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Yesterday Once More (2008)

Posted: 09/04/23 11:50
by bunniefuu
A burglary took place at a
gems fair in Wanchai today.

The lone suspect ran off...

with HK$180 million's worth of diamonds.

The police has cordoned off
the area for investigation.

But found nothing.

No need to weigh each stone.

But then it won't be fair enough.

No need to be so exact.

This is yours. That's mine.
That's about right.

I want your part.

Wait. Put it down!

I still want your part.

Made up your mind?

I hired those guys. I
planned the whole operation.

Even this yacht is mine.

It was my idea. The model boats are mine.

Even the pliers are mine.

The loot isn't split fairly.

Let's play marble checkers.

Ok, let's play capture.

A marble for a diamond. Me first.

1, 2...

00:05:36,920 --> 00:05:38,080
3 marbles.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

5 marbles.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12...

I quit!

Just let me have this many.


Do you love me?

Which do you choose? Diamonds or me?

You kidding? Diamonds, of course.

You mean that? You give your word?


I'll sort out the divorce.

I'll ask John to handle this. All right?

I'll move to Repulse Bay for now. Bye!

What are you on about?

The loot is not split fairly!

Today is the hundredth day since we met

Why do you seem unhappy?

Let's call it quits.


Everything's going so well. Why break up?

You don't love me.

I DO love you.

How much?

With all my heart. Forever and ever.

Is that a proposal? Where's the ring?

To be honest, I love my ex-hubby more.

He'd give me nothing but the best.

So would I.

This ring is the best I can find.

Liar! You have more precious heirlooms.

No I don't.

Only my mom does.

Then let's just split up.

Heirlooms are only meant for my wife.

But you're proposing to me, right?

I dunno… if mommy will give them to you.

Ok, it's goodbye. Wait a minute.

Let me ask mommy.

Mommy, I need our family
heirlooms to propose marriage.

Mommy said I can forget it.

You ask like this. Of course she'll refuse.

Make it sound like it's life and death.

Anyway, let's just break up.



Sign this.

You've been married and divorced.

Frankly, I don't like you at all.

But my son loves you, so I got no choice.

I'm only entitled to wear the necklace

not own it, unless I'm still married at 60.

In case of divorce, it'll be repossessed.

You don't mind, do you?

If you love Steve, you'll stick with him.

I don't mind at all.

But I need to examine the goods.

No problem.

You seem to be having a nice chat.

Your mom is very nice.

What are you cooking?

Auntie, have a taste. You have a taste too.

I've got the data you asked for.

The first guy stole bread, got chased by

the cops, ran into a sports ground

beat all contestants, broke the record

and got caught when crossing the line.

The second guy stole jewels

sprinted from Sheung Wan to Shau Kee Wan.

30 cops caught him by relay 8 hours later.

The third one was a multiple burglar.

He ran up 81 floors. The 3 cops after him

went out of breath and were hospitalized.

He was sentenced to 2 years in jail...

and released 3 months ago.

You can only knock with your bodies.

The last one standing will be hired.

The hourly rate is 5-digits.

The car park is your final stop.

If you can overtake me, you're hired.

The hourly rate is 5-digits.

You're hired.

Mrs. Allen.

Please go ahead.

Just checking.

Grab that dog!


Chicken skin is high in cholesterol.


This is yummy.

Mrs Allen.

What would you like, Mrs Allen?

Rose tea

Your daughter-in-law-to-be is loaded.

Dad's a doc. Mom's a lawyer.

She was an honors student

Got 9 distinctions at O Levels.

She's a kleptomaniac since little.

At 15, her folks took her to a shrink.

There she met a fellow-patient

who was to become her ex-husband.

His family's even more distinguished.

Dad ran a hospital. Mom's a judge.

He got 10 distinctions at O-Levels.

Don't eat this. It's high in cholesterol.

They're a perfect match.

Birds of a feather indeed.

They began dating from the day they met

and were partners in crime.

Their folks had to send them away.

He went to a military academy in USA.

She went to UK's strictest girl school.

But they both played truant

and bumped into each other in Italy.

Last night they flew to
Italy on separate flights.

Perhaps to rekindle an old flame.

That's all you found out?

They must have stolen it.

I want concrete proof.

