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Stolen (2012)

Posted: 09/05/23 15:15
by bunniefuu
No cigarettes, no sleep,

no light, no sound.

Nothing to eat...

No one to drink.

Sometimes all I need is the

air that I breathe and to love you.

All I need is the air that

I breathe and to love you.

All I need...

Watch where you're going, would ya?




Delta team, check in.

Delta team holding.

Maybe the source is wrong?

The source is good.

It's 10 after, the source

said 4 a.m. on the dot.



It's probably just a radio station

someplace outside of the city.


It's him.

Do we have to listen to the whole song,

all 7 minutes and 40 seconds of it?

Why do you insist on asking that every time?

Gum, I don't mess with your superstitions.

God knows we don't want to fluck with the formula.

But how about a new band?

Over the last six years we have listened to the

entire "Creedence Clearwater Revival" songbook

over and over and...


Hi, Sweetie!

Why are you up so early?


Which one?

Which one? Oh, the Care Bears book.

Oh, okay, I thought you were taking the even pages.

Oh, okay, I'm supposed to color the evens.

Oh, okay, well, I'll take my turn as soon as I get home.

Save the purple crayon for daddy.

Well, I told you, your daddy

has to work, but guess what?

When I get home I'm gonna make

you those... those happy-face pancakes

that you like so much, okay?

I love you, Baby.

Okay, big kiss.



Actually, you wouldn't understand.

About Care Bears?


No, no, you're totally right.

Every father talks to his little

girl before he commits a class H felony.

Absolutely normal, so sweet.

Hoyt, it's late.

Sensors are reset in 20,

That puts us inside of 15 minutes.

That's not enough cushion.

Let's call it.

Dude is runnin' 5 minutes behind.

He's probably just takin' a dump.

We're not callin' it, we're good.

This is an ace boon swipe dung.

There's not another one of these

in the headlights for a long while.

I don't know.

Suddenly I'm not feeling so good.

Well then, relax.

Put on a little "Bad Moon Rising."

This is a Diamond Dog.

I'm in the mainframe now.

The blouse is open.

Undoing the bra strap now.

Fire alarms are down.

Seismics are down.

Killin' the cameras now.

Good to go when you are.

Go radio silent 'til I say.

The van's leaving.

Okay, fellas, as ready to rock as Riley's Diaphragm.

Really, Hoyt?

Sorry, Sugar.

Sir, I've go seismics, sounds like it blew a wall.

We got 'em.

It doesn't make any sense, it's too easy.

This crew doesn't do too easy.

Okay, let's go.

Okay, get 'er up.

- That's 3! Let's go!

- Move it!

Dude! Come on!

Okay, grab some extra stuff.

We're in tunnel now.

The proverbial hand is up the skirt,

headin' straight for the moose-knuckle.


That's why I love working with dudes.

It's all the clever variations you

can come up with for the word "vag*na".


I need some air.

Drill's up. 3 minutes out.

They started drilling.

Wait... for my go.

Lock is out.

It's a go.

All right. We'll 'em.

Come on now, master at work.

You got 30 seconds.

Plenty of time.

Number 1's down.

You only got 15 seconds, come on.

Number 2, down.


- Clear!

- Clear!

What the hell's goin' on?

It doesn't make any sense.

They were casing this place for 3 weeks.

Seth! Get someone in that toy store!


We're in.

They're in the bank vault, Baby,

Jesus! Right!

It's like looking into heaven.

Stay focused!

Coming up on creepy toy store now.

- Clear.

- Clear.

All clear.

Scary wall can't be now.

Common stage has not been breached.

Repeat, secondary the wall is intact.

You know, I like bright, shiny things, Gummer.

This is the oldest and bright, shiny thing.

How much weight can you carry? Each one

of those bars weights 27 and a half pounds!

I played football

We got our 10 million right here.


Sir, I've got 500 meters of dark,

empty tunnel in front of me.

