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Godspeed (2016)

Posted: 09/05/23 16:21
by bunniefuu

I don't know how things turned out

this way

I suddenly remembered when Wu

took me to the airport this morning

Boss, have a good trip

This damn traffic

Our country's real great though

Twenty four hours, Big Bro

Places to eat, twenty four hours

And traffic jams, twenty four hours

Not a single day without traffic

I think I need a doctor

my bladder's going to bust

Spending all day in the car

Nothing's wrong with Wu, right?

Wu's fine

That day he took me to

the airport he told me have a good trip

That threw me off

Because usually when he takes me to

the airport

He'll say

When are you coming back?

When's your return flight?

How long after you met those Thais

did things turn out like this?

From the start they

took me somewhere new

Somewhere I'd never been

It wasn't long before

I felt something wasn't right

Then why the f*ck didn't you run?

How would I run?

Where to?

And then?

Then a bunch of guys came

And after that?

After what?

What I'm saying is

did you and that Edward Scissorhands

become friends in the end?

Grab him

How did things get so f*cked up?

My contact in Thailand ran into

a little trouble

So they started to suspect me

Anyway, the crowd he ran with

was real paranoid

If they started to doubt you

it usually wouldn't end well

Were you also dressed like

this that day?

Wearing these smartass glasses?

You want to say something?

We're friends

I respect you a lot

Stop suspecting me

I came a long way

to show you I respect you very much

You've done business

with me for so long

and your Thai is still shit

You say you respect me

But your pronunciation for "respect"

sounds like "d*ck"

Are you saying I'm a d*ck?

I respect you

Bring it here

Touch it

Touch it

Those f*cking Thais

Especially the dealers

They love to drop big money on rocks

Sometimes when they cut a rock open

It's nothing but a rock

But if they cut a rock

And inside there's jade

And if it's good jade

Holy shit

Then you hit the jackpot

Why'd they make you touch the rock?

You think there's anything inside?

I don't know

You don't need to know

You just need to say if there is

or there isn't

I don't know what to tell you

Some people say, those about to die

Will usually give the right answer


It's really in there

How did you guess there'd

be something inside?

He already spent so much money on

the damn thing

If I said no

He would've popped me right there

If I said yes

The way things were

I still had a chance

So was there anything inside?

There really was something in there

So you could say

that rock saved your life

You could say that

When will those goods be

ready to deliver?

Another two weeks

Is it that little punk again?


How do you know him?

Applied for the job

And you trust him?

It's a gut feeling

Gut feeling

Ah Wen

Where's m*therf*cking Ah Wen?

He had to go do something

Haven't seen a hair of his ass all day

That ugly ass monkey face m*therf*cker


Did you know

The past few years

when he first came here

I looked after him

He was like a guide dog even

a blind man wouldn't touch

I found out later

When he takes dr*gs

He's even more like a damn poodle

He'll jump all over you

Holy shit

f*cking twitching all over the place

Like someone's about pop

his ass any moment

Crazy as shit


What's the matter with you?

You keep f*cking staring

The f*ck are you looking at?

Is there a m*therf*cking ghost?

You know, you've had this problem for

a long time

I have a problem?

What's with you

Afraid if you come over

I'll f*ck you up?



You keep m*therf*cking staring

Making me nervous as f*ck

You've got a m*therf*cking illness

How long have we known each other?

15 years

Why is it in 15 years

You've never torn the

plastic off the sofa


What's wrong with my sofa?

Nothing wrong

It's just a little weird

I'm telling you

As long as you keep it wrapped

It's as good as new


But it looks old as balls now

Who're you saving a new sofa for?

We buy things so we can use them

Not to keep them feeling new

This isn't even a good sofa

You ever seen a good sofa

That has plastic wrap on it?


Don't judge my sense of style

You're making a personal attack


Wearing a f*cking white shirt all day

Dressed like some charity worker

Even if you don't wear clothes

Just because you don't wear it

Doesn't mean it'll stay new forever

What about my clothes?

I just f*cking like it this way

Your sense of style's quite special

Wearing a t*nk top with a gold watch

Holy shit

What's a watch have to do with



Don't look down on this watch

It's a Rolls-Jordan, yo

What's a Rolls-Jordan?

It's a partnership by Rolls-Royce

and Michael Jordan

Where did they partner?


