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Maaro (2011)

Posted: 09/05/23 18:01
by bunniefuu
Who are you?

Surrender! If not we'll enter!

Inspector, if you don't give us way,
I'll k*ll her and all others.

Please listen to me.
- I don't listen but can sh**t!

Don't rush!

Don't take any action in tension.
I'm coming there with battalion.

Keep talking to them till
we reach there.

What did your commissioner say?

To sit tight and not take
any action, right?

Don't get angry! I'll count to ten,

if you don't give us way after
dropping your weapons,

I'll k*ll her! Got it?

Is a life just a count to ten?

Sir, he seems to be determined,
please follow his orders.

What do you want us to do?
Is it khaki or waiter's uniform?

If he kills her,
can he leave this place alive?

Come out!

Throw your weapons and move back!
Move back!

They seem to be very dangerous!
Can't lose another life!

Just do as they order!
- Okay sir.

Boss says we must deliver
goods to Seth. Make it fast.

Okay brother!

Brother, a man is here to meet boss.

Tell him boss is busy
and can't meet him.

It seems Murthy has sent him.
- Who is Murthy?

The man who is here knows him.

What? He knows?
I must know him, right?

Bring him in.
- Okay brother.

Hey you, come in.

Come in.

Greetings brother.

I want to meet David Raju.
- I'm David Raju, what's the matter?

I need a job sir.

Who told you we'll give jobs?

Murthy told me.
- Who is Murthy?

You don't know Murthy but
he knows you very well.

Don't chant his name, get out.

Please sir, I need Rs.,
I'll do anything for you.

Go and sleep, you'll find money
in dream, take and pocket it.

Such mad men too exist.
- Do it fast.

Who the hell is he?
Seems he has really gone to sleep.

Who are you?
- David Raju told me to sleep.

Are you sleeping here, you stupid?
Get up I say!

What happened, brother?
- Catch him not me.

Who are you? Why are you here?

David Raju sent me here to sleep
to find money in dream.

Is it?

Boss, I didn't tell him like that,
he wanted to meet you for a job,

to send him away,
I lied to him that I'm David Raju.

It means, aren't you David Raju?

Greetings David Raju sir!

How dare you lie with
such a huge body!

I'll take you to task.

No! We need a man like him.

He too is stupid like you guys,
that's why he dared to enter my den.

He'll do any job successfully
without a small let up.

Can you see a way under
the railway track?

Take this suitcase and walk under it.

Switch on this cell phone
after going that side.

You'll get a call, take the suitcase
following the instructions.

They'll give another suitcase for this.
Come back with it.

We'll stay here only,
this is your first duty.

If you do it perfectly,
you'll get Rs..

I'll do it perfectly, sir.

Sir, information is correct,
David Raju's g*ng is here,

they've sent a boy with a suitcase,
but they both are waiting here only,

ensure they don't escape from you.

I'll take care of the boy
with the suitcase.

One more train! What a long train!

One, two, three, four, five, six...

he's coming.

I'll arrest him here,
you arrest David and gundappa.

Stop! Where are you going?
- What's this sir?

Why are you arresting me?
- Get him into the jeep.

Stop... stop...


I kicked you there,
you tumbled and fell here.

If I kick you here...
- You'll not know where you'll tumble.

Did you think I tumbled over steps?

If Rajini has a style of getting
the steps, I've my own style.

What bloody style?
- Don't beat a gentleman in public.

Won't they respect you later?
- No, they won't lend me money.

You know about brother, right?
- I know.

He's friend while lending money,
he's foe if you don't repay.

I know sir.
- Why did you then not repay?

I didn't take the loan,
Sundaram took the loan.

I don't care, it is you who
took it from me.

He threatened to k*ll himself if
I don't give him money at midnight,

I go scared...
- You came to me!

I'll hack you! Where is he from?
- I don't know.

Where is his house?
- I don't know.

Why did you let him stay in your
room without knowing any details?

Murthy sent him.
- Who is Murthy?

He'll say I don't know.
- Will you?

Yes, I really don't know.

I felt it must be the name
of some big shot,

first time in life somebody
recommended my name,

I couldn't say no and
let him stay in my room.

You don't know him, you don't know
the man who sent him,

but you gave my money
Rs. to him.

Do I look like a fool?
Boys, bash him!

Stop... stop...

giving us rest?
- No, for me.

He's here, I'll ask him.

Am I still like Narayana?
Am I not out of shape?

I can recognise if you'd died.
Is it paining, Narayana?

To hell with your affection.
Did you bring money?

That is...

your boys bashed me for
Rs., I'll pay you now.

You wait!

I'll throw from up,
you catch it like a dog. Come.

He called you a dog.

I don't mind anything till he pays.

Anything is okay for money?
Bloody idiot!

I'll throw Rs.
from this suitcase.

Our set up must change from today,
we mustn't look out for money.

No money!
- No money?

What's in the suitcase then?
- I don't know.

They said if I deliver it,
I'll get Rs..

Why didn't you deliver
and take the money?

That's why I went under the train.

Under the train?
- He said I'll get a phone after that.

Did you get he call?

No, police came.
- Police?

What's in it for the police?

Do you know what is this?
- What?

White tooth powder packet!

You believed they'll pay
Rs. for this.

Is it tooth powder because it's white?

No, it's brown sugar.
Why did you switch off the cell?

I told you police came there.
- Shut up.

Talk to them.

You told me not to talk, right?
- I beg you, please talk to them.

Are the goods ready?
We're waiting with cash.

It seems they're waiting with cash.
- Ask them where should you come?

Where do you want me to come?

Come immediately to bnr hills
on the western side to the city.

- Bnr hills. Shall we go?

I'll k*ll you. Come.

Guarding like a dog!

Didn't bring money!

No money?

You said you'll throw cash
from upstairs.

You told me to catch it like dog.

I can throw only if I've!
- Back to square one! I'll k*ll you.

Please wait for an hour,
we'll pay you Rs..

How can you get Rs.
in an hour?

If I deliver this suitcase,
they'll pay me Rs..


He'll say I don't know.
- Will you?

Yes, I really don't know.
- You don't know really!

Please trust me.
We'll not escape with your money.

We'll not trust you,
we'll also come. Come, let's go.

But they didn't ask you to come, right?

Did we ask them to come?
Go... go, take them. Go!

What a great point you found!

How could you get so smart
in such young age?

I don't know.

Why did you bring us here?

Doesn't he have any home or hut?

That is...
- You'll say we don't know.

I got their call.
- Talk to him.

Is it RTC strike?
Why did you come with a g*ng?

I didn't invite them,
they joined me forcibly.

Okay, two of you come to me
with the goods.

You haven't yet told me
where you are!

Turn back and see!

I can see few people there,
who are they?

That's we! Come straight!
- Did he come in this car?

Don't forget the goods,
we're waiting with cash. Come.

You stay here, we'll come with money.

Stop! What okay? You fool!
They're planning to escape.

Is it?
- Deal!

You can't cheat me in the name of deal.
Take the suitcase.

We'll bring the money.

Take care of these guys.
- Okay brother. Come.

Where are you coming?
Keep an eye on him.

Stop... stop!
- Seth is here!

Open the suitcase!
- Open it.

Brother! They've cheated us!

What's this?
- Sacred ash!

- Show us the goods!

We'll show but we'll not accept
a penny less then Rs..

We'll not accept.
- He says just Rs. only!

It's code! don't mean
just Rs. only! The big !

He says Rs. lakhs!

David Raju said it's Rs. lakhs
worth goods.

May be stock is less.

Okay, show me whatever
stock you have!

If you say no father seeing it...

it's a crore worth stock.
- May be means Rs. crores!

What are you discussing there?

Will you pay or
shall we take back the stock?

This stock is worth Rs. crore
not just Rs. lakhs.

What? Rs. crore!?

This suitcase is mine
and the cash is yours.

A crore! A crore!

My crore!

Look there!
What has happened to them?

My crore!

They've gone mad for getting
Rs. as if it's a crore.

My crore!
- Police again!

Stop it!

Are you here?
Why are you after my life?

Police are coming wherever you go.

Are you by any chance
a convict on run?

