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Lupin III: The First (2019)

Posted: 09/05/23 17:35
by bunniefuu


I'm counting on you.

For you

Let's go.

Here you are.

Hand it over,

Professor Bresson.

I have nothing for you,

You n*zi scum!

Hey, are you ok?


Ladies and gentlemen!

We have something special that

we are proud to present.

A great and mysterious treasure made by the renowned

and distinguished Professor Bresson:

The Bresson Diary!

They say whoever is lucky enough to read it,

will get their hands many treasures.

Well, at least that's how the legend goes!

I hear that even the Nazis

wanted this diary.


A calling card! From Lupin III!

What did you say?!

"I am going to steal The Bresson Diary."

"Lupin III."

Put the diary in the vault for now!

I take care of that.


That face...

Inspector Zenigata!

I suspect this man is Lupin himself!


I got you!

He came running in to deliver the warning,

but didn't even break a sweat!

Hey, this chick's smart!

I got you now!

No you don't!


You won't get away this time, Lupin!

Open fire!

Adieu and best wishes, ciao!

Let's go!

Curses! Damn it, Lupin!

Inspector, the diary

needs to be moved to the vault!

Take care of it!

You! Escort her!

Yes sir! This way.


I'm sorry!

A-are you a thief too?

Was anyone hurt?

I'm so sorry!

Oooh, I caught a big one!

Sorry to disappoint you,

but I'll be keeping this.

Who'd have thought a pretty

little thing like you was a thief too?

Stop it! Are you stupid or something?

Calm down, lady!

You have no idea

how valuable this is!

I know better than you.

Don't be a thief if

you have no determination.

See ya!

Run, Run, Run, Run, Run,

Run, Run, Run, Run!



Please give it back!

I'm sorry, miss...

but I am a REAL thief.

So now this diary belongs to me.

Thank you, Lupin!

Now it's mine!

Fujiko, if you don't give that back right now,

there will be blood!



Still falling for the same old trick?

Get him!

You idiots!

He's right there!

And arrest the other one too!

Get off!


I'm sorry, Grandpa. I failed.

I'm not cut out for this kind of work!

Useless girl.

Forget it. The reinforcements

will take care of it from here.

Our deal with you is over.

Professor Lambert.


Cheer up, my friends.

I just received information

that we will soon have The Bresson Diary

delivered right into our hands.


as everyone knows, the lock on

The Bresson Diary is considered unbreakable.

We need to open it, no matter what.

It is essential that we break the code.

She's here, sir.

That woman has arrived.

Mr. Geralt...

Let's go.

Here we are, as promised.

Finally I have it in my hands...


It took quite a long time.

I apologize, sir.

So, about my payment...

It's over there.

See, this is the keyhole.

These two parts

are interconnected.

Mr. Geralt, it

matches my research.


A tracker?

Did you plan to get to the treasure

of The Bresson Diary first?

- You thief!

- Come on!

Hey, pops...

Arn't you a little old for this kind of thing?

This time, you won't get away!

The Bresson Diary is the only object that

Arsne Lupin was unable to steal.

It only makes sense his grandson would want

to make up for his greatest failure.

So this is how it ends....

-but not today!

They're here, they're here,

they're here, they're here!

Stop that car right now!


Wait! Get back here! Lupin!

How troublesome.

What a drag.

Stupid handcuffs...

What took so long, Jigen? Goemon?

A "thank you" would be nice, Lupin.

It looks like you just

ran away from the circus.


Now that we're together, let's

take back the Bresson diary!

The diary talks about a

treasure that may or may not exist.

You're alone on this one.

Jigen, don't just leave me all alone like this.

So that's it, then.

I'll find the incredible, amazing treasure by myself then.

And I'm NOT gonna share it with you two.


What is it?

This can not be. It's impossible.

This was the key

to Bresson's diary.

I want to know

what the problem is.


You see, we're almost

there, Mr. Geralt.

These excuses make me sick.

Never repeat them again!

You useless old man.

A-are you a thief too?

That's why I said,

The thieving lifestyle doesn't suit you.


Why are you here?


Take a look what was on your shoe.

Wow, you must really like to read!

What you want?

Aren't we both after

the same treasure?

