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02x05 - The Derby

Posted: 09/04/23 14:49
by bunniefuu
- The one person that I would've liked to have seen back

at this year's Run for a Million is Abby Lengel.

- Missing the qualifier at the Cactus

was extremely hard for me now I'm gonna try

for the qualifier in Vegas for next year.

- No matter how talented you are,

you have to have great horses under you.

- He's got a bone bruise and he needs days.

Without him, I'm kind of stuck.

- It's so hard to find that elite-level horse.

- You can't show the B string, or you might as well not go.

- You've been talking with Cade about horse options.

- Cade's gonna take whichever horse I don't choose

for the Run for the Million.

- [crowd shouting]

- My dad told me, I'd like to be

a million-dollar owner before I die.

But the horse I really like is not my dad's.

I wanna pick the right horse for me,

but not hurting my dad's feelings in the process of it.

- *

- I went pro when I was .

Been doing it for a long time.

I won the NRBC, I've won three gold medals.

As big as we made it, I don't know,

maybe looks like nobody thought

I'd ever win anything again.

Qualifying this year for the Run for a Million

has validated that I am a long way from being done.

I had that two seconds of, ah, this is great,

and then I had to turn right around

and watch Mandy try to qualify

because she was the next horse in the arena.

- Look at the gate,

that's Tom and he's white knuckles on that gate.

- Mandy McCutcheon, she's the winningest non-pro,

and then every now and then she just jumps into the open

and whips their ass too.

Everyone's terrified of her, she's fearless.

- TOM: Mandy's won more than any non-professional in history.

- My mom chooses to be a non-pro

but she's as good as anybody in the game.

- [crowd cheering]

- Come on Mandy.

- FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.


- MALE ANNOUNCER: Ooh, oh, oh.

- PA: The score for number , Giamosa and Mandy McCutcheon,

-, .

- I hate seeing them disappointed.

And there's nothing I can do about it.

- You know, she came up half a point short.

- I marked a / and it took a to

be in the run for a million.

- Mandy, you seem disappointed

but what an incredible run, what a stopper.

- Yeah, big stopper, I just made a few little mistakes.

So, had I not screwed up one stop or one turn,

I probably woulda been tied with Tom, but I didn't.

- I would've loved for her

to have qualified also.

Just for her. She's good enough to do it

and, and she deserves it.

- Well, the trill of it.

The excitement of the Run for a Million.

The atmosphere, the mood in the air

is just thrilling. The adrenaline rush,

it's an addiction worse than any drug I've ever been around.

Come on Cade!


I don't think I could've felt any better

at the end of the first Run for a Million.

I mean, I was so proud of Cade.

- *

- I don't know.

I don't really have that answer.

In general, I'm a mom.

And I try to help manage this circus.

- Mandy goes through it

and knocks out this list.

- Yeah, without this,

trying to manage horses is tricky.

Trying to manage horse trainers is even more tricky.

- That's fair. That's a fair statement.

- Tom and I have been married for years.

And we've been in the horse business that whole time.

- No, it's not really something that's ever crossed my mind.

Being a horse trainer takes a lot of time

and a lot of dedication.

And you gotta be at the barn six days a week.

And you've gotta ride all day.

And you've gotta make sure those horses don't get missed.

And there just wasn't enough hours in the day to do it all.

I love supporting Cade and Tom in what they do.

Whether it's the Run For A Million

or our local derby,

I'm always ready to go watch 'em show.

- *

- It's impossible to take pictures of them

if I go by myself because-

- I have to chase them around-

- They don't know personal space, you know?

They're like this.

Since I was little, I always just wanted to do horses.

I didn't want to do anything else.

- I really like that you take the pictures out here,

but if you ask me to hold them, I'm out.

I don't have the patience for it.

- Yeah, I know.

You're horrible.

Iain's my biggest supporter.

He's always with me at the shows.

And I wasn't sure about the Run For A Million,

but he had entered me anyway,

so, then we just had a little go.

- This girl's won every major event in Europe.

And she's an excellent rider.

And this family are competitive to the nth degree.

