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04x03 - Identity Crisis

Posted: 01/23/13 21:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Republic of Doyle:

I did not almost get Des k*lled.

You literally got him almost k*lled.

You're too old to look after Des.

He's much safer with me.


Everyone just stop hurting me!

So, Taylor Gossard. Few trips to the pen here for as*ault.

Weapons charges, possession.

I'm Taylor Gossard.

Like I said, I have business to take care of.


Monika Hayward?

I could just see you needed a little wingmanning.

Nicely played.

Tinny, whether I like it or not, my niece is about to become one of the good guys.

You have a chance to do something here.

Don't go Doyling it up.

You wanna tell me what this is all about?

Kevin Crocker here.


What are you doing here?

I'm undercover.

Arrrh! Ugh!

Des! Stop running. Stop running!

I thought you said it wasn't flammable. I'm on fire!

It's not flammable, but clothes are -- clothes are flammable, Des!

Stop running!

No no no! I gotta stop drop and run! Or is it roll?

Should I run? Should I run?


Should I roll?


I'm on fire, I'm on fire...

Okay! Okay! Just close your eyes.

Oh my god! What are they doing here?

What the hell is going on in here?

I have no idea.


Ah da da da.

I think it's time that we had a little chat.

[Trigger hammer clicks.]

♪ Oh yeah (oh yeah!) ♪
♪ Oh yeah -- oh yeah! ♪
♪ Oh yeah, ee-yeah, ee-yeah, yeah yeah ♪

♪ Oh yeah, ee-yeah, ee-yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Oh yeah! ♪
♪ Oh yeah... ♪

[JAKE] She's got 360 horse power, alright?

It can do like a quarter mile in fourteen seconds.

I can almost feel the speeding tickets already.

Yeah. That's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?

You watch yourself, you.

You know, you're turning more and more into your poopy bum grandfather every day.

You know, when this is done, it's going to be almost as nice as the old GTO.


I mean better than the old... worse? Exactly the same?

I dunno, what do you want me to say? I don't know what you want me to say.

I'll say this Des.

I've wanted a standard transmission in my car forever.

Good job.

It's gonna be great. Nice work. I'll see you later. You coming?

It's your day off? Where are you going?

Oh, just errands and stuff.


Ow b'y! Jeez! Why...?

I know you bought me the car. It doesn't mean you get to size up my niece.

Wha? No, b'y she's like my sister, like my...

Hot... sister.

Not "hot" hot -- but she is like... hot?

Stop staring at here like a creep and thank you for the car.



Jake... clean yourself up.

Who's ah...

Who's your play date?

A client. Bradley Channing, this is my son Jake.

Jake, Bradley needs our help finding his wife.

I need discretion.

This is obviously a very very sensitive matter.

Of course. We're professionals.

My wife. Janel...

She's supposed to be dead.

We were vacationing in Hawaii two years ago.

We assumed she drowned.

No body was recovered?

Hawaii's a bit out of our catchment zone, isn't it?

A week or so ago, I saw this in the paper, your paper. Here.


Sorry, sorry.

Have had terrible allergies since I got here.

Well this is definitely the same girl, or it looks like it.

The question is, if she's supposed to be dead, what's she doing at the Folk Festival?

I thought I was crazy.

They say you see your spouse everywhere after they die, but this is her. I need your help, and money is no obstacle.

Good. I hate those kind of obstacles.

Could I use your bathroom?

Oh, yes, of course. Just follow me.

Maybe it's the constant sneezing, but do you get a creepy feeling off him?

I hate these kind of cases.

You know, we could be leading a wacko stalker right to his target, or if she is really his wife, maybe she needed to get away from him for a reason.

He'll get someone else if not us.

We can at least control the situation this way.

Kyla MacRury. I know the girl who wrote this article.

I'm sure you do.

Nice job on the car.

[Snorts] Not.

[DES] Why are you digging up stuff on this guy?

His history is a little off...

I mean he was Jake's old partner in the RNC and then he kills this drug missus --

Was accused of k*lling. Never convicted or stood trial.

Right, cuz he disappeared for like ten years.

That's one way to b*at it, hey b'y?

...then he came back and kidnapped us.

What are the odds that he would kidnap me?