Treasure? What you mean?

You know about the "eclipse"?

When the moon blots out the sun's light?

Oh, so you do know what

I'm talking about!

- Did you write this thesis?

- Stop that!

Is it archeology? I knew it!

It's your hobby, isn't it?

That's right. But

I'm not like you.

Archeology is the only way to discover

the truth about the past.

See, this is how we listen

to the people of the past.

Damn, it's some feat to

have gathered all this priceless material.

Well, just look at that.

It must be the twin of this one.

Why do you have that?

I inherited it

from my grandfather.

So you stole it?

Why do you assume that?!

Listen, tell me something.

Where did you see that key?

Calm down a little.

At least let me change clothes first!


Don't peek!

Hello, grandpa?

Lupin is here. He

came to my apartment.

He has the same key as us.

I think..... there are two keys.

That explains everything.

I'll give you another

chance, Laetitia.

I want you to bring Lupin to me,

along with the other key.

But I... I don't want

to work with that... thief.

Is that so?

If you can manage...

I will reconsider the

small agreement that we made.


Let's make a deal.

I give you all the

information I have;

In return, you help me to

solve the mystery of The Bresson Diary.

And why would I want to work with

such a pathetic thief?

No deal.

You might not like it, but

I have all the information stored right here

There are many ways to extract

information, you know that, right?

You're not that

kind of guy, are you?

But, you are the greatest

thief in the world.

So, let's work together.

Just like Bresson!

What do you mean, just like Bresson?

They say he had a

partner who funded the research.

You mean Adolf Hitler?

Don't talk nonsense!

Bresson lost his life so The

Eclipse would not fall in the hands of the Nazis!

My bad. I understood.

But he also left behind a trail.

Here in Bresson's diary.

Don't you want to know why?

I want to know.

I want to solve the

mystery of The Eclipse!

Such beauty.

You're hired, at minimum wage though.


Jigen and the guys ditched me.

I think it will be just

you and me. Ladies first.

You can count on me!

By the way...


In case you wanted to know

my name. It's Laetitia.


Are you sure we didn't take a

wrong turn?

He has no address...

but I know that this cargo ship

comes into contact with him every week.

I still don't trust you.

After all, Laetitia is

a false name, right?

And yours? Is that fake too?

If it isn't, can you

explain this to me?



It's your mom, correct?

Laetitia is her name.

Yes. But I'm also

named Laetitia.

It is customary to give the name "Laetitia"

to all the girls in the family.

Your an even worse liar than a thief.


My parents died in a car accident

when I was young.

At least, that's what I

deduced from the photos.

What are we waiting for?

I told you: He doesn't have

a fixed address.

We are about to unlock

The Bresson Diary.

All that's left now

is to find the other key.

So this is where it's being kept?

- Thanks.

- You're very welcome.

It must be easy for you, right?

After all, you are the

famous thief, Lupin III.

But of course!

- Piece of cake!

- Amazing.

Finally. The dream even ol' gramps

couldn't fulfill...

What's it?

I dunno, I just have

a strange feeling...

Like I've touched

this before.

Lupin, quickly, let's get out of here.

It'll be difficult to get away

with all this increased security.

We have no choice. Let's

open it right here.

I thought it might form a key...

bycombining the two pieces.

Is that how you use it?

It won't open with just the key.

You need a password.

A password?

Do you see the inscription here?

The mechanism activates with the key

and opens with the correct sequence.

Look here,

Arming the mechanism

will activate a b*mb.

The diary and whoever

wants to unlock it.....

will be, well, blown to bits.

Bresson really wanted

to keep it a secret.

But if he did want someone to open it...

It would be a genius at unraveling codes,

A cryptanalysis specialist,

Someone who loves treasures

more than anything.

Are you seriously talking about yourself...?

Now, how are we going to

rearrange the letters

to create the password

that opens this thing?

We have five letters.

Here it indicates that

the word has eight letters.

I understand.

We just need to find

out what the password is.


What happened?

You started the timer.

We have less than

a minute until we explode!

You should have said that

that could happen from the beginning!

We're done for!

Calm down, woman!

A, E, I, L, T... An

eight letter word.