Rolls-Royce and Michael Jordan

are in two different worlds

How would they partner?


Stop judging my tastes

Careful you don't piss me off

I'm not judging You

We have things so we can use them

Even if they get old or dirty

In the end, we get attached to them

But sitting on a plastic wrapped sofa

ls messed up

So what?

You're saying you want

to help me tear it open


I don't have anything else to do now


Holy shit

m*therf*cking pants stuck to the ass

It can't breathe like that

Tear it

Keep tearing it

Holy shit

Too amazing

Good as new

I don't even want to sit now

You move pretty fast

I'm smoking a motherfuckering cigarette

The f*ck you looking at?

I'm not here to see your pretty face

I came to tell you your boss wants you

The Wind's strong up here

Your cigarette ash is going to drop

The f*ck are you doing?

The f*ck are you doing?

m*therf*cker f*ck



Don't run



Damn fast on those stubby ass legs



Did you advertise for a delivery man?

Go to 100 Huayin Street,

behind the train station

Once you get there,

don't take the elevator

Take the stairs on the side

To the 9th floor

You'll see a lion

Open the door and go in

Keep going to number 906



Did you fall just now?

I forgot to tell you there's

a bump when you walk in

You don't need to keep looking

There's nothing to see

You've done anything before?

I was in auto parts

Our business is simple

Delivering goods

About once every two weeks

Think about it

Hang up and go downstairs

Take the stairs again

There'll be a noodle stand by

the entrance downstairs

Eat a bowl of noodles there

Make sure to order the pork

and pickle noodles



A pork and pickle noodles


m*therf*cker can't you read?

We only sell beef noodles

Pork and pickle noodles


At four in the morning, go to

a sauna on the east side

There won't be many customers then

You can sauna half an hour

After the sauna you can order

breakfast there


I recommend you don't eat it

Because the breakfast there's disgusting

You need to get up around six

Anyone want a towel?

After you wake

Take your key

and open a new locker

Inside will be what you want

A new set of clothes


Where to?

Young boss

Young boss

f*ck you

What the f*ck's this for?

Can you drive?

Young boss



I don't smoke myself


Young boss, where are you headed?

I'm just off work

If it's on my route back

I can give you a discount

It's not on the route

Young boss's headed far?

Airport and train stations are on my way

I'm going down south

Going down south,

it's best to take my car

Young boss

You know what's most important

for driving long distances?

The most important's not to look for

Some shiny new car

You got to find someone like me

A driver you can make conversation with



Like that driver just now

Yelling at the slightest move

What if you drive halfway

And he picks a fight with you?


Is down south on your way?

On my WHY

We'll pass right by my house


Young boss

I'll give you the cheapest fare

Going south

I'll charge you the 150 km to Taichung

After Taichung, no charge

300 km there and back

1 km is 25N 300 km's exactly 7500N Plus the 70NT minimum fare

And tolls and gas fees

I'll count them as just 1500 N In total it'll only be 9070N That's the cheapest

That's the cheapest

Young boss

On top of that

As a personal service

I won't charge when you're on the clock

I'll wait while you take care of business

And after that I'll drive you back

Young boss, young boss

How about this

9070N I can take 9500NT instead

I don't need the 70N Make a new friend

Make a new friend

Big Bro

Feeling all right?

You can call me Old Xu

Xu, spelled X-U

Not S-H-U

You don't have to spell it, I know

No big deal

It's easier to spell it out

I was driving all night last night

You drove all night and you're still taking

me this far out?

No big deal

I'm used to it

Wait a moment

Take the interchange

Rest up and get gas

I've been a driver twenty years

There won't be any issues

You're not a native here

Young boss's real sharp

You can tell just by listening

Over twenty years ago,

I came from Hong Kong

I can't be considered a

Hongkonger by now

I count as Taiwanese

Can you watch the road when you talk?

I'm just happy to talk to you

Why come to Taiwan?

Hong Kong's no good?

It's been so long

I've forgotten it all

Daily life, though

It's all the same over there

Can't say one side's

better than the other

Or the other side's better than the one

No such thing

Big Bro

Can you turn up the air conditioning?

Not cool enough?