Odds of what?... Tinny --

Why are you so interested in Kevin Crocker?

As we both know infatuation leads to broken promises and the odd late night drunken text...

Tinny -- this isn't you. You're not this person...

Shut up.

What's this?

It's a shirt that I got for you.

Wha-for-me-why, are-you-going-to-hurt-me?

Is this gift preemptive?

Kind of.

Where is it gonna land? Is it the face?

Cuz I can handle the face.

Kevin Crocker is my dad.

The guy who had us held up in a salt meat factory... my biological father. Yes.

Holy crap sticks.

He kidnapped me, Tinny... He kidnapped you too!

Well he didn't know he was kidnapping his own daughter.

Why are you just telling me now?

I wanted to wait until you were fully healed.

No one knows, okay? So keep this between us.

What about Jake?

Especially don't tell Jake.

So what, are you going to tell the madman convict Kevin Crocker that you're his kin and then like what, go visit him?


I just wanna look him in the eye, you know?

See what's behind the terrible man we know about.

This is a lot to process, this is way -- it's a lot to process.

But then again you did buy me this nice shirt.

Which means you care about how I would take this, which means you care --

Shut up.


Mom's here!


Take it.

Hide it!

What's on the G-O, guys?

Ah hi, I gotta go to work. So Hi! Bye!

He's almost a genius, almost an idiot. It's very odd...


Why do you have that photo?

It's nothing.

No, it's not nothing. We need to talk about whatever it is you're thinking about doing here.

Mom, seriously, just let me obsess over this.

If I need to dig into his past, just let me, okay?

I need to follow through.

Follow through on what?

I don't know yet.

Kyla MacRury.

How's my favourite Newfoundland and Labrador arts reporter?

What can I do for you today?

I need your help with a case I'm working on.

And, you know, if it's newsworthy, you'll get the first cr*ck at it.

A 'case' like the one you handed me about a corrupt mayor kind of case?

Or is it like your missing horse case?

Well, it's hard to tell, but... you covered and sh*t the Folk Festival, right?


I'm looking for some intel on this girl.

This how you find all your love interests?

I took it, but I don't know the missus.

I mean, this town is small but it's not that small.

Okay, how about I get a look at all the other sh*ts you took that day.

See if I can get a clearer image.

Sure. But... you've given me some good stories in the past and all of a sudden you just stopped calling.

Something I said?

No. No, no, I was just waiting for something that was worthy of your awesome... ness.

If I find out you've cozied up to some other reporter who will actually make out with you --
I won't be happy.

Heh heh. You know, you could just make out with me.

Send a message to all other reporters, kind of like marking your territory, kinda thing.

Ta! Not going to happen, Jakey.

I will send you those pictures but you still owe me.

Okay. I owe you.

Okay, so there's a bunch of sh*ts here, but three of them have Janel -- which is too bad because she's really photogenic.

I bet she's an autumn.

Dad. What do you got?

Apparently Janel's police file has been sealed.

Leslie might be the best person to help us get access.

Look, that's all what I would call a bit complicated.

What did you do to poor Leslie this time?

No, I didn't do anything to her.

It's not that, okay. It's just complicated, so...

I'm here with Bradley. We're going over everything to see if he has any more info to help us.

Alright. Look, I'll try and contact Leslie.

But just I can't make any promises.

I'll talk to you later.

[Sniff] Can you be allergic to fog?

I suppose anything's possible?


That's weird. That's Janel.

What's with all the kids?

Um, maybe she has candy?

Nudding wrong with a bit of one- cent candy, hey, b'y?

Although, that'd be weird for her to lure the children with candy.

She doesn't look like the type so...

Or it's a daycare. She works at, or runs -- a daycare, right.

Run a check on all the daycares in the area close to Bannerman Park?

Okay. And hey, don't you think our shirts look alike?


That's all we got.

Oxy's in short supply.

I gotta make this count.

[Ring ring.]

Somewhere you needs to be?




You wish, Princess.

So... Feel like a little promotion?

What's that supposed to mean?

Feel like selling a bit of this gear for me out there?

More money... more responsibility.

You sure knows how to talk to a gal.

So? You up for it, Mount Pearl princess?

Feel like puntin' a little hillbilly heroin?

