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Fall of the American Empire, The (2018)

Posted: 09/05/23 11:50
by bunniefuu
I say it's a business decision.

The Canadiens pay Price $10 mil.

Other teams would too. The market decides!

If you're so smart,
why aren't you president of a bank?

Or of a university?

Lennoxville gave theirs a $650,000 buyout.

That's my point.

I'm too intelligent.


Intelligence isn't?

It's not an advantage.

It's a handicap.

Say you sell vacuum cleaners.

You're not too bright.

You tell a lady,
'Ma'am. this vacuum will make you happy'

You believe it, 'cause you're not too bright.

She's touched by your sincerity.

She buys the vacuum,
the deluxe model.

You're named salesman of the month.
general manager, CEO.

But if you're the least bit intelligent,

you know vacuum cleaners
don't bring happiness.

The lady reads your mind,
doesn't buy the vacuum,

and you lose your job.

You use the time to write a great novel
about human misery, and become famous?

Again, intelligence is a handicap.

The great writers were as dumb as mules.

Dostoyevsky hocked
his wife's furs to gamble.

He was sure he'd win,
blind to the laws of probability.

Tolstoy forbade his serfs
to be vaccinated.

Louis-Ferdinand Céline fled France to take
refuge with the SS in Germany. A fool!

Hemingway saw himself as a boxer!

Some geniuses!

And your philosophers?


Heidegger was a n*zi.

Jean-Paul Sartre was a Stalinist.

Late in life he sang
the praises of Pol Pot.

Althusser strangled his wife.

Just as pathetic as politicians?

George Bush?

Silvio Berlusconi? Nicolas Sarkozy?

Tony Blair.

All of them total losers!

Donald Trump!

63 million Americans voted for him.

Of course. Imbeciles worship cretins.

So we're all just imbeciles?

No, some people are very intelligent.

Mostly men, I suppose.

No, as many women as men.

Where are these people?


On the seashore.

In the mountains.

Sometimes in downtown apartments...

in monasteries...

in laboratories?

You won't see their names
in the papers or on TV.

They don't have blogs or Facebook pages.

They work as deliverymen,
date divorced bank tellers?

That's right.

I'd love to have money.

I'd take my son on a trip.

You might one day.

Meaning I'm stupid enough to get rich?

Not what I said.

How long have we been together,

112 years?

Why haven't you ever said you love me?


I don't know what that means exactly.

One must not say just anything.


That is, Ludwig Wittgenstein.

I can't go on like this.

Then don'.

What counts isn't intelligence,
it's your heart.


That's right.

I feel sorry for you.

You'll end up so alone.

Roger Federer earns $128 mil.
and he's Swiss.

Only what he earns at home is taxed.

Next to nothing.

The Fall of the American Empire

The Street, our magazine.

Hey, Jean-Claude!

Hi. Pierre-Paul! The new issue.

The new one?

No, that's OK.

Thanks. Providence will reward you.

I don't have much trust in Providence.

If it weren't for Providence,
I'd have OD'd long ago.

$3, sir.

Thanks, have 3 good day!

One day you'll be rewarded, my friend.

The Lord is very compassionate
and merciful.

He rewards the Just,
even in this world.

St James, Acts of the Apostles.

Yeah, see you.

Bye, pal!

Have a good day.


Fill it up!

Fill it up!

Don't move. Raise your hands.


Turn around.

Against the van, spread your legs!

Spread 'em!

Don't move!

43-1 studio, we are 10-12 on the 409.

Call confirmed, one person down.

Send an ambulance for g*nsh*t victim.


I got out of my van,
a guy was lying there.

I heard sirens and the police arrived.

You didn't see anyone run out?

Go ahead.

It's incredible. There was a holdup.

I won't be able to make all my deliveries.

I'll call you back.

Sometimes you forget details.

If you remember anything. call us.


What's going on?

Attempted holdup.

You lost Morosi.

Nick? Why was he here?

He's your bodyguard, not mine.

My chief of security.

He's dead.

How much was in your safe?

I dunno, business is lousy.

Then why a bank safe?

I got it second-hand.

It's empty.


You weren't holding cash for friends?

What friends?

I dunno.

The West End g*ng?

They're acquaintances.

Well investigate.

The term we hear every day
in the media is...

tax evasion.

Accounting firms prefer to call it fiscal
optimization or aggressive tax planning.

The strategy's the same.

Send your money to countries
with lower or no taxes.

The practice dates back over a century.

The Bank of Nova Scotia opened
its first branch in Jamaica in 1899.

All went according to plan until our
governments, always strapped for cash...

forced all OECD member banks...

to disclose the identity
of foreign account holders.

So if you've hidden $5 million in the
Bahamas, you're faced with a dilemma:

either you make a voluntary disclosure
to the Canadian government...

which will impose a penalty
of 30, 40 or 50%7?

T's open to negotiation.

Or you invent
anew strategy for evasion.

Put on your thinking caps.

This applies only to individuals.

Corporate taxation,
for behemoths like Google and Microsoft...

is an entirely separate issue
that we'll examine next term.

