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Sathuranga Vettai (2014)

Posted: 09/05/23 15:26
by bunniefuu
- Selvam, I'll be there in minutes
- Ok Guru, we'll wait

Sathuranga Vettai
[Money game]

'There is nothing as easy as
making money in this world'

'All you need to do is...'

'Find somebody as greedy as you who has
the intentions of making money...that's it!'

(Chetiyar and the Double tucker)
'Now I'm off to meet somebody like that'

Brother Suresh told
me over the phone...

I've also read in the paper

But I don't know
if I can believe it

I'll anyways think about it!

Please take your time Chettiar Sir

I've told you everything
I know about this business

I know the trades, but I
don't have the money

God has made it that way!

Opportunities like these seldom arise

Very rare piece
Please think!

What we're going to
invest is just thousand

But in return,
will get million

What is he telling?

I saw the greed in his eyes
He'll come to us for sure

Kumar! The information we got is valid?
He's got the money, right?

Guru! The rent he gets from complex
alone amounts to thousand

thousand are nothing for him

We can mint money with him

Leader, I have a thought!

Just say it!

Even if the prey is so close...

...the animals in the jungle are
not hungry, they don't hunt them

But these humans, though with so much of
money, they still want to add up their wealth

On the whole...the most cunning
animal ever, are humans

There is a vacancy in Vandaloor zoo
Want to join?

- What type of a job boss?
- You might have to wash the tiger's...

- Chettiar!
- I told you know...

Greetings Chettiar sir

I've nicely thought about it, I'm
getting into this trusting you

Nothing will go wrong, right? I'm already
struggling, poor, please help me

Chettiar sir! All your old
stories are just for a week...

...after that, you'll be a Billionaire

If the money is ready, tomorrow is
a very auspicious day to go get it

We might lose it otherwise,
there is a great demand

It is ready!
We will go!

Please come!

- Please come
- Greetings, sir

- Sir is the party?
- Yes!

Let's go see it

Nearby only

Brother! After years of intense search
in the jungle, just now we got it

Almost kgs
Super piece

- kgs?
- kgs means, it is a superb piece

From now on no noise,
nobody should talk


I'll tell you Chettiar
Now let's go see it first

Congratulations Chettiar sir
We have bought the snake

In just two days,
you'll own million

Please don't forget
our % commission

How can I?
It's all because of you

Brother! Why did he
ask us not to talk?

The thing is Chettiar
Snakes know languages

- It can easily understand us
- Oh ya!

It can also know we are
taking if from this place

And the sadness will
reduce its weight

- Weight matter a lot!
- Yes...

Anything below . kgs
become a total waste

All the money invested
goes for a toss!

That's why we are even taking
the sand to which it belonged

Brother! From now
on, I'm deaf and dumb

kgs, rare piece, you'll never
get something like this

You'll keep it safe, right?

Just two days, right?
I have even sent my family

I'll keep it safe please take the package
I'll come right behind

Sir, give pieces of goat lungs
to it in a coconut shell

It just loves to eat
the white yolk of eggs

If you could find frogs, give that also
Rich in vitamin, it likes the meat

Don't give anything else,
will lead to food poisoning

No no I'll give only polishing
powder to the angel of the jungle

What is in the sack sir?

Something like a snake

Probably a fool

Look at him...

Tell me dear!

Hey man! Come out
Come out of the car first

What do you think? How do you expect
me to drive the car with all this?

- Where are you taking? Leave me
- Please don't get angry

I have this rare disease,
if I talk, my weight goes down

Keep yourself mum and drop me
Will give you rs extra

- Seems to be a very rare disease
- Yes yes

Are you wondering
why I'm getting a call?

I can talk!
But you can't!

- Hello...!
- Hello, grocery shop Chettiar?

- Yes, tell me
- Dear brother, I am calling from Karur

Double tucker has come
to you it seems

- Double tucker?
- Those people didn't tell you?

Yeah yeah! They told me!

Okay! Leave it
I have a party for million

You haven't given it
to anybody, right?

- How much is the weight?
- Kgs

- Okay! We'll come with the money
- That's fine but who are you...

Oh my million

million! million!
Still not here! Ah here...

Come...come to the corner

Stop the car
Switch off the engine

- What happened, Chettiar?
- Come here first!


I had a party calling
from Karur

How did they know
about the package?

I told you right Chettiar

Among stiff competition you've got it
Luck has favored you this time

Karur party promises million

But your party is only giving million
What if we sell it to them?

Chettiar sir, we've given our words
There should be some honesty

Abiding, Honesty,
Let it go to waste

million extra! Money is
very important in life, brother

If it's my party, he's going to
give the commission readily

But we have no clue
about this party

Won't I give you the commission?

Fine! Okay!
You're the boss!

Brother! What will they do with this
double tucker putting in so much of money?

They take impotency curing
medicines from it!

Then we can give how much
ever money it wants

Whatever it is, it's frightening
to have a snake inside the house

Please don't call it
a snake Chettiar sir

If somebody over hears, will
lead to big trouble

Even when you're talking over
the phone, don't use it!

If Police comes to know,
you'll be thrown into jail!

- So what do we do?
- Can we name it?

What name?

We'll name it Ilaya Thalapathy
Vijay (Tamil hero)

What Chettiar, you never buy
anything for money...for whom?


I have an important guest in
the house, can you chop of those

...I asked for and be done
with this useless talk

Weight is very important
Vijay ate, right?

He ate brother! Gave the lunch
and just came to the shop

Vijay is safe, right?
He might escape

Vijay is in my control
Don't worry for anything!

I have him tightened in the sack

Is he into some sort of smuggling?

Loud speaker playing music

Don't know where the snake ear is

Hey trustee, is it has to be too
noisy, if it's a festival?

Shut yours and cut the call!
I can't!

Why are you doing like this?

This is why India is yet to be
developed as a super power nation

Chettiar, can't you hear me?

Hei Palpandi, what's up with
your Chettiar?

He is here, then all of a sudden
goes somewhere...

Nothing like that Micheal brother!
For quite some time...

...he's been saying stuffs
like Vijay, million...

Go tell this to his people

Make sure he doesn't
run away somewhere

Brother, I have some good news
Karur party is coming tomorrow!

Super Chettiar! Please don't
forget our commission

What's with the commission?
I'll give you!

They are the party!

Oh my god! It was kgs...

Sir? What sir?
You said kgs

I came all the way for this
What's happening?

What Chettiar? You said it was kgs over
the phone call, now only . kgs

When I bought it, was kgs

- Chettiar, you've spoken something
- Then the weight would reduce

I never spoke a word

May be because of the festival
sound, weight got reduced

Can't you be careful?

If it's kgs, call me
I am leaving!

We'll go!

Call me if it gets to kgs

- Okay! What do we do now?
- Don't worry!

If we spend thousand,
there is a solution to this problem

We can very much spend thousand
since we're getting million

But what we do to make Vijay
put on some weight?

There are special doctors
for this in Madras

- Is it?
- Yes

Then ask them
to come immediately

They're asking what is
the name of the patient


What happened?

Not a big problem
Just home sickness

I'll give medicines, give it with food
Everything will be alright in a week

The weight that got reduced
will go up, right?

- Hello, Parimala
- Tell me!

Random strangers are coming to your house
Just now, a girl has come

Your husband is so
happily talking to her!

- Tell me Arun!
- Dad we've come home

There is a snake inside our house

Mummy is finding a stick to hit it
Come fast!

Please don't hit Vijay!
Please don't!

- Somehow stop your mother!
- What happened?

Why is he running like this?

Shouldn't be this greedy
That's why god has punished him

Stop! Please stop

He's been weird for a while

Please don't let her hit it!

Your mother might k*ll it not
knowing it's market value

Move Move! Such a daring lady
She's k*lled the snake all by herself

When I came into the house,
there was this snake

I only k*lled it!

Oh my! You have k*lled it!

We shouldn't talk!
We shouldn't!

Is he mad? What happened to chettiar?
He's been mad since last week

Mother! What happened to dad?

