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Sugar & Spice (2001)

Posted: 09/04/23 11:33
by bunniefuu
Single file.

Stay to the right

of the line.

Take your time.

Take a good look.

Hey, um, are you sure

they can't see us?

One-way mirror,



in 3...2...1.

girls hit back

when you least expect

where you most regret it

girls think

they're misunderstood

but I know goddamned well

all the things they do

they do to nerve me

I don't mean to say it

but somebody needs

to put an end to girls

wish I didn't need them

a heinous crime

has been committed here.

Should you decide

that your testimony

might jeopardize

your personal safety--

look, sipowicz,

i said I'd tell you


I was just hoping

we could finish this up

before menopause kicks in.

Let's start with the one

that thinks her butt

don't stink...

Diane Weston.

She's like

a damn poster child

for high school.

Morning, sunshine.

Remember, these are

the best days of your life.

So far.

She's the "a" squad captain.

She stole that title

from me.

You should charge her

with that.

Alright, let's

take it from the top.

And one, and two,

and one, and two...

One, and two--

Hi, Bruce.

You look cute.

Tommy Hilfiger.

I'm hoping

4th year's the charm.


Outta my way, Bruce.

I'm up.


is that you?

I lost

a little weight.


This really should've

been my year.

I had a lot of work done.

I mean, I had done a lot

of work over the summer.

You could tell

i made her nervous.

But they have to,

you know, spread

the talent around, so...

I've been on the "b" squad

for 4 years.

Now, the squad

as a whole...

They're closer

than Carolina cousins.

I mean, some people say

they're like cousins

or something,

but that's just mostly

the egg-offs in band.

Truth is

they're so close

they all get

their monthly visit

from aunt Rose

at the same time.

This one's Hannah wald.

She's like

this uberchristian,

doesn't really say much.

In fact, if she wasn't

kind of pretty,

you'd go,

"hey, who's the tart?"

Then there's Cleo Miller.

Number one: not a real C-cup.

I've been

in the locker room.

And number 2...

She has to see

the school shrink.

She's completely


with Conan O'Brien.


You mean like where I'm

in Conan's all-leather apartment?

Heh. I mean,

i don't know if he has one,

but that's why it's a dream.

And suddenly, we're

buck-naked and all oiled up.

I don't know

where the oil comes from,

but, again,

that's why it's a dream.

Then there's Kansas Hill,

the original bad seed.

Son of a blue-balled bitch,

I always get this one!

Mouth on her

could stop a bull in heat.

She gets her nut brain

from her mother.

Kansas' mom's been in prison

ever since

the day she was born.

She was just lying there,

in labor with Kansas,

when she hears something

going on in the next bed.

Turns out

it's Kansas's dad

taking a nurse's


Stay with me.

I'm trying to be delicate.

Anyway, she whips out

a shotgun

and blows his ass

to kingdom come.

So, she got life

without parole

and now Kansas lives

with her grandparents.

And then there's Lucy.

Geek extraordinaire.

A walking left brain.

She's supposed to have

this genius IQ,

but the truth is

she's an obsessive-compulsive

little freak.

Ok, hands in,



we're gonna cheer loud,

jump high,

and look pretty because...

cheerleaders kick...

Let's get going,

'cause no one ever got ahead

by sitting on their behind.

oh, yeah

School year

started off like normal.

Principal Smith

gave his pep talk.

If you are

approached to buy dr*gs,

let someone

you trust know.

If you are thinking

of harming yourself,

or others...

Let someone know.

If it burns

when you urinate,

have milky seepage,

or are being touched

by an uncle,

let someone know.


Come on, you guys!

Let's hear it

for the Lincoln "a" squad!

"A" squad? Right.

I was doing better

dance numbers in grade school.

It really burned my toast.

Now, I know it's my duty

to give you all the facts.

So I'm gonna have to say

that their cheer blew

like a bulimic

after Christmas dinner.

Their blatant disregard

for The National High School

Cheerleading Association rules

made me sick.

Basket toss flips

and woolfall pyramids

over 2 people high

are strictly prohibited.


I made a complete report

and sent it in.


Go, Lincoln!


Go, Lincoln!!

And, finally,

the moment we'd all

been waiting for...


from Truman High,

the new star quarterback

of our

mighty fightin' lincolns,

Jack Bartlett!

That's when

Jack and Diane met.

Nobody saw it coming...

Especially not Jack.


ha ha ha ha!

Jack was fine.

Oh, man, was he fine.

It was like

he was a bar of chocolate

and the whole school

was on the rag.

Everyone wanted

a piece of him.

Jack Bartlett.

Jack Bart-lett.

Jack Bartlett.

Is Jack Bartlett

interested in me?

I'm sorry,

can someone else

please run the board?

It's creepy, it's wrong,

and it goes against the teachings

of my lord and savior,

Jesus Christ.

Hannah, in order to get

real answers from netherworld,

you've got to have

a Christian virgin run the board.

Your kind is pure. The devil

won't mess with you.

Well, uh, technically,

I don't think I'm

a virgin anymore.


At church camp this summer,

I'm pretty sure I had,

you know,

my first orgasm.

Any sentence that starts with,

"at church camp..."

Ain't leading

to the big "O".

That's not true.

Those pictures of Christ,

all sweaty and bare-chested

on the cross,

always kinda made me hot.

I wanna know

what happened.

Ok, well, one night

around sunset,

I went horseback riding

with the nuns.

They went every night.

And we're trotting

pretty hard, you know?

All of a sudden,

i feel--

I feel just super-alive,

you know?