No cash aboard

What are you doing at home?

I wanted to change.

Why didn't you tell me?

It only took a minute.

You're not on the road.

I'm heading out now.

You got cash?

We hit a snag. I'll get some.

No cash, no treatment.



This morning?

Where were you?

On René-Lévesque.

Street's blocked, cars are stuck.

So drivers shell out.

Enjoy your meal.

Hey, Joseph.

Hi. Pierre-Paul.

Marcel was looking for you.

I was picking apples in Rougemont.

You didn't stay long.

T's just Mexicans working there now.

They work crazy hours
for starvation wages.

There's not much room for us anymore.

I'm not hungry!

I just want my bag.

Here, try this one.

Weren't you up north?

I went for my sister's funeral.

Hadn't seen her in 30 years.

They read the will.

Turns out she left me $200.

Turns out she left me $200.

My nephews were fuming.

Tried to have It annulled.

Money has its own language
that most people don't understand.

Like, 'Creating value
for our shareholders.'

It really means to close factories, fire
thousands and decimate entire regions.

You should teach.

I can't. Teachers earn less
than deliverymen.

That's right.

'Fighting the deficit'
means punishing the poor.

The poor need government checks,
but big corporations get all the handouts.

That's what destroyed the US:


Believing in only money.

Money doesn't interest me.

Which is why the world considers you
of no importance.

A man without qualities.

Exactly like me.

Know what my dream is?


To have my own apartment...

a small one, abed...

an armchair to read,
a TV to watch sports.

That's my dream.

No more fear of being homeless.

Imagine being out at night in November...

in the rain and cold.
not knowing where you'll sleep.

Spending the night in a store entrance
or beneath an overpass.

I have nightmares about it

Want another beer?

OK, it's on me.

No way.

I had a good day today.

Ronald, another round.

?citing the upcoming release
of Sylvain Bigras,

who's served only 4 of a 9-year sentence
for racketeering and money-laundering.

Bigras, known among bikers as The Brain,
was allowed by the Justice Department...

to take courses at
the School of Management...

where he's completing his BA in Finance.

In sports, the Canadiens lost again?

Hello, Mr Bigras.

Can I give you a lift?

What for?

A car's more comfortable than the bus.

No, thanks.

I'll manage.

I'm looking for a financial advisor.

Try downtown.

I know, but I need someone like you.

You don't own a car?

And you need a financial advisor?


Good luck.

Here's my name and number.

Help me. I have too much money.

Mrs Rosalbert?


Carla McDuff, police.

My partner, Pete LaBauve.

Cops aren't allowed in this area.

Yeah, but we're worried about your son, Jacmel.

Is he here?

He lives here?


Seen him recently?

Do you know Chénier Augustin?

His best friend in jail.

He was k*lled in a holdup.

Any idea when your son last saw him?

If you see Jacmel, ask him to call us.


Goodbye, ma'am.

Have a nice day.

Hello, gentlemen.

My name's Johanne.

I invite you to my place in Verdun,
discretion guaranteed.

My specialty: deep throating.

I'm waiting.

Make your wildest fantasies come true.

Come play with Barbra!

Hi. handsome. I'm Alexia.

I'm hot, sensual and ever so curvy.

Come see me!

Aspasie, Courtesan

'But now to best begin our grand design

and guarantee your happiness
and mine.' - Racine

"When may I taste so sweet an interview?'

Pro sports are the mental
illness of politicians.

We could buy land downtown
for the new stadium.

There's a fortune to be made there.

Think of the Olympic stadium.

How much money are we talking about?

I have money.

How much?

I don't know exactly.

Listen to me.

I'm starting over.

I'm square with everyone
and going legit.

Show me your investment reports,
bank statements?

Concrete numbers.

Now you're wasting my time.

When you have them, call me.


My personal trainer.

A black belt.

I have 3 panic button.

Do you use it often?

The panic button?

No, but it's a precaution.


You never know who you're dealing with.

You figure it out.

In general. men aren't complicated.

Should I pay you now or?

Didn't you read my SMS?

Yes, but I didn't understand it all.

Put the money in an envelope.

Leave it out.

Technically you're donating
to my charities.

Why the name Aspasie?

She was the first great whore.

She was a friend of Socrates.


In one of Plato's earliest dialogues,
Socrates asks, 'What is beauty?

A student answers, 'It's a beautiful girl.

He may have meant her.

You read a lot.


Can I offer you a drink?

White wine?


Sorry, I'm extremely nervous.

It's the first time I?

I have 3 hard time meeting women.

I don't know how to talk to them.

I feel I bore them.

I hate bars. The music's too loud.

Why am I telling you this?

Don't be nervous.

You've nothing to prove.

We can just

talk, if you prefer.

What would please you?

That's why I'm here.

Talk, for sure, hut?

At the same time 17


I wouldn't want to miss?



Shame on you!

Naughty boy!

Well, I'm not sure I can?

Do you have a tie?

A tie?

I bought one for my grandma's funeral.

Get it.

Sit down.

I have pretty conventional tastes?


My, my.

What'll we do with this?

Whatever you want.