It's a snake!

You fool!

Tell me, Chettiar

Not knowing anything,
my wife att*cked Vijay!

Ilaya Thalapathy was att*cked

Vijay is dying
You please come immediately

It's okay, Chettiar!
Don't worry about anything

We have a doctor on our side

Cover the affected
area with a cloth

And be ready with thousand
I'll be there in half an hour

I will ready the cash
You come immediately

What happened to you?
You got possessed by some black magic?

You k*lled million worth Vijay!

- Why are you calling a snake Vijay, Vijay?
- Don't call it a snake, he's Vijay!

If we sell Vijay, we'll get million

I had hit Vijay without
knowing his value

Cry! Nicely cry
for what you've done

Are you both crazy?

Snakes cannot hear
How will it know languages?

- Somebody has cheated you big time
- Yeah! You're a great scientist, go away!

Wait for a minute!

Look here!

This is called red sand boa
Just an ordinary earth worm

Somebody has told you a different
name and cheated you

Lot's of people are cheating like this
You don't even know this

Chettiar sir, tell me!

My son says, Vijay can't even hear
He doesn't know languages it seems

Chettiar sir, what will small kids know

I'm on my way! You just get the money ready!
We'll discuss the rest when I'm there

Okay, you come!

Selvam! Turn the vehicle
Chettiar has doubted it

- Sir! extra sir...
- is too much for this snake

Dear brother! We're calling from Karur
Double tucker has come to you it seems?

- Reddy! Super acting!
- Call me if you have any work

"You'll live! You'll walk!
You'll drink! You'll act!"

"When the game comes to an end,
You'll give your advice"

"You'll drink and
You'll fry your prey"

"Are we the desserts for your hunt?"

"Money has become life"

"Everything else is waste"

Who is he?

His name is Pattirar

He's blabbering

It's Puthirar

- Both are blabbering
- You correct them

Both are not correct
It's Baana pathirar

He is a spiritual singer

"You'll live! You'll walk!
You'll drink! You'll act!"

"When the game comes to an end,
you'll give your advice"

"You'll drink and
You'll fry your prey"

"Are we the desserts for your hunt?"

"Money has become life"

"Other things are just waste"

"Money has become life"

"Other things are just waste"

MLM - Multi Level Marketing

MLM - This is a Business which involves
cheating and forgery

This was my thought as well

My MD questioned me,
why you can't change this perception

He trusted me and
I believed his words

That belief got me here and
my BMW car is parked outside

For those who want to earn money,
this is a brilliant job

I needn't tell you how
important money is in our life

It has been said by our ancestors
for more than years

A politician understands
the vision of the people

and makes use of
it to become a wealthy person

An owner, without putting
his effort, just makes

use of other efforts to
become a wealthy man

A bigger trader, never incurs loss using both
these people's effort and is always rich

All we have to do now is follow
them and learn from them

So that you can have lot
of members in your scheme

According to MLM you've got
loads of money at your feet

It's up to you to decide
on how to pick it

In India you've got queues everywhere, if
you've to beat the queue, then you need Money

Now tell if you're going to stand in
a queue or make a queue stand behind you

We'll bring the queue

- What you need to be happy in life?
- Money!

What you need for
this world to respect you?


- Can you all do succeed or not?
- Yes, we can

Now we'll have platinum Kumar and
Diamond Bosco bai explaining the scheme

Midas Touch MLM!
What is a Midas touch?

A Persian King named Midas turned
anything into gold if he touched it

Likewise in our company, any
business we do will turn into gold

Our esteemed new product Magic Pearls

It may look like ordinary, but it's a fully
made of a water with medicinal values

This has been exported
from a lake in America to India

That lake has been auctioned
for billion

This information is
published in the internet

This bottle has got
drops of water

Every drop is Rupee,
hence the bottle price is Rupees

During my past I can never
stretch my hands straight

It keeps shivering

Then I used to mix a drop of this
in water and drank everyday

Now my hands are
like fist of iron

One more news, it's been
proven that this water can cure cancer

Come...have it

Please give them some fish

Eat well sir

Don't just eat the rice

There are salads and
ice creams that side

Yes, dude

If they could feed us like this, then it's
definitely a big company

- Will we join?
- Yes, let's join

Tell me Kumar bhai

Guru bhai, a girl wants
to meet you it seems

Send her after minutes
How does she look?

Okay! Looks like a bubbly hen

Sir! I'll come tomorrow

Have to distribute
I need some money

Please hurry it

Please hurry it, okay?

Tell me
Any doubt in the scheme?

No, sir
My name is Banu

I'm coming from Vadamangalam sir

A brother told me, if I attend
the meeting, I can get the job

I don't even have money
to join this scheme

Any possibilities to get
a job in this office?

Sorry! This is MLM office
You won't find any job here!

Please sir

My family
is really struggling!

It's just my old dad and me

Due to the economic condition, I
discontinued BCom in second year

I'll work sincerely sir

Okay! Please come after two days
Will give Rs advance

Dress nicely when you come

Bhai! Banu is
going to join our office

Give her advance

Thank you so much sir

Even without joining work
You're giving advance

You're such a nice person sir

- All the best!
- Thank you sir!

See you, sir

Guru bhai! Have given
advance to that girl?

Have I done anything without
a reason Bosco bhai?

I don't think so Face gets excited
when talking about the girl

- How good are the collections?
- Not that great!

You asked why advance, right?
Only to improve collection

What will that girl do to improve
our collection Guru bhai?

My name is Banu,
from Vadamangalam

Initially I used to
be very reserved

But after listening to MD's speech,
I've got some belief in myself

I did hard work I have
made people join it

I'm Silver now but I want to
become gold, platinum and crown

Thank you

How ma'am?
How people in just days?

You should do hard work
Do what MD says

Next, our company is
introducing paste, oil and soap

This paste costs Rs

It's not like other pastes
Very minimal use will do

Along with it, we're
introducing a tablet

Cost of the tablet
is just Rs

It has got the ability
to control sugar

Uncle, this one thing is enough!
Money will come to your feet

- What, money?
- Not now! In the future

All depends whether you are just
going to pluck it or grab it as a whole

Magic pearl
I'm earning a month

Since your my relative, I am
thinking of joining you

This can cure cancer it seems

They are also studying
if it can cure AIDS

Just try attending the meeting
You'll completely change

Without joining the people, is it not
wrong on our side to lie like this?

It is never wrong
You're a motivator

They'll work committed
after listening to your speech

Their confidence
level will go high

If a girl from a village
can do so much, why I can't?

They'd feel this and
start working harder

You are so talented sir

Even you Banu
Your speech was amazing

This dress suits you a lot
Nice selection

Sir, you're lying!

I am serious Banu

You, yourself start
organizing meetings

How many of you
are new to this?

Who brought you all?

Girl friend...neighbors...

Wrong! God has
brought you here

This is God's opportunity!

Sometime back, my earnings
in life were just Rs

Rented house
Too much of struggles

That's when I met MD

I told him
about my worries

That's when he said this word

There is Ambani, Tata Birla and
Bill Gates in everyone of you

If you have to realize that,
unlock the volcanic energy inside you

Unlock the energy

Strive hard as if there is
nobody to win over you

Sir, did I correctly
talk on the stage?

- From now on don't talk on the stage
- Why sir?

- You might even finish me off
- Nothing like that, sir

My name is Royal
I'm coming from Canada

I'm years old

After taking this magic pearl, everybody
says I look like a year old

You won't believe Even now, young
girls are asking me to marry them!

Come, Shanumugam
Foreign company

- Totally branches
- We've countries all over the world

See how big the office is
Foreign type bathrooms

If you buy and eat this magic pearl, all
your nervous weakness will go away

All your lost hair will start growing

- Buy , get one free
- You'll be the in charge for your place

Looks like a villager with
a rough and tough moustache

He is the Junior Ambani
after shear hard work

Since the last two years,
I was a government staff

I attended the MLM meeting

After two months, I gave a cover
to my manager, my resignation letter

After opening the cover,
he asked if I went mad!

