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Tuesday (2008)

Posted: 09/04/23 11:43
by bunniefuu
(Music plays)

(Buttons clicking)


(Phone dialling)
Rubik's cube clicking)

(Tape buzzing)

(Dials clicking)

(Softer music plays)

(Cash register ringing)

Another robbery,

another insurance company
pissed off.

They're not all
on our patch, but...

f*ck it.
Why can't we catch these guys?

as they've been dubbed, boss.

Dubbed? What the f*ck
does that mean?

The definition of dubbed,
boss, is to...

Call 'em what you like.
l want them.

Ears to the ground,
eyes to the street.

lt might not
mean much to you

but when you can feel the
handcuffs of retirement

slipping round your wrists...

We've got to get these guys.

lt might k*ll me
but l've got to do it.

(Camera shutter clicking)

(Music plays)

Man: lt will be at its minimum
staff level.

The virus we released in
the lobby last week worked.

And the two new temp guys

haven't had time
to learn the system.

(Rain pattering)

(Music plays)

Man : All right.
As is usual.

l'm in first, test the water.

No sign of me in , you enter.

Man :
l do the security.

Man :
lt goes off.

Man : Dispatch security,
two of us infiltrate.

Man :
l make the call.

Man : We escort the key holder
to the safe.

Exits are cleared by you.

Man :
l'll take care of crowd control.

Man : l pull up to the entrance
in three minutes, doors ajar.

Man :
Key holder is secured,

cargo in transit.

Man :
Smoke is triggered by the door.

Cargo exits.

Man : Smooth drive away
as the cavalry arrive.

Man :
No sh**ting.

Man :
Not if we can help it.

And then what happened?

lf you want one
you should just take one.



l don't smoke.

Woman: You should never
deny yourself something

if you really want it.

lf you have the opportunity,
just take it.

My partner said
he doesn't smoke!

Could you just tell us
what happened?

That's when all hell
broke loose.

Thank the Lord you showed up.

(Music plays)

The g*ng entered,
and then what?

Well, chaos.

You'll have to be

a little bit more
descriptive than that, love.

You know, try and elaborate.

Um... They...

they came in the door when...

George was dealing with that
madman in the raincoat.

George Hardy was
the security guard

who was shot in the robbery.

Yeah, that's right.

Go on.


Well, George,

he didn't see them coming in
through the door.

They took him by surprise.

They took everybody
by surprise.

(Music plays)

l'm waiting in me car outside,
when... bang.

l hear g*nf*re and screams.

Uh, how many sh*ts
did you hear?

l don't know.

lt's not something you count
when it's happening, is it?

But, um... more than one.

More than two?

Uh, probably.

Officer: lt's important
to remember, you see.

l'm waiting for a friend

and then the next thing l know
it's happy hour in Beirut,

so, you know,
l wasn't counting.

Uh, where exactly
was your friend?

(Music plays)

(High-pitched buzz)

And that's when they came in.


At what point were they aware
you had a g*n?

Um... l don't know.
l think it was...

just after the security guard...

- George.
- Yes.




After they saw his g*n out.

Who was it aimed at?

Me, of course.

Excuse me.

(High-pitched buzzing)
(Mixed groans)

(Buzzing dies down)

(Dialling beeps)

Hello, Tyburn Security?

Mrs. Jones.

Well, l see the gems aren't the
only beautiful things in here.

l need you to open the safe.

Hi. l'm from
Gallow's Precious Gems.

Of course.

(Music plays)

Man : Yeah, l just wanted
to let you know

we've had a... a power failure
here on some of the systems.

No, there's no problem.
lt's all very quiet here.

Rules of the game!

Stay quiet, stay still,
you live!

f*ck around, and you're dead.

The police?

No, l think they've got
better things to do.

Man :

Do call back.

The phone lines seem unaffected.

Certainly. Uh, it's Mr. Roe.
l'm the manager here.

You have the number.

Thank you.

(Phone ringing)


Yes, this is Mr. Roe.

That's correct, yes.

You might need
to send an engineer.

No, no, no, no, no, l don't
think that'll be necessary.

Thank you so much.

(Music plays)

What the f*ck
are you looking at?

(g*ns cocking)

Slide that over to me.
Nice and gently.

Nice and gently.

(g*n sliding)

Good boy.

(Music plays)

Thank you for your time
and patience,

ladies and gentlemen.

Just to let you know,

if any of you try to follow us,

we've left a canister of
poisonous gas by the door.

Now, should our lookout
spot any of you following us,

she will release the gas.

(Music plays)

(Electronic beep)
(Gas hissing)

Man: (Muttering)

Gas! Gas! Get back!

