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04x08 - Multitasking

Posted: 03/27/13 01:24
by bunniefuu
Male Announcer: Previously, on Republic of Doyle.

Allison Jenkins. This is Jake Doyle.

He's a private d*ck.

d*ck, huh?

I told you to get this car fixed!

The car is fine.

Meet my boyfriend, Jake.


I'm having you sent away.

You are gonna rot in Vancouver.

Monica: Katrina.

What about that
special assignment I gave you?

Spying on my uncle?

You need to be able to separate the professional from the personal.

What do you think your uncle would do, if he knew I was your father?

He'd wanna k*ll me, wouldn't he?


I am your niece's father.

Can you repeat what you just said to me?

Jake. What's wrong?



Duke it up good!


Leslie: Kevin Crocker is not pressing charges.

But Jake, he could.

And so could we.


The police, Jake.

Yes we, the police. Remember?

I feel like you guys are over-reacting, okay?

The whole thing was just like...

Basically, it was like a huge misunderstanding.

You att*cked a prisoner.

You smashed through a glass partition.

And att*cked a prisoner. Your ex-partner in custody.


Answer your phone, for the love of God.

It's probably, you know, a client.


Jake. I really need your help.


Who is this?

It's Allison.

It's bad Jake.

It's really, really bad.

I really need you.

Listen, I used to be the king of the drunk dial.

What you need to do right now, is go back to bed.

And go to sleep.

No. I'm speaking of--
With your father.

It's escalated very quickly.


Allison, what are you talking about?


Uh, Al --


As in now Judge Allison Jenkins?

And your ex-girlfriend?


I think, actually, that she was drunk.

Does than make any sense to you?

It's nine a.m.

And honestly, I really don't care.

Back to Crocker.

Okay. There were--are-- circumstances.

There's a lot more going on than you realize.

And why would you share that with your girlfriend?


Leslie. Come on. I know --

You know what I know?

How serious this is.

Imagine if the media finds out that we've given you a free pass with Crocker.

I appreciate what you did for me.

We need to lay low for a few days, Jake.

Don't make any waves.


Kyla: Hiya Jakey.

How's things?

Hi Kyla.

Oh. I heard about this.

Did you pound the crap out of your ex-partner in custody?

Ha, ha, ha. No. No. That's ridiculous.

I don't know where you heard that.

Listen. I actually --

I'm not supposed to be talking to you.

I mean, to the press. I can't.

You will, and are.

See I want a story.

And you owe me.

I want to do a piece on you and your work.

And I'm gonna follow you around all day, until you say yes.

Yeah. That's not gonna happen.

Come on Jake. It'll be fun.


See I used to date one of the guards you punched.

So I kind of have the scoop.




This better be good.

Jake. I'm in serious trouble.

And I need your help.

Walter? What are you talking about?

What do you mean?

Uh, promise me you won't call the cops.

Walter what happened?

Uh, I'm kind of in a noose that is probably going to k*ll me.

Oh, that's just great.

♪ Oh yeah. ♪
♪ Oh yeah! ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ Oh yeah, ee-yeah, ♪ ee-yeah, ee-ah ♪
♪ Oh yeah, ee-yeah ♪
♪ ee-yeah, ee-yeah ♪
♪ Oh yeah! ♪

Please get me down. Please.

Hold on.

Now what did you do to end up like this?

Might I ask, Mr. ...

Crown Prosecutor?

What are you --? Are you that Kyla?

Is she that Kyla missus?

You brought the media?

I wish I could explain that to you.

I do.

[Walter chokes]

Walter. Just --


It's just a day in the life.

Get me out of this thing!

Jake's cool under pressure.



How did you end up here in a strip club with a noose tied around your neck?

I met a gal.

She's perfect.

She's so into me.

Yeah, you shoulda known something was wrong there, buddy.

Okay, slow down.

Do you have any idea who this girl is?

And did you know her, or --

Naw. I don't know her name.

She invited me here, after closing.

For free.