Yes, sir
Mad after MLM!

Just like that the MLM
madness has to reach you too

people at both left and right

Money! Money! Money!

His name is Jeyamohan

He runs an orphanage in the town

Even I was a volunteer there

- Tell me! What should I do?
- Nothing much, sir

A small help

Can you adopt or three children
and sponsor for their studies?

For sure Banu!

I told you right,
He's such a nice man

- Thank you so much, sir
- We'll take leave

Your showing too
much mercy for her

Showing mercy is not a problem

Think how we can make
money out of merciless

If you don't know, see it
on the stage tomorrow

Love is like a wall

Mud pots that are thrown
will break into pieces

Stones will hurt and bring us down

The dirt thrown upon will create
identities and fall off when dried

But! The wall of love
will always stand high

In this world, everybody fight
and hate each other...

...for the country, language, religion,
caste with unknown reasons

But let us all be
loving and caring!

In a world where there is
greediness to just earn money

Let us all show, we have
concern over the society

That is why, through Midas
MLM, we're giving this cheque

- All the best...
- Thank you so much sir!

One second, sir
Just one Photo!

Banu, come here!

What child?

Okay, come
I'll carry you!

"Love is all about emotions
How do I express the same?"

"Million questions arises in the breeze
But none to find it and feel it"

"There's no way to hide
the emotions from your heart"

"The emotions of your heart will
find its way out, oh dear beauty!"

After months...

Office rent thousand
Meeting conduction charges thousand

- Rent for blazers, ,
- You bloody sinners

Asked you guys to stitch blazers
Did you listen?

- Okay! How much is the collection?
- million

People from this city are total waste!

The commission list we have
to give is itself . million

Tell them we'll give
cheques after days

Which bank?

I'll tell you!

You've got the cheque, Balu
Work with full energy!

Have given the cheque right, will
work hard to bring more customers

- We'll work hard
- Congratulations! Congratulations!

Why is that hottie not noticing me?

She is so gorgeous!

New pamphlet

I think she bathes
with the magic pearls

Will become silver, then gold, then
become the MD and will marry you!

Hello, where is your MD?

- Don't know
- When will he come?

Don't know!

- You know where he's gone?
- Don't know!

Then for what bloody reason you are
sitting here whiling away?


What's the problem?

- Have to see your MD
- What is the matter sir?

- Who are you?
- I work here!

- MD will come in an hour!
- We'll wait

- Please come sir!
- Leave me!

Please be seated
Sir, please!

However long it takes, today we
should meet him for sure!

Kumar, come out soon!

We are waiting
at his office only...

He is trying to cheat us

Ask our guys to come
soon with their cheques!

I have enquired everywhere
There is no such bank called ITITI!

He's given cheque in that name!

We'll enquire about it!

If it's troublesome, will call
my uncle, who is a police

They are saying it's a fake cheque
Call Guru immediately!

- Tell me
- Guru bhai, Problem!

What happened Selvam?

They're telling the cheque
we gave is a fake

Stupid! That's what I said
and asked you to give it after days

I dated it days later and
gave it yesterday itself!

Okay! Pack all the money
and give it to Banu!

- Hello
- Hello Banu, it's me!

Nothing much! Selvam will give a bag
Just bring it to my hotel room

Have to immediately go
and pay it in Reserve bank

I sensed it earlier itself

I will finish him today!

They are creating a ruckus here!

Why are you all crowded here?
Please go and sit inside

- Who are you?
- MD's secretary!

We've come to see that fraud only
Running after other's money!

Who are you accusing of a fraud?

She'll not leave this place
without getting us into trouble

What do you know about him?

Wait! First let the cash
moves out safe

You have any clue on
how many people he has helped?

Don't talk rubbish

He just called me
He'll come in an hour

Money is not a big deal for him

They just don't know what they're talking
Sir, please make way for her

Our MD will come
Please wait inside

Please wait inside sir

Listen to madam
Our MD will come soon

If he doesn't come today
we know what to do

What's this?

Give it to me, Banu

Why do you thank me sir?

Lot of people have come
to meet you at our office

They were talking bad about you, I scolded
them, they said you are an imposter

There are people in this world

who calls you an imposter

They are right, Banu
We are going to fool them

- Don't joke sir
- It's no joke, I am a fraudster

- Why sir?
- Money! Isn't money important?

Isn't cheating wrong?

Things you do in life without
any guilt is never wrong

I thought you were
a very good person

You don't understand,
Come I'll tell you a short story

I've never explained
things to anyone before

I think I like you a lot
Sit down

And this story is not
to justify myself

The incidents that happened
in my life made me realise what life is

About years ago
We lived in a slum in Chennai

We were myself, my mom,
my dad and my baby sister Charu

We were a happy family

My parents only desire
is to educate me

My mom kept saying study
well and make us proud

When we go to the doctor, she would
encourage me to become a doctor

I taught my parents how to
write and sign their names

The day he signed and got his salary
My father was very happy

Boozed a lot, he kept saying
the Mason was shocked at his signature

As always, one day our
slum houses caught fire

Some one came and gave us food and
said we can't stay there officially

They told they'll give us
a place to stay outside the city

The slum where we lived earlier was bad,
But this place was even worse

Since it was far from my school and
dad's work place, we lived in a platform

Everyday while returning from school

I see a huge building
under constructions in the slum

When I asked mom about that,
she said just go and study

One day while I was studying
in the platform, there was a sudden noise

Along with that sound,
I could hear my mom screaming

When I turned and saw
There was a car parked right in front of me

I couldn't hear the voices
of my dad and sister

I ran crying, the people
around moved the car

Dad and my sister
were crushed down

They admitted mom in the hospital

I missed school and was
with my mom in the hospital

Next day a lady
from the NGO came

She got a sign from mom
to get justice for us

There was a news
about the accident

She filed a case and said
we would get lots of money

But my mom just wanted
to make me study well

She consoled my mom and said
she would take care of everything

A very good sister
She took me to the court

In few minutes few people came
They were dressed in black and white

They, that sister and her
husband went into a room

I was watching them from
outside through the glass

They were talking something

After a while all came out smiling

That sister patted my head,
I've talked to them

They'll take care she said
and left with a suitcase

I stood there alone in the court

Stood there for a long time not knowing
what to do I came to the hospital

I stayed with my mom in the hospital,
Mom's condition got worse

For ten days we have to inject
mom in her spinal cord

We don't have it here, go and get it
from outside the doctor said

I didn't know whom to
go and ask for money

My mom would be
suffering in pain

The nurse would shout at us saying
'Why are you a pain to me'

Doctor would come and
see us with students

Doctor would conduct classes there

One sister asked 'She is in such a bad
condition, why haven't we treated her yet'

The doctor said 'we don't
have medicines here'

That sister questioned in english

I didn't understand
anything then

He said, 'Learn from the poor,
and earn from the rich'

Not able to pay for the injection,
one day my mom died

I had no money to bury her
At last they got a sign from me

Stating that my mom
was an orphan dead body

My studies helped me
only to sign that form

In the cemetery I sat crying

Then the undertaker
asked why I was crying

I told him my story
how I was cheated

Don't think the one who cheated as your
enemy In some way he's your master

Because he has given you
a craft to make your living

I cried for few days
and became silent

I was always hungry

I thought why me, everyone
had their own reasons

The car driver questioned
if the platform is for sleeping

Doctor said no medicines

They were putting
the blame on others

We can't change any of these

But we can escape from this

By making a lot of money

How to earn money?
I was told it was by working hard

I worked around the clock
Around - hours

You should have seen me then,
running around, nothing happened

After a while I understood

Working hard would
never make us rich

But taking others earning
will make us rich

Then I saw a game

In biscuits one would
have Rajini's photo

If you find it correctly
you'll get your money doubled

I started playing
I lost all my money

A few kept winning

I started noticing them

I followed them when
the game got over

They shared the money among them

The winner and the player
were all the same

The people playing with
them are the fools

I got furious
I was about to go and question them

Then I remembered
the words of the mortician

That second I decided
what I was going to do

Then no one could stop me

If we could do anything if we had money
Then why shouldn't I do anything to earn it

Money is my language, money is my caste
Money is my religion

But for someone's mistake,
Isn't fooling others wrong, right?

