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Simran (2017)

Posted: 09/05/23 15:21
by bunniefuu
Look at poor Mike.

How he's looking at you
like a lovesick puppy.

Poor Mike, he didn't even survive
your one-year relationship curse.

Six months.

Tell me something,
what's going on with your apartment?

My loan is almost approved.

I'm going there today.

Leaving early.
- Where is it?

It's in Duluth,
near the Italian hotel Fredrico's.

It must have cost you a b*mb.

, dollars
is market cost.

But I'm getting it
for ,.

- Minority housing.

Praful, you are one
hundred percent Gujarati!

Hello! I've worked hard for it,
for seven years.

And you don't have any kids.

I have parents!

Why isn't cleaned?

had a 'Do Not Disturb' board.

No worries.

Just telling that you that they
called and I had Thelma clean it up.

No... we were having lunch,
they must have removed the board.


Well then,
why don't I just join you guys...

Who is calling me?

Have a nice lunch, ladies.
- Thank you.


Paradise awaits me

And beckons
With open arms

Dear Life

Now break the shackles
and live a little...

Dear Life

Very nice, eh?


There's lots of sunlight
coming in through that window there.

And there's a park out front.

So, no chance of a building
popping up, blocking your view.

And there's an Indian
temple right around the block.

Indian temple?

Oh... That is a Gurudwara.

We are Hindus.

That is for Sikhs.

Oh okay.

Oh, there's an Indian
Kebab place two blocks away.

But I am a vegetarian.

Oh. Okay.

Right! Well...

You know what,
let me help you with that.

It's kinda tricky.

You gotta have the magic touch.

There you go.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.
And I'll see you outside.

Break the shackles and fly away...

Spread your wings and fly away...

Break the shackles and fly away...

Spread your wings and fly away...

Break the shackles and fly away...

This apartment is a steal, Ms. Patel.

Just yesterday,
we sold a place for , dollars.

I know. My...

My mortgage should
come through by next week.

Okay, great.

So I'll draw up the paperwork and how
about we meet in my office on Monday?

- Okay.

Thank you.
- Thank you, Mr. Steven.

Have a good day.

Hello... Hello, Ms. Julie.
- Hi.

I'm here to meet Ms. Cynthia.

Please tell her.
- Okay. I'll let her know you're here.

I'm waiting here.

- My name is Praful Patel.


Hey Cynthia, your appointment is here.

Okay, I'll let her know.

Ms. Patel, Cynthia will see you now.
- Thank you.

Ma'am, if you can process
my loan little quickly.

I have two weeks...

Well, it's good that you got a pre
approval on the mortgage. - Yes.

It shouldn't be a problem.

I just need to check your
credit scores and we should be fine.

This is my...
- Alright.

I just need you to sign this.

And this.



Can I borrow your pen?
- Yes.

Over here?
- Yes.

Alright, I'll call you on Monday.

Alright! Okay.

Thank you.

One margherita pizza please.

And... garlic bread also.

Hello, Amber...

Sorry, I missed all your calls.

I've been quite busy.

So tell me, all the preparations
for the wedding going smooth...

My To-be-bride?

Listen Praf, you have to come
to Las Vegas with me.

Las Vegas? What for?

Nothing. We'll shop,
Like a bachelorette.

Just you and me.


With me?

Wendy and other
friends are not coming?

No Praf, it's just you and me.

That is sweet.

But Amber,
I'm kind of saving up for my house.

So, I won't be able to spend much...

Hey, I'm paying for the trip.
You're coming for free!


Las Vegas for free!

Good offer.


But I can't.

I won't be able to make it.


No way... Not again!

What problem do you
have with my flowers?

Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- You destroy them every day!

I've got margherita pizza for you.

Lock the car.
Come in.

You should go back to the driving school.
- Come on! Come on! Come on!

Oh wow!

Just what I had in mind!

I've been craving for some pizza.

Why so generous today?

What's the occasion?

Papa, you have a small
pocket and a small heart!

So says the miser.

As if you're super generous.

I've been feeding you two
since the past years...

... and what have you spent on this family
from the time you've started earning?

Papa, let me buy my house.

Then my salary will be at
your disposal and you'll be rich!

Buying property is no joke!

What do you know about the area?
Whether it has any appreciation?

You have to understand all these
factors. Do you even know any of this?

What makes you think they'll
approve your loan?

Papa, you always underestimate me.

To make the impossible possible,
that's what Praful Patel does!

Stop nagging her...

Let her invest.

You're always sitting
behind the counter of a shop.

She's just come home, tired, after
sweeping and mopping floors all day.

Let her eat in peace.
- Mummy, it's not sweeping and mopping.

I work in the hotel industry.

What did I teach you?
- Yeah.

Housekeeping department.
- Yeah, yeah.

Show some respect. - I spend
my day sitting behind a counter.

And you? In front of the computer...

Shopping online all day long.

It's not like I'm buying
gold or diamonds...

I buy groceries for the house.

That too because my knees trouble me.

Do you have the money
for a visit to the doctor?

Is it an emergency?

She is your daughter. Talk to her...

I am saying this for her own good.

If she has saved some money then
she should invest it in my business.

Your Gujarati snacks business?

Papa, it is below my intelligence.

As if you have conquered
Everest with your intelligence.

I've been working like a servant
so you could have a better future.

I called you here to get an education.

But you decided to fall
in love as soon as you got here.

You got married despite
our disapproval.

And she couldn't even handle that.

She got divorced even
though we told her not to.

And she talks about intelligence.

Praful, people get out and
achieve the impossible here.

... and look at you,
you're still a burden to me.

It would've been better if
I hadn't asked you two to come here.

We were better off in Ahmedabad.

I'm buying my own house so that
I'm no longer a burden to you.

- So what is the problem now?

- Why don't you get married, dear?

You will get your own house too!

In a few years, these proposals
you are getting now will also stop.

And why do you want your own house?

To call your boyfriends over?

Yes, I'll call my boyfriends.

What? You'll call
your boyfriends over?

No. It's better you don't buy
your own house.

She's a girl that too a divorcee.

And she talks about bringing
her boyfriends over.

She wants to ruin my image in society.
- What society are you talking about?

You are on the grassroots level
of the society you are talking about.

You can see everyone up there,
but no one wants to look down, at you.

Nobody cares. So just chill.

Did you hear that?
How highly our daughter thinks of me?

The things she says
about her own father!