Wait, did I think of something?!

What is it? What's the word?!

A word that has

to do with Bresson himself!

It can not be....

Wait... Is it possible?

Have you figured it out?

There's no other choice

It can only be this.

What if you're wrong?!

You need to be sure!

Or we will explode!

Well, we'll explode if

we don't do anything also.

Come on.


So I was right.

Amazing! That was fantastic!

How did you figure it out?

It's going to take

too long to explain.

Now, let's take a peek inside

this diary of ours.

"The Eclipse is a gift

from an ancient civilization."

Wow, you really know

how to read that?

It is ancient Hebrew.

It's obvious: Since he used

ancient languages,

Bresson wanted an archaeologist

to read this diary.

Now it's in the Scythian language!

"If one is not able to handle such brilliance...

"...then leave it alone."

A gift...

The eclipse was an infinite energy generator!

"Coude". This is

French. It means cubit.

One cubit is 444 millimeters.

If you multiply,

the result is 39,960.

- Forty kilometers.

- And the "City of the Gods?"

Can't you deduce that, just seeing this

drawing? It's Teotihuacan, in Mexico!

You're amazing!

Didn't I tell you already?

This is my field of study.

Now it is written in Akkadian.

"To reach the eclipse..."

I think there are three trials!

Here it shows how

to pass them, but...

I get it. This is an instruction manual.


What are you doing, Laetitia?

I'm sorry, Lupin.

Isn't it a bit early to apologize?

And anyway, you forgot your b*ll*ts.

You can't be a great thief if

you don't have your head in the game.

Why don't you all stop hiding

and come in already?

Or should I come outside with my hands up?

You knew we were

waiting, Lupin III.

It was the only way in or out.

What are you going to do now?

The situation puts

you at a disadvantage.

The only option is to surrender.

- Hans!

- Yes sir!

Here's what you

wanted, Grandpa Lambert.

So is he your grandfather, hmm?

Good job, Laetitia.

Will you be able to

solve the rest yourself?

Doubt it! You were so inept you needed

me to do the job for you!

Don't be so arrogant just

because you're good at puzzles, Lupin!

My skill unlocked the diary

that you couldn't open!

Shut it!

I was chosen as a founding member

from an incredibly distinguished

research institute!

Take it easy! Now you're

the one bragging!

And what's it called? Whats the

name of this famous institute!

It's Ahnenerbe, isn't it?


What are you planning

with the Eclipse?

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!!

You are no longer of use to us!


Take this cheeky bastard away!

Yes sir!

What are you going

to do with Lupin?

Don't tell me you got

attached, my granddaughter.

Of course not.

He's just a petty thief.

So... I wanted to talk to you.

What you want?

I did what you asked, didn't I?

I don't need to do anything

like this anymore, right?

Will you follow through

with our agreement?

Boston University, is that it?

The archeology department there

is one of the best in the world.

- Do you think you can keep up?

- I really want to try to go there!

In fact...they already

accepted my application.

Don't speak nonsense! How

dare you do this to me?

You forgot...

Who took you from

that sh*thole orphanage

and turned you into what you are today?!

- You are ungrateful!

- I'm so sorry!

I can't thank you enough

for everything you did for me!

But, I don't want to

steal and cheat people anymore!

I really just want to

study archeology.

I want to become an

archaeologist, like Bresson!

Granddaughter, when did you

grow up so much?

When this is over, you can go

to Boston university, or wherever you want.

Really, you mean it?!

Thank you, grandpa!

I did it!

You fear that girl's

talent, don't you?

What's that you're holding?

That famous thesis of yours,

seems to be plagiarism of something

she wrote in kindergarten.

After all, talent is

hereditary, isn't it?

Shouldn't you thank

her, professor?

How dare you...

Everyone is trying to

humiliate me, is that it?!

Look, if it's not Fujiko-chan!

I didn't think I

would see you here!


It looks like karma finally got to

you for cheating on me.

Shut up!

No small talk! Behave yourselves.

Has anyone ever told

you how handsome you are?

Can a gal get a

closer look?

And has anyone ever told

you how cute you are?

This was good!

Now that you're here, Lupin, this place

is gonna get a lot more interesting.