Isn't life about sharing
and caring among us

You are a good person
Please don't do like this

No Banu, what this society did
to us is what we give back to it

If we live rightly
We can go to heaven after death

Being bad, we can live a life
in heaven before death

So don't confuse yourself and you
are my partner in this business

And don't feel
that I cheated you

I am a master to you in a way

I've thought you
a craft to make a living

Money - Printed w*apon

Master, I have a thought

This white attire, gives us
the spirit to cheat other people, right?

Tell the details about the party

Big shot, a government officer

But he is a fool

- Then tell
- Kgs...a very rare piece

The luck is with you

- Is it, such a big demand for a snake?
- Don't call it a snake

Please don't use that word
while we talk over the phone

- Then how
- Shall we name it?

Let's name it as Ajith(Tamil Hero)

Muniraj, catch him!

Escape from here!

Don't let them escape

Go! Go forward


Go back

Hey, Guru!

We'll take care of him later,
Move the car let's get away first


Take as much share you need
Please don't file a case sir

Move man

Take a photo

Good morning
Quickly start the car

Today in the newspaper there
is a news about Gandhi Babu

They have arrested him in
the Kundhambakkam police station

Get the number and call
that inspector quickly

- Sathish, what happened?
- Checked the file, confirmed sir

I've got the SI number

I'm assistant commissioner
Jeyaprakasham from Chennai

You've arrested Gandhi Babu
in the snake case

Yeah sir, but his name is Raja

He has many names
Now where is he?

He's in the veranda sir

Isolate him and put him in the lock up

Disconnect his phone, don't
let him talk to anyone

And switch on the fax

Check if he is there first

- Has any fax come?
- It's coming sir

Here is all that has come

Is this all?

No sir, the paper is finished,
I'll go and get some

What do you mean?


Please get up

The big con man Gandhi Babu was arrested
yesterday by Kundhambakkam police

Today he is being produced
in court for investigation

Press don't come close

You destroyed my family

- Leave him to me, sir
- Move away

Press please be silent, we've arrested
him, let the investigation get over

Once the investigation is over
I'll meet you personally

I'll talk to the PP

AC had told me, that's why


- Gandhi Babu
- Get up

Who named you Gandhi Babu?

To live a life of honesty
my parents named me so

That's right

The memo from the police for
days enquiry is being accepted

Once in days the accused
lawyer can meet him for an hour

You must give him appearance, he should
be handed back in the same appearance

You should not beat or hurt him

What is your history and geography?
Why did you do all this?

I have a story to tell,
why I did all this

If I say, you will say those who commit
crimes will all have a reason

Why waste our time

I need money
So I did it, that's it

Ok, where have you kept the money?

Sir, only those who fear about
the future will save the money

I never had that fear

Come by this side

A bit close

Why do you want all this money
by cheating all these people?

Don't we need money to go and visit
the temple in VIP queue?

Nowadays, even if we make films
on brother-sister and...

...mother-son relationship,
they call it cliched

The only thing that never
becomes a's money

This is the very first time in my service,
I'm seeing a horrible con man

- Sir, I'm a nice man
- You...?

Sir, there is a huge
difference between

Becoming rich from being poor and
becoming poor from being rich

Even I have photographed images of giving away
sewing machine and spectacles in Lions club

I want to be a good rich man
Is this bad?

Have you thought about
the people you have cheated

How many people would've got cheated
Such a big sin

If you feel bad for a Chicken,
you can never eat fried chicken

And I never went in search
of anybody to cheat

I gave a chance to people
who were ready to be cheated

If you ask me, you should never
file a case for such things

Yes, sir!

In elections, they promise to change
Tamil Nadu like Singapore and they win

Even after years, Tamil Nadu
remains Tamil Nadu

They've cheated us, right?


Can you file a case against them
saying they've cheated us?

Cheating and getting
cheated is all nature

Got wet too much?
Should get dried?

Will dry then!

- What, is he telling anything?
- No sir, not even opening his mouth

Where have you kept the money?

If you don't tell us, you'll be
sentenced to imprisonment for life

Sir, you can hit me
k*ll me

But can never punish me

The reason is...

I am neither poor nor a fool

Why are you so mad
after money?

Sir, have you ever felt starvation?

Everything will be there in this world
But have you...

...lived a life which has got nothing
expect yourself?

Pain, anger, grief and
loneliness the hunger gives

The thought, why is it
happening only to me?

There is nobody in the world
This is a horrible world

Have you ever lived a life, where you
can do whatever you want to survive?

Have you signed a form stating that
your mother is an orphan dead body...

...just because of not having
money to cremate her?

Please drink the tea

Sir, are you thinking about him?

Why is he like an animal sir?

Just like the imbalance
the nature creates?

Man also loses it

Brother, please move
a little and lie down

Brother, your enquiries
won't make him talk

There is a separate enquiry for that
I'll make him talk

Have a look at my experience

See that!

Get up, dear!

Why do you do have to die,
getting hurt like this?

You resemble my son

Why do you have to go
through all this t*rture?

Want to eat?

The food cooked by your mother

Brother, please tell where is
the money and your gangs are

I will get you released

- Please tell me
- Go away bitch!


Go away bitch!

He sort of talked
I'll somehow make him talk

We heard your experience!

- Greetings brother!
- Come, Selvam

I have spoken

No problem, food will be
delivered on time to him!

- Thanks bro!
- That's alright

See you later

Greetings, lawyer!

- Please get him bail
- Don't worry brother

With all the money, we can buy the law

Don't worry
I'll take care

That's okay
How long you expect me to?

Please be a little patient
Minister PA is in the line

- I can't talk to all those you ask me to
- No sir, one moment

Whatever it is, let's speak in the court

Government is like an ocean

Who will get to know if we drink
a jug of water from the ocean?

You do it! I'll take care

Selva, come
Sit down

Who's family should be shattered?

Nothing much brother
Gandhi Babu has to be released

That police man is torturing a lot
If you can...

The Con-Man Ghandhi Babu
Case hearing starts today

- Greetings big boss!
- Please finish this off quickly!

We'll finish it off next week

- Brother Mani!
- Greetings, sir

Today it's my hearing

Please ask the public prosecutor
to underplay it

Will give you a big amount?

Do you know him?

Promised a loan of million
He got thousand and cheated me

- Your honor...!
- How did you believe him?

He said Reserve bank
governor was his uncle

Then why you didn't get the loan?

Only after getting cheated,
came to know that the

Reserve bank governor is
a sikh and he's in Punjab

Your honor!

Tell me, what he told to cheat you


- Lilliput? That means?
- Man, just the size of a thumb

Man in size of a thumb?

In the same way I also got
surprised and cheated

Have you heard of Elves?

Even Today, the caves where they
lived are at the Poonoor hills

Have got half of their heir
Wonder of the world

Somebody has gone to
the backyard in the morning

Something was seen jumping
from plants to plants

A deep look into what
it was, Lilliput!!!

Spreaded his dhoti and caught it!

He's kept it in his fridge, because
sunlight is harmful to it

He doesn't know the value of the Lilliput
Quoted it for just million

But the original value is billion

If we somehow buy the Lilliput,
we can buy half of Pondicherry


I am seeing him only now
after swindling my million

He said it's an elephant pearl

You can find it in one out
of every elephants

It attracts women with its power

Do you need this
attraction at this age?

What advocate? Judge doesn't
seem to give a damn about you

Will you properly
conduct the case?

Leader! According to this case, what happens
inside the court doesn't matter at all

What happens outside the court?
That matters

page charge sheet file in court
against the con man Gandhi Babu

Tipu Sultan's sword
Worth million

Emaan Noor diamond is second best
to Kohinoor diamond

There is an idol in Palani mandir
of Tamil Nadu worth . million

For all the crime that's been reported
of you, what is your answer?