Maybe I'll just ask

the question myself.

Is Jack Bartlett

interested in me?


He is.

Hey, man,

is this thing, like, on?

Ok, I'm just here

to announce my candidacy

for the homecoming queen.

Uh, I plan

to spread the word on 4-h.

It's all about

the cows, man...

I'll be honest with you--

most of us realized

we didn't have a whore's

chance in heaven with Jack,

the day of

the candidate speeches.


And agriculture.

4-h! 4-h rules!

Thank you, sir.

Good job.

Um, as--as the a-v club


I think, for the--

for the first time in 50 years--

uh, we should--

we should say no.

We should say no to

a football player as king.

Vote brains over brawn--

ha ha ha!



It was the first time

most of us

even heard Jack speak.

Thanks, wow,

heh heh.

We weren't


Ok, guys.

Hey, guys...

Would you shut up

a minute?

I was just joking.

Well, uh, I just think

it really rocks

that the football team

picked me as their

you know, um, candidate.

Woof, woof, woof!


We love you, Jack!

Well, I love you, too,

lunch ladies.

I just wanna say that there's

only 3 things I want in life--

To someday become a senator

of this great state...

I wanna lead

the mighty fightin' lincolns

to victory

at the homecoming game.



And, uh, I want to go

to the homecoming dance

with Diane Weston.

Ha ha ha.

Ugh, they were like

friggin' Barbie and Ken,

but without the pink,

remote-control corvette.


people were going, like...

Ohh, they're

the perfect couple.

They're so cute.

I'm sure it gave

the Internet whacks

something to talk about

besides agent Scully

and their most recent

wet dream.

Now, I'm not one

to gossip...

But I think Jack and Diane

got so close, so fast,

because they discovered

how much they both loved...


Man, did they love

their football.

Hey, ho, let's go!

Hey, ho...

I don't know about the "hey,"

but "ho" is right on the money.

If they'd asked,

I easily could've helped

them with some new material.

Green 88! Green 88!

Set, hut.

hey, ho

let's go

hey, ho

let's go


Woo! woo, yeah!

Ha ha!


Yeah, baby.


hey, ho, let's go

Right about here

is where it really

started to hit the fan.

Don't worry,

I'll clean this up a bit

if I have to appear

in court.

Especially if we're on court TV.

Excuse me, Vendela,

have you seen Diane?

Because we were supposed to go

to the homecoming dance tonight.



Oh, baby.

Mmm. oh!

Oh! oh!

Aw, look at this.

Oh, my, look at that.

Look at those two.

Alright. Hold up.

I have an announcement to make.

Me and Diane, uh...

Oh, what the hey?

We're getting married.

No! yes!

Ha ha ha!

But, well...

Not before

I have our baby.


So, when your dad said,

"I never want to see

your f-ing faces again,"

do you think he meant

"forever" forever

or just until

your mom wakes up?

I don't know.

What was that sound

she made

right before

she hit the ground?

Well, if I had to guess,

I'd say that was

the sound of a mother

saying good-bye

to her little boy

and hello

to the young man

who's going to be

a daddy of his own. you know

what I see here?

Spit from your dad?

Heh. I see a flower.

And you know, even the most beautiful flowers

still grow from dirt.


And while we're knee-deep

in it right now

and things may seem

pretty stinky,

in the long run we're

gonna grow strong from this.

You think?

I sure do.


I-I've loved you

since I first saw you.

Right before you

kicked me in the head.

Oh, Jack.

you can be happy

when everyone's singing

it's so fun

just try

to remember...

Now... I don't think

Diane just up and told the squad

about the baby that night,

but somehow they managed

to figure it out.

No, thanks.

Don't need one.


Holy smoke.

You just became

a statistic.

Oh, my god.

I'm not the first.

But--but you're

not married.

Wait, did you say you are pregnant

or you were pregnant?

You had it,

threw it out,

now you're gonna

dance all night?

Shut up, Cleo.

Di, how much you need

for an abortion?

What?! No.

Not an abortion.

My church can arrange

for you to go to Oregon

and take care of an aunt for 9 months.

They find your baby a home,

you come back a little

dazed and puffy

but everything's fine.

Please, Di, don't be a whore

and a m*rder*r.

Jack told the team that night, too.

Hey, guys, I, uh...

I got Diane pregnant.


Well, alright!

You nailed Diane Weston?

Ha! I'd never wash

my Johnson again.




I didn't mean to

say "whore," Diane.

Just that I hear it

so much at church

it kind of came

flying out of my head.

I know, Hannah.

Look...I'm not gonna

get an abortion.

I've always planned

on getting married

and having kids.

I'm just going

a little out of order.

Kind of reminds me

of another young lady

who found herself

with child, unmarried...

On a long, long road...

With no place to sleep.

Of course, that was

a long, long time ago.

But no matter what,

she held her head high

and said,

"papa, don't preach.

"I'm in trouble deep.

"Papa, don't preach,

"'cause I made up my mind.

"I'm keepin' my baby.

Yeah, I'm gonna keep

my baby."

The great one.


We're here

for you, Diane.

You guys...

Thanks. oh...

I'll pray for you

every night.

We love you.

I love you guys.

You're the best.

I guess their little fairy tale

could've ended there.

The only problem was they

didn't have a place to live.

What? But all of

our paperwork's here.

My school records

and Jack's

football records.

Let me explain


No, wait--

did I say...

"Cross my heart,

hope to die"

that we will never miss

a payment?

Uh, yes.

Yes, you did.

I think I know where

this one's going.

Um, listen...

I'm willing to put up

my papers on my gto.