We ah -- Just -- had a drink.

Stop right there.

I'm going to need you to go outside.


Go on.

I ended up tied to this... thing willingly.

And one thing led to another.

And then, I end up totally unsatisfied.

And she bails. With all of my files.


Whatcha got here?


Yeah. And I gotta get 'em back.

Or I'm a dead man.

This is a really big case.

Where did you meet her?

Martini Bar.

Got her number.

Walter, look. I'll tell you what.

And I'll try to help you find these files.

But do me a favour, alright?

Think next time, before you perv.

Kyla: Busy day.

So where do I start?

P.I. almost kills ex-partner in custody? Or --

P.I. handles work-load elegantly.

Up to you.


If we're gonna do this, you have to promise me.

You're not going to write about my cases.


I promise --

[Phone rings.]

I won't write about your cases.

And you have to trust me.

No choice.

I am turning this on vibrate.


I've been calling you since last night.

You know Rose and I are leaving for your great aunt and uncle's anniversary now, right?

Just relax, okay?

Did Allison Jenkins, by any chance, call you a while back, looking for some help?

Yep. That's why I'm calling.

Dough ball head.

What did she want?

Security. Felt there was a threat coming her way.

I tried to follow up with her.

But she said it was resolved.

But she just left me five voice mails.

Did she sound, ahem, like she was a bit off?

Like she was, you know, drunk, to you?

Yeah. Get on it.

We already know she has an abusive ex-husband.

Rose left you a file.

Some research we did about her possible threats last week.


On my desk in the office.

Call her.


Okay. Jake's gonna be fine, alright?

Let's just go try and enjoy ourselves.

And I will knock you out and drag you there myself, if I have to.

You make a compelling case.

So, I'm already to go.

And don't worry.

I travel light. We're gonna have some time.

No. We're not.
'Cause you're not coming.

Go away.

Help Jake out in whatever mess he's in.

Like his partner?

Yeah. Sure. Good.


We're gonna need to set up some ground rules.

[Phone buzzes]

Go ahead. I have some calls to make.

I gotta check in with my editor.

Don't miss me too much.

Yea What do you want?

Jakey b'y. What's the new game plan?

Baseball T's or stripes?

Des. What are you talking about?

Well, Mal and Rose really wanted me to go around the bay with them.

And I was like: No, I totally want to stay with Jake.

We should coordinate outfits, I said.

Okay, look. I'm gonna text you a phone number.

Okay? I need you to find out who it belongs to.

It's very, very important. Got me?

Feel like and update?

You're late Jake.

[Phone buzzes]


I am. And --

Uh, And you?

You are?

Being ignored.

--For paper.

Colleen Simms. The bartender let me in.

We had an appointment.

To meet about an issue.

A stalker.

The bartender let you in?

I need you to monitor my house.

Keep an eye on me.

Make sure he doesn't hurt me.

I'm sorry. I'm a little behind today.

This stalker. Do you have any idea who he is?

Not yet. But he's out there.

Oh. So the stalker doesn't exist.

What are you? Psychic?


Yes. And-- trust me.

Something's going to happen, with you and I together.

Something exciting.

Right. Listen.

Keep an eye on this address.

Oh, my.

A lot of lines.

You're a trustworthy person.

A lot of burden. And... some love.

Yes A love.

Used to be more.

Pity it won't work out, though.

Leslie. Hi.


Hope I'm not interrupting?

No, no, no.

She was just--

She was reading my future.

Well, maybe she can tell me the exact day you're gonna get me fired.

Helps to be prepared.

Find him.

Okay. But I have no idea who him is.

Whatever. It's just-- ahem, a client.

[Phone buzzes.]


And the reporter downstairs?

Oh. She's just a massive, [Phone buzzes] massive pain in --

You know, it's just... It's not here.

What's not?

There's a file that I'm looking for.

About a case. You know.

Dad's gone around the bay. So I'm here.

And I gotta mind the shop. You know how it goes.

I just --

I'm sorry about earlier.