I have to go.


Don't I know you?

Not that I remember.

From the Judge Gamache case.

Take your hand off me.

Remember her?

I'm in a hurry.

Take care.


Hello, sir.

Is your family rich, Mr Daoust?

My dad works in a tire factory in Joliette.


Her fee's 2 months
of your salary, minimum.

She's the most expensive in Montreal.

She's a friend.

Who comes here with a chauffeur?

That's right.

And she leaves her panties
as a token of friendship?

Don't take us for fools.

It'll make things worse.

The safe that was robbed
belongs to the West End g*ng.

Run by the Irish and Jews.

Same g*ng that controls the port.

They're no boy scouts.

Why tell me?

So you know what you're mixed up in.

I'm not in anything.

You're & witness.

The shop owner driving the Mercedes
is Vladimir Francois.

An old street g*ng member.

Everyone's after that money.

Whoever stole it will get whacked,
sooner of later.

He's an unusual guy.

He has 2 PhD in philosophy.

So he's very intelligent.

Above average, yeah.

Do your vans have trackers?

We use Geotabs, like everyone.

Do you have that day's data?

Gimme a sec.

He took his normal route.

He stopped near the shop, for 3 hours.

You were with him,

Then he made a stop at his place.

Could he have taken anything
home from the scene?

Yeah, but he didn't open
the van's rear door.

It would have to be something small.

Carla McDuff.

It's Mrs Rosalbert.
My son's disappeared.

Since when?

Yesterday. He didn't come back.

I've called everywhere.


Jacmel Rosalbert is missing.


The best friend of the guy
who was gunned down.

They were in your old g*ng.

Haven't seen 'em in ages.

You weren't aware he disappeared?

Not at all.

Heard from the West End g*ng?

No, why?

Word is, they're not happy.

Oh yeah?

They've got guys looking for the thieves.

First I've heard.

Haven't spoken to them?


You said you wanted to do serious business.

But there's a hitch.

You have a criminal record.

Bankers and investors
won't hire an ex-con.

I'm your archetypal upright citizen.

Working-class family, university degree,
no run-ins with the law.

We need each other equally.

I can't provide bank records.

My money's in 2 large sports bags.

From the West End g*ng?

How'd you know?

News travels fast.

That money's too hot. Can't touch it.

It'll cool off.

Right now it's dangerous.

I know. But I have to risk it.

Happiness is directly linked to luck.

Aristotle says that in his Ethics.

For generations, my family's been poor.

I haven't paid off my student loan.

This is my one chance.

Even if I'm arrested or k*lled,
I'll have tried.

But I don't know what to do. I need you.

We'll split it 50-50, if you want.

You're f*cking insane.

A model citizen!

Aren't you overdoing it
with the ninja outfit?

There's security cameras all over.
Use your head!

There's security cameras all over.
Use your head!

Rule number 1: Don't change a thing.

Same routine, same clothes.

Keep your job. Don't buy a car.

You don't change a thing.



Is this all the money?


How much is missing?

I put some in a drawer at home.

You spent some?

I clicked on an escort website,
by chance.


I found a girl who uses the name
of 2 friend of Socrates.

Plus she quoted Racine's Bajazet.

I couldn't resist.

You should have.

I know.

The detectives saw her at my place.

They said I couldn't afford her.

What's the problem?

When the police seize money.
what do they do with it?

Give it to the government?

Half. The police keep the other half.

To finance their operations.

The police always go after
the money first.

That woman, you can't see her again.

No, I have to see her again. I have to.

I told them she was a friend.

T's my alibi.


What problem?

I'm not responsible for a holdup.

I'll die if I lose you, I'll die if I must wait.
- Andromaque

Tomorrow? Pierre-Paul

We rebuilt his rotator cuffs
and reattached his superior labrums.

Even with physio, he won't fully recover.

He was also shot in the hip and thigh.

He had stitches that got infected.

I'm at the Maison Smith parking lot.

I'm at the Camillien-Houde lookout.


I brought the money for tonight.

Thank you.

I'm 5200 short.

On the way here I met a friend
who works for The Street.

An organization that helps the homeless.

They need money for an event next week.

This way you'll have to see me again
to collect the debt.

It's a ploy I thought of.

Do you give them a lot of money?

I try to help them.

Montreal is full of homeless people.


You haven't noticed?

At subway entrances.

I never take the subway.

The Inuit have it hardest.

Inuit in Montreal?


Native Peoples too.

I didn't know.

Outcasts, everywhere.

You're a generous man.

That's good.

I'm more?


Nobody's perfect.

Is a walk included?

In the park?



You can go.

Yeah, ll be OK.

Since your visit,
you're all I think about.

I feel totally happy.

Lots of men fall in love with me.



It lasts 1 month, 2.

Inevitably, they come back to reality.

I remain friends with some.

When they travel far enough for it
to be safe, they take me along.

I've gone to Dubai a lot lately.

The men aren't always old.

T's surprising how many guys?

Handsome, young, rich?

Don't find their wife enough.

You must find me ridiculous.

A Col-Par deliveryman.

My mom's a hairdresser.