Exactly why she couldn't
achieve anything so far.

Mistakes, mistakes and more mistakes!

Kumud, let me give it
to you in writing.

She is once again
going to make a mistake!

Yes, I'll make mistakes!

I make mistakes!
But I also agree to making them.

I don't lie to myself like you two.
Look at yourselves.

If this is how married couples behave,
then it's better to be a divorcee.

Get out of my house then!

If we are so bad then
why do you stay with us?

Get out of my house!

Don't yell! It will do you more harm.

All because of you!
- You'll get a heart attack.

We have just one daughter!

Just eat the pizza.
- And you couldn't even take care of her.

What have I...

You two have made
my life a living hell.

I'd rather be dead.
- Will you stop it and just eat?

This is all because of you.

Because of me?

Go! You too go with her.

Yes, I would, but I cannot walk!

You don't have the money for the doctor!
- I should have left you both in Ahmedabad...

Hello, Amber?

Let's go to Vegas.

This is... This is like so big...

Quite big for one person.

Don't look back.

- Your idiot ex is here.

Come on, let's leave.

- Hi!

How you doing?

So good to see you.
- Good to see you too.



You're Amber's cousin?

The one who works in the hotel.
- Yeah, Praf.

I met you at your engagement,
which you both broke.

You both carry on.

I'll see you in the hotel.


No one at home should
find out about this.

I can trust you, right?

That's why I am here...

That's why you brought
me along and no one else.

You can trust me.

Are you seriously upset?

It's not a big deal.

You could have told me.
But anyway, don't worry.

Just don't elope with him.

Otherwise, your family will k*ll me.

I'm getting married soon.

I'm only here to say goodbye.

Say your goodbye and
I'll see you in the hotel.

But where will you go?

I'll find something sinful
to do in this sin city.

Put money.

Put money.
- I don't have money.

No, no. Put money.
Yes, it's my job.

- Hey! How are you?

This is nice.
- Yes.

How much is this for?
- That's dollars.

dollars? Can you give me in five?

No, I cannot sell it for less than .

How much is this for?
- dollars.

If you give me two then
in I can buy this. - Thank you.

No, it's dollars.
- But this is not for dollars.

Take it. It's my gift to you.

Take it? - Yes, take it.
My gift to you. Okay?

Thank you.
- Yeah.

That clip, how much?
I can pay for this.

Take it, my gift. Take it.

Thank you.

Well, hello.

- How's it going?

- Alright, what can I get you, babe?

I want some pink
champagne and some caviar.

- But I cannot afford it.

So give me some beer.

And some french-fries
complimentary from your side.

Ah, well we don't
have free french-fries.


No chips either.

- We have some peanuts.

Get some then.
- Alright, alright.

Calm down.


How you doing?


You like that?

He's hot.

Yeah, he was here last night.

I think he is here for the weekend.

But he's by himself.

You think I should try my luck?

Of course, look at where you are.
You're in Vegas.

I am in Vegas.
- Go for it. Get him.

I'm Prafu...

I'm Praf from Atlanta.

Are you tired?

Because you are running in my mind.

I saw it.

But I mean it was kinda cheesy.

You can do better.

I can do better but
I need another chance.

He left.

No, he's probably playing Baccarat.
He loves that game over there.

What is Baccarat?

Oh, you've never
seen the James Bond movies?




There you go.
- Pleasure.

Do you want to play?

This is a five-dollar chip.

He will deal the cards.

One to the bank and one to the player.

You have to place
a bet on one of them.

And the number which is
closest to the number nine wins.

Baccarat is all about number nine.

Do you want to play?

Why not?
- Go ahead.

Give me ten dollar chips.

Minimum is , ma'am.

Don't worry. I'll take care of it.

Take this.
- Oh.

Thank you, buddy.

No problem.
Dave Mehta, New Jersey.

Praful Patel from Atlanta.


You too?
- Yup.

Shall we?

Let's play.

All set?

Cards are out.

Player wins the set.

We won.

This is yours.

This is .
- .

All yours.

The bank wins.

There you go! We win again!

We won! Again!

And this is all yours.


It's a Tie.
- Oh my God!

There you go!

Player wins.

Player wins.
- Oh man!

Player wins.

Amber, I won dollars!

Oh, my God!

Are you okay?

Okay, coming, coming.

I'm coming.

No, I am coming.

Thank you very much.


Get it out.

Get it all out.

Just let it all come out.

Nikhil is bad, Praf.

You shouldn't have met him.

I think I'm still in love with him.

Then why don't you marry him?

Because he doesn't
want to get married.

Then don't marry anyone.

That is not how it happens, Praf.

You cannot spend your life alone.

I'm doing just fine.

Not you.
You're so different and independent.

I'm a -year-old divorcee.

You are a -year-old young girl.

I'm a housekeeper.
You're a jewelry designer.

How can I be more
independent than you?

I don't know, Praf.

Don't ask me these questions.

By the way, you're going
to meet Hitesh at my wedding.

If he's going to
attend it then I am not.

Don't be so serious. He's
not coming.

Why don't you come with Mike?

Mike is last season.

You left him as well?

There was a small girl.

She asked her mother,
"Mother, what is a boyfriend?"

Her mother said "If you become
a good girl you will get one."

Then the small girl said,
"Mother, if I become a bad girl?"

The mother said "Then
you will get many."


God, You're so weird!

Heavenly angels

Brought heaven closer

What I see on the ground...

Is it a guiding light or a refuge...

Shadows of heaven...

Have bestowed heaven upon me...

Dear life...

Fate has changed...

Now break the bond and live a little...

How are you?

I am okay.
- I have got something for you.

What's this?

Please keep it.

Thank you.

Break the prison and fly away...

Spread your wings and fly away...

Break the prison and fly away...

Spread your wings and fly away...


My gosh, you look amazing.

That dress!


And your lipstick!


Now get me some pink champagne.

You mean beer and peanuts?

No, I mean pink champagne.


- Hello! Welcome to the game.

Give me... chips for... for .


It looks like we've got
some unfinished business.

I hope you don't lose
all that money today.

Place your bets.




Excuse me.

Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Hi.

I'm Adam from California.

Hi, Adam.

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

Why did you leave after
losing just two games?

Because I don't have
more money to play now.

You know, you can win a
lot of money by playing baccarat.

In just a few minutes.

You just have to
play five to six rounds.

Why five to six rounds?

I've read that
when you play five to six rounds...