I didn't escape from jail.
- Then?

From a mental asylum.
- From a mental asylum?

I didn't get it that you're mad when you
first threatened to commit su1c1de.

Are you also calling me mad?

What have I done that people
are calling me mad?

I laughed at my dad!
I was sent to the mental asylum.

This is injustice, unjust!

Did they sent you to mental asylum
for laughing at your dad?

Didn't your father stop them?
- How can he? He was dead!


Yes, I laughed when my dad died.
I asked dad if he was doing fine.

I was branded as mad and
sent to mental asylum.

Was I wrong, Narayana?
- Not wrong but variety, get up I say!

We don't have any connection
between us from now onwards.

Go away, that's my way
and yours is this way.

No, that's your way, this is my way.

I too said the same, right?
- I too said the same, right?

Why are you getting angry for that?

I'm going mad with you around here.

I beg you, please never show up
again in my life.

No, I beg you... no please...

sir, a boy is here to meet you sir.
- Who?

It seems Murthy has sent him.

May be export Murthy's man!

Though I'm not a minister now,
he hasn't forgotten me like others.

Bring him to the office room.
- Okay sir.

Greetings sir.
- Greetings.

How is your Murthy doing?

How are his wife and children?

Wife and children?
Murthy isn't married yet, sir.

Then, you must be from
contractor Murthy.

No sir.

Neither from unmarried Murthy
or contractor Murthy...

who is this Murthy in between them?

You don't know Murthy but
Murthy knows you very well.

Get up! Get out!

Murthy told me that you'll get angry
and would ask me to get out.

When you say so,
he told me to tell another thing,

what's that?

Rs. crores bank deal,
you got your % share,

you think nobody knows it,
but Murthy knows it.

He told me to tell you this.

Why are you k*lling me?
Murthy told me to tell you this.

If you k*ll me,
Murthy will send another man.

I'll k*ll too!

Are you trying to blackmail me
with Rs. crore deal?

Am I blackmailing you sir? Murthy will
never do anything without evidence.

What's the evidence with him?
- How would I know sir?

If you've any doubt, ask Murthy!

It's ringing!

What are you trying to listen?
Get out. Out! Out... get out!

I was waiting for you,
ex-minister Venkatratnam.

Indeed I'm Venkatratnam
and former minister too!

Which Murthy are you?
- Do you remember DID bank?

Did bank?

Your account with DID bank
has Rs. crores.

You informed the bank about
withdrawing that amount.

Bank people arranged money for you,

but the bank was robbed the same day,

entire robbery plan was yours,

you got your share from the booty.

Actually it was not my plan,
Ram Mohan's plan.

Ram Mohan?
- Listen to me, you silly Murthy!

If I present Rs. crore
cheque to DID bank,

the bank won't have that
much cash, right?

The bank must arrange cash
from another bank,

if I present the cheque,

knowing about the
heavy cash in the bank,

they'll rob the bank,

if everything goes as per the plan,
I'll get Rs. crores as my share.

It seems Ram Mohan and his brother
shared the other part of the booty.

Ram Mohan escaped to America.

It seems his brother is still here.

I can get my share from him but
I don't know anything about him.

I don't even know
how does he look like.

Even if you catch him,
you can't get even a penny.

No? Why?

He cheated his brother along with you
and escaped to America with money.

Poor boy!

How do you know about all this?

The boy who has come to you now
is Ram Mohan's brother.

Is it him?
- Yes.

I saved him from committing
su1c1de without any money.

He told me everything about this.

I'll use him to bring
Ram Mohan from America.

Do you think he'll come?

He'll come, I'll force him to come.

Let's talk about business
after he arrives.

What business?

Make four shares of the looted money.

Rs. crores to me and Rs. crores to you,
Rs. crores to Ram Mohan's brother,

and Rs. crores to Ram Mohan.
Is the deal okay?

Forget about the deal, you said my
share is Rs. crores, that's good to hear.

Then, is the deal okay to you?

The boy needs Rs.
immediately, give him.

If you refuse, he'll commit su1c1de.

Oh no! If he dies!
Our entire plan depends on him.

I'll pay him Rs.
instead of Rs..

Boy! It seems you need money, right?
Take it.

No thanks.
- Keep it.

No thanks.
- Don't feel shy.

If you need money at any time,
don't forget I'm there for you.

No need to thank me,
keep this cell phone.

But never think of committing
su1c1de like a kid.

su1c1de is grave sin.
Life is valuable!

And your life is worth Rs. crore...
your life is highly valuable!

- Bye sir.

Welcome to songs program offered
by maa tv to our valued viewers,

are you all ready?
Let's take the first call, right?

Welcome to the song program.

What's your name?
- My name is Shiva.

What do you do?
- I'm in a high place in this city.

So high?
- Yes, Hyderabad is under my feet.

I'm on a high rise building.

You're joking! Tell me what song
shall I play for you?

National anthem.

National anthem? Just now started.
Want me to end so quickly.

Tell me some other song please.

Song 'Kanulu Moose Mounama'

you want to dedicate his song
to someone special? - Yes.

To whom?
- To Murthy!

Do you've any message for him?

The song you'll play now,
Murthy must watch it.

He must call me before the song ends.

If not...
- If not?

I'll commit su1c1de.

Yes, I'll commit su1c1de.
This is my message to Murthy.

Did you call now to commit su1c1de?
- No, for Murthy.

If he doesn't call me,
I'll commit su1c1de as I told you.

Where are you exactly now?

On the rooftop of Topaz building.

If I jump down from here,
I'll break up into pieces.

Murthy will definitely call you.

If he doesn't call you,
do you've to die?

Do you've only Murthy?
Don't you've anyone else?

I've an elder brother
but he's in America.

Where in America?
- In New York Quins.

New York? Quins?
What's his name?

Is New York Ram Mohan
your elder brother?

Just for namesake only,
he's no use to me anyway.

We don't have any connection
between us.

I've snapped it long back.

Why are you asking details?
Will you play song or shall I jump?

I'll play the song, Murthy will surely
call you before the song ends.

Sleeping silence...

Eternal peace...

Goal of life...

friendship that remains till last...

Bridge between the worldly
and heavenly...

Peace amidst the
chaos of agitations...

A lesson that teaches
world is a myth...

A relationship that breaks
all the bonds...

You're my last song...

There's no high and low
in you anymore...

Rich or poor, everyone is
equal before you...

Nobody can ever judge
the way you enter...

A God who is endless
and limitless...

Ruling over great many a history...

Everything thing melts and
washes away in you...

Lifespan is very small...
Never delay a moment in it...

Though one may have great treasures
of wishes but can't take it with you...

Death, you're the ultimate truth...

Are you the anchor of the song program?
- Yes.

Will you believe any fool's
practical joke?

No sir, I felt he was determined
to commit su1c1de.

Why didn't he do it then?
- Isn't good if he hasn't, sir?

Murthy called me.
I'm not committing su1c1de.

It's me Priya here.

How are you doing?

Do you've a younger brother?
- Why?

Do you've a younger brother or not?

I do have. Shiva!
Why are you asking about him suddenly?

He tried to commit su1c1de today.

He called on my song program and
created a scene about committing su1c1de.

He was saved by his friend Murthy.

If not he would've died.
Don't you care about your brother?

Shouldn't you take care of him?

Why are you helping me without
bothering about your own brother?

Who am I to you anyway?
Why are taking me to America?

Why are you promising me
a job and support?

I don't want your friendship from a man
who lets down his own brother.

I'm not coming to America.

Please listen to me.

I don't want to hear anything.

Did I seek your help?
You volunteered to take me to America.

I don't want to come to America,
please don't call me hereafter.

I don't want to talk to you.

Call from your home, Priya.

Come home immediately,
grandma is seriously ill.

I'm coming.

You know your grandma's
health condition.

Her cancer is in critical stage,

can't do anything other
than give her pain K*llers.

If you don't give at right time,
she may feel pain again.

No doctor, my grandma...

I've given sedation injection
from hospital,

please replace it tomorrow.

This injection... for you?
- No, my grandma.

Is it?
- My friend is also dying.

He's in unbearable pain.

Medical shops are refusing to give
this injection without prescription.