No problem. We'll fly to Italy tonight.

I don't want this information to leak out.


If insurance knew it's an insider's job

there'd be no compensation.

That's more than enough for my tea.

I'm waiting to hear from you again.

Who ordered this?

Sorry, but I don't deserve you.

I messed you up even before the wedding.

Please don't do this.

Although you don't blame
me, but your mum does.

I am a good-tempered person

but I can't stand other people's bad temper

I don't want you to be embarrassed

No. Of course it's not
because of the jewels.

Trying to back out? Don't be so smug.

I will get the necklace back.

Frankly, I am a thief too.

As a matter of fact, I'm your senior.


Hello. Hello, looking for me?

I saw a ring you'll definitely like.

Where is it?

You were there just now.

How come you knew I'd be here.

You followed me all the way from Hong Kong?

Which ring?

It's been a while. Same taste, huh?

How should we steal this?

Just like old times.

Who'll cover who?

Doesn't matter. Let's play it by ear.

Excuse me…

Why do you close your shop so early?

Is it possible for us to have a look first?

No! No?

We're already closed.

Please come back tomorrow.

Can't you make an exception once?

We came from miles away.

And we're flying out this evening.

Easy, easy.

My wife loves your shop.

She'll be upset if she buys nothing.

Can you help me about it?

If I'm home late, my
wife will be upset too.


What are you doing?

To smash the glass.

Since when have you become…

such a brute?

What else do you want?

Let's go.

Aren't you gonna lock up?

Don't you know where the key is?

Isn't it with you?

There it is.

Aren't you getting married?

Did you steal the necklace?

What makes you think I did it?

You want to put off my marriage.

Silly cow, why would I do such a thing?

We're divorced.

You aren't marrying for
the necklace, are you?

At least own up to stealing the ring.

Of course. You saw it.

Split the loot!

That's not easy.

I knew you wouldn't be so obliging.

Playing game again?

Of course. That's how we first hit it off.

Going back to Hong Kong this weekend?

See you at the race course. Going now?

How else could we meet at the horse race?

You bitch.

You're so fat, lucky we flew first class.

Told you to lose weight.

I'm starving.

The in-flight food was inedible.

Mrs Allen. Mrs Allen.

Go ahead and order some food.

Water's fine.

Any good news?

They're fighting with each other.

Is that how it seems?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Wonder what they are up to.

Thick as thieves one sec, foes the next.

I've a hunch they've fallen out.

Problems with splitting the loot.

Heard they'll meet Saturday at the races.

Something fishy is going on.

What? They didn't go to the races?

We'll tail them and keep you posted.

Let's split up the job!

What's the matter?

He's none of my business anymore.

Any good news?

Other than going to the office each day

he went horseback riding and cycling.

He didn't look up the woman.

How about the woman?

Dunno. You ask him.

Everyday, she either went to parties

or had wine and cigars with pals.

She didn't look up the guy at all.

Must be playing mind games.

See who's gonna give in first.

Tell him to come over for a chat.


I'm most patient.

Come get me when the fight's over.

Hold … wait a minute!

Let's not waste our time.

I hired a private eye to check on you.

I know you and your ex were thieves.

You're divorced but still partners.

You two've been at it since
high school in Hong Kong.

At college in USA, you were apprehended

but released on insufficient evidence.

You wised up. Have since got off the hook.

Now your luck's run out coz you met me.

What I have here can put you behind bars.

I don't wanna hurt Steve.

Just hand back the necklace.

I'll pretend nothing ever happened.

Or else, I'll make life hard for you.

How utterly ill-bred!

I'm Steve's mother after all.

You haven't said a word.

You don't know me, but I know you.

I was almost your ex-wife's in-law.

Your luck's run out coz you ran into me.

This alone can get you in jail.

How ungentlemanly! Are you still a man?

Answer me!

Just give up, son.

I'm the shrewdest judge of character.

That woman does not really love you.

Marrying her won't bring you happiness.

Have a cornflake.

I got it. I know how to woo her back.

Please lend me another family heirloom.

I'm gonna propose again.


She's ill-bred, money-grabbing

sharp tongued and full of attitude.

I won't accept her into our family.

If you still treat me as your mother…

you should look for someone else.

Is Mrs Allen here?

