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Crew, The (2015)

Posted: 09/05/23 11:49
by bunniefuu
Son of a bitch.

-How do you feel?

It's the dude I told you about.
He's family.

Everything's there.

You get one minute.

Go home!

Who was the chick at the field?

No one. Just a friend.

-Is she your girl?
-No way.

Then why'd you bring her along?

Do you talk to her?

No, she doesn't know anything.

Look at me.

It's nothing serious.

Look. This is for tomorrow.

It's a V6.

I'll do the plates tonight.

By the way...

We never really talked about it...

but maybe the job I do is worth more?

More what?

More money.

Like, uh...

Like 10,000.

It's a big job.

What you do is worth 2,000.

You get five 'cause we're brothers.

I'll prove I'm worth more.

I'm waiting.

What's that?

Lower the windows.

All four.

It's coming in.

It's a hold-up!

This is HQ...

They're calling!

Move out!

Get out!

Move! Faster!

Get down!

On your knees!

At 9:00 a.m. this morning,
an armored van

was ambushed by three vehicles
after leaving its depot.

The robbers used expl*sives and
tear gas to neutralize the guards

and made off with
several hundred blank passports.

It's the first time
the Government Printing Office

has been targeted in France.

The robbery
was most likely masterminded

by an illegal immigration network.

The van contained
several hundred blank passports

worth between 2,500 and 4,000 euros
on the black market,

meaning a total
of over three million euros.

One of the vehicles
used for the robbery

was found burnt to ashes

some 12 miles from the hold-up.

The priority for investigators
is to find the robbers,

who have disappeared.

Searches are being carried out
throughout the Paris region.


You haven't even taken off
your shoes.

What's wrong with you?

Did you take something?

I did it.

Did what?

I did it.

The van?


It's all over the news.

I promise, everything's alright.

Hang on, you could've told me.

Trust me. Everything's fine.

Everything's fine.

How much?

A lot!


Three hundred grand.


Not counting it?

I'll be counting it all day long.

Okay. I have to get going.


Back to work.

You're going back
to your shit warehouse?

Are you kidding me?

You don't have jobs?

I'm the dry cleaning king, dude.

Six shops in Paris.

How do you operate?

You wait between gigs
or keep rolling?

I keep rolling.

They're gone. They had a car waiting.

We celebrate tonight?


Bring your wife and kid.

So we work with a junkie now?

What do you mean?

He does oxy.

Yes or no?

I don't know you.

You want my life story?

I asked a question.

I take one occasionally
to k*ll the pain.

Can we move on?

Cut the crap.
That was ten years ago.

-You're a druggie.
-Chill, Franck!

His work is clean.

Daniel! Thanks, man!

I like doing mornings.

-That one's classy.
-No shit.

-What do you think?
-I'd take all three.

Here's 140 grand.

Amine wants to pick up
the sedans with me.

He digs German babes.

I bet you dig them yourself.

Don't say that.

I've changed.

Changed what?

Changed, my ass!

-Have a nice lunch.

-How much is there?
-Twenty grand.

This is for you.

No, it's okay.

Come on!

I mean it.

I can't spoil my little sis?

Let me pay back what I owe you first.

She come here often?

Yes, she does.

Why shouldn't she?

She doesn't ask questions
about the salon or me?


She's not doing well.

She has you and Amine.

Come on, I'm starving.

That's dirty.

Who will be there?

Nasser, Leslie and his partner.
I don't know who else.

You liked Leslie, right?

I saw her a few times during visits.

Who invited me, you or them?

They did.


That way they know your wife,
your kid and where you live.

Stop being paranoid.

I shared a cell with him.
He's a friend.

This isn't about friendship.

This dinner means
you're one of them.

Nasser got busted with them, right?

He wasn't busted.

He was in pre-trial detention.

Something to do with fingerprints.

I won't visit you in prison again,

We have 300,000.

Forget the dinner.

We stop everything.

What's the deal?

You want to keep waitressing?

Shit, Audrey.
You want me to carry crates forever?

I have to work.
What'll happen if you go down?

I won't.

Come on.

I won't go down.

We'll go to Argentina,
like you wanted.