They're beautiful, actually --

If you lets me sell it --
I won't forget it.

The opportunity, I mean --

And no using, alright? I want you to sell it.

And you sells for me.

You wants to use it, you buys from me. Got it?

I got it.

Unless you can think of a better way of to pay me.

I'm not getting naked for you, Taylor.

You'll get naked when I tells ya to, believe that.

Sell as much as you can.

If you does good...

Ah, we'll talk about that naked bit. Okay?

[Ring ring.]

"The customer you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.

Please try again later."

So... Tinny's cool. Huh?

Des, if you're looking for my blessing to date her, please.

Okay, we've been making some good progress so don't blow it.

No, no, I'm not doing that weird thing that you think I'm doing.

I'm just asking if you think she's... doing well. Like... maybe she has a lot on her mind?

Maybe she needs someone to talk to?

About what? You?

Whoa! Whoa, whoa whoa.

It's Janel. Jake, it's her.

It looks like her.

We can't do anything until we're absolutely sure.

Let's go in and have a look around.

And stop talking about my niece.


Ah! Oh.

Des! Just try to be quiet.

Right. Seeing you're always teaching, I think you'd be a wonderful dad.

What? What are you talking about.

Unlike some people who have terrible dads, people have terrible dads.

I mean not everyone, but, not some people I know. Or maybe.



My knee.

Ow! My arm. I'm sorry.




Miss Katie.

Looks like our Janel is a Katie.

Either way, this is definitely the same woman.

Or she has a twin. Twins are awesome.

I don't get it. Did she fake her own death? Or what?

Well, if she faked her own death to get away from our client...

Are we sure we want to tell him that she's alive?

I don't know.

What's this?

Oh, if you're going to make some tea, I'll have some

English Breakfast with five fresh milk -- no sugar.



Shut up.


Ah... how'd you know how to do that?

Dad used to stash the booze in a cabinet like this when we were young.


This is definitely Janel.

How fast can you get into that?

Ah, this fast? She doesn't have a password so I just turned it on...

There's an encrypted file. Let me see what I can do.


It's me.




Son of a...

We better get out of here before he comes back.

Unless you're planning on making breakfast first.

Nope, I just got your back, bro.

Family is super important. Don't you agree?

That guy had a g*n. Who was he?

This is a really wicked pan, though. It's a good weight.

Whoa, Janel. Wait, wait. Listen. I need to talk to you, okay, we're here --

I know why you're here.

Is that bear spray?

Ah! Arrrh!


Jake! Jake! I think I got them. Jake?


♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

No use, hombre.

Janel tied them super tight.

Nice stuff, actually.

What happened?

Well, after Janel bear sprayed us, she totally whacked us with something.

I can't remember. It was so fast I can't r-remember.

Where's Janel now?

Over here.

And I didn't whack you with anything --

Hi, Janel! You look like you can really cook.

I'm looking forward to the meal.

I know you're here to k*ll me.

Uh, I'm not here to k*ll you --

Well you have a pretty funny way of showing it.

With all due respect -- I'm the one who was knocked unconscious, was bear sprayed and I'm currently taped to your table.

What are you doing here?

Start talking before I cut up your little friend.

Shouldn't you clean that first? You were cutting vegetables --

[Door bell]

Do not move or say anything or I swear to God this will be a lot more painful than it needs to be.

Des. We gotta get the hell outta here -- now.

Right, a plan. Or we can wait for backup.

The kids will be dropping off the parents in the next 24 hours or the parents and the kids...

Des, use the element on the stove to burn through your restraints.

Sorry, a little g*n shy.

Okay, buddy I know, I know.

But trust me, okay. I believe in you. You can do this.

Well, isn't bear spray flammable? I'm like covered in it.

The bear spray is not flammable. The propellant is.

Right. Right. Of course. Stupid me.

Oh, it's getting' hot Jake.

Jeez, she must have tied these really tight. I can really feel the burn.




Des! Stop running! Stop running!

I thought you said it wasn't flammable! I'm on fire!

It's not flammable. The clothes are -- clothes are flammable, Des! Stop running!

No, no, I gotta stop, drop and run! --

Or is it -- roll? Should I run?


[Whispering] Should I roll?