...your chances of winning are higher,
like last night.

Ya, I won.

Let me get that.

I cannot take your tip for free.


I'll make you work for it.

Where is the protection?

I don't have it.

You don't have protection?


Wait... No, it's fine.

Zip my dress up!

You are a cute guy,
but not a decent guy.

No protection no sex, my friend.

Hey Dave!

Praf! How are you?

How you doing?
- Great!

What's this?
- I won this at the table today!

- Where you played?

I am playing at the big table.

I am going to cash
this and enjoy myself.

Bye, see you!
- Bye, you look beautiful Praf!

Praful! What the hell are you doing?
We are going to miss our flight.

Sorry, sorry!
I need to play one more round.

I can't miss this flight.

You stay and gamble if you want to.
I'm going.

Just one round!
- You haven't even packed yet!

Amber, just one round.

Packing will take two minutes!

Wait! Amber!

Amber, wait!

So you're trying to say that...

... you lost all the money you won...

... and you also lost out of the
money you had saved for your house?

I just needed one more round!

What do you mean you
needed one more round, Praf?

Gambling is like that only.

If you don't lose how will you win?

You need to lose some to win some.

Praf! Get a hold of yourself, man!

This is how people
get into big trouble.

dollars is a lot of money!


Where have you been?

Look dear, we cannot live our
lives like Amber and her parents.

They can afford it.
They're rich. We aren't.

Mohan, let her at
least take a breather.

Praful, have you eaten
or shall I get you something?

No, she must be tired from
all the sightseeing in Vegas.

Sure. Please, go ahead.
Feed her all you want.

She has all the money to have fun.

Where do you get the money from?


The electricity bill is due.

It's kept on the table. Pay it.

Hello, Mr. Steven.
- Ms. Patel.

We were supposed to meet
today to discuss paperwork?

Are you okay?

Mr. Steven.
I've fallen sick. Very badly.

Have you been to the doctor?

I need one more week you see.

I... I have multiple health problems.

I'll try the best I can.

I have, I have the money it's
just that my health is not okay.

Okay, well please just
take care of yourself. Okay?

I'll talk to you later.

Hey Cynthia,
you've got a customer, Ms...?

Patel! - Ms. Patel.

She said she just wants two minutes.

Just two... just... yeah.


Okay, I'll let her in.

- Thank you.

Hello ma'am, I just want to
know when is my loan getting approved?

Give me a moment, please.

I tried to call many times
but I did not get any appointment.

No response.

Ms. Patel...

I have been through your account
and as much as I'd like to help...

You're not eligible for a loan.


Your credit rating is very low.

It seems you've emptied
your account in one day.

That was for something urgent.

But I have the pre approval.
You only told me.

Your credit rating is very low.

But if I had funds
why would I need a loan?

I'm sorry but that's how banks work,
Ms. Patel.

Our borrowers borrow money.

People who can't repay try to steal,
not borrow.

Are you trying to
say I am trying to steal?

No, of course not.

But if you really want this loan.

I suggest you work to improve
your funds over the next few months.

But I have...
- You have a good day.

I'll see you later.

Thank you.


Why all of a sudden?
Are you feeling alright?

I'm being affectionate.
Can't I?

What's this?

Tomato and pepper curry.

Papa, my friend Salma's father
passed away from a heart attack.

That made me think that I
shouldn't trouble my parents so much.

It happens. It happens.

You shouldn't let it bother
you so much. It happens.

Papa, will you come with
me to see my flat tomorrow?

Why me, all of a sudden?

Not all of a sudden.

I've decided that I won't
do anything without your permission.

Sorry, I was about go buy a house...

... for myself without informing
you or taking your advice.

But papa, I want to invest
in this property only with you.

We will buy a joint property.


Joint property?

I don't think you know
anything about investment.

If you need help then
why don't you say so.

Okay. Well, why hide
anything from you, papa...

Help me a little?

I can help you,
but I have a condition.

Tell me.

We have got a very
good marriage proposal.

He's the son of the owner
of Parekh Hosiery in Rajkot.

He's very handsome.

And he is single.

If you meet him...

Welcome back!
- Thank you!

So is it a beer or
champagne kinda day?

No drinking.
I have to win my money back.

You... you mean you have
to win back the money you lost.

I lost some of my savings.

I am in trouble.

Look, I am not supposed to say this...

... but if I were you,
I wouldn't go back and play.

Any more bets?

Okay, no more bets?

Player shows six.
Banker banks on nine.

Banker wins.

Excuse me!

What you want, huh?

Here's a watch.

It's worth , at least.

What about the car outside?

I'll give you the pink slip, alright?

, any day.

Mike, you owe me , dollars.

I couldn't get for this.

And your car... is a piece of junk.

Place you bets please.

Ma'am, are you okay?

You guys have taken it all away.

You have stolen everything.
This is cheating!

Ma'am, please calm down.

I want to talk to the owner.

Ma'am, please calm down.

You guys have stolen
my seven years' worth savings.

Calm down or we'll
have to call security.

Call your owner.

I... I will not go anywhere.
I will be here today!

Calm down, calm down.

Are you the owner?

Come on. Come here.

I want to talk to you.
- We can talk. Come here.

Come here. We can talk. We can talk.

Give me my money back. You
are cheaters, all of you are cheaters!

You are all thieves!

I'm not the owner. I'm not the owner.

I'm a private moneylender.

You wanna win all your money back,
don't you?

I lost all my savings.

It's all good, baby.

So how much you need?

You are very sweet.
You want to give me money.

You're a nice man.

It's all good. It's all good.

So how much do you need?



- That's it.

I want to show him a lesson!

- You cheaters...

I'm going to need your
social security card.

- Your drivers' license.


I just gave you , dollars,
baby girl!

Thank you, buddy.
You're a good person, huh?

Thank you very much.
- Now go show him a lesson.

Place your bets please.

Place your bets please.



Hi ma'am,
would you like to buy some more?

Place your bets please.

How many 'Ghaatiyas'
(Gujarati snacks)?



Four of 'Sev'(Gujarati snacks),

- 'Sev'.


'Bhakarwadi'(Gujarati snacks).
One, two, three, four, five, six...

Mohan's new import.

He has imported snacks from Rajkot.
- Four...

Here, taste it.



Papa, you were saying
something the other day...

That if I agree to
meet the boy then...

You were saying something like that.

Praful, you...