You, me and Bastien.

We'll lead the life we talked about.

You coming?

I'll catch up.

I wanted to see you.


I need to.

You think I need to?

You think I forgot what happened?

It was to protect you.

You lied and hid your life
to protect me?

I have no idea who you are.

You're still doing it?

I don't know why I ask,
you'll never stop.

Let's get back together.

I'll quit.

Even you don't believe that.

I mean it.

No. You're lying to yourself.

I know I made you suffer.

But you know who I am.

I have to go.

Go to hell!

The guy's this big, black hulk.

-Good-looking too.
-Are you really saying this?

-What do you say, Leslie?

He's standing behind us

while we're waiting in line.

He's like checking us out...

Everyone's French.
It's worse than Miami.

That's Phuket and Pattaya.
Our place is on a quiet island.

-Which island?
-Ko Phangan.

No tourists, only hippies.

Us two with hippies?

It'd be cool for two or three weeks.

So do I get tickets?


-Why not?
-What about the salon?

Come on.
What's the real problem? Yanis?

You need
your big brother's permission?


How did that happen?

I'm just curious.

Cops came
while I was laying the a*mo.

They opened fire. The charge
went off. I was two feet away.

The rest of the crew ran...

and I took the rap.

How long?

Seven years.

Seven years?

-How old is the kid?
-Six and a half.

She was pregnant when I got busted.

We're getting acquainted.

You ever do time?

No. Never.

A few hours in custody as a kid.
Suspected robbery.

Was it you?

Of course it was.

The problem was everyone knew.

My mom found out.

She kicked me out and moved.


I don't give a shit
about money and whores.

I like f*cking over vans.
That's what gives me a hard-on.

I'm in the field every day.

I scout, think, take notes.

For every job I do, I plan thirty.

What do you do with the cash?

I have businesses. I pump some in
to take care of my people.

I won't do 30 vans.

We'll talk again.


Shit guys, come up here!

I'll be right there. Coming?

Let's do another one.

Where's the dude? Arigato!

Some more music!

What's his name?

Who's Amine's sister?

Can I help you?

-Did he touch you?

-Was it a cop?

Exactly what did he say?

Out of my way.

Get out of here.

Don't worry, it's my big brother.

A black guy came to the salon.
A big one. Who is it?

I don't know.

He wants you to call him.

He didn't say why?

What's this?

-You been spending money?

Tell me what you did.

-I just wanted to make some cash.

What did you do? Speak up.


Speak up, f*ck! What did you do?

I sold a g*n.

Just one. I got rid of the others,
like you said.

I wiped the fingerprints. It's okay.

We used it.

The cops have the b*ll*ts.
They can trace the g*n.

Who'd you sell it to?

-A guy from Sevran.
-What's his name?

Greg. But he's not black!

-Greg what?
-How should I know?

How did they know about the salon?
You talked?

He only knows I have a sister!

Go on, call him.

-You can't...
-Shut up and call.


Try again.


It's Amine. Who are you?

No questions, bro.

The pigs searched Greg's place.
They found your g*n.

He'll be charged with robbery.

He'll get ten years because of you.

What's this shit?

What's this shit?

Greg was our soldier.

Stop playing badass.

You've got two options.

We strike a deal
or we waste your family.

What do you say, cuz?

I'm coming.

I'll send the address.

-Stupid idiot!
-Yanis, stop it!

Don't rush into this.

We'll find out about them.

They want to talk,
they don't want w*r.

They'd have taken Nora.

Which one's Amine?

-I am.
-You come alone.

Put this on.

You think you got a choice?

Go to your room.

You were wise to come.

You lost a man because of me.

I pay my debts.

Let's settle on a price
and get this over.

We don't want your money.

We want the passport dudes.


Hey bro,
you're not the one asking questions.

Did the guys downstairs do the job?
Should I bring them up?

The passport job was me.

We want your crew
to hold up a drug convoy.

Eighty kilos of heroin.
In two days' time.

Two cars. One lead, one carrier.

Maybe a follower.

They leave from Roubaix.
The drop-off is here.

You do that and we're even.

You have two hours to say you're in.