Take this injection and
use it for your friend.

No, your grandma needs it, right?

She has already taken a shot,
this is replacement.

You took it just now, right?

If you want another injection,
get another prescription.

What happened to the earlier one?
- I gave it to another patient.

Is it to the young man in jeans
and checks shirt?

Yes, his friend is a dying patient.

He's a liar, he's a drug addict.

He's a wastrel who spends most of
his time under dr*gs with other addicts.

He asked us, when I refused,
he threatened to commit su1c1de.

He boasted about making public
announcement of committing su1c1de on tv.

It seems he's not
Ram Mohan's own brother.

He's his father's second wife's son.

It seems without bothering about it,
he took care of him,

and sent visa too
to take him to America.

It seems this young man here is
refusing to go and doing silly things.

Yes, he has been trying to call him
for a week now but no use.

It seems he's wantonly
not taking his calls.

Poor man is very tensed.
He gave his phone number,

he told you to call and
convince to talk to him.

Ram Mohan is trying to
call you to tell this.

Try to call the number given
by Ram Mohan.

I'll talk to him.
- Okay.

Phone is ringing, Priya.

Is he cutting the call?

I'll talk to him at any cost.

In hot moonlit...

Have a ball...

Though stars are falling...
Eastern sky is reeling...

In the colourful nights,
even stone is a venus...

Under the influence of dr*gs,
even laments are songs...

There's peace in it's shade...

Forcing life into speed highway...

It's intoxication if pushed
in deeper than a valley...

Heart is higher than sky...

Past is high and present is nothing...

Past is myth, present is fun...

A girl gave you this.

I want to talk to you personally.
This is my address.

Looks like an auto is here,
open the gate.

Won't you open it?

I'm very punctual. My duty is over
a minute ago. Open the gate.

Who the hell is he?

How come this mad man is here?
My life is finished.

I'm living a secluded life away
from him as a watchman.

A big problem is coming in
that auto, let's throw it out. Come.

Who are you?

Is it Priya's home?
My name is Shiva.

Please come in, sit down.

What happened?

Where's the man
who came in the auto? - Auto?

You two go that side.

Ram Mohan's brother Shiva is here.

That mad man?

Where is he?
- I've asked him to sit there.

Get up!

Where is he?
- I told him to sit here.

Where did he go?

What has happened to him?

He would've left.

I got scared!
Why did you scare me?

Did I scare you? You were seeing
and I too joined you.

Anyway, what were you seeing?

Are you feeling giddy, grandma?

No, please come, sit down. Sit.

Come. Come... come...

first call Priya...
why are you following me?

You asked me to follow.
- Not you, you sit there.

Call Priya immediately.

I and Priya...


Ram Mohan's brother Shiva is here.

He may leave not finding me there,
keep talking to him, grandma.


no need, he's talking to himself.

Okay, offer him juice or tea.
I'm coming now.

Juice is ready,
who will serve him now?

Who else? You serve him.

Oh no! I can't!

You search there,
I'll search this place.

- Please come in.

Take the juice.
Give it to him.

You've recognised my hard work.

It isn't for you but to the guest.

Give it to the guest then,
why did you call me?

Guest is a man, we are all girls.

We're feeling shy.
- You too?!

I'll break your teeth, serve him.

I'm tensed...
- Go!

She's taking my life juices.

Where could he be?
Which home could he have entered?

I don't get anything.

I'll definitely find him
and give a fitting lesson.

Have juice sir.
Did you see him?

- Search.

How do you know my name sir?
Is it you?

Where did you run away
with my Rs.?

I'll not leave you.

Why is the mad man playing
piggy back ride game with him?

Thank God, I didn't go.

You're finished.
Come, he's escaping!

He's escaping with me,
catch him. Come...

he's escaping with me. Catch him!

That's it, turn him, Bhushanam has
vowed to k*ll me because of you.

Return my Rs.!

You do your duty.

What happened?

Brother! Isn't he like Sundaram?

Not Sundaram, he looks like Narayana.

Not like Narayana, he's Narayana.

Why is he running then?
- He owes you money, right?

Boys, run and catch him.
He's coming, catch him.

Come this side.
- Come... changed the route.

Where can you escape from me?
You can't escape from me.

How am I to escape from him?
- Run away!

He's escaping!

Catch him!
- Come on boys.

He's escaping, catch him.
- Get in boys.

Get in quickly boys.
- Get in quickly!

Why is he running away?
- Hey you stop there!

Drive the car.

Why is he running fast? Run slowly!

Hey you, stop!

Why did you stop?
- No way further.

Hey you stop!

Don't leave him today,
we must get our money.

Don't leave him!

He'll keep on running
till I get my money.

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

Oh my God!
Where the hell did this come from?

Oh no! It's coming on me.

Don't jump!

I told you not to jump,
why did you jump?

You asked me not to jump but
didn't tell about cow dung, right?

Do you've to jump into cow dung
for a loan of Rs.?

Enough! Wipe yourself.

My son's dress, wear it Shiva.

Don't you want me to wear?

Change in the room.
- Okay.

Stop! Isn't your name Sundaram?
- Yes.

Why are they calling you as Shiva then?

I'm Shiva and Sundaram too!
My name is Shiva Sundaram.

You come in.

Please send him back to
his place immediately.

His place? Where is it?

One is in erragadda and
another one is in vizag.

Shut up, he must go to America.

America? So much?
But he'll refuse.

That's why I've brought him here to
convince and send him to America.

He's refusing to go to near by erragadda
and she wants to take him to America.

Can't you keep the wet clothes inside,
give me I'll dry it in sun.

Don't squeeze hard,
I've saved Rs. in it.

Couldn't you've taken it out?

I did, took it from pant pocket
and kept it in shirt pocket.

Don't stop with second sneeze.
Sneeze the third one too!

Don't stop with second sneeze.
Sneeze the third one too!


Sit here.

You're grown up and
yet don't know to wipe head.

If you don't wipe properly,
you'll catch cold and fever.

What's this son? Through grown up
you still get wet in rain.

I'm here to wipe you
who would do if you're alone?

I can't come everywhere you go, son.

What happened?

I remembered my mother.

Where is your mother?
- She no more, she's dead.

I don't have anyone.
- Why do you think so?

You've an elder brother, right?

Why are you so angry on your brother?

He has promised to take
you to America, right?

He wants to use me,
that's why he's taking me to America.

It's not affection for me.

No, your bother is very good man.

We are in great difficulties
and he's helping us.

He has promised to take Priya
to America and offer her job.

If he says like that, there must
be some ulterior motive in it.

He's very selfish man.

He'll never do anything
without self gain.

- He's my brother.

I know him better than you.

Give the phone to him, Priya.

Your brother is in line,
he wants to talk to you.

Why did you call him?
Cut the line.

Your brother is refusing
to talk to you.

Ask him, what was my mistake
for not talking to me?

Doesn't he know
what was his mistake?

Does he want to me reveal
it before you? Ask him.

Okay, if I've done any mistake,
I'll seek his forgiveness.

Please give the phone to him.

He says he'll seek your forgiveness.

Tell him to come here and
seek my forgiveness.

Yes, he must come here,
ask forgiveness personally.

Cut the phone call please.

If I knew you know him,
I wouldn't have come here.

Ram, your brother insists
you must come here.

Is he mad?

How can I come immediately?

But he's refusing to listen.
- I'm tensed about his behaviour.

He's stubborn, he may do anything.

It's not safe to let him move around.

Do one thing,
convince him to stay with you.

Don't worry, I'll try to convince him.

Stop! Where are you going?

To any place I wish,
I'll commit su1c1de as I wish.

Why do you bother?

Why do you always thr*aten
people with su1c1de?

Can't you say anything else?
- You wait, Priya.

If death is answer to every problem,
then we must die before you.

Young girl, she's carrying the family
burden after her father's death.

They've been abandoned
by their husbands.

If we ask the reason,
when will you sell this house,

when will we get our shares?
Promise to live with them after that.

About me, I'm almost on
the verge of death.

But still I'm fighting to live.

We're not thinking of dying, you've great
future, why do you want to die?

All of you are bound by
affection towards each other.