Somebody screwed up.

We're on the wrong block.

They're robbing the bank!

- Quick!

- Go! Go! Go!

Let's do it!

Bring that friggin' gear over here!

Get rid of the store!

Let's go! Let's go!

Go, go, go, go!!!

Open the door!

Let's go, Guys, c'mon, move it, let's go!

Go, go, go, go!! in the vault!

Hey, what are you young fellas doing?

Just get moving!

- Did you have to hit him so hard?

- He saw our faces!

No. Put it down! No homicides!

No, I am not going back to prison, not again.

f*ck! In this bag for us to disappear,

no need for anymore jobs. Let's just go!

Come on, guys.

What the hell are they doing!


I have been to prison, and I didn't like it.

In fact, I f*ckin' hated it!

Oh, shit!

You shot me!

Let's find the back of this place.

Oh, my God!

Keep quiet!

What are you doing?

- What happened?

- Shawn shot me in the leg.

No, you shot me!

Oh, shit!

I left the money, I have to get the money!

What? No! We're heated!

Let's go, guys, come on, move it, let's go!


This sucks!

I want this guy nailed!

Now everyone spread out!

- What the hell are you doing?

- He's on his own now, Baby.

No, Will!

Your rider's gone.

Hoyt! Hoyt!

Put your hands in the air!

Put 'em up! Put 'em up!

All units, 217 on east side of Rampart.

as*ault on 2 police officers.

Suspect has fled the scene of the police cruiser.

Oh, we got 'im!

There he is, straight ahead.

All units, Operaville and Burgundy.

On the upward ramp!


God damn it!

Man! Don't sh**t!

Get out of the way!

Bring out the money and yourself...slow.

Real slow.


Turn around.

On your knees.

My wedding day.

The birth of my twins.

And now this.

Highlightsville. f*ckin' highlights.

Cuff him!

Hey! Where's the money?

Fletcher, you're doing well.

Hope you were r*ped every day.

Harlend wants to give you a lift.

He's not asking.

- Welcome home.

- Harlend.

- So, where to?

- Coronado and Prentiss.

So, how's the Federal penal system?

Not as tough as they say, huh?

- How's the wife?

- She's good.

- I guess.

- She left you?

- Four years ago.

- I'm sorry.

You ought to be.

Why did you pick me up, Harlend?

I thought you might pick up

where you left off.

- Now that you're free as a bird.

- Well, that's all behind me now.

You can probably afford to retire now with that

sizable withdrawal from Parish Community you made.

You knew, you got caught with that money,

you'd be lookin' at an extra 10 years,

so you ditched it somewhere.

And now that you're out,

I thought you'd go and get that 10 mill.

Aren't you, Will?

Much like a squirrel returning back to his

hoard after a long cold winter.

I'm not the squirrel playing

with his nuts here, Harlend.

I don't have the money.

You know that Vincent is dead, right?

I don't think he knows.

Do you, Agent Fletcher?

How does that make you feel?

He was my friend.


He had a tough time of it

after you left.

You being the brains behind the operation.

I guess he owed money to the wrong people.

Your ex-wife's place, huh?

- I'm not here for her.

- Do you really think your kid wants to see you?

I'm about to find out.

Grandma Harlend used to say,

"Love makes time pass,

but time is certain to make love pass."

Can I enjoy my day now?

Thanks for the lift.

Oh, Happy Fat Tuesday, Will.

I'm starting to think you liked the guy.

Admiring someone doesn't

mean you like him.

Let's go, Fletcher.

- What are you doing? You scared me.

- I'm sorry. It's okay.

I'm sorry.

- When did you get out?

- This morning.

I know I should have called,

I didn't have the number.

You look like your mom.

She's not here, is she?

She's in Shreveport.

- With Mr. Loeb?

- Yes, with David.

This came for you this morning,

it was just left on the mat.

Thanks. Can we talk?

- I really should get going.

- Just for a few minutes.