I don't do this shit.

We agree on a price and I pay.
I pay good.

You think we're scum
'cause the stairwell stinks?

You think we're shit?

Come here, old man.

Come here.

This is Sevran.

No one deals in our town.

They won't listen.
They'll find out the hard way.

Why don't you do it?

And lose more men?

You owe me one, pal.

Your crew will do it for us.

We saw you on TV.

You're no pussies.

We respect that.

Tell me about your men.

Forget it.

-Forget what?
-Forget it.

You want me to find out for myself?

You'll find nothing.

Listen, old man.

You have two hours.

Or we give your name to the pigs.

You talk to pigs?

I talk to everyone.

If I make money, I don't give a f*ck.

This one's tough!

Okay, listen to me...

I'll count to three...

What're you whispering about?

Go on, now!

Not right before the hard part!

Let me win!

-We won!
-Stop it!

We strike 12 miles after they leave.

Two men aren't enough.
I need you.

They'll never get off our backs.

It'll never be enough.
And when they're done with us?

They'll sh**t us in the back.

That's why we'll hold up the cargo
and sell it ourselves.

Eighty kilos of heroin. Three million.

What about the guys?

Are you serious? We're K*llers now?

And you say nothing?

You said it yourself,
they'll never get off our backs.

Slow down here. I'm a thief.

We do hold-ups, not killings.

If a guard plays hero,
I take him down straight.

But you're asking me
to premeditate murders?

To sell heroin? Are you sick?

Shit, you're serious.

Listen, we need to lie low...

Don't be a wimp.

Don't talk to me like that.

It's your brother who f*cked up.

You settle it.

Piece of shit. I fed you for years.

You fed me? I'm a piece of shit?
You think I'm your boy?

This is my place.
Go f*ck yourself, Yanis.

Find another crew.

We went by your place.

I got you your things.

Go easy on him.

Are you serious?
He's thick in the head.

He's a f*ck-up.

Stop it. You sound like Dad.

Don't mention that fucker's name.
I protect you.

-What do they want?
-Stay out of it.

I'll handle things.

But you can forget about Franck.

He didn't help me.
He's a piece of shit.

Don't do this to me.

Nora, you're free to leave with him.

But you forget about me.


Mom, open the door.

I know you're there.

Open the door.

Let me come in.

What do you want?

I want you to come to my place
for a few days.

There's trouble.

Where are Nora and Amine?

At my place.

What's going on?

You dragged us
into your dirty games again?


Get your things.
You have to come with me.

Listen carefully.

You leave right now
or I call the police and turn you in!

And if anything happens
to Nora or Amine, I'll do the same.

Get out.

Get out!

-Don't let her out of your sight.

We need three or four soldiers.

I'll find them for you.

José, it's Eric.
You mind if I take my break now?

-Audrey, where are you going?
-Give me five minutes.

We're talking about 900,000.

Do you understand
what I'm saying, baby?

Look at me.
I'll stop after that, okay?

Nine hundred grand of heroin, Eric.

What's the problem?

A hold-up is cool
but you don't touch drug money?

I don't give a shit.
That's not the point.

-These guys are thugs, not guards.
-It'll be fine.

-Audrey, get a move on!
-I'm coming.

You remember what you said?

If you got nailed,
I should split with the cash.

I'd never do that in my life. Never.

But if you care about us,
don't do this.

Where are you?

Yanis' place.

What's the address? I'll pick you up.

You refused to help him?

Trust me.
Don't let him mess with your head.

You don't know what he's planning.

I can't do it.

Franck, forget about me.

Just forget me.

We've got the car.

No, no, no. Not Sevran.

I'm calling the sh*ts now.

We're heading to Sevran.

The place will be guarded.
Stay at a distance.

What happened?

I see you.

Where's Nasser?

Stay focused. Keep your distance,
don't get spotted.

Let's go.

Where's my mother?

Not far.
She goes free once I have the smack.

Hands on the truck, both of you.

Do it!

What's your problem?

Where are your g*ns?

Behind the seats.

What do they have?

You'll get them back
with your old lady.

Hey you!

Bring the car down.

Move your ass.