I'm the insurance surveyor

in charge of the necklace case.

Any compensations?

You've been a kleptomaniac since a kid.

You and your ex were a thieving couple.

You were partners at high school in USA.

The cops almost got you two at college.

You got away on insufficient evidence.

You suspect me? Where's the evidence?

Mrs Allen.

Better own up before the claims deadline.

Forget the claims if you have evidence.

Show him out.

I'm a hell of a surveyor.

The 4th race is a 1000 meter
race for class 2 horses.

We've come to the 5th race.

In the 7th race,

there are strong
contenders and dark horses.


Same rules, just like old times?

Whoever wins can ask...

the other as many questions as the odds.

Let's not waste time.

No.3 looks promising.

Only 1 to 3? I want 1 to 99.

Don't be so greedy.

It takes you only 2 questions
to find out where the ring is.

It's the necklace.

I'm betting on No. 9.

No. 3.

At the last 200m stretch,

No. 3 is leading by a big margin.

The gallop is light.

No. 3 is again the hottest.

The odds is only 1 to 9.

No. 3 is picking up speed.

The other horses are still way behind.

Oh, yes.

No. 6 is slightly ahead.

No. 8 moves up along the rail.

There appears to be a tie.

Results must be determined by photos.

You've lost. Mine depends on the film.

No. 8.

First place, No. 8.

Told you I bring luck to my husband.

Feeling great? Winning again.

It's like this every time. You always win.

Told you not to be greedy.

Never mind. There's always next time.

This is the season's final race.

There's always next season.

Is this bottle very expensive?

The '61 Cheval Blanc is
our most valuable wine.

You can have it if the price is right.

Hubby, look, what a cute little bottle.

Let's buy a few dozen cases.

Honey, look at that one.

The magnum bottle is even cuter.

Do you have a dozen or more bottles?

Yes, we do.

The fourth one on the top shelf please.

That's right, the blue bottle.

Both of those please.

And the fourth one on the top shelf.

And the second one on the third shelf.

Come over here.

Second shelf, those three on the right.

And these two as well. OK.

Over here, these three. OK.

And the two bottles on top.

And those two as well.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Goodbye. Take care.

Thank you. Goodbye

Take care. Please come again.

Drive carefully.

Stop it!

Have you made a reservation?

No, we haven't.

Mr and Mrs T.

This way please.

Long time no see.

We got divorced.

Open this and pour into two decanters.


This is a vintage wine. How much is it?

Dunno. I pinched it.

Bring us something to go with it.


I'm telling the truth.

Did you steal it or did you buy it?

I bought it.

Take this one.

I stole it.


Before going to the wine shop.

You give me wine. I treat you to cigars.

Can you drink like old times?

Or has your tolerance improved?

About the same.

One's not enough. Open another one.

Let's stick to stolen wines.

We stole 2 bottles of '61 Cheval Blanc.

We divided them when we split up.

Did you drink yours?

And you?

Is that really necessary?

We should split the loot evenly.

You get the wine.

Where's the wine cellar?

Polish the glasses.

2 decanters?

It's better you divide the loot. Sure.

Banana flavored.

I take the wine, you grab the glasses.

Same place, like old times?

So quick?

You did the same thing just now.

I know it's deliberate, but I'm pissed.

We never finished the game last time.

You sure that's the way it was?

You really remember everything about me?

I didn't have time to.

You prefer to drink water at night.

Is that right?

Just give up, Steve.

You again?

Italian coffee cups #3893876352

were stolen from Lane Crawford on 3/24/97.

French candelabra #38936766353 were

stolen from Dragon Seed on 8/18/93.

I saw them in your place.
I'm a hell of a surveyor.

Police has apprehended some suspects.

Sooner or later, they'll get to you.

You enjoy wealth and social status.

They're the culprits, you smart ass.

If you're so clever, you should know.

I don't care who stole the candelabra

just own up before the claims deadline.

See him out.

I'm a hell of an surveyor.

On 4/8/04, in The Center, Central District.

What were you doing?



Why not? We were paid tens of thousands.

How could it be such easy money?

He told me to run. That's all I know.

How did he look like?

I didn't see him.

Was it a man, or a woman?


Could have been either sex.

Do you know each other?

Full house.