Police had got my version
by hitting and torturing me

I don't know
who these people are

The way in which the case moves,
we'll definitely not get the money back

I'll immediately
go and see Varadhan!

Sekhar, let's go

What happened to that
Moola Badhran issue?

Leader solved it
Soon we'll get the payment

Who is Varadhan here?

- Want some tea?
- No, thanks

- Thilaga, Thilaga
- It's okay if not there

Tell me sir
How can I help you?

He came and met me
years before

Even the eggs are
worth thousands!

- Just the fat in it is worth a million
- The bird wings worth a fortune

Its wings also get exported

Keep watching TV like this
Our family will grow wisely

People are into Ostrich business...

Move aside

How long can we wait outside?
Will you get the money or not?

We will for sure
get the money

Wait for sometime

Why are you pushing like this?

Please come in line up
Please come in line up

In the district of Perundurai...

Kushi Ostrich farm industrialist Muthu
on the run after cheating millions of money

special police
forces on wide search

As a woman I have been brainless
A man you are

You've also been stupid

I already knew these
fellows were a fraud

Will anybody believe
if the bird was worth millions?

I told by then itself,
these people were fraud

The Ostrich industrialists being arrested
near Erode, Tirupur district

A special report on
the stranded Ostriches

- Why have you not filed a case?
- Not possible

All the documents are in my name

Shall I finish him in the prison?

Do anything to him
I want my money back...

Because of him, I have lost
all my money and dignity

Now trying to escape from police
and have not even seen my family

Don't worry

Will somehow get the money
Don't worry when I'm there

- Useless fellow, where did you go?
- To the house!

Why didn't you
pick up the phone?

Sorry brother! You called when I was...
That's why couldn't answer


Talking to me in English?
You fool!

Gandhi Babu case gets Interesting!

Cheated! Cheated! Cheated!

The Gandhi Babu
case judgment today

Greetings sir!

See the money I believed in
has saved me!

You've decided only money
is important in life

When one day you realize
money is not everything

What will you do
for all your wrong doings?

Stop kidding sir
Nothing like that will happen

Come to the party tonight
See you there

Selvam, verdict has favored us

- Partner
- One minute, Babu itself has come!

- Thanks partner
- I'll go to the advocate

He's on the line
Talk to him

- Selvam
- I'm waiting outside

Thilaga, take his phone away

Who are you all?

- Get down!
- Using rowdies to take me down?

Take him down and start the show!

Hit him and break him

Don't worry, my boys will
take care of him

The way we hit, he should give
away all the money here itself

Hey, you come!

You come, dude

A small issue!
Will finish it and call you

How much ever we hit him,
he's not opening his mouth

Bring him inside!

He thought I'm a police man? Will just
file a case, hit him and then let him go

Make him lie there!

Place the head between the machine

If you don't tell us the truth,
Your heads will be crushed!

I have the money!
Will give it!

Brother, his phone is ringing!

Put it in loudspeaker and
keep it near his ears

There is a phone call
from Selvam, talk!

Phone got cut immediately
When asked the advocate, he said he left

Went inside the court searching for you
Been waiting for mins, where are you?

Perundurai party has kidnapped me

Settle him the money Selvam

You are important, we can give the money
But only if you tell, we can get the money

I'll tell everybody through phone

You start collecting the money

Money will be ready before p.m
You can drop me and take the money

Both of you go get the money and call me
Then we'll relieve him

- Okay boss
- Come, let's go!


Careful with the money

If he had not opened his mouth
in mins, he would've died

Nothing to worry, I'll bring
people to the gathering

Brother, Vallimuthu is calling!

Brother, it's getting delayed
Money hasn't come, what do we do?

Be patient...wait for
another half an hour

Okay, brother

- Brother, his man has called
- Put it in loudspeaker


Sorry Guru! Got delayed

We've got all the money
Lots of hard earned money

I asked Kumar if we
could just run away...

Cheating the Master would
be wrong, he said

Commiting a mistake without
feeling guilty is fine, I said

He said okay

If somebody cheated you,
don't think him as your enemy

In some way he's your Master

Because, you used to say, he's
given us a way to live this life

For how many days will you
be the Master for others?

This time we'll be your Masters...

Are you trying to cheat me like other...

Hey! Wait! Listen to me for a minute
and then do whatever you want

- Let's listen to him bro
- What's it?

They have run away with the money,
boss has asked us to come back

You still have kept him alive
k*ll him!

Bash him to death

The value of my next
project is million

I'll give you million

Will you k*ll him?

Boss, could have informed me,
it's a new shirt!

Go and wash it with acid

I did as you said

Like you cheat others
if you try to cheat me...

I'll find and k*ll you

Even if you dream of cheating, get
up and better ask sorry right away

His men easily
ran away with the money

He's gone all feeble
by the hitting

Thilaga! We must admit
him to the hospital

If we take him, we might get in
to trouble, ask if he has anyone

Is there any trustworthy
person you know?

Till day all he had was money, now he
doesn't even have that, useless fellow

'A person like you who
does anything for money'

'If you are in his hands,
just think about it'

New Journey

Whatever it might be
he is talented, bro!

- He has cheated so many
- All that is just child's play

You have to be daring enough
to get into the play

Look at the person at the bus stop
Cheat him and get rupees

Dude, stop the car

This is nothing, I'll get
rupees in minutes

Sir, I've been pickpocket, give me a
rupees, I'll send it when I reach home

Please sir

How many of you
have come like this?

Go, I won't help!

Looks like a piglet and
comes asking for money

You asked him for money
saying you were pick pocketed

- Did he give you money?
- No

- What's that in your hand?
- Watch

- How much does it cost?

Go do as I say

Seems like he won't leave

Sir, look at this watch
Singapore watch!

The cost is
There is a golden needle inside

Keep this and give me , when I
return your money you can give it back

I can't give
I'll only give

That's ok sir

- Here
- Thank you, sir

Super dude

To cheat someone,
we shouldn't expect mercy

We should tingle his greed!

Good strategy


Hello Bhai!
What are you doing?

I work for
a very big company

start hotel it is

I am doing really good

Boss, did you notice
only 'hello' is Tamil?

The rest is Hindi

Friends, do what you can
for the Kovai conference

- People's money for the people
- Thanks

They just don't keep quiet

Always doing something revolutionary

What is communism and capitalism?

A worker can exist only if there is
an owner, that is capitalism

A owner can exist only if there is
a worker, that is communism

- So, communist are the good people
- That depends on where you are

Are we communist or a capitalist?

We are communists trying
to become capitalists

Let that be, how are we going to
do the million act and when?

To do that we at least need
million investment, do you have it?

You drooped for just million

If I had that money, I would
have owned a petty shop...

...near the wine shop and
happily had a drink every hour

Bro, I've an idea!

We have got him right, why not we do
a small act to make the million?

Good strategy!
Good strategy!

We need thousands to do that

If I had that, in Koyambedu market...

- How much do you have?
- and that too for the fuel

- Where are we now?
- Dindivanam Bypass

Ok, let's go to the town

- Where are we going?
- Go straight, I'll tell you

Stop the car to the left

Like a customer go and get
a business card from that jewellers

Are we going to rob the jewellers?

Robbing and k*lling for
money is foolishness

There are ways to earn money
Let me teach you one in it

Take the vehicle
to a printing press

Gaja print this soon

Started already
This looks totally new

Take this and put it around
the villages in Dindivanam


If asked to count the leaves, why will you
take up the job counting the heads?

Commemorating Akshaya Tritiya, at half
the price of gold in KR jewelery

Why are you doing all this?

I'll tell you later, first book two omni's
in the name of the jewellers

You go and give the notice

If we do this properly, the police won't
catch us, the owner will be in trouble

Before the police nears us
we can get on to the next act

If the plan works out correctly,
tomorrow by dawn we'll have a few millions

I've called the owner

Among you, who will speak bad words?