That's okay. What's that saying?

Let's just kiss and make out?

What do you think?


[Phone rings.]


Uh... Sorry.

It's okay. Why don't I answer it?

I could be your secretary for the day.

Now that's an idea I could get behind.


But no. You know what?

I should probably --
Hold please.

Probably just-- hold --

I should take this call myself.

Because it's a case that Dad is kinda worried about.

Your father is worried about?

What? Yeah.

Okay. You're working.

I should go.

[Phone buzzes]


You know what? Let's just make later now?

You know?

[Ring. Ring.]

I'm sorry.

It's okay.



[Ring. Ring.]

See ya.

Is this you?

Oh Jake. Thank God.

We got cut off. I really need your help.

Allison, are you okay? Are you in danger?

Where are you?

Listen Jake. People -- very dangerous people are trying to k*ll me.

What people? What are you--

Look, Dad-- He was supposed to have a file here about all of this.

But it's not here I think that I've been drugged on something.

I don't know what is going on, Jake.

Allison. Look around.

See if you can find a landmark.

Try and tell me where you are.

See what I'm involved in--

It goes high up the ranks.


Political figures.

So whatever's happened between us, Jake, I know that you can keep me alive.

Des: Jake.

What a coincidence.

Us meeting here like this.

Oh, that's--

I don't know how this happened --


Our outfits.

Allison. Where are you?

Tell me where you are.

I'm at a school near Howley.

I think it's abandoned.

Okay. I'm on my way.

Thank you Jake.

Allison? Jenkins?

See, that's why I don't talk to my exes.

Des. You don't have any exes.

I've been known to be a ladies' man from time to time.


Tinny's super pissed with you for beating up her super, kidnapping, criminal dad.

I got you this.

Oh, and I checked out that phone number.

It belongs to a bar downtown. A martini bar.

Walter met a girl there. She stole his files.

I need you to call him. Get her description and follow up.

I'm on it. Oh, and --

I was thinking, when Mal Rose get back, Maybe we could, you know, do our own little getaway.

Just the boys.

Jake. Let's go.

It's a nice look.

Looks a little loose.

You want me to take it in a bit?

I think it fits perfectly.

Big day coming up?


I can't believe I'm gonna graduate.

I thought I would have flunked out by now.

Well now you sound like your mother's daughter.

I'm a cop.

A police woman.

Oh, it's messed up.

I'm so proud of you.

You did good.

Yeah. Someone needs to tell that to uncle Jake.


He's so proud of you.

What are you talking about?

Not that.

He needs to know that I know what I'm doing.

With my father.

What he did to Kevin Crocker.

It seems extreme.

But they have a sordid past.

Jake was --

Jake was just thinking about you.

He was protecting you.

If you ask me, Jake used me as an excuse to beat the pulp out of Crocker.

That's not what happened.


He's acting like a lunatic.

Like a total freak.

Well you might be right. He is a freak.


Are we gonna get on 'er the night of my grad?

Or what?

Mom and daughter.

Tear up the town.

Yes now.

So, we're here to see Judge Jenkins.

Isn't she an ex?

Why does she live in a school?

We dated. Yes.

And obviously, she doesn't live in a school.

She's hiding here.

Hiding exes. Man your closet is deep.

You're like a reporter's dream.

[Phone buzzes]

Honest to God.

I'm gonna throw this thing into the harbour.

What? What? What? What?

Where are you Jake?

I'm looking for your-- you know, files and stuff.


And Jake.

Do not leave this with Des, alright?

This is important.


Please. Okay, I'm doing my best today.

I'm just --

Give me a break.



You need a hug.

I need a what?

Jake. There isn't a moment where someone isn't pissed at you, punching you, or just plain wants to k*ll you.

You're overworked. And you're tired.

So you--

need a hug.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Come on.

Bring in.


It's just a hug.

That look odd to you?


Alright. Let's get inside.



Kyla: Are you sure this is the right place?

Shhh. Jenkins.