Now when she is saying
that she'll meet the boy...

... then why are you questioning her?

I suggest you invite
them over tomorrow itself.


We'll call them over.

Praful, that's Mr. and Mrs. Parekh.

You remember Kaushal?

He has a hosiery shop in Rajkot.
He is his cousin.

How are you, auntie?

How are you, uncle?

All good, dear.

He's Kaushal's elder son.

- Hello.


You work in a hotel?

Housekeeping department.

Very good.

She will keep the house clean.

Anyway, a housewife
is a housekeeper, right?

Dear, you have been working
in the same hotel for seven years?


After the divorce, right?

Sameer, you have come here for MBA?

Yes, auntie.

Your aunt told me that
you have a new startup plan.

Yes, actually I plan
to make a mobile app.


Nowadays everyone uses apps.

My wife is an online champion.
She does everything online.

Prayers happening in Atlanta
but pundit sitting in Nathdwara.

my app too is related to our culture.

You can view all religious
places in India through that.

You can watch its live telecast.

Press a button and offer flowers.

Press another button
and feed the poor.

Instant karma.

Hail Lord Shiva.


I think the kids should
talk to each other.

Yes, sure.

Why do you want to get married?

For a green card?


I mean I am doing my MBA here.

I can easily spend two years
here without getting married.

I want to get married
because I am alone.

Life will get better
if I find a life partner.

Anyway, if two people earn
then the expenses get divided.

So your wife will earn
and you will educate yourself?


I have worked for two years.

I have money for my education.

I wanted to be a self-made man.

And I have a plan for that too.

I just need a purpose.

I am searching for it.

You think you will get purpose,
love, companionship...

... all nicely wrapped
in a package called marriage?

I don't know.

I will try to be true to
this relationship to the best I can.

Then we will see where life takes us.

I too gave my best to a relationship.

Look at what happened to me.

What if life brings
you to a similar juncture?

What if you are standing
where I am standing today?

So what's wrong?

The weather is wonderful.

It's not raining either.

And I don't think
my company is that bad either.


You tend to romanticize things.

You too are quite frank.

It was a pleasure to meet you.

Shall we go back?

Let's go...


She's asleep.


Praful, I liked this boy.

Mummy, papa told me that
he would help me if I meet the boy.

What do you mean?

He told me that he would
help me if I meet the boy.

Really? When did that happen?


Tell me, how did you like Sameer?

I'll never get such a house
again in minority housing.

Okay, dear.

Don't worry.

I'll talk to your father
when he's in a good mood.

But at least tell me
what you though of Sameer...

Good night.

Good night.

Hello, Mr. Steven.

Yes, Ms. Patel.

I need some more time.

I'm... I'm sorry Ms. Patel,
but that house is sold.

That house is sold?


But you said you will wait for me.

I know, but it has been a while
since you called back, Ms. Patel.

I am sorry I just
couldn't wait anymore.


Oh my baby! Come here. Come here.

How are you?

I am fine.

But you neither call,
whatsapp or snapchat.

Don't you miss Nathdwara?
- I do.

Then why this half smile?

It's a full smile.

But it doesn't reach your eyes.

I had found a nice
house in minority housing.

But I lost that deal.

It's okay, you'll find another one.

Oh, my God. Him?
What is he doing here?


The boy who had come to see me.
- Which one?

That one. The stupid looking one...
oh shit, he saw me.

Hi, Praful.
- Hello.

My granny.

I seek your blessings.
- It's okay. God bless you.

Why do I feel as if
she was badmouthing me?

It's not that...

She was saying that sweet
boy had come to see her.

Did she say that?
- Yes.

Does she like this sweet boy?

She likes you.

It's not so.

I still haven't thought about that.

After all she's a girl.


I knew I'd find Praful
here so I brought this along.

What's this?

Have a look.

This belongs to my grandma.

I wanted to give it to
the one I'd spend my life with.

You still carry your grandma's
last memento in your pocket?

It's not so.

You tend to have your heart broken a
few times by the time you reach this age.

This is its third copy.

Third copy or the fourth copy,
it should be its last copy.

You are absolutely right.

Keep it, dear.

- Take it.

Let's go.
The function is about to begin.

Come on, lets go.

The function is about to begin.

"Madam's Indian,
but follows western fashion."

"Her words are often coated
in honey and then some."

"She moves in style,
she's full of pride."

"Her conversations are hi-fi!"

"Her attitude towards
her beloved's different."

"She swirls in such a way
that she cannot be stopped."

"When baby dances all dressed
up she looks breathtaking."

"When baby dances all dressed
up she looks breathtaking."

"When baby dances all dressed
up she looks breathtaking."

"When baby dances all dressed
up she looks breathtaking."

"My boy's handsome
and you girl's beautiful."

"Everyone feels that
this match is made in heaven."

"My boy's handsome
and you girl's beautiful."

"Everyone feels that
this match is made in heaven."

"Live a happy and a blessed life."

"Keep glowing like a LED light."

"Live a happy and a blessed life."

"Keep glowing like a LED light."

"Everyone's blessing
you with a good fate."

"May this couple always
remain smiling and sate."

"Keep your family's photo close."

"We don't want you
to forget us almost."

"When baby dances all dressed
up she looks breathtaking."

"When baby dances all dressed
up she looks breathtaking."

"When baby dances all dressed
up she looks breathtaking."

"When baby dances all dressed
up she looks breathtaking."

"When baby dances all dressed up..."

"When baby dances all dressed up..."

"When baby dances all dressed
up she looks breathtaking."

Well, don't you look good?

Indian princess, huh?

So, was this your wedding?

No, it is my... it
is my cousin's wedding.

We apologize for disturbing you here.

We stopped by your house first.

But you weren't there.

We cannot have this conversation here.

I have your number.
I will call you. You please go.

I'm not going anywhere
without my money.

You ran off with , dollars,
it's been fifteen days.

With interest that's ,

So we might as well
round it up to... to ,.

Look, I lost all that
money you know that.

I don't have any
money right now but...

But you're asking me for ,.

Why should I give you ,?

You came and gave me that money!

I did not ask you for that money!

And now you are coming
to my relative's house...

I'm sorry.

I should've not
run with your money.

But I don't have any money right now.

I'm not asking, I'm telling you.

,, in days.

Today's function went off well.

So many people attended it.
- It's just showoff.

They love to flaunt it to the society.
- They spent a lot.