(swearing words)

He hang up
I'll call again

Who are you?

- Switch off?
- He has switched it off

Here take this

Hey, who are you?
Get out!

Is this a Bar?

I'll just have a peg

If you don't listen to me, I'll k*ll you
Do you know who I'm? I am from Madurai

Bro! I am also from Madurai
Come have a drink

- You too from Madurai?
- Yeah, bro

- Today it is a bit cold, right?
- If you have a drink, it would be alright

Only a Madurai guy will have
the heart to share his drink

Making others happy is
what Madurai people do

Want another glass?

When has a Madurai guy
stopped with one glass?

That's enough!

- Is that enough?
- Don't pour water, I'll just drink it

Has ever somebody from Madurai
has mixed water?

Madurai guy will never
mix water and drink!

- Come
- Go!

I'm strict in my duty

If a Madurai guy gives us a drink,
feels like I'm riding a horse...

Midnight 'o' clock

The jewellers had
asked for car at

Welcome! The owner
is waiting only for you

Go this way

- I've tied them up, take care
- Get in the car

Early morning 'o' clock

With great difficult
I came here by milk van

This is the shop giving gold
for half the price, right?

Go inside

Is this the shop
that gave notice?

Stand by the side,
give way for others

Come this side

KR Jeweller's!
This is the shop sister

Stand properly

- Gold at half price at this shop, right?
- Yeah, this shop only

Please come

- Did you see the crowd?
- Stand in line

Go back!

Go that side

Come inside soon!

Boss come!
I can't control them

The token car is here
Get your tokens soon

Keep a change of , only if you
have the token you can buy the jewels

Come in a line, please have the change

No change!
Have tokens!

No change, get it while buying
the jewels from the owner

Come quick

Keep the token carefully
Or they won't let you in

Everyone will get a token

Where can I stand?

Are we fools standing here
since early morning? Go back!

Stand in the line


Come in a line

Boss, the police are here

Thilaga, don't run away fearing police
Do as I say!

- Come here
- Sir

- Who are you?
- The KR jewellery security sir

KR jewelers? Why so much
of public crowd here?

There is an offer of
gold for half the price

Our KR jeweller's owner?
He never informed me

Don't you know you have to
get police permission...

...if you have such a big crowd
creating public nuisance?

Whatever you do it you
have to do it by the rules

We'll abide it, sir
Here take this, sir

- Got it?
- Okay, sir

Send tokens to the police station

I'll take care of the rest

Line up

There are few good people still

They are laundering the black money

Sir, KR jeweler's in the north
bazaar road have put an offer

There is an uncontrollable
amount of public crowd

Our patrol is there to control them

What are you going to buy, Kanaga?

I'm planning to buy a pair of bangles
with the chit fund savings

It is very crowded
Can I get a token or not?

I think owner is selling out
and going back to Rajasthan

Boss, can you get me a token

- It costs
- Not a problem, I'll give it!

Then okay...

Coffee! Coffee!

Go! Go!
Keep the line!

Don't be greedy
Everyone will get it

Such a big rush in our shop?

Give some way
I work in this shop

Why is there so much crowd here?

Won't there be crowd if you get
an offer for buying gold half the price?

Over the night, owner has
done such a big thing?

He has switched off the cellphone
Let me try the landline...

No, in the morning itself?

- Hello, I'm Hari
- You, what's it?

There is a big crowd at our shop
Come quickly

Why have you given an offer
like this all of a sudden?

He cut the call

Owner has started

Then you immediately go
wait in the by-pass

Thilaga, close
the counter and leave

There are only few left
We'll finish and leave

In the place of money, we should
eat jail rice, is it okay?

Sir! Tokens got over...

If you make way,
we can get a new set

The token is over, so give
way they'll be back soon

Cooperating with
the shop staff is our duty

The owner is here

With all this crowd, looks like all
the jewels will be sold off today itself

Owner is here
Give way...

Owner! The minute you said
about the half price gold offer

Uncontrollable crowd has turned out

- Gold at half the price?
- Yeah, it is said in your poster!

I never made a notice!

Never made an offer!

If owner has done something wrong, he can
never escape the clutches of the law

We have done it

Every one here?
Can we leave?

How dare you wake up a Madurai guy?

Get up!

The shop is being robbed
and you're sleeping here

Is there a place you
don't know in Tamil Nadu?

How do you find such places?

Why have you bought us to this
worn out place for a lodge?

Police will search for people like us
only in a lodge, so shut up and come

You'll leave tomorrow, right? If anyone sees
and tells my owner, I'll be fired

They've given rupee notes
It's irritating to count

Thilaga, hold it!

You rock boss

In just a blink of any eye,
what all magic you do!

You tell boss
We'll do anything

Hey, he is no different from us

He is my brother!
My Brother!

'All the happiness you get from money
you cheated and earned'

'The same money will
chase you down one day'

Guru, this is Babu talking

Where did you go?
Selvam who took the money is missing?

Not able to catch you also

Selvam and Kumar have taken
it all and made us fools

Now, I'm totally zero

I'm still in
the control of that g*ng

Where are you now?
Shall I send some men?

No Guru, I've fooled many
This g*ng in no big deal!

I've planned it!
I'll escape in days...

Can you do me a favor?

Can you arrange a place
where I can be alone for a few days?

That's no problem I have a land
in the foothills of Rasimalai!

- Go there
- Thanks, Guru

Boss, you look fresh, seems like
you've planned for the million act

I've done it, but I can't be
coming with you this time

If the party sees me, everything will
be spoilt I know that party already

We'll finish it, you just give the idea
don't make a big deal of it

In Ramanathapuram, there is
a Grocery shop Chettiar

Chettiar, a rare material
of Kgs is there

Our investment is just million

The returns are million

You've made it million

What are you thinking about?

We'll do it

I'll talk to my partner
And then we can buy the snake

- Don't call it a snake
- Then?

Shall we give it a name?

How about MGR?

That's old...

- Shall we keep it as Rajini?
- Sure thing

Tomorrow come at , we'll
finish the Rajini deal

- Happiness Chettiar
- Happy! Happy!

You're on time

These are my partners

Crime inspector of Ramanathapuram
He's the SI

Tell them about your Rajini

Catch them!

Naming a snake
You fools!

Rajini! Rajini!
Bash them sir

Leave it, Chettiar, we've arrested them
We'll get back your money

You've just arrested Rajini
Vijay is still freely roaming around

Where is he?

I'm coming home from Tirupur

I'll call when I reach

He looks familiar

You're that MLM guy, right?
- No

I know you well

I know you're
the guy who fooled us

I was searching for you

Why are you hitting him?
He did nothing to you

Why are you doing too much?

Hey! Stop! Wherever you go
I won't leave you


Your son is earning
Why don't you take rest?

We should eat from what we earn!
There lies our dignity!

Bro, you look familiar

Have you come on TV?
You look familiar

Do stop the vehicle

- Give me a glass and water packet
- rupees

The MLM guy who fooled us
is drinking in the wine shop

Come quickly!

Dude, where is he?

Bash him!
k*ll him!

I got humiliated by my relatives
because of you, idiot

Leave it! He has fainted
He might die!

Look there

He has fooled us
by acting has got fainted

Didn't I tell he is a big fraud?

We shouldn't leave him like this
Should break his legs!

Only then he won't be go to another
city and cheat people also there

If I see you around Tirupur,
I'll bash you to death

That would become
a public problem

It's public problem only if we hit
him here, let's see where he goes

We should not leave him dude
Get on

Who are you?
Get out

I keep telling you
Where are you going man?


Lie down, it's nothing!
You'll get well soon...

For real you don't
have any anger on me?


If I was in your place
I would let him die there itself

When you cheated,
it was shocking for me

When I thought about it, felt it
wasn't just your mistake

The incidents in your life
had made you think so

If someone had saved
your mother that day...

you wouldn't have got the thought
that money is everything

In a few days, my dad also died

Then saw your news in the paper

I never thought
I'll see you like this

Daily...I'll pray for
you also to God!