Oh thank God. Jake.

Who's she?

I'm Kyla. I'm a reporter.

A reporter? You brought a reporter?

Yeah. Ignore her.

Just give me the g*n, okay? Please?

Allison? Are you okay?

Not really.

It's nice to see you though, again.

Despite the circumstances.

Yeah, it's nice to see you too.

You look good as a blonde.

Kyla: Do you two need a minute?

You wanna explain to me exactly what the hell is going on here?

People are trying to k*ll me, Jake.

A case that I've been working on has got me in hot water. And-- somebody is trying to k*ll me.

Do you know what case, exactly?

I'm working on a m*rder case, an anti-trust case against the mob, a case against a casino, a case against a big pharmaceutical --

That's a lot of powerful people to have on the hook.

A lot of powerful people who could pay to make me disappear.

Are you feeling okay?

Have you been to a doctor?

I don't need a doctor, Jake.

My brakes were cut.

A truck tried to run me over while I was crossing the street.

And I think that I'm still drugged on something.

Yeah, that's what they call Peach Schnapps.

Are you enjoying this?

Why did you bring her here?

I wish that I could explain that.

The truck that almost ran you over.

Can you describe it to me?

It was red.


It had a lot of lights.

There was a truck outside about two minutes ago that matches that description almost exactly.

And there was a weird, creepy fella inside.

Oh my God. They found me.

I am freaking out here, Jake.

[Phone buzzes]

Des. Did you find her?

Yeah, I think that's her.

The missus that tied up Walter.

I'm gonna keep my distance.

For fear of capture. And subsequent hanging.

Although, I gotta be honest. Part of me wants to be captured.

Is that weird?

She disappeared.

Meaning you lost her? Where are you?

A small road around Newtown.



Des? Is he all right?

We gotta go. Now. Now!

Alright. Let's go. Let's go.

Get to the car. Get to the car.

[Tires squeal]


Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Thank you Jake.

Well, look at you two. Flame still there, huh?




Got a pic of our guy.

Nice work.


So, this is the guy who's trying to k*ll you, huh?

Where'd she go?

Oh, she's long gone.

She disappeared like vapour.

Do you have any description of what she looked like?

Anything at all?

It's like a blur of punches and kicks and...

And I think a head butt.

Are my clothes okay?

Any more details would be great.

She was hot. And tall.

And hot.

And oh, I stuck a tracker on her when she was kicking my bum in.

You could have led with that.

Do you have any way of catching her?

No. Well, kind of. It's short range, so I'll have to drive around the city trying to find exactly where she is.

Come on. We have work to do.

Just --

[Phone buzzes]

Now is not a good time, sister.

Well, we need to talk about things.

Ah, things meaning Kevin Crocker.

Because I'm not in the mood.

It's about Tinny.

I know. I know. I know. I know. She's pissed.

Well, just make some time for her.

That's all. And she'll get over it.

You know, Crocker--

It's almost like he wanted me to attack him.

Like he was goading me on, or something.

Well, he was supposed to be shipped out before your little run-in.

They're keeping him here?

Yeah. Doctors won't let him leave until he heals up.

I'm an idiot.

Anyway. I thought you should know.


Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for that.

Malachy Doyle. We just got here.

This is your aunt's anniversary party.

Who do you have to call so badly?

I'm just --

I'm worried about Allison.

And Jake has a tendency to lose perspective.

Oh, he's a big boy. He can handle it.

I just --
I just need to check in.


Jake: So we ran a trace on our guy.

Des: Michael Stewart.

He has a rap sheet for numerous assaults.

Do you have any idea why this fella would be after you?

Allison: II don't know. I mean, he doesn't look familiar.

Maybe when I was a Crown Prosecutor?

He could be a hired g*n.

Oh, that's comforting.

She had really pretty eyes.

The missus who beat me.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

That was inside voices versus the other one.

Do you guys find it so hard to tell the difference sometimes?

[Phone buzzes.]

Tell me, is it that terrible where you are that you gotta keep calling me every two minutes, or what?