They sent tickets and invited
so many people from India.

It was fun.

Did Praful tell you she
isn't buying the house?

No, she asked me to
talk to you for the money.


The other day she said
that she had the money.

Now why does she need the money
when she isn't buying the house?

I don't understand
what this girl is up to.


I want to discuss something with you.

Tell me.

I need some money.

I'll return it.

But right now,
I need your help.

Why do you need the money?

I told you, I want to buy a house.
- Don't lie, Praful!

You are lying!

Your granny told me that
you aren't even buying a house.

Then why are you pretending
to buy the house?

To extract money from me?

Where are you going?

Answer me!
Tell me!

She keeps on lying
that too to her father.

I wonder why God gave me such a child.

What is this?

The electricity bill is still here?

You don't have the
money to pay the bill!

But you have money
to go out and have fun!

Makes me angry to call you
my daughter.

Kumud, take the money
for the bill out from her bag.


Didn't you hear what I said?

Take the money from her bag!

Do it or I'll throw
you both out of the house.

I am fed up of all
this nagging and bantering.


This is all your doing!

I've had it with you two!



Is this yours?

What is it doing on the guest's bed?

I don't understand how many times...

Praful, what is going on?

Praful, talk to me.

Praful, do want to discuss something?

I have problems. Sorry.

What problems?

Just come back to me
and I'll solve them all.


So... wow.

I miss you so much, Praful.

- I promise...

- Praful...

You better concentrate on your work.

- Hey, how's it going?

It's declined.

It's declined, lady.
- Wait, it works.

It worked a few hours back.
- Well, it's not working now.

Let me try one more time.

It's declined.
- I pay cash.


Hey no! Get that off of there!

Come on lady, I don't have all day.

Hurry please.
I had put money in this bag.

Then find it please.

Lady! Come on, I don't have all day.
- I have put it in this bag!


Lady, what are you doing?
Get off the floor!

I've put money in this!
- Listen, it's fine...

I put money in this bag!

Jesus... It's fine.
It's just money, calm down.

I put it in this bag
and now it is not here!

Hey, calm down. It's just money, lady.

Hold on, I'll get you some water.


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!



Good afternoon.
What can I do for you today?

Okay, okay.
You got any preference of bills?

She's gotta b*mb!
Joyce! Phyllis!

Someone just tried to rob us.

I... I think she had
a b*mb strapped to her.

Oh, I almost died.

Hello, Mr. Bugs.

Hey, you got my money?

Yes. I have your money.
Where can I come?

Do you have all my money?

Right now I have ,.

Who the hell do you think I am?
A vacuum cleaner salesman?

There ain't no installments witch!

I want the whole , dollars!
- For that I need one month.

Hell no!

You got ten days!

Mr. Bugs?
- You hear me? Ten days!


I think I've kept my top
in your cupboard by mistake.

I'm just taking that.

Go. I'll get it for you.

Move aside.

What treasure are you hiding inside?

Where is it?

Mummy, I don't have
any privacy in this house.

Where... Ah.

Found it.

Look Praful, I don't like
locked doors and locked cupboards.

You don't hide anything
from your family.

Do you understand?


Listen... please help me out today.

I need to go to Asif's school
to pick up his report card.

Okay, okay.

Okay, okay, okay. No problem.

Eleventh's west wing, right?
- Yeah.

Okay, okay. Coming, coming.

'In today's headlines:'

'A heavily armed woman robbed the
Barret Goodrich Bank of Atlanta.'

Praful... heard that?

'The cashier visibly
shaken by the episode...'

'...described her as heavily
armed and dangerous.'

'She had a b*mb.'

Look how they are robbing banks in broad
daylight. - 'I couldn't see her face...'

'FBI is on a lookout for a petite
woman olive skin possibly Asian.'

'Heavily armed who used a peculiar note to
rob the Barrack Goodrich Bank in Atlanta.'

What was peculiar about
the bank robber's operation..

..was that the note
was written with a...

'Brace yourself... a lipstick.'

Oh God!

'And I was so scared.'

'I almost died in there.' - To buy bombs is
nowadays as easy as buying groceries.

'I don't want to stay
in America anymore.'

Now our money is not
even safe in the bank.

Look how they use
a lipstick to rob banks!

"She is agile."

"She has attitude." "She is restless."

"She can steal the sky
within a blink of an eye."

"Known, yet unknown..."

"A little crazy."

"She makes everyone go crazy."

"She complicates the dilemma of the
heart and mind while simplifying it."

"Who knows where you'll go next."

"Who knows where you'll go next."

Hey guys, this week I am going
to teach you how to rob a bank.

Step One: Find yourself
the right bank.

She's little too much
a little too little...

A tempting danger...

Incomplete stories and empty pockets...

Still dreams big...

Attracting like a magnet...

She hides them in her fist...

With her deep eyes...

Whenever she look at someone heart.

Step Two: You have to find something
with which you can spook the cashiers.

"Who knows where you'll go next."

Once the cashiers are spooked,
you don't have to do anything.

You just get the money.

You walk into the bank empty-handed.

And you walk out of the
bank with a sack of cash.

"Who knows where you'll go next."

"Who knows where you'll go next."

So robbing a bank is as
easy as making a cup of coffee.

After everything that has
been happening in the world..

..everybody is afraid of a threat.

And we can use that.

So, on next week's tutorial:

How to k*ll somebody
and not get caught.



- Praful!


Come here!


Praful, come inside.

Yes? What is it?

Hey, what are you wearing?

Jogging suit.

You are anyway so slim.

Don't do any jogging,
the glow on your face will disappear.

Tell me quickly, what is it?
I'll get late.

Instead of jogging let's
join a yoga class together.

I'll get late.

At least that won't take
away the glow on your face.

Can I go, mummy?

Go Simran, go.

No boy can love you more than he does.

Go, my child.

Go to your Raj.

Go, Simran.

Go, live your life!
- Go Simran, go.

Live your life!
- Go, my child. Go!

Simran! Praful!

Get curd on your way back!

I am making 'Thepla'
(flatbread) for breakfast.

Hey! How are you?

Come come come,
have a seat, have a seat.

How can I help you today?

Sit sit sit, come on.

My name's Veena Malik.

And I can help you today.

How's it going?
- Good.

Do you have an account with us?
- No.

No? Well,
zero balance account is fantastic.

By the way,
I love the color of you hair.

It's gorgeous!

So what's your name?