- Gina Schumacher is the daughter of an athlete

and it shows.

- [crowd cheering]

- She's a total enigma to everybody.

She just walked in, whipped ass, and left.

The biggest event in reining.

And now she's in the Run For A Million.

- This is Billy.

Billy is five years old.

And we qualified for the Run For A Million together.

He's a really cute personality,

little clown,

and he likes attention.

Oh, don't touch it.

- It's exciting for me to see Gina make it.

To see somebody like her go out

and get the chance to compete against all those guys.

I think that's pretty cool.

- Uh, I don't know, honestly.

Because I don't think I will.

- So, if I win,

it would be the most exciting thing ever.

Then I'd have to retire

because I don't can do any better afterwards.

- ABBY: Can you run to town and get some supplies?

- ZACH: Yeah.

- ABBY: I need more black tape and duct tape.

I really think that women can do this sport

just as good as men can.

I just don't think that there's been that many

to pave the way.

I mean, I don't think it has anything to do

with women's ability.

A lot of times, it's the husband that's doin' it.

You know, a lot of women, they want to have families

and it's a male-dominated sport. It can be hard on women.

I plan on having a family someday.

And I plan on doing what I'm doing.

I'm just gonna have to change it up a little bit.

I look at it as a challenge.

I want to be one of those women

that shows that if you have the right support behind you,

I think a woman can do it just as easily as a man can.

- What's the first day of showing?

- Tuesday.

- Oh, dang. Gettin' gritty.

- Yep, it's time.

The next big event coming up is the NRHA Derby.

The Derby's really important because it's the last big show

before the Run For A Million qualifier.

I have two great Derby horses.

And I'll be takin' Charlotte and Josie both there.

How's she doin'?

- She's doing fine.

- Josie is just very seasoned.

She's been shown a lot

and she's just consistent.

I know what I have every single time I walk in the pen.

Even if she has a bad day, she's gonna make the finals.

Charlotte, that will be her first show since her injury.

So that'll be a good way to kinda feel where she's at.

Charlotte got a new ball. She loves these.

Charlotte feels great. She feels % sound.

She's healthy. She's fat.

I feel like physically, she's fully ready.

Mentally, I still think I have a ways to go.

Most horses are shown at least four or five times by now.

And she missed out on all that.

So, she's got some making up to do.

Every horse is so different.

And it makes you really have to try to connect

with each horse as an individual because that's when you know,

you step up to the next level in my opinion.

Everybody that I compete against,

they're big time and they're all great showmen

and great trainers, but when it's all said and done,

it's anybody's game.

- The next big competition is the NRHA Derby.

It's also a big show for us.

- Tom's gonna show Gunners Rockstar again.

Cade'll show Gonna Go Big.

But they're both lookin' at some other horses

and stuff to maybe show at the Run For A Million.

- Super Marioo has a bone bruise on his right, front leg.

He's out for now.

- We're gonna keep on, you know, checking on Super Marioo.

Get him another MRI.

See where we're at with that, you know.

We're gonna do our best to still get him there.

That's my biggest concern for both Tom and Cade.

I want them to be happy and have the horses under them

that can give them the most success.

- My biggest competition is myself

and finding the right horse to take to the Million.

If I have the right horse,

I feel I can absolutely play with anybody.

- *

- Reporting live from the Oklahoma City Derby.

- It's hot. It's Oklahoma. It's June.

- Before we come to this horse show,

I actually ride this Derby horse when it's

in the middle of the day and it's really hot at home.

So, they kinda get used to the heat.

- Just to make the finals

at this show is gonna be a pretty, big deal.

- Super Marioo has a bone bruise on his right, front leg.

He's out for now.

So, neither one of mine are Run For A Million candidates.

- I haven't decided which horse I'm gonna show

in the Run For A Million.

That's between my dad's two horses

and another owner's horse.

- I had a pretty good NRBC,

but I feel like I left a little bit out there.

We are dealing with an animal who has a mind of their own

and they can take your confidence quick

and that's when you start going downhill.

- My top horses right now,

number one is the new one I just got, Monte Carlo.