Oh, I'm on fire, I'm on fire.

Okay. Okay. Just close your eyes.

Oh my god. What are they doing here?

What in the hell is going on here!?

I have no idea --


Da da da da da.

I think it's time that you and I had a little chat.

Des. What are you doing?

You're making him look creepy.
Knock it off.

I just want to make sure that he's comfortable, b'y.

Oh man, Tinny's gonna k*ll me. She just bought me this...

Do you mind explaining why you faked your own death?

Who was it that hired you to k*ll me?

Why do you think that we're here to k*ll you?

Because you are trying to k*ll me.

Does he look like an assassin's apprentice to you?

Good point.

Well, how about you put down your g*n and we'll all talk about it?

Heh, heh, heh. See I get this weird feeling if I let my guard down around you, you'll knock me out with a frying pan again.

I never knocked you out with --

Ah, how 'bout we have some of those freshly cut up vegetable.

It would be a sin to waste 'em.

Jake, don't listen to her, okay?

She's trying a little divide and conquer technique.

You are a strange little man.

Well, surely I can. If I have to be.


Where you been? Why aren't you answering your phone?

Well, I got good news. Janel's alive. But it's complicated.

What are we dealing with?

Besides the fact that I think this Bradley guy is a real knob?

Well, the knob's not dead wife has a new boyfriend who's unconscious right in front of me.

[MAL] Good for her.

Not sure how Bradley will react. Where are you?

I'm at Janel's daycare.

Rose, can I bother you for a tissue?

Oh, yes. Of course. Sit tight.

[MAL] So, where? And Janel is there with you.

Yes, I'm at Janel's daycare with Janel.

Got it.

Listen. I'll take a few photos of the new boyfriend and send them to you.

I'll get Rose to check into it.



Have you you found anything?

No, I haven't checked yet.

I want to make sure his head's at the right angle and...

there's that's good.


US Marshal? Oh boy.

You're in witness protection?


And the Law doesn't usually like to be knocked out with a fire extinguisher.

We found Janel. Your wife.

Really? Fantastic. Where is she?

I know you're anxious to see her, but we need to figure a few things out first.

Ah, ah, ah...

Are you okay?

Stress makes my allergies worse.

Oh, sorry.

Just a little overwhelming to find out that she's alive after all this time --
I need to go lie down.

Of course. You can lie down in the living room.

No, no no. I'll make it.

Jake says Janel's with another man. If Bradley finds out, it'll send him into a sneezy panic att*ck.

Oh, we'd better check into this before we let Bradley see her.

[DES] Not good. If we get arrested, that means we're gonna go to American Jail.

Which means we're gonna need dual citizenship.

What did you do to land yourself into witness protection?

Okay. If you don't know that, truly, what's your play here?

Why are you tracking me down?

I'm a private detective.

We both are.

And I was hired by your husband, Bradley, to track you down.

I don't have a husband.

What have you done?

Well well well. So this is the cadet I'm supposed to met.

Now, if I'm not mistaken, the last time I saw you face, I do believe I was kidnapping it, am I right or am I right?

This is seriously perverse stuff, little girl.

It's perverse even for me.

Now what do you want from me, exactly?

These meetings are part of my training.

Interviewing convicts and getting experience talking to them.

Right. Yeah. I did the exact same exercise when I was a cadet.

Good. So you get it.

No, not really, cuz as I recall, the cadet gets to choose whatever convict they like.


So you picked me? The man who kidnapped you?

It's a bit odd, no?

I ask the questions here. Not the other way around.

Forgive me for overstepping.

Are you gonna play nice?

Are you gonna drop that snotty tone?

If I leave, we both know that the best conversation you're gonna have today is with your homicidal bunkmate.

Must be riveting stuff.

Well, don't knock it.

I derive a great deal of joy from my chats with Mister Shamrock.
Okay tough girl. What's your name?



Jake's niece. Real name Katrina.


Okay, Tinny. What do you want to know?

Start with your family.

I got two sisters. I've a dead- b*at dad, well did, he's dead.

My mother is a saint.

I've never been married and I have no children.

How's that for a start?

What is it? Is it something I said, sport?

I'm trying to answer your questions. I mean, maybe it's being face to face with me that's sort of throwing you.