Simran! Now that's a beautiful name.


Simran, can I have your ID please?

It is in the car.
- Okay. No problem.

Why don't you get your ID from your
car and I'll get a form started for you?

- Okay?

Great! Fantastic!

I'll see you in a little bit.
- Okay.

Alright, I'll see you.

"That's Simran!"

"Hobbledehoy Simran!"

"Who knows where you'll go next."

"That's Simran!"

"Fly away Simran!"

"Who knows where you'll go next."

Many dreams dwell in her eyes.

Many dreams...

They keep flying aimlessly.

Peeping out through the eyes.

This poor helpless
mind filled with dreams.

"That's Simran!"

"Hobbledehoy Simran!"

"Who knows where you'll go next."

"That's Simran!"

"Fly away Simran!"

"Who knows where you'll go next."

"Hey Simran!"

! Bloody misers!

'She was terrifying.'

'She had olive skin.'

'She had sharp features and...and...
expl*sives around her waist.'

'She was middle eastern.'

definitely trained by Al-Qaeda.'

'The suspect is believed
to be Asian or Middle Eastern.'

Why are they always Muslims?

Papa, what do you think,
why do only Muslims do such things?

Dear, it's the caste and the religion
which sets a person's mentality.

It is not her caste
or religion's fault.

The fault lies in her upbringing.

Mummy, that means
she had a bad upbringing.

Yes. - Hundred percent.
I can give it in writing.

Her father must be useless, right?

Hundred percent.
I can give that too in writing.

He must be totally useless!
- 'Armed and extremely dangerous.'

'Witnesses have reported she's wearing
a jacket equipped with expl*sives.'

'We can also tell you at this time she's
writing notes with red lipstick.'

'Those lipstick notes
are in evidence..'

'..and being examined for poisons
and other biological hazards.'

That's all for now.

What all have you brought?

I've brought 'Handvo', 'Fafda'
and 'Ghatiya' (Gujarati snacks).

And some lemonade too.

Lemonade's a waste.

Look there, they are drinking beer.

Do you always go
out with your uncle and aunt?

No, it's not so.

I don't have any other way
to meet you.

You know how many phone
calls I made to your father?

He must be fed up!

Why didn't you ask me for my number?

I don't know.
- Shall we sit here?

Yeah, sure. Please.

You are a good boy.

You go meet the girl
with your guardians.

You wear tailored pants and shirts.

You are simple, decent Mr. Right.

Don't get fooled by my dressing sense.

I agree that my dress
sense isn't great.

But you'll be accusing
me if you call me simple.

Oh really?
Okay then prove otherwise.

I've been expelled
from college, twice.

People still talk about
me at Banaras University Campus.

I had to shoulder a lot of
responsibilities at a young age..

..hence I had to finish
college and take up a job.

When one has to shoulder
responsibilities at a young age..

... he might look fine from outside...

... but he comes a little
hollow from inside.

When I see you, I always ask myself...

How can someone be
so complete in oneself?

To see you breathe also seems
like an achievement in itself.

You hardly know me.

I believe that you can
never completely know a person.

Because it's human nature to change.

Change is the only constant.

I believe that you shouldn't
try to understand relationships.

You should just be true to them.

I agree that you can never
completely understand anyone.

But you can at least
try to know a person.

Who am I? What is my nature?

Do I have a character flaw?

I believe that I am a very
progressive kind of a person.

Yes, even I would want my
partner to be loyal after marriage.

But if you had any boyfriends
or if you still do..

... then that won't make
any difference to me.

Having boyfriends
isn't a character flaw.

To have boyfriends is a talent.

I am talking about
real character flaws.

Bad habits?

What do you mean?

I mean...

How do I tell you?
Try taking a guess.

Tell me.

I think...

I... I'm nervous.

Look straight ahead.


I'm going to tell you, okay? - Okay.

I'm addicted to gambling and stealing.

You are so funny!

What did you say?
Addicted to gambling and stealing.

You have a great sense of humor.

How are you today?


Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

John! John! Oh, my God! Are you okay?

I'll get a refill for your inhaler.


I'm... a single parent. Please don't...
- It's okay. I can go to another bank.

'She was about ''',
'", olive skin, purple hair.'

'She even gave me her name in fact.'

'What name did she give?'

'I think Simran.'

'Simran it was.'

'Meanwhile at J&R Federal
Bank near Griffin Georgia.'

'A teller has been rushed
to the county hospital.'

'The threat of Simran, the lipstick
bandit rendered him unconscious.'

'While not critical,
he's currently under observation.'

'And we await updates from
the hospital on his condition.'

Hello, Mr.Bugs?

Hey, hey!

I'm glad I didn't have to remind you.

You wouldn't have liked that.

Where can I come with your money?

I'll come to you, baby.

Bugs will go anywhere for his ,.

I am falling short of eight thousand.
- No-no-no-no.

You don't wanna do that.
I need all my money.

Then I need two more days!

Listen! - Two more days!
Please? Please.

Did I disturb your makeup session?

What's the hurry?

Your shift began an hour ago.

Everyone else is here to do your work.

Shall I send anything for you?

Green tea, juice?

What do you want?

Go and get juice.

Don't use your sarcasm on me, Mike!

Lower your voice when you speak to me.

And you don't act so bossy!

I work for the hotel industry.
Not for you!


Sameer! - You know,
I was just thinking about you!

What are you doing over here?

I'd come to withdraw some cash.

And you?

I was...

...Preparing to rob the bank.

Are you prepared?

You are so funny.

Come on, rob the bank later.

I'll treat you with
a nice cup of coffee first.

No, I...I am getting late.
I have to leave.

Five minutes. Just five minutes.

Come on.

Would you like to
see my favorite place?

Weren't you getting late?

So what?

I'll do minutes
extra overtime. Just for you.

Whatever you say!

How did you like this place?

It's very beautiful.

Do you come here alone?


You mean all alone?

What else does alone mean?

I mean this place is so quiet.

And you aren't one of
those who can keep quiet.

What do you do here?

That's a secret.

If you find out, you'd lose your life.

But I have seen the place.

So I've lost half my life?

What will I do with the other half?

You might as well take that too.

Come here.

Breathe the fresh air. Feel it.

This air is totally free.

No building can stop it.

No obstacle can bind it.

When I come here,...

... I feel tiny wings sprouting out...

... like that of a butterfly...

And then they start flapping.

Can you see my wings?