I have something for you, I saw it

on the way in, reminded me of you.


No one sets-out to be a criminal.

But through...

But through...

I've had so many conversations with you,

now that you're...

sitting across from me,

it's like my mind's going blank.

No one sets-out to be a criminal, Alison.

But through circumstances,

bad choices, needs...

unfor... unforeseeable obstacles,

unreliable friends,

dishonesty, life intervenes.

I not trying to justify it,

I'm not making excuses for it.

I was a bad man,

but I've... I've had eight long years

to get rid of that man.

To ready myself.

To get to know you.

I have to go.

- Where are you going?

- I told you, I'm late.

- Late for what?

- My shrink session.

- I go every Tuesday.

- Really?

Yeah, apparently I have abandonment issues.

Go figure.

I meant what I said, Alison.

Keep it!

I'm not seven anymore.


- Just go, please.

Thanks for the visual massage, Pete.

Riley, you are just too damn fine, girl.

And you don't give me the time of day.

How 'bout you call your wife and

see when you're available.

Ah, why do you gotta bring her up?

Talk about a buzz-k*ll. You have a good one.

You too.

How is it that after eight years

you have only gotten younger?

Oh, God, Will!

I can't believe it.

- When did you get out?

- This morning.

You should have let me know,

I woulda come to pick you up.

It's all right, Agent Harlend was

kind enough to give me a lift.

You're kidding!

God, that guy needs to get laid like yesterday!

- Let me get you a drink. Tequila?

- Yes, ma'am.

What the hell, Riley, you're

working in a cop bar?

Yeah, well, you know, it's a good way

to guarantee I don't go back to wrong.

"Back to wrong"?

Yeah, self-restraint was never my strong suit.

I'm honored to be your first stop.

- Actually I dropped by Alison's first.

- Ooh! And how is she?

Not as honored.

Don't worry, Will, she'll come 'round.

I missed you, Will.

You know, I never got to thank

you after all that with Vin.

Don't mention it.

I wasn't allowed to come visit,

my lawyer wouldn't let me, and um...

- Harlend never really stopped sniffing around.

- I know, I know.

But you not ratting us out,

really means something to me, Will.

Like I said...

You coulda ratted-out Hoyt though,

that I wouldn't have minded.

Which... yeah, yeah,

I'm looking for that guy.

And I take it you heard about Vince?

- Yeah, it's terrible.

- Yeah, I mean he went really dark.

Well, I mean, do they know who k*lled him?

No, I don't think so, He was hangin'

out with a sketchy crowd, you know.

- Looking for the new "you" I suppose.

- It's good to see you again, Riley.

I think we woke-up your package.

Riley, give Jake a tap.

- Two beers.

- Be right back.


Hello, Will Montgomery.

Who is this?

You don't recognize my voice, Gum?

Yeah, I wanted to be

there for ya at the prison.


Give you a welcome you when you got out,

but you know how it is, time just slipped away.

Well, Hallelujah, man, you're alive.

Shit! You know what?

Everybody's tellin' me you're dead.

Well, that depends on how you're

interpretation of the word "dead".

I'm clearly not "living".

Where are you, can we meet?

How are you?

The years you've been gone

have not been kind to me, Gum.

Constantly running from loan sharks, the Feds.

Broker than a dead-d*ck dog

that couldn't get another swipe.

- I AM sorry to hear about that.

- You listen to me, Gum.

- I have waited eight years for this.

- Go ahead.

I had to change my name,

erase everything.

And then, that little matter

of the b*llet in my leg.

A constant, friendly reminder

of the partner who

ruined my life that night.

Come on, man! Really, we gonna go back there?

- You did that to yourself.

- Semantics.

I want my share! I want MY share

of the 10 million dollars

that was going to

change our lives forever.

Vinny, there is no cash.

I had a feeling you'd say that, Gum.

I burned it just before

Harlend got to me.

No. Stop it!

It's true.