Man :
What can l say, Billy boy?

Another brilliantly
ex*cuted plan.

Brilliantly prepared plan.

Yeah, that and all.

is there a girl in the g*ng?

Several witnesses claim
one of the g*ng mentioned one.

"She will let it off,''

as in poisonous gas.

Which it wasn't, thankfully.

The key doesn't belong
to anyone at the Gem House.

How long till we find
the lock it fits?

Well, l was told
and, uh, l quote,

''Forever and a day.''

We got to follow these leads,

but l get the feeling these guys
are giving us the run-around.

They're smart.

Not necessarily all of them.

There could be only one brain
behind the planning here.


When there's only one planner
things will fall apart.

Let's work on that.
Now, where next?

And when?


Anything we should know about?

Just that it's coming
together nicely.

lt's going to be
a big haul, this one,

and my last.

History tells us

that eventually every g*ng
will get sloppy and get caught.

Fall out and get caught.

Or retire
and sometimes get caught.

Which shall it be?

Well, l've had a good career.

Feel l'm slipping a bit.

lt's a young man's game
this, isn't it, eh?

Why do you always say this,
every time?

lt's bad luck to say that.

No, no, no,
no, no, no.

lt's bad luck to
walk under a ladder,

to smash a mirror,
or to kick a black cat.

l've never heard anyone say,
''No, l'm quitting,'' is bad luck.

Look, just don't say it,
all right?

Bound to get caught some time.

Long as you keep
planning well, Billy,

the police aren't even
going to get near us.

Just don't say it.
Don't jinx it.

ls it really bad luck
to kick a black cat?

- You ever kicked one?
- No.

Well, don't worry
about it then.

why would l want to quit, eh?

Best gig in the world.

(Music plays)


Do you think we'll get them
before they retire?

We better had, Tom.

l don't like walking away
from open cases.

Yeah. Let's hope
our luck changes then.

Or their run of luck ends.

Call me on the next one.

(Footsteps departing)

What you spending
yours on then, Silver?

Girls. Girls. Girls.

How about you, Butch?

Well, my mum's roof
started leaking again

so l'll probably put
some aside for that.

You make sure you get yourself
a proper builder, right?

Get robbed blind by some
of the cowboys out there.

l'll give you me
cousin's number.

ls he a builder?

No, he's a f*ckin' hat maker.

Thought it might keep the rain
off your mum's head.

- Milliner.
- What?

A milliner.

That's what they call
a hat maker.


ls your cousin a hat maker
or a f*cking builder, man?

So when are we planning
the next one then?


(Music plays)

Man: The manager
will be here shortly.

(Music plays)

Somebody wanted to see me?

Ah, sorry, sir.
He just left.

Right weirdo.

(Music plays)

Why did you want to do it?

Are you married?


You are.

So you're the curmudgeon.

Unmarried, solitary...

going with his hunches,
against the rules.

And l know you're
the family man.

Never putting a foot wrong.

Doing everything by the book.

And beaten to the result

by the cocky young
whippersnapper here.

Whoa! Don't judge a book
by its cover, mate.

Oh, l forgot.
You also use clichés.

Did you ever cheat on her?

Will, please.

Woman: No, l can't.
l can't do it anymore.

Helen, please, why not?

Because l'm not happy.

Because it's not
going anywhere.

Give it a chance, love.

l have.

l'm sorry, it's over.

Say hi to your wife for me.

Another robbery, boss.

Looks like
it's the cowboys again.

Don't worry.

We'll get them
before you retire.

Give me a moment.
l... need to speak to someone.

Of all the stupid ideas.

Why did you try and rob a bank?

Did she ever cheat on you?


- Will...
- (Chuckling)

You probably
wouldn't know anyway.

William, what the f*ck
are you on about?

You said it, f*ck!

My wife cheated on me.

She did it right in front
of me with my boss.

My f*cking boss!

And there was nothing
l could do about it.

Probably sat on my bed
laughing about me now,

like they always have.

Look, l'm sorry
to hear that, William,

but we cannot
condone your behaviour...

When... When someone you love
cheats on you,

it... it destroys you.

Your whole body is confused,
one big knotted mess.

He doesn't need to know this.

You want to know why
l tried to rob the bank?



l wanted to rob the bank
to get some money.

l wanted to pay her off,
get her out of my life.

l wanted to get out of my job.

l wanted to get away
from everything

that reminded me
of the two of them.


l wanted to do
something in my life

that people would sit up
and take notice of.

l wanted to prove
l wasn't a failure.

-lronic isn't it?
-What is?