You've a hope of problems getting
solved and live happily.

But why should I live and
who is there for me?

We're there for you.

You're like my grandson.
You must live at least for us.

He's my father.

He committed su1c1de like
a coward just like you.

My grandma saw you for
the first time in life.

She said you're like her grandson.
She said we're there for you.

She pleaded to live for us, why?

Do you think she said this
with affection on you?

We've no other way, that's our plight.

To clear my problems,
I must go to America.

Your brother is helping me.

If you disturb your brother
with your troubles,

he may come back to India for good,

if he comes back, our ambitions,
hopes and life would get ruined.

I beg you, please be happy
with your brother.

What's in your eyes?
Are you using contact lenses?

Spectacles would suit you
better than lenses.

Were you watching my eyes till now?

Didn't you hear anything I said now?

You were saying something, right?
Go ahead.

Show me.
- Leave me.

Spec fell into my eye.
You've to remove it with tongue.

Okay, I'll remove it.
Show me.

He's not here for minutes,
yet so quickly!

Remove it quickly.

- If not who else! You think she'd do it?

So you've this madness too
along with that madness.

I'll teach you a lesson, grandma...

Why are you shouting?

Will he stay with you?
- Yes.

If you let him stay here, he'll trouble
entire colony not just you...

grandma, he'll trouble entire colony.

Why are you worried about him?
Mind your work.

That's my job, you've appointed me
to let you sleep peacefully.

You don't listen to me,
not even God can protect you.

Why are you shouting now? Go!

Useless man! Not even allows
to pray peacefully.

What is she writing so
interestingly at midnight?

Is it love letter?

Will you come silently
and watch over me?

No, I did look straight.

Not that.

What happened?
Why did you shout now?

Thief... thief...
- How can thief come when I'm here?

How can thieves come in my area?

I'll beat any number of thieves
with this baton...


I expected this.
What did you do now?

What I saw was...
- Don't talk, I was writing here.

He stood behind me and looked over me.

Did you raise a hell for this?

May be he was hungry and
came to ask something.

How unabashedly you're saying it?
- Why should I feel shame?

He skipped lunch,
so he would've come to ask now.

Hungry means?
- Don't act as if you don't know.

This is different type of hunger.

Why did he watch over you
from behind?

What I was trying to see...
- Don't talk, don't repeat.

He must talk, I must know the truth.
You tell me.

I was trying to see
what was Priya writing...

Don't try to cover it.

Priya is engineering student,
I can't understand what she's writing.

How can you understand?
He's lying.

I know. Shut up and go to sleep.

You too go to sleep.

What I was trying to see...

no, what I was seeing...

Where did I put my note book?

What is he writing in my book?

Tell me the truth, what did you study?

No, B.Sc maths students can't
solve this problem.

I'm a topper in engineering,
yet I failed to solve it.

When I asked lecturer,
he asked me to meet the dean.

You've solved such
a complicated problem,

tell me the truth,
how could you do it?

I didn't solve it, Murthy did it.

- Yes.

I called Murthy and he guided me.

I noted down his suggestions
and solved the problem.

If you've doubt, check this paper.

Is Murthy engineering professor or dean?

Yes, he's a genius.
- Is it?

Can you introduce Murthy to me?
- Definitely.

Say thanks to Murthy not to me.
I'll tell him.

What's this?

Why are you forcibly entering?
Get out.

You've to go out, this house is ours.

He gave this house as surety
on the agreement.

I don't know anything,
my grand daughters have gone out,

are you trying to use force because
there are no men in the house?

We expected this from you,
that's why we've brought your sons-in-law.

Look, they're waiting outside.

Are they men?

Useless guys who deserted
wives for money.

What are you saying?
Your son, I mean our father-in-law,

took loan on this house,
we've signed as sureties,

it has taken us down, just asking
for the repayment of loan.

Priya is paying the interest
every month, right?

How long can she pay?

Anyway why do you need
such a big house?

If you sell the house to lenders,

they'll settles the loan and
pay you the balance.

If you give us our wives share in it,
we'll take our wives with us.

Good judgement!
We don't need your advice.

Get them out from here.

No need to talk to this old lady.
Is this court?

Boys, throw the old lady out
and lock the house.

She'll come to our way in a flash!

If anyone dares to step inside,
I'll break their legs.

Stop! What's this atrocity?

He's in deep sleep, throw him out.

What happened to you?

I'll k*ll you bloody fools!
Get out!

Hey old lady!

Don't fight!

What has happened?

Will you k*ll them?
Who do think they are?

They're my brothers-in-law!

Grandma, get up!

She's tensed, I've given her a sedative.

Let her stay here for four days,
one of you stay to look after her.

Be careful, grandma.

I'm fine and doing well.

You come here.

Get up son!
- Grandma, please forgive us.

We'll behave properly,
we'll take back wife and children.

We're ashamed of what we did, grandma.

We'll take leave, grandma.

Ever since you came here,
everything good is happening.

I'm extremely happy.

I didn't know who you were,
if I knew I wouldn't have beaten you...

No problem.
Just a minute.

Please come.

What are you thinking?

You said something very important,
what's the matter?

Do you've to go to America?
- Why are you asking me that?

Your problems are solved, right?

Solved? Repay my dad's loan
and pay my sister's share.

I've to go to America for that.

Not only me, you too must
come with me, Shiva.

Me? No way, I'll never come to America.

Stop! Unnecessary trouble!
- Leave me.

Why are you beating him?

He bought stuff and says no money.

Is he my brother-in-law
to supply free?

You want money, right? How much?
- Rs..

Take it.

I want it now,
if not I'll slit her throat.

I want it right now.
- Leave her.

You want this, right?
I'll give it to you, leave her.

Give me first, then I'll leave her.

Wait, I'll give... wait...

I want... I want...

who is he?

I want... I want...

tell me Shiva, who is he?

He's my friend Murthy!

Every genius has a weakness.

His weakness is dr*gs.
He'll do anything for dr*gs.

That's why I don't let him wander out.

You go Priya, I'll drop him and come.

Give me, Priya.

Auto, go.

Why did you let Shiva go with Murthy?

Don't you know he's spoiling him?

Is he a little kid to stop?
Will he listen to me?

He'll do anything if people
he loves tell him,

he'll give even his life.

I wanted to tell you this for long,
I want you to marry Shiva.

What are you saying grandma?
I'm doing my engineering final.

He's an innocent idiot.

He's not idiot as you think,
he's clever and very good too.

I know, you must marry him.

Impossible, I must finish
my studies and take up a job.

I'll marry only after that.
Till then no marriage!

What's the argument, grandma?
Is it about me?

Yes, about you only.

You always leave us and go away,

so I'm planning your marriage
with my grand daughter.

Should I marry Priya?

She's way ahead of me,
this marriage is not possible.

In what way are you inferior to her?

She studied books, you've studied life.

It isn't found in books.
- No grandma...

I want to safely handover Priya
to you before I die.

Because I don't think her brothers-in-law
would take care of her after me.

That's why I want you to marry her.
Will you fulfill my wish?

Okay, I accept because
it's your wish. But two conditions.

One, Priya must accept.

Two, my elder brother Ram Mohan
must come to this marriage.

This marriage must happen at any cost.

It's your responsibility to get
the nod from Priya.

It's my responsibility to bring
your brother here.

Murthy, you're a magician!

Somehow you've managed
to bring my brother to India.

What happened Priya?

I want to talk to you.
- At this hour?

Let's talk tomorrow morning,
go to sleep.

Impossible, I want to talk right now.

You're a young woman, what would
people think if you come to a man's room?

Why are you closing the door?

For whom you're ready to marry me?
- For grandma.


Yes, not just for grandma,
for myself too.

That is also a lie.

You didn't agree to marry me for
neither grandma nor for you,

you agreed for Murthy!

This is a drama played by you and
Murthy to bring your brother to India.

What are you saying?
Murthy? Drama?

I love you, why don't you try
to understand me?

Not just me, not even God
can understand you.

You appear like a mad man at times,
at times, you're too smart,

at another time, you're philosophical,

and then at times,
you bash up g*ons,

what are you exactly?

I'm scared to let you stay here.