- What's taking so long?

- Hold on.

Wait a minute.

Who... who..

- that voice, who is that?

- That's right, you don't know.

I'm a cab driver now.

My fare is this sweet little girl

trying to get to her shrink's office

so she can discuss her "daddy issues"

and how they have manifested into

an unhealthy disdain for the world at large.

- Hey, what are you doing?

- Hold on, please, Gum.

All right, Miss, terrible Fat Tuesday traffic.

Be there in a jiffy.

See how it lays?

Now, Gum, it all depends on whether or not you're

gonna stick to your story about the burnt cash.

You touch her and I'll take you down

the Levy and kick your f*ckin' ass.

I don't know if you heard what I just said,

but this all depends on you.


He's on the move.

Where are we going?

- What are we doing, why are we in here?

- I hope you understand this is not my preference.

Help me! No! Help!

I'm considering your father

an elemental end to your suffering.

But you see, Alison,

I've got a sickness.

I'm not well.

Your father abandoned me in my time of need

so I know what it is to

to be in the position you're in.

Really, I do. I know what it is to be

left high and dry by Will Montgomery.

And you and me...we are kindred spirits.

And I am going to make him pay for the both of us.


Where's Alison?

Did you change your mind or are you

still sticking with that bullshit story?

Can I talk to her?


She's waiting for you to decide

whether she's going to remain fine.

Vincent, don't do this.

I'm hangin' up now.

No, no! Wait! Okay! Wait! I can get it.

I can get the money. I just need time.

It's not here.

It's in Tuscaloosa, my lawyer has it.

In a truck, so I need 24 hours.

You got 12.

A phone in your hand. I'll be

tracking you with it at all times.

You miss a single phone call from me, Alison doesn't live.


This is my last chance to

to dance, Buddy.

You haven't seen me recently.

Let's just say I've got 2 left feet.

Hello. Vincent!


- I need to get a phone.

- I'm sorry, Sir, you're gonna have to wait.

- Excuse me, Ma'am, I really need a phone.

- Sir, I will be with you in a moment.

- How much is this one?

- 29.99.

Want your change?

Passenger service to Tuscaloosa

now boarding platform 2.

Help, get me out of here.

Fletcher, I can't hear you.

You lost him on his first morning out. Shit!

- Will Montgomery is here for you.

- Send him in.

So your dead, former partner Vincent Kinsey

has kidnapped your daughter and

is holding her somewhere in New Orleans?

- In a cab.

- The cab, yes, that's right. In the cab, yeah.

And what does he want in return?

- 10 Million dollars.

- 10 Million dollars.

- Remind me why that's a familiar figure.

- I burned the cash.

Just before you grabbed me.

That's the God's honest truth.

'Cause I knew I'd get less

time if I ditched the money.

I don't have it but he has my daughter

and I need your help.

Why would I be here if I had the money?

I would just pay Vincent off and

get my little girl back.

This is how I see it, Will.

You're a thief, a crook and a scumbag,

but you're also a very clever tree frog.

So you concoct this "Kinsey is alive and

has snatched my kid" fantasy

so that A, you can show that you don't have the

money otherwise why wouldn't you pay the ransom,

or B, send us running around all over town

searching for your daughter and her abductor

to afford you the time to dig-up the dough

and jump onto a cigarette boat

and zip-down to the Bahamas

where you can sip rum for the rest of your days

and listen to classic rock

played by bands with muscular guitarists

and dead drummers.

Ah, my faithful buddy.

Couldn't find a couch in the living room.

This is Vincent's file.

The prints match as you can see.

They cut his body up before they burnt it.

We managed to get the prints of

a few fingers that survived the fire.

- We can visit his grave if you want.

- No, we can't

because he's alive. He faked his own death.

Please, Tim, I'm running out of time.

I'm not being played by you again, Will.

All right, let's go.

Please help me.

Escort our pal out of the building, will ya?

A little help, guys.