William: The day l choose
to rob this bank,

someone else is robbing it
and l get caught.


l hope they die
laughing in my bed!

Tell us about your plan.

My plan?

Surely, you just didn't
run in there with a g*n.

You must have thought
this through.

Oh, well,
l done my homework.

l knew when the bank
held the most cash.


You were after the cash?

Butch: Not cash?
- No.

So what's to take, then?

We got enough cash
to bankroll this.

And with the profit,

we'll be able to have
a nice holiday for a while.

Holiday? This is hardly
f*cking work, is it?

The more relaxed
you guys get,

the better chance we got
of getting caught.

Stop being such a bloody
drama queen, Billy,

and get on with the plan!

All l'm saying is...

We're not f*cking idiots, Billy!

We know, you get lazy,
you get caught.

But right now
we're professionals.

The day the adrenalin goes
is the day we all walk away.

No. The day the adrenalin goes
is the day we f*ck up.

What we going after?
Why not cash?

There's more lower currency notes

being put into circulation,

which equals more
bags to carry out.

Which equals more
trips to the car,

which equals more time,

which equals a better chance
of us getting caught.

Which equals l'm totally
f*cking lost then.

Well, hang on.
What are we taking?

The Meidan-i-Noor.

Does that come with rice?


Come with rice!

lt's a big f*cking emerald.

Well, it's worth
tens of millions,

but we're being used
as a holding area

before it gets picked up.

Which day?




There's not much
time frame there.

There's enough.

lt's a bit risky though.

Well, l know it's a risk,

but they've got
dummy drops all over town.

And because we're low security,

they shouldn't
suspect a thing.

Oh, no, no, they've, um...

they're coming in
on a normal delivery.

l think it's...
Yeah, l think it's box .

Well, 'cause it's no bigger
than the size of your fist.

That shouldn't be
too hard to carry out.

Getting out's going
to be the easy bit.

Now who's jinxing things?

lt's getting to
the back of the bank

that's going to
be the hard bit.

Never had a problem before.

Times are a-changing.

We're on the cusp
of a new era.

Motion detectors,

time locks,
early warning systems.

Hang on.

You're saying
it's going to be harder.

So what?
We're good, aren't we?

Hard or impossible.

ln a year or so there's
going to be no point

going into a bank with a g*n.

See, the bad news is,

the bank that Billy's
talking about

has just had a major
new security refit.

Yes. l mean, George is
just there for show, really.

l mean, God knows
what he'd do in a real robbery.


Hang on, just give me
one second, will you?

Sorry, about that.
What was l saying?


Here's the problem.

- Along with the...
- ...normal systems

we've got a...

an immediate response trigger
installed with the police.

Well, l can't tell you
how it works.

Well, because l don't
know how it works.

lt's an early warning system.

So, l mean, if anything
out of the ordinary happens,

the police are alerted
straight away

even if a light bulb blows.

That's a bit excessive,
isn't it?

Yeah. No one likes
being robbed anymore.

So l'm guessing
the moment the cameras

or the alarms are cut

the police are on the way.

That's right.

What's the minimum
response time?

Oh, where we are,

l think it's about minutes,
which l think is terrible.

lt's great for us.

lt's still not long to find it.

Come on, Billy.

How much we talking here?

lt's the Meidan-i-Noor.

We can retire on it.

On each of our own islands.

The Meidan-i-Noor.

Never heard of it.
What is it?

Come on, Earp.

The large emerald
you tried to steal.

l keep telling you,

l stopped the bloke from
robbing the place, that's all.


What's his story anyway?

l can't wait for the weekend.



(Loud whisper)

What is it?

Said l can't wait
for the weekend.


- l just thought...
- You disturbed me

to tell me that?

l'm sorry, Raj,
but information like that

is not exactly golden, is it?

None of us can wait
until the weekend.

None of us enjoy it here.

We would all prefer to be
at home than at work.

(Muttering) Somebody
didn't get laid last night.

What's that?


Sorry, l forgot.

whether l get laid or not

has got nothing
to do with you

or anyone else here.

Apart from the boss.

Sorry, William,
but l just think you're mad

to let it carry on
under your nose like that.

How do you know?

Come on.

l asked you,
how do you know?

Everybody knows.

What are you going
to do about it?

What do you mean?

Well, l assume you're not happy
about the situation.

Would you like your wife
to f*ck the boss

while you can't do
anything about it?

He won't f*ck my wife.

l don't even
want to f*ck my wife.

Then again,
l didn't choose her.

Why can't you do
anything about it?

He's my boss.