Mal: I've been thinking about you and Allison.

She's with me right now. Speaking of --

Where's that file you were supposed to leave for me?

Rose left it. As clear as day on her desk.

She did hours of work getting her bank statements, all her finances, everything.

I'm right next to her desk. It's not here.

Well open your eyes next time.

My eyes are open. It's not here. Trust me.

I don't trust you.


I know even you're not stunned enough to ruin the good thing you have with Leslie.

Even if Allison was remotely interested, which I'm sure she's not.

I just have a feeling that whatever is in play here, is big.

We need to protect her.

I agree with you.

And I'll call you later.


Everything okay?

Yeah, it's fine.

So like, should we even be here?

Is there maybe a safer place for Judge Jenkins?

I agree with you.

And I'm pretty sure I have a plan.


Jake: What are you doing?

Kyla: Say hello.


Jake. It's me.

Colleen. Colleen, Jake.

The second client?

Oh, Colleen. Hi.

Where are you? Are you here at the house?

Or the office?

I can sense that he's coming for me.

I'm at the office.

And if you can sense that someone's coming for you, I'm just gonna throw this out there--

It's probably a doctor.

And they want to take you to the hospital.

No Jake. I can sense it.

Because he kidnapped me and has me tied up.

He has you tied up. Where are you?

Near Mundy Pond.

Mundy Pond.

Oh God! He's coming!

So, bad news.

There's another crazy lady who thinks that a bunch of people are after her.

Maybe you two should get together.

Obviously I don't believe that she's in danger.

But if there's a chance that she is --

Go. Go.

Des will keep me safe.

He's was always the smart one, anyway.

I will? I mean, I will.

Des, I'm counting on you.

Okay, I promise. This won't take long.

Oh, and the tracker I planted on Walter's mystery lady is set so that if it gets within fifty metres of any of us, it will text our phones.

Fine. But Allison is the priority.

Alright? Bring her to the house.

See if you can find any link between this guy Michael and her Lordship here.

Take me as your backup.


So, let me ask you.

Does this look, the Jake look --

I mean--

Do you think it looks good?

Des, I don't think you wanna be like Jake.

I should unzip the jacket.

Jake, Jake, Jake. You and the women, hey?

You and that judge?

I could see the chemistry.

For the record, when we actually dated, she was a Crown Prosecutor.

If you sensed anything, it was probably her wanting to s*ab me in the face.

And now the super hot cop, current girlfriend?

Yeah. She is hot.

I'll admit it.


So what's the point of dating a cop if you don't get the perks?

I mean, shouldn't she be helping you?

We try to keep those two worlds, you know, kind of separate.

If you were my boyfriend, there would be reporter perks.

Yeah, like what?

Getting the paper delivered late to my house every day?

Long hours. Crappy lunches.

Practically no pay. And--

possibly, free classifieds.

[Phone buzzes]

Wow. What a deal.

Yeah. Walter.

Please tell me you found the files.

Not exactly.

We found the girl. And we placed a tracker on her, which we hope will lead us to the files.

And by we, you mean who? Des?

Look, Walter, if we find the gal, there's a good chance we'll get what you want, alight?

Well, you gotta find the files, Jake.

And soon. I'm in court tomorrow.

Buddy, I'm having a bit of a day, okay?

So if you just give me a break. And I'll call you later.


So much to do.

Ah, okay, Your Highness.

I really think we should get going soon.

Allison: Give me a sec, Des.

[Knock. Knock. Knock]

Hello? Who is it?


It's me. The girl with the stalker.


I'm hurt. Open the door.

[Beep. Beep. Beep]

Um. Yeah, ah.

Yeah. Just one second.



[Beep, beep, beep, beep.]

You're not here to kiss me, are you?

Sorry, little guy.


[Beep, beep, beep.]

Did you just get the same text as me?

Yeah. It looks like the girl who stole Walter's files is back at the office. Call Des.

[Tire's screeching]


You're the one who stole Walter's files.