Now, she's got a few miles on her,

but she looks great.

I'm sure, son,

but, um...

Oh, ow!

She's twisting

my arm.

I'm gonna throw in

the speakers, too.

Why don't you just have

your parents come and get the loan

and then they can

give you the money?

With all

due respect, ma'am,

Jack and Diane Bartlett...

Do not accept charity.

We are 2 young,

able-bodied Americans.

We're not looking for a handout

we're looking for a hand up.

Give us food,

and we'll be hungry tomorrow

but give us corn--

the kind you plant,

not eat--

and we'll grow it

and uh, um...Cut it,

and, uh...

You know, eat it.


Now, if you're interested

in giving us a home loan,

I will sit back down.

If not,

have a nice day, ma'am.


My hands are tied.



Somehow, they managed to find

their dream house anyway.

More of a dump, if you ask me.

We'll take it.

Fine. settle down, ok?

Just keep in mind--

I manage the building, ok?

I don't own it and don't fix squat.

And I also don't care

if things break, ok?

All I care is

you little bastards

shove the rent under my door

on the first, you got that?

You understand that?

Ok. oh, yeah,

and one more thing.

You see any packages

outside my door,

you leave 'em

the hell alone. Capisce?


2 taco grr-rrandes!

One bean burr-rrito.

A large taco chip.

And guacamole.

And that'll be...

35 cents.

We don't really have

fried rats in the buckets.

I know. I checked.

I'm gonna save you the time.

I'm not gonna lie.

Don't believe in it.

If you pick your ass,

I'm gonna tell people.

Have no idea

how to run your register.

You're Jack Bartlett, right?


So, you'd be, like,

hanging out with us

every night after school,

then, right?

Yeah. well, I mean, after

football practice, yeah.

Football practice?


You're so hired.

I'm on top

of the world!


Hey, Di, if we have a girl,

we should dress her

like little Debbie.

Jack, honey,

I'm only eating for two.

I know, but this food

reminds me

how much I wanna

teach our baby,

like cocoa puffs is good,

captain crunch is bad.

It shreds the roof

of your mouth.

You're not born

with knowledge.

You hear

"Trix are for kids."

You think, "I'm a kid,

i guess they're for me."

But your little

baby brain's got no idea

that lucky charms are

a million times better for you.


Hey. Pop quiz.

If you could be Count Chocula

or Trix the Rabbit,

who would you be?


Me, too. God!

Will it never end?

I love this lady!


Jack, I think

i should get a job.

No, but we agreed your

job's running the baby machine.

I know, but that

was before I realized--

Oh... I almost forgot gas

for the baby machine.

I'm gonna get your snickers

and meet you in line, ok?

Mmm. I love you.

Love you.

Attention, Bob.

Cleanup on aisle 3.

Hey, Di!

Hi, I'm a little


Wouldn't it be cute

if ours looked like this?

Yeah, you little



Oh, I am really sorry.


I never knew you

dreamed of working

in a grocery store

bank branch.

Baby, we are living

the great American dream.


If you reach

for the stars,

you're bound to step--

mm! Jack, pull over.

Mm. pull over.

Oh, jeez! Ew!

Why do they call it

morning sickness?

It's ok.

Get it all out.

Have any breath mints?


So, she's in my hands, right?

Warm to the touch.

Now, it's at that second

that I think I control her--

she's mine.

But it's a false illusion.

You know, it's like

in that movie Backdraft.

"No man controls fire."

So, she's ready.

I'm ready. Heh.

She's ready.

I yell...

"42-58. Hike!"

Baa! Touchdown.

ready to go

where were we?

ready to go

I need a place

to keep this.

So if anyone asks,

what do you know?

That's right.

You don't know squat.

it's a crack, I'm back

yeah, I'm standing

on rooftops...

baby, I'm ready to go

I'm back

and ready to go

from the rooftops,

shout it out

it's a crack, I'm back

yeah, I'm standing

on the rooftops having it

baby, I'm ready to go

I'm back and ready to go

from the rooftops,

shout it out

baby, I'm ready to go

Come on, Jack, you promised.


One question.

Oh, me, me, me!

Mine's great.

Proceed, dungeon master Quon.

Ok, Jack.

You know how you

and Diane slept together?


Well, now that you can't

sleep together

but you still

sleep together,

don't you ever get just,

like, super horny?

And if so, how horny?

I'll be quiet now so

I can listen to your answer.

Yeah, Jack.

I'd love to hear

your answer.

The answer's easy.

Oh, uh...

Lolita is due back tomorrow.

Same for 9 1/2 weeks

and ditto on Wild Things.

Guys...I'm going

to be a dad.

Dads don't get horny.

To the kids at school,

Jack and Diane had it all.

Their own apartment,

staying up late,

eating whatever they wanted,

plus Jack was getting

a discount

on R-rated movies

at the video store.

Hello? reality check.

School, practice, work,

and lamaze class?

It was really starting

to take its toll.

2, 4, 6, 8...

Fighting Lincolns on to state!


Lincoln! Fight!

Blue 42! Blue 42!


OK, so they won state.


The best part was

Diane was really starting

to look like hell.



Huh? what?

I'm under the ice!

I'm under the ice!


Oh, man, that was a weird one.

Another sex dream?

Wayne Gretzky.

Hat trick?

He is the great one.

Heh heh.

Oh, my god.

You've been robbed.

No, I've been


Di, are you ok?

We can skip the girl party this week.

Everything's fine.

I'm just having

a little trouble

turning my frown

upside down.

Want us to help

you pick up?