Look, l'm not your age.

l can't find another job
this late in my career.


l've been promised area manager

within the next three months.

Everybody's been
promised that job.

Oh, don't tell me
you didn't know.

- Even you?
- Yeah.

Even me, the token
lndian in the office.

That's how we know
it's bullshit.

Bullshit, my friend.

What's wrong?

My wife's here.

What, are you just
going to sit there?

Why, what would you do?

l'd divorce her

and l'd throw him
out the f*cking window.

l'm in the process
of the former.

And... how's it going?

They only ever go one way.
She's after the house.

Yeah, but she's leaving you.

Yeah, well,
the house is in her name.


She bought it.

''l can buy my own
f*cking house. Can't l?''

What are you going to do?


Y-You are joking?

Did someone
put you up to this?

(Continues laughing)


You're serious.

l'm... sorry.

l-l-l thought that when...
you said...

l want to speak
to your superior.

There's no need for that, sir.

l genuinely thought
it was a joke.

Get me your manager!

l do apologize, sir.

Look, let's look
at the figures again.

l want to speak to your manager!

Of course, sir.

Uh, just wait here
a moment please.

Woman: Problem?
- Just a bit.

- He wants to see Jacobs.
- All right, well,

l'll go get him for you.


Seven, eight, nine,

that's ...

(Knocking on door)

Who is it?

lt's Samantha, sir.

Come in.

There is a problem
with a customer.

He's demanding
to see the manager.

l can carry on
without you, sir.

- l'm sure l can trust you.
- Yes, sir.

(Music plays)


- Jeez, you scared me.
- Sorry.

ls it there?

l'm not sure yet.

Somebody wanted to see me.

Oh, sorry, sir.
He just left.

Right weirdo.

My dad always said
if you're given an opportunity

you should take it.

Girls, you're not paid
to stand around and chat.

Back to your till, Samantha.

So who's the mastermind?

The what?

The brains behind
the operation.

lt sure ain't you.

Are you saying l'm stupid?

Do l look stupid to you?

Oh, so this time it was you
who planned the bank job?

No. Not this time, no.

So you admit that
you've planned jobs before?


l haven't done any bank jobs before.
What are you on about?

lt's just your friends
are all known bank robbers.

My friends?
What friends?


you got no friends?



What friends of mine
are bank robbers?


l don't know
anyone called Billy.



What kind of name is that?


Don't know anyone
called Butch.

Sounds like a q*eer.


that q*eer says
you're the planner.

No, not me.

So... you're the planner.

The what?

You do know
what a planner is, right?


Well, then how do you know
you're not one then?

You were seen leaving
the bank on Monday.

- What?
- Camera footage.

lt wasn't me.

You were wearing these.

Where'd you get those?

Well, they were
behind the tills.

So if you wouldn't mind,

perhaps you can explain
how they got there.

(Car ignition)


How did they get
behind the tills?

l have no idea.

We've got a theory.

So what are you doing tonight?

Butch: Yeah.

l'm taking me girl out
for a spot of dinner.

And then after that,
back to hers

for a spot of...

This the same girl still?


Must be a record for you.

What is it you do
for a living again?

Taxi driver.

Yeah, what does she do?

l don't know.

Don't you think that's
a bit of a problem?

l think she works
in an office.

You think?

You hear that one?

lt's that sort of slackness

that's going to get us
all busted.

Oh, give him a break, Billy!

So what do you talk about
then if it's not work?

Not a lot of talking gets done
if you know what l mean.

This chick is dynamite.

What are you doing with her?

Jeez, thanks a lot, big fella.

No. l mean... Oh, shit no.

l mean,
how did you meet her?

Silver: Well, it's a funny thing

Earp: Enough of this.
We've got to get on with it.

Right, as long as
everything goes to plan

you follow me in
after seconds.

l'll go around the back.

At two minutes l'll tap
into the external phone lines

and cut the alarm.



What do you mean ''what''?

You forgotten the plan?

How can l forget the plan?

lt's my plan.


Hang on,
what's this all about?

Why do we always have
to go through this?

Everyone knows
the plan, right?

Let's get on with it then.

We're going to miss
our window.

Yeah, we'll discuss this later.

(Music plays)


This better not f*ck up.

You better not f*ck up.

You'll make your dinner date.

(Music plays)

...which is why we didn't
get to have our break together.

So if you organize the rota
next time we can do it.

We can have a tea break
at the same time.

All right, l'll do that
first thing in the morning.

Anything we can.

(Brakes squeaking)

- l'm going to go.
- Okay.

See you tomorrow.

(Car ignition)

William: You two girls
put your hands on the counter.

