do you mean we've
been robbed by Andre Stander?

Uh, yes, sir.
Oh! Hey!

We've been robbed
by Andre Stander, eh!
[ Murmuring ]

Andre Stander!
Oh, that's something, eh?
Yeah. We'll just need you to--

The rent will be collected
on the first of each month.

The water is included
but not electricity.

And we expect the house to be
kept in a clean condition.
Of course.

Do you have any references,
Mr. Clayton?

How about 2,000 rand, cash?

The best for my friends.

[ Whistling ]
Tell me, sir, uh,
which side do you dress?

Uh, well, I usually just pull
them straight up like that.

Jesus! We look like bank
presidents, not bank robbers!

Then, we'll need some wheels
to match, eh!

[ Alarm Ringing ]

[ Shouting ]
Wait! Stop!

Extremely high-powered, more
than capable of 180, not that
I've tried it personally.

But the Targa
is the classic Porsche.

There are only four
in the country, Mr. Marshall--
It is Mr. Marshall, isn't it?

This is the only one in this
particularly bright, vibrant
color of canary yellow--

Where the f*ck
are you going, man?
I'm just going!

Speed, man.
That's how they got you.
You pushed it too far.

If you go fast enough,
you can't see where
you've come from.

I just think treating him
like any other criminal
won't work.

Any other criminal wasn't
Captain of Detectives.

If we act like we're desperate
to apprehend Stander,

it makes us only look
like we're scared of him.
Aren't we?

He's one man.
We're the damned government.

Well, now he's three--
Well, whatever.
Bring him in. Quietly.

We are in control here,
g*dd*mn it!

As you say, sir.

Morning, cowboy.
You're good at
collecting money.

Give us a hand, eh?


Come on. Come on.
Move it!

Hey, lady.
Sit down. Back off, huh?

Thank you.
Excuse me.
Fill her up.

- Oh!
- That's good. Zip it up.
Zip it up. Okay. Very good.

Do they pay you much?

Twenty seconds.
Took 7,000 in cash.

But I knew all about
their other robberies, so--

There's 25,000 rand in there.
[ Chuckles ]

[ Woman On Radio, Indistinct ]

A downtown bank manager
has reported that
due to his foresight,

the g*ng missed a substantial
sum hidden in a secondary safe.

It's 52 degrees
on the Reef.

In case you have a short memory,
this is a f*cking robbery.

Three banks were robbed
in the Johannesburg area today.

One of them, twice.

Andre Stander, the mastermind,
brazenly returned to the bank...

and allegedly
robbed a second set
of its contents.

Peace in Lebanon is up for
debate as the U.S. and France--

It must be hard on you, boss?

Yeah. It is.

Very kind of you
to ask, Harold.

[ Woman On TV ]
The latest on the Stander g*ng,

is that
Andre Stander look-a-like,
Mr. Mark Jennings,

has been arrested
for the third time.

Mr. Jennings spoke
to our reporter today
upon his release.

I can't walk in the streets,
I can't do my business.

I've been arrested
three times as a Stander
and not one apology. Not one!

Just this morning--

Oh, poor bugger.
His 15 minutes used up.

It's enough to
drive anybody crazy.

Do you fancy going out
and stealing a car?

[ Wind Chime Clanging ]

[ Sighs ]

- [ Giggling ]
- [ Chattering Softly ]

[ Woman Laughing ]

Hey! Hey, Andre! Andre!
She's cool! She's my woman!
I love her!

Every time you f*ck
you fall in love!

You understand.
You're one of us now.

You f*ck up,
you give us to the cops,
you're dead!

Like that.

[ Door Slams ]

[ Sighs ]

That was nice.

She'll turn on us,
she'll turn on him...

the first time she's pushed.

Hey, don't take
any notice of him, huh?

He's just jealous
'cause you're my chickie, eh?

Come here, my little Talia.

Don't worry. Come on.
Tarzan take you back to bed now.

[ Giggling ]

I've been in twice.
She's seen me too much.
You do this one, you two.

She has a lot of firepower
at her fingertips, Andre.

[ Stander ]
It'll be easy.
Lee, you distract her.

Send her to the back for Beretta
r*fles. Allan, hop over the
counter, ready for her return.

Don't worry, Allan.
I'll protect you.
[ Chuckles ]

[ Woman ]
May I help you?
Do you have any Beretta r*fles?

Uh, yes. Yes, we do.
Would you like the deluxe
or standard?

[ Lee ]
Right. And so,
what's the difference?

Well, the deluxe is checkered,
the standard isn't.

- Checkered meaning?
- It's like an engraving.