You young people nowadays

Can't stomach the slightest hardship

When we were young,

there was no air conditioning

Never heard of it

A light breeze on your face,

that was paradise

Young boss

Listen to me

If you want to succeed

In the future

There's three things

young people need to do

That is to

Suffer Suffer Suffer

You can only succeed

if you grow up with suffering

Then you'll understand

the meaning of hardship

Want a taxi, bro?

What's the fare?

Depends where you're going

We charge by taxi meter

Taxi meter


Taipei to Kaohsiung?

Taipei to Kaohsiung is 7000

To Tainan?


Tainan's a thousand less

Just 6000

Even with tolls

Even with tolls?

Everything included

How new's your car?

Seven, eight months

So new

About eight months old

Not bad

All right

I'll ask for your car next time

Young boss

What time you want to arrive?


It's still early

Want to eat something before hitting

the road?

So many people are in line over there

There should be something tasty to eat


This isn't a restaurant


There's nothing to eat here

Excuse me, do you

Oh, we thought there was food here

No, no

Uhh, that

I got the message yesterday morning

I rushed over at dawn


My father passed away last night

Oh right, this...


Maybe the messenger was sensitive

What happened to him?

My father passed

very suddenly last night

May I ask where you're from?

I'm from Taipei

My father had a lot of

Taipei friends when he was alive

He doesn't keep in touch with them

as much now

How did you and my father...

We were friends despite our ages

When your father was younger

he helped me out

Thank you




Come on

Aren't they

usually only

given at the funeral ceremony?

Every place has its own customs

Don't feel forced

It's the thought that counts





I wasn't prepared to present it

right away

My money's in the car


I'll go back and get it

I'll come with you

It's fine, it's fine

It's fine, wait a moment

I'll be back in a minute

You stay here

Stay and watch

I had nothing to do with that shit

Bro, don't blame me

You wanted to get out of the car

and look yourself

So many places you could've looked

And you had to stop in the boondocks

What is this sh*thole?

What're you going to eat here?

Nothing to eat here but

bullshit and birdshit

What's there to eat?

You tell me

What can you eat?

Damn it all to hell

Nearly f*cked me over

If you're going to look

Don't look in a g*dd*mn funeral

Someone's father died Big Bro

Someone's father died

Dead dad, f*cking great choice

Lining up for good eats

I'll beat your ass

Someone's dead dad,

and you're lining up to eat

The f*ck are you doing?

Head up your own ass

Serves you right

None of my business

Dirty criminals

Lowlifes terrorizing decent folk


Cash has been tight recently



Your Taipei friends came to see you


What should I call you?

What's your name?

I'm Little Xu

It's spelled X-U

Not S-H-U


There's no entrance fee

to see Chiang Kai-Shek's grave

Look at a stranger's corpse

and it costs 2500

You were gone so long

I thought you wouldn't come back

I'll add the 2500 to your fare

The total's 12,000

What fare?

You were the one who wanted to eat

Why am I paying it?

We should've cleared out a lot sooner

Why the hell did we stay?

Young boss

You couldn't have left

You know what?

If you ran

They would've all chased you down

and k*lled you

No joking


All right

I'll be generous

That 2500

I'll pay 1000

You pay 1500

The total's 11,000

The total's 11,000

1000, 1500?

I'm not paying anything


I didn't want to take your taxi in

the first place

Now what

Anything that happens is my fault?

Okay, okay. okay

Forget about it

Let's not talk about it anymore

Could you give me some cash

in advance?

Let's say

4000N Upfront?

Not even halfway there and you want

an advance

And I don't even have money

on me now

No money

Why would you take my taxi

with no money?

I already told you

I've got no money on me

Even if I had money back there

I wouldn't give it to them

When I'm finished with business

I'll have money

I'll give it to you then

Have you ever heard

of paying a taxi upfront?

With your car this shitty

Did I bitch when you pulled

a 9000NT fare out of your ass?

Don't insult my car, all right?

I maintain it regularly, excuse me

Then cut the bullshit

Keep driving

Anyway when it's time

I'll get you the money


I'll get you the money

Young boss

To tell the truth

I've been too good to you

Just now I was making a run for it

But then I thought it over

and decided to come back to save you

If I hadn't come back

The one lying on display back there

Could've been you, you know?

You understand

what the hell they're doing?


Why would they turn up

at someone's funeral?

Don't know

Meeting a friend

Anything weird like this happen before?