Don't ask.

Now, he's on his own.

(Music plays)

- We can still do this.
- What?

Silver's cutting the alarm now.

- That is not a problem.
- But... come on.

Billy, this is our only chance.

William: ...l'm going to start
sh**ting people.

l know.

(Electronic beeps)


Sir, please put the g*n down.

You're not in charge here.

Hey! Get down, l said.

l said get down or l'll sh**t.

Sir, l don't...


(Electronic beeps)


Oh, God,
are you all right?

Man: (Screaming)
Earp: Well, l doubt it.

ls it loaded?

(Weak coughs)

Your g*n, is it loaded?

Are you the police?

lt's a f*cking fake.

This isn't.




Now, l realize you're all
having quite a day.

Try not to make it
your last, eh?

Now, we don't normally use g*ns.

That doesn't mean to say
we don't know how to.

You going to open
the f*cking door?

The sooner you let us in,
the sooner we go,

and the sooner this lot
can get some medical attention.

Make sure it's the door
and not the alarm.

(Door buzzing)

Right, all of you,

do as we say,
no one else gets hurt.

You, come with me.

You too, Angie.

Billy: lt's either going
to be in the main safe


Or in the manager's
personal safe.

What do you want?

Well, what do you
f*cking think?



(Muffled moan)

(Music plays)


Well, well what?

lt wasn't in the safe
so it has to be in his.



(Wail of approaching sirens)

(Music plays)

(Tires squealing)

(Sirens blaring)

(Mixed yelling)

Get down! Get down!

(Mixed shouting)

Jesus Christ.

You've got nothing on me.

This ain't the movies, Earp,
so stop talking in clichés.

''This ain't the movies''
is a cliché.

Why don't you tell us
what happened?

Good cop, bad cop?
That's a cliché.

Who says we're not
both bad cops?

Well, l won't argue
with you there.


You can't smoke in here.

Oh, please, Mr. Copper.

l promise to talk if you
let me have a cigarette.

This is such bullshit.

You two don't like clichés,
here's another.

You need it to prove something.

Well, we've caught
you at the scene

with masks and weapons.

They're not mine.

ls that your defence?

Well, go on then, charge me.

l didn't take anything.
l haven't done anything.

- Only 'cause we showed up.
- (Laughing)

And you got there
f*cking quick as well.

How did you do that?

The alarms went off.

We'd only been in there
five minutes.


How long do we normally take?

Ten, if you're lucky.

Now, how do you know that?

Your friend

said that you've
robbed banks before.

What friend?

How many have you got?

Who's framing me?

You are.

You know, he's too young to be
wasting his life like this.

Oh, l guess he'll
get used to jail.

f*ck off.
f*ck you, yeah.

Why am l going to jail?

Because you robbed
a bank today.

No, l didn't.

l tried to stop the bloke
from robbing the place.

l got nothing.

And neither have you.

Don't count on it.

So, he took you
out the back?


lnto the safe,
and then he tied me up.

Why did he take you?

What do you mean?

No offence, honey,
but you're just a cashier.

Why didn't he take
the supervisor?

What are you getting at?

That will be all
for now, thank you.

- What are you doing here?
- l, um...

l've been asked to give

What are you doing here?

Angie: Um, there was
a robbery at the bank.

Or two, actually.

Come on, pal.

What's wrong?
What did they ask you?


Just about what we were doing.


You told them
what l was doing?

The thing is,
we know you're lying.

- About what?
- Everything.

We've been told
you were doing a lot more

than just waiting for a friend.


What has she said?


We'll get back
to what ''she'' said

in a minute.

We want to talk about the
security camera footage first.

What footage?

The footage of you

opening a panel
at the back of the bank.

The panel that
houses the exchange.

The exchange box
with the cut wires.

And the cut wires which lead
to the alarm system.

You're lying.

There was no footage.
Was there?

There is no security footage.

What puzzles me is, though,

you said you were
waiting at the front,

but you don't deny

being at the back of the bank
cutting wires.

Officer: And you seem so sure
there's no camera footage.

How could you
possibly know that?



What is it?

My boyfriend's in there.

Your boyfriend?

He's in there now
talking to them.

Talking to them
about what?

Us... Me, l guess.

l used the last tea bag.


Did you get the promotion?


l was being sarcastic, Sam.

l've been passed over
as well, you know.

Yeah, well,

There's no point getting angry.

You know about the glass ceiling
in this place by now.

- Angie, l would...
- Look...

at the facts.

How long have you
worked here, Sam?

Too long.

You know how to
work the tills,

the floor,

the back room.



Huh. Yeah.

l know everything
that there is to know.