Will Montgomery, on behalf of

the Federal Bureau of Investigation

I'd like to thank you for stopping by today.

Hold up, hold up.

Harlend thinks you're some

kind of criminal mastermind.

A criminal mastermind?

I don't share this belief because criminal

masterminds don't go away for eight year jolts.

Or do they?

One more, please.

Thank you.

We called Montgomery's ex home and cell.

Both voicemails say she's out of town.

Have you tried his

daughter's cell phone?

Right, it says the account's been suspended

I think I'll call local PD on it.

If she has been kidnapped,

we're FBI, we do something about it.

- You don't think he's telling the truth?

- No, I do not.

Hey! Is there anybody out there?



We have a problem.

That's good.

All right, well, keep trackin' 'im to Tuscaloosa.

If he deviates from the route

let me know.

You're are exactly the woman

I want to see in clothes that tight.

The only thing with any balls to

cover this town was The Hurricane.

Get away from the car!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, cab's off duty.

G'day, Mate, how ya doin'?

Look, look, I just gotta get to the...

The cab's off duty, man.

Yeah, Mate?. I just gotta catch

up with these chicks that I met...


Please? Good on ya, Mate.


I haven't had my dong a dip since I got here, eh.

One of them was preg as heck.

Yeah, I know.

Mate, I better get of this blow.

This cabby's gonna chuck a wobbly.

All right, Mate, so, let me tell

you about those sheilas, eh.

So, the pregnant one is sayin

nice things to ya, I really don't know why.

But me willy is about as lonely

as a bandicoot on a burnt ridge.

What the hell, the chicks are quite

different in New Orleans, eh, Mate?

New Orleans, it all comes back.

Heard you kid by the name King Louis 15?

King Louis 15 he don't know all this.

- Frenchman to cross the ocean to visit.

- It wasn't happening.

So in order to get some use out of it

finally he starts shippin' over

boatloads of French prisoners.

That was coal up your ass, bugger.

Thieves, gamblers, prostitutes, murderers,

pirates, gypsies, pickpockets.

and psychopaths.

Is this me stop?

Those were the pioneers of this land.

And the forefathers of this town.

That you so casually dismissed.

All computers in this building are tracked.

This is the page that corresponds to the

exact moment in the video where he stops.

This is Agent Harlend, I need an as*ault

team at Apartment 9, 23 St. Claude.

Ya hear me! Shut up, stupid, stupid dog.

I'm gonna skin you and make

a pair of shoes out of you.

I hate you and your owner.

Shut up.

- Jesus, Will!

- Shut up. Drop the bag.

That's my lunch.

- And that's my g*n.

- Drop the bag.

That's for the last ten years.

- Where's Vincent?

- Vincent? Vincent's dead, man.

- Try again.

- I swear, I swear on my life.

I haven't seen Vincent...

Oh, that's right, I forgot, it's

not your brains you care about.

A b*llet to the stomach is the most painful.

And it takes hours to die.

Okay, look, look, look,

Mate, what do you want to know?

What does he have you doing?

Nothing, baby, gee, you know,

bags drops, recons, stuff like that.

He told me to drop off the phone

for you so I dropped off the phone.

And my daughter? My daughter?!?

You know, the whole bottom fell out of

our operation when you went away, Will.

I mean, look around you, does it look

like I'm puttin' on the Ritz here?

We want our share, just our share.

So help me God, Hoyt, you tell me where she is,

or I'll blow your lunch all over this carpet.

He's drivin' around with her,

in the trunk of his cab.

- In the trunk?

- And I gotta be honest with you, Will, 'cause

I didn't think the taking of

your daughter part was right.

I mean, bad idea to steal from

America's greatest bank robber.

After he had lost the leg,

something changed in him, Will.

He said he just felt numb to

everything, numb like a statue.

And he blames that on you, Will.

He blames the leg on you,

so he also blames the numb on you.