But then with the Run For A Million being close,

I'm making the decision to not show him here.

But I thought it was important to bring him

to this environment,

spend the time to get to know him more.

- I only brought one horse this year.

It's the horse I qualified for the Million on.

- The two horses that I'm showing here,

they're on the list of possible candidates

for the Run For A Million.

So, this is uh, basically, the final stretch.

- His chances?

In my opinion, if there were betting odds,

he'd have the best odds in the competition.

- *

- The Derby's another opportunity for us

to showcase the horses in.

Fortunately for me,

I have a really amazing set of horses at the moment

to get ready.

The two that I have in contention

for the Run For A Million are America's Supermodel.

And I'm also gonna have Americasnexttopgun.

My biggest goal for this year would be

to win the Run For A Million.

Every one of the guys that are there are capable

of winning the whole thing.

So, I think it's gonna be a knife fight

from the very, very first run.

- That's cute.

Let's go to Shorty's first.

- Are you ready? - I'm ready.

- No way. - Cool.

- Can I get it, mama? - Yeah.

- I like this one. - Go look at yourself.

- The last season Run For A Million,

we were extremely excited.

It was spectacular

and it changed our world as makin' a living

in the reining industry.

- Casey Deary.

- Here comes Casey Deary.

- He's comin' from the parking lot, I think.

- There's a lot that goes into that five-minute ride.

The money to win,

it does change a lot of lives.

And the trickle-down effect of a win is just powerful.

It affects our family and our kids.

So, to carry that load on your back is...

It's heavy.

There's a lot on the line.

- *

- Mom. - Yes?

- Casey said I had something in my teeth earlier

when I was on the camera.

- I feel like Casey was lyin' to you.

- Do I have something in my teeth?

- Why would you believe a word that comes out

of Casey's mouth?

- Except for I do have food in my teeth a lot.

I got two younger horses here,

but I want everybody to know every time I walk in that pen

that I can beat 'em.

The hard part about me today and tomorrow is,

I gotta be perfect.

You don't have to be great,

you just can't make a mistake.

- PA: We're gonna welcome in draw .

Cade McCutcheon riding for Arcese Quarter Horses.

- I've always been the young guy.

Ever since I've been in the Open,

I've made all the finals.

I don't want to be second in anything.

When it's all said and done,

I want to be able to say that I left my mark on the industry.

- Cade had a couple of bobbles in the finals at the NRBC.

So, it would be really good if he could do good here

at the Derby.

And carry some momentum for the Run For A Million.

- *

- PA: Thank you. That was Cade McCutcheon and Gunna Go Big.

- Exactly, he got all there was to get.

- The score's in for Cade's ride on Gunna Go Big.

A and /.

- *

- Things did not go very good today.

I missed the finals.

It's super frustrating not to win.

And I haven't won anything for a while.

I had a pretty incredible year in .

Now it's, it's plateaued.

I knew it'd plateau a little bit,

but I want to get back to where I was.

I want to get back to the top.

It's a couple of a months till the Run For A Million.

And you know, every day from now till the day

we run in the gate at the Run For A Million,

I'm gonna be rememberin' tonight.

- *

- Whoo!

- [crowd screaming]

- The NRHA Derby is crazy.

The competition's really, really strong.

So just to make the finals is a really big deal.

- [crowd screaming]

- Josie was amazing.

I mean, she showed the best she ever has.

A lot of people said early on that you know,

she's a nice horse,

but she doesn't have enough stop to be an open horse.

And when someone tells me,

I don't think they're gonna be able to do it,

then I try really hard to make it happen.

- [crowd cheering]

- I love that my draws are spread out.

That way I don't feel rushed

and I feel like I can get both horses prepared

to their highest potential.

Charlotte's been ridin' really good.

She had surgery done almost a year ago.

I think we're just right now,

we're just trying to get her confidence back.

Get her relaxed.

This is a lot of new things for her,

a lot to cope with.

She's really nervous.

- You got this.

- PA: We're now gonna welcome in Thischichasbigdreams.

And Abby Lengel will be riding for Diamond Creek Ranch.