They are big.

I flap them and then I fly away!

Don't jog.
People come here only to fly.

"It's like my blank
heart found poetry."

"It's like love has showered
like rain for the first time."

"What I looked for in every eye.."

"I found that loyalty in you."

"You are my life."

"I know that."

"You are my companion."

"You are my love."

"The one my lips cannot stop singing..."

"You are that song for me."

Authorities are working diligently
to identify this female suspect.

We are trying to determine
if she is working alone..

..or if she is a part of
a larger organized crime syndicate.

The public needs to be aware.

This suspect is considered
armed and extremely dangerous.

Witnesses have reported she's wearing
a jacket equipped with expl*sives.

"You are my companion."

"You are my love."

"The one my lips cannot stop singing..."

"You are that song for me."

"You are my companion."

"You are my love."

"The one my lips cannot stop singing..."

"You are that song for me."

"You are my companion."

Where is my money?
Where's my money, huh?

Get up!

Where is it?

I told you I'd come for my money

Oh, my God!
- I told you!


Where is my money?
Where is it?

Where is my money!

I told you I'd come for my money.

Where is my money!
- Who the hell are you?

No, this bitch owes me money!
- Stand down!

She ran away with ,
dollars of my money!

This is our personal matter!

This is our personal matter...

I'll meet you outside my house...

With your money...


You cannot bring your
personal matters here.

I have to report to the manager.

But nothing like this happened
from my end in last seven years.

Please don't suspend me.

If you do not vacate
the premises immediately...

Forget suspension, I will sack you.

- Now, to be clear, one last time..

You are suspended without
pay for three months.

And you should consider
yourself lucky.

For anyone else,
I would've not been so lenient.

Sir, please...
- Ms. Patel!

The next step is I call security,
do you understand?

Praful! What happened, Praful?

Is something missing?
- Where is my money?

We didn't touch it.
- Where is my money?

Which money, Praful?

I'd kept some money here. Here...

- Which money?

Who opened my locker?!

We don't have the key to your locker.

Only admin has the master keys.

No one can get anything
without Mike's sanction.

Mike... yes, Mike.

- Praful!

Mike, where is my money?

You don't enter a
manager's office without...

Where is my money?!

Which money?

The money you stole?

Mike, I am going to k*ll you!

Mike...Mike give my money.

Give my money!
- You b*tch!

- Oh shit!

Hey! Security!

Mike, give my money!
- Hey! Somebody help!

Give my money!

- Give my money! Give my money!


Send somebody here, quick!

Give me my money!
- Get off!

Mike! Mike! Give my money!
- Get her out!

Mike, give my money!

Leave me, Leave me! - If she
comes back I'll have her arrested.

Mike, give my money! Mike! Mike!

Leave me, leave me!
Okay, leave me, I'll go on my own!


Thank you.

Thank you.

Try this 'Ghatiya'
from Rajkot. - Okay.

It's a very tasty snack.
- It's special.

Very nice.

Hello, dear.

Hard day's work?

She works very hard.

She gets tired, poor girl.


Freshen up and come out.

Mohan, the kids have
made their decision.

What should we do next?

Whatever you think is fine.

I'll call up the priest at Nathdwara and
ask him to suggest an auspicious hour.

If they want an engagement
then we'll get them engaged...

... or else get them married.

No, sister. I'd suggest
we get them married immediately.

What do you say? - Uncle,
I wanted to say something to you.

Actually, I've got into
UC Davies university. - Okay.

It's one of the good
universities in California.

We will have to shift
there after our marriage.

I have spoken to Praful.

She'll try if she can
get her job transferred there.

We just need your permission.

No problem.
Daughters are meant to be sent away.

She's all yours!

On that note,
try the 'Gulab Jamuns' (sweets).

I am coming out.

th is a Friday.
- Check when's the full moon day.

Full moon day, I think th or st.
- Full moon day will be an auspicious day.

We'll also have to talk to Kaushal.

I had the money! Somebody stole it!

No more lies b*tch!

She is not lying. She had the money.

Isn't that right, Simran?
You had the money.


You called us after every heist.

I thought she was dumb, Bugs.

She's smart. She is very very smart.

Far too talented to be
wasting her life cleaning rooms.

You think she can work with us?

You're vicious.

Join us, make millions.

I don't want to make millions.

I just want to return your money.

Then stop using lipstick
notes and start using this.

Get it all in one go.

Be our Robin Hood.
- Hell ya!

Robin Hood?
- Robin Hood.

You rob from the rich...and
help us poor people out.

'Coz you outta options baby,
the cops are onto you.

I will get your money.

Who were those people?

Who were they?

How does that concern you?

What is wrong with you?
Why are you talking like this?

I just asked who were those people?

Just because we smiled,
laughed together for a few days..

.. you started
owning me?

What do you mean?

We are going to get married, Praful.

So it is important that we
know everything about each other.

You want to know everything?

Those guys were my friends.

When I lost all my money gambling,
they gave me a loan.

And I started robbing
banks to repay that loan.


Auntie is asking what will you have?

'Gulam Jamun' or
'Raas Malia' (sweets)?

They are both fresh.

Give me a minute, uncle.


Got scared, Sameer?

How much do you owe them?

, dollars.

That's your MBA fees.

What happened Sameer,
why did you run away?


Let me finish, Sameer!

After that the stolen
money got stolen.

Let's go, uncle.

- Please let's just go.

Where do you want to go?
- Let's go, please.

What happened?
What...? At least tell me.

Come with me, please.

Come on.
- What happened? Say something.

Bye, auntie.

Bye, uncle.

Bye, Sameer.

Hope to never see you again.

Why did they leave?

They didn't leave, papa.
I made them leave, papa.

What do you mean?
Why did you make them leave?

We were preparing
for your wedding, Praful!

I don't want to get married.

Why did you say yes to
him if you didn't want to get married?

Like I had said yes, I'm saying no!

- Papa!

No, don't!
- Praful!

You will raise your hand on me?

Come, hit me.

Do it.

Get out of my house. Now!

Praful! - Get out
of my house right now!

Praful! - Go!
It doesn't make any difference to me.

- Let her go. I don't care!

Calm down, Mohan! - Get out!

"Pour down..."
- What are you doing, Praful?

What are you doing?

"Come and drench me."
- Why are you packing your bag?

She is leaving.

"Pour down..."

- Praful... Don't take
what your father said to your heart.