- All the best
- Thank you very much, sir

Will send him off, sir


Where to go? What to do?
I don't know anything

I can't even understand
if I've changed...

When I'm with you
I have no thought

I feel like, I'm in
the warmth of my mother

If you're interested...

...will you marry me?

"A fresh new Sky glares at me"

"The first drop of rain
that touches my body"

"Purifies me and Transforms me"

"In the path of love"

"That resets life back
to a clean slate"

"The love paints
the sky with new colours"

"The glittering moon light
that slithers in to the house"

"Merging with your beautiful face
Keeps me deeply intoxicated"

"The hardships that I go through,
when it fetches money"

"Affects you...
my heart skips a beat"

"Perplexed if its reality or not"

"My time travel
with your thoughts"

"A fresh new Sky glares at me"

"The first drop of rain
that touches my body"

"In a world solely for us"

"The seeds of love that we sowed
is growing as a plant of life"

"Like the sound of life that
echoes in a mother's womb"

"The sound of love echoes at our heart
With a soulful beating"

"Let this beautiful moments
Cherish for eternity"

"A fresh new Sky glares at me"

"The first drop of rain
that touches my body"

"Purifies me and Transforms me"

"In the path of love"

"That resets life back to a clean slate"

"The love paints
the sky with new colours"

The baby is healthy
You are the one who is weak

Are you feeding her well?

Doctor! She never eats like
a small kid she's very adamant

After trying, I've become weak

Don't worry! Delivery will
happen before September th

If there is pain or bleeding in
the meantime, come immediately

- Will you come to the main bus stand?
- Yeah sure, sit down


Boss, I saw him

You think we'll leave you
if you hide at some foothills...

...after trapping us
to the police?

Catch him guys
Hold him tight, push him down




Why did you come here?
It's rocky out here!

I heard some noise

They are my friends
I'll be back! You go!

Come soon, got to cook for all
Have to go to the shop

Yes, we'll go

Showing all your tricks to me itself
I told you, I'll find and k*ll you, right?

Bro, I didn't have a project for
million that day, I lied

I didn't know a way to escape
from you, I escaped

Full of lies!

Having settled down with a girl...

If you don't give the money,
I'll k*ll you and your wife here itself


Please ask him to come back
I've that project today

Please tell him not to
do anything to my wife

Tell him, bro
Please bro!

Thilaga, stop!

Very nice food sister
Feels like staying here itself

Please do, brother

You have a big heart
So you said

My friend hasn't said a word...

The sky, moon and the stars

It's been so long
since I've seen all this, right?


Dear, who are they?

People I know!

Why have they come?
How do they know this place?

They have come asking for help,
I would have to go with them for few days

- What's this?
- Are you going to start again?

- They have come asking for help
- You're lying

Are you going to leave me
alone at this point?

See you

Thilaga, you stay back
Sister will need help, take care of her

Let's go

You know why I've kept him there, right?

If you fool around...

Just one phone call

He'll slit her!

We've reached Madurai
What are you going to do?

First! Just book a cottage
at some corner of the city

Then I'll tell you the plan

- Banu, can you hear me?
- Yes, I can hear you!

There is no problem, right?
If not, go to the hospital

- When will you come?
- I'll be back soon Banu

Come back soon

Hey, give the phone back!

From now on, whatever you do,
one of our guys should be with you!

Throw it

The money you asked for

- Give me water
- Careful, brother

Here your phone

Now tell me, what are
we going to do?

Rice pulling

Iridium (A) Rice pulling

Make them believe in
something that doesn't exist

Plant that belief in them

Reap money out of that belief


No, why did you ask?

Good! If understood, then I
should think of a new idea!

Ok, what next?

Eat and sleep early, we have
to go to the temple tomorrow

Will we start our business
after offering the prayers?

No baby
The job is at the temple only

Bro, we shouldn't believe him
We should be careful

Yeah, when the job is over
We have to k*ll both

- Bro!
- This is a million job

Surely it would be a big shot
We can't believe him!

If he gets us caught,
then we've to be cremated

Only if we k*ll both the husband
and wife, it's safe for us

Right bro, should ask
Thilagan to be careful

Your searching for this, right?
Here, brother!

Look, stop the vehicle where
that people are standing

Bro, having come to the temple,
why don't we go pray to the God?

If you want, you alone go

But make sure you don't get
caught in the temple camera

Because, have a look at that Kalasam
at top of the temple tower!

That is what we are going to rob tonight
That is why those have come

Give them thousand!

Give me the phone to take a photo

Here keep this carefully

Aaru, here?


Crush this and go
sell it to some corner of the city

Okay, bro

Are you a fool?
Why should we rob it?

And bought it for thousand
Just to destroy it?

years old Kalasam of
a temple tower has been stolen

I don't get what's happening

If we are lying, it should
have some truth in it

The product is ready, we should get a party
who is ready to buy this for million

Send them to look around Madurai for who
has the most poster number of posters

He is our target!

Moovendhar, granite business man,
billion rupees of asset

He's God fearing, will go to the Meenakshi
temple daily and then to office

And then to Astoria hotel bar
This is his Daily routine

He'll meet no one there

He's into a lot of mess right now
because of the Granite and family issues

We have to find
who he believes in

Magesh, his shadow

Moovendhar does all his illegal
activities through him

Lots of Moovendhar's important
issues get sorted at the fish farm

Real estate is his business

Palani, a police officer,
a relative of Moovendhar!

A name sake police!
Works for Moovendhar only

Mad after money
Doesn't easily trust anyone

Astrologer Santhankrishnan,
has no desire for money

This is why Moovendhar likes him,
Moovendhar consults him on everything

Daily he would speak
to these somehow

We should bring
those to our side


Hi Babu, how are you?

Have your seat, this is
Varadhan, this is Senthil

Our project is RP, and party is
Moovendhar Granite businessman

The easy way to
reach him is Magesh

Real estate is one
of his business

- Hello, Magesh
- Welcome, sir

- You the one who called?
- Yeah

Is this land good?

Not so small
I need acres of single land

Tell me! I saw the RP

Have discussed the rates
The rate I fixed only

Tell me if you want

- Then Magesh, how far?
- It's nearby only sir...

This is the place I told you it okay for you?

This looks like a pond

That's not a problem,
we have guys in the office

No, no, I follow the rules

Brother, Rate alone won't change
Just forwarding it'll give us of million

Don't miss this business
That is all I can say

This is owned by a NRI who I know
acres, is this ok?

It is very far from the city

It would be nice
if it was closer

It is there, sir
We'll see it!

The rate will never reduce

Getting an RP is a miracle,
make him understand

What does RP mean?

RP means Rice pulling
A very powerful thing

If one owns it
his life will change

All his problems will be rectified
and he will get to great heights

It's surprising to hear what you say

The land thing is a side business
The main business is RP!

If you have a party, you
can have % as commission

Ministers meeting, right?

We'll have it tomorrow, while meeting him
I need the files regarding the mines

Get Rs million as liquid cash ready

The astrologer has to
read this book somehow

Sir, careful

Here is your book

Be careful

Kalasam of a temple tower costlier
than kohinoor diamond has been stolen...

... years old

Move the files faster!

We need money immediately

Rs million

I heard about a thing called RP

Tell me Magesh

Brother is asking if could
have a casual meet with you

Can you come to his guest
house this Friday?

Moovendhar is ok
Friday meeting

So what next?
Everything is in your hands

Magesh is ok, what are we
going to do about the Police?

What's the plan?

- Vetrichelvan
- Ya what's it?

The kalasam from the temple
tower got stolen, right?

- It's with me
- What?

If you do what I say correctly,
I'll give you million

In a single payment

Tell me what to do

I thought he had been
drinking juice for a long time

Now only I get its all mixing

Who? He could sell off Yaman( God of death)
These people are nothing!

Very happy!