- *

- [crowd cheering]

- Good job, Abby.

- PA: For Abby's ride on Thischichasbigdreams,

a .

- I really couldn't be happier with how that went.

That'll get me back in the finals.

I'm pretty happy with her. - I'm so happy, honey.

You need to be so happy with that.

- She needed a confidence-building

run out there. - But this was a big one.

- As far as taking Charlotte to Vegas for the qualifier,

I'm gonna see how she does here in the finals.

How she handles that pressure

and then we'll decide after that whether we take her or not.

- *

- So, the horse that I'm riding tonight

may be my Run For A Million horse.

Depending on how it goes today,

I will decide what I do.

This is the only thing I want to do.

Just make the finals and then I'm happy.

And then the finals, we just have fun.

- Gina Schumacher makin' it into the Run For A Million

is unbelievable.

She's such a great role model for other girls

in the reining world because she's competing

with the highest level.

It makes the hair on my arms stand up

even when I talk about it.

I'm really excited about her bein' here.

- Yeah!

- Sometimes when you get to a big show,

you feel like a very little person

in a field of very big people.

You need a lot of years of experience

to build confidence.

- PA: [unintelligible]

- My run was really good.

He did everything for me.

I'm still in the top ,

which go to the finals.

It's probably the right decision to have him

as a backup horse for the Run For A Million.

- Gina Schumacher, she's a real badass.

She's not a professional.

She doesn't have anything to lose.

Somebody that has nothing to lose

is really, really dangerous.

So, I am a little worried about Gina.

- Where are we keepin' the hats?

- In the...

- Real good. Really good. He's actually feeling better,

in better condition than he's been in,

in probably years in my opinion.

I mean, it's a big relief to see

because those hips and knees bothered him for so long.

- Which trunk would I find my chaps in?

- The one that says McCutcheon.

- There's a rollercoaster that you go through.

When you're a kid, you start out and you have some big runs.

And you're like, oh, I'm gonna be good enough some day

to play with these guys.

And then you do.

At that point, you expect to make it work every time.

And anything less than that is extremely disappointing.

- Where do you think I put my... Oh, there it is.

There was a stretch of years for me

where I was the leading rider

or in the top five every year for several years in a row.

In my head, I don't think there's anything

any different now.

In fact, I think I'm a better horse trainer.

- There's a reason you don't see any

-year-old horse trainers showing in all these events.

It's because there aren't any.

It's too hard on your body.

It takes its toll.

And Tom's fighting this battle with his body.

And he's not ready to quit.

What makes Tom so dangerous is he is so savvy.

And it's almost that approach of,

I may not be as good as I once was,

but I'm as good once as I ever was.

and that day is going to be today.

And a lot of people look over their shoulder

and wonder when is Tom runnin'.

'Cause they'd like to know how he did before they go in there.

- *

- It scares me to death when the day would come,

and it will, that I can't be

as competitive as I was.

- Come on, baby.

- This is who I am.

I mean, it's my identity.

And I don't know who I am when I'm not that guy.

- Oh, f*ck.

Really, the tripping?

He cannot get through one

without something stupid happening.

Today has been a bit of a bummer day for us.

Cade marked a today.

Not enough to make the finals.

Tom only had one horse to show here.

Really a nice horse.

One mistake also just kept him out of the finals.

You just can't catch a break sometimes.

- Man, I don't even like the question

because it implies what I already know.

I can't do it forever.

I mean, been competitive my whole life.

And still competitive.

I mean, I'll, if I lose a game of ping pong

I'll be mad for all afternoon. No.

To answer the question,

it's just to keep being as competitive as I can be

for as long as I can play at the top level.

When I can't play at the top level,

I don't know what that looks like.

I really don't.

I mean, I don't know if I just say, that's enough

because that's the only place I want to play.

I don't know.

- *

- Like on your two-year-old,

would you mainly just jog around?

Would you make him step in with his shoulder?

- I would do both.

I would make him go forward into his face

where he has to move that shoulder and look in.

Yeah, like that.

- One thing I think separates me is

I've never been scared to go out there and ask for help.