No need to let me stay here
when you're scared of me.

I'm leaving now.

Stop! Where are you going?

Leave me, I'll go.
Leave me.

What happened, Shiva?

Look grandma is coming.

I told you to leave,
but didn't listen to me.

You bolted the door too.

Grandma will think bad about us
locked in this room.

You hide somewhere.
- Why?

She'll think bad only if I hide.

What are these sounds at midnight?

Please, hide!
- I'll not hide.


Grandma, I...

I wouldn't have mistaken if I had
seen him in your room.

Grandma, Priya came here...

I didn't mean like this to get
her nod for marriage.

How smartly you escaped!

You're a smarter crook
than I could imagine.

I'm Priya's grandma,
I've arranged your brother's marriage.


Just a minute.

What are you saying grandma?
Is Shiva getting married?

Yes, bride is also ready.
I'm unable to stop them.

Okay, who is the bride?

Who else other than
my grand daughter Priya.

Yes, their affair has reached bedroom.

Whether you come or not,
their marriage will go on.

Don't take any decision in hurry.
I'm coming there immediately.

Let's fix marriage after I come there.

Why didn't you tell us about
Priya's marriage, grandma?

You may be angry on our husbands,
but what have we done to you?

Will you keep quiet?
This marriage will not happen.

This is drama played by him.
But grandma thinks I love Shiva.

Don't you like Shiva then?

We'll be happy if you love Shiva
or marry him.

You can't find any better man than him.
He has helped our family so much.

Yes, our husbands didn't take us
home wholeheartedly,

but they're taking good care of us,

because Shiva paid the entire dowry
our father owes to my mother-in-law.

Did Shiva pay?

Not only that, Shiva has settled
the loan on this house too.

He gave us our share and registered
this house on your name.

Where did you get so much money?

What money?

My sisters told me everything.

Where did you get so much money?

Oh that! How can I get so much money?

Murthy gave it.
- You're lying.

Why should I lie to you?
Trust me, Murthy gave it.

He was fighting with
a drug peddler for Rs..

How can I believe if you say
he gave you millions?

Where are you going?
Trying to escape?

Tell me, where did you get
so much money?

Murthy gave me money,
how would I know how did he get it?

You know everything,
the money isn't your hard earned.

Murthy and you've robbed someone.

Do I look like a robber to you?

Yes, you're a thief,
and Murthy too is a thief.

You both are thieves.

You both are born criminals
who can k*ll people for money.

Stop, we don't need a penny
too earned from wrong way.

What do you think?

Can my sisters live happily
with that blood money?

Sister, return his money.

We've this house earned
by our father,

let's sell this and solve
all our problems.

I don't mind going to streets too.
But we don't need anyone's help.

The money I gave
belongs to your father.

Infact he lost his life
for this money.

The money belongs to you.
That's why I gave it to you.

Your father didn't commit su1c1de
as you all think.

He was m*rder*d.

Was my father m*rder*d?

Who did it?
- I don't know.

But how can you say
my father was m*rder*d?

I didn't say, Murthy said so.
Murthy knows your father's k*ller.

That's why Murthy took money
from them and gave it to you.

Lie... lie... pure lies!

You're fooling us every time
with some cooked up story.

This is a respectable family,
people like you don't deserve to stay here.

Get out!

Grandma, I always suspected him.

I entered his room that night
to bring out the truth.

But you slapped me believing his drama.

He's not a good man as you all think.

What are you saying, Priya?
- Don't talk.

Why are you still here?
I told you to go, right?

Go... get out!

Death is better than
a life of disgrace. Go and die!

Did they throw out unable to bear you?

Throw me out?
They sent me out to do a work.

Do they tell you also to work?
What's it? - To die!

Is that also a work?

Yes, Priya told me go and die,
that's why I'm going.

You came before me, good omen.

Do you also want to join me, Narayana?
Come... come...

He's going as if he's meeting a bride.

I'm Priya's sister.
Have you reached Hyderabad?

Priya and Shiva had a fight
and he has left the home.

He's talking to Priya on another
phone from KVR Colony flat,

he's threatening to commit su1c1de.

Keep talking to him without
cutting the call.

I'll go to him meanwhile.

Go to KVR Colony.

Don't cut the call, Shiva.

There's nothing much more to talk,
my work as Shiva here is over.

Nobody needs me any more.

Open the door, Shiva!

You wait here,
I'll get my return ticket confirmed.

What happened?

What happened?

I saw him.
- Who? Where?

I saw him.
- Whom did you see?

I saw Shiva! He's alive!
- How can you see a dead man?

No, he didn't die,
trust me, I saw him. He's alive.

Come, I'll show you.

When you went to the travel office,
he followed you wearing a helmet,

I suspected and called him Shiva,
he turned back,

he escaped after seeing me.

Look, he's coming!
That's him!

She mistook you for her friend.

You're still not out of the shock.

You're always thinking of Shiva
and find Shiva in anyone you see.

Trust me, I really saw him.

I did see him.

Don't know when will power cuts and
hunger deaths stop in Andhra Pradesh.

Are you there?

Why is it so dark?
I can't see anything.

It's no moon day, right?
- You mean.

No moon day means...
ghosts day out.

Put this near the gate silently. Go.

Fool! Why are you so scared?
Be brave like me.

I went searched entire place
for darkness to keep it there.

I didn't find any place,
where shall I keep it?

Keep it on my head.
Brainless fool!

Who is it? Who is it?

Is it you Govindu?

Who are you?

Tell me who are you
or else I'll rise an alarm.

Entire colony will join to thrash you.

I'm telling for your good, come out.

If not I'll come there.
I'm coming there!

Who do you think I am?

Who is it?

What happened?
- What happened, brother?

Look back!
- I don't see anything.

Not here near the gate.
- Seth?

No, a ghost!

Who is here?
- There!

Please don't go.
- Where?

There sir.
- Where is he?

Ghost, right? Would've vanished!

You would've had a bad dream.

No sir, I saw Shiva's ghost.
- There are no ghosts.

If you shout again.
- Will you believe then?

I'll gag your mouth. Go... come.

Mad man! Making crazy claims.

Shiva, you've made me also a fool.

Where did this ghost come from?
How can a ghost...

what's it grandma?
- Look there!

My passport and tickets are burnt.

How did my passport come here?

I kept it safely in my room.

See, he searched my room
and burnt my passport. Why?

You mustn't go back to America
and I mustn't accompany you.

Believe me at least now,
your brother Shiva is alive.

The man I saw in shopping
complex was Shiva.

The man Narayana too saw was Shiva.

It's Shiva who did this.

If we want to know where he is
and why is he doing this,

we must find Murthy, he'll never do
anything without Murthy's knowledge.

Did you see Murthy?

I saw him, I told about the
incident in the restaurant.

Just a minute!

I got it!

Look, he is!

He? Who do you think he is?
- He's Murthy!

He's not Murthy, he's my brother Shiva.

He's not Shiva, the man who
stayed with us is Shiva.

He's Murthy.

Have you gone mad?
Don't I know who my brother is?

He's the man who committed su1c1de
right before my eyes, my Shiva.

He's my brother Shiva.

Then, who is the man who stayed
with us in the name of Shiva?

That's what I want to know,

why did he gain your trust using
my brother Shiva's name?

Why did he stay with you?

To know answers to all these
questions, we must find Murthy.


He lied to us that your
brother is Murthy.

He's very brilliant.

He said another thing also.
He said Murthy is IIT drop out.

Could be a lie.

No, he solved a very difficult
problem very easily.

I'm sure he's an IIT student.

This clue is enough.

No drop outs in last three years
by the name of Murthy.

But there's one Sathya Narayana Murthy,
a drop out student.

It could be him.

Check his records sir.
- Check.

He's the only student to top
all IIT's in India.

But we don't know about his
whereabouts since a year.

Can I see his photo and address?

Nothing is there,
somebody has erased it.

Click on the photo.

What's this?

I'm Murthy, Sathya Narayana Murthy here.

Bloody Murthy, you made me shell out
millions to stop that boy from dying.

He's dead now.
- Who told you?

He's living happily.

Shut up! People may believe it as truth.

He committed su1c1de before his brother,
why do you say he's alive?