Guru, it's me, when the job is over
they'll try to do something

Do me a favor, there is a guy
called Thilagan with Banu

We must finish him first

When we get the money, as
planned let's k*ll him

Then take Banu to a safe place

He would have planned something else
I'll take care of that

Before that I need a help

Only if we k*ll his family we won't
have any problem in the future

Okay, brother

Babu will come along with a g*ng

This is no ordinary business
It's an ocean

- Why are we here?
- To buy a horse

Why should we come to
an iron store to buy a horse?

Horse means g*n

Why g*n?

The man we're going
to see is dangerous

The job is big, if we get caught its
our end, this is for out safety

How do you know this place?

When a common man can b*mb a place,
wont I know where to get a g*n

- Where are you going?
- Have to meet Siri

You alone go

Give that

Sit here
I'll tell to brother

Just wait for more days, it's my duty to
meet the minister and move the mine files

How many days will
you keep saying this?

- Bro, they've come
- I'll be there

Even the tea giving looks weird

Keep the horse ready
It will be needed any time

If you can think from your heart... can stop the evil deeds

- Greeting
- These are the details about RP

CM's son has bought it
It's surprising

ATK leader only bought the Meenakshi
Amman temple tower's Kalasam

After buying it only
has he grown so much

They thought he was useless

When the golden cap of the tower
reached his house...

...everybody is
in front of his house

It has a big demand
I've stopped it for you

Is it so powerful?

Sir, we'll talk about
this in detail...

They call it rice
pulling, because...

That is the process
to check its power!

That is, we have to keep
the golden cap in the center and...

...throw rice grains around,
the cap will pull it all to it!

That is, it should pull it!
That's why it's called Rice pulling

Questions like, how will
the Kalasam have such a power?

It is just a material,
will all arise

We place godly idols in
temple and pray them

The left over water from
the bathing of it cures diseases

Even if we just stand there,
we'll have no infections

There are always
vibrations around us

If its positive vibration, it is
good both for our and mind body!

If its negative vibration,
it will k*ll us!

We can even create these vibrations
Black magic is all negative vibrations

You might have heard
the Mantra 'OM'

It's not just OM

HUM it is!

The sound resonates from our mouth
without using the tongue!

When we say HUM and when we swear
we can realize a different reaction

Because, the words from our mouth
get dissolved into the air and remain

Gauging those sounds through
meditation and adding

powerful sounds is
what that makes mantras

By rendering those ordinary mantras to
a statue, we change it to a powerful God

That brings good deed to people
All the thousands of mantras said daily...

...change into a power that
directly goes to the Kalasam

For millions of times,
the power keeps spreading

While it changes into
a powered stream, thunder...

...and lightening strikes
it making it even more

...powerful and finally
becomes disastrous power

When he get's that power,
no big shot can dare to touch him!

Nobody can stop his growth
He can live like a king!

I'll ask my wife
and let you know


Women can never know about it

Importantly, nobody should know
about you buying this!

The sooner you decide
on your own, it's better!

- Ok, Samy
- But you just have one day

This is a rare piece, if you
get it you are fortunate

I'll let you know tomorrow

I'm impressed! How can
you bluff so efficiently?

What I said is not a lie

He talked many things, if I didn't
know him, I would've believed him!

Not a lie it seems...

I'm telling this again, if you lie,
there should be bit of truth in it

Only then it won't seem fake

If such a power reaches him,
no big shot can touch him!

Nobody can stop his growth
He'll live like a king

A priceless component called Iridium is
said to have been inside the Kalasam

There are no black marks on them

A phone from Moovendhar

Money is ready Swami!
When can the Kalasam be seen?

Day after tomorrow!
Full-moon day!

Power at its best
Will leave then!

Okay Swamy

- Cheta, make it ready
- Sure!

Keep it inside the vehicle

- Give it
- That's ok, bro

I'll chop it...
Sit down!

You'll never get angry?

Why anger?
Our life is very short

Within that how much love and
care we can share, is happiness

Life is all about realizing other's love
and make others realize our love, brother?

Please come

Come inside

Please come!

Please come in

(reciting prayers)

Do a pooja on every full-moon day

You are very fortunate!
Luck has favored you

Everything will be good

Ten sacks
Count it properly

I'll take leave swamy
Please come home

- Got lot to discuss!
- Will come for sure!

The game starts

Empty all the sacks dude!
Let's bath in the money...

I can't seriously believe this
He's a great man!

It's cold

Why are you playing with the money?

It's , we should go to
Madurai and give Magesh...

...and Palani their share,
and then let's go home

Won't give anyone the money

Bro, what do you mean?

You spying me?
I've k*lled him!

I'll k*ll you and
bury you next to him

Hold him tight

Banu, what happened?

Moorthy brother's auto is in the house
Go and get it to here

I'll go immediately

Bro, this isn't right

You are talking about it

Call Thilagan

Listen to me

- Viji, at least you tell them
- I'll break your mouth

His phone is not reachable

Keep trying, if he attends, tell him
to k*ll that girl and come to Madurai

Please listen to me bro
Don't do, bro

- Is Moorthy here
- He's gone out

- When will he come
- Only after p.m

I need a vehicle
Banu has got her labour pain

There is an Auto at Suresh's home

What happened, bro?

- Need an auto to go to the hospital
- I gave it for service two days ago

Go to the main road
You can find some vehicle!

Banu, couldn't get an auto

- It's paining a lot
- Just bear it

We'll get to the main road
From there we'll go to the hospital

Please bear the pain for a while

Get up
Sit carefully

Bear the pain, just close by!
Close by only!

Stop the car!
Let's buy some drinks

Take it, bro

Please bear the pain
Hold me tightly

- There is a pitfall, careful
- Hold me tightly

His phone is ringing!

If he picks up, ask him
to bury her and come soon!

Senthil please listen to me

- He is not attending
- Keep trying

Brother, I can't tolerate this pain
Leave me down!

We are close by

Leave me down please!

We'll go to the hospital soon

I need to talk to him
Give me your phone

It has fallen down somewhere
We are near the road

Get up! We can reach
the hospital soon

Come here!


Go and dig a pit for you
that could suit your height!

Bro, I gave you
the money as I said

Give me my part
I'll leave

Give it!

Stand up

Stretch your hands

Start the work

Make it quick

Bear the pain

I'll get a car!

Bro, Bro, Bro!

Go fast
Please sir!

He's going to travel
on the horse he bought

We've reached the hospital

Careful! Nurse bring
a stretcher quickly

Call the doctor

Is this how you bring her?
Sign here, it's a risky case

I have no belief in you
If your there...

- Get a foetus scope
- Okay, doctor

Hey, check if he has finished digging?

- He has dug deep
- Lift him

Stand here

I'm saying it for one last time Varadhan
Give me my share!

Money, right?

Varadhan, every lie
will have a truth

Every truth will have a lie

Before that I need a help

You alone go

I need g*ns

- One
- Fake, real

Thanks, Guru

I didn't dig this for me
It's for you three

Successful delivery

Both of them are doing fine!
You can go and see them!

Hey Thilaga...

Babu got a baby boy, brother

He has betrayed us

k*ll them both

It is a sin, brother

If you don't k*ll them, I'll come
there and k*ll all three of you

Give it!
Give it!

Ok, I'll do it

Your baby is born it seems

I told him to k*ll both

You shouldn't come here
Go outside

Tell where this place is

The PCO booth near Nimmampatty
government hospital

Stop! Where are you going?

Sir, my wife Banu was admitted here
I have to see her

Is he a fool, he admitted her, she gave
birth to a child and then both disappeared

- I'll just check once
- If you don't leave I'll call the police

Yesterday itself I had some
doubt during her admission

You k*lled my Banu
You k*lled my Banu!

I'll not spare you alive

I'll k*ll you

You k*lled my Banu!

- Look!
- I won't leave you

Listen to me

Don't sh**t!
Don't sh**t!


You're fine, right?

My friend!
My friend!


One minute

One minute

Here, all this for you
Take what you want

Take it
All this money is for you

If it's for money,
I would've k*lled her!