Looked like that taxi driver

was about to run off just now

Something's strange today

Call Kaohsiung and

tell Blackie to ready a car

And borrow two of his men

All right

Young boss, have a steamed bun

That'll be 100N f*ck

Didn't know you had

a damn cafeteria on board

When I got left the car just now

you said you didn't want any

Now you're looking hungry

Okay, okay, I won't charge you

Here, here, take it

No charge

Young boss,

you travel north to south often?


How long you've been doing it?

Over a year

Hire a ride each time?


Did you pay each time?


Only this time's different

Aren't you the one who f*cked it up?

It's not my fault

I meant for us to just grab a bite

and then hit the road

I couldn't do anything about it


When I'm done with business

I'll help you pay that 2500

Why's there someone

following behind us?

Must be your imagination

How was the hospital visit?


If it's fine, why were you knocked out

for two days?

The doctor said lots of people actually

get that symptom

Anyway, I underwent a few tests

Twenty one plus two

Twenty three

Twenty three plus one

Twenty four

Twenty four plus two

Twenty six

Twenty six plus three


Thirty plus two

Thirty two

Thirty two plus three

Thirty five

Thirty five plus one

Thirty six

Thirty six plus two

Thirty eight

Thirty eight plus one

Thirty nine

Thirty nine plus two


Forty plus one

Forty one

Is this the first time?


How do you get better?

If the doctor said it's fine, then it's fine


Young boss

You're dreaming

Hey hey hey


Wait for me here

I'll be back soon

What if you're not?

I'll be back

Let's go together

Wait for me here

Ten minutes

Twenty, at most

Young boss

Look at my face

Take a good look

Do I look like a fool?

All right

A lot of people go in

Then run out the back

I don't mean you, of course

Let's go together

If you come with me

The people inside aren't

going to be happy

If they aren't happy

You might not get your money

I'll give you your money

as soon as I'm out

You'll take me back to Taipei

Hey hey hey




What're you looking at?

This is because you didn't f*cking prepare

the pins well

What're you looking at?

How is it?

Not bad,eh?

What're you looking at?

Hurry and set it up

The f*cking hell's wrong with you?

Brother Tuo




Holy shit

What's up?

How did you get here today?

Kuo-Kuang Bus or police car?



You must be the world's

smartest m*therf*cker

Making deliveries in a taxi


Your boss f*cking likes you

The other day he was buttering

your ass up all day

But that bastard's weird

Thinks I've got bad taste

Told me to tear

The plastic off this sofa

How does it look?

It's good

It's good

No wonder he likes you


Can you hurry the f*ck up?


Ah Cai

Can you move faster?

What, are you giving birth?

How is it?

Are you f*cking having fun over there?

How is it?

f*ck you, is how.

Holy shit

Not bad,


Have a smoke

What the f*ck are you

standing there for?

Bring the money here

Check it

It is real money

Ahh, Brother Tuo

Are you all on vacation today?

Why's there no one outside?

You're f*cking crazy

Vacation my ass, holy shit

Ah Wen?

I asked you where's f*cking Ah Wen?

He said he's busy, he'll come later


One of these days,

we'll have to fix his ass


Brother Tuo


I'm truly sorry

It's late almost a week

But the stuff's real good this time

It's very different

It's still the same

Ahh, have you tried it?

I'm not about to f*cking try it

I told Ah Cai to try it

Just seeing him in high spirits

I can tell it's good stuff


You must have been f*cked over

by that,that what's-his-name,

That Thai m*therf*cker


When I came back from my trip

to China last week, something came up

So then

I wanted to call you immediately

What was it?

I went to Henan to meet a friend, right?

He took me to his old family home

Introduced me to his old man

That old man was seventy-something

When I came over

They were just having lunch

Then that old man brought a bowl

of noodles in

He grabbed some food

Then hauled a bench outside

You know what he did with that bench?

Did he take it outside to sit on,

while he ate?

How can you be so dumb?


I'll give you another chance

Try and guess

You know what he did with the bench?

He must have used

it as a table to eat on

I'll tell you

Once he took that bench outside

He squatted right on top

of the damn thing to eat noodles

What a f*cking joker



You know

When he took that bench

Why he was squatting on it?

I'll find you later

You know why?

I don't know

You don't know why, do you?

You think you can live past today?