Let the squirrels squabble,

then we'll go after their hoard.

Hold it!

Let's go!

Will, stop.

Street level! Go!.

What the hell are you doing?

Man, are you listening, tapioca?

Just go, please.


License and registration, please.

Do you know why I pulled you over?

- I do not.

- Your brake light's out.

- What's funny?

- Nothing, it's just...

it's Mardi Gras, and the streets

are filled with drunken lunatics

and you pull me over for a broke, brake light.


That reminds me of my father

who's dying of bone cancer.

all day he'd bitch about the nick he

got on his chin from shaving that morning.

I know what you're thinking:

Why would a dying man shave?

No, I wasn't thinking that at all.

Get this vehicle back to the barn

and get that light taken care of.

Please, can you hear me?

Because he had tremendous vanity.

Sir, you mind coming around

here and open the trunk?

He did not go gently, my father.

He screamed a lot.

The pain was agonizing, searing.

- Eels squirming through his veins.

- Buddy, I don't really give a damn.

Somebody help me.

Somebody please help me.

C'mon, you look more like him than I thought.

- No.

- You don't remember me?

You were young, Princess,

and I did look a little different.

I had all my fingers then and both legs.

Nice fingers, sweetie.

You know that the FBI, they use these

little lines in order to find people.

Until they were looking for me, anyway.

But, one day, I came up with a plan.

Yeah, I dug up a body, see, it wasn't hard,

the resemblance was reasonable.

Then I cut him up into small pieces,

and added a little bit of myself to the mix.

I was a Golden Boy, dollface,

now I'm a freakin' Picasso.

And don't ever mess with my lights again.

What are you looking at, shrimp?

Listen, brother, take the cab, take the money and

take the cab, I don't give a crap, but don't take me.

- What is this?

- It's a meter.

No, I know what a meter is, assh*le.

Not that, this.

This, GPS, everyone has 'em,

in case the cars are stolen.

- Tells you their location?

- Within a few blocks, yes.

Okay, call your dispatch.

Man, you have got to clean out that backseat,

before you sign-off tonight.

Yesterday I had to put on a biohazard suit,

hip-waders, and rubber gloves

and I got the garden hoe and

scraped that crap outta there.

Looked like boogers or jalapeno jelly, assh*le.

- I got a question for you.

- 9 inches.

And it can reload after 14 minutes and a tickle.

What else do you want to know?

About the driver.

Is this about me docking you pay

again on account that fender-bender,

the same policy applies for

everybody and I ain't lippin'

- No, it's not about that.

- A white guy with a fake leg.

- It is a white man with a fake leg.

- Maybe missing some fingers.

- Really?

- Tell him.

And maybe missing some fingers.

Are you messin' with me today?

Whatchya want him fo?

He cuts me off at the light.

You think I give a snot, huh?

Tell him he's stealing money,

you saw him pocketing fares.

- He's stealin' fares, pocketed.

- Wait!

Are you saying that this creepy, limpin' bastard

be runnin' around snitchin' my dough.

- Get his location.

- Where is he right now?

- Whatchya wanna know dat fo?

- I confront him for you, get the truth.

- You would do that for me, Bertrand?

- You're a good boss.

In the French Quarter,

Bugundy and St. Philip.

- Thank you.

- Well done, get his medallion number.

- And his medallion number.

- Man.

He a freaky disk, dis guy, you best

be careful there, Berty Boy.

- Get out

- It's all yours, brother.

It's 5-KILO-2-0.

Again, that's 5-K-20.

Thanks, pal.

Lookie here, did you just turn

white on me all of a sudden?

Who dat is?

Do you remember where we dropped off Montgomery?

His daughter's address.

- Yeah, it's Coronado and something.

- Prentiss.

Boss, we got a matching Montgomery's

description just jacked a cab 5 blocks from here.

Get this, the cabby said he was sweating about

a guy missing a leg and his fingers.

The tracking is throwing the

cab back into the Quarter.