You're not going to get that job
unless you have a sex change.

You just have to take a look
at everyone else above you.

They're all men.

Yeah, but it's not fair.

No it's not fair, honey.

So if you want to get a career,
join another bank.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Better mood today?

Huh. Yeah, slightly.


Um... How's the book?


What's it about?

Oh, um...

it's, uh, it's about
some master thief

who only steals from
really massive mansions.

And one day he goes
into a mansion

and he sees
loads of pictures

of the woman
who lives there

and he falls madly
in love with her.

What happens next?

Well, they get it together,

but he's having a lot of trouble

hiding what he does
for a living.

Yeah, well, hmmph!

Most secrets are hard to keep.


Any luck with the job search?

Oh, God, no,
there's nothing out there.

l guess l'm just going
to have to stay here

for the time being,

even though the money
is sort of crap.

The money's not crap,

it's the amount you get paid
that's the problem.

Huh! Yeah,

but there's nothing l can do
about that, is there?

Well, it's worth
tens of millions,

but we're being used
as a holding area

before it gets picked up.


Yeah, there is risk,

but they've got dummy
drops all over town.

And because we're low security,
no one should suspect a thing.

No, no, no...

They're coming in
the normal delivery.

l think it's...

Yeah, l think
it's box .

Well, because it's no bigger
than the size of your fist.

Yes, l mean, George is
just there for show really.

God knows what he'd do
in a real robbery.

(Book clatters)

Hang on, just give me
a second, will you.

(Music plays)

But how do we steal
a big emerald?

Do l have your interest?

No, but the bank does.

- Exactly.
- Huh.

So are you in?

Only if we can
get away with it.

Why do you want to do this?

The money.

To get back at them and...

because we can
get away with it.


Are we going
to get away with it?

- Don't know.
- You don't know?

What do you mean,
you don't know? You...

Samantha! l don't know!

Well, you had
all the answers before.

No, l didn't.

Yeah. You did.

And you were the one....

lt was your idea
to steal the emerald.

And it was your idea to cut
the camera and the alarms

and make it look as if
someone had broken in.

l knew it could be done,

but you knew
how it could be done.

Listen, it's my name
on the f*cking envelope

so why don't you just relax?

(Music plays)


(Lock buzzing)


Yeah. Sure.

- Have you got the envelope?
- Yes.

- ls it big enough?
- Yes.

And the stamps?
Have you got st...

will you just calm down?

Sorry. l'm just
really excited and nervous.

Listen, you've planned
this brilliantly

and it's in progress.

We can do it.


- Have you seen Samantha?
- No.


(Click, beep)

Samantha: So when do we tell him
that the alarms are down?

We're not going to
tell him anything.

Will you just relax?

l've just...

l've got a horrible feeling that
something's going to go wrong.

What could possibly go wrong?

(Music plays)

l said put your hands
on the counter

or l'm going to
start sh**ting people!




What the f*ck
is your boyfriend doing here?

How should l know?

- Well, what is he, a cop?
- No.

- What, a criminal then?
- No.

You set me up, didn't you?


(lndistinct chatter)

(Static crackling)

You used me. You...

You used me
to cut the alarms

because everybody knows

you don't know
how to work the security system.

They're never going
to suspect you.

Calm down.

Calm down.
We're in this together.


lt's sat there in the post bag
addressed to me.

- Promise?
- Yeah.

(Static crackling)

So they aren't
your sunglasses?

(Knocking on door)

Come in.

Well, go get it!

You're not going
to believe this, boss.




l wonder if there's
anything in here for you?

Well? ls there?

Now, Samantha's told us
about your involvement...

lt was her
f*cking idea that...

Yeah, we know all about that.

Just tell us how the
cowboys were involved.

- Cowboys?
- Tom: The cowboys.

Your boyfriend's little g*ng.


Officer: lt's going to be
a very long night

if you persist in
one word questions.

You mean the taxi drivers?

Taxi divers?
What... is that another g*ng?

ls Silver involved
with more than one crew?

l don't know what
you're talking about.

Your boyfriend
is a getaway driver

for a bunch of criminals.


- You really didn't know?
- Where is it?

ls it not there?

(Slam of hand on table)

- Where is it?
- l don't know!

You're back to lying again.

Have you any idea how much
that emerald is worth?


When's that?

That's a bit risky isn't it?

Dummy drops is a good idea,

but it's going to be a little
bit obvious

if the bank is taking in
special deliveries.

Normal packages?
How's it going to fit into that?

A fist! Huh!

Don't get much for your
millions these days, do you?

What about your
security guards?