You think you'll live

to m*therf*cking 1400 years old?

Want to k*ll these two as well?

k*ll one dealer

The police won't give a shit

k*ll two

The police can look the other way

But k*ll three

And the police will come for you

Through hell and high water

Your brain's not busted on dr*gs, is it?

Let's go

What're you still doing here?

You want a hand?


Tell Blackie

Get some more men out here

I don't care what it costs

I want these guys caught


It's my first time riding a Mercedes

It's so steady

So quiet

Tomorrow's my birthday

Did you know?


How would I know?

Driving around today

I kept wondering


Should I go eat steamed dumplings?

What's to wonder with dumplings?

Just go eat them

It's not that simple

Young boss

You know how much I make a day?

After paying for gas

1200N I have to bring home 1200NT each day

Any extra, I get to keep

If I make less

I have to pay the difference

You know, in Taipei

There's a great steamed dumpling place

A lot of Japanese go there


Last year on my birthday

My wife

My kid

And my old mother-in-law

We went together

To eat steamed dumplings

To celebrate my birthday

That day

The place was packed

I let them off first

So they could take a number

In fact, there was a parking lot nearby

But I wouldn't park

It was too expensive

On principle

I don't park in any illegal spaces

or pay parking lots

That day

I searched all day before finding

a free parking space

After parking I realized

It was a long way from the

dumpling place

I ran back to the dumpling place

And saw my family from afar

Still waiting in line

I thought

It's been so long

And our number hasn't been called?

Then I noticed

the looks on my wife

and mother-in-law's faces

Those expressions

Were nasty

I thought

I'd comfort them

So I said It's fine

It'll be our number soon

My wife

Giving a dirty look

Said to me

We've finished eating

And waited for you a long time

We've finished eating

And waited for you here a long time

A long time

I saw that

They weren't holding anything

Didn't order me

Any carry-out


I was stunned

Didn't know what to say

I said



Wait another minute

I'll fetch the car to pick you up

You know what my wife said?

No need

We can call a taxi

Mom Let's go


What's that supposed to mean?

I drive a taxi

I drive a taxi

She said that, my wife said that

What did she mean ride a taxi home?

I don't remember

if I ate anything that day

I kept driving until dawn


Young Boss

Today thank you for helping me

Make a decision today

If I live past today

Tomorrow I'll definitely

go eat steamed dumplings

Old Xu

Look around

See if there's a toolbox

Check if there's a screwdriver

Seems like there's

something under my foot

Kick it over


Can't reach it

Don't kick so hard

How do you kick this thing?

Young Boss

Young Boss

If we die here

Will they think

We were lovers committing su1c1de?


This is your new phone

Don't go back to Taipei yet,

find someplace and sit tight

For how long?

I don't know

I'll tell you when it's time

Are you okay?

Should be okay

What does that mean?

My thigh hurts

Get that checked out somewhere

If you were shot

Absolutely do not go to a hospital

Then where do I go?

Find a small clinic

I'll contact you later



Move a little farther

Move a little farther

Go in

Go in

Careful, your blood

Don't get it on my leather chair

Young boss

I'm telling you this ahead of time

If we go to a hospital later

And they have to operate

Surgery, whatever

I don't have money to pay

I'll take you back to Taipei now

You're on your own after that

Take me back to Taipei?

Why not just send me to

the First Funeral Parlor

You mean the Second Funeral Parlor

Why the Second?

The First is for big sh*ts

For bodies who are somebody

You're a body who's a nobody

They'll send you straight to Second


Hurry up and take me somewhere

with a doctor

My boss told me not to go to hospitals

If they find out those

are g*nsh*t wounds

They could report to the cops

If not hospitals, then where?

How should I know?

Find a pharmacy, get me bandages

for the bleeding

If it gets worse, I'll figure something out

What if the doctor says we need

to amputate?

What the hell?

I keep turning and turning, there's no exit

It's like a maze here

There's no street signs or anything

I keep getting lost, can't find the way

They should sh**t a horror movie here

How'd we arrive at this kind of place?

Who's gonna talk first?


what'd you drag us out here for?

Is this fun to you?

Playing hero?


If you have the guts,

k*ll me with one shot

I'm the one who

f*cking fixed Brother Tuo

The f*cking bowling

Training for the f*cking World Cup?