[ Lee ]
Oh, is it?
[ Woman ] Yeah.

Well, I think then,
uh, probably the deluxe
is what I'm looking for.

All right. Let me just
check the back for you.
Right. Great, thank you.

f*ck! It's glass.

Hop over the counter. f*ck!

[ Lee Chuckling ]
It's in the f*cking
details, Andre.

What are you laughing at?

My pants are too tight.
[ Laughing ]

[ Gasping ]
Oh, shit!

[ Moaning ]

[ Moans ]
Easy. Easy. Easy.

- What--
- [ Woman Groans ]

She had a g*n, man!
Why has she-- Why has she
got a g*n, huh?

Just the heavy metal,


[ Groaning ]

- Let's go!
- [ Groaning ]

"...says Captain
Cor Van Deventer.

He took an arsenal--
enough to blast a hole through
the middle of this country."

Can't believe the first time
I sh**t somebody,
I sh**t a woman.

"Fear the Stander g*ng."
g*ng? That's crass.

"...are planning
a new series of robberies,
this time with deadly force."

What other kind is there?
"Victim identified the sh**t
as escaped convict Lee McCall."

- Oh, f*ck!
- She's well enough to I.D. you.

- I wish I'd k*lled the bitch.
- "Police have set up
a special task force."

Gentlemen, we have
graduated to task force.

"A nerve center in Yoeville--"

[ Stander ]
I know this building.

And you know
what's right next door?

That's completely outrageous.

[ Chuckling ]
What's so f*cking funny?

- They think scared,
so they think we'll lie low.
- [ Allan Laughing ]

f*ck predictable.
Let's do it.

* Bo bo bo bo bo bo
I feel free *

* Bo bo bo bo bo bo
I feel free *

* Hmm mmm mmm mmm
* Bo bo bo bo bo bo
I feel free *

* Bo bo bo bo bo bo
I feel free *

* Bo bo bo bo bo bo
I feel free *

* Bo bo bo bo bo bo
I feel free *

** [ Man Vocalizing ]

** [ Vocalizing Continues ]

** [ Ends ]
[ Tires Squealing ]

[ Muttering ]


Leave it, Lee.

Isn't that the-the--
the bank robbers?

What are you doing!

Get out of the car now!

Lee! Lee! Lee!
He's cool. He's cool.

[ Speaking Foreign Language ]

[ Man Chuckling ]

This is crazy. This is f*ckin'
crazy. I mean, what the f*ck
are we doing, huh?

I mean,
we're riskin' our necks
when they know we are coming,

and you're giving
the f*ckin' money away.

- I mean, what's the point, eh?
What's the f*ckin' point--
- Shut up.

[ Allan ]
Take it easy, relax.
It's cool.

Take your time. Smile.

Don't turn around.
Don't look at your coworkers.

Very good.

Just keep
filling the bag.

[ Screaming ]


[ Sirens Blaring ]

What the f*ck, Lee?
We said no f*cking sh**ting, eh?

We said no sh**ting!

- f*ck!
- Just drive!

- [ Allan ]
Shit for brains!
- [ g*nshots ]


What the f*ck?
He's out of his mind.

I can't do it.
I'm not going to make it.

f*ck him.

They're so busy
investigating the last three,
they're stretched thin.

f*ck you. f*ck you!
I don't need to set
a bank robbing record.

[ Allan ]
Leave him in the van
next time. f*ck him.

Don't need him.


This is supposed
to be fun, huh?

[ Chattering ]

You know it's not often
that houses like this
come on the market.

He can't be serious.

[ Woman On TV ]
In our top story, police have
deployed extra officers...

at bank branches in the wake
of five bank robberies,
all last Friday,

attributed to
the Stander g*ng.

Here's what
you had to say.
[ Man ] You know, uh,

he's just doing what a lot
of people wish they could do.

He's got nerve.
I'll give him that.

How about some
personal credit here?

-They even repeat the same bank.
-We'll announce ourselves
as the Heyl g*ng next time.

That would be
very nice, Andre.

And they have courage.
And I think he's
really inventive.

You're obviously not
the only ones who enjoy
seeing the tables turn, eh?

[ Woman On TV ]
The Premier of
the Soviet Union has died.

Right, Allan.

That's why we're
bigger news than the head
the head of f*cking Russia.

[ Gasps ]

Jesus! You scared
the shit out of me.

Sorry about that.
I had to make sure
we were alone.

[ Stander ]
It's different now.

I'm different.
So I've read. Always different,
never the same.

What's changed, Andre?

Money solves a lot
of problems, Bekkie.

Got plenty of that.
We can go anywhere.