Where are you?

They're on a bench,
telling their life stories.

It'll be endless.

When you took me in your arms,
I was in a state of total bliss.

I'm not exaggerating.

You don't know me.

I'd like to.

I'm terribly superficial.

I have a PhD in philosophy.

I can provide the depth.

When I was younger, I had ambition.

I wanted to write philosophical essays.

They're on the loop.

I realized how ridiculous that was.

I have?

A favor to ask.


I want to know your name.

I never say my name.

I understand., but?

I want to put a name to the face
of the woman I'm going to love.

That won't be possible.

Where do you get
the money you give me?

Did you steal it?

It's an unbelievable story.

You can't tell me?

I shouldn't tell you, no.

You said you had no secrets.

I have bad news, kids.

Looks like they're not going to bed.

They'll just keep going.

I'll wake LaBauve.

See if he wants to OK another team.

You showed him your money?

He knows where it is? A biker!

He seemed like a nice guy.

Are you crazy?
Your locker's empty now.

Not necessarily.

I tend to trust people.

I told you.

What were you thinking?

A biker!

I'm not made for a life of crime.

I'll go back to my deliveries.

At least I got to meet you.

Even if it wasn't for long.

Answer, you might miss a trip to Dubai.

I'm Sorry!

Please don't go!

I'll get more money.

I'll sell dr*gs. rob. whatever.

May I ask why you're here, Ms Lafontaine?

What did you call her?

Lafontaine, Camille Lafontaine.
What else?

You don't know your close friend's name?

It was the pronunciation.

Did you rent that?



For me.

To store clothes.

My apartment's full, so I rent here.

You've been too busy to move them?


Did you rent the locker
the day after the holdup?

I can't remember.

We can easily get the rental date.

This is Jacmel Rosalbert.

He's in the hospital.

They suspected he stole the money
and tortured him.

Let me demonstrate.

First they handcuffed him.

They hooked him to a cable
and raised him.


Finally you're entirely off the ground.

At first your shoulders hold.

Then all the muscles tear.

Your arms rip out of your shoulders.

The simplest and most painful
form of t*rture.

The SS used it in Auschwitz.

Whoever stole the money is to blame.

I don't see how this concerns me.



I'm sure he's long gone.

You bastard!

Looking for your money?

It's here.

You can count it.

I'm not a lawyer.
I'm a criminal. I'm honest.

How'd you open the lock?

People sell master keys.
You didn't know?

I called my cop buddies.

Your buddies?

The Montreal police is full of leaks.

Didn't know that either?

You were being tailed,
50 I moved the money fast.

They showed up as soon as we arrived.

Of course.

They're checking
all the surveillance video.

Got an alibi?

An alibi?

What's in the bags?
Why rent the locker?

Who am 17 Why'd I take 'em?

You need good answers.

I'll find them.

Your escort?

Did she say I robbed you?

You see too many films.

In films. bad girls seduce the guy
to steal the cash.

Escorts are interested in only one thing:

Biker reasoning. Idiot reasoning.

'Cause bikers are double-crossers.

Hooker reasoning. Bimbo reasoning.

But often true.

With exceptions.


Camille, meet Sylvain. Sylvain, Camille.

My daughter, Cindy.

Hi. Cindy.

Did we scare you?

A little.

I'm sorry, sweetie.

It's OK.

Will they tail us 24/7?

The caps don't have the budget.

Too expensive. Arabs are their priority.

But keep an eye out.

They might be there.

Here, honey. Let's go find Mom.

You don't know who they were?

Or why they did it?

You weren't with Chénier
when he got shot?

Other gangs will want to kidnap you.

Don't count on our protection.

Next time, it's your balls they'll rip off.

I hear that hurts.

How old was Chénier?

I dunno.


He didn't live a very long life.

How old are you?


You did reform school,
then served 2 years.

Ever think of your future?

If you don't wise up, you'll be k*lled.

Or go back to jail for a long time.

You know that?

If you're gone.
who'll look after your mom?

I know.

Pretty sad.

Chénier got hit.

I ran out with my bag.

Morosi shot me.

I dropped my bag and ran.

Robbing Viadimir wasn't your idea.

Someone hired you. Who?

The ltalians? The bikers?

Talk to me, pal. We're here to help.

I can't,

It was Vlad.

Vladimir hired you to rob his own store?

He wanted a bigger cut
from the West End g*ng.

Nobody was supposed to get k*lled.

Of course not.

We didn't expect Morosi.

I don't know why he came.

It was a fuckup.


That's my stash.

We'll bury yours beside it.

Who'd you rob?


Acquired legitimately exercising my
functions, back when I had functions.

When I first dug here,
there were 2 skeletons.

I buried them over there.

After this we'll go see
Jacmel in hospital.

What for?

To get him out.

Stay away from that guy.

Stay away from that guy.

He's a bum, a lost cause.

We help him.
- He's right.

Butt out.
- Not a chance.

Are you planning to open a youth center?

T's ethics, I don't respect society.

Neither do I.

Crime, yes. But no victims.

There always are.

There always are.

Not necessarily.