You know, the kidnapping thing was nothing personal.

I'll come back.

This was just a screening, so... bye.


Monica. Constable Hayward.

What are you doing here?

Research on convicts.

I see. I'm talking to a C.I. myself. Don't worry.

It get's easier.

Hey, you're grandfather was asking about a woman's police records. You know about that?

No. They don't tell me about their cases.

Well they should know they can come to me for help.

You too. - Thanks.

He's not upstairs.

He moves fast for a fella with bad balance.

He's got my notepad -- with the address of where Jake's got Janel.

Call Jake!

I've never been married. [Phone rings.] What's the next lie?

Why are you guys after me?


Get down! [g*nsh*t]

I'll get Janel outta here.


Who the hell are you?

Listen, if you're after Janel, pal, there's a long line of people and it starts way --



Where is she?

I don't know. Achoo.

[Punch. Thud.]

Over here.

Where's John?

You left John?

Yeah, but a new friend showed up.

Okay, so not only did you knock out a federal officer, you left him with two madmen and he got kidnapped?

Not our best moment. But on the plus side, we still have you.

Bradley wasn't after you, but our new friend definitely was.

I need you to start telling me the truth. Right now.

♪ Oh yeah ♪

So is the reason you're in witness protection because
you've seen unspeakable things that no one should have?

And if so, can you speak of them?

The marshal, John McGarry.

He's been in the US Marshal Service for twenty years.

So Bradley wasn't after you.

He was after some Federal Marshal? You wanna start being straight with us?

Why should I? I'm not the one who led a hit man to someone in witness protection and at the same time got her handler kidnapped.

Have you ever seen Bradley before?

No. Bradley was posing as my husband to get to John obviously.

And you have no idea why?

Ah, ah, ah. I have a hypothesis that I think if fairer than fair.



This other guy -- this Sheen Barry -- he is following you.

Sheen works for the people I testified against.

He is a k*ller.

This Bradley guy -- honestly --
I have no idea why he'd be after John.

We have to help him. Please.

I can pay you to get John back. I have money.

I just -- I can't do it alone.

John's not just your handler, is he?

We're together.

We've been lovers for a while, but if the police find out, they'll separate us.

Nobody knows about us.

We were gonna run away together just disappear.

We were just waiting for the time to be right.

Well, that's just great.

Please, find him before it's too late.

Will you help me?

Like we have a choice.

It was Jake's fault John got kidnapped in the first place.

Whatever. Listen. I'll go talk to the cops.

See if I can get some help without letting them know that I need their help. Rose, you want to come with?

Good call. I'll keep an eye on these two.

Call me if anything happens.

You got it.

[HOOD] Thanks inspector. We'll keep you posted.

They think you're too deep.

You get the feeling they wanna pull you out?


Look, I'm telling you. I'm in good with Taylor.

It's only a matter of time before he tells me who the real supplier is.

In the meantime... he's looking to sell more.

More dr*gs on the street.

I tell you, this oil money is bringing more trouble than it's worth.

Watch yourself, Bennett.

I'm here if you need me, okay?

See you later, pig.

Everything okay, Jake?

What do you want?

Was that -- was that Leslie?

What can I do for you Doyles this time? And I'd like to point out that the favours are adding up and I haven't come close to cashing in these chips.

I'm happy to pay you back, you know, by having you over to my bar, which I own, and buying you a drink.

If you own it, it's not really buying me one, is it?

Good point.

Um, okay, I do need a favour, and I can't tell you details, and you're not allowed to ask me but I can tell you that it's very, very, very important.

Who's this?

Ah, that's part of the favour. His name is Sheen.

We need a little info on him, if you could do a background check, maybe?

Okay. This will just take a minute.

What's the rest of the favour?

[Ring-ring.] Um...

I'm sorry. I have to take this. Hello?

Ah, you get used to it.



Bradley, where are you and where do you have John?

Sorry, allergies still really bad.

Hey, did you cash that cheque yet?

No. For some reason, I've been kind of busy. I wonder why.

It's a good cheque. And guess what?

I have to hire you for another case. This one's a bit easier.

The pay's not as good though.


Listen. I don't have a lot of time for small talk right now.

What do you want?