Anywhere in the world.
Anywhere but here, right?

What about my life?
What about my freedom?

There's no freedom here.

There's two choices--
either become them...

or you live at odds
with everything around you.

I don't want that for you.
We'll start over.

America. New I.D.

Your dreams can come true.

I'll make them happen.
Well, that's
very glamorous, Andre.

But unlike you, I look terrible
in a black wig and glasses.

I'm quite fine,
thank you very much,
in my quiet little life.

I want to take you with me.
I promised, remember?

Don't start.
You're everything to me.
All I've ever wanted.

I had everything I wanted.

Bekk. The things
they say about me--

I'm not stupid, Andre.
There's not a thinking man
among us...

that doesn't want to blow
this place to smithereens
from time to time.

But we don't.
We find other ways.

I won't make it without you.

I need to be left alone.
Oh, Jesus!

You love me.

We would be together.
I know how this will end.


the beach.


You come with me.

I'm tired, Andre.

Some things are done
that can't be undone.

I hate you.

Are you coming
to work today, Lee?

I said, "Are you
coming to work today?"

- Morning all.
- How is it?

- Morning.
- Would you like some eggs?

Ja. Ja.

It's been a long time since
I've had a home-cooked meal.

I'm glad you like it.

[ Stander ]
You wouldn't have any dust
over there, would you, Shar?

- Andre.
- Lee.

I know Shar's not
your kind of woman, but she's
the kind I dreamed of, right.

Dream come true.
I'm happy for you.

You have plans?

We should all have plans.

In fact, I'm thinking
of making a change myself.
With my lady.

Maybe the States.


Try something different.

That's great, man.

What about you, Allan?

Me? Uh--

I'd like
to go to Greece.

Well, we got plenty of money.
I mean, enough
to last for a while.

Get all the airline schedules.
We'll plan it.

[ Stander ]
Between 3:00 and 5:00
on Sunday,

two S.A.A. 747s,

Air France,

all coming in.

They're already in.
We want to go out.

El Al to Tel Aviv
32 minutes later.

You'll be on it.
A Hasidic Rabbi on the way to
a Talmud seminar with his niece.

Or a wrestling coach
on his way to
a match in Melbourne.

Shar, make us
some tea, will ya?


Enough to live good
for a while.

Why not forever?

Rip off
the f*cking airport.

Aw, f*ckin' hell.

You sly--
I might have known.

We've written a pretty
good story so far.
[ McCall ] Are you joking?

Why not a perfect ending?

Jesus f*ckin' Christ.
Stander's last stand, eh?

I think it's f*cking great.

That's f*ckin'
great, yeah.

Pounds, marks, dollars.
You can go anywhere
in the world.

- Anywhere in the world.
- Right.

Yeah. Okay. Right.

** [ Vocalizing:
"The Blue Danube" ]

Vienna, my boy.

[ Woman On P.A., Indistinct ]

[ Water Splashing ]

[ McCall ]
Spilled my champagne, huh?
To you and to me.

And to your
lovely little breasts.

Let's swim. Come on.
[ Shar ]

[ McCall ]
Swim. Swim.

You're warm.
Look at you go,
and your pineapple chunks.

Trying to drown me, huh?
[ Shar Giggles ]

Give me my champagne.

And don't drown me.

[ Chattering ]

[ Shar Laughs ]

[ Chattering Continues ]

** [ Man Singing
In Foreign Language ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Yelling In Zulu ]

[ Zulu Continues ]

What do you want?

A few years ago--

[ Speaking Zulu ]

His name--



I'm looking
for his family.

Themba Mnguni.

Themba Mnguni?


[ Man ]

[ Speaking Zulu ]

[ People Murmuring ]

f*ck him and f*ck you too!
I was f*ckin' ready, huh!

And he f*ckin' blows it!
We were outta here!

- You didn't want
to do it anyway.
- f*ck!

[ Groans ]

[ Murmuring ]

[ Murmuring Continues ]

[ TV: Female Reporter ]
On the crime front,
a report just in...

advised that police
have thwarted an alleged
Stander g*ng plan...

to commit a robbery
at the international airport.

Police under the command
of Cor Van Deventer--
[ Heyl ] Amazing.

They would
have had us.

Even when he's wrong,
he's right.

Stander himself was spotted
outside the airport terminal.
[ Knocking ]

[ TV: Off ]

Give me that g*n.

Oh, f*ck!

Oh, my God!

- Face it. You were wrong!
- He'll try it again.
I know him.

That bastard
is still running you.

He's running
the g*dd*mn force!

He has made us look
impotent in our own country.

What does this tell
our enemies within?