Pair of Twos. Last card.

I quit!

You always win. Can't
you let me win for once?

Wanna know why you're losing?

The mirror.

What do you mean?

Let's swap places.

Let's play with cash. $10 mil for 1 point.

$20 mil for 2, $30 mil for 3.

No, cars for 1 point,

properties for 2, companies and cash for 3.

Wanna stake your entire fortune?

Great! I'm in.

5 cards first.



Last card.


3 points – companies and cash.


No. 2 is a sure win.

The odds is only 1 to 3. Forget it.

HK$10,000 for No. 1.

HK$10,000 for No. 3.

HK$10,000 for No. 4.

HK$10,000 for No. 5.

HK$10,000 for No. 6.

Strange. The odds for No. 2

has jumped from 1:3 to 1:15.

Go for No. 2. It's the dark horse.

I'll only bet if the odds is 1 to 99.

That's impossible.

1 to 15 is very good already.

Ok, here they come!

The order is 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6.

The first curve: No 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6.

No. 2.


15 questions.


Fire away.

Question 1.

The necklace is in a
place we haven't been to.

It's the ring.

Question 2.

It's in a place we've been to.

Question 3.

Last X'mas, you and a model reportedly

disappeared from a ball for 30 minutes.

That's irrelevant. Were you messing around?

Yes or no? No.

Really? Really.

She's got slit eyes, huge mouth and nose

and her perfume stank.

Glad to hear that. Let's keep going.

You dated over 100 gals after our divorce?

Nonsense. I'm not that good.

10? No way.

9? No way.

8? Not a single one.

What's my favorite cuisine?


And my favorite colors?

Purple & white. 3 questions left.

It's where we used to divide our loot?

Didn't I say you only needed 2 questions?

So 2 more left. Here's a silly one.

Am I beautiful? Ravishing.

Absolutely gorgeous.

Have I got 2 more? Just one.

No way. I definitely have 2.



Why did you divorce me?

I told you before: over the loot.

No. The real reason.

You really wanna know?

But you can ask no more
questions after that.

The ring's still missing. That's it?

OK. Same locker as before?

No? Why not?

Why didn't you put it in the old locker?

It was already taken.

Then how can I find it?

You're close already.

Remember we were at the door once

and you got scared by something.

Your clothes got torn by what?

You are so wonderful to me.

You thought it's the necklace.

I told you it's the ring all along.

The deadline's up. I want my money.

Do you want to hear from my lawyer?

This is a search warrant.

We suspect the loot is hidden here.

Don't you mess up my place.


Can't find it anywhere, huh?

I'm sorry, Mrs Allen.

Sorry to have disturbed you.

See them out.

Just give up. There's no other way.

When's the money ready,
Mr Hell of a Surveyor?

I have other evidence.

You'd better turn yourself in.

A last, desperate struggle?

You'd never find it in your entire life.

If I stole it, I wouldn't leave it here.


Have my money ready next time you come.

Sir, please assist our investigation of

a wine theft occurring on 5/1/04

at Galerie du Vin, Lyndhurst Terrace.

Right now?

Yes, if you'll kindly cooperate.

How long will it take?

We wouldn't bother you for long.

I've breathed a bottle for 18 hours.

It's perfect for drinking now.

By the time I'm back, it'd turn vinegar.

I couldn't finish it by myself.

Please help me out.

Sorry, we cannot drink when on duty.

It's a 1961 Chateau Haut Brion.

Nice stuff. HK$60,000 a bottle.

What a waste to let it turn sour?

I think a few tiny sips wouldn't matter.

I've just swallowed a few thousand bucks.

Sit down.

On 5/1/04, you're suspected of stealing

a bottle of red wine from Galerie du Vin.

You have the right to remain silent.

But anything you say will be recorded

as court evidence in future.

I did it.

Are they the people who paid you to run?

Yes or no?


Hubby, were you drinking red wine?

You're nailed. Better cooperate with them.

Tell the officers where the bottle is.

I just drank it.

How would you write the report?

Why don't you ask the question again?

On 5/1/04, you two are suspected of

going to Galerie du Vin
on Lyndhurst Terrace

where you stole a bottle of red wine

You have the right to remain silent.

But anything you say will be recorded

as court evidence in the future.