Probably sh**t himself
in the foot.

What... What extra measures
have you taken?

Yeah, sure.

Get me one of those will you?

Get it yourself.

l'm on the phone
to the bank.

Well, when they've
given you your millions,

you can pay me to make us
both a cup of coffee, can't you?

Or you could respect my rank.

f*cking guy.

Sorry about that,
what was l saying?

Hi. Yeah, security?

Oh, yeah, we've got
normal systems.

We've installed a...

an immediate response
trigger to the police.

How does that work?

Well, l can't tell you
how it works.

Why not?

Because l don't know
how it works.

Uh-huh, tell me about it.
l can't even set my new VCR.

Officer: (On phone)
Listen, back to the bank.

What's the response time

when the alarm's been triggered?

Ten minutes?

Well, that's pretty
good going for us.

Yeah, well,
l'll see what l can do.

l'm... l'm in courts Monday,
but l'll send someone round.

Don't panic,
he'll be as reliable as me.

Yeah, l'll be there Tuesday.

(Music plays)

(Door lock buzzing)

(Door opening)

Everyone on the floor.
l have a g*n!

Get down on the floor!


Not you.
Stay up.

Up! You, up.

No! No! No! No!

Bank staff, stay up.
Hands on the counter.

down on the floor!

What about me?

Put the g*n down
or l'll sh**t.

That's what l was
going to say.

This is a real g*n.

So is this.

Sir, you're scaring
these people!

William: Why? No one's
pointing a g*n at them.

l'll put it down
if you put yours away, sir.


No one's ever called
me sir until now

and it's because l've got a g*n.



You two girls
put your hands on the counter.

l said put your hands
on the counter

or l'm going to start
sh**ting people!


Sir, please put the g*n down.

You're not in charge here.

Don't ask. Now, he's on his own.

And we can still do this.

- What?
- Silver's cutting the alarm now,

and that is not a problem.

- But... come on.
- Billy,

this is our only chance.

l know, but...

Hey! Get down l said!

l said get down
or l will sh**t!

- Sir, l don't...
- Will you please shut up?


(Shrieking in agony)


- Oh, God, are you all right?
- (Screaming)

Well, l doubt it.

What are we going to do?


ls it loaded?

(Weak coughs)

Your g*n, is it loaded?

Are you the police?

Hey! Hey! Take your f*cking hand
out of that case!


Oh, it's a fake.

lt's a f*cking fake.

This isn't.

- Congratulations.
- Ow!


Now, l realize you're all
having quite a day.

Try not to make it
your last, eh?


Now, we don't normally use g*ns,

that doesn't mean to say
we don't know how to.

You going to open
the f*cking door?

The sooner you let us
in the sooner we go

and the sooner this lot can
get some medical attention.

Make sure it's the door
and not the alarm.

(Door lock buzzing)

Right, all of you,
you do as we say

no one else gets hurt.

You come with me.

You too, Angie.

What do you want?

Well, what do you f*cking think?

Well, l know where the safe is.

So where's the key?

(Key jingling)

Thank you.

(Metallic thud)

You stupid, stupid...

l'm a police officer.
Can you open this door, please?

(Door buzzing)

All right.

So we're agreed the emerald
isn't in either safe.

Well, it must be
on site though.

Well, obviously the information
you got was wrong

so we need to get out of here.

We've come this far.

Don't push it, Billy!

Look, we search all the
other rooms, all right?

lt's okay.
l'm a police officer.

- What's your name?
- Angie.

- Angie Lawson.
- Okay, Angie.

Do you know where...

They've gone into
the manager's office.

Wait here.

We got to get out of here.
Someone else has cut the alarm.


Are you saying the police
could be out there now?


f*cking hell,
they are and all.

Well, we've got to hide somewhere.


What happened to me?


Where are they?

Haven't you
caught them yet?

Hang on. Hang on.
Hang on.

They're in the
manager's office.

And we can still
get out of this.

What f*cking happened to me?

You, curly!

What f*cking happened to me?

Sheena Easton!

Did you f*cking see?

Did you f*cking see?

what happened?

What f*cking...

Don't look at my face.
Don't look at my f*cking face.


Call the police and stay here.

(Music plays)


What the bloody hell
is going on here?

lt's been quite a day.

What's happened
to your head?

(Wail of approaching sirens)

(Music plays)

(Brakes squealing outside)

Everyone, get down!

Get down! Get down!

(Mixed shouting)

Jesus Christ.

-Police officer!
-Whoa, lads,

he's flying squad.

Arrest these guys...

and that one.

What happened here, boss?

Long story.

We're okay.