We want him stopped,

Shot if necessary.

Shot on sight.

I understand.

[ Line Ringing ]
[ Bekkie ]

[ Water Sloshing ]

I'm sorry.
I've let you all down.

You'll have to go
without me.

Never give up,
do you? Eh?

I'll come soon.

I'm not going.

You'll find a way.
You always do.

I think I have the way.

[ Man ]
She's a 55-foot steel ketch.

Perkins diesels.
Solar panel.

Long range fuel t*nk.
She's got a range,
under power,

of about a thousand
nautical miles.

All the best equipment.
[ Chuckles ]

I used to have a water bed,
but the rolling got a bit much.

I could recommend
a good chef.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

She's valued
at £148,000.

Who was the Lily Rose?

A wife. Considered bad luck
to change the name of a boat...

even when you change
your woman.

She'll go with the boat,
all right.

But that's
her negotiation.

Now then, what did
you have in mind?

[ Laughs ]

No waiting for the check
to clear then, is there?

f*cking genius, eh!

The high seas!

[ Strains ]

Madam, you better
come with me.

[ Deventer ]
Hold out on me...

and I swear I will charge you
as a member of the Stander g*ng.

I can make
your life hell.

He knew
the money was bent.

Everyone's dishonest.

Just a matter of degree.

He would have
taken less.

Why hit the man
when he's down?

It would bring us bad karma
in our new life.

Had enough of that
in my old one.

Know what got me
started on all of this?

Are you saying
it wasn't greed, Allan?

It was a girl.

A black girl.

She wasn't mine,

I loved her.

I really loved her.

I was a student
at teacher-training college.

I was full of politics,
full of hope.

She was pregnant,
not by me.

I shouldn't have
been with her.

But the f*cking cops--

They came into where we were.
They saw us together.

They beat us.
They beat the baby out of her.

So I robbed a store to get
her money to go to England.

And it was easy.
Too easy.

Taking down those banks,

f*cking with those bastards.


The girl on the boat--

you think he was
serious about her?

Lee's got Shar.
You've got yours.

She is coming,
isn't she?

She's always with me.

Always will be.

One place
I f*cked up, my bro.

Hey, give it another go.

You've got a way now.
It's different.

- [ Chattering ]
- [ Man ]
Thank you. Move along.

[ Man ]
Thank you.
Come on.



[ Man Over Megaphone ]
This is the South African
police force!

You are surrounded!

Put your hands in the air,
and stay where you are!

Don't make
any sudden move!

Stay calm.
Stay calm. Move along.

You cannot escape.
You are surrounded!

Go on. Go on.
Thank you. Keep moving.

[ Man Yells, Indistinct ]

[ expl*si*n ]
[ Onlookers Screaming,
Shouting ]

All right.

[ expl*si*n ]

[ Man Yelling, Indistinct ]

Come out with
your hands in the air!

You are surrounded.
There is no chance to escape!

[ Man ]
Went out okay.
Like Butch Cassidy.

Like Bonnie and Clyde.
Doesn't matter much.
Out is out.

[ Man ] Move along!
Get all these cars out.
Move along! Move along!

What do we do now?

Head back to the boat?

They've got the mansion.
Then they get the phone record.

They'll make us
in Cape Town.

Hit it, Allan.

[ Woman Over Radio ]
All vehicles
in the Johannesburg area,

be on the lookout for
a yellow 1983 Porsche Targa.

License number--

[ Siren Wailing ]


You think they'll catch us?

- Speed of light, Andre.
- Try the speed of darkness.

[ g*nshots ]

Are you out
of your f*ckin'--
Your car.

Hell, take mine.

[ Yelling in Zulu ]

Better stop
the car now.

f*cking bastards.

All those g*ns
to take out Lee.

It was me who did this to him.
I should've left him in jail.

Ah, f*ck that. You gave him
the best time of his life.

The last six months,
he was somebody.


The wrong ones
do keep dying.

I, uh--

I had a brother.

But, uh, you two--

probably as close
as anyone to knowing me.

You won't make it with me.

We've got this far,
all right?

We'll get another boat.

Can't fool me, Allan.

Can't fool yourself.


I'll see you in hell, bro.


- [ Phone Ringing ]
- [ Woman Over Phone ] Hello?

[ Stander Over Phone ]
Is this Mrs. Mark Jennings?
Yes. Can I help you?

[ Stander ] I'm from
the office of the high court.

We've managed
to accelerate the review
of your husband's case.

So we'll be sending
an officer this very afternoon
to collect his documents...

for the preparation
of the trial.

[ Stander ]
In the case of false arrest
or mistaken identity,

- the court requires passport,
- Passport.