Don't just leave me here!


Hang in there!

Couldn't you have landed closer?!

There she is!

Thanks for the ride!

What are we going

to say to Mr. Geralt-

Sleeping on the job, I see?

Take a look at this.

It is exactly as I predicted.

The Eclipse is a w*apon

of incredible destructive power.

It even describes how to use it.

Very well, Lambert.

I know he will be extremely pleased when

he gets his hands on The Eclipse.


It is true? Is the Fhrer... alive?

You may have heard mumblings

that the Fhrer

fled to South America

the day Berlin collapsed.

It's true! He is alive.

This photo is

undeniable proof.

It's incredible!

This was taken

in Brazil two months ago.

The Fhrer and the Eclipse!

Perhaps we can even

revive the third reich!

You old fool, rebirth

is more than certain!

- Laetitia!

- What did you hear?!

Tell us everything you heard!

...Is what you're saying true?

You were meaning to use

the Eclipse as a w*apon?

"If one is not able to handle such brilliance...

"...then leave it alone."

"The method for braking

is described here."


I investigated and discovered that

it was a n*zi research institute.

It was part of the SS.

What are you doing

with that g*n?!

What are you-?

End her with your own hands.

That nave

sense of justice...

You raised that girl wrong!

She'll ruin everything!


If your loyalty to the Fhrer

is real, you will do it.

Or can you not do it, Lambert?!

Th-the girl can still

be useful!

You've lost your guts. Now your

nothing but another pathetic old man.


You idiot!

Remember? this is how we listen

to the people of the past.

I'm falling?


Am I really falling?!

Parachute! Parachute, parachute,

parachute, PARACHUUUTE!!

Hello, madame! What a

coincidence to see you here.


It seems we both jumped off

the plane without thinking.

Why would you do that?! You're crazy!

Hold on, Lupin, save me!


I can always count

on you, Fujiko!

This is going to be

expensive for you, Lupin.

Maybe I pay with

my body?

Don't even try...

That's no reason to get so rough!

Persistent bastards!

Hold on tight,

I'll lose them!

Maybe a bit slower?!


You did it!

Down here, jump!

- Thanks!

- It's no trouble.


Here I come!

Jigen, you bastard!

Can't you see that I've got

my hands full!?

They're coming back!


That was close.

You don't say.

In fact, why are you here anyways?

Fujiko told us that

you opened the Bresson Diary.

And that you would've kept it all to yourself!

You guys only show up when there's

money involved!

What do we do? They'll

activate the Eclipse!

- Lupin!

- Don't worry, I'll think of something.

...I don't think I have any

choice but to ask him.

What's your plan, Lupin?

Well, there's a guy who'll come after

me anywhere in the world.



Finally decided

to give up, I see!?

How nice of you to tell me

your exact location!

The games up Lupin, stay were you

are and don't resist!

Hold on a second, that's not..


He noticed already!?


Come back here, Lupin!

Thanks for the ride, Pops!




Good try, Pops!

How do you like that!?

I know it's a little hard to believe.

No, Interpol has been concerned with

Ahnenerbe's movements for years.

We even created a special task force

to fight the resurgence of the Nazis.

So it's not hard to

believe what you've said.

Well, these guys are about to get

a w*apon

of mass destruction.

So let's make a truce.

How about it?

C'mon, it smells so good!

I will never work with you!


Trust us.

I will cooperate,

whatever the cost!

Is this real?

An oil platform, off the Atlantic coast

Finish refueling

as soon as possible!

Yes, sir!

Penny for your thoughts?

I helped Ahnenerbe

without knowing it.

I even became a thief.

Why did my grandfather do this?

For starters, he's not really

your grandfather.

Cut that out.

What lie have

you woven now?

You were adopted by Lambert

when you were a child.

Do you know why?

Because he was my only relative.

No, you were the legitimate

heir to the key,

and there was a possibility

of you knowing the password.

Lambert took you

out of the orphanage,

and raised you to be a pushover

that steals from others.

This is absurd. What

are you even talking about?

In fact, it was your name.



Eight letters. Five

different letters.


The password I

used was your name.

You understand what

that means, right?

Your real grandfather,

was Bresson.