Won't you believe me?

Then, keep the phone aside
and open the door.

Thank God, you didn't ask me
to strip naked.

Why are you staring at me?
I'm Shiva.

Murthy told me to stay like this only.
Isn't it good, sir?

Didn't you die?
- Did I die?

Yes, how can you be here if you'd died.

Stay here for a minute.

Yes, you're right, he's alive,

he's steady like a milestone on highway.

Is your doubt clear now?

Then, who is the man who died there?

Is it necessary to you?

Ram Mohan is important to us,
I brought him here as promised.

As we'd planned, call him here
and talk about the deal.

You know the deal, right?
- Why not?

I'll get Rs. crores,
you'll get Rs. crores,

the boy outside will get Rs. crores,

but I'll deduct the amount I paid him,

Ram Mohan will get Rs. crores, okay?

Rs. crore advance.

If you want the balance Rs. crores,
I'll have it delivered.

Don't get excited, Venkatratnam.

You got into trouble using him
to plunder money from me.

The knife is pointed on your neck,
it's knife of your creation Murthy.

You're a golden goose to him,

he'll thr*aten you every time
he needs money,

and you think of threatening me,

but I'll not stay here,
I'll go to America.

You can't find another Ram Mohan.

What should I do if he comes for money?

You should've thought about this
before telling the truth to a cheat.

I didn't tell him,
he said few things he knew,

I thought he knew everything
and I blurted out the truth.

Don't cook up tales.

You created this character
to get money from me.

You told him the entire truth.
- Why would I tell him?

You've a foolish brother, right?
He leaked out everything.

They both planned together to cheat us.

You think your brother is dead
but he's alive and kicking fine.

It's not no, it's yes.
Yesterday he came to me.

My brother? Is he alive?

Did he come to you?
- He did.

Is it this man?
Is it this man? Is it him?

Who is this new face?
- He's my brother Shiva.

Is he Shiva? He looks like
tsunami affected victim.

He's very handsome.
He's not Shiva.

I'm telling you the truth.
He's my brother, my own brother.

My brother Shiva, who trusted me
for good and bad.

This is for us,
this is for the minister.

This is for us...

why should we give minister?
What did he do?

He presented a cheque to get money
out from his other bank account.

Police think it's bank robbery.
What's the loss to the minister?

Bank will pay his money.
He's safe.

So, the entire money is ours.

He has no part in this deal.
- Would he leave us so easily?

What can he do?
Can he dare go to the police?

If he does so, he'll also get caught.

With that his political career will end.
But still we can't trust the minister.

He'll trap us in another way.
That's why I'll go to America.

Then, what about me?

I'll go to America first,
I'll buy stuff from Williams,

you pay the man he tells you,

as soon as our entire money
is converted into stuff,

you too come to America.

I'm leaving India by tomorrow
morning's flight.

I want to meet Priya before that.
- Who is Priya?

Your future sister-in-law.
- Love?

Love has no differences of good and bad.

It affects everyone.

How will sister-in-law be?

See her and decide, come with me,
I'll introduce you to her.

Greetings uncle.

Is it you Ram?
Please come in... come in.

Uncle, Priya?

There's function in my eldest
daughter's place,

my mother and Priya
have gone there.

I had little work, so I stayed back.

They'll come late, please be seated.
Sit down.

I wanted to say bye to Priya.

I'm leaving to America by
tomorrow morning's flight.

I'm going for Priya,
you know how much I love her.

I must have a status and respect
in society to marry your daughter.

So, I'm going to America to
make myself suitable to her.

Please don't try to arrange
Priya's marriage meanwhile.

You... you... bank robbery...

Bank? Which bank?
What are you saying?

Now I've understood.

You introduced minister to the bank
and opened an account there.

The day Rs. crores was
credited to the account,

two people,

those two people were you both,
you two had robbed the bank.

Not just you two, minister too
is hand in glove with you,

I don't get anything about
bank or robbery, uncle.

I'll not leave you.

Are you planning to escape
to America with Rs. crores?

I'll not leave you.

You mean you m*rder*d
the bank manager...

much water has flowed under the
bridge without my knowledge.

If I hadn't k*lled him, we would be
cooling heels in the jail.

If he's your brother Shiva,

then who is the boy who
claimed he's Shiva?

He's Murthy, Sathya Narayana Murthy.

Sathya Narayana Murthy?
Don't try to fool me?

I can believe if you say the man
I met is not your brother Shiva,

but I'm damn sure, he's not Murthy.

How can you be so damn sure?

I talked to Murthy when
that boy was with me.

Did you talk to Murthy
when he was with you?

Yes... yes... yes.

If he's Murthy as you say,
who was I talking to on phone?

He's the real Murthy.

The thing is, if he comes to me
and talks about this robbery,

I'll k*ll him, right?
So, to keep his face safe from me,

he's sending this foolish boy to me.

I'll force him to come out.

I'll make him to come before us.
- How?

With the bait of these Rs. crores.

I offer you prayers like a devout,
Goddess Of Wealth!

Why did you come here?

Murthy sent me to get
a suitcase from you.

How did he come to know
about the suitcase so quickly?

Yes, if you give me
the suitcase, I'll go.

Tell me, who are you?

Are you Ram Mohan's brother's Shiva?

Who is Ram Mohan?
- What a shock!

You took millions from me claiming
you're Shiva and Ram Mohan's brother,

are you asking innocently
who is Ram Mohan?

When did I tell you
I'm Ram Mohan's brother?

My name is Shiva Sundaram.

Some call me as Shiva and
some call me as Sundaram.

I did whatever Murthy told me.

When he said minister will
give money, bring it, I did so.

When he told me to deliver
it at a certain place, I did so.

That's all!

But I gave you millions when Murthy
told me you're Ram Mohan's brother.

Why would he lie to me?

Why are you asking me sir?
Ask Murthy.

I'll definitely ask him, why will I not?
I'll call and ask him.

I'll ask him.

What you said was right.

The man who came to me is
not your brother Shiva,

it seems his name is Shiva Sundaram.

It seems people call him
fondly as Shiva.

He's sitting right before me.

Don't let him go, I'm coming there.

Murthy sent you for this suitcase, right?
- I must deliver it to him.

If you deliver it yourself
every time, it's routine,

for change, you me, and
Ram Mohan, another man,

all three of us go
together to deliver it.

Don't you trust me, sir?
- Cool! Not that I don't trust you,

I don't trust Murthy.
- Land line!


We're calling from the reception, sir.

Vigilance people are coming
to your room.

Vigilance people mean tax authorities?

Yes sir, it seems they received information
about money transaction in your room.

I'm in deep trouble!
I must escape quickly.

Don't know where he is!

They're coming!
They're coming!

What am I to do now?

We must meet Murthy.
- You shut up.

I'm going mad!

Murthy told you to bring this
suitcase, right? Take it.

You were itching to meet Murthy.

I was interested then,
now I've stomach upset. You go.

Not that side.
- This is the way to go out, right?

Look, you can go out from here also.
- How can I go from here?

Jump or fly or escape
like super heroes!

- Getting late, I beg you. Jump!

Come in, check thoroughly

check thoroughly under pillows and bed...

what happened?
Who are they?

Vigilance people!
- Vigilance?

What about the Rs. crores?

I sent it with him.
- With whom?

The man who isn't Shiva!
- Did he take it?

If he hadn't taken it,
we would get arrested...

we got wrong information about
Rs. crores cash in your room.

Who gave?
- Someone by the name Murthy.


Picasso painting!
Stop cribbing and postpone it...

Sky won't become earth
with boisterousness...

Why are you torturing me?

I can't smile happily, o Keechaka...

Can tears cool the fire?

If it can't cool, can this night
break into a new dawn?

Can my smile satiate your hunger?
Can you give up life for my smile?

Laughing or crying
will lead to tears...

Why not laugh it your way?

Though I say you're not in my heart,
you don't listen to me...

I was surrounded by
sorrows till now...

You came into my life like new
dawn to end night of sorrows...

Revenge made me act like this...
it forced me to cheat...

I want to fight it out...
don't want any more torturous friends...

Though I was friendly
when you were with me...