John has a list -- had -- and now you have it.

Get it to me or he dies. Simple.

Uh, okay. Except that I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. What list?

Don't do anything stupid.

Talking to cops gets him k*lled.

Mr. Doyle, I don't have all day.

Right. Sorry. A friend of mine had daycare troubles.

So, what did you find out about our man Sheen?

Impatient, aren't we?


Sheen Barry. Enforcer for some US Coyotes. He's a bad guy Jake.

People smugglers.

They help sneak people into the United States, and this guy -- he's our enforcer. Suspect for numerous disappearances.

He's a k*ller, Jake. I hope you know what you're doing.

Yeah, me too.

What's the rest of the favour?

No there is no other favour.

I just want to thank you for everything you've done.

What are you doing? We need info on Bradley.

We got a bigger problem now.

Why are you digging into my past?

I'm not just some snoop.

I have to make sure I don't miss anything while I'm in the middle of an investigation.

What kind of trouble are we in with with this guy?

A lot.


[JAKE] Dad. Listen to me. This Sheen guy's the real deal, alright?

I know we don't like to use g*ns, but go downstairs, in the bar, and grab the shotgun, okay? Right away.

You know what the worst part of this is? I picked the client that got us into this mess, not you. It's k*lling me.

Yeah, just hurry up, okay? Bye.

I gotta step out for a moment. Keep a sharp eye.

So, I guess it's just you and me.

And me.

Sheen. What are you doing here?

What do you think I'm doing here, Janel?




[DES] Oh, I'm going to throw up in my mouth.

You might want to curb that k*ller instinct of yours.


Oh! Knock it off!

Guys! Oh my god. Oh my god.

You pissed a lot of people off, testifying against them like that.

They deserved it.

Oh yeah?

[DES] Aaah!


[JANEL] I smuggled people into America to give them a better life.

You ruined -- abused them!

Now, I don't wanna k*ll you just yet, but one of these b*ll*ts will slow you down considerably.

I've got money.

Good for you.

You can have it. Just let me go.

It's back at my place. I can take you there.

Good. Just one thing --

Okay. Looks like you guys got this all worked out, so I'll probably just get out of your hair.

No -- oh no, please, not again. Ugh!

Was that really necessary?



Des? Des?


Oh, Des. Are you okay?

Oh yes. He hit me twice. Twice!

I know that you've had a rough time today but you gotta try to piece this together. What happened?

Ah, yes. I knows, I knows, but I can't remember what I knows, you know?

Sheen showed up. Grabbed Janel.

So we're screwed. Sheen has Janel and Bradley's gonna k*ll the marshal if we don't deliver him some stupid list he wants.

What list? What are we talking about.

List! List! List! Yes! I knows about a list too.

I emailed myself the encrypted file from Janel's computer.

I only got half of it but it was a list of names.

Ah! [Thud]

[JAKE] Whoa.

I know what this is.

These people -- they're all in witness protection.

This is a list of John's protectees.

I'm guessing the full version has their new identities and addresses.

If that list gets into the wrong hands, a lot of angry people can get some serious revenge.

Bradley cannot get hold of this.

Des? /-Yes!

Des? / -Yes!

Do you think that you can track this number for me? Des?


Do you think you can do that?

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Give me a minute.

Okay. Des? Listen to me.

Did Sheen say where he was taking Janel?

Did Sheen say where he was taking Janel?

He's headed to the daycare and she promised him cash. It might not be too late.

Alright. Dad, if Des manages to track that number, you go free John. I gotta go help Janel.

Son, wait.

No, I'm good.

Uhm. Okay. Yeah, okay I got it. He's at a building downtown.

Great. Can we have an address, honey?


Bradley, it's me. I got your list. We gotta meet.

Where's this money?

Half a million. Cash.

Ah ah ah. No funny business like pulling a g*n out of there.

Back up.

Heh, heh, heh, heh. You still got it Janel.

I thought you might have lost your edge. Most dangerous Coyote I know -- runs a daycare?

You got your money.


I wish.

But then the Coyotes would come after me too.

♪ Yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪

Wait. Wait. I lied. - What about?

It's not the full amount.

I have another stash.

Where's the rest of it?

Promise you won't sh**t me.