It's quite a shock, I know.

But that explains why your

name is the password.

The Bresson Diary was unlocked

with your name.


And his, and your passion for

archeology is proof.

You can't help yourself

even if you try.

It only increases, doesn't it?

I'm the same way.

It's in my blood.

See, this is how we listen

to the people of the past.

Is it true?

Can I really believe you?

I swear on my life.

I took this when we ran away.

It was yours from the start.

I can't... I can't believe it.

If it's really true, then

I did something terrible!

Because of my stupidity, The Bresson Diary

is in the hands of thieves!

I mean, that's technically correct.

We will reach

Teotihuacan in roughly two hours.

That damn thief!

The game isn't over yet.

But why Professor Bresson...

I mean, why, my real grandfather...

Why didn't he destroy the

eclipse when he had the chance?

I think he wanted to believe

that humans

would be able to do

that themselves one day.

He must have been a

very romantic man!

Well, you have to be a romantic

to become an archeologist, Lupin.

And a thief.

I dunno, I just have

a strange feeling...

It feels like I've

touched this before..

My body even knew it

from the beginning.

Knew what?

He just lied that he hadn't

stolen the diary!

Lupin I designed this lock!

See that Lupin flower? It's

the symbol of my family, Lupin.

So that means that

Professor Bresson's partner...

Lupin! Laetitia! We're ready to go!

The fact that we ran into each other

could be part of our grandfathers' plan!

Let's go make them proud!



Look at that symbol! There's no

doubt, these are the ruins of The Eclipse!

Hans, you go first.

Did you come all the way

here just to be afraid?

Help! Help me!

It looks like you can't

get through without the Bresson Diary.

What do you intend

to do, Lambert?

The diary was unlocked, only

to be stolen by a petty thief.

It's so embarrassing!

Mr. Geralt, the Eclipse is

within our reach, we can't just give up like this!

But you saw what happened!

Or are you blind? Do you really

think we can do it without the diary?

What would you have us do then?!

What are they doing?

Looks like some in fighting.

They're planning to

return to the crash site

in order to try

and find the Diary.

So it'll be a while

before they get back here.

I can't wait.

It's fantastic!

These are the ruins

of The Eclipse.

And this is what'll happen to us

if we enter. Encouraging.

The first trial...

It's mentioned how to pass this, in the

language in which the text is written.

And what language is that?

Akkadian. The Hammurabi Code is famous

for being written in Akkadian...

Is it the one that says

"an eye for an eye?"

What is it, Goemon?

The eyes.

An eyeball is missing!

One of these globes should do.

You gotta be kidding me.

Well, let me know when you find it.

Wha-wha-wha-what's going on?!

What's this?

Apparently, the creators of The Eclipse

figured out how to manipulate gravity.

This isn't the right one...

Any progress?

Nope, unfortunately.

Oi, Lupin!


Look, I'm Superman!

How's that?

I think it's stopped.

I'm sure this can sell for

a pretty sum.

What's written next?

"The fifth king of

the first Uruk dynasty

had a dream before your

friend's arrival."

What is this talk

about Uruk dynasty?

Is easy. It has to

do with King Gilgamesh.

But didn't he dream of his friend?


Dream about stars

falling on you.

Stars falling on you?

What does that mean?

Mr. Jigen!

The stars that fall on us.

A meteorite? That should be it!

Lupin, hand over

your meteorite.

Of course, miss. Here you go...

As if I just walk around

with one!

What? You always have

things in your pockets.

So there's nothing we can do.

Goemon! What is it?

Leave me alone!

I've got it! Your Zantetsuken...

must be a Ryusei-Ken.

What are you talking

about, Pops?

A Ryusei-Ken,

is a blade forged

from meteorite-derived iron.

Is that true, Goemon?

I do not know! Even if

it's true, I refuse.

Please, Goemon!

I will not lend my blade!

What if Zantetsuken is ruined?!

Goemon! Stop pouting

and look behind you.

How about that?


Goemon! Let's go!

I will stay here.

What do you mean? Hurry up.

I do not like using

Zantetsuken for such an unworthy task...

Farewell for now. I'll

return to reclaim you later.

- That can't be right!

- What does it say?