When you went away,
I fell in love with you...

I'm coming to you like a flower
with the devotion of love...

I can see you're out to crush it...

I never had experienced
these feelings of love...

If it is in you, I'm in for it...

If the feelings in heart
is flowing like lava...

Life with me is like
choosing the path of death...

Are you still longing for him?

You will because he settled
the loan on your house.

He settled your sisters' dowry.
He solved all your problems.

But he hasn't done all this with
affection on your family as you think.

He has done to wash the sins he
has committed against your family.

Priya, there's another thing
which you don't know.

As you think your father didn't
commit su1c1de.

I know.
- You know?

Yes, he told me.
- Did he tell you who did it?

He'll not tell because
he's your dad's k*ller.

He's the man who robbed
Rs. crores from your father's bank.

Your father came to know about it.
That's why he k*lled him brutally.

I won't believe it,
he's not a criminal.

He could've lied and
made little mistakes,

but he isn't so cruel
to k*ll my dad as you say.

May be you're right.

I haven't yet seen him
or talked to him.

May be he wouldn't have done it.
But there's another man with him.

May be he k*lled your dad.
What did you say his name was?

Yes, Murthy! May be he's
the king pin behind all this.

First we've to catch him
to catch Murthy.

No need of all this,
let's go to police immediately.

It's very dangerous, Priya!

You've let him stay in your home
without knowing his background.

He has spent the robbed money for you.
If police come to know this,

you, your grandma, your sisters' family
will have to go to police station.

We mustn't take any hasty decision,

knowingly or unknowingly, you too
have become part of the crime.

Yes, we did the most of it.
For which money my dad was k*lled,

we took the same money
and committed a grave sin.

We're the real criminals, not them.

Unable to come out with the truth.

We're protecting the K*llers of my dad.

Calm down Priya! Calm down!

This factory which was
the livelihood to many,

let's try to find the reasons
behind it's shut down.

Who are the people behind this?
Why did they do like this?

That's the special story of this week.

Where is he?

He bashed us and took the girl.

I know he's following when ever
I went out with Priya.

I know he would come to
rescue Priya in danger.

That's why I planned
an attack on Priya here.

You upset my plan.

Till now he played with my life,
now he's playing with Priya.

Priya, wait.

Priya, wait!

I don't want your shadow
also to fall on me.

Why are you protecting me?

You claimed to be Ram's brother and
did so many things in my home. Why?

You've only one answer to
all my questions... Murthy!

Who is Murthy?
- I'm Murthy!

I'm Sathya Narayana Murthy!

I'm Sathyam to my people,
Shiva to you people,

and Sundaram to all others.
- So everything I heard is true.

You'll do anything for money
and k*ll anyone for it.

I haven't done any crime for money.

I've taken money from people who
earned money from wrong means.

Who are you to do it?

There are police and
courts to punish them.

There are many criminals
who escape from police or courts.

They're my target.

There's God above to punish them.

God never punishes anyone personally,

he creates people like me
to punish the evil doers.

If what I'm doing is wrong,
God will send another man to punish me.

Nobody can escape from
that punishment.

God has sent me to punish you.

You k*lled my father
and left us as orphans.

That's why God made me k*ll you.

No... I...

You troubled everyone till now
by threatening to commit su1c1de.

You'll really die now.

This injection will reduce your
body temperature slowly.

You'll not die instantly,
little by little you'll die.

This is the right punishment
for your crimes.

I gave him the shot of injection
given by the doctor.

He's unconscious near waterfalls.

I'm coming there, stay put.

I'm Ram Mohan here.
Priya has caught him.

They're near the waterfalls
on the north side.

You go there immediately,
we'll be in trouble if he talks.

k*ll him immediately.

I'll do it, thanks for your information.

Where is he, Priya?

He's right there!

Got him at last!

You've caught the man
who eluded everyone.

You're finished today.

Why did you catch him?
- He's Murthy!

Murthy? He's the fool who comes
to me for small amounts.

Murthy is another man.
- You don't know the truth, he's Murthy!

He k*lled my father,
so I gave a poison injection.

What have you done?
He didn't k*ll your dad.

Your father was k*lled
by Ram Mohan and his brother.

They're the people who robbed
the bank and k*lled your father.

Murthy who knows all this
information is blackmailing us.

Only this boy knows who
that Murthy is!

Wait a minute.

What happened?
- He's not Murthy!

His assistant Shiva Sundaram.

Why don't you sh**t him down?
- Who is an idiot?

You're an idiot, your dad is an idiot,
infact you're a family of idiots.

If I k*ll him now, how can I catch
the original Murthy then?

I'm coming there, don't leave him.

Where can he go? He's almost dead.
You come immediately.

The girl and boy are missing!

Call for you, sir.

I'm Priya here, doctor.

Where are you calling from?
Ram Mohan is waiting for you here.

Be on line, I'll call him.

Don't inform Ram Mohan about my call.
- Why?

He's not a good man as we think.
He's a rogue.

Ram Mohan did everything.
Murthy is none other than Shiva.

I mistook him for the criminal
and gave him the injection.

Bring him to the hospital immediately.

If not, his life is in danger.

Ram Mohan will k*ll him
if I come there.

He'll die even if you
don't bring him.

What am I to do now?

I gave anti-dote too along with it,
give it to him immediately.

He must get another shot of the
same injection by tomorrow morning.

Though you give him the injection,

his body temperature
mustn't come down.

That's every important,
do whatever you can.

Come what so ever it may...

Another new world...
I'll show it you only...

I'll take you to the place
where no one disturbs...

...and give you a taste of bliss...

Shall I lit fire with my hot lips?

Shall I take you to the
heaven of pleasure?

Till my passions of heat
reaches you...

Let anything keep me
away from you...

I'll give my youth, body and
heart to you in a bond of love...

Let my desires usher
in hot summers...

Make your body sweat it
out with passions...

Reduce me to ash with your
wild raging fire of passion...

I desire you, my body is yours,
satiate my hunger of pleasure...

I'm giving my life,
my love to you...

I've seen my heaven
of dreams in you...

Come what so ever it may...

Another new world...
Show it to me only...

Take me to the place
where no one disturbs...

...and give me a taste of bliss...

Light fire in me with your hot lips...

Take me to the heaven of pleasure...

She needed this! She took you from me.

Murthy cheated you and took her.
We're in trouble now.

I think it's from her, talk.
Find out about my car too.

I'm Murthy here.
- Who? Murthy?


Hey Murthy... Sathya Narayana Murthy!
It's me David Raju!

Forgot about me?
We've pending accounts to settle.

Before we settle that,
you've a guest waiting here for you.

Talk to him.

It's me, Priya.

Who are they? I don't get anything.
Why did they kidnap me?

He got it.

You acted like an innocent fool
and took my stuff.

It's value is Rs. crore.
You want the girl you love.

Her life is worth Rs. crores.

You've Rs. crores, right?
I want that money.

What is he saying?
Give me the phone.

Are you threatening the little boy?
If you've guts, come to me.

Who the hell are you man?
- Your dad!

Dad! I'll free the girl,
will you pay Rs. crores?

Rs. crores again?
He's scared to talk to me.

You talk to him.

Tell me where should
I come with the money.

There's a building under
construction in Punjagutta.

We're in the top floor of the building.
Come there with money at pm.

Remember it? Come alone.

You're confused, right?
You don't know who we are!

We don't know who you are!

But there's a man who
knows both of us.

He's next to you, turn and see.

- Yes, we did this on his order.

Please listen to me,
Priya's life is in danger.

He told me come alone with money.
- Impossible.

We must be there when
you give him Rs. crores.

You've become a pain in neck.
- Are you feeling the pain now?

I'm enduring it ever since I presented
Rs. crore cheque with DID bank.

By the way, where have you
hidden the money?

In Priya's house.
- Priya's house?

- Get a car. Come.

What a handsome face!

Watchman's job has made
pizza face into a Godzilla.

You're great like the handsome
man in TV program 'Once More'.

Don't I know about my face,
are you blind? See!

True, you're exactly like me.

I'm also telling the same thing,
every watchman will appear the same.

How come your face changed again?

How come Godzilla face turned
into an anaconda?