I will pick your brain.

And I will figure out why you're beating me.

If that helps me beat you,

I'm gonna study you until I can beat ya.

- Like to the right, I can just make him

look in a little bit and move his shoulder.

And it's easy there.

- I think, Andrea, to me has been a big role model.

I mean, I was

just a young, green assistant who didn't know anything

and I started asking him questions,

and he sat right there

and he's always answered every question I have.

- I wouldn't let him stop his feet.

Even if he slows down, that's fine.

But just keep him moving there just like that.

There you go. When I look at Kole,

it's basically a younger version of myself.

He's been knocking at the door for quite a while

and he's been at the top level,

but I think we haven't seen yet what he can do.

- I don't think this year,

there's one horse of the Run For A Million

that stands out. - I don't either.

- I know Shawn, he's been schooling that buck skin.

Getting him ready. That son of a bitch is gonna

be hard to get around. - Yep.

- Shawn, is to me, the toughest competitor

because of his mental strength.

I mean, he never makes a mistake in the show pen.

- PA: Shawn Flarida.

- This is one heck of a horse. - Oh, yeah.

- Now that's how you're supposed to start this off.

- We had the first Run For A Million,

you know, he got really close like me.

I think he was just / a point behind me.

- ANNOUNCER: Look at him. Now look at him. Oh, my God.

- To me, I can tell you that the most scared I am

is Shawn Flarida.

When you look at the payout,

it's either win it or nothing pretty much.

- I'm excited.

- I think that we have found the perfect horse for Matt.

- This is Monte Carlo.

This is my six-year-old stud I just got.

I'm not gonna show him here 'cause I just,

I want to have him as sharp as I can for Vegas.

It's all about tryin' to peak him at the right time.

But I thought it was important to bring him

to this environment just to see how he feels.

See if I need to make any adjustments,

or if I need to make any for him.

Based on what I feel today,

he feels rock solid.

He felt so good, I was like,

kinda second guessed like maybe I should have shown him here.

- No, I told him we have to stick to the plan.

We have a plan. - Stick to the game plan.

- It does suck not being able to show in the final.

This is the first time I haven't made the finals,

since I was .

- You savin' Marioo for the Million?

- Ah, shit!

- And after winning the Run For A Million,

I definitely gained some respect.

Especially from the top guys.

- There you go.

- [crowd cheering]

- Yeah.

- We go in there as a wild card

and go be the winner, nothing compares to it.

And I want to get back there. I don't wanna be a finalist.

I don't wanna be seventh. I don't wanna be fifth.

I'm not gonna be happy with anything other than

being the number one rider again.

- *

- I like going to Vegas 'cause it's just fun.

- I'm looking forward to the fans.

You know, all the people.

And I just love it.

- You had to have some great memories from the last one.

- I do, I have a lot of good memories.

Like doing the victory lap.

- Yeah, getting the check, getting the [unintelligible].

- That was my favorite memory. - Exactly. Yeah.

- In the Run For A Million,

Cade McCutcheon and I tied to win.

It's the hardest run we've ever done in our life.

It was what everybody was after.

And so, we had to really go.

- I think this one will even be bigger.

- You're silly to count anybody out that night.

- For sure. - Yeah, it's a mistake.

- It's just that rider, that horse, that night.

- That moment. - Yeah.

I would like to win the Run For A Million again just

because I've been gone from where I grew up for years

and this gives the people a chance to see what I do.

And why I've been gone for so long.

- *

- * When you're feel that heartbeat under that saddle *

* and a poundin' in your chest. *

* When the crowd's all gone

* and the dust all settles,

* fella, what do you have left? *

- [crowd cheering]

- He's good, huh?

I'm not, I mean, I know I'm a little biased, but...

- No, he's incredible. - Okay.

- *

- No, it's not happenin'.

No. Yeah, I was.

I was so honored to be a part of Run For A Million

that first year. Then the feeling that I had,

I can't even begin to describe that.

When I ran through those gates and the whole building shook,

I think my hand froze.

That was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

This year, everything's a little different.