I'm telling you, don't mess with me

I know a Thai guy

He has a custom when taking care

of his enemies

He does two things

The first

is to wear a helmet

The second

ls to put their throats between

a pair of scissors

Look at my neck

He gave me this scar last time

I was in Thailand

But I pulled through

Now he's friends with me

If you can pull through this too

Maybe even we can be friends

Ah Wen

Even though I hated you in the past

Every time I met Brother Tuo

I wanted to tell him

To keep an eye out for you

But I didn't want

to talk shit about others

in front of my friend

You k*lled my friend

Who said you could do that?

You might still have a chance,

depending on what you say

If I talk

I'll have no chance

Brother Wen


I'm warning you genuinely not to move

I mean it

Brother Wen

Don't move

Brother Wen, are you all right?

We're not finished yet

I'm done bullshitting with you

You don't talk

And you'll die

I won't k*ll you with one shot

I'll saw your head in two

Ah Wen

Who is it?

Red Eye

Or someone else

It's Red Eye

Red Eye says

When this shit's finished

Give me Brother Tuo's share

He says he'll come talk to you

As long as business can continue

Everyone should have no problem

I know everyone calls you Endless Ash

You're always happy

When you can smoke a cigarette

to the very end

Without the ash breaking

Ah Wen

Here's a cigarette

Smoke it

If the ash doesn't break

I'll spare you

Ah Wen

You better smoke this one good

And be careful

Don't make this

the last cigarette you ever smoke

I don't care what bullshit befalls

you after this

Don't send me your obituary

I know you won't die a good death

I furthermore know

That after you die

Even if all 23 million people

of Taiwan pray for you

You'll never reincarnate

Young man

This looks to be a g*nsh*t wound

Most hospitals would report

this to the cops

But here

The police won't give a damn if cats

or dogs get shot

You're lucky

the b*llet only grazed you only

The b*llet didn't lodge inside

If it was stuck inside

We might

Have to operate

If it was lodged too deep

Near an artery

I wouldn't be able to do anything

This medicine won't have problems,


What problems would there be?

Cats and dogs

Are they not also flesh and blood?

What problems would there be?

When I'm hurt, I use this medicine too

There's no problem with

different body types?


As long as you don't give dog medicine

to humans orally

For wounds, it's not so bad

I'll give you antibiotics in a minute

Didn't you say dog medicine

is different from humans?

Antibiotics aren't so bad



How much is the total?


There's a standard fee for pets

For humans

I don't know

How about 1500?

So expensive

That's not expensive

A dog would be charged more

For a dog as big as you

Do you take health insurance?

Health insurance?

Dogs don't have jobs,

why would they have insurance?

This is a pet hospital

Old Xu

Old Xu

Old Xu


Do you have money?

The medical bill's 1500

Isn't it 150NT to see a doctor?

They don't take health insurance

Got everything with you?

Don't let that touch water

Didn't your father teach you

to carry money when you go out?

He left the day I was born

Back then, my mom left me this photo

And told me it was my dad

Were you sick as a kid?


This man

ls tall and handsome

Doesn't look at all like he's your dad


Since morning,

I've only eaten a steamed bun

Haven't had a drop of water

Money's gone now, too

It's no problem

Anyway, money's meant to be spent

I know you're no angel

But, really, I believe

It doesn't matter if someone's

had a bad past

What's most important

ls afterwards

To be a good person

Live in peace

Whatever you do,

don't take some guy's f*cking picture

And say

It's your dad


How was the doctor?

Just a scratch

Listen to me

Turn around right now

Follow this road backward

Drive about half an hour or so

You'll see a sign

To Kouhu Township

You'll see a Jizo statue

Then turn left,

and not long after you'll hit a levee

Turn right following the levee,

then turn left at the first fork

You'll see that Mercedes

There'll be someone there to receive you

We have two packages stashed

in the car

You need to take those

two packages and go

Back to Taipei

Take it to the old spot

Put it somewhere safe

You understand?

Why didn't we take the

goods and money

straight back to Taipei?

The farther we are from it, the better

If we're too close

and something happens

We won't be able to get away


You let Brother Wen go like that

You're not worried he's going

to come for us someday?

Ever since I visited Brother Tuo that time

I always thought Ah Wen was odd

I just didn't think

something would happen so fast

Brother Tuo's already gone

His death brings me pain

But would k*lling one or two more

Relieve that pain?