Legally, I'm a criminal.
But I never hurt anyone.

Just the opposite,
guys seem rather happy after.

He was tortured because
I took the dough.

Not tough luck.

Not tough luck.

I'm responsible.

I've no choice.
It's Kant's imperative.

Fine. But the guy's under

If we go, it's over.

There are 3 of us in this:
you, me and her.

In life and death.
- Count me out.

You've no choice. It's destiny, fatum.

We must love fate. Amor fati.
Marcus Aurelius.

The emperor. Marcus Aurelius.

He was tortured, but he wouldn't talk.

The money's vanished.

5% a week?

That's crazy!

I can't pay that.
I'm not the Bank of Canada.

How can I get that kind of money?


Feel like talking?

About what?

Things are heating up out there.

The prosecutor might cut you a deal.

We can help negotiate it

No thanks.

You sure?


That's a mistake.

Hello. ma'am.

I have a Pierre-Paul Daoust for you.


It feels weird coming here.


I can't be the first man?

The second.

After my husband.

You're married?

I was, for 5 years.

The condo was part of my settlement.

What's that?

The money for today.

The money for today.

Not here.

He was 48.

I was 23.

I was 23.

He had a sailboat with crew.

Physically he always took me like a boy.

You know what that means.

He hit me too, often.

He called it,
'completing my education.'

Why did you marry him?

My dad left when I was 8 months old.

I never knew him.

Mom believed that
a woman's sole security...

was to marry a millionaire
and get a good prenup.

Where's your mom now?

In the suburbs.


She's still a hairdresser.

I send her money.

I told her I work in PR.

It's not too far a stretch.

It's not too far a stretch.

She made huge sacrifices to send
me to an elite school in Westmount

and pay for
riding and sailing classes.

She had me volunteer
at the Fine Arts Museum.

She got me invited to
the Daffodil and Heart Institute balls.

where I might meet a millionaire.

where I might meet a millionaire.

It worked.

Not for long.

Long enough for his money to spoil me.

You'll see.

It'll happen to you.

I'm not so sure.

That's easy to say
when you never had money.

Wait till you go diving in Belize.

You'll see.

Do you know what it's like to have a chef
who cooks every meal you eat?

Do you know what it's like to have a chef
who cooks every meal you eat?

'Consider not what you eat,
but the person you eat it with." Epicurus.

'It's better to cry in a Jaguar
than the subway."


Remember me?

I don't have the money!

I know you dent, you poor dummy!

Knocking over Vladimir, brilliant!

Knocking over Vladimir, brilliant!

Now listen up.

I won't repeat myself.

Some very charitable people
want to help you.

I can't say who.

Tell your mom you'll disappear a while.

Tell your mom you'll disappear a while.

A Chinese guy will show up.
Go with him.

A cop promised to help me.

The police will turn you informant...

meaning a bus ticket
to Halifax or Vancouver.

$50 a month for food.

$50 a month for food.

No danger of getting fat.

And $500 a week for 2 years.

Then it's over.

You'll be broke, alone, you'll come back
and get whacked.

The police force is the government.

The police force is the government.

They're never there to help.

Only to step on you,
everybody knows that.

The people I represent are generous.

Too much so for my liking.

But they're good people.

You don't know how lucky you are.

Have a nice day.

A deposit?

No, it's for you.

Your son likes biology.

Take him to see marine life
in the Caribbean.

Where'd you get the money?

A mystery.

Are you alright?

We have crates of cash we can't use.

We have crates of cash we can't use.

If I pool my dough with yours, we'd have
enough to interest a major operator.

I know one.


Wilbrod Taschereau.

The best of the best.

I know.

How'd you meet him?

How'd you meet him?

He won't want to talk to me.

We need our archetypal upright citizen.

You better be convincing.

You better be convincing.

Is it really necessary?

Fundamental. We can't do it alone.

She is beautiful.

Don't start.


I know you.

You're not one to preach.

That so?

Your divorce was too expensive.

It's not the divorce, it's the alimony.

f*cking feminist judge!


I'd like to see Mr Taschereau.

I'd like to see Mr Taschereau.

He expects you?

Tell him it's Aspasie.

About what?

T's personal.

Got a waybil?

No, I'm not? I'm with?

He's with me.
I had a delivery problem.

He's with me.
I had a delivery problem.

Hello, Wilbrod.

The office was always off-limits.

I know.

I'm sorry.

You should leave.

How long was I your
exclusive mistress, Wilbrod?

How long was I your
exclusive mistress, Wilbrod?

A year, a bit more.

During that time did you have cause
to complain even once?



Is it my fault your exquisite wife
became suspicious?

Was it I who ended our relationship?

It was me.

Did I make you happy?

I miss you every day.

I miss you every day.

I'll miss you till the day I die.

I have a favor to ask.

Hello, sir.

I'm Pierre-Paul Daoust.

I'm part of a group that,
through improbable circumstances...

recently came into possession
of a large sum of money.

We intend to invest that money
outside of Canada.

We'd like to seek your advice,
if possible.

Your fees would be commensurate
with the size of the sum.