- I think it'd be tough for her watchin'

and not runnin' in the Run For A Million this year.

Any time you gotta sit back and just watch,

that's you know, that's a shot to the gut.

- I really want to get qualified really, really bad.

And I'm gonna give it everything that I have.

If for some reason I don't get qualified,

I'm gonna come back the next qualifier.

I will be back in it one way or another.

I still feel like the underdog,

but I'm gonna keep workin' till I'm not the underdog anymore.

- *

- Chaps? Dale's got 'em. - Chaps. All the things.

I'm gonna do what she tells me she's ready for.

And I think I'll know after I show her here.

She'll tell me if she's ready for the qualifier or not.

- Spread like a cowgirl.

- We're now ready to welcome in your next horse to work.

You are .

Thischichasbigdreams, Abby Lengel riding

for Diamond Creek Ranch.

- [crowd cheering]

- That was a little bit of a Hail Mary.

I think she can go in there and be huge

or she could go out there

and just decide she doesn't want to be out there.

I just haven't shown her enough to know what I have yet.

- Yeah!

Yeah! Hell, yeah!

- The scores are in for Abby's ride.

Thischichasbigdreams, a .

- I still don't think that I can push on her

as much as I need to, in order to be competitive

at the Run For A Million qualifier.

I'm planning on taking Josie

to the Run For A Million qualifier.

After the first go here, she showed me a whole new gear

that I didn't even know she had.

And that mare keeps gettin' better and better.

- I know you're workin'. I'm tryin' to k*ll you.

- They're all drinkin' whiskey and I've gotta behave.

- I'm just a mean guy.

- There's something not right about that.

- Mm.

- From Pilot Point, Texas, we now welcome in Brian Bell.

- Yeah!

- [crowd cheering]

- All right, Brian.

Go get you some, boy.


- [crowd cheering]

- Come on, Brian.


- [crowd cheering]

- I've always given him all my best horses.

That's right. Yeah.

It means everything to me.

I love to watch it.

- [crowd cheering]

- The scores are in for Brian's ride on Cee Mr Stop.

A and /.

- Nice job, Brian.

I'm very proud of it, very proud of the way he showed.

Brian hadn't really decided what he's gonna show

for the Run For A Million.

Of course, I would love for him to ride one of my horses.

But if he doesn't ride my horse, it's okay.

I want him to show whatever he thinks he can do the best with.

It's a lot to look forward to one way or the other.

Hey, you want some whiskey?

- Yeah.

- I'd like to see how Trendsetter does.

And that's gonna help me make my decision on takin' him

to Run For A Million.

- The Run For A Million is an amazing opportunity

for these horse trainers to win a lot of money.

- From Pilot Point, Texas, we'll now welcome Kole Price.

- The money for us is life changing.

It helps pay our bills and it's a huge opportunity.

- [crowd cheering]

- Thank you, that was Kole Price and Trendsetter.

A and /.

- It wasn't as good as I wanted to.

They'll be a backup horse for the Run For A Million.

- *

- I've been really lucky.

I've been one of the top competitors for a long time.

And as long as I can be in the top four or five riders

of the year, I think that I'll probably keep going.

I told Tish by the time I was ,

I was probably gonna be done. And she was like, yeah, right.

And then I got to about

and I was at the top of my career.

I'm like, well, I can't be done at .

So, I'll say maybe this time. I don't know.

- Andrea, he just keeps on goin'.

It's just in his blood.

He knows that people are kinda there chasin' him,

but he loves the chase.

- [crowd cheering]

- For Andrea and Starjac Vintage,

a score of .

- [crowd cheering]

- Andrea has not picked his horses yet

for Run for the Million.

Andrea's horrible at making decisions.

I'm a planner, he's not.

He does everything at the last minute.

So, he's gonna wait to pick the one he feels is spot on

for that night.

- *

- It was hard to sit up there and watch the finals.

You know, it's not a big confidence builder.

- [crowd cheering]

- The MRI came back today on Marioo

and I'm % sure he's not gonna be ready.

So, I'm just gonna have to figure out what I got.

Figure out the horses that I have

'cause it's not gonna change at this point.