"The final judgment..."

It's... death row.

"Use someone's

physical skills to overcome it."

Lupin can do that, can't he?

If you can run to

the cathedral entrance...

it seems that all the

other trials will deactivate.

It's not much of a choice...

See ya soon!

Okay, now this time, it's for real!

Lupin, is that...

Is it my grandfather's hat?

Ey', that's mine!

Time to do this!



Grandfather, I did it.


You are very

talented indeed.

You came back here a little fast, didn't

you? Forget something?

Only a few

of the boys left.


I think we managed to trick you and

your little group of thieves.

Our bad, you got us.

What a pain in the ass...

You have some guts to treat an

Interpol officer like this.

You'll regret it!

Lupin, I'm assuming that machine there that

is the treasure of the Eclipse?

I assume so.

Where's the gold,

silver and diamonds?!

That isn't what

you promised me at all!

If I had Zantetsuken,

we wouldn't be here,

humiliated by these scum.

This is a gift from an

ancient civilization to the Fhrer!

I've finally done it.

I have the Eclipse in my grasp!

Now, Laetitia: give me

The Bresson Diary.

What are you waiting for?

I won't work for you!

I only work for Professor

Bresson, my real grandfather.

Well, then. It looks like

you've found out everything.

Alas, it is too late.

What do you think

will happen if they know...

who stole the diary?

- You forced me to!

- But you're still the thief here.

I've kept all the evidence.

The press will love this news:

"Granddaughter of the renowned professor

Bresson conspired with the thief Lupin III,

"and is arrested for

stealing the Bresson Diary!"

Imagine that!

- Stop it!

- Give up!

You will never be a successful

archaeologist like Bresson was!

You will do what I say for

the rest of your life!

And you will never be in

the spotlight!

That belongs to me!

The Eclipse has been reborn!

Get up.

Don't leave us here!

Those idiots!

They'll pay for this!

Zantetsuken! Zantetsuken!


Sit down.


You ready to get saved?!

Lupin! Guys!

This will be a worthy

task for Zantetsuken!

Get us out of here, Fujiko!

They're gonna activate the Eclipse!

On it!

Now, behold the power

of the Eclipse!

Gaze upon it's glory!

Lupin and his g*ng

will cease to exist.

Don't do it!

Leave them alone!



What the hell?!

Lupin, what is this crazy crap!?

Whatever it is,

it's incredibly powerful.

I need to contact Interpol.

I'm going to use the radio.

Lupin! Everyone!

Is it a micro black hole


Well done, Lambert!

You will regain your

academic prestige.

Academic prestige?

What a banal thing!

Now that I've gained

all this power,

do you really think

I care about that?

What is this?

It's such a trivial thing.

Do you have any

idea what you've just done?

Now that I have The Eclipse...

I have no reason to be faithful

to Ahnenerbe anymore!

You've lost your mind!

What is that look?

Is this how you look at the person who

cared for you your whole life?!

You ungrateful girl!

You're wrong.

You created me only to

use me in your plans.

And now, you've achieved them.

These achievements of yours

will disappear in the blink of an eye.

How can someone who studies

history not see this?

When you saved me

from the orphanage...

you really loved archeology.

But you've changed!

Quiet! Shut up!

Even after witnessing my power,

you dare mock me?!


Why don't you

recognize my brilliance?!

I was very offended

by your accusations.

You will spend the rest

of your pitiful life in misery,

suffering for hearing

the world lament!

What are you doing?

I will destroy

Ahnenerbe's headquarters...

and the whole city of Berlin!

The world will fear my power,

and bow to me!

- Your insane?!

- Watch what you say!

I am the one who will rule

the world!

You're insane.

The only one who can be the true ruler

of the world is our Fhrer Hitler!

What are you doing? Stop it now!


- Why?

- I don't know.

I used to think of you as just a tool.


He died like the crazy

old man he was.

It's over.

I've set the machine to generate a

black hole right here.

All your terrible

plans will end!

You little...

Well, look at that.

It has a cooldown!

Ahnenerbe headquarters

to Mr. Geralt!

Immediately transport the

Eclipse to Brazil.

We have located the Fhrer!

The Fhrer! I knew that

his excellency was still alive!