Don't Martha

freaking Stewart me.

You don't like it,

you try being a pregnant teen.


go with them.

They're in the vault,

man. Go! Go!

Who's Mr. Duggan?

Mr. Duggan.

You want to open

the vault?

Or do you want me to do it?

Do whatever they want, Terry.


Take the keys.

Take them!

I'm confused.

Pappas knew the bank robbers were surfers

because he saw a tan line?

Luce, it's Point Break.

Just shut up and look at Keanu.

Di, what would you do

if you were in a holdup?


I guess I...

I'd give them all the money they could hold

and wish them a good life.

Because the Beatles

were wrong.

Love isn't

all you need.

Love won't

pay the rent,

love won't buy

my baby diapers,

love sure as hell

won't buy me

my new Dolce

& Gabbana jeans

when I lose

my baby weight.

Pretty soon

we'll be broke,

and I'll just be another

fat-ass wearing chic jeans.

Ok, put the snickers down.

Come kick it over here.

Wait a minute!

Freeze that! Freeze that!

... Too much time!

Yeah. Can you imagine?

Conan's head

on Keanu's body?


No! that's it!

A bank robbery.

A big pile of money,

and my little family-to-be

could get our heads

above water.

I read about this.

It's called

pregnancy insanity.

Look, I might be moody...

I might be gassy...

But I am perfectly sane.

Think about it.

In school they tell us

dreams can come true. Right?



But they don't

tell us how.

Thanks to Keanu,

I've figured it out.

Money makes

your dreams come true.

Listen, Kansas,

I know you dream of

springing your mom someday.

Stop, you're gonna

make me cry.

If the O.J. Trial

taught us anything,

it taught us, in America,

you can cut somebody's head off

and still be found innocent...

As long as

you have enough money.

Well, your mom

only shot a guy.

And Cleo?

I know you dream

of an all-leather apartment

with Conan.

I overheard the school shrink

telling the lunch lady.


Hannah, you could give

your share to the church,

or maybe buy one of

those starving kids

that Sally struthers


Or I could buy

my own horse.

Or that.

Guys, I just wanna provide

a future for my baby.

I know my bank branch

like the back of

my puffy little hand.

I could open that safe

in my sleep.

I'm in.



I'm in. This is

the closest thing

to a damn family

I've ever had.

If one needs something,

we all do.

Stop it!

This is crazy.

I'm in, too.


Kansas is right.

We're like sisters,

closer than sisters

and you don't turn

your back on family.

Come on, luce.

People do it

in the movies all the time.

And they get caught.

That's right.

So all we have to do

is watch a bunch of movies

and learn from their mistakes.

You know, real cops

aren't half as smart as Keanu.

Forget it. I've got

a scholarship to Harvard

hanging over my head.

I won't risk it.

Conan went to Harvard.


Lucy, are you sure you

have that scholarship?


If you don't, can you

afford to go to Harvard?

I don't know,

probably not.

So then this isn't

crazy, is it?

It's a sure bet.


Come on!

Come on!

Come on!


I guess we're all

in this together.


We have to make

a smart plan.

Of course. Of course.

Ok, hands in.

Alright. we have

to cross our hearts,

hope to die,

stick a dirty needle

in our eye,

that we will never,

ever, tell Jack.

We all know

he can't tell a lie.

That's why he's gonna make

such a great senator.

Cheerleaders kick...

We have 2 very cool guests,

I'm gonna start with

something I read in the paper.

It involves sex.

You hear me?

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, don't worry. Not with me.

Ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha.

I don't wanna be a boy,

i wanna be a girl

I wanna do things

that'll make your hair curl

I wanna be evil,

i wanna be bad

I wanna drive

my next-door neighbors mad

I want to go wild,

want to go wild

I want to party


'cause we've got girl power

The movie was

so amazing.

He slices off

the guy's ear,

and you see everything.

The bloody pink hole--

Cleo, I already

threw up twice today.

Can you get to any

relevant part of the movie?

They had nicknames,

like Mr. Pink.

I was thinking, Di,

you could be Mrs. Pink.

Could I be Mrs. Purple?

And I could be Mrs. Red

This is so exciting.

Di, how can you eat all that?

She's eating for two.



Page one is

a plot summary of Heat.

2 has my character


3 is my overall critique,

and on 4 through 10

you'll find my nexis search

of all prior analysis

of this film.

In summation,

no part of Heat

is really applicable

to a grocery store

bank branch robbery.

What the heck

is going on here?

Mmm. Jack.

I can explain.

Diane, there's no excuse...

For not taking

your prenatal vitamins.

I love you.

I love you.



Would you just

say my name?


Well, it's a laugh riot

for the whole family,

and Tim Conway is just about

as funny as they come,

especially in

the scene where--

wait a minute.

You watched the apple friggin' dumpling g*ng?

I'm only allowed

"g" movies.

Am I the only one

who cares about this?

I mean, at least I

watched Dog Day Afternoon.

Excuse me.

Could you try to keep

your voice down, please?

We're not introducing

anger into the womb.

How would you like me to

introduce my foot into your ass?!


I'm sorry,


But I'm not gonna watch

my dreams fade away

because the virgin here thinks

she can get ideas from kiddie movies.

Those of us

who have parents

know they have rules

because they care.


Are you sure you

wanna go there?




You guys!

How do you like that?

Diane Weston?

Kansas, quit it!



God, we're sorry.

It's off.

I can't take

the fighting,

the backstabbing,

the open hostility.

We're not acting

like cheerleaders.

We're acting like

a bunch of sorority girls.

I'm sorry

i ever started this.