- PA: We're now gonna welcome in your next horse,

, Casey Deary will show America's Supermodel.

- Casey will be showing America's Supermodel

who is one I'll be considering for the Run For A Million.

She does really well.

I think maybe it'll change Casey's mind

on who he's gonna show.

- You gotta take a couple of horses

to the Run For A Million.

If somethin' happens, you have a backup plan.

So, it takes several good horses to get you

where you want to be at that horse show.

- That was Casey Deary and America's Supermodel.

- We had a really, really good night tonight.

We're still able to keep a second-place tie there

with a .

- Good to see you, brother. - We're feelin' good.

We did all of our work this week.

And now we're tired of workin'. We're tired of behavin'.

- We want to go play. - All that stuff.

- I feel you, I feel you. - And we do know how to play.

- I'm always happy to do good on my dad's horses.

For the Run For A Million,

my dad obviously wants me to pick his.

In the end, I'm gonna try to pick the horse

that I think is the best that day.

- It was a good night tonight.

Starjac Vintage, he showed really well, you know?

It reassured me that he's got all the qualities

to be one of my top contenders.

- Good job. - Thanks, buddy.

- She's so great.

Even when she doesn't run perfect, she's so good.

I'm nervous about Casey riding Supermodel.

I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.

And I'm not feeling very confident goin' into the

Run For A Million.

- An owner that I know just approached me about a horse

for the Run For A Million.

It's a horse that I know pretty well.

His name is Modern g*n.

Well, I talked to her dad

and they said they are gonna send Modern g*n

as soon as we get home from here.

Everybody in the industry knows him.

He's a huge stopper.

You can really go hard on him, and he'll stay with you.

You know, he's a pretty good bet to take there, I think.

- I think he- - It's worth a try. %.

- I still like Casey's horse as an option,

but I like this better

because you're gonna be riding him every day.

- I'll go pick him up as soon as we get home.

And just start testing the buttons.

You know, take him for a test drive and see what I got.

- No.

I don't think-- I think if you're good enough at this

and you're strong enough minded,

which you have to be to be in this business.

You cannot be weak-hearted or weak-minded,

or it will eat your lunch.

We're gonna go home. We're gonna work hard.

And we're gonna try and get our horses ready

for the Run For A Million.

- You know, this sport is one that you're on top of the hill

one minute and you're at the bottom of the valley the next.

- This game is about momentum.

You definitely want to be rollin' in on a high

for sure going into Vegas.

- Cade and I, we're by far

the youngest ones showing at Run For A Million.

It really sets kinda the pace of what our future looks like.

If we can come out and win one of these big events,

it's gonna change our lives. Run For A Million,

the first time I was / point short,

so that one was a hard one to swallow.

I can tell you, it's gonna keep me pushing really hard

until I get there.

I mean, I want it more than anybody else.

- As a competitor, you have to be worried

where is that horse that's talented enough,

with enough grit to take that pressure,

take that audience, take the crowd, and thrive.

- My parents have taught me never to panic.

As soon as you panic, you're done.

- You know, we're a team.

We're closer than a team 'cause we're a family.

- It's us against the world is kinda how we face each day.

We have each other's backs no matter what.

So, I just had to take a second shot at makin' it

to the Million.

I'm gonna show at the Run For A Million

qualifier in Vegas.

I don't know if I'm jumping in deeper than I should be,

but I've got nothin' to lose.

This is what we do. Wanting to compete and show,

and handle that kind of pressure and win.

- *

- It feels great to be back on Vegas to defend my title.

- There's riders. You have one run, you have one chance.

- The people that haul Josie for me

said that she didn't drink great on the trip here.

- The jog out is just something where the vets

get a chance to look, give their blessing

that your horses look like they're good to compete.

Absolutely worries the hell out of me.

- You know, I talked to my grandpa this morning,

and I told him, I said, I need to be clean.

And he said, hell with that. Just go win the son of a bitch.

- There's no little tonight.

It is or it isn't.

Look how hard she's going.

- These are the best horses in the world.

It's truly anyone's game.

- *

- *