- book of life,
- Yes.

birth certificate
and a fourth photo I.D.

- All right.
- All of which will be returned
following the trial.

These are mine.
This is yours.

Thank you. And that's
everything in there.

If you need an envelope--
Keep that someplace safe.

Thanks very much.
My pleasure.


[ Woman On P.A.
Speaking Foreign Language ]

Please proceed to Gate 3.

Good afternoon, sir.
I was hoping for--

Andre Stander!

[ Sighs ]
Not again.

I am reaching
for my wallet!

I am already suing
the Johannesburg police...

and several of their officers
personally for false arrest.

And if you don't
remove that w*apon
from my face, sir,

I'll bring
a charge of as*ault
against you as well.

It's a sad state of affairs when
a man has to carry a library
to keep from being arrested.

He's been sighted.

At the airport.
Come on. Let's go!

Look, either use force
to arrest me...

or let me get on
with my life.

Sorry, sir.

Sir, false alarm.

Wrong man.
No worries.

I'll catch you later, huh?

Thank you.

Sorry, sir.

Police! Keep it clear!

No, no, no! Wait!
Wait! Wait! Police!

It's gone!
Hold on! Hold on!

It's gone.

* And he was
taken from Africa *

[ Man Over P.A. ]
All right, party people.

This is the spring break
you've been waiting for.

Lauderdale is going off!

* Said he was
a buffalo soldier *

* Dreadlock Rasta

* Buffalo soldier

* In the heart of America *

[ Woman ]
Are you him?


That guy.
You know.

I'm sorry.

You don't
sound like him.

That guy, you know.

On the TV show,
the detective.

Oh, God. Um--

Hutch. You know?

I'm afraid I don't.

So then, like,
what are you, English?

Wow. He solves crimes.

Hutch. With Starsky.


And if he commits them?

Well, what kind of a TV show
would that make?

You're cute
when you laugh.

[ Man ] Hey, Cheryl!
Sigma Phi's having
a blowout at the motel!

Free beer!
Oh, my God!
I am so there!

A call for you, boss.

Who is it?

Jawel. Hello.
This is Skolly. Remember me?

I used to work for you,
General Stander, sir.

Ja, Skolly.
How are you?

It-It's good
to hear from you.
Oh, I'm fine, General, sir.

I just called to say...

you must not worry
about Master Andre.

You know he always
tried to do his best.

And I know
he always loved you, sir,
and respected you.

And I know
he always will.

And he will-- he will
always be my dear son.

[ Stander ] I'm quite sure
he'll do the right thing.

Just lost his way somewhere.

Yes, I'm quite sure
he'll do the right thing now.

And I know,
General, sir,

you always did
your best for him.

God be with you...

God be
with you too, Dad.

** [ Disco ]

[ Man ]
Get out of the road,

[ Laughs ]
Move it!

[ Engine Starts ]

[ Police Radio Chatter ]

Hey! Hey! Hey!

** [ Man Singing
In Foreign Language ]

You in the red Cougar!
Please get out of
your automobile.

Sir, please get out
of your automobile.

Get out of the car
and stand against the door...

with your hands
on the vehicle, sir.

Stand against the door
with your hands
where we can see them, sir!

Against the car, sir!


We got you clocked
at over 100, sir.

Spread your legs.

Spread 'em!

Little wet tonight
for that kind of driving,
don't you think?

You been drinking, sir?

Hey, hey, hey!
Return to your position!

Whoa! Hey, return
to your position!
Back it up!

You heard him,
assh*le! Assume
the f*cking position!

Unit 14! 10-106.

sh*ts fired!
We need paramedics.

[ Woman Over Radio ]
10-4, Unit 14.
All units respond.

Stand by, 14.
They're on their way. Over.

* I got a letter from
the government the other day *

* I opened and read it
It said they were suckers *

* They wanted me
for their army or whatever *

* Picture me givin' a damn
I said never *

* Here is a land
that never gave a damn *

* About a brother like myself

* 'Cause I ain't never did
I wasn't with it *

* But just that very minute
it occurred to me *

* The suckers had authority

* Cold sweatin'
as I dwell in my cell *

* How long has it been
They got me sittin'
in the state pen *

* I gotta get out
but that thought
was thought before *

* I contemplated a plan
on the cell floor *

* I'm not a fugitive
on the run *

* But a brother like me
begun to be another one *

* Public enemy servin' time
They drew the line, y'all *

* They criticize me
for some crime *

* I got a letter

* I got a letter

* I got a letter

* Picture me givin' a damn
I said never **

** [ Chorus Singing
In Foreign Language ]