Di, it's not

your fault.

We all wanted

to do this.


Maybe I can watch

a pg movie.

I'll just say I'm...

Counting dirty words

for Sunday school.

It's ok, Hannah.

It was silly

to think we can learn

to rob a bank

from watching movies.

Sex, you can learn

from movies.

But robberies?

Forget about it.

Besides, TV land had a Little

house on the prairie marathon,

and the Ingalls made

baby Carrie's bed from a dresser drawer.

I guess

i could just do that.

Oh, my god!

The baby's got 2 heads.

It's twins!

I'm not just super fat!

Oh, ok, we ain't

done with this.

Those babies are gonna have

a good start in life.

With a real crib--

one that costs a truckload.

We gonna learn to Rob

by the only people who

really know how to--


I'm gonna visit

my mom.

Attention all inmates,

visiting hours will be over

in 20 minutes.

You don't look nothing

like your picture.

Grandma and grandpa

sent you a picture

of a neighbor girl.

They didn't want you

to break out and come kidnap me.

Thank god.

I was starting to think

i k*lled the wrong man.

What did you

come here for?

To tell me how

much you hate me?

I don't hate you.

I need your help.

How in the hell

can I help you?

My best friend

got pregnant.

Before you?


Yeah, I know.

That's what I said, too.

Anyway, we wanna help

her get some money for the baby

by robbing a bank.

Well, sh**t,


That's the sweetest thing

i ever heard.

But we can't quite figure out how to...

You know, how to do it.

So you need my help?

Oh, my god. This is like you

asking me for help with your homework.

Hey, mink.

Come here.

Kansas, I want you to

meet someone special.

Cryin' out loud, mom.

Like my life ain't bad

enough 'cause you're in here.

Now I've gotta add "p.S.

My mom's a gay," too?

Shut up, you mouthy little twit.

Don't "mouthy twit" me.

I'm outta here.

Hey, wait. Sit down.

Now, I'm sorry.

Mama's a little


Didn't get her yard time

this morning.

Mink ain't my bitch,

if that's what you think.

She's a specialist...

In banks.

Them's some sweet skirts

you got there.

Oh, thank you!


they're uniforms.

We're cheerleaders.


You sure are.

Excuse me.


same time tomorrow,

we have a visit with

our favorite aunts.

Listen, robbing banks

is like pulling a trick.

You gotta stay

in control,

know how far you'll go

to get the dough,

and always put

the rubber on yourself.

Oh, pfft!

You know what I mean.

And you gotta do it

the day after Christmas.


Banks don't have holiday

pickups, so vaults are full.

Besides, everyone's

at home eatin' leftovers

and beatin' their kids.

Really? You were

cellmates with her?

Oh, my god.

She was my hero!

Did she tell you what

letterman's house was like?

You gotta buy your gats

from the Terminator.

Tell him itchy sent you.

And gats are?

g*ns, cutie.

You listen to Carol,


Go rent national velvet.

It's got some awesome

steeplechases in it.

I'm gonna write

that down.

So, although

their father said,

"don't get outta

the car

till I get back

with help,"

they knew the sheriff's

voice when he yelled,

"run to my voice!

And don't look back!"

The twins did

as he said,

but at the very

last second,

they turned around and saw

the escaped mental patient

bouncing their father's head

on top of the car.


They jumped!

That's just gas, sweetie.


What are you working on?

Just some girly stuff

for the squad.


Well, whoever

gets out alive,

have the authorities check

in the crawl space.

Kansas, you should never

judge a book by its cover.

I guess there's

an exception to every rule.

Could I help you?

You're the Terminator?

Did you come in here

to bust my balls?


Well, I k*ll bugs

for a living.

If god doesn't

beat you to it.

No, wait, um...

We're the "a" squad from

Lincoln high school.

So, uh...

So, we were told

you could fix us up.

Fix you up?



Itchy sent us.

She did, did she?

How is the old girl?

Definitely old.

Ha ha ha!

Yeah, that's my Itchy.

How many?


Um, well, we'll each

probably want one, so...

we'll take 5.

5 should do it.

All right.

And, uh, how much a*mo

do you want?


How many b*ll*ts

do you need?

Oh, b*ll*ts.

No b*ll*ts.

These are just

to scare people.

Kinda like a round-off back

handspring whipback double full.

You never really use it.

You just want the opposing squad

to know you've got it.


$1,500 cash.


You good-for-nothing

bug zapper!

Obviously that's a little more

than our budget will allow.

Um, basically, we're looking

for something around $200.

Oh, well,

why didn't you say so?

For 200, I got some

real nice rubber bands

and some sharp nails

in the back.

I got 5 of them.

They come in pastel colors.

Why don't you wait right here

and let me go gift-wrap it for you.

They are 1,500,

cash on the barrel.

You take it

or you leave it.

What kinda deal would ya make if

i told we're gonna tell police

that you're selling illegal g*ns...

To minors?

To girl minors!

Then I'd just

have to k*ll you.

Ok, well...

It was a pleasure

meeting you.

Take care.

Let's go, you guys.

Hold it right there.

Oh, please.

We're not going

to tell anyone.

Maybe we can make a deal.

Look, buddy,

we're not gonna

trade sex for g*ns.

Unless Cleo...


I got a daughter.

And she's always dreamt

of being a cheerleader.


Tell you what I'll do.

If you put her

on your squad,

and I mean put her

on the squad--

don't make her haul

your pompoms--

you give her

something to do.

Then I'll give you

the g*ns.

You're kidding.

Hey, Fern!

Fern, come here!