I'm looking for & woman in a black suit.

Our office is closed.

She was with a deliveryman.

Not here. no.

Hello. ma'am.

I'm looking for a young woman.

She was with a Col-Par deliveryman.

Client identity is confidential.

Pete LaBauve, police, Major Crimes.

Mr Taschereau, could we say
you're a specialist on tax havens?

The media bandies about that term.

Alas, the only haven is heaven.

It's the Investment Bank VP.

I'll call him back, thanks.

If someone inherited a large sum of money,
could you assist in investing it abroad?

Insofar as the law permits, of course.

But the laws vary by country.

I always use a simple example.

If, by chance, for whatever reason,
you wished to beat your wife?

Here you would risk serious problems.

But if you persuaded her
to accompany you...

on a lovely trip to Pakistan,
there you could beat her silly.

You'd be exercising a privilege
granted you by Islamic law.

It's the same in the financial world.

Money is an infinite universe.

No one knows how much is in circulation.

Billions and trillions.

Right here in Montreal the families
of almost every African dictator...

have invested massively in real estate.

Itno, Nguesso, Bongo, Compaoré?
They're all here.

And no federal law prohibits it?

I hope you're not r*cist.

Canada is a land of open arms,
as our prime minister insists.

Anyway, those sums are trivial...

compared 10 the money in hedge funds.

narcodollars, the arms trade...

sovereign wealth funds of opaque nations:
Russia, Saudi Arabia?

The fortunes of Chinese
millionaires held abroad?

We're talking about $700 billion.

What is that painting worth?

I admit it was an extravagance.

But you know,

it takes money to be able
to appreciate painting.

Of course, one can always
go to the museum.

A guy like him ruined my dad.

Got him to invest his savings
in the tech bubble.

He lost everything.

I was forced to give up mathematics
and go to the police academy.

A job for life.

I dreamt of & PhD at Princeton.

Instead, I deal with pimps
and psychopaths.

The dregs of humanity.

If you're lonely or unhappy,
you're welcome in my bed.

I'd worry it was a pity f*ck.

No, the time we hooked up
wasn't so bad.

It was great.

I told you, If I were into guys,
I'd be all over you.

The nicest compliment ever.

Auntie Carla has what you need.

Your phone rings a lot.

I'll turn it off.

I don't know if I can live with this,
get used to it.

Actually, I can't.

How do you do it?

All those men?

What's wrong?

Wish you were the only one?

Of course I do.

What man wouldn't want
to be the only one?

Weren't you happy just now?


Mr Dacust, we screened
the security camera footage...

of you renting a locker
the day after the hold-up.

You're seen unloading 2 heavy
sports bags filled to capacity.

You're seen unloading 2 heavy
sports bags filled to capacity.

What was in them?


Your clothes?


A few days later you came back
with someone dressed all in black.

Who was he?


Bill who?

I dunno.

You forgot his name?

No, he's a homeless man.

How'd you meet him?

I volunteer at The Street.

It's an organization that?

We know it.

Why'd you take Bill there?

To give him my clothes.

But he didn't want them?

No, he had nowhere to put them.

He went back a few days later?

That's right.

He had the key to the locker?


Can we talk to Bill?

I don't know where he is.

He's disappeared?


He's homeless, that happens often.

Weren't you going to store clothes there?

I haven't had time.

Can we see those clothes?

Do you have a warrant?

Not yet.

Ask me when you do.

Mr Daoust, I have the impression
that until now...

you've always been an honest citizen.

Now you risk losing everything.

Like what?

I don't have a wife or kids.

My knees are giving out.

Climbing into the truck 100 times a day
is hard on the joints.

Many of the guys are on crutches
when they retire.

Not exactly a bright future.

Sure beats prison.

Mr Taschereau, thanks for coming.

This is Sylvain Bigras.

We heard a lot about you in class.

Good things, I hope.

You're a legend.

In class I also learned that some
Canadians keep bank accounts

in countries where taxes
are less onerous.

That's right.

In many cases,
those accounts aren't declared.


New international rules
require them to be reported...

within 2 years' time and thus taxable.

Alas, yes.

Mr Taschereau, if some of your clients
found themselves in a difficult position...

we'd have a proposition for them.

Which is?

We would give them here, in Canadian cash,
the amount they hold abroad.

They'd transfer those foreign funds
to our account...

which is also offshore, so no money
would cross the Canadian border.

A hawala.


I never recommend
my clients act illegally.

You could simply inform them of
our proposal, but not recommend It.

I'm prohibited from acting as an inter-
mediary in cash transactions over S7500.

You must know that.

We'd be the intermediaries.

At the time of the transactions,
you could be traveling in Bali.

But the account you want to open
abroad will also be made public.


But if the account belonged
to an international organization...

whose connections to Canada were,
let's say...

complex and discrete, like the
International Olympic Committee or FIFA?

Complicated? but possible.


There's a hit out on Viadimir.

The West End g*ng?


He's gonna pay.

No sign of the money?


It's a mystery.

I know what I'd do.


Brain Bigras just got out.

If anybody knows, it's him.