Changed again!

It appears like the dirty
Naga Bhushanam's face.


Brother!? You called me
dirty face just now.

I'll play with your life.
- No. I'll repay Rs..

It's Rs., not Rs..
- Rs. interest for Rs..

Interest and doctor bills.
- Why doctor bills?

Dog chased, brother fell and
broke his limbs, so doctor bills.

I'll pay Rs..

I don't want money.
- Thanks brother.

I want your leg.
Leg for leg interest,

I'll break your two legs for
my one leg's damage.

That's my vow!
- Excellent!

What do you want me to do now?
- Forgot? Escape!

He's running away like a race horse.
- You chase him like a deer.

With my broken leg? Catch him.

Come on boys.
- Go boys! Catch him.

Did you see anyone coming this side?

Is he the one who broke
Bhushanam's leg?

Yes. How do you know it?

It's in newspaper.
- Newspaper?

It seems it's in paper.

What's this meeting
without searching him?

It seems news about your broken
leg has come in paper.

Is it? How did they come to know?

Man who broke it would've
boasted about it.

He's making me unpopular.

What else has been written
about me, please read.

Bhushanam is a very good man.
- Next!

Bhushanam has forgotten
about the Rs. loan.

He forgave the man who
broke his leg.

My heart is soft like butter.

Not any savoury?
Have you forgiven him?

No. Why is he reading like that?
- I'm reading what's in the paper.

You read it correctly.
Show me.

- Here.

Catch him!
- Boys, get a sick to beat him.

Where can you run away?
Pick up the stick. - Okay.

Leave me.
- Give me the stick.

Break his two legs with one shot.
- Okay.

No... no...
- Beat!

He broke my leg!
The short man is very clever.

Come on boys.

I've lost my two legs.
- Come on boys, lift him up.

Why are you catching me?
Catch him.

What's that sound?


Sundaram is Narayana's friend.

If we catch him, we can get him.

Come on boys!

If you come a step further,
I'll g*n you down.

- What?


Who are you?

Murthy's g*ng?
- No, Naga Bhushanam's g*ng.

Naga Bhushanam's g*ng?
How many gangs are there in the city?

You've a g*n,
which g*ng do you belong to?

Do you need the answer?
- No need sir.

How are you connected to him?
Where are you?

Hands up!

He's escaping, get the car.

Where has this short man run away?

If you down your hands before
I leave the place, I'll sh**t you.

We'll not, you carry on.

Stop the car, Narayana is in
the boot of the car.

How can we stop them?
We've sticks and they've g*ns.

Let them have g*ns or canons.

Narayana, get down from the boot.
Driver, follow the car.

Stop... stop... stop I say!
- He's after them again.

Drive the vehicle.
- Okay.

I must kick you for appointing
such a good driver.

See, he got afraid of me
and delivered the cash.

Money isn't important to me,
I want him. I want his life.

Don't k*ll me... money...
you want money, right? Take it.

Take the entire money I had robbed.
Don't k*ll me. You want Priya, right?

Take her... leave me.
Leave me.

No... leave me. I'll give whatever you ask.
Tell me your demand.

I demand your life.
- My life?

Yes, I want only your life.
I don't want anything else.

What have I done to you?
- You have!

You k*lled my younger sister brutally.

Did I k*ll your sister?
I don't know who your sister is!

I don't know.
- Don't you know?

Just like this, you k*lled an innocent
girl at point blank range.

The girl was my younger sister.

You shot dead my sister
as police stood watching.

But still police couldn't catch you,

they closed the file saying
some drug mafia did it.

I re-opened the file.

Searching drug mafia,
I joined David Raju's g*ng.

Later when I inquired who made the
transfer of Rs. crores to the bank,

I came to know it was
former minister Venkatratnam.

I came to know about him and
his brother from Venkatratnam,

from there on I made minister
believe that I'm his brother,

because I had to bring him
to India from America.

My sister was waiting eagerly for
the arrival of her engineer brother.

She came to the bank to deposit
money for my fees, you shot her dead.

Mother... mother... mother...

I'm not Shiva,
Ram Mohan is not my brother.

I don't know who he is!

It's me Ram Mohan!
Your brother...

Don't cross swords with me.

You can't make my brother come here.
- I'll use you to make him come here.

You can't!

I came to know from him
that he loves you madly.

He'll not come even
if his brother dies.

But I was sure he would come
if anyone comes into your life.

That's why I made you believe
that I'm a su1c1de maniac.

My plan was that his brother
committed su1c1de and k*ll him.

I made him come to India
with that plan.

Shiva, don't cut the call.

Shiva's job is over,
nobody needs me here anymore.

I want... I want...
- I'll give...

I've made your brother
come here as I said.

Do you want your brother or dr*gs?
- I want dr*gs.

This is petrol, douse him with it
and burn him down alive.

I'll do it, where is he?

Open the door, Shiva!
Listen to me. Open the door!

Before I could k*ll him as per
my plan, you came there.

But I'll not spare him now and
commit another mistake.

Murthy, drop the g*n.
Drop the g*n.

Drop the g*n.

sh**t him... sh**t him.

Murthy, I gave you Rs. crores, right?
Escape with money.

Escape? Will I leave him?

I've been waiting with loaded
g*n for you only, Murthy.

He's not Murthy, that man is Murthy.

I'll not believe you.
You shut up.

Give the cash and drop the g*n.
- He's crazy, sh**t him.

Drop the g*n.

Isn't he doing great circus feat?

Bloody idiot! Get the cash!

Don't come!
Don't come.

Don't come... I said don't come.
I said don't come.

Don't come.
Don't come.


Leave me.

Boys, k*ll them.
- Go boys! Go... go!

Go... k*ll them.
k*ll them... don't spare anyone.

Bash them.

This is not toy g*n but real g*n.

If anyone of you die,
I'll go to jail.


He's pain in the wrong place.
- Got them!

Got him at right time,
shall I break his legs?

Stop, you can't hit the target,
I'll do it myself.

Hold him tightly.

Go... hold him.
- I'm sure to lose legs today.

Come brother, beat him.
Do it.

Come brother, do it.

Come brother, do it.

Murthy, don't leave me... please...

don't leave me... save me.

Don't harm me, you want money, right?
Take it. Take it.

Don't leave me.

Don't harm me... don't harm me...
don't k*ll me.

Pull me up, don't k*ll me.

Don't k*ll me.
Don't k*ll me.

Don't k*ll me.

Murthy, please save me.

Don't k*ll me...

don't k*ll me.

Don't leave me!

Brother, somebody fell from
above for your shot.

He would've reached top
in high speed post.

Don't shout, someone may
inform police.

Not someone, I'll inform police.
- Let's see, who fell down! Come.

Greetings sir.
- Greetings.

Danger hangs on any one who
earns money through wrong means.

Nobody can escape from it.

What happened to man who fell down?

I'm giving you a good chance.
- What?

Tell everyone that you k*lled
the man who fell down not me. - Why?

Because you're my disciple, right?
- You must also get fame, right?

My foot! I don't want fame,
keep it to you.

One needs personality
to go to jail, do I've it?

No, look at you,
you're tall and strong! Like giribabu!

Let's see what has happened to him.
- Come.

Who fell down?
- I'm searching him.

Who fell down?
- I'm unable to understand.

Man who jumped from top hasn't
yet reached the ground.

Not yet come down?
- What a great shot!

One shot and he died silently.
- Keep quiet!

Looks like you'll send me to jail.

Who fell down and died?
Is it Murthy?

Murthy or someone,
his body hasn't yet come down.

You mean, has Murthy escaped again?

May be escaped in the middle.

Where can he escape?
I'll not leave him.

My life's aim is to find him,
where ever he may be.

Where ever he may be,
finding him is our life's... - Aim!

That's it, be on it.

What okay?
Who will answer for the body?

We're going to find the body.

No need, if police ask,
tell them you k*lled him.

No need of trouble between us.
Forget the fight between us.

What about breaking my legs
and Rs. I owe you?

Shut up! Rs.?
Who gave and who received it?

Everything is written off.
- Why are you looking above?

Why hasn't he come down yet?

Before he changes his mind,
let's leave the place.