She's out siphoning off

the tanks.

It takes a second to

cap off that cyanide hose.


There she is.

Here's my baby.

Fern, meet your

new best friends.

We'll be right back.

Don't you take too long.

Let's do breathing

exercises, shall we?

Is Jack upset that

he can't be here?

We worked it out.

You're doing good,


Let's remember

our focal point.

Ok, don't stop now. Come on,

we're gonna make it, baby.

What a sad waste of man.

Ok, even with

all our savings,

it's still

only 654.

That's it?

Hey, I even took my

parents'foster kid money.

Philippe's going

to be gathering rice

without pants

this month.

Ok, wait a second.

Hold on.

Now, what do we do

before a big game?

Use the bathroom 'cause

the port-a-potties on the field

are gross.

My fault. What do we do that

enables us

to be as great as we are?

I personally think of how

Conan started as a writer, and then--

we practice.

That's right.

Practice makes perfect.

I'm practicing

to have a baby right now.

If we do a practice job,

we'll not only

get the experience,

we'll also get money

we need for the g*ns.

I've got the perfect job,

and I've gotta pee,

so help me up.

Hello. how many

would you like?


Hello. how many?

2, please.



Oh, please,

help me with her!

What the kinda food

are they serving us

if they can turn

a profit on 200 bucks?

watch her now

watch her now

walking away

walking away

nothing to say

she's just leaving

what did I do?


Uh, Fern?


No more filling the tanks

before practice, ok?


Ok, let's get going.

My grandparents get back

from dinner at 4:30.



What the hell--

oh, no!

He Ikea'd us.

How many signs

do we need?

We're not supposed

to do this.

Look, maybe Lucy is right.

Maybe this is a sign.


That you down there?

Yeah, grandma.

Me and the squad.

You girls

talking about boys?

Practicing kissing

your hand?

Yeah, you caught us.

Oh, well,

then I'll put some cookies

at the top of the stairs

for you girls.


that'd be great.

This is great.

What do we do?

thr*aten people with

a trunkful of parts?

I'm sorry, you guys.

When you're dealing with

south American rebels,

you kinda gotta take

what you can get.

It's a trunkful of crap.

Do you guys know

what I don't see here?


I don't see a problem.

I see a great,

big craft project

sitting right

in front of me.

So, Kansas,

get me some glue,

some tape,

and a nail file.

so it's you

at my door

she is huge

she wore a taller

man's height or more

if it fails me

then it's love for sure

'cause I'm here

'cause I wanna be,

and I gotta be

and I'll stay

'cause I wanna stay

every day with you

she's so cool

she's so cool

Meanwhile, the most

important event of my life

was about to take place.

Please join our "a" and "b"

squad cheerleaders

in a salute

to winter sports!

The winter sports

pep rally is only, like,

the biggest cheerleading

event of the year.

I'd been practicing

for months.

This was my big chance

to show the whole school

that I really belonged

on the "a" squad.

I just want to say,

that normally,

I'm an excellent skater.

Some jealous--

who will remain nameless,

obviously sabotaged

my skates.

I was completely humiliated

in front of

the entire student body.

Talk about adding

insult to injury...

At the last minute,

Diane finagled putting

that backwater, mutant

monkey girl on top of the pyramid!

No way!

It ruined the entire finale.

Ask anybody!

Conan O'Brien...

Conan O'Brien...

Conan O'Brien.

Conan O'Brien...

Come on, Cleo.

We're not gonna waste

this week's question

to the netherworld on Conan.

Who made up the

one-question-a-week rule anyway?

It's in the Bible,

so just shut up.

Ok, ok. Here goes...

Is the day

after Christmas

the best day

for the heist?


Girls, numerology

confirms it, too. Look!

So does

Soldier of Fortune.

"A great day to go

balls out on the offensive."

Then it's time

for my mom's present.

"Be careful. Have fun.

Ski masks are so done.

"Wear these masks

to fight the power

and never bend over

in the shower."

Hey, Diane, you can be

mood-swing Betty.


you're virgin Betty

with optional

horse and saddle.

And, Fern,

you can be--

Oh, god,

we forgot Fern.

Oh, it's ok.

Mom and the girls

got them for the heist.

It's nothing personal.

Hey, I got to cheer

with you guys.

I'm happier than

a make-a-wish kid at Disneyland.

Well, we'll all

sign your yearbook.

Here, take mine.

Look, I didn't know

how to tell you guys,

but I got

my scholarship.

I can't go

through with this.

But we went

hands in on this.

You're breaking The National High School

Cheerleading Association's

pledge of allegiance

and conformity.

I'll turn in my pompoms

after Christmas.

You know, you guys are

insane if you don't think

those criminals would gladly

turn you in for a pack of lucky's.

Oh, yeah!

Well, unlike you, those criminals

take an oath,

and they stick with it.

You don't mess

with another inmate,

and you never mess

with her kid.

I'm sorry, Diane.

I could take

Lucy's place.

You can be

Terminator Betty.

Fight the power!

merry, merry Christmas

merry Christmas

merry, merry Christmas

1, 2, 3!

Oh, god!

Oh, honey...

Next Christmas,

I'm putting

a diamond in it.

I don't know

what to say.


say you love me.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Oh, god, here's mine.

It's lame. It's not

romantic or anything.

No, no, no, shh.

I'm gonna love it.

Ah! a gift certificate...

For a new paint job

on the gto.

Yeah, I was thinking

that you'd wanna

change the color

after Christmas.


You like it?

I sold the car

to buy you that ring.

You're kidding?

No! heh heh.