- Don't hurt me, man.

- Who's cab is this?

It's mine, but that ain't my number.

Open the trunk.

There he is, we got him.

What, that's someone else's GPS.


Put your god damned knees on the ground.

Will Montgomery you are under

arrest for violation of parole,

illegally accessing confidential

FBI records, assaulting a federal agent,

and resisting arrest.

- We're bringin' him back now.

- You gotta listen to me.

- No, we don't.

- He's going to k*ll her.

Oh, it's a neat story, Vincent Kinsey

has come back from the dead. Yeah.

Hey, if I were comin' back from the dead

it wouldn't be for daughter killin',

it'd be to go to Rick's Cabaret

to see some naked ladies.

- I gotta take that.

- Ah, ya want me to take a message?

- I've got only eight rings to pick up that call.

- Hey, hey, sit back.


I'm here.

I'm here.

You're really comin' down to the

wire on this one, eh, Gum?

We're gonna have trouble getting out of your pocket?

I'm not, I just... I just...

Sounds like you're out of breath.

Tell me something, Gum.

What's the scenery like down there in Tuscaloosa?

I always wanted to take that ride along the Gulf.

I don't have it.

And better yet, why don't you tell me how Hoyt's

doing since that's where you were anyway.

I don't have the money.

What did I say to you about lying to me?

I'm sorry, I just... I just...

- Your daughter's dead.

- No, wait, wait!

You really don't have it, do you?

- I'll get you the money.

- Good.

May I ask how?

We're going back to "wrong".

You got a real 40 went down the alley,

okay, we gotta set-up a perimeter.

Move! Clear out!


What's going on?

Where are the Feds at?

- There's no time, Vincent's alive.

- What? What are you talking about?

He wants 10 million dollars, he wants it

in 3 hours and he has Alison.

Oh, my God!

The bank we robbed that night,

there was something else in that vault,

a gold reserve, it must've been 100 million, easy.

There's no way you can walk in there

and steal 10 million dollars worth of

gold bricks in the middle of the business day.

That's why I need your help.

- I already told you, this isn't my life anymore.

- I know, I know.

- And it's not yours either.

- He's going to k*ll her.

I can... I can hear it in his voice,

He's not the same person.

He's gonna k*ll my little girl.

- Are you LeFleur?

- Yes, Sir, I am. LeFleur, yes, Sir.

A guy jacked your cab a little while ago,

he was looking for someone.

Well, he was looking fo dat Mog...

Jimmy Morgan, Sir.

Be a peach and show me his hack license, will ya.

Yes, officer, Sir.

I'll look it up for you, Inspector.

He been with us two years, never any problem.


He do scare my kids when they come

to visit their daddy at work.

More kids are in their twenties.

That's him, Kinsey.

Much obliged. Let's go!

Fat Tuesday, everybody go crazy.

We're 6 blocks away from the bank,

do you realize that?

Have a little faith.

I considered doing this for the last eight years.

Montgomery doesn't have the money,

but he NEEDS the money.

Which means he's got only one play to make.

Give me a list of every bank that he stepped

into in the City of New Orleans.

My guess is one of them is

going to step into the game.

We're through.

- 5 minutes 'til the alarm.

- Is that going to be enough?

Here it comes.

Fire alarm just went off

at Parrish Community Bank.

That's him! Get up there now!

Hurry up, boys!

The alarm will have

triggered by now, we gotta go.

Just wanna see if I can get

a little more gold out of it.

Would you hurry up, Sir?

Come on, Will, we gotta go.

Come on!

What do you know.

So you worked all this out in the prison?

I was bored.

Boss! Hey! Listen to this.

Say again.

We have the key suspects.

They're in Riley's truck on North Peters

heading towards the ferry.

Do not take them until

they're off the ferry,

I repeat, do not take them

until they're off the ferry.

We take 'em now, we got 'em boxed in.