You're not the psychic Colleen.

I'm not a psychic.

But I can tell you your future, if you don't tell me where the judge is.

Yeah, well, Jake's coming back soon.

And he's not gonna be happy you keep beating up his best friend.

The judge.

Or you're gonna hurt much more than you did before.

You already have Walter's files. What else do you want?

Listen to me. Jenkins.

Where is she?

[A noise comes from the bathroom.]

Uh, there's mice in there.

There's large mice. They're like cats.


She's here. Get down here.

Uh, Colleen.

What the hell is going on, exactly?

Mr. Doyle.

I wouldn't make any sudden moves, if I were you.

Jake, I don't want anyone to get hurt.

What? Did you psychic powers tell you where to find Allison?

Oh no. That was all you Jake.


Now I have what I really want.

Let's go.

Allison. Do you remember what I taught you on our third date?

So not the time, Jake.

No, not the second date.

The third date.


Shut up and move.






Everyone, everyone okay?

Thanks to you.

Now, we can predict your future, huh?

Jake: Who hired you and Michael to k*ll the judge?

Does it have something to do with one of her cases?

I'm not talking.


We'll just drop you off to the cops, then.

Nice and easy.

I want a deal.

I want protection.

And I want money.

I can get you a deal.

And protection.

But I want the whole story.


Yeah, look.

I don't know why they want you dead.

But I was hired by some pretty powerful people.


Jackman and Drake.

A law firm?

Why is a law firm trying to k*ll me?

Jackman and Drake is one of the largest law firms around.

They've got a case in front of me right now.


The new casino deal.

Casino deal?

Yeah, the province is planning to ban all the video lotto terminals.

And they're replacing them with a casino on Bell Island.

A casino on Bell Island? I thought that idea went away.

That is huge.

No, no, no, no. You're not hearing any of this.

You can't write about this.

Fine. Then I want to know what happened between you and Jake.

Is she for real?

Kyla, the woman's life is in danger.

Alright? So knock it off.

As far as Jake and I go. We just moved on.

Which is what you should do.

Or I'm going to get the cops to get all of your unpaid parking tickets.

Got it?

Got ya. I won't write a thing.

Yes. I will also not write anything.

Be straight with me.

Do you think my clothes are cool, or not?

The anticipation is really k*lling me.

What happened with Colleen?

Oh, right. Oh, it went great.

Actually, she said I had really nice bone structure.



And, oh. And I thanked her.

And I dropped her off at the RNC.

Why, what's going on here?

Allison: Jackman and Drake are arguing on behalf of the casino's investors and developers.

Their projections are based entirely on fictional numbers.

I'm guessing you weren't going to rule in their favour.

If I die, there's a mistrial.

And by the time a new trial could be mounted --

They'd have a chance to get rid of all the evidence.

And that would be billion of profit -- lost.

A reason to k*ll a judge.

But, but, but -- a pretty judge.

A smart, talented --

I got these off of Colleen.

Are these Walter's files?

Mm hm.

Nice work.

That's an excellent haul.

I gotta get these to him.

Right away.

Wait. Whoa! I'm coming with you.

I'm not going to be a sitting duck.

I'm not letting you out of my sight.

Des will look after you.

Right Des? Put her in the van.

Okay. And just keep driving around.

And don't stay in one spot too long.

You'll be fine.

Oh, what a time we're gonna have, Allison.

Judge Allison.

You found them.

Yes. God, he's needy.

I should have stayed with Jenkins.

What? Jenkins? Like, what? You're ex?

Okay, alright. Look.

She cannot know that I lost these files.

She's presiding over some of these cases.

What the hell is going on here anyway?

We recovered them from --

from this girl.

Is this the one who strung you up by your underwear?

Oh, yeah.

That's her.

Man she is beautiful.

You can see how I was suckered in, right.

She's turned witness for us, okay?

We dropped her off with the cops.

Wait. I said said no cops.

Check the files, meatball. See if they're all there.