"Come and drench me."
- He only wants what's the best for you.

"Pour down..."

"Come and drench me."

"Pour down..."

"Come and drench me."

Hello, Salma? Can I ask for a favor?

Can I stay with you for tonight?
Just for tonight.

Okay thank you, thank you.

Hey, Lipstick Bandit!

I am coming to Vegas
with your money tomorrow.

I am waiting for you
with baited breath, my love!

I don't have a place to stay.
Can you...

Oh, I can arrange a new name,...

... a new place, a new identity...

How do you like the name... Shakira?

"By the sand on the shore..."

"Lie still my footprints."

"It caressed them and went away..."

"It gave a hug and then flowed away."

"Your unhurried course..."

"Your minuscule stillness...

"You are the one, my love."

"Oh wave, stay back."

"Stay back."

"Or let me drown myself in you."

"Stay back."

"Stay back, please."

"Or let me drown,
yes please let drown."

Yes? Can I help you?

Do we have an appointment?

Oh dear lord!

Oh, my God.

What are you doing?

You don't have to do this.

You just tell me
what I can do for you.

Do you remember me?

You said people like me don't borrow,
we steal.

So here I am to steal.

I'm sorry, if I said that.
That's not what I meant.

Take me to the cashier!

Nobody move!

Ask him to put all the money in this.


How much is this?

Around , dollars.
- Just give it to her.


There is a transaction
in my account right now.

I want to reverse the transaction.
How to do it?

I... I cannot come to the bank. I...

I am not here on Monday!

No, he cannot...he can also not...

Hello? Praful?

You gave my account number to Sameer?

Sameer had called up.

Your father asked him why
he needs your account number.

But he didn't say anything.

Why did you give him my account
number without my permission?

What's going on, Praful?

I just don't understand anything.

You are upset with your father, right?

Why are you upset with me?

Where are you?
- I'm leaving the city.

You're leaving?

Praful, you should have at least...


I want to meet you right now!

You transferred ,
dollars into my account?

That was the money
meant for your studies, right?

What are you trying to do?

You think you're a saint?

I don't want any favors.

Favors are given when
someone expects something in return.

I don't expect anything in return.

And I am not trying to be a saint.

I did what I thought was right.

And you should do
what you think is right.


What are you doing?

You are a very nice guy.

Don't get involved
with a girl like me.

You will get into trouble.

I wish you all the best.

Have a nice life.

I think you should surrender.

What is it, mummy?

Where are you going?

Cat got your tongue now?

Apologizing to your family, to your
elders, will it make you any smaller?

- Praful...Praful, listen...!

She refuses to understand!

I had rejected her loan application.

She asked me if I remembered her.

And I... I couldn't place her.

Praful? - Then she said that
I suggested that she steal.

I'm just a bank employee.

We can't go distributing
money to everyone who asks for it.

There are rules.
- Yes, of course there are.

You've done nothing wrong.

Copy that.
Excuse me, ma'am.

Come on guys,
you didn't have to do it here.

I would've come to the station.

Everybody's watching.

Come on! Not so tight! This is...

Stop here.

On this side. Here.

- Yes.

Thank you.

Hello, police helpline?

No, no, no I don't need help.

I want to help you.

You are looking for Simran,
The Lipstick Bandit?

Don't sh**t!

Are you Simran?

The Lipstick Bandit?
Are you Simran?

Keep your hands up.

Keep your hands up.

Are you strapped?

No, no.
- Do you have a w*apon?

- Okay slowly...

Slowly put the w*apon on the ground.

On the ground.

Hands in the air.

Do not move.

Stand still.

Stand still.

You are the Lipstick Bandit?


I have the money... - Stop.

Don't touch anything.

Why run if you are going to surrender?

Because that neighborhood
is full of Indians!

All my relatives live there.

If my father sees me getting arrested,
he will k*ll me.

Let's go or he will find us.

Are you serious?

Let's go.

Let's go.

Mummy, you should bring
more 'Dhokla' (snacks).

I'm keeping the 'Khakra'
(snacks) for my friends.

Eat to your heart's content, dear.

And what are these
friends have you made here?

You better stay away
from bad company.

Cool down. Calm down. Eat peacefully.

There are only four months left, dear.

You've already spent six months here.

These four months too shall pass.

When you get out of here,
forget the past and start afresh.

I have decided that you'll
be a partner in my business.

You should start working in the shop.

Anyway, what's mine is yours.

Papa, you don't have
to worry about anything.

I have planned everything.

You have become old.

We will sell your shop and
invest all your money in stocks.

I have made a friend, Sue.

Her bad luck that she got busted.

Mummy, I tell you,
she's a stock market genius.

What did you say?

I won't spare you!
- Mohan! Let her go!

Hi, I'm Maniben.

Hi, I'm Maniben.

Hi, I'm Maniben.

Shakuntala Kanta's
elder sister insane.

Get married said my dad...

Or your grandma will
be on the deathbed.

Get married. Get married. Get married.

Don't they have anything else to do?

Diwali's gone, Holi's here.

Diwali's gone, Holi's here.

Postpone my marriage,
I told my family here.

I want to stay single!
Let me stay single.

Papa, I want to stay single!
Let me stay single.

I'll make you Dhokla.
Let me stay single.

I'll make you tea. Let me stay single.

Fun-filled life!

Fun-filled life!

Fun-filled life!

Dance, cutie!
Dance, cutie! Dance, cutie!

Dance, cutie!
Dance, cutie! Dance! Dance! Dance!

Fun-filled life!

Dance, cutie!
Dance, cutie! Dance, cutie!

Dance, cutie!
Dance, cutie! Dance! Dance! Dance!

Fun-filled life!

You get multiple useless
proposals in a week.

Like cheaper by the
deal in a mall you seek.

In the end, you will find
a one in a million whacko for me.

Then without my consent,
you will get him married to me.

Forget it. Papa, forget it.

I am happy. Let me stay happy.

I want to stay single!
Let me stay single.

Let me share the secret
of a happy life with everyone!

Fun-filled life!

Fun-filled life!

Dance, cutie!
Dance, cutie! Dance, cutie!

Fun-filled life!

Dance, cutie!
Dance, cutie! Dance! Dance! Dance!

Fun-filled life!

Dance, cutie!
Dance, cutie! Dance, cutie!

Dance, cutie!
Dance, cutie! Dance! Dance! Dance!

Fun-filled life!

Fun-filled life!