Oh sure. No problem.

Now Doll, this is the end.

[Door bell]

It's probably a parent.

One false move and you're dead.

Just be cool.

Whoever this is has nothing to do with any of this, okay?

Let's hope you're right.

There's no one here.

What? What's going on here?


[Spray.] Arrgh!

Sorry about this!

[Bonk!] Argh. [Thump]

That smile on your face is slightly disconcerting.

Come on. We gotta find John before it's too late.

You got my list?

What list?

Where's John? What did you do to him?

He's fine and safe.

He'll stay that way as long as I get John's list.

The list of all his protectees. Their old and new identities and where they're living -- ah ah ah -- and drop the frying pan.

I'll take you to your list, alright. Just calm down.

Follow me.


So... What are you gonna do with this list?

I'm gonna sell each name and location, one by one, to the wrong parties.

I'm gonna make a mint. A lot of money in revenge.

So the system works. Great.

Easy there. I'm not interested in any bear spray tricks.

Just give me the list.

This is where she got the list stashed, alright? Relax.

It's on this hard drive.

Back off.

Here we go.

I'd drop that if I was you.

I'm a real good sh*t when I'm not tied up.

I'd do what he says.

He's had a long time to think about what to do with you.

John, honey, are you okay?

Never better.

Let's see how good a sh*t you are with your girlfriend on the line.

Do it.

Or not.


I told you I didn't like that guy. Job well done.

Yeah. Where are the love birds?

♪ Oh yeah ♪

Hey! Any luck?

Well. It's official. John and Janel have vanished.

Not before they took all of the savings out of the house too.



Hey, I was talking to a friend of mine with the Crown.

Bradley and Sheen have already been charged and they're going to serve long prison sentences.

That's great. But we should probably cash that cheque from Bradley sooner rather than later.

I already tried. It bounced.

See. Can we at least write this whole case off as some sort of, like, charity thing, or --

Afraid not.

This was left at the bar for you.


It's from John and Janel. They've run off together but they decided to leave us this little gift.

Not a bad day's work. Supper to celebrate?

Uh. I'll have to catch up.

You weren't invited. We're on.

I'll go get my coat.

Malachy? Hi.

So, this is the bar, hey? I'm kind of owed a drink.

Ah, so you're looking for Jake then.

Yes I am.

He left me with two fugitives today, with a ton of evidence.

So I figure the first round's on me.

Well, you just missed him.

But I'll pass on the message.

Anything else?

No. That's all.

Who was that?


Oh my god. You look terrible. What happened to your shirt?

Well, I got good news and bad news.

The bad news is I got lit on fire and that nice shirt you bought me is ruined.

Okay. What's the good news?

I also got bear sprayed, nailed in the head twice and knocked unconscious.

And I also hit Jake in the head with a frying pan.

You didn't tell him about Crocker though, did you?

No Tinny, no! I didn't! And ahhh! Ahh! I didn't.

But maybe you should.

I think Jake would understand.

Maybe he could be helpful. I find he can be super helpful.

Yeah. Those hits on the head are making you worse than normal.

I just need to deal with this on my own, okay?

But, I did see him today.


You what?

Ah, I'm leaving.

You saw him?

Yeah. And I'm all in one piece so...

Tin, all I want is for you to be safe, okay?

So if this is something that you need to do, then I'm not going to get in your way.


But, be careful, because he's charming, and he's brilliant, but also take everything that he says with a grain of salt.

I love you brat.

Me too.

I do.


That's pretty cryptic.

You texting me your address like that.

How'd you know it was mine?

A fella can hope.

Like what I've done with the place?

Yeah. Needs a hooked rug. Maybe Des can make you one.

He's taking a class.

Leslie. Please tell me that you're okay.

I'm fine Jake.

Just off.

This undercover stuff is very heavy. Alright? And no one -- no one is going to think any less of you, if you get out now.

I'm fine.

I am.

The only problem is, I like it.

This job.

I'm kicking ass.

I don't wanna stop.

And ah, what's this I hear about you handing the new girl easy collars?

Um, Monika? Ahem, yeah, she's very very hot. Why? You jealous?

What do you think?

I'm gonna go with a no. But, I mean, it could be a... a yes?

Shut up now. Please?