We don't have a car.


Oh! oh, sweetie.



listen to me.

Jack sold

our getaway car.

It's a gosh damn

gift of the magi thing.

Oops, mommy's sorry,

sweet peas.

Swearing is

the surest way to--

Oh, sh**t!

Mommy needs

a getaway car.

Jump in!

We can't stop!

The brakes are bad!

Come on, Kansas,


Fern, you've got

to slow down.

Lord, please don't let us

run over Kansas.


Get in! Quick!

The brakes

are broken.


Oh, my god!

Uh, anyone bring

an extra pair of panties?


in a wishing well

blown to hell, crash

on the last splash...

who are you?

The friggin'

bionic woman?

I just pulled it,

and it came off.

This is great.

Now we have to enter through the front door.

Look, it's not my fault.

Hey! god,

rule number 1--

you never take off

the mask, you hear me?

No matter what happens,

you never take off the mask.

I'm sorry, Kansas.

Oh! god, no.

Rule number 2--

no names.

No names,

you ret*rd!

For Pete's sake,

white trash Betty.

I didn't realize

the rules went into effect

before we entered

the supermarket.

Well, use your head,

stalker Betty.


Bettys, stop it.

"The best squad is one

that hopes for the best

and prepares for the worst."

National high school


association letterhead.

Now, let's give a hands in.

We're ready, we're prepared,

this is gonna be

the best bank robbery ever,


cheerleaders kick...

Shh! it's me.


What do you want?

I want to help.

I'm a part of this squad.

Oh, no.

You have committed

the ultimate sin.

You left your squad

to be with a guy.

And that guy is

the devil himself,

because only the devil would

turn you against your sisters.

Let's go.

What's this?

Get on the ground now!

We got tape.

Don't worry.

I said down!

Ok, uh. Hello?

Yeah. excuse me.

Yeah, hi.

Umm, are you robbing

the supermarket or the bank branch?

The bank.

Ok, so...Do you want

everybody down

or just the people

at the bank?

All of you.

Bank branch.

All of you.

Bank branch.

Will you shut up?

I'll handle this.

Bank branch only!

Everybody else, just

go on about your business.

Shit, this ain't working.

Everybody down!

That's an illegal dismount.

Oh, my god.

An "a" squad

pompom string.


Keep your eyes

on the ground.

This is great.

How are we doing?

Quick. big bills,

big bills.

This here is bull dung!

That's what this is.

I'll find you.

Go on.

I ain't gonna let some

piece of dirt Betty doll

tell me what to do.

No, sirree Bob.

Freeze, scumbag!

Don't you never use the

lord's son's name in vain

around these parts

in the U.S.A.

What the heck?

Uh, I forgot

to tell you.

Sometimes when

the rebels

take the g*n

off a corpse,

some live rounds

get left in the clip.

Good to know.

Cheese on a cr*cker.


you guys, let's go.

I'm here live at

the scene of today's

highly unusual bank

robbery, speaking with an eyewitness.

Can you tell us

what happened here today?

You're talking

to the right person,

I am walking evidence.

One of them stepped

right on my [beep].

Excuse me, can you

get a shot of me?

This is important, buddy.

Can you dust my [beep] for prints?

It's important.

I can't believe you're

standing there, you idiot!

Wait, hold on, I forgot.

I have this. This is

really important...

That's nice.

Thank you for your time.

As you can see,

this crime here today

is affecting people

very seriously.

If you haven't heard,


5 pregnant Betty

dolls robbed the bank.

Can you believe this?

We're like celebrities.

Better enjoy it now.

Because tomorrow some little

kid falls down a well,

and we're nothing

but a distant memory.



Oh, bad news, di.

There was one thing

we just couldn't fit

in the furnace.

Oh, my god.

Oh, you guys!

Thank you. Oh!

Can you believe

we did it?

I mean...

We did it.

We really

did it.

I guess no one

could have predicted

the shit storm

that was about to hit.

The only thing people

cared about, thought about,

or talked about

was the robbery.

Judging by the way the robbers

practically flew up

to spray paint

the security cameras,

I think it was

an Asian g*ng.

Yeah. Because as a people,

they tend to be quite tiny

and very acrobatic.

That's all it took.

Next thing you know,

Dim Sum Charlie's

being hauled in

for questioning.

From there, the town just

turned into a freak show.


Get her!

That's her! That's her!

I'll never forget

that face!

This thing spread

faster than a canker sore

on the girls swim team.

Someone in Lincoln would

say something like...

They were dressed like

a bunch of freakin' Betty dolls,

for [beep] sake.

They had these

[beep] little voices,

and only a bunch of

[beep] damn queers

Would sh**t up

a union cap.

All of a sudden,

it's on Jerry springer.

This thing was

definitely huge.

Welcome to the show.

Today, we're gonna meet a number of transvestites

who don't just

dress up as women.

They like to dress up

as pregnant women.

Eric karros...

The country had come

down with Betty doll fever.

Left drive over the left field wall,

into a waiting pack

of Bettys.

And then it

finally happened--

the moment I had

been waiting for.

The little

dipshits in blue

finally followed up

on my evidence.


I'm Kurt loder

with an mtv news brief.

Authorities now believe

a group of teenage girls

are responsible for

the Betty doll bank robbery.

Stay tuned for my interview

with Alanis Morissette

on the negative influence

of the Betty doll on young girls.


It was Lucy.

Lucy went to the cops.

Remember, Kansas.

Every time you point a finger,

you have 3 more

pointing back at you.

She's been the weak tit on

this mama cat since the beginning.