If you want to corner a weasel,

this is the one that got bit.

Boss, I hope you

know what you're doing.

Takes only eight minutes to get

across the river in that ferry.

Wait for "strength in numbers".

And when we get Montgomery, he'll

be as red-handed as the boy who put

his palm on the gas stove to

see how hot it really was.


Don't make a move until all 4 wheels

touch Louisiana soil.

Copy that.

Hands in the air. In the air, now!

Happy Fat Tuesday, officer.

Come on, come on, come on, get up! Get out!

Time's is up, good buddy.

I've got it.

I am impressed.

Do you listen to a little

Creedence before you went in?

No, I didn't listen to CCR, that didn't

work out so well the last time, did it?

- I missed you, old buddy.

- I want to talk to her.

No, you'll talk to her when I get me the money.

I want to talk to my daughter NOW!

I want to hear her voice NOW!

- It's your father.

- Hello.

- Allison, Alison, did he hurt you?

- No.

But he scares me.

I gonna be there soon, honey,

I'm gonna get you out of this.

This is my fault.

Get my money to the fairgrounds NOW!

Sorry, boss.

Finally thought I recognized the

skills of Will Montgomery, huh?

Do you have those listings

from the cab's dispatcher.

GPS breakdowns, why?

I told you Kinsey ditched his GPS in the

back of the cab in the French Quarter.

I'm not interested in todays,

I want to see the last few weeks.

Kinsey gonna get the money from Montgomery

then he's gonna have some kind of

neutral rendezvous, and if that's the case

he's been casing it for weeks.

Uptown, Lakefront, Beauvoir, Broadmoor, West Bank.

Beauvoir? Isn't that the fairground?

Yeah, I think so.

Doesn't sound like a cab ride to me.

It's the dough, Boss,

we'll actually catch this prick.

Where's Allison?

In the trunk?

- You look good, Will. Same.

- Where is she?

She's safe.

The money. Hand her over.

I said hand her over!

You got the money, you win!


Over a janitor.

You piss away 14 years of friendship

over an old man janitor?

We're not K*llers.

- Well, maybe not then.

- None of this has anything to do with my daughter.

But it does, Will, because you TRULY love Alison.

And in that single act of

betrayal 8 years ago, YOU

destroy the only thing I ever truly loved.


No! No!

Daddy! Daddy, please!

Get me out of here.


Daddy, hurry, it's hot in here.




I got you, I got you.

Forehead. You're bleeding.

I don't know what to do.

What do I do?

I don't want to be alone, so don't die.

Don't die, please.

Somebody help us.

No, you can't die.

Just stay with me.

They're coming, they're coming, hang in there.

Over here! Over here!


It's gonna be okay.

No, no, no, he can't die.

You gotta save him.

Come on, let's get him out of here.

You gonna send him back to jail?

Now, why would I do that? I'm sure that

Vincent Kinsey stole that gold. Take her up!

- Alison.

- I'm here, Dad.

Hi, Dad.

I'll call a HAZMAT team.

- Why?

- You're cooking again.

Wake me up if something happens.

You ever clean your truck?

Honey, can you flip the shrimp in 3 minutes?

- Let go of control, Dad, I got it.

- I'm letting go.

Definitely north of 3 hundred thousand dollars.

The house could use a new roof and kitchen...

He's got it! He's got that missing 10 pounds of gold.

That's what they're talking about.

- That something enough for you?

- Yeah, that is something.

- Well, if you take that gold...

- I know, I know, they'll nail me.

I can't see his lips.

I'm gonna disappear it in... in the mud.


He's not going to throw it.

He just might and if he does wink I'll jack 'im.

- Don't throw it.

- Look.

- Don't do it!

- Do it!

- No, no, no, no, no, no!

- Do it!

Yeah, sure! Keep it!

Sell it, get rich.

And then go back to jail.

No. All right.

Goin' in.

Oh, thank you, Will.

I'll return to my life now.