Son of a --

Let me guess.

The one that's missing.

It's about a casino on Bell Island, maybe?

Yes. What's going on?

I'm pretty sure that the people who were after you, are the same ones who are after Allison.

Kyla: But the word of a woman with priors versus a prestigious law firm?

You're right. We need proof.

We need evidence.

What would be in that file that they'd want to steal it?

I don't know.

I didn't have much of a case, really.

Some files, some statistics.

Some expert statements.

There's a video.

A video?

A video of what?

A shareholder dinner.

I was gonna use it to highlight misappropriation of funds.


Was this fella there?

Oh yeah. Definitely.

He was talking to the casino owners.

That would be a reason to connect them.

No wonder he wanted it stolen.

If he was gonna take care of the judge, then we need that video.

Or a way to connect Michael to the casino group.

The g*n.

Michael's g*n.

I can bring it to the cops.

They can run a trace. See if anything comes up.

If I was a cop, I'd run it for you.


What do you need done?

Hey. Hey you.


Hey. How are you?

Never mind that.

Unless you've come to confess you've beaten up my grandfather too.

No, not yet. Listen.

About that whole thing with Crocker.

Forget it. What do you need?

I'll do it for you.

For me?

Really? Well, actually, I was hoping that --

I need someone to run a trace on this shot g*n.

There's a shot g*n in here -- like for fingerprints, or whatever.

I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for Des.

He asked me.

Well, it was nice to see --

Nice to see you.



How's Allison? Is she okay?

Ah, fine, fine. She's trying her best.


I think, she might, like, like me, like me.

But you should know I would never betray your trust, in that way.

I mean, unless, of course, you were cool with that.

Whatever. That was a good save.

You know, getting Tinny to run a trace on the g*n like that.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I didn't call her.


Unless I was supposed to.

But honestly, even then, I didn't.

Oh, crappo.

Jake: Des, what the hell is going on?

He's blocking us in. Jake!

He's blocking the van in.

I told you we should have gotten ejection seats, Jake.

You live and you learn.

Hey, Des? What are we gonna do?

Run, Des! Run!

No, no, no. Ummm.

I need you to take off your clothes.

What? What did you just say?

Some of your clothes.


You coming out?

Or is this whole thing gonna turn ugly?

Hey stop!

Judge, I'm going to have to run you down.

This could have been easier.



Did you have to make me do that? Hmm?

What the hell?


Looking for someone else, were we?

Yeah, you thought I was the judge, yeah!

I knows you did.


It's not a good idea, you little moron.

[Phone rings.]

Des? Talk to me. What's going on?

So I got your weird little friend.

And you got something I want.

What do you want?

Hold on.



Des. Is Allison safe?

Yeah. She is.

So I think it's trade time.

Your stupid assistant for Judge Jenkins.

Half an hour. No cops.

You find her.


We have to find Allison, okay.

Otherwise they have no reason to keep Des alive.

[Phone buzzes]

Ah, Leslie. Hi.

You know what I have to deal with right now?

What's that?

Traffic is calling me because they know we're going out.

Traffic is--

They're calling wondering why your top secret surveillance van is on a sidewalk at the corner of Newtown and Howley.

That's obviously where Des left it.

He forgot, because he was sleeping.

Go get it. Please.

And hi.



I gave Tinny a g*n to run some prints on it.

Did anything come back from that?

Do you know? Could you check for me?

You can't ask a cadet to do that, Jake.

Especially with Tinny's graduation around the corner.

I know. I know. It was really bad of me.

Having said that--

Did anything come up on it?

No prints or DNA.

But this is weird.


The g*n's registered to a drug dealer who's serving time in the pen.

A drug dealer? Who represented him in court?

Do you know?

Attorneys from Jackman and Drake.

Listen, I appreciate it. And---

I'll call you later, okay?

You should have told her.


At least now we have a link between that shotgun and the casino.

Right. That's the evidence we need to put 'em away.

And if Allison left that surveillance van at that corner, it means --

She went back to her little hiding spot.