The Fhrer wants to see the

Eclipse as soon as possible.

I always knew this day would come!




Is that really you, Fhrer?

You are Geralt, aren't you?

All thanks to your efforts, I will be

able to see the light of day once again.

I am eternally grateful for your praise.

It is a pleasure to serve.

This is the Eclipse, correct?

I am sure that we will be able to

relive the third reich with it.

Magnificent! Excellent

work, Mr. Geralt!

Oh, that g*n of yours...

I'm so glad you noticed, sir.

It's a Mauser. A p*stol

from the third reich.

I remember...

It's such a wonderful p*stol...

Stop her!

Who is this girl?

She is the granddaughter

of Professor Bresson.

What do you plan to

do to the world?

My young lady.

I just want to create

an amazing world...

governed by exceptional people.

What disrespect! This is

unforgivable! I apologize, my Fhrer!

Get her out of

here, then get rid of her.

Take her!

The Eclipse...

fell right into the

hands of the devil!

Well, I would like to

see the Eclipse up close.

This is the control terminal.

This starts it, and this disc

changes the direction.

Thi-this is not an ideal place!

I won't use it here, don't worry.

It's not safe.

So if I do this, it will work.

I understand everything.

Fhrer, your legs...

Oh, my!

It's a miracle!

Is what I would say if...!

Why the sad face, Laetitia?

Mr. Jigen!


There were reports of the Eclipse's

movement, so Interpol took action.

We invaded

and then transmitted...

...a false communication

to capture Geralt here.

I appreciate your

cooperation, Laetitia - I mean...

...Miss Bresson!


We got off the jet

using a parachute.

Even Pops fought by our side.

Life is full of surprises.

Where's Lupin?

I don't believe it. You are...

Well, guess the acts up.

I found a sucker!

Where's the Fhrer?

What did you do with him?!

Nothing! He died a long time ago.

You learnt that

in school, didn't you?

He died in 1945.

But, what about this photograph?!

I'm sorry to disappoint

you, but Interpol

created the photo and circulated it to

see if anyone would reveal themselves.

They can play pretty

dirty, can't they?

I don't believe this!

Don't mock the Fhrer!

That could've been pretty bad...

if you had your b*ll*ts.

Why are you doing this?!

I came to destroy

this, of course!

And thank's so much for

teaching me how to operate it!

- Owwies!

- I'll k*ll you!

Why so violent!?

Ooh no, how scary!

Why does a petty thief like

you have to get in my way?

It's easy to explain really.

We thieves just love to

live through such emotional situations.

You'll die!

You will pay dearly! Die!

That's all, folks!

Damn you!

I can't stop it!

You idiot! Do you want

to die together?

Parachute! I won't

let you escape!

See ya!

You'll die, too!

I'll worry about it only

after I k*ll you, Lupin!


Damn you!


Go to hell. Where you both belong.

I did it, grandfather.



Well, looks like Lupin

is out of the picture.

Now I can finally concentrate

on arresting all you...


Stop right there...!

Lupin, Lupin!

- Lupin!

- Ah, wait-!

You did it, Lupin!

The Eclipse is gone. You

don't have to worry about it anymore.

Everything went well, didn't it?


Humans are waaay too stupid

to deal with something

so incredibly powerful.

- Lupin...

- Lupin!

Always on time, Fujicakes.

I relieved these things

from their collection.

This took far too much work

just to wind up empty handed.

See ya soon, Lupin!


Quick! Pops is after us.

Will that nut ever give up!?

I suppose this is where we say goodbye.

Won't you take me with you?

You aren't tied to

some boss anymore.

You can go wherever you want.

Coming with us would...

not be a good idea.


I'm too busy to take care

of a terrible thief like you anyway.

How cruel!

I'm sure we'll meet again sometime.

You take care of yourself.

I can do that.

Before I forget, I

have to deliver this.

It's from Boston University.

Why do you have the letter?

Wait. How did you

submit my thesis?

I nicked it from your

apartment and sent it in.

Good luck.

They said they are always looking

for new, talented candidates!

And you're a very talented thief!


See you, miss!

Come back here, Lupin!


I've got you this time!

Oh my...