I didn't steal it.

They're obviously not after the bottle.

They're investigating the necklace case.

Oh yeah? I doubt it.

Stop fooling around. Did you steal it?

We 're in a police station.

What happened?

Acute leukemia.

The doctor said I have 3 months left.

I wish to have a beautiful funeral.

Lots of flowers. No mourning, no tears.

You'll help me, won't you?

Don't you dare remarry when I'm gone.

My last question.

Did you steal the necklace?

Don't think too much. Get some rest.

Dr Chen, how's my wife's condition.

I thought you're already divorced.

She asked me to keep it confidential.

I must safeguard my patient's privacy.

What did your wife tell you?

Acute leukemia.

Is it serious?

She was fine. Why this all of a sudden?

Well, the thing about leukemia…

I don't know how to break it to you…

What can I do?

That concerns the patient's privacy.

I asked you what I can do.

From the doctor's point of view…

the only thing the patient's family can do

is to get a bone marrow sample.

According to the terms of your claims

our company will pay you this sum.

If there're no problems, sign here.

That's fine.

Actually, I'm not after the money.

I just want to get the necklace back.

Thank you.

What's the matter with you?

I meant to donate my bone marrow to you.

Little did I expect to find out…

that I have acute leukemia too.

Life is so unpredictable.

Who would have thought…

Dr Chen, how's my husband?

You should know that's confidential.

I wanna know whether it's real or faked.

Well, his situation is similar to yours.

That means it's faked.

I honestly don't know what to say.

I must safeguard the patient's privacy.

You really have a terminal disease?


If you can have it, why can't I?

It's too much of a coincidence.

You're really terminally ill?

Of course.

That's such a coincidence.

If you won't tell the truth,
there's nothing more to say.

I can't figure out what happened.

I don't get it. Why did you divorce me?

The only man I've ever loved is you.

I didn't marry the Jewish guy for love.

It's for the necklace.

I really want to hear you say

that you stole the necklace

because you didn't want me to re-marry.

Then I'll be content.

I wouldn't care if I died right now.

I read about your engagement.

I was devastated.

I stole the necklace.

Although I guessed that you

desired the necklace, not the Jewish guy

I couldn't let you marry someone else.

You're the one I love in the whole world.

I couldn't dream of parting with you.

I'm always wondering how we'd look

when we're toothless and gray.

I couldn't imagine

life alone, without you.

However, two years ago

I discovered I had a terminal disease.

I wish to leave you the best I have

the things you most desired, before I die.

If you marry again for jewels

I will steal them again.


You're kidding me again!

I still have two questions, right?

No more.

I'm about to die. Give me a bonus one.


Where's the necklace? Give me a hint.

At the bowling alley.

Hurry up, let's go.

So energetic even when terminally ill.

You too.

I managed to rent it.

Do you desire the Jew, or this necklace?

The necklace, of course.

What's the matter?

Getting long-sighted?

Fine craftsmanship. Looks quite authentic.

Is this really fun for you?

I' don't think it's fun at all.

I love to see you get mad.

It's like this every time.

You always win. I always lose.

Can't you let me have my way for once?

Hand me the real necklace.

Mrs Allen, this man would like to see you.

Can I have a word with you?

The craftsmanship is not bad.

Let's stop the game. Clear the table!

You tried to cheat my wife from the start

or was it the claim money you're after?

I wanted to fool your wife.

I stole it. And you
cheated insurance money.

None of your business. You're a thief too.

If you're not scared, why stop your game?

What do you want?

Are you 5 ft 10?

After putting on shoes, yes. Next.

How tall are you?

6 ft. Next.

I want someone who weighs 130 lbs!


Turn around.

What do I actually have to do?

I still have one more question, right?

No more.

How come? I'm sure I do.

OK. What do you want to ask?

Tell me the truth.


Where is the real necklace?


Where are you? Why did I
hear a foreign girl talking?

You can only ask about
either the necklace or me.

Think carefully.

Whose whereabouts do you most wanna know?



Where are you?

Shouldn't it be "where's the necklace?"

Where are you?

Sir, please don't go too far.


Please make time to come to my office.

Your ex-husband has made some arrangements.

What arrangements?

The person involved must be present.

I cannot reveal anything just yet.