Where is he?

Nobody knows.

He must go see his daughter.

Know his ex?


Find her. you'll find him.

Anything else?

Meloche is taking a van to Texas
to buy AK-47s and Glocks.

When's he back?

No idea.

Find out and keep me posted.

Could I get an advance?

You gotta quit gambling.

It's not to gamble.

We have bad news.

There's a hit out on you.

1 minute.

Babe, can you take the kids
to the basement?


You understand?

Whoever whacks you gets $10K.

I'm not worried. I'm protected.

By who?

By my grigri.

I know you don't believe in it.

But I do.

I think a charity's your best option.

Plus it's appropriate for this place
of deep spiritual significance.

So we should open a foundation?

Unfortunately, there are so many
foundations it'd be suspicious.

They're usually fronts
for scammers, right?

Most of the time, yes.

A charity for what?


Nobody's interested in Africa anymore.

It's a lost cause.

I know, I'm the honorary consul of Benin.

Children would be better.

Children in general.

Sick children are irresistible.

Where would we be based?

Lausanne or Zurich, we've no choice.

As you said. the IOC, FIFA?

The Swiss will rat on us.

Yes, you can't trust most
Swiss bankers now.

The Americans unmanned them.
Sad times.

We won't send the money
straight to Switzerland?

Of course not.
We'll send it con a little trip.

Switzerland will be the final destination.

And the trip itinerary?

I'll spare you the details.

But the penultimate stop will be London.


It would be easier and cheaper to
transit via Malta, Slovenia or Ireland...

but I've always liked the veneer
of respectability England confers.

So, your capital will end its journey
in Switzerland.

After, you can draw salaries,
claim business expenses...

invest? As you wish.

I have a list here
of clients interested in your offer.

I'll give it to Camille.

Be sure to destroy it
after the operation.

I did this only for you.

Thank you.

Is he the love of your life?


He's very lucky.

Oh yes.

Starting now, all expenses
related to your charitable activities...

can be claimed as tax deductions.

Be sure to take full advantage.

Good day.

We need a girl for the math.

My ex works in a bank.

Introduce me.

You never mentioned her.

I hope you're not jealous.

Such a negative emotion.

In the meantime, I need some money.


Not much, for a friend.

No, I explained it to you.

Your bank account's monitored.

I have money.

I can lend you some.

Her money's no problem.

This is my treasure.

I have other boxes,
here in town, in Toronto and in Ottawa.

I only trust US dollars.

Governments want to eliminate cash.

They control everything else.

Take what you need.

No, I eel no loyalty to my bank.

The CEO pocketed $12 million last year.

That's 257 times my salary.

It's just?

I'm a single mother.

I have a son. I need security.


How old is he?


He's 3. good Kid.

My daughter's 10.

His dad took off years ago.

My wife got tired of waiting.

First thing, find us an office.

Somewhere modest and discrete...

suitable for a charitable
organization like ours.

You can count on me.

Vladimir wasn't k*lled for no reason.

They'll try to get the money
out of the country.

I'd bet on it. I just don't know how.

No way they'll use a bank.

No, we'd know within an hour,

There's a piece we're missing.

Mario, I'm helping to create
an international fund for children.

Save the Children,
or something like that.

You'll receive from London funds...

bequeathed to us by a donor
who wishes to remain anonymous.

As often done.

I'd like you to appoint
an international board of directors.

1 or 2 Asians, 1 American, 1 African.

Know what I mean?

Consider it done.

When you draft the charity bylaws, I'd
like you to assign the deciding votes...

to the Canadian delegates.


Excuse me. please.


Sorry to interrupt,
but the police are back.

Very well,

Did you have me followed?

Not at all.

One of our detectives?


You are a sergeant, right?


Did you notice the names in the entrance?

You'd have spotted
among our firm's partners...

2 former prime ministers of Canada
and a former premier of Quebec.

I'm not sure you grasp the implications.

In this photo. we see you give
something to Camille Lafontaine.

What was it?

A personal memento.

You know this investigation isn't over.

You do your job, I do mine.

That's how society functions.

- Yup.


No, nothing.

I don't understand.

They should be here by now.

What do you want?

I'm looking for the yoga class.

This is 2 woman's coop.

Men aren't welcome. Scram!

Sorry. But Hot Yoga??

Beat !


g*dd*mn traffic!


T's for the yoga.

It's not here.

Hot Yoga?



Your honor, all these people are meeting
today, right now, at this address.

A surveillance cop has ID'd them.

I need a search warrant urgently.

Is Mr Taschereau there too?

He wasn't spotted today.

You gotta be careful with him.

Yeah, I know.

You see, it's?

That's OK, Damien.

We inherited BBQ restaurants
in the Townships.

5 BBQ restaurants.


We sold for a good price.

The deal was the buyer would pay us
in cash at regular intervals.

Of course.

Of course.

We sent the cash to Turks and Caicas.

Caicas, Caicos! Whatever.

How much?



This morning it's $2,880.060.

US dollars?



You'll get that amount
in Canadian dollars, cash...

at the Bank of Canada rate,
minus our 15%. Agreed?