We're charging you
with attempted robbery,

possession of firearms,

and after we get a warrant
to search your premises,

l'm sure more charges
will follow.


We know
you're the getaway driver.

You can't prove it.

Not yet.
Be careful though.


Since the emerald
can't be found

the evidence
isn't solid enough

that you actually
sent it to yourself.

So we can only charge you
with conspiracy.

But if it turns up,

you'll go down
for a lot longer.

l'm sorry to do this,

But we have to charge you
with attempted robbery

and possession of a firearm.

lnterview terminated
at :.

(Tape recorder clicks off)


Can you give us a minute?


(Voice breaking)
l'm... so sorry.

Hey, Will...

going to be okay.

l'm going to jail.

You'll be out
before you know it.

l'll see to that.

Yeah, but then what?

What future have l got?

lf l can't look after
my big brother,

what sort of a man am l, eh?

Everything's going to be okay.

l'll make sure of that.

l've got nothing.

You will have.

Trust me.

Have you ever heard
anything as crazy

as what we heard tonight?


l mean, how the f*ck
do these things happen?


No, there's got to be
more to it than that.


Everything happens
for a reason.

lf you were given
an opportunity,

would you take it?

What opportunity?

lf you had a chance to
make your life better,

would you do it?

- To a certain extent, yeah.
- Yeah.

Where do you draw the line?

l wouldn't break the law,
if that's what you mean.


l'm sorry, l was just waiting
for you to burst out laughing.

So you wouldn't
cross the line?

l mean, nobody's
going to get hurt.

You wouldn't cross it?

Well, l'm a police officer,
why would l?

Everybody has his or her price.

So you're saying you would?



Take it easy, man.

l just wanted to see
if you'd have a drink on duty.

Oh, f*ck me, boss.
You had me going there.


To a job well done.

Yeah, but not complete.

We've gone as far as we can.

But what about the emerald?

lt's out there...

lt riles me.

(Slow inhalation)

l had this thought.

Maybe Angie and Silver
are working together.

We'll keep an eye on him,

see if he's going
to pick up her mail.

lt's out there...

and nobody knows where.

Oh, l'm sure someone does.

¶ it'll be all right ¶

¶ As long as we stay tight ¶

¶ it'll be all right ¶

(Music plays)

¶ Am l my brother's keeper ¶

¶ Or am l just a fool ¶

¶ Am l my brother's keeper ¶

¶ l'm breaking all the rules ¶

¶ You know they did him wrong ¶

¶ They took you for a fool ¶

¶ So l protect his honour ¶

¶ 'Cause that's what brothers do ¶

¶ Am l not my
brother's keeper? ¶

¶ Am l my brother's keeper ¶

¶ Or am l just insane ¶

¶ Am l my brother's keeper ¶

¶ l will defend his name ¶

¶ l do my best to
make it all right ¶

¶ And keep it all intact ¶

¶ The moves l make
are powerful, you see ¶

¶ l've got my brother's back ¶

¶ Am l not
my brother's keeper? ¶

¶ Am l not
my brother's keeper? ¶

¶ Am l not
my brother's keeper? ¶

¶ Am l not
my brother's keeper? ¶

¶ it'll be all right ¶

¶ As long as we stay tight ¶

¶ it'll be all right ¶

¶ it'll be all right ¶

¶ As long as we stay tight ¶

¶ it'll be all right ¶

¶ lt will be all right ¶

¶ it'll be all right ¶

¶ As long as we stay tight ¶

¶ it'll be all right ¶

¶ lt will be all right ¶

¶ Am l not
my brother's keeper? ¶

¶ lt will be all right ¶

¶ Am l not
my brother's keeper? ¶

¶ lt will be all right ¶

¶ Am l not
my brother's keeper? ¶

¶ lt will be all right ¶

¶ Am l not
my brother's keeper? ¶

¶ lt will be all right ¶

¶ Someone catch the thief ¶

¶ Who stole my heart ¶

(Music plays)

¶ Someone catch the thief ¶

¶ Who stole my heart ¶

¶ Someone catch the thief ¶

¶ Who stole my heart ¶

¶ Someone catch the thief ¶

¶ Who stole my heart ¶

¶ Someone catch the thief ¶

¶ Who stole my heart ¶

¶ Someone catch the thief ¶

¶ Who stole my heart ¶

¶ Someone catch the thief ¶

¶ Who stole my heart ¶

¶ Someone catch the thief ¶

¶ Who stole my heart ¶

¶ Someone catch the thief ¶

¶ Who stole my heart ¶

Do you have
the love l need?

You've got me
begging you for mercy