I don't think so

In our line of work

If someone comes looking for us

Or someone comes to k*ll us

Would one more

Ah Wen make a difference?

In a little While, I'll talk with Red Eye

If we can continue doing business

We'll do business

If we can't do business

We'll see what happens then

What is it?


What is it? Say it

That day I took you to airport

I told you, have a good trip

I just suddenly felt like wishing you

a smooth journey

There was no special meaning

Why'd you suddenly bring this up?

Brother Tuo called me recently

I don't know how he got my number

He never called me before

He talked about other stuff first

Then he said

When you told your boss

to have a good trip

It seems you made him concerned

He told me to find a chance

to explain it to you

Do you believe people can live

to 1400 years old?

Holy shit

Too amazing

Good as f*cking new

I can't bear to sit on it

You move pretty f*cking fast

You know what?

A few days ago my phone rang

I took one look

Turns out it was a reminder

for my birthday

Holy shit

I only just f*cking realized

I'm already fifty years old

Afterwards I was bored

I kept checking my cellphone

Damn thing jumped past the year 3000

Then the f*cking display said

I was 1400 years old

Are these calendar programmers

Sick in the head?

1400 years old

You're being too emotional

I'm not m*therf*cking emotional

I just don't like people mocking me

f*cking 1400 years

They're m*therf*cking mocking me

They think I don't know

How long I can live?

Can we turn back?

Young Boss

I don't care where you go anymore

I'm out of strength

I can't go on driving

If you pay or not

It doesn't matter

Then can I borrow your car?


Can I borrow your car?

Can you borrow my car?

Can you borrow my car?

I'll tell you

Twenty years ago,

times were bad in Hong Kong

I was still young

I had this idea

Why not go see the world outside?

I ended up going a lot of places

Finally came to Taiwan

Settled down without much thought

Someone said

Driving a taxi makes good money

And you can learn the language

I bought a car right away

This car here

Year after year passed

I haven't made money

Haven't learned the language well

You could tell from listening right away

I soon met my wife

We married

Had a child

It's damn bullshit been over twenty years

I don't know how the time passed

I don't have any ideas now

I just tell myself each day

If I can drive another year, I'll drive

If I can drive another day, I'll drive

Hong Kong's pretty close to Taiwan

I used to go back once in a while

to see friends

See relatives

Not anymore

But in Taiwan

I have a home

And a wife, and a kid

I don't know why

I feel like my possessions grew fewer

and fewer

The only one thing

I'm certain I have now

Is this car

Even though it's a little worn

A little Old

No one would flag it down in daylight

Including you

But that's fine

I can drive at night

They can't tell at night

They just see headlights

Can't see it's a rundown car

By the time they wave me down

There's no problem

They'll get on

They feel obliged

The truth is,

we were born without possessions

I think, to be able to have this car

ls already a great fortune

What was your question again?



Young Boss

I'm really exhausted

You've got two choices now

The first, is stay here

And wait for me to wake up

Or else go on by yourself

Dear Listeners

Our program is near the end again

Today we want to play the song

"Subaru" by Shinji Tanimura

as a farewell to our friends

We look forward to meeting you

in the air tomorrow

Wish everybody happiness

Thank you and goodbye

Thirty nine plus two


Forty plus one

Forty one

Forty one plus two

Forty three

Forty three plus three

Forty five

Forty five plus two


Forty seven

Forty seven plus three


Fifty plus two

Fifty two

Fifty two plus one

Fifty three

Fifty three plus three

Fifty six

Fifty six plus two

Fifty seven

Fifty seven plus three


Sixty plus one

Sixty one

Sixty one plus two

Sixty three

Sixty three plus three

What's this for?

It's for you

I don't need this much money

I came here to give you the money


I finished my business a while ago

But I needed to wait for

the breakfast shops to open

It took some time to buy

steamed dumplings

How'd you know I'd still be here?

I didn't know

I assumed you were so tired

You ought to have slept a while

Either way, if you weren't here when

I returned

I'd drive around to search

If you'd really gone

I'd look you up back in Taipei

How'd you get there yesterday?

Stole someone's car

It was that late

And there were still cars to steal?

I just had to look around

It's still hot

Eat up

Old Xu

Happy birthday