You'll transfer your account
in Turks and Caicos...

to our account at British West-Indies.

Here's the bank's address.
account number and password.

You get your money back tax-free.


That's what I got.

So did .


I need $3,113,523.65.

How much is in there?

How much is in there?

Got my warrant.
I need 2 detectives, 4 cops.

Don't have 'em.


There's a student protest.

We're short-staffed.

From another precinct?

They're all there.

This is ridiculous.

What's the protest?

Who knows?

Capitalism, pipelines, police brutality?

Jesus Christ!

Bunch of g*dd*mn lazy bums.

My suspects are pulling a job.

After the protest.

It'll be hours!

Gimme tear gas, water cannons,
stun grenades, it'd take 10 minutes.

But our politicians have no balls.

Christ, unbelievable!

Done, perfect.

Count it if you want.


You can't count 3 mil.

Help me zip. My nails!


Hope we don't get robbed.

Taking it to the bank?

Thank you.

Safe drive.

Gimme that.


It's ending, I'll get you your crew.

Your payouts from contractors?

Yes, of course.

Wired directly to Bermuda?


I'd have preferred to make a voluntary
disclosure and settle for 30%.

I'd have felt more comfortable.

But as Deputy Secretary of Transportion,
it's too risky.

The media would have afield day.

I bet.


Up the stairway, second floor.

Grab the computers and phones.


Pierre-Yves Maranda.
Dr Pierre-Yves Maranda.

Sit down. doctor.


I'm 2 radiologist.

I own 3 private clinics.

We offer same-day scans.
payable in cash.

I used to send the money
to my account in Lichtenstein.

Back then it was completely safe.

Now my tax lawyer says that's changed.
which is why I'm here.

How much are we talking?

$5% million, a bit more.
I have the exact amount.

Not bad.

Radiology equipment is expensive.

I can imagine.

Hand me your backpack.

And this?

Police! Don't move!

Raise your hands.

Into the waiting room.

A donation.

Want a receipt?

Don't need one.

What's this office?

A charity? for children.

What are the empty plastic bins?

I don't know.

They were here when we came.

What do you do here, Mr Bigras?

I'm giving back to the community.

Turn around.

Turn around!

Are you armed?

Doing charitable work too?

They gave me a job.

What's this money?

Petty cash.

We're just setting up.

Who're you?

Linda Demers, secretary.

Where were you?

The washroom.

No phones, no computer, nothing.

They're playing us for fools.

Hello. Mr Taschereau.


I'm a friend of Aspasie's.

Are you now?

She wants you to know
how grateful she is for your help.

But she's concerned about you.

She wondered if you'd like to meet
someone to replace her.


A drink?

Scotch, white wine?

Scotch, just a finger.


1 cube.

Thank you.

Have you lived here long?

I don't really live here.

It's a retreat.

I see.

Shall we settle a vulgar detail?

I added $500.

I'm sure you'll exceed?

Mr Taschereau, you're under arrest
for soliciting a minor.

Anything you say?
- Spare me.


Nowadays you don't survive
a sex scandal.

The era of political correctness.

This will probably cost me a divorce.

Don't expect a conviction.

I know the legal system.

The proceedings will take years.

I'll be dead before the case concludes.

The wealthy generally elude justice.

There are exceptions but very few.

Money buys happiness.
The best-kept secret.

You'll never be able to understand, alas.

The man who's sleeping in the street

That man is your neighbor

The woman who's been beaten so often

That woman is your neighbor, too

All together

All together

We shall rediscover hope

Yes, we shall all rediscover hope

Aren't you done harassing us?

T's our job.

I have an idea.

You can watch us up close.

We need helpers.

Make yourselves useful for once.

You defend a society that's indefensible.

A boss paid 500 times his employees'
salary is indefensible.

Our political parties
are rotten to the core.

We might see 2 revolution one day.

It happened before.

Yeah, but what's a revolution's priority?

An efficient police system.

I'm not worried.

Without us, it'd be way worse.

Do you need help eating?

I'm good, thanks.

You're OK?


You remind me of a woman I knew.

I do?

Yup. A woman I met
in a window in Amsterdam.

She cost a fortune.

Was she worth it?

God, yes!

How long ago was that?

30, 40 years, maybe. Why?

He still talks about her.

Given your past,
I'm surprised you're here.

Let's not talk about
what can't be explained.

C'mon, we want to show you something.

I thought of you when I saw it.

Abed? an armchair, a TV.

What you wanted, right?

This? Sure is.

I just inherited it
from a long-lost uncle.

Yeah? Everything looks new.

Yeah. The notary wasn't
ware of it either.

You like the place, right?

You bet. I could never afford?

I have a proposal for you.

You live here, pay the utilities.

I won't charge you rent.

You can stay as long as you want.

That's crazy.

We good?

No, you're giving me a fortune.

You talk about Providence.

How the Just will be rewarded.

Was that all bullshit?

This is too much,

The key.

I don't know what to say.

Say nothing.

This is for you.

Can you give us a hand Saturday?

We're short a few people.

I'll be there.

Me too.