When can you reveal it?

I'll contact everyone, then set the time.

Start calling them now.

Now! Now!

His cars, properties, companies and cash

are now under your name.

10 European cars, 5 Japanese ones.

That's a total of 15 vehicles.

What are you playing at?

His 30 properties in HK

including 20 villas and 10 apartments.

He only had 13 when we divorced.

Where are the others?

3 are located in Chung
Hom Kok, 2 on Shousen Hill

1 in Deep Water Bay, 1 on the Peak

2 more in Shek O.

His overseas properties include:

2 in Canada, 2 in England

another in the US.

He owns 30% of Sun Seng Corp's holdings,

30% of Winner Label,

10% of Northwest Group

10% of Seven Stars Holdings Co.,

4 cigar bars, 10 cigar
shops, 10 wine cellars,

3 Golden Dragon chain restaurants,

8 Blenheim Terrace,

St John's Woods, London,

A 38/F unit in Trump Tower,

737 Fifth Ave, NY,

And 672 Stradthearn Ave, Toronto.

Oh, he's far wealthier than me.

Now you're far wealthier than him.

What's he playing at?

Tell him to show his face.

How ill is my husband? The truth please.

I said it's confidential.

Like if he asked me how ill you are,

I couldn't tell him either, right?

Leave me out of your lovers' tiff.

It's not a game anymore. He's disappeared.

He gave me all that he owns. You get it?

Is he genuinely ill?

Here's my analysis: are you really ill?

If not, as a professional medic,

would I extract his bone marrow?

In other words, I never got a sample.

That means he's not sick?

Not necessarily.

Just because he never took a test here

doesn't mean he's not ill.


Please sign these internal documents.

Here are some hotel renovation plans.

Please study them and
give us your decision.

Some Cuban cigar dealers are in town.

They want to have dinner with you.

You're invited by 13 French vineyards.

Anyone knows where my husband is?

No more games!

I've had enough.


Stop playing around.

Show your face.

She's filthy rich now, even more than us.

She won't love me anymore.

A man shouldn't give up so easily.

Exquisite jewels make her lose her head.

You might still stand a chance.

I know, but I don't have any jewels.

You wouldn't let me have any.

Do you still love her?

You bitch about her all the time.

Maybe she's not worth it after all.

If a man is in love, he must go for it

Take this to propose to her. Go for it!

Shall we try it again?

Leave me alone. I'm in a bad mood.

Mommy told me to bring this

to lure you into marrying me.

How comes it has no effect on me?

There was time when I'd swoon over it.

Your ex-husband gave you everything.

You are loaded with money.


I'll marry you! I will!

Are you serious?

However, I want the whole world to know.

Of course...

Don't touch me. I'm in a bad mood.

Nothing for me to sign? No contract?

Forgive me. It's my nature.

I think everyone's a
thief just coz I am one.

My first husband and I
were a thieving couple

We were birds of the same feather.

Sadly, he died young.

After that, I was married 3 times.

Each of them died in the end.

They were all legit businessmen.

I got much bigger inheritances from them

but the first one is the only one I miss.

Even now, I feel I only married once.

How comes it's like this?

That'll do.

Come and try this. It's delicious.

Have a bite.

Mommy, eat slowly.

Have a bite.

Doesn't it taste good?

You got the job.




Mommy, I'm sorry.

I made you lose your jewels again.

It doesn't matter.

I have plenty of precious jewels,

but only one son.

It's no big deal.

Scumbag! Kidding me again!


Sorry, I can't marry you anymore.

Because I found what I want most.

Don't! Please! Not again!

You just want to give your wife hope.

So who cares if they're real of fake?

You got more jewels as exquisite as this?

No, just this piece.

Ask your son to propose
to her with another piece.

I'll steal it again.

I'll pay you for whatever it's worth.

It'll be the same as a purchase.

You can pocket the claim money as well.

So that makes a double portion.

It's current market value…

I'm a professional thief. I know the price.

Why are you offering me so much?

You deserve it. You have to steal for me.

I'll tell you how.

Why don't you do it yourself?

I won't be around by then.

You're ill?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Make sure it's the genuine article.

Rest assured.

Your wife is smart. She'll guess it.

Guessing and being sure are not the same.