Go on.

Hey, be careful!

Don't rip the bags.

Your mom's guard was a good man.

He told us everything before he died.

He even told us the name
of your powder man.

We found your digs.

Our guys are slamming your wife
while your kid watches.

Shut your face!

Calm down.

Don't play hero.

Behave and nothing will happen
to anyone.

Turn your head around.

Dirty bastards.

You thought you'd play us?

Who's in the BMW?

Tell them to split.

They're leaving.


Look at the truck! Look at it I said!

Get up!

Shut up!

-This way!

Out back! This way!

Yanis, I'm going with them!

What's going on?

Get in! Get in!

Hurry up! Go, go, go!

-Where's my mother?

I've got your name. Take me
or I smoke your wife and family.

Snuff the old lady!

Shut your face!

Snuff her, I said!

Turn left ahead.

Faster, Amine!



Wait for us on the other side.

-This way?

Clear out!

This way?

Is this it? Huh?

Come on!


Come on!

Get out of the car! Get out!

Move it!

Get in the car!

Get in!

Get out. Get out.

You could apologize.


Come on.

We have to leave for Morocco.

To Tarek's cousin's place.

For how long?

A while.

I won't leave without Amine.

I'll handle everything.
I'll get the best lawyer in Paris.

You didn't understand.
I don't want him going to jail.

I never asked you for anything.

I want you to bring Amine back.

Bring my son back.

Good evening.

They transfer your brother tomorrow.

What time?

Before 10 a.m.

He's not going straight to court.

They're taking him to police HQ.

The crime division will take over.

They linked him to the drug hold-up.

How long is he looking at?

Ten years.


You told him not to talk?

Yes, he knows that.

He's tough.

Exactly where do you want
your liquid assets sent?


How soon?

As soon as possible.

We can set up accounts for you
over there.

But the urgent nature
of your request will be costly.

How much?

I have to double-check...

but I'd say 30 to 40%.

Fine. Where do I sign?

Sign here.

I need to know the exact time
of my brother's transfer.

Do what it takes.

I want Mommy.

Daddy, I want Mommy!

I want Mommy!

Shut up for Christ's sake!

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, son.

Mommy went away.

Everything will be alright. Okay?

Come on.

Look at me.

I promise, everything will be fine.


I'm sorry.

You lied to me.

You all lied to me.

Why did you do it?

I'm not like you, Mom.

I didn't want your life.

I was stupid, but I wanted more.
That's all.

What are you doing here?

People have died.

People close to me.

I'm partially responsible.

Are you wanted?

I don't want any more lies.
Are you wanted?

I'm going abroad.

I want you to come with me.

I know you have your music
and your life.

I'm not asking you to stop.

We'll settle wherever you want.

You'll be the one to decide.

Come with me.

No, Yanis.

It's out of the question.

-Come with me.
-Stop it.

A sh**t-out broke out today
in the Sevran housing project.

The police have taken suspects

into custody and will continue
carrying out searches...

Come with me.

Go on, son.

-What's your name?

I'm sorry.

They'll be looking for me and my boy.

There's no one to take care of him?


We'll go down for sure.

I'm sending my mother
and sister to Morocco. Go with them.

My man will take you to Marseilles.

I know someone who sails to Tangiers.

You'll hide in Casablanca.

What about you?

My brother's in custody.
I want to get him out.

With who?


Hey, little man.

How's it going?

Everything's alright. Come here.

-Come on.
-Go with the lady.

I'll help you.

Stay with your kid. He needs you.

I'm not asking for much.

You make sure he's okay
and I'll help you.

It's a win-win.

You're not coming with me?

I'm leaving you with Nora.

She's sweet, you'll see.

I'll be with you soon, okay?

Look at me.

I promise I'll be there soon.

If you have any doubt,

stop and call me.

Get going.

Amine, can you hear me?

Don't move!

I said don't move!


Get out of here!

Go on!

Get down!

Run. I'll cover you.

Run, I said! Now!

Look straight ahead.

The bus.

Relax, it'll be fine.

Stay here!

Keep your cool.

We're going to go through with it.
Please, Amine.

We'll be there soon.