That you?

Hold on.

Call me later.

I gotta get some

smokes for grandma.

Don't use big bills.

For a pack of cigs?

I'll use her food stamps.


We're dead.

They showed

this prison movie

to my youth group

on Sunday.


it wasn't like the prison we saw.

The women had

to shave their heads

because they got lice

from the filthy lives they lived.

Oh, no. I'm gonna be

someone's bald bitch!

Oops. Hold on a second.


Di? it's Luce.

Kansas just called and

said she's gonna freak me up.

I heard coughing and a thud,

and Kansas had to go.

I think her grandma

had another heart attack.

Why does she wanna

freak me up?

She thinks you went

to the police.

What? that's insane.

Why would I go

to the police?

Relax. Gotta get that.

I'll see you

tomorrow. Hello?

My Sunday school teacher

says in prison,

women shove

broomsticks up your--

Hold on.



No. this is Diane.

I think you have

the wrong number.

Oops. That's me. Gotta go.

Wrong number? No!



I called to say Conan talked

about us again last night.

Thanks, Cleo.

See you tomorrow.

Morning, sunshine.

Remember, except for

the morning sickness,

the blinding back pain,

and the embarrassingly

unpredictable gas,

these are the best days

of your life, so far.

Hey, hey, hey.

Not so fast.

Following your dream

isn't a crime.

Nobody suspects you.

Nobody even has a clue.


hey, pistolero

hey, guys.

Someone not take

a shower today?

Hey, Lisa,

did you run into

Carmen electra last summer?


Because it looks like you

got some of her tits on you.

This just came from

The National High School Cheerleading Association.

You might wanna look it over

before you try more

cradle dismounts from

double-based partner stunts

that are over shoulder stand

level, without using 3 catchers.

Oh...or before you think about

robbing another bank.

What did she say?

How does she know?

Move it, people.

FBI. FBI. Freeze!

I'm sorry to

bother you, ma'am,

but is this gonna take long?

It's game night.

Face front.

Are you sure

they can't see us?

One-way mirror, ma'am.

Picture in 3, 2, 1.

Excuse me, on law & order,

they get to make one call.

I need to call

the father of my babies.

It's a fungus.

Leave it alone.

Nothing I can do. Hello?

Lisa, it's Diane.

We need to talk.

And that's why I came forward.

Even the kids

on the short bus

can see that all the evidence

points to Diane and the "a" squad.

Oh, it sure does.

Your testimony will

prove invaluable--


it wasn't them.

Heh. they were all waiting

in my suburban that day

while I ran into the

supermarket for some cash.

We were on our way

to practice.

Well, better get going.

Nobody ever got ahead

by sitting on their behind.

Hey! over here!

Is that Lisa?

What's she doing here?

Come on.

They let you guys

keep your mug sh*ts?

I don't get it.

Why did you tell the cops we were with you?

Look, guys, a failure to plan

is a plan for failure.

We needed an alibi.

I'm not gonna be doing

back handsprings anytime soon.

What's in it

for her?

Well, the "a" squad

is going to need

a new captain soon.

You can't be serious!

Lisa really does

know all the rules.

Look! If it wasn't for my alibi,

you'd all be doing college

by correspondence.

Get away from me!

Gross. Diane!

Sorry, it just slipped out.


Funny how things

work out in the end.

Diane turned in her pompoms,

and I'm the new

"a" squad captain.

After all, National High School Cheerleading Association

rule number one--

always stand behind your fellow cheerleaders.

Especially when they're

7 months pregnant,

locked in a holding t*nk,

and looking at 15 to life.

Actually, I made

that last little bit up,

but you know what I mean.

well, she was

an American girl

raised on promises

she couldn't help thinkin'

that there

was a little more to life

somewhere else

after all,

it was a great big world

with lots of places

to run to

and if she had to die

tryin' she had one little

promise she was gonna keep

oh, yeah, alright

take it easy, baby

make it last all night

she was an American girl

well, it was kind of cold

that night

she stood alone

on her balcony

yeah, she could

hear the cars roll by

out on 441, like waves

crashin' on the beach

and for one desperate

moment there

he crept back

in her memory

god, it's so painful

when something

that's so close

is still so far

out of reach

oh, yeah, alright

take it easy, baby

make it last all night

she was an American girl

an American girl

an American girl

let's go

good morning, sunshine

what you wanna do today?

I'm so tired of working

I've got too many bills

to pay, that's ok

'cause I've got

a real straight shot

you've got

a pretty good car

so pick a point

on the map

doesn't matter which one

we'll be rich

when the job gets done

you hold the bag,

and I'll hold the g*n

fill up the t*nk

let's Rob a bank

I've got holes in my shoes

I've got holes

in my underwear

take a look in my wallet

there used to be some

money there, I don't care

'cause I've got

a real straight shot

you've got

a pretty good car

so pick a point

on the map

doesn't matter which one

we'll be rich

when the job gets done

you hold the bag,

and I'll hold the g*n

fill up the t*nk

let's Rob a bank

we can have

everything we want


la, la, la, la

I can buy a new guitar

you can pay

your credit cards

let's Rob a bank

'cause I've got

a real straight shot

you've got

a pretty good car

so pick a point

on the map

doesn't matter which one

we'll be rich

when the job gets done

you hold the bag,

and I'll hold the g*n

fill up the t*nk

let's Rob a bank

point on the map,

doesn't matter which one

let's Rob a bank

we'll be rich

when the job gets done

let's Rob a bank

you hold the bag,

and I'll hold the g*n

fill up the t*nk

let's Rob a bank