Let's go.


We know you're in here.

I need your help.

You need my help?

They have Des.

And Michael won't give him back unless we do an exchange.

You for --

For Des.

He saved me. Of course. Let's go.

We need to take them down Jake.

Jake, what are you --

You two aren't serious. They'll k*ll us all.

There is no us all, alright? So --

You got her?

Ah, yeah. Where do you want to meet?

Your favourite place. The strip club.

Great Big She.

Okay, we'll be there as soon as we can.

These strip clubs are super unsanitary.

At the same time, they're kinda classy, when the lights are dimmed.

You're not actually gonna do this?

There's gotta be another way.

Don't follow us.

Jake: Alright, alright, alright.

I brought her, okay? So let Des go.

So you have no problems sending a judge to her death.

It's interesting.

This is my ex.

It was a bad break up.

It wasn't a bad breakup.

Just let Des go, now.

You are, like, the best boss ever.

I'm not even gonna complain that today, I'm technically your partner in the labour agreement I drew up that would constitute an increase in my wages.

If I'm gonna die, could we just hurry it up?

You untie him, and just leave.

And you remember what my friends and I can do to you if you ever decide that you want to avenge somebody.

Just keep your underwear on, okay?

I'm reaching in my pocket for a knife to cut him loose.

You wanna stay calm.

Right Des?


Hurry! Hurry!


Michael: I thought you were smarter than this!





Everyone okay?


You guys are--
You are an awesome team.

Sorry. I couldn't help myself.

This one's just for you guys.

Can someone untie me, please?

Allison: Jake Doyle.

You have a way of reconnecting.


I just stopped by to say: No hard feelings about our past. And--

Thanks for saving my future.

Well that's, that's profound.

I'm glad you're okay.

I'll see you around.

Hopefully not standing in front of me in court.


[Phone buzzes.]


Leslie Bennett.

I gotta tell you.

I can't wait to see your face.

Feels light.

'Cause paper's so heavy.

It's all there.

All the information I've got on Doyle so far.

Do I get the privilege of knowing what this is all about?


Monica: But it's going to be good.

You don't mind doing this? No second thoughts I hope.

Just doing my job.

He does his every day, right?


This was lovely. I'm glad we did this.

Me too. What a meal.

Oh hey. Thank you. But Kathleen cooked it.

Well, I learned the recipe from Dad.

Mal: I'd like to say something.

Jake. Listen to your father.

For once.

Oh, great, a big wine speech.

Shut it. Shut it.

Now hear this.

Whatever you have to do.

Shag that. Whatever I have to do.

Whatever it takes.

Do not lose this one.

She's the greatest thing that ever happened to you.

And to us.

In short, what I mean is, I want you two, Jake and Leslie,

I want you to be at this table for a long, long time.

Here, here.

I second that.

And I fourth.

And I'd just like to say that I also would like to be at this table a long time.

Thank you Malachy.

You're welcome.

I'd like that too.

I couldn't agree more.

Rose: Hey, Tinny.

Come on and have a seat.

Hey, come on in.

You hungry?

No, I'm good.

Excuse me.


Hey. Little one.

Little one?

Don't get me started, Jake.

Oh, come on.


Look, I realize that you're rotted with me.

Oh, you do, do you?

Can you just, not be?

Just don't be rotted with me.

I know there are a pile of people that would be happy to have a family half as protective as you crowd are.


I'm grateful. I am.


But --

Stop beating the hell out of my dad.

You know even hearing you call him that --

You have no idea.

Well, get over it. He's my father.

We all know I really think of you as my "Dad" dad.

You and Poppy raised me that way.

So don't worry.

I still loves ya.

So I was at the offices of the Independent, just trying to make sure I didn't show up in any stories.

And I saw an advance copy of tomorrow's paper. You're not gonna like it.

Jake: Kyla MacRury. You little arse. Leslie is gonna k*ll you.

Not as bad as she's gonna k*ll Kyla.